Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Contaminated Soils: Comparison of Biosolids Addition, Carbon Supplementation, and Monitored Natural Attenuation

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Environmental Pollution 136 (2005) 187e195

Bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons in

contaminated soils: Comparison of biosolids addition,
carbon supplementation, and monitored natural attenuation
Dibyendu Sarkar*, Michael Ferguson, Rupali Datta, Stuart Birnbaum
Department of Earth and Environmental Science, University of Texas San Antonio, 6900 North Loop,
1604 West, San Antonio, TX 78249-0663, USA

Received 17 May 2004; accepted 17 September 2004

Addition of biosolids is a potentially eective method of biostimulation for degradation

of petroleum hydrocarbons in soils.


Two methods of biostimulation were compared in a laboratory incubation study with monitored natural attenuation
(MNA) for total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) degradation in diesel-contaminated Tarpley clay soil with low carbon content.
One method utilized rapid-release inorganic fertilizers rich in N and P, and the other used sterilized, slow-release biosolids,
which added C in addition to N and P. After 8 weeks of incubation, both biostimulation methods degraded approximately
96% of TPH compared to MNA, which degraded 93.8%. However, in the rst week of incubation, biosolids-amended soils
showed a linear two orders of magnitude increase in microbial population compared to MNA, whereas, in the fertilizer-
amended soils, only a one order of magnitude increase was noted. In the following weeks, microbial population in the
fertilizer-amended soils dropped appreciably, suggesting a toxic eect owing to fertilizer-induced acidity and/or NH3
overdosing. Results suggest that biosolids addition is a more eective soil amendment method for biostimulation than the
commonly practiced inorganic fertilizer application, because of the abilities of biosolids to supplement carbon. No statistically
signicant dierence was observed between the biostimulation methods and MNA, suggesting that MNA can be a viable
remediation strategy in certain soils with high native microbial population.
2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Petroleum hydrocarbons; Biostimulation; Biosolids; Fertilizers; Natural attenuation

1. Introduction
spillage during transport of petroleum products,
aban- doned manufactured gasoline sites, other
Petroleum products are some of the most widely unplanned releases, and current industrial processes.
used chemicals in society today. With the massive As petroleum contains hazardous chemicals such as
quantity of fuel required to power automobiles and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and
heat homes, and the number of times each gallon of naphthalene, this contami- nation can be hazardous
petroleum is stored, transported, or transferred, to the health of plants, animals, and humans (Zhou
accidents and leakages are unavoidable. Petroleum and Crawford, 1995; Liebeg and
contamination results from leaking aboveground and Cutright, 1999; Ting et al., 1999; Vasudevan and
underground storage tanks, Rajaram, 2001). Petroleum-contaminated soil is cur-
rently treated using three processes: physical,
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C1 210 458 5453; fax: C1 210 458 chemical, and biological. The most common physical
4469. methods of treatment of contaminated soils, such as
E-mail address: (D. Sarkar). disposal in a landll, and incineration are
expensive. Incineration is
0269-7491/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights
reserved. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2004.09.025
188 D. Sarkar et al. / Environmental Pollution 136 (2005) 187e195

also a source of air pollution (Ting et al., 1999). has traditionally focused on addition of N and P,
Chemical treatment includes direct injection of either organically or inorganically. Because C is a
chemical oxidants into contaminated soil and major constituent of petroleum fuels, its traditional
groundwater (Riser-Roberts, 1998), thereby altering role in bioremediation research has typically been as
native aquatic chemistry. Biological treatment most an index to determine the amount of N and P that
commonly in- volves the breakdown of contamination need to be added to reach the optimal C:N:P ratio
into nontoxic forms using microbiological processes (Riser-Roberts, 1998). More recently, the role of C
(Riser-Roberts, 1998). supplementation in hydrocarbon biodegradation has
been investigated with the use of glucose, biosolids,
Bioremediation may be dened as the use of living and composts (Namkoong
organisms to remove environmental pollutants from et al., 2002). However, these experiments did not
soil, water, and gases (Collin, 2001). Organic com- isolate C as a nutrient supplement, but measured the
pounds are metabolized under aerobic or anaerobic eects of a combination of nutrients from various
conditions by the biochemical processes of sources, C being one of them. Moreover, the role of C
microorgan- isms (Collin, 2001). Bioremediation of supplementation in hydrocarbon bioremediation in
contaminants can be accomplished by two methods, low organic matter or otherwise C-poor soils has never
bioaugmentation and/ or biostimulation. The process been investigated.
of bioaugmentation, as it applies to remediation of
petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil, involves Various nutrient sources such as inorganic
fertilizer, urea, sawdust, compost, manure, and
the introduction of micro- organisms that have been
biosolids have been used in biostimulation
cultured to degrade various chains of hydrocarbons
(Rosenberg et al., 1992;
into a contaminated system. The cultures may be Walworth and Reynolds, 1995; Cho et al., 1997;
derived from the contaminated soil or they may be
obtained from a stock of microbes that have been Williams et al., 1999; Namkoong et al., 2002).
previously proven to degrade hydrocarbons. Once Biosolids seem to be a promising nutrient source for
introduced into the system, the cultured micro- microbes in bioremediation (Namkoong et al., 2002);
organisms selectively consume the hydrocarbons. however, very few studies have been reported to date
The process of biostimulation introduces additional that explore the potential of biosolids application to
nutrients in the form of organic and/or inorganic enhance hydrocar- bon degradation (Ferguson, 2003).
fertilizers into a contaminated system, which The primary benets of biosolids include their low
increases the population of the indigenous cost (or no cost), slow release of the nutrients (similar
microorganisms (Pankrantz, 2001). The indigenous to animal manures), and easy availability (McBride,
microorganisms may or may not primarily target the 2003). Moreover, because the biosolids are slow-
hydrocarbons as a food source. However, the release nutrient sources, the possibility of ecosystem
hydrocarbons are assumed to degrade more quickly contamination from excess nutrients (as in the case of
in comparison to natural attenuation due to the fertilizer application) is also minimal. However, the
increased numbers of micro- organisms caused by typical problems encountered with land application
increased levels of nutrients. of biosolids include the diculty of supplying the
The goal of bioremediation is to have microbes deeper soils with the nutrients and the possibility of
fully degrade hydrocarbons to carbon dioxide and contaminating the soil with metals (McBride, 2003).
water. Bioremediation has several benets over landll Sanchez et al. (2000) describe natural attenuation
disposal and incineration, such as the conversion of as a collection of biological, chemical and physical
toxic wastes to non-toxic end products, a lower cost of pro- cesses that occur naturally resulting in the
disposal (or no disposal at all), reduced health and containment, transformation, or destruction of
ecological eects and long-term liabilities associated undesirable chemicals in the environment. Processes
with non-destructive treatment methods, and the include some combination of sorption, volatilization,
ability to perform the treatment in situ without dilution, and dispersion coupled with
unduly disturbing native ecosystems. biodegradation. In contrast to biostimu- lation,
Bioremediation of petroleum-contaminated soils monitored natural attenuation (MNA), if eec- tive,
has been investigated since the late 1940s, but interest provides signicant benets in terms of cost and
in the eld did not become widespread until the eort (Sanchez et al., 2000). Previous studies suggest
Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989 (Margesin and Schinner, nutrient supplementation stimulates bioremediation by
1997; Jackson increasing microbial biomass (Sanchez et al., 2000;
Margesin and Schinner, 2001; Duncan et al., 2003;
and Pardue, 1998). Consequently, there have been
a large number of studies conducted, and
bioremediation has almost always been found to be an et al., 2003). In all of these cited reports
eective treatment of hydrocarbon-contaminated sites biostimulation caused a rapid start to bioremediation.
(Huesemann and Duncan et al. (2003) saw an initial rapid response
Moore, 1993; Li et al., 1995; Zhou and Crawford, associated with fertilizer application, but there
1995; seemed to be no dierence between the MNA and
Liebeg and Cutright, 1999). In the eld of fertilizer-treated plot after 2 years. Similarly Maki et
biostimulation, nutrient supplementation for al. (2003), in comparing biostimulation with MNA in
hydrocarbon degradation a marine setting, noted an
D. Sarkar et al. / Environmental Pollution 136 (2005) 187e195 189
pulverized in order to accelerate distribution of nutrients
initial increase in activity in the treated plot, but no to the microbes. Powdered biosolids were autoclaved
signicant dierence by the sixth week of data prior to mixing with the diesel-contaminated soil to
collection. Only Margesin and Schinner (2001) saw eliminate the possibility of bioaugmentation; 50 g of
a permanent improvement of biostimulation over pulverized biosolids were autoclaved twice for 2 h
MNA. each time at 121 C.
The primary objective of the reported study was to
determine if addition of biosolids enhances hydrocarbon 2.4. Fertilizer
bioremediation by promoting biostimulation in a
diesel- contaminated, carbon-poor soil. The
secondary objec- tive of the study was to determine if The inorganic fertilizer used was a mixture of
C supplementation from biosolids application could reagent grade NH4NO3, and commercially available

be a factor of any signicance in the petroleum Hi-Yield Triple Superphosphate (TSP; 0-45-0).
hydrocarbon degradation process in a soil with low Bioavailability of N in NH4NO3 was estimated as
100% and the bioavailability of P in TSP was 90e100%.
organic matter content. These two methods of The fertilizers were mixed with deionized water and
biostimulation were compared to MNA to develop a autoclaved prior to mixing with the contaminated
more complete understanding of the diering soil; 50 mL of inorganic fertilizer was autoclaved for
approaches. 15 min at 121 C.

2.5. Microbial analysis

2. Materials and methods
Microbial populations were determined using the
2.1. Soil 5- tube Most Probable Number (MPN) Method
(Collins et al., 1989). A 10% PTYG (Peptone, Tryptone,
Soil was collected from the Freeman Ranch in San Yeast, Glucose) solution was used as the growth
Marcos, Texas. It was dark brown in color and medium (Wilson et al., 1983; Balkwill and Ghiorse,
consisted of 90% clay. Batte (1984) classied the soil 1985; Bone
as Tarpley Clay that overlays the Edwards Limestone and Balkwill, 1988; Colwell, 1989).
Formation (Fisher, 1983). The soil was analyzed to
determine moisture content, pH and nutrient concen-
2.6. Petroleum hydrocarbon analysis
trations following standard protocols (Klute, 1996;
Sparks, 1996). The amount of total C, H, and N was
determined using a dry combustion method with a A Varian CP 3800 Gas Chromatograph with ame
PE 2400 Elemental Analyzer. ionization detector (FID) and a Varian Chrompak
Total, organic, and inorganic P concentrations were fused silica column was used to determine the total
determined using the Ignition Method (Sparks, 1996). petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) concentration. Stand-
Phosphorus was measured colorimetrically by a UV/ ards in n-pentane were prepared from pure diesel.
Visible light spectrophotometer using the molybdate- For diesel-spiked soil samples, TPH was extracted
ascorbic acid method (Sparks, 1996). Bioavailable P using n-pentane in a 1:4 soil/extractant ratio. The
was determined using the Mehlich-3 extraction extract was analyzed according to the Texas
technique (Sparks, 1996). Commission on Environmental Quality Method 1005
(TCEQ, 2001).
2.2. Diesel
2.7. Remediation experimental design
The diesel fuel used in this experiment is commer-
cially available and was obtained from a gasoline Five hundred grams of soil and varying amounts of
pump at a typical gasoline station. sterile inorganic fertilizer and biosolids were placed
in each of six sterilized glass pans with a capacity of
1.4 L. The pulverized and autoclaved Largo biosolids
2.3. Biosolids were mixed thoroughly with the soil in each pan at
two rates: low (5%) and high (10%). Deionized water
Exceptional quality, Grade A biosolid pellets were was then added to the pans to achieve soil moisture
obtained from a sewage treatment plant in Largo, content of approximately 60% of the water holding
Florida. In addition to grading, such biosolids have capacity (Moller et al., 1995; Zhou and Crawford,
various nutrient ratios with respect to C, N and P. 1995; Cho
The nutrient availability for vegetative growth (i.e. et al., 1997; Margesin and Schinner, 1997; Quinn and
bioavailability) in these biosolids is mostly inorganic, Reinhart, 1997; Nocentini et al., 2000). Next, commer-
90e95%, with a small organic percentage, 5e10% cially available diesel fuel was added to each soil pan
(OConnor and Sarkar, 1999). The biosolids were for an initial total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH)
concen- tration of approximately 4000 mg/kg (varied
between 3350 and 4250 mg/kg). The soil,
190 D. Sarkar et al. / Environmental Pollution 136 (2005) 187e195

water, and diesel were mixed thoroughly by hand to 4500

Control 1 - SoilLow Rate BiosolidHigh Rate Biosolid
achieve a homogeneous distribution of hydrocarbons, 4000
water, and nutrients. Fertilizers were added such that

TPH Concentration (mg/kg)

N and P contents of the fertilizer-treated soils roughly
mimicked the amount of those in the biosolids- 3000

amended systems. The biosolids also supplied C in 2500

addition to P and N.
The pans were covered with punctured plastic
wrap to allow gas exchange. The pans were placed 1500

under constant light (Williams et al., 1999) and 1000

maintained at a temperature of 22 CG2 C and a
relative humidity of 65e80% (Ting et al., 1999). The 500
pans were tilled three times a week with a steel hand 0
Week 0 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
trowel sterilized with alcohol (Margesin and Schinner, Time (week)
Immediately after mixing the components, the soils Fig. 1. TPH degradation pattern in low- and high-rate biosolids-
were analyzed to establish baselines for TPH concen- amended soils in comparison to control soils without amendments.
tration, pH, nutrient concentration, and microbial
population. The pH, TPH, and microbial population
of the pans were monitored weekly throughout the soils showed reductions in TPH concentrations by
experiment. Bioavailable P was measured in ve of 84.4% for MNA (control 1), 91.0% for the low-rate
the eight weeks of experiment. During the experimental biosolids treatment, and 90.4% for high-rate biosolids
run, the moisture content of each pan was adjusted by treatment during week 1. The high-rate of TPH
adding water one day prior to sampling. degradation in the MNA soil demonstrates that the
Precision of generated data was evaluated using native soil microbes were capable of degrading
standard deviation of three replicates and the hydro- carbons to a large extent. Although a portion
accuracy was estimated by spike recovery. Correlation of this TPH reduction is due to volatilization, abiotic
analysis was performed using Sigma Plot version 4.01 loss of diesel fuel has been reported to be generally
(SPSS, 1997). below 10% at 25 C in the rst 30 days (Margesin and
1997). By week 4, 89.7% of the original TPH was
removed in the MNA treatment (control 1), 91.9% was
3. Results and discussion removed in the low-rate biosolids treatment, and
90.9% in the high-rate biosolids treatment. By the end
3.1. Characterization of soil and amendments of the experimental period (week 8), 93.8% of the
original TPH was removed in the MNA treatment
(control 1), 96.2% in the low-rate biosolids treatment,
The native soil had a neutral pH and low concen- and 96.2% in the high-rate biosolids treatment. This
trations of C, N, total and bioavailable P (Table 1). residual TPH is expected (Nocentini et al., 2000).
Largo biosolids had a pH of w6 and contained Chromatography proles of diesel-contaminated soils
signicantly greater concentrations of total and bio- (not shown) dem- onstrated that only the heavier
available nutrients compared to the soil. The carbon compounds remained in the soils at the
inorganic fertilizer mix was highly acidic (pH w3) and completion of the experiment. Nocentini et al. (2000)
contained greater concentrations of N, total and obtained similar results and concluded that the
bioavailable P than either the biosolids or the native heavier compounds in diesel fuel were depleted at
soil. The fertilizer mix did not contain any C (Table 1). slower rates than the lighter compounds. Overall, the
biosolids treated soils (high and low-rate of
3.2. Degradation pattern of TPH amendments) showed similar patterns of TPH
degradation (Fig. 1).
Although to a considerably lesser extent than the
TPH degradation was accomplished primarily during biosolids-treated soils, the majority of the TPH degra-
the rst week in biosolids-amended soils (Fig. 1). The dation (65.5e76.3%) was accomplished during the rst

Table 1
Characterization results for soils and amendments
Matrix Carbon (%) Nitrogen (%) Total phosphorus (mg/kg) Bioavailable phosphorus (mg/kg) pH
Largo biosolids 37.14G1.48 5.77G0.33 34,800G1200 20400G1200 6.16G0.02
Inorganic fertilizer mix 0.00 35.0 246,400G43,300 241900G16,800 3.24G0.02
Soil 1.53G0.12 0.15G0.02 275G92 9.7G1.8 7.14G0.11
D. Sarkar et al. / Environmental Pollution 136 (2005) 187e195 191
3.3. Degradation rates of TPH

4500 Kinetic modeling was performed to estimate the

4000 Control 2 - SoilLow Rate FertilizerHigh Rate Fertilizer rates of chemical reactions in the studied systems.
TPH Concentration (mg/kg)

Kinetics of a chemical reaction can be described in

terms of its order (Snoeyink and Jenkins, 1980). While
3000 other authors (Nocentini et al., 2000; Namkoong et al.,
2002) adequately described their hydrocarbon
degradation data using a rst-order kinetic model, in

2000 the present study, experimental results were better

1500 described using a second-order kinetic model.
To determine the order of the reactions in each of
the soil treatments, the data was plotted in a scatter

500 diagram. For a rst-order reaction, the plot of ln[TPH]


Week 0 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Time (week)

Fig. 2. TPH degradation pattern in low- and high-rate fertilizer- versus time should be a straight line while for a
amended soils in comparison to control soils without amendments. second- order reaction, the plot of 1/[TPH] versus
time should be linear (Snoeyink and Jenkins, 1980).
Data plots of ln[TPH] versus time were better described
week in the fertilizer-amended soils (Fig. 2). By week by curvilinear equations, whereas plots of 1/[TPH]
4, 92.3% of the original TPH was removed in the versus time were better described by linear models
MNA treatment (control 2), 91.5% in the low-rate (data not shown). The R value represents the
fertilizer treatment, and 93.8% in the high-rate coecient of correlation; the nearer the value of R to
fertilizer treat- ment. By the end of the experiment 1, the stronger the correlation of the data (Everitt,
period (week 8), 94.5% of the original TPH was 2002). The R values for the linear plots using the
removed in the MNA treatment (control 2), 95.5% in second-order model were higher than those obtained
the low-rate fertilizer treatment, and 96.8% in the using the rst-order model in ve of the six
high-rate fertilizer treat- ment. treatments (Table 3).
The degradation pattern in each treatment (Figs. 1 The slope of the line for reactions that follow the
and 2) is similar to the results obtained by other second-order rate law is equal to 8k, where k is the
authors (Ting et al., 1999; Nocentini et al., 2000). rate constant (Snoeyink and Jenkins, 1980). Although
Namkoong the dierences between the calculated reaction rates
et al. (2002), however, did not show such a huge were statistically insignicant, TPH degradation in
reduction in TPH concentration in the control pan; the MNA soils were described by the lowest reaction
this can be attributed to the lack of aeration in their rate constants, the biosolids (both rates) and high-
study. Table 2 shows the initial and nal TPH rate fertilizer amended soils had the fastest reaction
concentration in each soil and the percent decrease in rate constants (Table 4). Rate constant of the low-rate
TPH concentration through 8 weeks of treatment. The fertilizer amended soil was intermediate. The rate
low-rate and high- rate biosolids-amended soils constants were reective of the relative eects of
degraded a similar percent- age of the original TPH various treatments on TPH degradation in diesel-
contamination. The low-rate and high-rate fertilizer- contaminated soils.
amended soils also degraded a similar percentage of
the original TPH contamination. The untreated soils
(MNA) degraded lesser percentages of the original 3.4. Microbial population
TPH contamination than the treated soils, although
the dierences were not signicant at the 95% The total viable microbial population of the
condence interval using the LSD method. biosolids treated soils and associated MNA soils are
presented in
Table 2 Table 3
Initial and nal TPH concentrations in control, biosolids and Comparison of correlation coecients for rst- and second-order
fertilizer amended soils

Matrix Initial TPH Final TPH Percent linear models

concentration concentration decrease Matrix First-order linear Second-order linear
2 2
(mg/kg) (mg/kg) in TPH model R model R
Control soil 1 3500G400 215G14 93.8G0.7 Control soil 1 0.8496 0.9532
Low-rate biosolids 3350G240 130G70 96.2G0.3 Low-rate biosolids 0.8867 0.7651
High-rate biosolids 3350G330 130G30 96.2G0.4 High-rate biosolids 0.751 0.8511
Control soil 2 4250G200 234G8 94.5G0.2 Control soil 2 0.8558 0.9373
Low-rate fertilizer 3950G150 175G87 95.5G0.2 Low-rate fertilizer 0.8867 0.9351
High-rate fertilizer 4050G300 130G47 96.8G0.3 High-rate fertilizer 0.7797 0.8998
192 D. Sarkar et al. / Environmental Pollution 136 (2005) 187e195

Table 4
hydrocarbon degradation during the initial stages of
Second-order reaction rate constants for TPH degradation in
control, biosolids and fertilizer amended soils bioremediation. The microbial populations in the
fertilizer treated soils remained relatively invariable
Soil Reaction rate
constant (per day) throughout the experimental period (Fig. 4); the
5 viable microbe count increased by only 124% and
Control soil 1 1.00!10
Low-rate biosolids 1.25!10
5 140% (compared to a 57% increase in MNA) in the
High-rate biosolids 1.25!10
low- and high-rate fertilizer treated soils, respectively
Control soil 2 1.00!10 (Table 5).
Low-rate fertilizer 1.13!10
5 Dramatic changes in microbial population have
High-rate fertilizer 1.25!10
been reported by other authors experimenting with
nutrient- supplemented, hydrocarbon-contaminated
soils (Ting
Fig. 3. Total viable counts of the uncontaminated et al., 1999; Vasudevan and Rajaram, 2001). Microbial
(MNA) soil (10 cfu/g soil dry weight) were much population in the nutrient system studied by Ting et
7 al.
higher than the 10 cfu/g soil dry weight typically
encountered in soils (Ting et al., 1999), indicating that (1999) decreased after the initial increase, and then
the Tarpley Clay soil had high microbial population increased again. A similar pattern was observed in
natively. After adding biosolids to the diesel- the high-rate fertilizer treatment of this study (Fig. 4).
contaminated soil, the microbial population was The microbial population changes for the remainder
immediately stimulated, resulting in an increase of 12 of the experiment could be due to interactions
430% and 11 384% for the low- and high-rate biosolids between various microbial populations and the
treated soils, respec- tively (Table 5). The MNA soils resulting changes to the environment. The fact that the
also experienced an increase in microbial population increases in microbial population in fertilizer-treated
(57%; Table 5) accompanied by signicant TPH soils were negligible compared to the increases in
degradation (Figs. 1 and 2), indicating that the biosolids-treated soils may be indicative of either of
indigenous soil microbes utilized a portion of the C the following: (a) carbon supplementation by
supplied by the diesel fuel as a potential nutrient biosolids stimulated micro- bial growth, and/or (b)
source. the potential toxic eect of fertilizer-induced acidity
(pH of the fertilizer mix w3, Table 1) and other
Increases in microbial population corresponded to chemical factors on indigenous soil microbes. Zhou
decreases in TPH concentration during the same time and Crawford (1995) found that excessive bioavailable
period in the biosolids-treated soils (Figs. 1 and 3). N supplied by fertilizer inhibited hydrocarbon
The increase in microbial population in the biosolids- degradation due to NH3 toxicity that retarded
amended soils is likely due to availability of all three microbial growth. Characterization of the microbial
major nutrients, namely P, N, and C (Table 1). community within the system could give further
However, this increase did not necessarily translate to insight to the overall microbial population changes.
signicant dierences in TPH degradation, which
suggest existence of a certain threshold level to
nutrient supplementation that might be able to 3.5. Nutrient status
The primary limiting nutrients in microbial
degrada- tion of petroleum hydrocarbons have been
1.00E+13 historically understood to be N and P (Zhou and
1.00E+12 Crawford, 1995;
1.00E+11 Ting et al., 1999). These nutrients are important to
cellular production and their supplementation increases
Microbial Population (cfu)

1.00E+09 the hydrocarbon degradation eectiveness (Walworth
1.00E+08 and Reynolds, 1995; Zhou and Crawford, 1995; Ting
et al., 1999). The quantity of N and P required to
convert 100% of the petroleum C to biomass may be
calculated from the C:N and C:P ratios found in
1.00E+04 cellular material (Dibble and Bartha, 1979). Various
1.00E+03 authors provide ratios for these nutrients. There is
1.00E+02 some disagreement on the exact ratios, but they are
ControlLow Rate BiosolidHigh Rate Biosolid
1.00E+01 not too dissimilar (Riser-Roberts, 1998); the optimal
1.00E+00 C:N:P ratio reported in the literature is 100:15:3
Week 0 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
(33:5:1) for hydrocarbon biodegradation (Zitrides,
Time (week)
1983; Riser- Roberts, 1998). However, using a xed
Fig. 3. Total viable microbial population in low- and high-rate ratio of total nutrients as a biostimulation index may
biosolids-amended soils in comparison to control soils without be misleading, as the entire amount of nutrients may
amendments. not be readily bioavailable (Sims and Bass, 1984).
D. Sarkar et al. / Environmental Pollution 136 (2005) 187e195 193

Table 5
Increase in microbial population after week 1 in control, biosolids, and fertilizer amended soils
Matrix Week 0 (cfu) Week 1 (cfu) % Change
Control soil 1 1.15EC09G1.31EC09 1.81EC09G1.36EC09 57
Low-rate biosolids 1.05EC09G3.61EC08 1.30EC11G1.00EC00 12300
High-rate biosolids 6.40EC08G2.12EC08 7.35EC10G7.78EC09 11400
Control soil 2 1.15EC09G1.3EC09 1.81EC09G1.36EC09 57
Low-rate fertilizer 5.43EC08G1.70EC08 1.21EC09G1.81EC09 124
High-rate fertilizer 1.91EC09G2.62EC09 4.58EC09G8.3EC09 140

Nutrient levels in the diesel-contaminated native

and biosolids/fertilizer-amended soils are presented in
6. The MNA soils (controls 1 and 2) had less C, N, and
P than the biosolids amended soils. The MNA soils
had similar C percentage as the fertilizer-amended
soils, but signicantly less N and P. The biosolids- and
fertilizer- amended soils had similar concentrations of
N and P, but, expectedly, the biosolids-treated soils
had much greater C content compared to the
fertilizer-treated soils. The pH of the MNA soils and
the biosolids- amended soils were within or near the
optimum pH range for hydrocarbon degradation of
6.5 to 8.5 (Riser- Roberts, 1998). The pH of the
fertilizer-amended soils was below this optimum
range (Table 6).
The biosolids-treated soils experienced an increase
of bioavailable P during the rst week of the
experiment (Fig. 5). This is due to the time-release
nature of nutrients in the Largo biosolids; P was
released slowly and did not become available to the
microbes until after one week of biosolids
amendment. Between week 1 and week 5, there was a
steady decrease in bioavailable P as the microbes
continued to metabolize the nutrients. After week 5,
as the microbes started to die o, the bioavailable P
concentration in the biosolids treated soils reached a
constant level and remained that way until the end of
the experiment (Fig. 5). Bioavailable P decreased
sharply during the rst week of the experiment

Microbial Population (cfu)

1.00E+01 Control Low Rate Fertilizer High Rate Fertilizer
Week 0 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
Time (week)

Fig. 4. Total viable microbial population in low- and high-rate

fertilizer-amended soils in comparison to control soils without
N, greater percentage hydro- carbon degradation was
observed in the biosolids- amended soils during week
1 (Figs. 1 and 2). This is in agreement with the much
smaller increase in microbial population (normalized
to MNA) noted in the fertilizer- treated soils
(124e140%) in comparison with that in biosolids-
treated soils (11 384e12 340%; Table 5). Ap- parently,
nutrient bioavailability was not the only factor
governing TPH degradation. In a C-poor soil such as
Tarpley Clay, even after diesel contamination, the
in the fertilizer-treated soils (Fig. 6). The TSP started C:N:P ratio varied between 7:4:1 and 10:3:1 in the
releasing P immediately, almost 100% of which was fertilizer-treated soils, which was far from the optimal
available to the microbes. The w20% decrease in C:N:P ratio of 33:5:1 (Riser-Roberts, 1998). On the
bioavailable P between week 0 and week 1 indicates other hand, the C:N:P ratio in the biosolids-treated
that the released P was being utilized by the soils ranged between 27:4:1 and 24:4:1 (Table 6),
microbes. It is also possible that a portion of the which were much closer to the optimal C:N:P ratio for
soluble/bioavailable P leached to the bottom of the hydrocarbon degradation. Zhou and Crawford (1995)
pan and was not sampled during analysis of surface reported that excess N (C:NZ2:1) can impair
soils. The die-o cycle for the microbial population biodegradation due to ammonia toxicity, although it
began in week 5 after which the bioavailable P does not completely inhibit biodegradation. In the
concentration became constant until the end of the fertilizer-treated soils, there is a possibility that
experiment (Fig. 6). Bioavailable P in the control ammonia toxicity (C:N ratio of 2:1 and 3:1), coupled
soils (MNA) remained low throughout the with the low pH (5.2e5.5) impacted TPH degradation
experiment (Figs. 5 and 6). Although N in the very critical rst week of incubation. The toxic
bioavailability was not monitored in the reported eect on the microbial population gradually decreased
study, given the typical mineralization pattern of N with increasing incuba- tion time possibly because of
in clay soils, it is not expected to be considerably an increase in the rate of nitrication with increased
dierent from the P prole. Despite the fact that the tillage and aeration; NO3eN is typically not toxic to
fertilizer-treated soils had more bioavailable P and microbes. Because the biosolids added C to the
system, it helped optimize the C:N:P
194 D. Sarkar et al. / Environmental Pollution 136 (2005) 187e195

Table 6
Total nutrients in control, biosolids, and fertilizer amended soils
Soil Carbon (%) Nitrogen (%) Phosphorus (%) C:N:P pH
Control soil 1 1.53G0.12 0.15G0.02 0.03G0.01 56:5:1 7.14G0.16
Low-rate biosolids 3.22G0.11 0.48G0.02 0.12G0.01 27:4:1 6.56G0.03
High-rate biosolids 4.15G0.48 0.66G0.05 0.17G0.02 24:4:1 6.22G0.04
Control soil 2 1.54G0.22 0.15G0.01 0.03G0.01 50:5:1 7.14G0.09
Low-rate fertilizer 1.49G0.16 0.48G0.05 0.15G0.01 10:3:1 5.54G0.03
High-rate fertilizer 1.62G0.05 0.91G0.03 0.24G0.01 7:4:1 5.23G0.00

ratio in the C-poor Tarpley Clay, further aided by the original TPH contamination whereas the control soils
biosolids slow-release nature of bioavailable nutrient (MNA) degraded 94% of the original TPH contamina-
supplementation. Namkoong et al. (2002) also tion.
identied such synergistic eects of biosolids
addition on TPH biodegradation. The eects of The reaction rates calculated for each treatment
chemical toxicity in the fertilizer-amended systems followed a similar pattern with biosolids-amended
were immediate and gradu- ally waned with soils and the high-rate fertilizer treated soil
incubation time, thereby resulting in a similar experiencing the fastest rate of degradation. The large
degradation pattern of residual TPH in fertilizer- increase in microbial population in the biosolids
amended and biosolids-amended soils. amended soils suggests that carbon supplementation
may enhance degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons
in organic- matter or otherwise C-poor soils. The TPH
degradation rate and the amount of TPH degraded in
4. Summary and conclusions the high-rate fertilizer-treated soil when compared to
those in the low- rate fertilizer-treated soil indicate
that certain levels of N and P supplementation may
Bioremediation can be a viable and eective be capable of stimulating hydrocarbon degradation
response to soil contamination by petroleum similar to that provided by sources that contribute C
hydrocarbons. This investigation compared to the system.
monitored natural attenuation with two methods of These results reveal that MNA performed
biostimulation: inorganic fertilizer amendment and extremely well paralleling the amended soils with
biosolids amendment, at two rates, low and high. only modest dierences in reaction rates and total
Results revealed that biodegradation of petroleum degradation. Soil types (e.g. texture, composition,
hydrocarbons was enhanced by the addition of microbial population) dier signicantly, even in
biosolids (and also fertilizers to a lesser extent) to geographically constrained regions. Some soils will be
diesel- contaminated soils; the biosolids-treated soils poor candidates for MNA while others will prove to
showed marked decrease in TPH concentrations and be excellent candidates. A greater understanding of
marked increase in microbial population during week the factors controlling MNA eciencies must be
1. After 8 weeks, the biosolids-amended soils and the investigated to maximize remedia- tion while
high-rate fertilizer-treated soils degraded more than reducing costs.
96% of the

1100 1200
Control 2 - SoilLow Rate FertilizerHigh Rate Fertilizer
Control 1 - SoilLow Rate BiosolidHigh Rate Biosolid
Bioavailable Phosphorus (mg/kg)


800 800
Bioavailable Phosphorus (mg/kg)

600 600





0 Week 0 Week 1 Week 3 Week 5 Week 8
Week 0 Week 1 Week 3 Week 5 Week 8
Time (week)
Time (week)
Fig. 5. Bioavailable phosphorus concentrations in low- and high- Fig. 6. Bioavailable phosphorus concentrations in low- and high-
rate biosolids-amended soils in comparison to control soils without rate fertilizer-amended soils in comparison to control soils without
amendments. amendments.
D. Sarkar et al. / Environmental Pollution 136 (2005) 187e195 195
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