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Hoopa El VP Job Shadow Notes:

- Meet with VP to discuss what the day looks like in terms of priority.
- As meeting occurring, VP informed that there was a fire in boys bathroom.
- VP quickly responds and finds a toilet paper role on fire in bathroom.
- VP places trash can over toilet paper roll to extinguish fire, as a retrieve a fire extinguisher.
Fire is extinguished. Bathroom is locked down pending investigation.
- VP calls campus officer to Hoopa El.
- During time it takes campus officer to respond, two students arrive in VPs office and vent to
VP about their teacher not being fair.
- VP stops everything and listens to students. Once students are done, he assures them they
he will speak tot teacher, but he had more pressing matters to attend to in the present
moment. Students left irritated.
- Campus officer arrives and takes VP to review camera footage.
- 4 students are observed in the video and are bright in one by one for questioning.
- After questioning, it is determined one stunted in particular was at fault.
- That stunted was called in and questioned. After he came clean about lighting the toilet paper
roll on fire, he was reprimanded. Campus officer cited student and he was suspended
pending an expulsion hearing for arson.
- Student then walks to teachers classroom where students were having an issue. he asked to
speak to teacher outside. Teacher had a class, but another teacher was in class as well and
stated he could watch the class.
- VP informed teacher about the students. Teacher told VP she would speak with them and find
a way to resolve the issue. VP found students and informed them as well.
- Parent arrives to collect suspended student. Parent is upset and and proceeds to verbally
assault VP. Principal and overhears and steps in. Campus officer has to escort parent and
student off school grounds due to threats.

Overall this job shadow was very informative and eye opening. It was such a horrific turn of
events that happened very quickly, and I feel the VP handled them well. It seems the only thing I
didnt agree with was giving the complaining students time to vent in a situation that dealt with
arson and the school potentially catching on fire. I would think that would require all of your
attention in resolving for the safety and security of the rest of the student body at the school site.

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