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Wheres the Love?

Category Criterion

Name of Course/Class:
English as a Second Language (ESL) Beginning / Wheres the Love?

Grade Level: 8th

Background Technology/Resources/Materials:
1 per student: 1 per group: 1 per class: Other:

Draft paper Chrome Book Smart Board Dry erase white boards
Pencil Google Classroom ELMO Dry erase markers
Quizlet Account Bullying vs. Conflict Google Slides Sentence Starter
Scenario Worksheet Worksheets for each role
on Google Classroom

Accommodations Modifications
Vocabulary Card Manipulatives Extra time for lower levels
Google Images Advanced Notes on Google Classroom
Spanish-English Dictionary

Weblink to your curriculum:

Given multiple scenarios to differentiate bullying and conflict, students will answer a 10-question worksheet on Google Classroom with 80% accuracy.
Essential Question:
How can people work out conflicts they have with each other in places, such as at school and at home?

Common Core CPI
RL.9-10.2. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and ELP Standard 2 An ELL can participate in grade-appropriate oral
analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, and written exchanges of information, ideas, and analyses,
including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by responding to peer, audience, or reader comments and questions.
specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.
w.9-10.4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the
Orient development, organization, and style are appropriate to task,
the purpose, and audience.
SL.9-10.1. Initiate and participate effectively in a range of
learner: collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and
teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9-10 topics,
texts, and issues, building on their ideas and expressing their
own clearly and persuasively.
L.9-10.1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of
standard English grammar and usage when writing or

Interdisciplinary Standards
9.1 21st-Century Life & Career Skills: All students will demonstrate the creative, critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-
solving skills needed to function successfully as both global citizens and workers in diverse ethnic and organizational cultures.

Anticipatory Set/Hook/Daily Review:
Teacher will share a story of how a bully got bullied via Google Slides and then show a video on the definition of bullying and the difference between bullying
and conflict: .

Time to complete: 2 minutes

Input/Modeling or Present Information:
Mini lesson will consist of showing specific examples on ELMO (document camera) of anti-bullying images that demonstrate attention to the vocabulary on
task. Teacher will then group students into groups of 5 and give each student a role (Summarizer, Questioner, Clarifier, Predictor, & Reporter). Each student will
be given a sentence-starter worksheet for their specific role to ensure understanding.

Time to complete: 10 minutes

Check for Understanding/Provide Learner Guidance:
Students will recall what a conflict versus a bullying is to ensure the distinction between the two words.
Instructional Time to complete: 3 minutes
Guided Practice with coaching /Elicit Performance:
Design: Teacher will create a Quizlet study set on with sample vocabulary words that will show students what the exit ticket will look like for the day.
Teacher will then also demonstrate on how to look up synonyms for the vocabulary words that the groups will be assigned to.
Time to complete: 10 minutes
Independent Practice/Provide informative feedback:
Students will find definitions and synonums to their assigned vocabulary words and write them into their assigned Google Classroom.
Time to complete: 10 minutes
Teacher will give each group 1 minute to explain their vocabulary word (This should be the summarizer for each group).

Time to complete: 5 minutes

Formal Assessment:
Given multiple scenarios to differentiate bullying and conflict, students will answer a 10-question worksheet on Google Classroom with 80% accuracy.
Time to complete: 3 minutes
At school or at home, how can we stay away from being bullies and/or being bullied?
Time to complete: 2 minutes
Student Feedback:
How can you use what we learned today in a real-life situation?
Teacher Feedback:
What other programs can be used to make vocabulary learning more interactive?

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