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With regards to the nutritional information and properties of the arjuna herb, it is
known to be rich in co-enzyme Q-10, tannins, flavonoids as well as minerals such
as magnesium, zinc, copper and calcium.


One of the health benefits of the arjuna herb is that it is known to be effective
against the symptoms of asthma and can even cure the individual of this
medical problem. As part of the natural treatment for asthma, the arjuna bark
powder should be mixed with hot water or with milk and then consumed in the
form of a tea.

The arjuna herb is a powerful antioxidant and hence is it known to be good

for the skin. One of the terminalia arjuna uses in skin treatment involves
preparing a paste from the arjuna bark along with some honey and applying this
paste on the acne prone area. The astringent property of the arjuna herb is
known to help in the prevention of acne.

Similarly another one of the arjuna bark benefits is based on the fact that the
compounds that are present in the arjuna herb are known to protect the DNA
from any possible damage from toxins. The arjuna herb also protects the DNA
from damage induced by adriamicin.

Health benefits of arjuna also involve it being able to flush out small stones
that may have formed within the kidney thereby hampering the functioning of
the kidney as well as the resulting pain. In this treatment, the bark of the arjuna
tree should be boiled well and then the liquid should be filtered and consumed.
The arjuna herb is known to break the kidney stones that may have formed into
small pieces and then eventually flush them out via urine.
Health benefits of the arjuna bark also include it being used against heart
disease. The Arjuna herb is known to raise the coronary artery flow thereby
protecting the cardiac tissue from any ischemic damage. Additionally, the
arjuna herb is also known to be a mild diuretic besides blood lipid lowering,
blood thinning and prostaglandin properties. On account of the benefits of the
arjuna herb against heart disease, it is also recommended to be consumed by

Another one of the terminalia arjuna uses is that it acts as a cardiac stimulant
and thereby has a tonic and cooling effect. Thus the arjuna herb is used in
reducing the body temperature during a fever. The arjuna herb is also used in
home treatments to arrest any bleeding or secretions. This is because the arjuna
herb accelerates clotting and thereby promotes quick healing of the wound.

One of the most important health benefits of the arjuna herb is that the
compounds that are present in this herb are known to help in maintaining
healthy levels of cholesterol. Additionally, the presence of the phytochemicals
in the arjuna bark are also known to lower the levels of bad cholesterol. The
arjuna herb is also known to stimulate the pumping function of the heart thereby
strengthening the heart muscles. Hence as one of the medicinal uses of the
arjuna bark, it is used to treat angina and other cardiovascular medical issues.

Arjuna tea is also used as a natural treatment for dysentery and diarrhea.


One of the possible side effects that may occur on the consumption of extremely
high doses of the arjuna herb is that it may reduce the activity levels of the thyroid
gland or may even harm the liver.


The bark from the Arjuna tree has been used for thousands of years in Ayurveda to
support numerous health concerns including, prominently, cardiovascular health.
Other classic herbal lymph movers are Manjistha and Red Root, but raspberries
strawberries, blueberries, beets and cranberries support antioxidant activity and
move lymph as well.


Recently, researchers have found that Arjuna supports the muscle tone of the heart,
therefore supporting healthy blood flow through the heart. Arjuna also promotes a
stronger contraction of the heart muscle, allowing the heart to function efficiently.

Like many of the western herbs for the heart, like Hawthorn berry, Arjuna is loaded
with a group of heart-healthy polyphenols and flavonoids such as arjunone and
arjunolone that classify it as a cardio-tonic.


One study showed that, when 500mg of Arjuna bark was taken, it supported
healthy cholesterol levels . In another study in which smokers were given 500mg
of the extract of Arjuna, it supported healthy arterial function, meaning that their
arteries were able to expand and contract in a normal fashion a difficult task for
smokers arteries. has a large variety of bio actives, with the water extract showing
promise at improving left ventricle function of the heart without any observable
toxicity of side effects when taken at 500mg thrice a day (every 8 hours).

Another study suggests that Arjuna may support relief from occasional chest
discomfort. When Arjuna was used alone and in combination with the standard
western medication (isosorbide mononitrate), occasional chest discomfort was
reduced by 50% when patients were taking 200-500mg of Arjuna daily.
Nevertheless, the water extract appears to be effective in improving cardiac
function in persons who have recently undergone cardiac trauma or injury;
Myocardial Infarction is the most commonly researched ailment in this regard.
Only one study exists on otherwise healthy persons, but Arjuna showed benefit in
improving left ventricle function in an exercise test and the benefits may affect a
person regardless of health state.


A standard dose for the purposes of cardiac health appears to be 500mg of the bark
(water extract) taken daily in the morning without food (no evidence exists to
suggest that taking it with food is bad or anything). For persons who suffered
cardiac trauma (such as Myocardial Infarction), this dose tends to be taken thrice a
day every 8 hours

The leaf extracts and ethanolic extracts appear to be more related to the cytotoxic
and anti-tumor effects, but not enough evidence exists to recommend an active
dose of these extracts for human consumption. Terminalia arjuna or Arjun tree is a
large evergreen tree native to India. It is found throughout the country. Arjuna is a
medicinal tree and its various parts are used in treatment of variety of ailments
especially heart diseases. Its fruit paste is applied on wounds, bark powder is used
in heart diseases, the bark paste mixed with honey is used to improve complexion.
The tree bark is cardio tonic and effectively treats heart palpitation, angina and
poor coronary circulation. The dried bark powder with rice washed water is used to
treat blood in urine. Chewing fresh bark and swallowing the juice works as an
antacid. he bark of Arjuna tree is a well-known heart tonic and is
useful in treatment of all forms of heart disease. It is one of the
best herb for heart diseases. The bark is cardioprotective, cardio
tonic, removes obstruction from fluid channels, astringent and
capable of reducing fever. It is effective in treatment of elevated
blood pressure, palpitation of heart and angina. Arjuna bark tones
the heart, stimulates blood circulation, stops bleeding and
strengthens the heart muscle. The bark has anti-dysenteric,
astringent, anti-asthmatic, fever reducing, expectorant, cardio
tonic aphrodisiac and diuretic properties. Bark works on central
nervous system, circulatory system and reproductive system
(aphrodisiac, abortifacient or induces abortion).

The various aerial parts of tree exhibits semen coagulant activity. The fruits are
deobstruent (possess power to open the natural ducts of the fluids and secretions of
the body).


In some cases, the heart struggles to pump enough blood to meet the bodys needs.
As the heart works harder and harder to do so, it becomes bigger and the heart
muscles stretch. Eventually this reaches a point where the heart cannot keep up or
contract efficiently. In the same study, subjects with issues of this nature who were
unable to carry out any physical activity without discomfort (basically bedridden)
took 500mg of Arjuna every eight hours. One hundred percent of the subjects
evaluated progressed to a point where they were able to perform normal activities
without discomfort. After 4 months, 75% of them were able to perform normal
activities with only slight limitations. No subjects in the placebo group saw such
improvement. The tree bark is also useful in ulcers, fractures, cardiopathy, fatigue,
asthma, bronchitis, tumours, internal and external haemorrhages, cirrhosis of the
liver, anaemia and diabetes. In bone fractures, bark powder is taken with milk. The
bark has diuretic (stimulates urine production) action.


1. In heart palpitation, regular intake of 3-6 grams of Arjuna bark with one glass
tomato juice is an effective remedy.

2. Arjuna tree bark oral intake is effective in managing high blood pressure.

In high blood pressure, stress, headache due to high BP, decoction of bark should
be taken. For preparing decoction, take bark powder (5 gm) and boil in water (200
ml) till volume reduces to one fourth. Filter this and drink.

3. In all types of heart diseases, regular intake of 3-6 grams of tree bark with one
cup milk is very effective.

For chest pain, increased heart beats, anxiety and similar heart related problems,
regularly eat Arjuna bark Halwa. It is prepared similar to any other halwa. First,
wheat flour (20 g) is roasted well in Gau-ghrita (Cows milk ghee). Then 3-6 grams
of Arjuna bark, sugar/misri as per taste and water is added to prepare halwa.

4. In various heart diseases, palpitation, angina, weakness of heart and as a cardio

tonic, Arjun Ksheer Pak is an effective home remedy.

Decoction of Arjuna bark (in dose of 40ml) after earlier heart attack, when taken
twice a day strengthen heart.

Oral, gum problem, mouth ulcer, infections

Prepare decoction of fresh Arjun bark and gargle with this to cure oral gum
problems and oral infections.

Leucorrhoea (Shevt pradar)Soak bark powder (2 tbsp) in water at night. Next

morning drink this water. Or prepare decoction and drink regularly.


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