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Kindergarten Religion

Week 1

Objective: Students will recognize that God made the whole world
-Read from The Praise Bible: (pgs. 3-5)
-Introduce new vocabulary: Create-to make something out of nothing
-Art activity: Color #1 of creation numbers and glue to construction paper (collect)
-Send home workbook page for homework: pg. 26

Objective: Students will recognize that God made the whole world
-Teach poem/song: Days of Creation
-Art activity: water color #2 of creation numbers and glue on construction paper (collect)
: Color song sheet of Days of Creation

Objective: Students will recognize that God made the whole world
-Introduce new vocabulary: creation- all that God made. Everything that exists.
-Introduce Big Book: God Created Everything

Objective: Students will recognize that everything that God made is good.
-Writing activity: God gave us______ worksheet

Objective: Students will recognize that everything that God made is good.
-Complete page in workbook: pg. 22- draw yourself in Gods world

Kindergarten Religion
Week 2

Objective: Students will recognize that God made the sun, moon and stars.
-Read from The Praise Bible: pgs. 3-9
-Introduce new vocabulary: Grateful- feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful.
-Art activity: Color #3 and #4 of creation numbers and glue to construction paper (collect)
-Send home workbook page for homework: pg. 26

Objective: Students will recognize that God made the sun because he loves and cares
about us
-Discuss -What would the world be like with no sun?
-Why did God give us the sun?
-Workbook page: Partner talk about something like students like to do when the sun is shinning, then
complete pg.28
-Review poem/song: Days of Creation

Objective: Students will recognize that God made moon and stars because he loves and
cares about us.
- What helps us see at night?
-Can you count the stars?

-Workbook page: pg. 29 (draw something you like to do at night)

-Review Big Book: God Created Everything

Objective: Students will recognize that God made the sun, moon and stars.
-Discuss: night and day using flashlight and globe; evening
-Workbook page: pages 34 and A Great Gift pullout book

Kindergarten Religion
Week 3

Objective: Students will recognize that God made moon and stars because he loves and
cares about us.
- What helps us see at night?
-Can you count the stars?
-Workbook page: pg. 29 (draw something you like to do at night)
-Review Big Book: God Created Everything

Objective: Students will recognize that God made the sun, moon and stars.
-Discuss: night and day using flashlight and globe; evening
-Workbook page: pages 34 and A Great Gift pullout book

Objective: Students will recognize that God made light.
-Discuss different sources of light
-Students will complete workbook page 34 independently

Objective: Students will learn how to properly greet others.
-Discuss: classroom trinity board
-Teach: greeting others (1. Look at the person, 2. Use a pleasant voice, 3. Say hi or hello.
-Activity: Practice greeting eachother
-Read Aloud: Precious Moments What a Wonderful World

Kindergarten Religion
Week 4

Objective: Students will recognize that God made water
-Interactive writing chart: We thank God for the different bodies of water (streams, lakes, rivers,
ponds, oceans,)
Teach poem/song: All Things Bright and Beautiful

Objective: Students will recognize that God gives us water to live
-Introduce Big Book: God Gives Us Water
-Worksheet: page 41A (How water helps us live)

Objective: Students will recognize that God wants us to take care of his gift of water
-Introduce new vocabulary: conserve- to protect and not waste
-Discuss: pollution and drought
-Workbook page: page 38 (Taking care of water)
-Interactive writing: complete we will hearts about how we can take care of water

Objective: Students will recognize that God gave us water because he loves us
-Writing activity: I like water to______ worksheet
-Review song: All Things Bright and Beautiful

Kindergarten Religion
Week 5

Objective: Students will recognize that God filled the land with many gifts
-Discuss: -show globe and point out land and water
-God gives us things that grow from the Earth
-students will bring in gifts from the Earth for the Sisters on Thursday
-brainstorm and write on board ideas of things that come from the Earth that they
can give as gifts
-Read Aloud: What a Wonderful World - focus: big idea

Objective: Students will recognize that God filled the land with many gifts
-Walk around outside and see Gods beauty
-Modeled writing: We see the many gifts from God
-Song: What a Wonderful World

Objective: Students will recognize that God filled the land with many gifts
-Revisit: Gifts from God list we wrote yesterday
-Read Aloud: Gods Amazing World - focus: big idea
-Song: What a Wonderful World

Objective: Students will recognize that God filled the land with many gifts
Prayer: God, please help us share your gifts with others
-distribute gifts from God (flowers, fruit, etc. to Sisters) and sing What a Wonderful World
-send home workbook page 50 for homework

Kindergarten Religion
Week 6

Monday (K1)
Objective: Students will recognize that God filled the land with many gifts
Read Alound: Gods Amazing World
Independent Writing: Students will draw something that God has given us and write an I see sentence
Free exploration: Introduce students to the religion suitcase filled with religious items for them to
look at when they are finished with their writing.

Tuesday (K1)
Objective: Students will recognize that God filled the land with many gifts
Independent Writing: Students will draw another thing that God has given us and write about it
using the word wall and saying words slowly so they can hear and write the sounds

Wednesday (K2)
Objective: Students will recognize that God filled the land with many gifts
Read Alound: Gods Amazing World
Independent Writing: Students will draw something that God has given us and write an I see sentence
Free exploration: Introduce students to the religion suitcase filled with religious items for them to
look at when they are finished with their writing.

Tuesday (K1)
Objective: Students will recognize that God filled the land with many gifts
Independent Writing: Students will draw another thing that God has given us and write about it
using the word wall and saying words slowly so they can hear and write the sounds

Kindergarten Religion
Week 7
Prayer: Hail Mary

Objective: Students will recognize that God wants us to take care of His gifts of the land
Interactive writing: Heart writing about how we can take care of the Earth
Promise magazine complete pages about caring for Gods creation

Objective: Students will recognize that God wants us to take care of His gifts of the land
Discuss: how we can show God that we are happy and thankful for His gifts of the land?
Interactive writing: Heart writing about how we can take care of the Earth
Video: Rupert

Objective: Students will recognize that God wants us to take care of His gifts of the land
Teach what a saint is- always tries to do what God asks
Workbook pages: pgs. 47 and 48- Saint Rosa of Lima
- she had a love for Gods gift of land

Objective: Students will recognize that God wants us to take care of His gifts of the land
Independent illustrations: Students will illustrate a page of What a Wonderful World song to be put
on Gods Wonderful World bulletin board.
Send home: workbook pages 45 (taking care of the Earth) and 46 ( sharing Gods gifts)

Kindergarten Religion
Week 8
Prayer: Hail Mary

Objective: Students will recognize that God wants us to take care of His gifts of the land
Interactive writing: Heart writing about how we can take care of the Earth
Independent illustrations: Students will finish illustrating What a Wonderful World

Objective: Students will recognize that God wants us to take care of His gifts of the land
Discuss: how we can show God that we are happy and thankful for His gifts of the land?
Interactive writing: Heart writing about how we can take care of the Earth
Video: Rupert

Review: bible verse about love
Teach: Every Move I Make song
Objective: Students will recognize that God made all kinds of animals
Teach God gave us animals
Workbook pages: 53 (differences of animals) and 54 (taking care of animals)

Review: bible verse about love
Review: Every Move I Make song
Objective: Students will recognize that animals are gifts from God that we should take care of.
Students will also learn about Saint Francis.
Workbook page: A Special Blessing pullout booklet

Kindergarten Religion
Week 9
Prayer: Hail Mary

Objective: Students will know that God made all of the animals.
Review: bible verse about love
Read: Childrens bible pages
Art: Color #5 of creation story sequence cards using markers

Objective: Students will know that animals are gifts from God.
Video: Homecoming Kids- Would you pick that nose
Discuss: farm animals and the food we get from them
Modeled writing: Create list of food we get from animals
Interactive writing: Heart writing about how we can take care of the Earth

Objective: Students will know that by taking care of the Earth we are taking care of all of Gods
Discuss: Endangered and extinct animals
Shared Reading: The Creation Song

Objective: Students will recognize that animals are gifts from God that we should take care of.
Review: bible verse about love
Teach: Saint Martin (promise magazine
Workbook page: A Special Blessing pullout booklet

Kindergarten Religion
Week 10
Prayer: Hail Mary

Veterans Day observed- NO SCHOOL

Objective: Students will know that God made all people.
Read from The Bible: The story of Adam and Eve
Discuss: There are all types of people all over the world
Workbook page: The People We See (pupil pages 81 and 82)

Objective: Students will know that God loves all people.
Discuss: How people are the same and different
Read Aloud: We All Sing with the Same Voice- focus: Big Idea
Independent illiustration: God, we thank you for making all people. Amen. Students will draw many
different people on their prayer page.

Objective: Students will know that God wants us to love Him.
Discuss: Ways we can show God we love Him
Independent Writing: I can show God I love Him by ______.

Kindergarten Religion
Week 11
Prayer: Hail Mary

Objective: Students will know that God made and loves all people
Review: bible verse about goodness
Art: Color #5 and 6 of creation story sequence cards and take home

Objective: Students will know that God wants us to love Him.
Discuss: God loves us and He desires for us to love Him too.
Modeled writing: Teacher completes sentence I can show God I love Him by___
Independent writing: Students illustrate and complete sentence

Objective: Students will recognize that God gave them many things that they can be thankful for.
Review: I Am So Thankful song
Review: I Am Special song
Illustrate: I Am Special

Objective: Students will know that giving someone a card is a way to show thankfulness
Review: bible verse about goodness
Read Aloud: Feeling Thankful
Independent writing: Create a Thanksgiving Day card to your parents

Kindergarten Religion
Week 12
Prayer: Hail Mary
Unit 2: Chapter 13: Advent

Objective: Students will know that Gods greatest gift to us is His Son, Jesus
Review: Gods gifts
Read Aloud: Christmas story from the Childrens Bible
Discuss: Our Christmas Pageant
Teach: Away in a Manger and Hark the Herald Angels Sing

Objective: Students will know that Advent is the season in which we get ready to celebrate the
coming of the Son of God
Review: Gods greatest gift to us was His Son, Jesus
Teach: The Advent wreath represents the true light that enlightens everyone. It represents the four
weeks of Advent. We pray, Come, Lord Jesus after we light a candle
Art: Make an Advent wreath

Objective: Students will recognize that during Advent we prepare for the coming of the Son of
Teach: Mary and Joseph prepared for the birth of the Son of God
Discuss: ways our families prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus
We Believe Booklet: The Journey to Bethlehem
Review: Away in the Manger and Hark the Herald Angels Sing

Objective: Students will know that the word Christ is in Christmas because Christmas
celebrates Jesus birthday.
Teach: Saint Nicholas-
-We recognize that in Jesus we received the greatest gift of all from God and so we express our
thanks by giving of ourselves to our family, friends and those in need just as Saint Nicholas did.
Independent writing: Saint Nicholas worksheet about doing good deeds for others.

Kindergarten Religion
Week 13
Prayer: Hail Mary

Unit 2: Chapter 14: Christmas

Objective: Students will know that Joseph and Mary had to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem to
be counted.
We Believe Booklet: The Journey to Bethlehem
Review: We Three Kings song for the Christmas Pageant

Objective: Students will know that Jesus was born in Bethlehem in a stable
Art activity: Baby Jesus in a manger art
Review: Away in a Manger and We Three Kings songs
Objective: Students will know that shepherds came to see Jesus
We Believe Booklet: The Visit of the Shepherds
Review: Hark the Herald Angels Sing song
Objective: Students will be able to retell the Nativity story
Read from the Childrens Bible: The Nativity
Discuss: Retelling tells what happened in sequence using words such as first, then, next and last
Independent work: sequence picture activity

Kindergarten Religion
Week 14
Prayer: Hail Mary

Unit 2: Chapter 14: Christmas

Objective: Students will know that Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus.
Read Aloud:
Art: Candy cane Jesus art

Objective: Students will know that Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus.

Art activity: Angel ornament

Objective: Students will know that shepherds came to see Jesus
We Believe Booklet: The Visit of the Shepherds
Review: Hark the Herald Angels Sing song

Half day/Christmas party

Kindergarten Religion
Week 15
Prayer: The Lords Prayer
The Mass
Objective: Students will know that we go to Mass in a church and they will be able to name some
objects found in a church.
Teach: Name parts of the church- alter, tabernacle, holy water, pews, kneelers, songbooks, statues,
crucifix, candles,
Big Book: My Church
Interactive writing: We will go to Mass with our school on Fridays.

Objective: Students will know the names and jobs of the different people we see at Mass.
Review: Big Book: My Church
Teach: the people you see at mass and what they do- priest, alter servers, choir, Eucharistic ministers,
greeters, lectors, musicians, sisters
Big Book: This is the Mass
We Believe Booklet: We Pray at Mass (pg. 214)

Objective: Students will know that mass is a celebration where we thank and praise God.
Teach: That Mass is a celebration. Celebrations have people gathered, music, eating, conversation.
Promise Magazine: Complete all pages about the Mass as a celebration.
Review Big Book: This is the Mass

Objective: Students will know how to participate in Mass.
Teach: What we do at church- get holy water, bow, kneel and pray, get in prayerful mood, talk to God,
participate in songs and prayers, listen to the readings and Homily, give peace, Lords prayer, we say
Big Book: At Mass
Promise Magazine: What belongs at church worksheet

Objective: Students will know that attending mass is a way to pray to and honor God.
Students celebrate Mass with their school community

Kindergarten Religion
Week 16
Prayer: The Lords Prayer
Chapter 22: We Belong to the Church
Objective: Students will know that Gods special family is called the Church.
Discuss: What it means to be a family and also that Church is the family of God.
Workbook pages: 193 and 194
Song: Here I Am to Worship (teach refrain)
Objective: Students will know that we become members of the Church through Baptism.
Review: What is the name of Gods family? The Church
Teach: That water is a sign of life. We begin our new life in Gods family.
Baptism- cleansed from sin, made children of God, born to everlasting life
Video: Show youtube video: Catholic Baby Baptism
Objective: Students will know that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River
Teach: John the baptist.
Read: The Baptism of the Lord form Promise Magazine teachers guide
Independent illustrations: Student illustrate Jesus coming out of the water after Baptism, the sky
opening up and the Holy Spirti
Objective: Students will know that we celebrate Gods love all year long
We Believe Booklet: We Celebrate All Year

Objective: Students will know that attending mass is a way to pray to and honor God.
Students celebrate Mass with their school community

Miracles of Jesus
Lent/The Passion

Kindergarten Religion
Prayer: Angel of God
April 13th
Objective: Students will know that after Jesus resurrection He ascended into Heaven.
Discuss: Ascension, resurrection and eternal life
Independent writing: Students will write and illustrate about what happened after Jesus died on
the cross

April 20th
Objective: Students will know that our mothers are gifts from God
Review: Mary was chosen to be Jesus mother just as our mothers were chosen especially for us.
Teach: Mothers Day Songs
Independent writing: Mothers Day book
April 27th
Objective: Students will know that our mothers give us many gifts
Review: Mothers Day Songs
Independent writing: Mothers Day book

Kindergarten Religion
Prayer: Hail Mary
May 4th
Objective: Students will know that the Rosary is a special prayer that honors Mary, Mother of
Teach: The Rosary
Review: Mothers Day Songs
May 11th
Objective: Students will know that we should honor Mary
Review: The Rosary
Review: Mothers Day Songs
Art- Mary portrait
May 18th
Objective: Students will know that Mother Theresa was a Saint because she lived her life serving
Teach: Mother Theresa
Review: The Rosary
Independent illustrations:
May 18th
School Holiday- Memorial Day

Kindergarten Religion
Prayer: The Lords Prayer
June 1st
Objective: Students will
Workbook pages:
June 8th
Objective: Students will
June 15th
Objective: Students will
Independent illustrations:


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