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The business model and his 9 building blocks

Business Model = describes the rationale of how an organization

creates, delivers and captures value.

The business Model Canvas Model

Key partners describes the network of suppliers and partners that

make the business model work
Key activities describes the most important things a company must
do to make its business model work
Key resources describes the most important assets requires to make
a business model work
Value propositions describes the bundle of p/s that create value for a
specific customer segment
Customer Segment - defines the different groups of people an
enterprise aim to reach and serve
Customer relationship the types of relationship a company
establishes with specific customer segments
Channels describes how a company communicates with and reaches
its customer segments to deliver the value proposition
Cost structure all costs incurred to operate a business model
Revenue stream the cash the company generates from each
customer segment

Utility for an entrepreneur:

- Describe through a systematic manner about value creation and
- Overall view of the business = easy to spot strength and
Create new strategic alternatives
Eliminate weaknesses within one or more building blocks
- Understand business model of competitors

Marshmallow tower:

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