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Unit5 article : vaping is far from harmless

Paragraph Word Definition

3 Vaporize Convert a liquid into a vapour
3 Nicotine-laced A drug which is hidden in another product.
Eg. Nicotine within a blueberry flavor to mask
the taste of the nicotine

5 Onerous A difficult task

8 Cold Turkey Giving up a habit, such as smoking, without
reducing it gradually. This can lead to
unpleasant side effects/cravings.

9 Smoking A product or device which helps the user give

cessation aids up smoking by reducing the cravings they
would experience
12 Mimics (heart An illness which would show similar symptoms
disease) as those of heart disease

14 Risk A situation involving exposure to danger.

The possibility that the action will have an
unpleasant consequence.
14 Induce Cause

15 Tweaked Improve by making small adjustments to it

19 Myriad A lot of

19 Profusion A large quanitity

20 Immune cells A cell involved in the immune system e.g.
white blood cells
20 Inhalation Something which causes damage, usually to
hazard the lungs, when inhaled

20 Phasing it out A process of reducing the number of a product

Unit5 article : vaping is far from harmless

20 Disclaimer a statement that denies something, especially

24 laissezfaire an economic system in which transactions
between private parties are free from
government intervention such as regulation,
privileges, tariffs, and subsidies
27 smoking stop smoking
30 Peril serious and immediate danger
30 Prudent acting with or showing care and thought for the
31 hemodynamic the dynamics of blood flow
31 endothelial an imbalance between vasodilating and
dysfunction vasoconstricting substances produced by (or
acting on) the endothelium
31 thrombogenes formation of a thrombus or blood clot
31 systemic promote organ failures by complex
inflammation mechanisms, especially if the tolerance of the
organ is limited
41 discrepancy a lack of compatibility or similarity between two
or more facts
42 topography the distribution of parts or features on the
surface of or within an object
43 Ameliolating Becoming better or more bearable

45 Synergizing Combine or coordinate the activity of (two or

more substances) to produce a joint effect
greater than the sum of their separate effects.

46 Paucity The presence of something in only small or

insufficient quantities or amounts.
46 Deleterious Causing harm
Unit5 article : vaping is far from harmless

48 Forced vital How much a person exhales in a forced breath


48 Peak How fast a person can exhale


50 Cholinergic Nerves which contain acetylcholine as their

pathway neurotransmitter
51 Eosinophilia An increase in the number of white blood
cells (eosinophil) in the blood, occurring in
response to some allergens or drugs

53 Cytotoxity Toxic or damaging to cells

54 Fibroblast Fibroblasts are the most common cells in
connective tissue. Their main function is to
maintain the structural integrity of the
connective tissue by continuously secreting
extracellular matrix proteins like collagens,
glycosaminoglycans, and glycoproteins.

54 Chronic Elevated numbers of White blood cells


54 Murine Relating to or affecting mice and other rodents

56 Acute (effect) Severe symptoms develop rapidly

57 Emerge Develop

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