P Alexander-Vaneaton What So What Now What Note Taking Chart For Module 3 v2

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Area to Consider Modu What? This can be a So What?

(Why is this
le bulleted list. important?) Provide dee
meaningful, thoughtful

Inst Differentiation 3 Gifted students, Students should be

ruc though uniquely encouraged to move th
tio different, as a group at their own pace.
n need a specific type of Information should not
differentiated rigor to repetitive but more
help them thrive. advanced for learners
Flipping the classroom move quickly through
can be an effective curriculum. Content sh
instructional strategy be broad and thematic
for differentiating Activities should be
instruction for gifted intellectually demandin
and talented students. Questioning should be
higher level and initiat
inquiry. Activities shou
encourage self-directe
Students learn the bas
information at home th
before the lesson is
presented. When they
to class they can exten
their knowledge on the
content that they have
already previewed. Te
sometimes do this thro
technology, using vide
assign to the class to w
and learn about conten
Students who are talen
enough to learn from t
videos may then advan
their learning in class a
they have been provid
the option to skip pass
teaching of information
already know or can le
more quickly alone tha
the pace of whole clas
Rigor 3 Teachers should ask Questions asked by tea
questions that promote should promote studen
rigor. demonstrate understa
Differentiation require students to ana
continues to be or evaluate, requires s
necessary for gifted to predict, design or cr
learners under the and that asks students
common core apply a skill or
The standards were wr
with the notion that th
would have to be alter
both gifted and studen
with disabilities.

Blooms/Depth of 3 Learning builds on itself Students learn knowled

Knowledge as we move from one stages that build on
segment of Bloom's themselves. The lowe
Taxonomy and Depth of level is recalling knowl
Knowledge to the next. which is considered sim
and concrete and build
to creating which is
considered complex an
abstract. Depth of
knowledge should be u
to assess learning, and
evaluate alignment be
curriculum and instruc
ranges from level one,
is simple recall, to leve
where students are ex
to provide extended
Assessment 3 Teachers can use the With the correct amou
internet to create guidance, students can
student lessons that a more meaningful
promote collaboration, understanding of conc
increase when they are allowed
communication and self-guided research co
increase inquiry of with collaboration. Stu
relevant topics. have had conversation
Formative assessment have allowed them to
is an important part of deeper into the. With
evaluation of students deeper investigations,
learning. students have engage
Students thoughts the other in meaningful
day of an assessment conversations which
demonstrates a higher
of understanding.
Students need constan
feedback throughout t
unit. Teachers also ne
monitor what students
already know verses w
they need to know prio
the summative assess
For this reason formati
assessment should be
often and feedback sh
be a part of the proces
make it meaningful. It
important to realize th
summative assessmen
be used as a formative
is particularly true if at
end of the unit a stude
performs poorly on the
summative. This now
become useful informa
to the teacher as it pro
feedback on what the
student understands. T
teacher can then decid
reassessment, making
reassessment the new
formative assessment.
Students tend to panic
try to understand why
are being tested or the
meaning or reason for
testing. My interpretat
this picture is that it
suggests some might h
anxiety on test day as
students have
demonstrated. On the
of the unannounced qu
administered, students
questioning why we we
having a quiz and said
of the same comments
the one on this picture
we being quizzed so yo
see what we know? D
this quiz count as a gra
Will it affect my averag

Aff Social Needs 3 A students social Parents and teachers ar

ecti adjustment may alter likely to recommend a
ve the students student who is not socia
Ne consideration into a adjusted due to the
eds gifted program. evaluators view of the
student versus the stud
Emotional Needs 3 There is a relationship Students who are aware
between emotional their feelings are more
giftedness and to be able to differentia
emotional intelligence. their feelings and are m
likely to create better a
deeper relationships.
Intellectual Needs 3 Creative people have a The idea of a grim futur
(ie perfectionism, reputation for being perpetuated onto those
underachievement, mentally unstable. as artistic. Most things
etc) Structured inquiry do is judge and unfairly
experiences can help compared to other
learners develop skills accomplishments. As a
for coping with result, many artistic pe
problems that have no have inherited emotion
clear solutions, dealing anxiety of how they wil
with challenges, and judged. Greeks in the p
adapting procedures to believed that creative p
the demands of were different. Romans
different situations. a similar yet less bleak
Unrealistic expectation
those who are gifted or
perfectionist can lead to
stress, anxiety, depress
and suicide. These
expectations cause stud
to be overly critical. As
result they tend to focu
others perceptions of t
achievements which lea
high levels of anxiety a
depression. There is,
however, a healthy form
perfectionism that lead
students perseverance
achievement and high

You 3 Gifted students ability Gifted students who fe

r to work with others. their work was appreci
Ow by teachers and fellow
n students reported the
strongest preference to
with others. Independ
learning activities are m
like what students are
accustomed to doing in
school and thus has be
more comfortable for t
3 Risk taking to promote Students with a growth
a growth mindset. mindset are more likel
view challenging work
opportunity to learn an
grow. Students must b
allowed to struggle an
make mistakes in orde
feel comfortable trying
different strategies wh
first ones tried don't w
Modified from the What? So What? Now What? Chart on page 177 in
Advancing Differentiation

Resources Used for Research: You must have a minimum of 2; however, you
should include any resources used on this chart by adding additional numbers
in the appropriate box(es). Type directly in each box.

Topic Resources UsedTitle and/or Link

Differentiation 1. Sandra Berger: Differentiating curriculum for gifted students
2. Del Siegle, PhD: Technology Differentiating Instruction by Flipping the
Rigor 1. Rigor_Teacher_Questions_by_Quadrant
2. Kate Ash: Gifted Learners Poised to Join The Conversation
Blooms/Depth of 1. treeTopSecret presents Bloom's Taxonomy and Depth of Knowledge
Knowledge 2.
Assessment 1. Rick Wormeli: Formative and Summative Assessment
2. Wondering + Online Inquiry = Learning
3. Assessment image from pinterst
Social Needs 1. Issues in the Social and Emotional Adjustment of Gifted Children
Emotional Needs Emotional Intelligence and Giftedness
Issues in the Social and Emotional Adjustment of Gifted Children
Intellectual Needs 1. Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius
2. Wondering and online inquiry.
Own Topics 1. Do gifted students really prefer to work alone?
2. Even Genuises Works Hard

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