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Chapter 6: Adjudicatory Power a) Motu proprio or upon complaint, to

investigate and prosecute all dollar salting

46. THE PRESIDENTIAL ANTI-DOLLAR SALTING activities, including the overvaluation of
TASK FORCE vs. COURT OF APPEALS imports and the undervaluation of exports;
G.R. No. 83578. March 16, 1989
FACTS: The State Prosecutor Jose B. Rosales, who is b) To administer oaths, summon persons or
assigned with the Presidential Anti-Dollar Salting Task Force issue subpoenas requiring the attendance and
hereinafter referred to as PADS Task Force for purposes of testimony of witnesses or the production of
convenience, issued search warrants Nos. 156, 157, 158, 159, such books, papers, contracts, records,
160 and 161 against the private respondents. The application statements of accounts, agreements, and
for the issuance of said search warrants was filed by Atty. other as may be necessary in the conduct of
Napoleon Gatmaytan of the Bureau of Customs who is a investigation;
deputized member of the PADS Task Force. Attached to the
said application is the affidavit of Josefin M. Castro who is an c) To appoint or designate experts, consultants,
operative and investigator of the PADS Task Force. Said state prosecutors or fiscals, investigators and
Josefin M. Castro is likewise the sole deponent in the hearing officers to assist the Task Force in
purported deposition to support the application for the the discharge of its duties and
issuance of the 6 search warrants involved in this case. Shortly responsibilities; gather data, information or
thereafter, the private respondent went to the Regional Trial documents; conduct hearings, receive
Court on a petition to enjoin the implementation of the search evidence, oath oral and documentary, in all
warrants in question. The trial court then issued a temporary cases involving violation of foreign
restraining order and set the case for hearing on March 18, exchange laws or regulations; and submit
1985. The lower court declared Search Warrant Nos. 156, 157, reports containing findings and
158, 159, 160, and 161 to be null and void. Presidential Anti- recommendations for consideration of
Dollar Salting Task Force went to the respondent Court of appropriate authorities;
Appeals to contest. Appellate Court held that petitioner is a d) To punish direct and indirect contempts with
special quasi-judicial body with express powers enumerated the appropriate penalties therefor under Rule
under PD 1936 to prosecute foreign exchange violations 71 of the Rules of Court; and To adopt such
defined and punished under P.D. No. 1883. Further, the measures and take such actions as may be
petitioner, in exercising its quasi-judicial powers, ranks with necessary to implement this Decree.
the Regional Trial Courts, and the latter in the case at bar had
no jurisdiction to declare the search warrants in question null xxx xxx xxx
and void.
"f. After due investigation but prior to the filing
ISSUES: of the appropriate criminal charges with the
fiscal's office or the courts as the case may
1. Whether or not the Presidential Anti-Dollar Salting be, to impose a fine and/or administrative
Task Force a quasi-judicial body and it is one co- sanctions as the circumstances warrant, upon
equal in rank and standing with the Regional Trial any person found committing or to have
Court, and accordingly, beyond the latter's committed acts constituting blackmarketing
jurisdiction; and or salting abroad of foreign exchange,
2. Whether or not such presidential body be said to be provided said person voluntarily admits the
"such other responsible officer as may be authorized facts and circumstances constituting the
by law" to issue search warrants under the 1973 offense and presents proof that the foreign
Constitution. exchange retained abroad has already been
brought into the country.
Thereafter, no further civil or criminal action may be instituted
1. No. A quasi-judicial body has been de ned as "an against said person before any other judicial regulatory or
organ of government other than a court and other than administrative body for violation of Presidential Decree No.
a legislature, which affects the rights of private 1883.
parties through either adjudication or rule making." It
is the basic function of quasi-judicial bodies to The amount of the fine shall be determined by the Chairman
adjudicate claims and/or to determine rights, and of the Presidential Anti-Dollar Salting Task Force and paid in
unless its decisions are seasonably appealed to the Pesos taking into consideration the amount of foreign
proper reviewing authorities, the same attain finality exchange retained abroad, the exchange rate differentials,
and become executory. A perusal of the Presidential uncollected taxes and duties thereon, undeclared profits,
Anti-Dollar Salting Task Force's organic act, interest rates and such other relevant factors.
Presidential Decree No. 1936, as amended by The fine shall be paid to the Task Force which shall retain
Presidential Decree No. 2002, convinces the Court Twenty percent (20%) thereof. The informer, if any, shall be
that the Task Force was not meant to exercise quasi- entitled to Twenty percent (20%) of the fine. Should there be
judicial functions, that is, to try and decide claims no informer, the Task Force shall be entitle to retain Forty
and execute its judgments. percent (40%) of the fine and the balance shall accrue to the
The Presidential Anti-Dollar Salting Task Force has the general funds of the National government. The amount of the
following powers and authority: fine to be retained by the Task Force shall form part of its
Confidential Fund and be utilized for the operations of the requested the PCGG to resolve directly his aforesaid
Task Force." motion
The PCGG issued an order denying petitioner's
The Court sees nothing in the provisions (except with respect motions and required him, together with all the
to the Task Force's powers to issue search warrants) that will respondents in I.S. Nos. 74 and 75 to submit counter-
reveal a legislative intendment to confer it with quasi-judicial affidavits within five (5) days from receipt thereof.
responsibilities relative to offenses punished by Presidential Petitioner did not submit the required counter-
Decree No. 1883. As the President's arm called upon to affidavit.
combat the vice of "dollar salting" or the blackmarketing and He filed in this Court on March 12, 1990 the herein
salting of foreign exchange, it is tasked alone by the Decree to petitions for prohibition with prayer for a temporary
handle the prosecution of such activities, but nothing more. It restraining order/writ of preliminary injunction.
cannot be said to be co-equal or coordinate with the Regional He alleges that the PCGG may not conduct a
Trial Court. There is nothing in its enabling statutes that would preliminary investigation of the complaints filed by
demonstrate its standing at par with the said court. the Solicitor General without violating petitioner's
rights to due process and equal protection of the law,
No. It must be observed that under the present Constitution,
and that the PCGG has no right to conduct such
the powers of arrest and search are exclusive upon judges.
preliminary investigation.
Since the 1973 Constitution took force and effect and until it On May 4, 1990 petitioner filed a reply to the
was so unceremoniously discarded in 1986, its provisions
consolidated comment as required by the Court. In a
conferring the power to issue arrest and search warrants upon
resolution dated June 5, 1990, the Solicitor General
an officer, other than a judge, by fiat of legislation have been
was required to file a rejoinder. On May 31, 1990, a
at best controversial. In a case decided by the Court, the
motion for hearing of said cases was filed by
"responsible officer" referred to by the fundamental law
petitioner and this was granted by the Court on June
should be one capable of approximating "the cold neutrality of
21, 1990. It was directed that the Ombudsman be
an impartial judge." The Court agree that the Presidential Anti-
impleaded as party-respondent. The Court required
Dollar Salting Task Force exercises, or was meant to exercise,
the Ombudsman to comment on the petition within
prosecutorial powers, and on that ground, it cannot be said to
ten (10) days from notice. The case was set for
be a neutral and detached "judge" to determine the existence
hearing on Tuesday, July 17, 1990 at 10:00 in the
of probable cause for purposes of arrest or search. Unlike a
magistrate, a prosecutor is naturally interested in the success The Ombudsman submitted his comment on July 3,
of his case. Although his office "is to see that justice is done
1990 and the Court required petitioner to file a reply
and not necessarily to secure the conviction of the person
to the same.
accused," he stands, invariably, as the accused's adversary and On July 6, 1990, Maria Clara Lobregat and Jose R.
his accuser. To permit him to issue search warrants and indeed,
Eleazar, Jr. filed a Motion for Leave to Intervene and
warrants of arrest, is to make him both judge and jury in his
a Motion to Admit Petition to Intervene wherein they
own right, when he is neither. That makes Presidential Decree
ask that the PCGG desist from further proceeding
No. 1936 as amended by Presidential Decree No. 2002,
with the preliminary investigation of I.S. Nos. 74, 75,
77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, and 84 charging the
47. Cojuangco vs PCGG intervenors and other respondents, including
petitioner, with violations of the Anti-Graft and
G.R. Nos. 92319-20 October 2, 1990 Corrupt Practices Act (Republic Act No. 3019) in
Facts: connection with the, coconut levy funds. The
President Corazon C. Aquino directed the Solicitor
intervenors question the authority of the PCGG to
General to prosecute all persons involved in the conduct a preliminary investigation of the said cases.
misuse of coconut levy funds. Pursuant to the above They maintain that even assuming that the PCGG has
directive the Solicitor General created a task force to such authority, the same cannot be delegated to a
conduct a thorough study of the possible involvement prosecutor or his assistants.
of all persons in the anomalous use of coconut levy
the Solicitor General filed two criminal complaints Issue:
with respondent PCGG whether under the circumstances of this case, it would be fair
The PCGG assigned both complaints to prosecutor
and just for the PCGG to conduct the preliminary investigation
Cesario del Rosario for preliminary investigation of the said complaint instead of the Ombudsman or any other
At the scheduled preliminary investigation on
duly authorized investigating agency.
January 31, 1990 petitioner appeared through Held:
counsel. Instead of filing a counter-affidavit, as Upon the creation of the PCGG under Executive
required in the subpoena, he filed two motions Order No. 1 issued by President Aquino, the PCGG
addressed to the PCGG, namely; (1) a motion to was charged with the task of assisting the President
disqualify/inhibit PCGG; alternatively, a motion to not only in the recovery of ill-gotten wealth or
dismiss; and (2) motion to have the PCGG itself hear unexplained wealth accumulated by the former
or resolve Cojuangco's motion to disqualify/inhibit President, his immediate family, relatives,
PCGG alternatively, motion to dismiss. subordinates and close associates but also in the
Prosecutor del Rosario denied both motions and
investigation of such cases of graft and corruption as
declared the proceedings closed and the cases the President may assign to the Commission from
submitted for resolution. Thereafter, petitioner
time and to prevent a repetition of the same in the acting as a law enforcer, in collaboration with the
future. Solicitor General, the PCGG gathered the evidence
and upon finding cogent basis therefor filed the
From the foregoing provisions of law, it is clear that
aforestated civil complaint. Consequently the
the PCGG has the following powers and authority:
Solicitor General filed a series of criminal
o 1. To conduct an investigation including the complaints.
preliminary investigation and prosecution of It is difficult to imagine how in the conduct of such
the ill-gotten wealth cases of former preliminary investigation the PCGG could even make
President Marcos, relatives and associates, a turn about and take a position contradictory to its
and graft and corruption cases assigned by earlier findings of a prima facie case against
the President to it; petitioner and intervenors. This was demonstrated in
o 2. Issue sequestration orders in relation to the undue haste with which I.S. Nos. 74 and 75 was
property claimed to be ill-gotten; investigated and the informations were filed in court
even as the petitioner and intervenors questioned its
o 3. Issue "freeze orders" prohibiting persons authority, invoked the denial of due process and
in possession of property alleged to be ill- promptly informed the PCGG of the filing of this
gotten from transferring or otherwise petition.
disposing of the same; It is in such instances that We say one cannot be "a
o 4. Issue provisional takeover orders of the prosecutor and judge at the same time." Having
said property; gathered the evidence and filed the complaint as a
law enforcer, he cannot be expected to handle with
o 5. Administer oaths and issue subpoenas in impartiality the preliminary investigation of his own
the conduct of its investigation; complaint, this time as a public prosecutor.
o 6. Hold any person in direct or indirect Moreover, when the PCGG issued the sequestration
contempt and impose the appropriate and freeze orders against petitioner's properties, it
penalties as provided by the rules. was on the basis of a prima facie finding that the
Considering that the PCGG, like the courts, is vested same were ill-gotten and/or were acquired in relation
with the authority to grant provisional remedies of (1) to the illegal disposition of coconut levy funds. Thus,
sequestration, (2) freezing assets, and (3) provisional the Court finds that the PCGG cannot possibly
takeover, it is indispensable that, as in the case of conduct the preliminary investigation of said criminal
attachment and receivership, there exists a prima complaints with the "cold neutrality of an impartial
facie factual foundation, at least, for the sequestration judge," as it has prejudged the matter. Add to this the
order, freeze order or takeover order, an adequate and fact that there are many suits filed by petitioner and
fair opportunity to contest it and endeavor to cause its the intervenors against the PCGG and vice versa.
negation or nullification. Both are assured under the
foregoing executive orders and the rules and
regulations promulgated by the PCGG. 48. Santiago Jr. v Bautista
G.R. No. L-25024 March 30, 1970
Insofar as the general power of investigation vested FACTS:
in the PCGG is concerned, it may be divided into two Teodoro Santiago, a grade 6 pupil, was adjudged 3rd honor. 2
stages. The first stage of investigation which is called days before his graduation, Ted and his parents sought the
the criminal investigation stage is the fact-finding invalidation of the ranking of the honor students. They filed a
inquiring which is usually conducted by the law Certiorari case against the principal and teachers who
enforcement agents whereby they gather evidence composed the committee on rating honors.. Respondents filed
and interview witnesses after which they assess the a MTD claiming that the action was improper, and even
evidence and if they find sufficient basis, file the assuming it was proper, the question has become academic (bc
complaint for the purpose of preliminary the graduation already proceeded. They also argue that there
investigation. The second stage is the preliminary was no GADALEJ on the part of the teachers since the
investigation stage of the said complaint. It is at this Committee on Ratings is not a tribunal, nor board, exercising
stage, as above discussed, where it is ascertained if judicial functions, under Rule 65, certiorari is a remedy
there is sufficient evidence to bring a person to trial. against judicial function
In the petition before this Court, it is not denied that
the PCGG conducted the appropriate criminal
investigation of petitioner and intervenors as a law ISSUE: WoN judicial function be exercised in this case.
enforcer. In the process it sequestered all the
properties of the petitioner after a prima facie finding RULING:
that the same amount to ill-gotten wealth and/or were A judicial function is an act performed by virtue of judicial
acquired in relation to allegedly anomalous powers. The exercise of judicial function is the doing of
disposition or misuse of the coconut levy funds. something in the nature of the action of the court. In order for
The Court cannot close its eyes to the glaring fact that an action for certiorari to exist,
in earlier instances, the PCGG had already found Test to determine whether a tribunal or board exercises judicial
a prima facie case against the petitioner and functions:
intervenors when, acting like a judge, it caused the 1) there must be specific controversy involving rights of
sequestration of the properties and the issuance of the persons brought before a tribunal for hearing and
freeze order of the properties of petitioner. Thereafter, determination.
2) that the tribunal must have the power and authority to Trade and Industry under the Consumer Act of the Philippines;
pronounce judgment and render a decision. that the Billing Circular is oppressive, confiscatory and
3) the tribunal must pertain to that branch of the sovereign violative of the constitutional prohibition against deprivation
which belongs to the judiciary (or at least the not the of property without due process of law; that the Circular will
legislative nor the executive) result in the impairment of the viability of the prepaid cellular
It may be said that the exercise of judicial function is to service by unduly prolonging the validity and expiration of the
determine what the law is, and what the legal rights of parties prepaid SIM and call cards; and that the requirements of
are, with respect to a matter in controversy. identification of prepaid card buyers and call balance
announcement are unreasonable. Hence, they prayed that the
Judicial power is defined: Billing Circular be declared null and void ab initio. Thereafter,
as authority to determine the rights of persons or Globe and Smart filed their intervention which was granted. A
property. TRO was issued enjoining NTC from implementing the
authority vested in some court, officer or persons to memorandums. The NTCs motion for reconsideration and
hear and determine when the rights of persons or property or motion to dismiss were denied by the RTC.
the propriety of doing an act is the subject matter of NTC filed a special civil action for certiorari and
adjudication. prohibition before the CA, which annulled the decision of the
The power exercised by courts in hearing and RTC. Petitioners motions for reconsideration were denied.
determining cases before them. Hence this instant petition for review filed by Smart , Piltel,
The construction of laws and the adjudication of legal Globe, and Islacom.

The so-called Committee for Rating Honor Students are

neither judicial nor quasi-judicial bodies in the performance of
its assigned task. It is necessary that there be a LAW that gives
rise to some specific rights of persons or property under which Issue: Whether or not the CA erred in dismissing the action
adverse claims to such rights are made, and the controversy for declaration of nullity for non-exhaustion of administrative
ensuring there from is brought in turn, to the tribunal or board remedies.
clothed with power and authority to determine

4 9 . S m a r t C o m m u n i c a t i o n s , I n c . v. N a t i o n a l
Telecommunications Commission (NTC) Administrative agencies possess quasi-legislative or
rule-making powers and quasi-judicial or administrative
G.R. No. 151908; August 12, 2003 adjudicatory powers. Quasi-legislative or rule-making power
is the power to make rules and regulations which results in
delegated legislation that is within the confines of the granting
Facts: statute and the doctrine of non-delegability and separability of
Pursuant to its rule-making and regulatory powers,
the NTC issued Memorandum Circular No. 13-6-2000, The rules and regulations that administrative agencies
promulgating rules and regulations on the billing of promulgate, which are the product of a delegated legislative
telecommunications services. power to create new and additional legal provisions that have
the effect of law, should be within the scope of the statutory
The NTC issued a Memorandum to all cellular authority granted by the legislature to the administrative
mobile telephone service (CMTS) operators which contained agency. It is required that the regulation be germane to the
measures to minimize if not totally eliminate the incidence of objects and purposes of the law, and be not in contradiction to,
stealing of cellular phone units, by requiring presentation and but in conformity with, the standards prescribed by law. They
verification of identity and addresses of prepaid SIM card must conform to and be consistent with the provisions of the
customers, deny acceptance of customers using stolen units enabling statute in order for such rule or regulation to be valid.
registered to somebody other than the applicant, share all Constitutional and statutory provisions control with respect to
information of stolen cellphone units, and require registration what rules and regulations may be promulgated by an
and identification cards from the customers. This was followed administrative body, as well as with respect to what fields are
by another memorandum stating that all prepaid cards sol on subject to regulation by it. It may not make rules and
October 2000 and beyond shall be valid for at least 2 years regulations which are inconsistent with the provisions of the
from the date of first use. Constitution or a statute, particularly the statute it is
administering or which created it, or which are in derogation
Petitioners Isla Communications Co., Inc. and of, or defeat, the purpose of a statute. In case of conflict
Pilipino Telephone Corp filed against the NTC and its between a statute and an administrative order, the former must
commissioners an action for the declaration of nullity of the prevail.
NTC memorandums, with prayer for issuance of writ of
preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order before Not to be confused with the quasi-legislative or rule-
the RTC. making power of an administrative agency is its quasi-judicial
or administrative adjudicatory power. This is the power to hear
They alleged that the NTC has no jurisdiction to and determine questions of fact to which the legislative policy
regulate the sale of consumer goods such as the prepaid call is to apply and to decide in accordance with the standards laid
cards since such jurisdiction belongs to the Department of
down by the law itself in enforcing and administering the same determine technical and intricate matters of fact, and a
law. The administrative body exercises its quasi-judicial power uniformity of ruling is essential to comply with the premises
when it performs in a judicial manner an act which is of the regulatory statute administered. The objective of the
essentially of an executive or administrative nature, where the doctrine of primary jurisdiction is to guide a court in
power to act in such manner is incidental to or reasonably determining whether it should refrain from exercising its
necessary for the performance of the executive or jurisdiction until after an administrative agency has
administrative duty entrusted to it. In carrying out their quasi- determined some question or some aspect of some question
judicial functions, the administrative officers or bodies are arising in the proceeding before the court. It applies where the
required to investigate facts or ascertain the existence of facts, claim is originally cognizable in the courts and comes into
hold hearings, weigh evidence, and draw conclusions from play whenever enforcement of the claim requires the
them as basis for their official action and exercise of discretion resolution of issues which, under a regulatory scheme, has
in a judicial nature. been placed within the special competence of an
administrative body; in such case, the judicial process is
In questioning the validity or constitutionality of a suspended pending referral of such issues to the administrative
rule or regulation issued by an administrative agency, a party body for its view.
need not exhaust administrative remedies before going to
court. This principle applies only where the act of the However, where what is assailed is the validity or
administrative agency concerned was performed pursuant to constitutionality of a rule or regulation issued by the
its quasi-judicial function, and not when the assailed act administrative agency in the performance of its quasi-
pertained to its rule-making or quasi-legislative power. In legislative function, the regular courts have jurisdiction to pass
Association of Philippine Coconut Dessicators v. Philippine upon the same. The determination of whether a specific rule or
Coconut Authority, it was held: set of rules issued by an administrative agency contravenes the
law or the constitution is within the jurisdiction of the regular
The rule of requiring exhaustion of courts. Indeed, the Constitution vests the power of judicial
administrative remedies before a party may review or the power to declare a law, treaty, international or
seek judicial review, so strenuously urged by executive agreement, presidential decree, order, instruction,
the Solicitor General on behalf of ordinance, or regulation in the courts, including the regional
respondent, has obviously no application trial courts. This is within the scope of judicial power, which
here. The resolution in question was issued includes the authority of the courts to determine in an
by the PCA in the exercise of its rule- appropriate action the validity of the acts of the political
making or legislative power. However, only departments. Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of
judicial review of decisions of justice to settle actual controversies involving rights which are
administrative agencies made in the exercise legally demandable and enforceable, and to determine whether
of their quasi-judicial function is subject to or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to
the exhaustion doctrine. lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
instrumentality of the Government.
Even assuming arguendo that the principle of
exhaustion of administrative remedies apply in this case, the In the case at bar, the issuance by the NTC of the
records reveal that petitioners sufficiently complied with this memorandums was pursuant to its quasi-legislative or rule-
requirement. Even during the drafting and deliberation stages making power. As such, petitioners were justified in invoking
leading to the issuance of Memorandum Circular No. the judicial power of the Regional Trial Court to assail the
13-6-2000, petitioners were able to register their protests to the constitutionality and validity of the said issuances. In Drilon v.
proposed billing guidelines. They submitted their respective Lim, it was held:
position papers setting forth their objections and submitting
proposed schemes for the billing circular. After the same was We stress at the outset that the lower court had
issued, petitioners wrote successive letters asking for the jurisdiction to consider the constitutionality of
suspension and reconsideration of the so-called Billing Section 187, this authority being embraced in the
Circular. These letters were not acted upon until October 6, general definition of the judicial power to determine
2000, when respondent NTC issued the second assailed what are the valid and binding laws by the criterion
Memorandum implementing certain provisions of the Billing of their conformity to the fundamental law.
Circular. This was taken by petitioners as a clear denial of the Specifically, B.P. 129 vests in the regional trial courts
requests contained in their previous letters, thus prompting jurisdiction over all civil cases in which the subject of
them to seek judicial relief. the litigation is incapable of pecuniary estimation,
even as the accused in a criminal action has the right
In like manner, the doctrine of primary jurisdiction to question in his defense the constitutionality of a
applies only where the administrative agency exercises its law he is charged with violating and of the
quasi-judicial or adjudicatory function. Thus, in cases proceedings taken against him, particularly as they
involving specialized disputes, the practice has been to refer contravene the Bill of Rights. Moreover, Article X,
the same to an administrative agency of special competence Section 5(2), of the Constitution vests in the Supreme
pursuant to the doctrine of primary jurisdiction. The courts Court appellate jurisdiction over final judgments and
will not determine a controversy involving a question which is orders of lower courts in all cases in which the
within the jurisdiction of the administrative tribunal prior to constitutionality or validity of any treaty,
the resolution of that question by the administrative tribunal, international or executive agreement, law,
where the question demands the exercise of sound presidential decree, proclamation, order, instruction,
administrative discretion requiring the special knowledge, ordinance, or regulation is in question.
experience and services of the administrative tribunal to
operator-lessee to vacate the service station and to turn over its
50. PEDRO GUERZON, petitioner, vs. CA, BUREAU OF possession to the oil company-lessor upon the expiration of
ENERGY UTILIZATION, F. C. CAASI JR., and the dealership and lease agreements
respondents HELD:
G.R. No. 77707 August 8, 1988
From a cursory reading of the assailed order, it is readily
Facts: apparent that the order is premised on petitioner's refusal to
vacate the service station in spite of the expiration and non-
Petitioner executed with Shell, a "Service Station Lease" renewal of his dealership and lease agreements with Shell.
contract for the use and operation of respondent SHELL's Nowhere in the order is it stated that petitioner had engaged in
properties, facilities and equipment for a period of 5 years. illegal trading in petroleum products or had committed any
Petitioner likewise executed with the same Corporation a other violation of B.P. Blg. 33. The order merely makes a
"Dealer's Sales Contract" for the sale by petitioner of vague reference to a "violation of BEU laws, rules and
respondent SHELL's petroleum and other products in the regulations," without stating the specific provision violated.
leased service station. Respondent Bureau of Energy That petitioner had engaged in illegal trading in petroleum
Utilization approved the Dealer's Sales Contract pursuant to products cannot even be implied from the wording of the
which petitioner was appointed dealer of SHELL's gasoline assailed order.
and other petroleum products which he was to sell at a
gasoline station. Respondent BEU issued a certificate of But then, even if petitioner was indeed engaged in illegal
authority in petitioner's favor, which had a 5-year period of trading in petroleum products, there was no basis under B.P.
validity, in line with the terms of the contract. Blg. 33 to order him to vacate the service station and to turn it
over to Shell. Illegal trading in petroleum products is a
The Service Station Lease Contract provides that the criminal act wherein the injured party is the State. Shell is not
cancellation or termination of the Dealer's Sales Contract shall even alleged by the Solicitor General as a private party
automatically cancel this Lease. prejudiced and, therefore, it can claim no relief if a criminal
case is instituted.
Respondent SHELL informed petitioner that the Company was
not renewing the Dealer's Sales Contract together with the Even on the assumption that petitioner's continued occupancy
service station lease and reminding him to take appropriate and operation of the service station constituted a violation of a
steps to wind up his business activities at the station and, on law or regulation, still the Court has no recourse but to rule
the appropriate date to hand over the station with all its against the legality of the order, the BEU not being
facilities and equipment. A copy of this letter was furnished empowered to issue it. Section 7 of PD 1206 is very clear as to
BEU. the courses of action that the Bureau may take in case of a
violation or non- compliance with any term or condition of
BEU, through Caasi, Jr., officer- in-charge of its Mindanao any certificate, license or permit issued by the Bureau or any
Division Office, issued an order directing the petitioner to of its orders, decisions, rules or regulations. The Bureau may:
1)immediately vacate the service station and turn it over to (1) impose a fine not exceeding P1,000.00; and (2) in case of
Shell; and 2) show cause, within ten (10) days from failure to pay the fine imposed or to cease and discontinue the
receipt, why no administrative and/or criminal proceedings violation or non-compliance, order the suspension, closure or
shall be instituted against him. stoppage of operations of the establishment of the guilty party.
Its authority is limited to these 2 options.
Pursuant to the order, SHELL, accompanied by law
enforcement officers, was able to secure possession of the Jurisdiction to order a lessee to vacate the leased premises is
gasoline station in question together with the equipments and vested in the civil courts in an appropriate case for unlawful
accessories, and turned them over to the control of the detainer or accion publiciana. There is nothing in PD 1206 that
personnel of SHELL who accompanied them. would suggest that the same or similar jurisdiction has been
granted to the Bureau. It is a fundamental rule that an
Petitioner filed with the RTC a complaint to annul the order of administrative agency has only such powers as are expressly
respondent Caasi, Jr., but this complaint was dismissed for granted to it by law and those that are necessarily implied in
lack of jurisdiction to annul the order of a quasi-judicial body the exercise thereof. That issuing the order to vacate was the
of equivalent category as the RTC. most effective way of stopping any illegal trading in petroleum
products is no excuse for a deviation from this rule. Otherwise,
Thus, petitioner filed in the CA a petition for certiorari with a adherence to the rule of law would be rendered meaningless.
prayer for preliminary mandatory injunction against Shell ,
Caasi, Jr. and the BEU seeking the annulment of the order and Contrary to the Solicitor General's theory, the text of the
the restoration to petitioner of possession of the service station assailed order leaves no room for doubt that it was issued in
and the equipment removed therefrom. The CA dismissed the connection with an adjudication of the contractual dispute
petition after holding the disputed order valid and the between Shell and petitioner. But then the Bureau, like its
proceedings undertaken to implement the same sanctioned by predecessor, the defunct Oil Industry Commission, has no
PD 1206. power to decide contractual disputes between gasoline dealers
and oil companies, in the absence of an express provision of
ISSUE: WON the Bureau of Energy Utilization, the agency law granting to it such power. As explicitly stated in the law, in
charged with regulating the operations and trade practices of connection with the exercise of quasi-judicial powers, the
the petroleum industry, has the power to order a service station Bureau's jurisdiction is limited to cases involving violation or
non-compliance with any term or condition of any certificate, Section 3 of Presidential Decree No. 957, known as "The
license or permit issued by it or of any of its orders, decisions, Subdivision and Condominium Buyers' Decree", states that
rules or regulations. National Housing Authority. The National Housing
Authority shall have exclusive jurisdiction to regulate the real
Viewed from any angle, Caasi, Jr., in issuing the assailed estate trade and business in accordance with the provisions of
order, acted beyond his authority and overstepped the powers this decree. Presidential Decree No. 1344, clarified and spelled
granted by PD 1206, as amended. The order was, therefore, out the quasi-judicial dimensions of the grant of regulatory
null and void. authority to the NHA in the following manner:

Even if the issuance of the order to vacate was within the SECTION 1. In the exercise of its functions to regulate the
authority of Caasi, Jr., still its nullity is apparent because of the real estate trade and business and in addition to its powers
failure to comply with the requirement of notice and hearing. provided for in Presidential Decree No. 957, the National
P.D. 1206 requires notice and hearing before any Housing Authority shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear
administrative penalty provided may be imposed. and decide cases of the following nature:
A. Unsound real estate business practices;
B. Claims involving refund and any other claims filed by sub-
51. Antipolo Realty Corp. v. National Housing Authority division lot or condominium unit buyer against the project
G.R. No. L-50444, [August 31, 1987], 237 PHIL 389-403 owner, developer, dealer, broker or salesman; and
C. Cases involving specific performance of contractual and
FACTS: statutory obligations filed by buyers of subdivision lots or
Jose Hernando acquired ownership over Lot. No. 15, Block condominium units against the owner, developer, dealer,
IV of the Ponderosa Heights Subdivision from the petitioner broker or salesman.
Antipolo Realty Corporation. On 28 August 1974, Mr.
Hernando transferred his rights over Lot No. 15 to private The need for and therefore the scope of the regulatory
respondent Virgilio Yuson. However, for failure of Antipolo authority thus lodged in the NHA are indicated in the second
Realty to develop the subdivision project, Mr. Yuson paid only and third preambular paragraphs of the statute. There is no
the arrearages pertaining to the period up to, and including, the question that under Presidential Decree No. 957, the NHA was
month of August 1972 and stopped all monthly installment legally empowered to determine and protect the rights of
payments falling due thereafter. On October 14 1976, the contracting parties under the law administered by it and under
president of Antipolo Realty sent a notice to private the respective agreements, as well as to ensure that their
respondent Yuson advising that the required improvements in obligations thereunder are faithfully performed.
the subdivision had already been completed, and requesting
resumption of payment of the monthly installments on Lot No.
15. Mr. Yuson refused to pay the September 1972-October
1976 monthly installments but agreed to pay the post October
1976 installments. Antipolo Realty responded by rescinding
the Contract to Sell, and claiming the forfeiture of all
installment payments previously made by Mr. Yuson. Mr.
Yuson brought his dispute with Antipolo Realty before public
respondent NHA. After hearing, the NHA rendered a decision
on 9 March 1978 ordering the reinstatement of the Contract to
Sell. Antipolo Realty filed a Motion for Reconsideration
asserting that the jurisdiction to hear and decide Mr. Yuson's
complaint was lodged in the regular courts, not in the NHA.
The motion for reconsideration was denied by respondent
NHA, which sustained its jurisdiction to hear and decide the
Yuson complaint. Hence, this petition.

WON NHA has jurisdiction over the present controversy.

NHA was upheld by the SC. It is by now common place
learning that many administrative agencies exercise and
perform adjudicatory powers and functions, though to a
limited extent only. Limited delegation of judicial or quasi-
judicial authority to administrative agencies (e.g., the
Securities and Exchange Commission and the National Labor
Relations Commission) is well recognized in our jurisdiction,
basically because the need for special competence and
experience has been recognized as essential in the resolution
of questions of complex or specialized character and because
of a companion recognition that the dockets of our regular
courts have remained crowded and clogged. |||
terms twenty (20) days after its issuance, without respondent
court issuing any preliminary injunction.
Chapter 7: Administrative Proceedings
Petitioner filed a "Motion to Dismiss Petition and to
52. Bantolino vs Coca Cola Bottlers Phils Inc. Lift Restraining Order" on the ground that respondent court
has no appellate jurisdiction over BOI Case No. 92-005, the
GR 153660 June 10, 2003
same being exclusively vested with the Supreme Court
pursuant to Article 82 of the Omnibus Investments Code of
Facts: 62 employees of respondent Coca-Cola Bottlers Inc.
1987. However, the same was denied, hence, this instant
filed a complaint against the latter for unfair labor practice
petition for certiorari and prohibition.
through illegal dismissal,violation of security of tenure and
the perpetuation of the Cabo System. They alleged that ISSUE: Whether or not the Court of Appeals has jurisdiction
they perform duties such as helpers, bottle segregators, over the case.
and others and that they were employees of the respondent
company to which they were replaced and prevented from HELD: Yes. The Supreme Court, pursuant to its
entering. The respondent company on its part, alleged that Constitutional power under Section 5(5), Article VIII of the
they were not their employees and were merely employees 1987 Constitution to promulgate rules concerning pleading,
of independent contractors, thus no employer-employee practice and procedure in all courts, and by way of
relationship existed. The respondent company further implementation of B.P. 129, issued Circular 1-91 prescribing
alleged that some affidavits of the respondents should not the rules governing appeals to the Court of Appeals from final
have been given probative value for their failure to affirm orders or decisions of the Court of Tax Appeals and quasi-
the contents thereof and to undergo cross-examination. judicial agencies to eliminate unnecessary contradictions and
Labor Arbiter to which the NLRC affirmed, ruled in favor confusing rules of procedure.
of the employees. But upon appeal to the CA, modify such
order wherein it dropped some respondent due to the fact
that some of their affidavits did not undergo any cross- The argument that Article 82 of E.O. 226 cannot be
examination. Now, the respondent filed a petition for the validly repealed by Circular 1-91 because the former grants a
reversal of the judgment of the CA. substantive right which, under the Constitution cannot be
modified, diminished or increased by this Court in the exercise
Issue: Are the LA or NLRC bound to the technicalities of of its rule-making powers is not entirely defensible as it
law? seems. Respondent correctly argued that Article 82 of E.O.
226 grants the right of appeal from decisions or final orders of
Held: the BOI and in granting such right, it also provided where and
in what manner such appeal can be brought. These latter
No. The Supreme Court ruled that administrative bodies portions simply deal with procedural aspects which this Court
like the NLRC are not bound by the technical niceties of has the power to regulate by virtue of its constitutional rule-
law and procedure and the rules obtaining in courts of law. making powers.
Indeed, the Revised Rules of Court and prevailing
jurisprudence may be given only stringent application, i.e., Indeed, the question of where and in what manner
by analogy or in a suppletory character and effect. Under appeals from decisions of the BOI should be brought pertains
the Rules of the Commission, the Labor Arbiter is given only to procedure or the method of enforcing the substantive
the discretion to determine the necessity of a formal trial right to appeal granted by E.O. 226. In other words, the right
or hearing. Hence, trial-type hearings are not even to appeal from decisions or final orders of the BOI under E.O.
required as the cases may be decided based on verified 226 remains and continues to be respected. Circular 1- 91
position papers, with supporting documents and their simply transferred the venue of appeals from decisions of this
affidavits. agency to respondent Court of Appeals and provided a
different period of appeal, i.e., fifteen (15) days from notice. It
did not make an incursion into the substantive right to appeal.
COURT OF APPEALS The fact that BOI is not expressly included in the list
G.R. No. 110571. March 10, 1994 of quasi-judicial agencies found in the third sentence of
FACTS: The Board of Investments (BOI), in its decision in Section 1 of Circular 1-91 does not mean that said circular
BOI Case No. 92-005 granted petitioner First Lepanto does not apply to appeals from final orders or decision of the
Ceramics, Inc.'s application to amend its BOI certificate of BOI. The second sentence of Section 1 thereof expressly states
registration by changing the scope of its registered product that "(T)hey shall also apply to appeal from final orders or
from "glazed floor tiles" to "ceramic tiles." Eventually, decisions of any quasi-judicial agency from which an appeal is
oppositor Mariwasa filed a motion for reconsideration of the now allowed by statute to the Court of Appeals or the Supreme
said BOI decision. Soon rebuffed in its bid for reconsideration, Court." E.O. 266 is one such statute. Besides, the enumeration
Mariwasa filed a petition for review with respondent Court of is preceded by the words "(A)mong these agencies are . . .,"
Appeals pursuant to Circular 1-91. strongly implying that there are other quasi-judicial agencies
which are covered by the Circular but which have not been
Acting on the petition, respondent court required the expressly listed therein. More importantly, BOI does not fall
BOI and petitioner to comment on Mariwasa's petition and to within the purview of the exclusions listed in Section 2 of the
show cause why no injunction should issue. The respondent circular. Only the following final decisions and interlocutory
court temporarily restrained the BOI from implementing its orders are expressly excluded from the circular, namely, those
decision. This temporary restraining order lapsed by its own of: (1) the National Labor Relations Commission; (2) the
Secretary of Labor and Employment; (3) the Central Board of desist order issued against her for her failure to show
Assessment Appeals and (4) other quasi-judicial agencies from proof of locational clearance
which no appeal to the courts is prescribed or allowed by If she thought the affair had thus been satisfactorily
statute. Since in DBP v. CA we upheld the appellate ended, she was sadly in error, of which she was very
jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals over the Court of Tax shortly made aware. On July 27, 1982, she received
Appeals despite the fact that the same is not among the an Order of Commissioner Dizon dated June 29,
agencies reorganized by B.P. 129, on the ground that B.P. 129 1982 imposing on her a fine of P10,000.00 and
is broad and comprehensive, there is no reason why BOI requiring her to cease operations until further orders
should be excluded from Circular 1-91, which is but from his office
implementary of said law. The petitioner filed for a motion for reconsideration
but it was denied. Her appeals to the Commission,
Clearly, Circular 1-91 effectively repealed or and subsequently to the Office of the President, were
superseded Article 82 of E.O. 226 insofar as the manner and likewise denied. It must be stressed that neither the
method of enforcing the right to appeal from decisions of the respondent nor the Commission ever made known the
BOI are concerned. Appeals from decisions of the BOI, which complaint ledged by the respondent to the petitioner
by statute was previously allowed to be filed directly with the until much later, after the Commissioner has rendered
Supreme Court, should now be brought to the Court of several adverse rulings against her.
Appeals. ISSUE:
Was the petitioner denied of due process against which
54. Villa vs Lazaro
the defense of failure of AV to take timely appeal will not
G.R. No. 69871 August 24, 1990 avail?
Facts: HELD:
Anita Villa was granted a building permit to construct All of the foregoing translate to a denial of due
a funeral parlor at Santiago Boulevard in Gen. Santos process against which the defense of failure to take
City. timely appeal will not avail. Administrative
In October of that same year, as the funeral parlor
proceedings are not exempt from the operation of
was nearing completion, a suit for injunction was certain basic and fundamental procedural principles,
brought against Villa by Dr. Jesus Veneracion, the such as the due process requirements in
owner of St. Elizabeth Hospital, standing about investigations and trials. And this administrative
132.36 meters from the funeral parlor. process is recognized to include: (a0 the right to
After appropriate proceedings and trial, judgment on
notice, be it actual or constructive, of the institution
the merits was rendered on November 17, 1981, of the proceedings that may affect a persons legal
dismissing Veneracion's complaint as well as the right; (b) reasonable opportunity to appear and
counterclaim pleaded by Villa. The Trial Court found defend his rights, introduce witnesses and relevant
that there was a falsified Zoning Ordinance, evidence in his favor; (c) a tribunal so constituted as
containing a provision governing funeral parlors, to give him reasonable assurance of honesty and
which had been submitted to and ratified by the impartiality, and one of competent jurisdiction; and
Ministry of Human Settlements, but that ordinance (d) a finding or decision by that tribunal supported by
had never been passed by the Sangguniang substantial evidence presented at the hearing, or at
Panlungsod and that the genuine Zoning Ordinance least contained in the records or disclosed to the
of General Santos City contained no prohibition parties affected. And it being clear that some, at least,
whatever relative to such parlors' "distance from of those essential elements did not obtain or were not
hospitals, whether public or private". Villa then present in the proceedings complained of, any
resumed construction of her building and completed judgment rendered, or order issued, therein was null
it. and void, could never become final and could be
Veneracion did not appeal from this adverse
attacked in any appropriate proceeding.
judgment which therefore became final. Instead, he Also, an earlier judgment on the merits by a
brought the matter up with the Human Settlements competent court cannot be negated by a result of
Regulatory Commission. He lodged a complaint with administrative proceedings. What the record shows is
that commission praying "that the funeral parlor be that the petitioner responded promptly to orders and
relocated because it was near the St. Elizabeth communications sent to her. At any rate, this court
Hospital and Villa failed to secure the necessary will not permit the result of an administrative
locational clearance" proceeding riddled with serious defects already
Two months after the rendition of the judgment
pointed out to negate an earlier judgment on the
against Veneracion, or more precisely on January 22, merits on the same matter regularly rendered by
1982, Villa received a telegram dated January 21 competent court.
from Commissioner Raymundo R. Dizon of the
Human Settlements Regulatory Commission 55. Ute Paterok v Bureau of Customs
No doubt with no little discomfiture Villa received on
193 SCRA 132 (1991)
June 2, 1982 a "Show Cause" Order dated April
28,1982, signed by one Ernesto L. Mendiola in behalf
of the Commission, requiring her to show cause why FACTS:
a fine should not be imposed on her or a cease-and-
In March 1986, petitioner shipped from Germany to the with oppression and harassment, for removing Jeanette as
Philippines two containers, one with used household goods Regional Cashier without just cause.
and the other two used automobiles (one Bourgetti and one
Mercedes Benz). The first container and the Bourgetti car Upon referral to the DOJ of the affidavit-complaints,
were released by the BOC, but not the Mercedes Benz, which a committee was created to investigate petitioner, appointing
remained in custody of the Bureau. Regional State Prosecutor Exevea as committee chairman.
Committee hearings on the complaints were
Petitioner then received a notice of hearing, informing him conducted, but Lumiqued was not assisted by counsel. On the
that seizure proceedings were being initiated against the said second hearing date, he moved for its resetting, to enable him
Mercedes Benz. While this case was pending, petitioner to employ the services of counsel. The committee granted the
received a letter from the District Collector of Customs, motion, but neither Lumiqued nor his counsel appeared on the
informing her that a decision ordering the forfeiture of her date he himself had chosen, so the committee deemed the case
Mercedes Benz had been rendered. submitted for resolution.
Petitioner did not know that the same Mercedes Benz was Lumiqued filed an urgent motion for additional
subject to two different forfeiture proceedings. He only found hearing, alleging that he suffered a stroke. The motion was
out later that the Notice of Hearing for the forfeiture forwarded to the Office of the State Prosecutor apparently
proceedings before the District Collector was posted on the because the investigation had already been terminated. In an
bulletin board of the BOC, at Port Area, Manila. order, the State Prosecutor denied the motion, since he did not
notify the committee of his confinement and inability to
ISSUE: attend. The Committee rendered a report finding Lumiqued
liable for all the charges against him, and ordered his removal
Whether or not the posting on the bulletin board of from office. President Ramos issued the Administrative Order
the public respondent was sufficient compliance with finding Lumiqued administratively liable for dishonesty in the
proper service of notice and procedural due process alteration of fifteen gasoline receipts, and dismissing him from
Whether or not seizure and forfeiture was proper in the service, with forfeiture of his retirement and other benefits.
the instant case
A petition for appeal was addressed to President
HELD: Ramos praying for reconsideration of the order, premised on
the fact that Dwight Lumiqued, a former driver of the DAR-
The Court held that there was no sufficient compliance with CAR, confessed to having authored the falsification of
requirement of notice and hearing under the due process gasoline receipts and attested to petitioner being an honest
clause. But notwithstanding the procedural infirmity, the Court man. This was denied. Petitioner filed another motion for
ruled that the petition cannot be granted. reconsideration, but during such pendency, he died. Hence, a
petition for certiorari and mandamus was filed praying for the
The seizure and forfeiture proceedings was based on a reversal of the order praying for retirement benefits and
violation of B.P. 73, specifically a law that promotes energy backwages to the heirs, by reason of the investigating
conservation and prohibits the importation, manufacture or committees failure to inform Lumiqued of his right to counsel
assembling of gasoline-powered passenger motor cars with during the hearing. They maintain that his right to counsel
engine displacement of over 2,800 cubic centimeters. could not be waived unless the waiver was in writing and in
the presence of counsel. They assert that the committee should
The Mercedes Benz subject of this case has an engine have suspended the hearing and granted Lumiqued a
displacement of over 2,800 cubic centimeters, which clearly reasonable time within which to secure a counsel of his own.
falls within the prohibited importation and as such, is liable for If suspension was not possible, the committee should have
seizure and forfeiture by the public respondents. appointed a counsel de oficio to assist him.

56. Lumiqued v Exevea

G.R. No. 117565; November 18, 1997 Issue:
Facts: Does the due process clause encompass the right to
Arsenio P. Lumiqued was the Regional Director of be assisted by counsel during an administrative inquiry?
the Department of Agrarian Reform for Cordillera
Autonomous Region until President Ramos dismissed him
from that position. In view of Lumiqueds death, his heirs Ruling:
instituted this petition for certiorari and mandamus, No. The right to counsel, which cannot be waived
questioning such order. unless the waiver is in writing and in the presence of counsel,
is a right afforded a suspect or an accused during custodial
The dismissal was by reason of 3 affidavit-complaints investigation. It is not an absolute right and may, thus, be
filed by the Regional Cashier and private respondent Jeanette invoked or rejected in a criminal proceeding and, with more
Obar-Zamudio with the Board of Discipline of the DAR. The reason, in an administrative inquiry. In the case at bar,
first complaint charged petitioner with malversation through petitioners invoke the right of an accused in criminal
falsification official documents through falsified gasoline proceedings to have competent and independent counsel of his
receipts. The second complaint accused petitioner with own choice. Lumiqued, however, was not accused of any
violation of COA rules and regulations for concealing crime in the proceedings below. The investigation conducted
unliquidated cash advances. The last complaint charged him by the committee created by Department Order No. 145 was
for the purpose of determining if he could be held due process could rightfully be invoked. Nonetheless, the right
administratively liable under the law for the complaints filed to security of tenure is not absolute. Of equal weight is the
against him. countervailing mandate of the Constitution that all public
officers and employees must serve with responsibility,
While investigations conducted by an integrity, loyalty and efficiency. In this case, it has been clearly
administrative body may at times be akin to a criminal shown that Lumiqued did not live up to this constitutional
proceeding, the fact remains that under existing laws, a party precept.
in an administrative inquiry may or may not be assisted by
counsel, irrespective of the nature of the charges and of the The committees findings pinning culpability for the
respondents capacity to represent himself, and no duty rests charges of dishonesty and grave misconduct upon Lumiqued
on such a body to furnish the person being investigated with were not, as shown above, fraught with procedural mischief.
counsel. In an administrative proceeding such as the one that Its conclusions were founded on the evidence presented and
transpired below, a respondent (such as Lumiqued) has the evaluated as facts. Well-settled in our jurisdiction is the
option of engaging the services of counsel or not. This is clear doctrine that findings of fact of administrative agencies must
from the provisions of Section 32, Article VII of Republic Act be respected as long as they are supported by substantial
No. 2260 (Civil Service Act) and Section 39, paragraph 2, evidence, even if such evidence is not overwhelming or
Rule XIV (on Discipline) of the Omnibus Rules Implementing preponderant. The quantum of proof necessary for a finding of
Book V of Executive Order No. 202 (Administrative Code of guilt in administrative cases is only substantial evidence or
1987). Excerpts from the transcript of stenographic notes of such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept as
the hearings attended by Lumiqued clearly show that he was adequate to support a conclusion.
confident of his capacity and so opted to represent himself.
Thus, the right to counsel is not imperative in administrative 57. CASIMIRO vs. TANDOG
investigations because such inquiries are conducted merely to Gr 146137 June 8, 2005
determine whether there are facts that merit disciplinary Facts:
measures against erring public officers and employees, with
the purpose of maintaining the dignity of government service. Petitioner Haydee began her service in the government as
assessment clerk in the Office of the Treasurer. Later, she was
The right to counsel is not indispensable to due appointed Municipal Assessor.
process unless required by the Constitution or the law. In Nera
v. Auditor General, the Court said: x x x There is nothing in Administrative Officer II Andres, submitted a report based on
the Constitution that says that a party in a non-criminal an investigation he conducted into alleged irregularities in the
proceeding is entitled to be represented by counsel and that, office of petitioner. The report spoke of an anomalous
without such representation, he shall not be bound by such cancellation of Tax Declarations in the name of Teodulo
proceedings. The assistance of lawyers, while desirable, is not Matillano and the issuance of a new one in the name of
indispensable. The legal profession was not engrafted in the petitioners brother Ulysses Cawaling and Tax Declarations in
due process clause such that without the participation of its the name of Antipas San Sebastian and the issuance of new
members, the safeguard is deemed ignored or violated. The ones in favor of petitioners brother-in-law Marcelo Molina.
ordinary citizen is not that helpless that he cannot validly act
at all except only with a lawyer at his side. Respondent Mayor issued a Memorandum Order placing
petitioner under preventive suspension for thirty 30 days. 3
In administrative proceedings, the essence of due days later, Mayor Tandog issued a MO directing petitioner to
process is simply the opportunity to explain ones side. One answer the charge of irregularities in her office. In her answer,
may be heard, not solely by verbal presentation but also, and petitioner denied the alleged irregularities claiming that the
perhaps even much more creditably as it is more practicable cancellation of the tax declaration in favor of her brother was
than oral arguments, through pleadings. An actual hearing is done prior to her assumption to office as municipal assessor,
not always an indispensable aspect of due process. As long as and that she issued new tax declarations in favor of her
a party was given the opportunity to defend his interests in due brother-in-law by virtue of a deed of sale executed by San
course, he cannot be said to have been denied due process of Sebastian in Molina's favor.
law, for this opportunity to be heard is the very essence of due
process. Moreover, this constitutional mandate is deemed A Memorandum Order was issued by respondent Mayor
satisfied if a person is granted an opportunity to seek directing petitioner to answer in writing the affidavit-
reconsideration of the action or ruling complained of. complaint of San Sebastian and Matillano. In response,
Lumiqueds appeal and his subsequent filing of motions for petitioner submitted a letter stating that with respect to the
reconsideration cured whatever irregularity attended the complaint of San Sebastian, she had already explained her side
proceedings conducted by the committee. in another letter. As to the complaint of Matillano, she alleged
that it was a certain Barrientos who executed a deed of
The constitutional provision on due process
absolute sale over the parcel of land subject of the complaint
safeguards life, liberty and property. In the early case of
in favor of her brother.
Cornejo v. Gabriel and Provincial Board of Rizal the Court
held that a public office is not property within the sense of the
Not satisfied, respondent Mayor created a fact-finding
constitutional guarantee of due process of law for it is a public
committee to investigate the matter. After a series of hearings,
trust or agency. This jurisprudential pronouncement has been
the committee submitted its report recommending petitioners
enshrined in the 1987 Constitution under Article XI, Section 1.
separation from service.
When the dispute concerns ones constitutional right
to security of tenure, however, public office is deemed
analogous to property in a limited sense; hence, the right to
Based on the above recommendation, respondent Mayor presented for cross examination. In administrative
issued an Administrative Order dismissing petitioner. proceedings, technical rules of procedure and evidence are not
Petitioner appealed to the CSC, which affirmed the order of strictly applied; administrative due process cannot be fully
dismissal. Dissatisfied, petitioner elevated her case to the CA, equated to due process in its strict judicial sense.
which subsequently affirmed the CSC decision
Nothing on record shows that she asked for cross examination.
ISSUE: WON petitioner was afforded procedural and In our view, petitioner cannot argue that she has been deprived
substantive due process when she was terminated from her of due process merely because no cross examination took
employment as Municipal Assessor place. Again, it is well to note that due process is satisfied
when the parties are afforded fair and reasonable opportunity
HELD: to explain their side of the controversy or given opportunity to
move for a reconsideration of the action or ruling complained
The essence of procedural due process is embodied in the of. In the present case, the record clearly shows that petitioner
basic requirement of notice and a real opportunity to be heard. not only filed her letter-answer, she also filed a motion for
In administrative proceedings, such as in the case at bar, reconsideration of the recommendation of the committee. The
procedural due process simply means the opportunity to essence of due process in the administrative proceedings is an
explain ones side or the opportunity to seek a reconsideration opportunity to explain one side or an opportunity to seek
of the action or ruling complained of. To be heard does not reconsideration of the action or ruling complained of.
mean only verbal arguments in court; one may be heard also
thru pleadings. Where opportunity to be heard, either through As to the substantive due process, the assailed decision must
oral arguments or pleadings, is accorded, there is no denial of be supported by competent and credible evidence.
procedural due process.
The law requires that the quantum of proof necessary for a
In administrative proceedings, procedural due process has finding of guilt in administrative cases is substantial evidence
been recognized to include the following: (1) the right to or such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind may accept as
actual or constructive notice of the institution of proceedings adequate to support a conclusion.
which may affect a respondents legal rights; (2) a real
opportunity to be heard personally or with the assistance of Well-entrenched is the rule that substantial proof, and not clear
counsel, to present witnesses and evidence in ones favor, and and convincing evidence or proof beyond reasonable doubt, is
to defend ones rights; (3) a tribunal vested with competent sufficient basis for the imposition of any disciplinary action
jurisdiction and so constituted as to afford a person charged upon an employee. The standard of substantial evidence is
administratively a reasonable guarantee of honesty as well as satisfied where the employer has reasonable ground to believe
impartiality; and (4) a finding by said tribunal which is that the employee is responsible for the misconduct and his
supported by substantial evidence submitted for consideration participation therein renders him unworthy of trust and
during the hearing or contained in the records or made known confidence demanded by his position.
to the parties affected.
In the case at bar, there is substantial evidence to prove
In the case at bar, what appears in the record is that a hearing petitioners dismissal.
was conducted which petitioner attended and where she
answered questions propounded by the members of the fact- Two alleged irregularities provided the dismissal from service
finding committee. Records further show that the petitioner of herein petitioner:
was accorded every opportunity to present her side. She filed
her answer to the formal charge against her. After a careful 1. The cancellation of complainant Teodulo Matillanos tax
evaluation of evidence adduced, the committee rendered a declaration and the issuance of a new one in favor of
decision, which was affirmed by the CSC and the CA. Indeed, petitioners brother Ulysses Cawaling; and
she has even brought the matter to this Court for final
adjudication. 2. The cancellation of the tax declaration in the name of
complainant Noraida San Sebastian Cesars parent in favor of
Kinship alone does not establish bias and partiality. Bias and petitioners brother-in-law, Marcelo Molina.
partiality cannot be presumed. In administrative proceedings,
no less than substantial proof is required. Mere allegation is IN ALL, we affirm the finding of the CA that petitioner is
not equivalent to proof. Mere suspicion of partiality is not guilty of acts of dishonesty.
enough. There should be hard evidence to prove it, as well as
manifest showing of bias and partiality stemming from an
extrajudicial source or some other basis. Thus, in the case at 58. Lozano vs De los Santos
bar, there must be convincing proof to show that the members G.R. No. 125221 June 19, 1997
of the fact-finding committee unjustifiably leaned in favor of
one party over the other. In addition to palpable error that may FACTS:
be inferred from the decision itself, extrinsic evidence is In August 1995, upon the request of the Sangguniang Bayan of
required to establish bias. The petitioner miserably failed to Mabalacat, Pampanga, petitioner Reynaldo M. Lozano and
substantiate her allegations. In effect, the presumption of private respondent Antonio Anda agreed to consolidate their
regularity in the performance of duty prevails. respective associations and form the Unified Mabalacat-
Angeles Jeepney Operators' and Drivers Association, Inc.
Neither are we persuaded by petitioners argument that the Elections were held on October 29, 1995 and both petitioner
affidavit is hearsay because the complainants were never and private respondent ran for president. When petitioner won,
private respondent protested and alleging fraud, refused to Corporation by estoppel is founded on principles of equity and
recognize the results of the election. Private respondent also is designed to prevent injustice and unfairness. It applies when
refused to abide by their agreement and continued collecting persons assume to form a corporation and exercise corporate
the dues from the members of his association despite several functions and enter into business relations with third person.
demands to desist. Petitioner was thus constrained to file the Where there is no third person involved and the conflict arises
complaint before Municipal Circuit Trial Court, Mabalacat and only among those assuming the form of a corporation, who
Magalang, Pampanga to restrain private respondent from therefore know that it has not been registered, there is no
collecting the dues and to order him to pay damages. Private corporation by estoppel.
respondent moved to dismiss the complaint for lack of
jurisdiction, claiming that jurisdiction was lodged with the 59. Globe Telecom vs NTC
SEC. The MCTC denied the motion. It likewise denied the
motion for reconsideration. Private respondent filed a petition GR. 143964 July 26, 2004
for certiorari before the RTC, Branch 58, Angeles City. The
trial court found the dispute to be intracorporate, hence, Facts:
subject to the jurisdiction of the SEC, and ordered the MCTC
to dismiss the Civil Case accordingly. It denied Globe and private respondent Smart Communications, Inc.
reconsideration, hence this petition. Private respondent raised ("Smart") are both grantees of valid and subsisting legislative
the defense of corporation by estoppel thus within SEC franchises, authorizing them, among others, to operate a
jurisdiction. Cellular Mobile Telephone System ("CMTS"), utilizing the
Global System for Mobile Communication ("GSM")
ISSUE: technology. On 4 June 1999, Smart filed a Complaint with
Whether or not there exists an intracorporate or partnership NTC to interconnect Smart's and Globe's GSM networks,
relation between petitioner and private respondent. particularly their respective SMS or texting services. The
Complaint arose from the inability of the two leading CMTS
HELD: providers to effect interconnection. Smart alleged that Globe,
The grant of jurisdiction to the SEC must be viewed in the with evident bad faith and malice, refused to grant Smart's
light of its nature and function under the law. This jurisdiction request for the interconnection of SMS. NTC rendered its
is determined by a concurrence of two elements: (1) the status decision and also declared that both Smart and Globe have
or relationship of the parties; and (2) the nature of the question been providing SMS without authority from it, in violation of
that is the subject of their controversy. There is no Section 420 (f) of MC No. 8-9-95 which requires PTEs
intracorporate nor partnership relation between petitioner and intending to provide value-added services (VAS) to secure
private respondent. The controversy between them arose out of prior approval from NTC through an administrative process.
their plan to consolidate their respective jeepney drivers' and
operators' associations into a single common association. This
unified association was, however, still a proposal. It had not
been approved by the SEC, neither had its officers and Globe filed with the Court of Appeals a Petition for Certiorari
members submitted their articles of consolidation is and Prohibition to nullify and set aside the Order and to
accordance with Sections 78 and 79 of the Corporation Code. prohibit NTC from taking any further action in the case. It
Consolidation becomes effective not upon mere agreement of reiterated its previous arguments that the complaint should
the members but only upon issuance of the certificate of have been dismissed for failure to comply with conditions
consolidation by the SEC. When the SEC, upon processing precedent and the non-forum shopping rule. It also claimed
and examining the articles of consolidation, is satisfied that the that NTC acted without jurisdiction in declaring that it had no
consolidation of the corporations is not inconsistent with the authority to render SMS, pointing out that the matter was not
provisions of the Corporation Code and existing laws, it issues raised as an issue before it at all. Finally, Globe alleged that
a certificate of consolidation which makes the reorganization the Order is a patent nullity as it imposed an administrative
official. The new consolidated corporation comes into penalty for an offense for which neither it nor Smart was
existence and the constituent corporations dissolve and cease sufficiently charged nor heard on in violation of their right to
to exist. due process. After the Court of Appeals denied the Motion for
Partial Reconsideration, Globe elevated the controversy to the
The KAMAJDA and SAMAJODA to which petitioner and Supreme Court.
private respondent belong are duly registered with the SEC,
but these associations are two separate entities. The dispute Issues: WON NTC acted with due process in levying the fine
between petitioner and private respondent is not within the against Globe
KAMAJDA nor the SAMAJODA. It is between members of
separate and distinct associations. Petitioner and private Held: No. The Supreme Court held that Every party subject to
respondent have no intracorporate relation much less do they administrative regulation deserves an opportunity to know,
have an intracorporate dispute. The SEC therefore has no through reasonable regulations promulgated by the agency, of
jurisdiction over the complaint. the objective standards that have to be met. Such rule is
integral to due process, as it protects substantive rights. T
The doctrine of corporation by estoppel advanced by private he NTC likewise transgressed due process in many ways. It is
respondent cannot override jurisdictional requirements. essential to understand that the assailed Order was
Jurisdiction is fixed by law and is not subject to the agreement promulgated by NTC in the exercise of its quasi-judicial
of the parties. 17 It cannot be acquired through or waived, functions. the assailed NTC's determination and corresponding
enlarged or diminished by, any act or omission of the parties; penalty were rendered in the exercise of quasi-judicial
neither can it be conferred by the acquiescence of the court. functions. Therefore, all the requirements of due process
attendant to the exercise of quasi-judicial power apply to the
present case.

First. The NTC Order is not supported by substantial evidence.

Neither does it sufficiently explain the reasons for the
decision rendered.
- Our earlier discussion pertained to the lack of clear legal
basis for classifying SMS as VAS, owing to the failure of the
NTC to adopt clear rules and regulations to that effect. The
Court usually accords great respect to the technical findings of
administrative agencies in the fields of their expertise, even if
they are infelicitously worded. However, the above-quoted
"finding" is nothing more than bare assertions, unsupported by
substantial evidence. The Order reveals that no deep inquiry
was made as to the nature of SMS or what its provisioning
entails. In fact, the Court is unable to find how exactly does
SMS "fits into a nicety" with NTC M.C. No. 8-9-95, which
defines "enhanced services" as analogous to "format, media
conversion, encryption, enhanced security features, computer
processing, and the like."

Second. Globe and Smart were denied opportunity to present

evidence on the issues relating to the nature of VAS and the
prior approval.
-the assailed Order Globe and Smart were never informed of
the fact that their operation of SMS without prior authority
was at all an issue for consideration. As a result, neither Globe
or Smart was afforded an opportunity to present evidence in
their behalf on that point.

Third. The imposition of fine is void for violation of due

-The Court is convinced that prior to the promulgation of the
assailed Order Globe was never notified that its authority to
operate SMS was put in issue. There is an established
procedure within NTC that provides for the steps that should
be undertaken before an entity such as Globe could be
subjected to a disciplinary measure. In this case, NTC
blindsided Globe with a punitive measure for a reason Globe
was not made aware of, and in a manner that contravened
express provisions of law. Consequently, the fine imposed by
NTC on Globe is also invalid. Otherwise put, since the very
basis for the fine was invalidly laid, the fine is necessarily
competence. In Machete vs. Court of Appeals, the Court
Chapter 8: Judicial Review of Admin Bodies upheld the primary jurisdiction of the Department of Agrarian
Reform Adjudicatory Board (DARAB) in an agrarian dispute
60. VILLAFLOR vs. CA over the payment of back rentals under a leasehold contract. In
G.R. No. 95694. October 9, 1997 Concerned Officials of the Metropolitan Waterworks and
FACTS: Sewerage System vs. Vasquez, the Court recognized that the
Petitioner filed a sales application with the Bureau of MWSS was in the best position to evaluate and to decide
Lands covering a tract of public lands consisting of 140 which bid for a waterworks project was compatible with its
hectares. In paragraph 6 thereof, he recognized that the land is development plan.
of public domain. Petitioner then entered into a Deed of The rationale underlying the doctrine of primary
Relinquishment of Rights in favor of private respondent in jurisdiction finds application in this case, since the questions
consideration of P5,000. On the same day, private respondent on the identity of the land in dispute and the factual
filed a sales application over two parcels of land which was qualification of private respondent as an awardee of a sales
correspondingly awarded the following day. Petitioner application require a technical determination by the Bureau of
protested the sales application of private respondent claiming Lands as the administrative agency with the expertise to
ownership, and claiming that it has not paid the P5,000 determine such matters. Because these issues preclude prior
provided for in the deed. The Director of Lands, however, judicial determination, it behooves the courts to stand aside
found that petitioner was paid the stipulated amount, the same even when they apparently have statutory power to proceed, in
being part of the administrative process in the disposition of recognition of the primary jurisdiction of the administrative
the land in question, that his sales application was rejected for agency.
leasing the same to another even before he had acquired The primary jurisdiction of the director of lands and
transmissible rights thereto and that he recognized the public the minister of natural resources over the issues regarding the
character of the land in his application and relinquished any identity of the disputed land and the qualification of an
and all rights he may have by virtue of continuous occupation awardee of a sales patent is established by Sections 3 and 4 of
and cultivation thereon. The same was affirmed by the Commonwealth Act No. 141, also known as the Public Land
Minister of Natural Resources. Act.
Petitioner filed a complaint before the Regional Trial Reliance by the trial and the appellate courts on the
Court of Agusan del Norte and Butuan City for Declaration of factual findings of the Director of Lands and the Minister of
Nullity (Deed of Relinquishment of Rights), Recovery of Natural Resources is not misplaced. By reason of the special
Possession and Damages, at about the same time he appealed knowledge and expertise of said administrative agencies over
the decision of the Minister of Natural Resources at to the matters falling under their jurisdiction, they are in a better
Office of the President. The trial court dismissed the position to pass judgment thereon; thus, their findings of fact
complaint, which on appeal was affirmed by the Court of in that regard are generally accorded great respect, if not
Appeals Hence, this recourse, petitioner assailing the findings finality, by the courts.
of the Bureau of Lands and the capacity of corporations to The findings of fact of an administrative agency, such as the
acquire public lands. Bureau of Lands and the Minister of Natural Resources, must
ISSUE: be respected as long as they are supported by substantial
Did the Court of Appeals err in adopting or relying on evidence, even, if such evidence might not be overwhelming
the factual findings of the Bureau of Lands, especially those or even preponderant. By reason of the special knowledge and
affirmed by the Minister (now Secretary) of Natural Resources expertise of said administrative agencies over matters falling
and the trial court? under their jurisdiction, they are in a better position to pass
HELD: judgment thereon; thus, their findings of fact in that regard are
Underlying the rulings of the trial and appellate generally accorded great respect, if not finality, by the courts.
courts is the doctrine of primary jurisdiction; i.e., courts
cannot and will not resolve a controversy involving a question
which is within the jurisdiction of an administrative tribunal,
especially where the question demands the exercise of sound 61. Commissioner of Customs vs Navarro
administrative discretion requiring the special knowledge,
experience and services of the administrative tribunal to G.R. No. L-33146. May 31, 1977
determine technical and intricate matters of fact.
In recent years, it has been the jurisprudential trend to FACTS:
apply this doctrine to cases involving matters that demand the
special competence of administrative agencies even if the The stress, and rightly so, by the Commissioner of
question involved is also judicial in character. It applies Customs and the Collector of Customs in their
"where a claim is originally cognizable in the courts, and exhaustive and scholarly petition for certiorari was on
comes into play whenever enforcement of the claim requires the jurisdictional issue. It sought to nullify and set
the resolution of issues which, under a regulatory scheme, aside in order of respondent Judge Pedro C. Navarro
have been placed within the special competence of an issuing a writ of preliminary injunction as prayed for
administrative body; in such case, the judicial process is by private respondents Juanito S. Flores and Asiatic
suspended pending referral of such issues to the administrative Incorporated the importers of 1,350 cartons of fresh
body for its view." fruits, restraining petitioners from proceeding with
In cases where the doctrine of primary jurisdiction is the auction sale of such perishable goods. Classified
clearly applicable, the court cannot arrogate unto itself the as non-essential consumer commodities, they were
authority to resolve a controversy, the jurisdiction over which banned by Central Bank Circulars Nos. 289, 294 and
is initially lodged with an administrative body of special 295 as prohibited importation or importation contrary
to law and thus made subject to forfeiture warrant of seizure or detention had previously been
proceedings by petitioner Collector of Customs issued by the Collector of Customs in connection
pursuant to the relevant sections of the Tariff and with seizure and forfeiture proceedings.
Customs Code. In the present case, the Bureau of Customs actually
seized the goods in question on November 4, 1966,
Petitioners pointed out that seizure and forfeiture and so from that date the Bureau of Customs
proceedings, which, as held in a number of decisions, acquired jurisdiction over the goods for the purposes
was a matter falling within the exclusive competence of the enforcement of the tariff and customs laws, to
of the customs authorities. the exclusion of the regular courts. Much less then
SC required respondents to file an answer and at the would the CFI of Manila have jurisdiction over the
same time issuing a writ of preliminary injunction as goods in question after the Collector of Customs had
prayed for by petitioners to prevent the challenged issued the warrant of seizure and detention on
order of respondent Judge from being implemented. January 12, 1967. And so, it cannot be said, as
Instead of preparing an answer, they just submitted a respondents contend, that the issuance of said
manifestation stating that after an intensive and warrant was only an attempt to divest the respondent
serious study of the merit of the case, the respondents Judge of jurisdiction over the subject matter of the
have decided to abandon its interest in the case. The case. The court presided by respondent Judge did not
rationale behind such a move was ostensibly the acquire jurisdiction over the goods in question when
desire to avoid additional expenses, in view of the the petition for mandamus was filed before it, and so
fact that the shipments, being perishable, have there was no need of divesting it of jurisdiction. Not
already deteriorated. having acquired jurisdiction over the goods, it
follows that the Court of First Instance of Manila had
ISSUE: no jurisdiction to issue the questioned order of
March 7, 1967 releasing said goods.
Who has jurisdiction over the confiscated goods?

62. Centeno v Centeno
The Commission of Customs. 343 SCRA 153

Respondent is the owner of two (2) parcels of riceland with an

That such jurisdiction of the customs authorities is area of 1,200 sqm and 2,862 sqm situated at Cofradia, Sta.
exclusive was made clear in Pacis v. Averia. This Isabel, Malolos, Bulacan. The said parcels of land were the
Court, speaking through Justice J. P. Bengzon, subject of an earlier case filed by respondent against
realistically observed: This original jurisdiction of petitioners before the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR),
the Court of First Instance, when exercised in an for cancellation of certificates of land transfer (CLT). In said
action for recovery of personal property which is a case, it was established that petitioners, through fraud and
subject of a forfeiture proceeding in the Bureau of misrepresentation, obtained CLTs in their names. On
Customs, tends to encroach upon, and to render November 15, 1986, the then Minister, now Secretary, of
futile, the jurisdiction of the Collector of Customs in Agrarian Reform issued an order directing the recall and
seizure and forfeiture proceedings. The court cancellation of petitioners' CLTs. The aforesaid order was
should yield to the jurisdiction of the Collector of affirmed by the Office of the President in its decision dated
Customs. Such a ruling, as pointed out by Justice July 8, 1987, which had become final and executory. The
Zaldivar in Auyong Hian v. Court of Tax Appeals, instant case has its roots in a complaint filed by herein
promulgated less than a year later, could be traced to respondent Ignacia Centeno with the DARAB for
Government v. Gale, 26 a 1913 decision, where there "Maintenance of Peaceful Possession with Prayer for
was a recognition in the opinion of Justice Carson Restraining Order/Preliminary Injunction, Ejectment and
that a Collector of Customs when sitting in forfeiture Damages." Respondent alleged that, despite the decision of the
proceedings constitutes a tribunal upon which the DAR recognizing her ownership over Lot Nos. 111 and 122,
law expressly confers jurisdiction to hear and as affirmed by the Office of the President, herein petitioners
determine all questions touching the forfeiture and Cipriano Centeno, Leonila Calonzo and Ramona Adriano have
further disposition of the subject matter of such interfered with and prevented respondent from exercising acts
proceedings. of possession over the landholdings earlier adjudicated to her
and kept on harassing, molesting and disturbing her peaceful
possession as well as the enjoyment of the fruits thereof, to her
The controlling principle was set forth anew in Ponce
great damage and prejudice. She prayed that petitioners be
Enrile v. Vinuya, 28 decided in 1971. Thus: The
restrained from committing acts tending to deprive respondent
prevailing doctrine is that the exclusive jurisdiction
of her possession, and that they be ordered to vacate the
in seizure and forfeiture cases vested in the Collector
premises.petitioners insisted that they are better entitled to the
of Customs precludes a court of first instance from
possession of the lots in dispute, having been allegedly in long
assuming cognizance over such a matter.
possession thereof, with their houses thereon. On the other
It is the settled rule, therefore, that the Bureau of
hand, the award of said lots to respondent is unauthorized, not
Customs acquires exclusive jurisdiction over
only because she has no possession thereof but also because
imported goods, for the purposes of enforcement of
she has other landholdings in the locality. They averred that
the customs laws, from the moment the goods are
the complaint should be dismissed for lack of cause of action
actually in its possession or control, even if no
and for lack of jurisdiction on the part of the DARAB over the Order of the Regional Director, under DAR Memorandum
case. Circular No. 5-87, and not by a Petition with the DARAB
On April 14, 1993, the Provincial Adjudicator rendered a Provincial Adjudicator, hence, the aforesaid Order had become
decision, after hearing, favorably to respondent, adverting to final and executory. The petitioners manifested that they were
the decision of the DAR. Not satisfied with the decision of the no longer submitting their position paper and were opting to
DARAB, herein petitioners filed a petition for review with the rely solely on their Motion to Dismiss.
Court of Appeals which rendered the assailed decision The DARAB provincial Adjudicator, however, chose
affirming the decision of the DARAB. to resolve the case on the merits and promulgated a decision
denying the petitioners Motion to Dismiss and reversing the
Issue: Does DaR have jurisdiction over the case or one for order of the Regional Director.
recovery of possession which falls under the jurisdiction of the Petitioner Rivera filed a Motion for Reconsideration
regular courts? from said Decision, but it was denied by the Provincial
Adjudicator. He then appealed before the DAR Appellate
Held: Adjudication Board (DARAB), but it affirmed the decision of
The DAR is vested with the primary jurisdiction to determine the Adjudicator.
and adjudicate agrarian reform matters and shall have the The Petition for Review filed by herein petitioners
exclusive jurisdiction over all matters involving the with the CA was denied due course and ordered dismissed,
implementation of the agrarian reform program. with costs against petitioner Rivera.

The Court of Appeals correctly observed that the present case

for maintenance of peaceful possession with prayer for Issue: Whether or not the CA erred in denying petitioners
restraining order/preliminary injunction is a mere off-shoot of claim that in this case, the Board (DARAB) acted in grave
the suit for cancellation of Certificates of Land Transfer abuse of discretion tantamount to lack or excess of its
(CLTs) filed by herein respondent against herein petitioners jurisdiction.
before the DARAB. That previous case culminated in a
decision upholding respondent's entitlement to an award of the Ruling:
subject landholdings under the Comprehensive Agrarian Yes. P.D. 946 provides that matters involving the
Reform Law. The case at bar is for the maintenance of her administrative implementation of the transfer of the land to the
peaceful possession of the premises and to prevent the tenant-farmer under P.D. No. 27 and amendatory and related
petitioners from further harassing her and disturbing her decrees, orders, instructions, rules and regulations, shall be
possession and enjoyment thereof. Hence, the appellate court exclusively cognizable by the Secretary of Agrarian Reform,
was correct in holding that the present case is an incident including: x x x (5) issuance, recall or can cellation of
flowing from the earlier decision of the administrative agency certificates of land transfer in cases outside the purview of
involving the same parties and relating to the same lands. P.D. No. 816. The revocation by the Regional Director of
DAR of the earlier Order of Award by the Secretary of
63. Nuesa v. Court of Appeals Agriculture falls under the administrative functions of the
G.R. No. 132048. March 6, 2002. DAR. The DARAB and its provincial adjudicator or board of
Facts: adjudicators acted erroneously and with grave abuse of
The Secretary of Agrarian Reform issued an Order discretion in taking cognizance of the case, then overturning
of Award in favor of Jose Verdillo over 2 parcels of the decision of the DAR Regional Director and deciding the
agricultural land in Bulacan. After 21 years, private respondent case on the merits without affording the petitioner opportunity
filed an application with the Regional Office of the to present his case.
Department of Agrarian Reform for the purchase of said lots As held by this Court in Centeno vs. Centeno, the
claiming that he had complied with the conditions set forth in DAR is vested with the primary jurisdiction to determine and
the Order. Restituto Rivera, herein petitioner, filed a letter of adjudicate agrarian reform matters and shall have the
protest against private respondent claiming that contrary to the exclusive jurisdiction over all matters involving the
manifestation of private respondent, it is petitioner who had implementation of the agrarian reform program. The
been in possession of the land and had been cultivating the DARAB has primary, original and appellate jurisdiction to
same.3 Petitioner had filed his own application for said parcels determine and adjudicate all agrarian disputes, cases,
in opposition to that of private respondent. controversies, and matters or incidents involving the
A representative of the DAR undertook an implementation of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
investigation to look into the conflicting claims, finding that Program and other agrarian laws and their implementing rules
Jose Verdillo violated the terms and conditions of the Order of and regulations. Under Section 3(d) of R.A. 6657 (CARP
Award, since several persons tenanted the property for almost Law), agrarian dispute is defined to include (d) . . . any
16 years. The Regional Director of DAR ordered the controversy relating to tenurial arrangements, whether
cancellation of the award in favor of Verdillo and allowed the leasehold, tenancy, stewardship or otherwise over lands
application of Rivera for purchase to be processed. devoted to agriculture, including disputes concerning
Aggrieved by the cancellation of his award, private farmworkers associations or representation of persons in
respondent then filed, a Petition with the Provincial negotiating, fixing, maintaining, changing or seeking to
Adjudication Board, for Annulment of said Order. Instead of arrange terms or conditions of such tenurial arrangements. It
filing an Answer to the Petition, herein petitioners (as includes any controversy relating to compensation of lands
respondents below) filed a Motion to Dismiss the Petition on acquired under this Act and other terms and conditions of
the ground that the proper remedy was an appeal to the transfer of ownership from landowners to farmworkers,
Secretary of the Department of Agrarian Reform from the tenants and other agrarian reform beneficiaries, whether the
disputants stand in the proximate relation of farm operator and ISSUE: WON the seeking of the dismissal of the complaint
beneficiary, landowner and tenant, or lessor and lessee. filed by school teachers is proper
In the case at bar, petitioner and private respondent
had no tenurial, leasehold, or any agrarian relations HELD:
whatsoever that could have brought this controversy between
them within the ambit of the abovecited provision. There we have ruled that it has indeed been precipitate for the
Consequently, the DARAB had no jurisdiction over the DECS officials to seek the dismissal of the complaints filed in
controversy and should not have taken cognizance of private court by the school teachers even as no restraining order could
respondents petition in the first place. lawfully issue against the continuation of the administrative
While it bears emphasizing that findings of investigations. This Court has rationalized, thus
administrative agencies, which have acquired expertise
because their jurisdiction is confined to specific matters are (1) There being no dispute that the root of the cases filed
accorded not only respect but even finality by the courts, care before the court a quo deals on the performance of official
should be taken that administrative actions are not done functions by the DECS officials, there cannot be a full
without due regard to the jurisdictional boundaries set by the determination on whether the actions taken by them have been
enabling law for each agency. In this case, respondent proper or improper, or whether they have acted in good faith
DARAB officials and boards, provincial and central, had or bad faith, pending a full hearing that would give all the
overstepped their legal boundaries in taking cognizance of the parties a chance to ventilate their respective claims;
controversy between petitioner Rivera and private respondent
Verdillo as to who should be awarded the lots of the (2) Public officials are not necessarily immune from
Buenavista Estate. Respondent appellate court erred in damages in their personal capacities arising from acts done in
sustaining DARABs unjustified action taken with grave abuse bad faith, for if malice is indeed established, public officials
of discretion resulting in lack or excess of its jurisdiction. can no longer be said to have acted within the scope of official
authority so as to still find protection under the mantle of
immunity for official actions;
64. REGIONAL DIRECTOR vs. CA (3) The issuance, however, of the restraining orders by
G.R. No. 110193 January 27, 1994 the lower court against further proceedings of the
administrative complaints is inappropriate inasmuch as the
FACTS: authority of the DECS Regional Director to issue the return to
work memorandum, to initiate the administrative charges, as
Private respondents, together with other Negros Oriental well as to constitute the investigating panel, can hardly be
public school teachers held a mass action, or a strike from disputed; and
their school classes, to demand the release of their salaries by
the Department of Budget. (4) The court cases and the administrative matters being
closely interrelated, if not interlinked, it behooves the court, in
A return-to-work order was promptly issued by one of the the interest of good order and conformably with the doctrine
petitioners, Regional Director Gomez of the DECS, with a of primary jurisdiction, to suspend its action on the cases
warning that if the "striking" school teachers were not to before it pending the final outcome of the administrative
resume their classes within 24 hours, administrative charges charges.
would be filed. Since the order was not heeded, administrative
complaints against the teachers concerned were filed. The
teachers were each given 5 days from receipt of said
complaints within which to submit their respective answers
and supporting documents. An investigation panel, composed 65. Laguna CATV Network, Inc. v. Maraan,
of three DECS lawyers (the other petitioners herein), was G.R. No. 139492, [November 19, 2002], 440 PHIL 734-743
constituted to look into the case.
Prior to the start of the hearings by the DECS Investigating The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Region
Team, private respondents filed with the RTC, a complaint for IV, conducted an inspection within the premises of Laguna
injunction, prohibition and damages with prayer for CATV Network, Inc. After the summary investigation,
preliminary injunction. The court a quo issued the writ of Regional Director Alex E. Maraan directed Laguna CATV to
preliminary injunction. pay the concerned employees of their unpaid claims. Laguna
CATV filed a motion for reconsideration. However, for failure
The petitioners filed their answer, later followed by a motion of Laguna CATV to comply with the aforementioned Order,
to dismiss. The trial court denied the motion to dismiss and set Director Maraan issued a writ of execution. The sheriff levied
the case for pre-trial hearing, holding that the complaint stated the L300 van and garnished the bank deposits of Dr.
a cause of action and that the court had jurisdiction. Bernardino Bailon as owner of Laguna CATV. Laguna CATV
and Dr. Bailon filed a motion to quash the writ of execution,
The pre-trail, however, was pre-empted by the petitioners notice of levy and sale on execution. But it was denied by
when they filed with the SC a petition for certiorari, Director Maraan on the ground that Laguna CATV failed to
prohibition and mandamus. The Court referred the petition to perfect its appeal and the writ of execution should be
the CA which denied the petition. considered as an "overt denial" of Laguna CATV's motion for
reconsideration. Instead of appealing to the Secretary of Labor,
Laguna CATV filed with the Court of Appeals a motion for
extension of time to file a petition for review. Laguna CATV judicial intervention in order to give the administrative agency
was of the view that an appeal to the Secretary of Labor an opportunity to decide the matter itself correctly and prevent
"would be an exercise in futility considering that the said unnecessary and premature resort to the court.
appeal will be filed with the Regional Office and it will surely
be disapproved." Consequently, it was dismissed by the The underlying principle of the rule rests on the presumption
appellate court for reasons, among others, for failure to that the administrative agency, if afforded a complete chance
exhaust administrative remedies. Thus, Laguna CATV filed to pass upon the matter will decide the same correctly.
the instant petition. Therefore, petitioner should have completed the administrative
process by appealing the questioned Orders to the Secretary of
The Court of Appeals was correct in holding that petitioner Labor.
failed to exhaust all administrative remedies. As provided
under Article 128 of the Labor Code, as amended, an order
issued by the duly authorized representative of the Secretary 66. Corpus vs Cuaderno
of Labor may be appealed to the latter. Thus, petitioner should GR. L-17860 March 30, 1962
have first appealed to the Secretary of Labor instead of filing
with the Court of Appeals a motion for extension of time to Facts: Petitioner Marino Corpus was holding the position
file a petition for review. of Special Assistant to the Governor of the Central Bank of
the Philippines before he was administrative charged for
Courts, for reasons of law, comity and convenience, should not alleged dishonesty, incompetence, neglect of duty and/or
entertain suits unless the available administrative remedies abuse of authority, oppression, misconduct, etc., preferred
have first been resorted to and the proper authorities have been against him by employees of the Bank. He was then
given an appropriate opportunity to act and correct their subjected to a 3-man committee investigation wherein the
alleged errors, if any, committed in the administrative forum. latter found no basis for recommending disciplinary
Observance of this doctrine is a sound practice and policy. action. Unable to agree with the committee report, the
Monetary Board adopted Resolution No 957 considered
ISSUE: Corpus as resigned as of the date of his suspension and
Whether or not Laguna CATV failed to exhaust all thereafter appointed Mario Marcos to the position
administrative remedies. involved. On Aug, 18, 1959 petitioner filed a petitioner for
certiorari, mandamus and quo warranto, against the
HELD: herein respondents.
The SC ruled that Laguna CATV failed to exhaust all
administrative remedies. As provided under Article 128 of the Issue: WON petitioner violated the doctrine of exhaustion
Labor Code, as amended, an order issued by the duly of administrative remedy
authorized representative of the Secretary of Labor may be
appealed to the latter. Thus, petitioner should have first Held: No. The Supreme Court held that the doctrine of
appealed to the Secretary of Labor instead of filing with the exhaustion of administrative remedies does not apply
Court of Appeals a motion for extension of time to file a where, by the terms or implications of the statute
petition for review. authorizing an administrative remedy, such remedy is
Courts, for reasons of law, comity and convenience, should not permissive only, warranting the conclusion that the
entertain suits unless the available administrative remedies legislature intended to allow the judicial remedy even
have first been resorted to and the proper authorities have been though the administrative remedy has not been
given an appropriate opportunity to act and correct their exhausted. In the case at bar, (1)There is no law requiring
alleged errors, if any, committed in the administrative forum. an appeal to the President in a case like the one at bar. The
Observance of this doctrine is a sound practice and policy. As fact that the President had, in two instances cited in the
succinctly explained by this Court in Carale vs. Abarintos: "It orders appealed from, acted on appeals from decisions of
(the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies) the Monetary Board of the Central Bank, should not be
ensures an orderly procedure which favors a preliminary regarded as precedents, but at most may be viewed as acts
sifting process, particularly with respect to matters peculiarly of condescension on the part of the Chief Executive. (2)
within the competence of the administrative agency, avoidance While there are provisions in the Civil Service Law
of interference with functions of the administrative agency by regarding appeals to the Commissioner of Civil Service
withholding judicial action until the administrative process and the Civil Service Board of Appeals, We believe the
had run its course, and prevention of attempts to swamp the petitioner is not bound to observe them, considering his
courts by a resort to them in the first instance." status and the Charter of the Central Bank.
The SC, in a long line of cases, has consistently held that if a
remedy within the administrative machinery can still be 67. MADRIGAL vs. LECAROZ
resorted to by giving the administrative officer concerned
every opportunity to decide on a matter that comes within his G.R. No. L-46218. October 23, 1990.
jurisdiction, then such remedy should be exhausted first before FACTS:
the courts judicial power can be sought. Governor Aristeo Lecaroz, Vice-Governor Celso
Zoleta, Jr., Provincial Board of Marinduque members
The party with an administrative remedy must not merely Domingo Riego and Marcial Principe (public respondents)
initiate the prescribed administrative procedure to obtain relief abolished petitioner-appellant Joventino Madrigal's position as
but also pursue it to its appropriate conclusion before seeking a permanent construction capataz in the office of the
Provincial Engineer from the annual Roads and Bridges Fund 'Furthermore, constitutional rights may certainly
Budget for fiscal year 1971-1972 by virtue of Resolution No. be waived, and the inaction of the officer for one
204. The abolition was allegedly due to the poor financial year could be validly considered as waiver, i.e., a
condition of the province and it appearing that his position was renunciation which no principle of justice may
not essential. prevent, he being at liberty to resign his position
Madrigal appealed to the Civil Service Commission. anytime he pleases.
He then transmitted a follow-up letter to the Commission 'And there is good justification for the limitation
regarding his appeal. Consequently, the Commission in its 1st period; it is not proper that the title to public
Indorsement declared the removal of Madrigal from the office should be subjected to continued
service illegal. Public respondent Governor Lecaroz moved for uncertainly (sic), and the peoples' interest requires
a reconsideration of said resolution which was denied. that such right should be determined as speedily
Madrigal sent a letter to the Provincial Board as practicable.'
requesting implementation of the resolution of the Further, the Government must be immediately informed or
Commission and consequently, reinstatement to his former advised if any person claims to be entitled to an office or a
position which however was denied through Resolution No. position in the civil service as against another actually holding
93 because his former position no longer exists. In the same it, so that the Government may not be faced with the
resolution, it ordered the appropriation of the amount of predicament of having to pay two salaries, one, for the person
P4,200.00 as his back salaries covering the period December actually holding the office, although illegally, and another, for
1, 1971 up to June 30, 1973. one not actually rendering service although entitled to do so.
Madrigal then filed a petition before the Court of We hold that in view of the policy of the State contained in the
First Instance (now Regional Trial Court) of Marinduque law fixing the period of one year within which actions for quo
against public respondents, Provincial Engineer Enrique warranto may be instituted, any person claiming right to a
Isidro, Abraham Taduran and the Province of Marinduque for position in the civil service should also be required to file his
mandamus and damages seeking, inter alia, (1) restoration of petition for reinstatement within the period of one year,
his abolished position in the Roads and Bridges Fund Budget otherwise he is thereby considered as having abandoned his
of the Province; (2) reinstatement to such position; and (3) office."
payment of his back salaries plus damages. The fatal drawback of Madrigal's cause is that he
The trial court issued an order dismissing the petition came to court out of time. As aforestated, it was only after four
on the ground that Madrigal's cause of action was barred by (4) years and twenty (20) days from the abolition of his
laches because he was separated from the service on position that he led the petition for mandamus and damages.
November 25, 1971, and it was only on December 15, 1975, This single circumstance has closed the door for any judicial
or FOUR (4) YEARS and TWENTY (20) DAYS after, that he remedy in his favor.
filed this case for 'Mandamus and Damages' with the principal And this one (1) year period is not interrupted by the
aim of causing his reinstatement to the public position from prosecution of any administrative remedy. Actually, the
where his service was terminated. recourse by Madrigal to the Commission was unwarranted. It
Madrigal filed a motion for reconsideration, however, is fundamental that in a case where pure questions of law are
the same was denied. raised, the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies
ISSUE: cannot apply because issues of law cannot be resolved with
Whether or not the trial court erred in dismissing the finality by the administrative officer. Appeal to the
petition for mandamus and damages on the ground of laches. administrative officer of orders involving questions of law
HELD: would be an exercise in futility since administrative officers
No. The unbending jurisprudence in this jurisdiction cannot decide such issues with finality. In the present case,
is to the effect that a petition for quo warranto and mandamus only a legal question is to be resolved, that is, whether or not
affecting titles to public office must be filed within one (1) the abolition of Madrigal's position was in accordance with
year from the date the petitioner is ousted from his position. law.
The reason behind this thing was expounded in the case of
Unabia v. City Mayor, etc., wherein the Court ruled that, "in
actions of quo warranto involving right to an office, the action 68. CABADA vs ALUNAN
must be instituted within the period of one year. This has been G.R. No. 119645. August 22, 1996
the law in the island since 1901, the period having been
originally fixed in Section 216 of the Code of Civil Procedure FA C T
(Act No. 190). The Court find this provision to be an S:
expression of policy on the part of the State that persons
claiming a right to an office of which they are illegally On 29 October 1993, a complaint against petitioners
dispossessed should immediately take steps to recover said for Grave Misconduct, Arbitrary Detention, and
office and that if they do not do so within a period of one year, Dishonesty was filed with the Office of the
they shall be considered as having lost their right thereto by Commission on Human Rights in Tacloban City by
abandonment. There are weighty reasons of public policy and private respondent Mario Valdez. The complaint
convenience that demand the adoption of a similar period for was referred to the PNP Eight Regional Command
persons claiming rights to positions in the civil service. There (PNP-RECOM 8) which, after the conducting its
must be stability in the service so that public business may own investigation, filed an administrative charge of
(sic) be unduly retarded; delays in the statement of the right to Grave Misconduct against the petitioners and
positions in the service must be discouraged. The following instituted summary dismissal proceedings.
considerations as to public officers, by Mr. Justice Bengzon,
may well be applicable to employees in the civil service:
Rule III of NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular
No. 91-006 maintaining that the decision of
On 7 April 1994, the Regional Director of PNP- the Regional Appellate Board on an appealed case
RECOM 8 handed down a decision finding the shall become final and executory after ten (10)
petitioners guilty of grave misconduct and ordering days from receipt of a copy thereof by the
their dismissal from the police service. Pursuant to appellant, if no Motion for Reconsideration is filed
this decision, Special Order No. 174, dated 23 April within said period. A motion for Reconsideration
1994, was issued ordering, among other things, the may be filed by either party from a Decision
dismissal of the petitioners from the service. rendered by the Regional Appellate Board on an
appealed case, provided that the same is filed
within ten (10) days from receipt of a copy of the
decision in question. However, only one (1)
Petitioners claimed that they were not formally Motion for Reconsideration may be allowed.
furnished with a copy of the decision and that they Hence the instant petition.
were able to secure a copy thereof "thru their own The OSG seeks to dismiss this petition on the ground
effort and initiative" only on 13 June 1994. of prematurity because the petitioners failed to
However, they received a copy of Special Order No. exhaust administrative remedies; they should have
174 on 26 April 1994.Although they insist that the instead appealed to the Civil Service
basis of the appeal before RAB 8 was Commission (CSC) pursuant to Section 47, Chapter
Special Order No. 174, petitioner Cabada stated 6, Subtitle A, Title I, Book V of the
under oath in his Appeal filed with the Department Administrative Code of 1987 (E.O. No. 292), which
of Interior and Local Government (DILG) that he in vests upon the CSC appellate jurisdiction over
fact seasonably filed a motion for reconsideration of disciplinary cases of government personnel where
the decision of the Regional Director of PNP- the penalty imposed is, inter alia, dismissal
RECOM 8, who, however, failed or refused to act from office
on the said motion, and that he asked that the said OSG opines that this provision covers PNP personnel,
motion be treated as an appeal to the RAB. like the petitioners; consequently, they should have
appealed to the CSC. It also advances the view that
the instant petition should have been filed with the
proper forum, the Regional Trial Court.
RAB 8 affirmed the decision of the Regional
Director. However, it denied the petitioners' ISSUE(S):
motion for reconsideration of its decision. The
petitioners received a copy of this resolution on 26 (1) WON the NAPOLCOM committed grave abuse of
January 1995. discretion in denying due course, for lack of jurisdiction, the
petitioners' appeal from and petition for review of the
decision and resolution of the RAB 8; and

Petitioners then filed with the Honorable Secretary

of the DILG and Chairman of the NAPOLCOM
their Appeal" dated 5 February 1995 and "Petition (2) WON this special civil action was
for Review" dated 4 February 1995, respectively. prematurely filed for failure of the petitioners to exhaust
administrative remedies.

NAPOLCOM, through Commissioner Alexis

Canonizado, denied due course to the petitioners'
appeal and petition for review for lack of HEL
jurisdiction it appearing. . . That both the D:
Decision and the Resolution of the Regional
Appellate Board had long become final and (1) Section 45 of the DILG Act of 1990
executory and there being no showing that the specifically provides that if a RAB fails to decide an
RAB failed to decide respondents' appeal within appeal within the reglementary period of sixty days,
the reglementary period of sixty (60) days." In the appealed decision becomes final and executory
support thereof, the NAPOLCOM cited Section 23, without, however, prejudice to the right of the
Rule IV of NAPOLCOM Memorandum aggrieved party to appeal to the Secretary of the
Circular No. 91-002, which provides that failure DILG. The said provision is, however, silent as
of the Regional Appellate Board to decide the regards the availability of an appeal from a
appeal within the reglementary period shall decision rendered by a RAB within the
render the decision final and executory without reglementary period.
prejudice, however, to the filing of an appeal by Complementary laws on discipline of government
either party with the Secretary of the Department of officials and employees must then be inquired into
the Interior and Local Government; and Section 5, considering that in conformity with the mandate of
the Constitution that the PNP must be national in Canonizado cannot, singly, act for the
scope and civilian in character, it is now a part, as a NAPOLCOM because it is a collegial body
bureau, of the reorganized DILG. As such, it falls composed of a Chairman and four
within the definition of the civil service in Commissioners, pursuant to Section 13 of the DILG
Section 2(1), Article IX-B of the Constitution. Act of 1990.
Thus it follows that if a RAB fails to decide an It being a patent nullity, the filing of a motion for its
appealed case within sixty days from receipt of the reconsideration before the institution of this special
notice of appeal, the appealed decision is deemed civil action may be dispensed with.
final and executory, and the aggrieved party may (2) The plea of the Office of the Solicitor General
forthwith appeal therefrom to the Secretary of the that the instant action is premature for non-
DILG. Likewise, if the RAB has decided the appeal exhaustion of administrative remedies is thus
within the sixty-day period, its decision may untenable. We would have sustained it if the
still be appealed to the Secretary of the DILG. Secretary of the DILG was the one who denied due
In the instant case, Cabada's appeal was course to or dismissed the appeal of petitioner
addressed to "the Honorable Secretary of the Cabada and the petition for review of petitioner De
Department of the Interior and Local Guzman. By then, pursuant to Section 91 of the
Government . . . as Chairman and Presiding Officer DILG Act of 1990; Section 47, Chapter 6,
of the National Police Commission," while De Subtitle A, Title I, Book V of the
Guzman's petition for review was addressed to "the Administrative Code of 1987; and Section 31 and
Honorable Secretary, Department of the Interior 32 of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V
and Local Government and Chairman, National of Executive Order No. 292, the appeal would have
Police Commission, Makati City, Metro Manila." to be filed with the CSC. And futile would be the
We consider the appeal and the petition for review as petitioners claim in their Reply to the Comment of
appeals to the Secretary of the DILG under Section the OSG that their case falls within the exceptions
45 of the DILG Act of 1990 to the rule on exhaustion of administrative
Only the Secretary of the DILG can act thereon, one remedies
way or the other. The NAPOLCOM did not have
authority over the appeal and the petition for review, 69. Dartiles v Sucaldito
and just because both mentioned the Secretary of the 186 SCRA 704
DILG as Chairman or Presiding Officer of the
NAPOLCOM did not bring them within the Datiles and Company has in its favor a fishpond lease
jurisdiction of the NAPOLCOM. The latter does agreement whereby the Republic of the Philippines, thru the
not have such jurisdiction because Section Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, agreed to
14 of the DILG Act of 1990 pertinently provides lease to the company 175.9959 has. of public land located in
that the NAPOLCOM exercises appellate Batu, Siay, Zamboanga del Sur, for fishpond purposes.
jurisdiction only on the following cases and Fishpond Lease Agreement (FLA) was executed on 16 June
THROUGH (a) the NAB in personnel disciplinary 1971 with an original period of ten (10) years, later extended
actions involving demotion or dismissal from the to twenty five (25) years, or up to year 2002. About the middle
service imposed by the Chief of the PNP, and (b) of 1973, petitioner-lessee filed a complaint for "Injunction
the RAB in administrative cases against policemen with Writ of Possession with Preliminary and Prohibitory
and over decisions on claims for police benefits. It Injunction, with Damages" before the CFI against herein
has no appellate jurisdiction over decisions rendered private respondents Jesus Deypalubos and Daniel Cabdieza
by the NAB and the RAB. Said court action was alleged to have been resorted to after the
Consequently, the NAPOLCOM did not have the vehement refusal of the respondents to obey the orders of the
power or authority to issue, through Commissioner then Philippine Fisheries Commission and Bureau of Fisheries
Alexis Canonizado, the 24 March 1995 decision (now Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources) to vacate
denying due course to the appeal and petition that portion of the area covered by FLA No. 1902 which they
for review filed by petitioners Cabada (private respondents) were occupying without a fishpond
and De Guzman, respectively, for lack permit and the knowledge and consent of petitioner.
of jurisdiction because of Section 5, Rule
III of NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. To the accusation of their unlawful entry, private respondents
91-006 and Section 23, Rule IV of set up the defense of good faith at the time of their entry and
NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. 91-002. occupation of the land which they described as forested and
The reference to these rules suggest that the uncultivated. They added that prior to the filing of their own
NAPOLCOM believes it has jurisdiction over respective fishpond lease applications over the disputed area
appeals from decisions of the RAB if the latter (i.e., Deypalubos on the southern portion of about forty-nine
has not decided the appeal within the (49) hectares and Cabelieza on the eastern part of about two
reglementary period of sixty days. Such a (2) hectares) on 3 January 1973, they were assured by an
suggestion is flawed because it would allow a officer from the Bureau that the areas were unoccupied and
ridiculous situation where the NAPOLCOM vests not subject of any pending leasehold agreement or application.
upon itself an appellate jurisdiction from a decision
rendered by it in the exercise of its appellate Meanwhile, respondent Deypalubos submitted to the BOF his
jurisdiction through the RAB, per Section 14(k) of formal protest against petitioner's existing fishpond permit
the DILG Act of 1990. Moreover, Commissioner over the 49 hectares trial court ordered the issuance of a writ
of preliminary mandatory injunction against both respondents officials in disputes involving the disposition or utilization of
resulting in the restoration of possession and occupancy of the natural resources of the country. The decree seeks to leave to
disputed areas by the petitioner Thereafter the Barrio Council administrative agencies the authority to decide controversies
of Batu prepared and submitted to the Bureau of Fisheries a involving licenses, permits, patents or public grants in
resolution which attests that the 49 hectare controverted connection with natural resources, obviously because of the
fishpond area was never occupied by the Datiles family and expertise of such administrative officials in dealing with such
that it was Mr. Deypalubos who cleared the same and problems. We now look into PD No. 605. Its evident purpose
constructed all the improvements therein. The resolution is to prevent the substitution of judicial judgments for those of
further requests that the original grant of 175.9959 hectares to public administrative officials in disputes involving the
Datiles and Company be reduced to fifty (50) hectares only in disposition or utilization of natural resources of the country.
accordance with a certain presidential decree limiting the The decree seeks to leave to administrative agencies the
cultivation of a fishpond to about fifty (50) hectares, with the authority to decide controversies involving licenses, permits,
remaining area to be distributed to poor families. patents or public grants in connection with natural resources,
obviously because of the expertise of such administrative
No investigation of both the above-mentioned barrio council officials in dealing with such problems.
resolution and Deypalubos' formal protest over the forty-nine
(49) hectares was held. On 3 January 1975, another As to the prohibition dictated by PD No. 605, the same
memorandum was issued by the Bureau Director addressed to pertains to the issuance by courts of injunctions or restraining
herein public respondent Regional Director Guieb, directing orders against administrative acts on controversies which
"an immediate formal investigation of those issues involved in involve facts or exercise of discretion in technical cases,
the foregoing resolution and the protest of Mr. Jesus because to allow courts to judge these matters could disturb
Deypalubos. Praying to restrain the proposed investigation on the smooth functioning of the administrative machinery. But
the fishpond conflict, petitioner filed its 10 February 1975 on issues definitely outside of this dimension and involving
petition for "Prohibition and/or Injunction with Preliminary questions of law, courts are not prevented by PD No. 605 from
Injunction" (Special Civil Case No. 1426) before the CFI of exercising their power to restrain or prohibit administrative
Zamboanga del Sur against public respondent Guieb and acts.
impleading pro forma therein respondents Deypalubos and
Cabelieza. The presiding judge of the court a quo, Hon. The insistence still of respondent Regional Director Guieb to
Melquiades S. Sucaldito (now respondent), seeing that a proceed with the investigation, knowing fully well that there
possible irreparable injury could be caused the petitioner if the remain no other issues in Deypalubos' protest that were not
investigation in question were to proceed, issued the 31 March previously raised in Civil Case No. 1389 and before the same
1975 restraining order Bureau, leads one to conclude that he is acting in excess of his
delegated authority to investigate. After these issues had been
Issue: whether or not an investigation of a formal protest over tried and investigated, administratively and judicially, the
a lease grant, by a Regional Director of the Bureau of same issues can no longer be reopened by public respondent
Fisheries and Aquatic Resources may be the subject of a Guieb.
petition for prohibition and/or injunction before the Regional
Trial Court

70. National Food Authority v. Court of Appeals
It is a well-settled rule that, for prohibition to lie against an G.R. Nos. 115121-25. February 9, 1996.
executive officer, the petitioner must first exhaust Facts:
administrative remedies. This doctrine rests upon the The NFA conducted a pubic bidding to award
assumption that the administrative body, board or officer, if security contracts for the protection of its properties and
given the chance to correct its/his mistake or error, may amend facilities all over the country. 12 security agencies were
its/his decision on a given matter. 20 It follows therefore that awarded 1-year contracts, among whom were private
there has to be some sort of a decision, order or act, more or respondents Col. Manubay (under the name Greenview
less final in character, that is ripe for review and properly the Investigation and Security Agency), Continental Watchman
subject of an appeal to a higher administrative body or officer, and Security Agency, Lasala under the name PSF Watchman
for the principle of exhaustion of administrative remedies to and Investigation Agency, and Mapagay (under Peoples
operate. In the present case, however, there is no Protective and Security Agency).
administrative order or act as above described, that can be
appealed from. The respondent Regional Director has not When petitioner David became NFA Administrator,
rendered any decision, or made any final finding of any sort, he caused a review of all security service contracts, procedures
and is in fact just about to conduct an investigation which on the accreditation of private security agencies and the
happens to be the very act sought to be prevented. bidding for security services. Pending this review,
Consequently, administrative remedies that must be exhausted, Administrator David extended the services of private
although available, cannot be resorted to. There being urgency respondents and the other incumbent security agencies on a
in stopping public respondent Guieb's investigation but no periodic basis.
plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of
law, petitioner's recourse to the respondent court for relief by The review was completed after almost a year, and
way of a petition for prohibition was proper. We now look into new terms for accreditation, bidding and hiring of security
PD No. 605. Its evident purpose is to prevent the substitution agencies were made. A special order was thereafter issued for
of judicial judgments for those of public administrative the implementation of the new rules and procedure.
The administrator created, through a Special Order, a The principle of exhaustion of administrative
Prequalification, Bids and Awards Committee (PBAC) to remedies is not a hard and fast rule. It is subject to some
undertake the prequalification of prospective bidders, conduct limitations and exceptions. In this case, private respondents
the bidding, evaluate the bids tendered and recommend to the contracts were terminated in the midst of bidding preparations
Administrator the bids accepted. Notices for prequalification and their replacements hired barely five days after their
and bidding for security services were published in a termination. In fact, respondent Masada, a prequalified bidder,
newspaper of national circulation. All incumbent security submitted all requirements and was preparing for the public
contractors were required to pre-qualify and only those bidding only to find out that contracts had already been
prequalified bidding. A total of 41 security agencies submitted awarded by negotiation. Indeed, an appeal to the NFA Board
documents. or Council of Trustees and the Secretary of Agriculture
pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Code of 1987
Upon a review of the documents submitted, the was not a plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary
PBAC disqualified respondent Mapagay for failure to submit course of the law. The urgency of the situation compelled
proof of his financial capability to support his bid. It also private respondents to go to court to stop the implementation
disqualified respondent Lasala for alleged failure to meet the of these negotiated security contracts.
five-year service requirement. Only respondents Manubay,
Continental and Masada participated in the prebidding and We are neither impressed by petitioners claim that
were declared prequalified to bid. the subject contracts were negotiated as a necessity to stave off
a crisis that gripped the NFA, i.e., the loss, destruction and
Meanwhile, however, 2 of the applicants who failed dissipation of their properties, warehouses, rice and corn
to prequalify, namely Lanting Security and Watchman Agency stocks and facilities with an estimated value of P19 billion.
and respondent Lasala, filed separate complaints with the RTC Petitioners allege they were merely exercising their sound
to restrain Administrator David and the PBAC from business judgment in an emergency situation brought about by
proceeding with the public bidding. As prayed for, restraining respondent security agencies themselves who, in the first
orders were issued by the courts, and no bidding took place. place, obtained the injunctions from the Quezon City trial
During the effectivity of the injunction, Administrator
David sent to all incumbent security agencies, including 4 of
herein private respondents, notices of termination. Private
respondents were informed that their services were to end Reason for the Ruling:
inasmuch as their respective contracts had expired and First of all, the restraining orders and writ of
they no longer enjoyed the trust and confidence of the preliminary injunction issued by the two Quezon City trial
NFA. They were thus instructed to withdraw their security courts on complaint by Lanting and respondent Lasala
guards from all NFA installations. It also contracted the suspending the public bidding did not result in the emergency
services of 7 new security agencies on a month-to-month situation petitioners alleged. The security vacuum was created
basis pending resolution of the injunction against the when petitioners terminated the services of the incumbent
bidding. Private respondents forthwith filed separate security agencies after the issuance of the said orders and
complaints with the RTC for prohibition, mandamus and before the injunctions issued by respondent trial courts on
damages with a prayer for the issuance of a preliminary application by private respondents.
injunction and restraining order, which were issued.
When the bidding did not take place, the incumbent
These orders were challenged by NFA and David in security agencies continued rendering services to petitioners,
separate petitions before the CA alleging grave abuse of albeit on a temporary and provisional basis. However, one
discretion by respondent judges. The CA consolidated the month later, they were all terminated on grounds of expiration
rendered a decision partially granting the same by annulling of contract and loss of trust and confidence.
that part of the orders restraining NFA from terminating
the contracts with the incumbent security agencies but We agree with the CA that it was well within the
affirming the orders insofar as they enjoined NFA from power of petitioners to discontinue the services of the
awarding the contracts to the 7 new security agencies. incumbent security agencies. Their contracts with the NFA
expired in 1992, hence, their services were deemed terminated
Petitioners argue that the new security agencies were on said date. The fact that these agencies continued rendering
hired as an emergency measure after the contracts with the services to NFA did not amount to an implied renewal of their
incumbent security agencies expired. They claim that without respective contracts. Respondents do not have any vested right
the new security agencies, the properties of the NFA worth to continue their contracts with NFA. They remained and
billions of pesos would be exposed to danger of loss and continued performing their tasks at the tolerance of NFA who,
dissipation. They also argue that respondents did not avail by sending the notices of termination, simply reminded them
or exhaust available administrative remedies rendering of the expiration of their contracts. These contracts can be
their complaint premature. renewed, revived or extended only by mutual consent of the
parties. No court can compel a party to agree to a contract thru
the instrumentality of a writ of preliminary injunction.
Issue: Whether or not the respondents did not avail or Nevertheless, what causes eyebrows to arch is the act
exhaust available administrative remedies rendering their of petitioners in discontinuing the incumbents services.
complaint premature. Respondents Manubay and Lasala allege that their agencies
had been rendering security services to the NFA since 1985
and 1988, respectively. Moreover, Manubay and Continental
passed the prequalification stage and were declared by the The General Appropriations Act (GAA) of 1993
PBAC eligible to join the public bidding. Scarcely a month cannot be used by petitioners to justify their actuations. An
later, however, their services were terminated at the same time appropriations act is primarily a special type of legislation
and for the same reasons as the rest of the incumbent security whose content is limited to specified sums of money dedicated
agencies. It is certainly strange why petitioners chose to do to a specific purpose or a separate fiscal unit. Section 31 on
away with the incumbents services at a time when a security the General Provisions of the GAA of 1993 merely authorizes
void would directly and most necessarily result from their the heads of departments, bureaus, offices or agencies of the
withdrawal. The least petitioners could have done under the national government to hire, through public bidding or
circumstances was to maintain the status quo until the writ of negotiated contracts, contractual personnel to perform specific
preliminary injunction obtained by respondent Lasala shall activities or services related or incidental to their functions.
have been lifted. This law specifically authorizes expenditures for the hiring of
these personnel. It is not the governing law on the award of
Assuming arguendo that an emergency actually service contracts by government agencies nor does it do away
existed and the negotiated contracts were justified, petitioners with the general requirement of public bidding.
continued failure to conduct a public bidding and select the
bidder within a reasonable time casts doubts on the good faith
behind the negotiated contracts. This Court specifically
ordered petitioners to conduct a public bidding and report the
results within thirty days from holding thereof. In compliance, 71. PEDRO GRAVADOR vs. MAMIGO
a public bidding was conducted but until now no bidder has G.R. No. L-24989 July 21, 1967
been chosen and no contract has been awarded.
Petitioners cited various reasons for the delay. They
alleged that the minimum number of bidders in three of the Petitioner was the principal of the Sta. Catalina Elementary
five areas had not been met and that two bidders in the other School in Negros Oriental when he was advised by the then,
two areas were in collusion. This suspicion of collusion Superintendent of Schools Angel Salazar, Jr., through the
generated so much controversy that the PBAC could not respondent Supervisor Dayao, of his separation from the
decide whether to include the bids of the two agencies. Finally, service on the ground that he had reached the compulsory
the PBAC excluded them and recommended that the retirement age of 65.
Administrator declare a failure of bidding in all five areas of
responsibility. A few days later respondent Eutiquio Mamigo was designated
teacher-in-charge of the said elementary school.
The Administrator should have immediately acted
upon the PBACs recommendation and accordingly scheduled Petitioner wrote the Director of Public Schools, protesting his
another public bidding but somehow petitioners chose to abide forced retirement on the ground that the date of his birth is not
by a restraining order of the Davao trial court. It must be noted November 26, 1897 but December 11, 1901. Attached to his
that what the Davao trial court issued was a temporary letter was the affidavit of Bandoquillo and Sienes in which
restraining order enjoining petitioners from awarding the these two affiants declared that they knew that petitioner was
contracts to the lowest or next lowest bidder public bidding. It born on December 11, 190.
was not a writ of preliminary injunction nor was it an order
restraining the holding of another bidding. Petitioner wrote to the Division Superintendents of Schools,
reiterating his claim that he had not reached the age of 65 and
Petitioners and the PBAC are obviously taking their
enclosing some papers in support thereof.
sweet time to select and award security contracts to winning
bidders. They took one year evaluating and deliberating on
He filed this suit for quo warranto, mandamus and damages in
thirteen bid proposals only to declare a failure of bidding in all
the CFI. He asked the court to adjudge him entitled to the
five areas of responsibility. Then they relied on a restraining
office of principal of the Sta. Catalina Elementary School and
order of a trial court after no less that this Highest Court
to order payment to him of not only his back salaries but also
specifically ordered them to conduct and conclude a public
Litigants should be conscious of the position lower courts The trial court concluded that the petitioner was born on
occupy in the operation of the integrated judicial system of the December 11, 1901 accordingly granted his petition.
nation. There is only one Supreme Court and all courts and Immediate execution was ordered, as a result of which the
litigants should take their bearings from this Court. petitioner was reinstated. The respondents appealed directly to
this Court.
Petitioners manifest reluctance to hold a public
bidding and award a contract to the winning bidder smacks of ISSUE: WON petitioner is entitled to the office of principal of
favoritism and partiality toward the security agencies to whom the Sta. Catalina Elementary School
it awarded the negotiated contracts and cannot be
countenanced. A competitive public bidding aims to protect HELD:
the public interest by giving the public the best possible
advantages thru open competition. It is a mechanism that The controversy on the petitioner's date of birth arose as a
enables the government agency to avoid or preclude anomalies result of the conflicting records of the Division of Schools of
in the execution of public contracts. Negros Oriental. On the one hand the pre-war records show
his date of birth to be November 26, 1897. These records
consist of two Insular Teachers Cards and one Employee's alleged that her tenant, Sulpicio Bombales, deliberately failed
Record Card. It is on the basis of these records that the and refused to deliver her landowners share and that the latter
Superintendent of Schools determined the petitioner's age to had distributed his landholding to his children. After
be 66 years, 8 months and 22 days. investigation, it was concurred that the properties of the
petitioner, evidenced by Transfer Certificates of Title, are not
On the other hand, the post-war records, consisting of an covered by the Operation Land Transfer Program. However,
Elementary Teacher's Report Card, an Employee's Record then Minister Conrado Estrella denied petitioner's application
Card, and an Employee's Record of Qualifications, state that for retention.
the petitioner was born on Dec. 11, 1901. These are the
records on which the petitioner bases his claim. Petitioner appealed to the then Intermediate Appellate Court;
however, it was denied. A motion for reconsideration thereof
The problem is aggravated by two uncontroverted facts, was likewise denied. The Court of Appeals rendered a
namely, that the records of the church where the petitioner was decision dismissing the appeal on the ground of lack of
baptized were destroyed by fire, and that the municipal civil jurisdiction holding that questions as to whether a landowner
register contains no record of the petitioner's birth. should or should not be allowed to retain his land-holdings are
appealable and could be reviewed only by the Court of
According to the trial court, the post-war records were Agrarian Relations and now by the Regional Trial Courts
intended to replace the pre-war records and therefore the pursuant to Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, otherwise known as the
correct date of birth of the petitioner is December 11, 1901. Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980.
The respondents now contend that the trial court erred in
placing full reliance on the post-war records to establish the ISSUE:
date of birth of the petitioner. They argue that as some pre-war Whether or not the Court of Appeals has the power of review
records had since been located, the date contained in the pre- over the administrative decision on the transfer of the land to
war records should be regarded as controlling and that the the tenant-farmer under Presidential Decree No. 27 and the
finding of the Superintendent of Schools that the petitioner amendatory and related decrees.
was born on November 26, 1897 is an administrative finding
that should not be disturbed by the court. HELD:
YES Petition is GRANTED. The decision of the Court of
That the findings of fact of administrative officials are binding Appeals is set aside and the records of the case are remanded
on the courts if supported by substantial evidence, is a settled to said appellate court for further proceedings.
rule of administrative law. But whether there is substantial
evidence supporting the finding of the Superintendent of The respondent appellate court erred in holding that it has no
Schools is precisely the issue in this case. The school official jurisdiction over the petition for review by way
based his determination of the petitioner's age on the pre-war of certiorari brought before it of a decision of the Minister of
records in the preparation of which the petitioner does not Agrarian Reform allegedly made in grave abuse of his
appear to have taken a part. On the other hand, the petitioner discretion and in holding that this is a matter within the
post-war records which he personally accomplished to prove competence of the Court of Agrarian Reform.
the date of his birth.
A perusal of Section 12 (original and exclusive jurisdiction of
It is our considered view that the lower court correctly relied The Courts of Agrarian Relations) of PD No. 946
upon the post-war records. (Reorganizing The Courts Of Agrarian Relations, Streamlining
Their Procedures, And For Other Purposes) reveals that
Still it is argued that the petitioner's action was prematurely questions as to whether a landowner should or should not be
brought because he had not availed of all administrative allowed to retain his landholdings are exclusively cognizable
remedies. This argument is without merit. Suit for quo by the Minister (now Secretary) of Agrarian Reform whose
warranto to recover a public office must be brought within one decision may be appealed to the Office of the President and
year. Before filing this case the petitioner waited for 8 months not to the Court of Agrarian Relations. These cases are thus
for the school officials to act on his protest. To require him to excluded from those cognizable by the then CAR, now the
tarry a little more would obviously be unfair to him, when this Regional Trial Courts. There is no appeal from a decision of
case was filed, he had only 4 months left within which to bring the President. However, the said decision may be reviewed by
the case to court. There was neither manner nor form of the courts through a special civil action
assurance that the decision of the Director of Public Schools for certiorari, prohibition or mandamus, as the case may be
would be forthcoming. The rule on exhaustion of under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court.
administrative remedies does not apply where insistence on its Thus, the Court of Appeals has concurrent jurisdiction with the
observance would result in the nullification of the claim being Supreme Court and the Regional Trial Court over petitions
asserted. seeking the extraordinary remedy of certiorari, prohibition or
72. Almine vs CA Note that the failure to appeal to the Office of the President
GR No. 80719 September 26, 1989 from the decision of the Minister of Agrarian Reform in this
case is not a violation of the rule on exhaustion of
FACTS: administrative remedies as the latter is the alter ego of the
Hilda Almine filed a sworn application for retention of her President .
riceland or for exemption thereof from the Operation Land
Transfer Program with the Ministry of Agrarian Reform. She 73. Smart vs NTC
GR. 151908 August 12, 2003 Domingo approved the so-called reorganization plan for the
Facts: NTC pursuant to its rule- making and regulatory Domingo acting on instruction of Abueva issued a
powers, issued a Memorandum Circular No. 13-6-2000, memorandum creating the Nomination Committee for the UP-
promulgating rules and regulations on the billing of PGH Medical Center Director; the petitioner-members of the
telecommunications services and other matters relating to Nomination Committee thus created, are scheduled to
prepaid call cards and sims cards. The said Memorandum nominate respondents replacement as Director; consequently,
Circular was published in the Philippine Star Newspapers respondent filed with the Regional Trial Court, his complaint
on June 22, 2000. On Oct. 20, 2000 petitioners Isla for Injunction with Preliminary Injunction or temporary
communications and Pilipino Telephone which later, Globe restraining Order, seeking to enjoin petitioners Abueva,
and Smart intervened filed an action for the declaration of Domingo, the Nomination Committee and the U.P. B.O.R.
nullity of the NTC Memorandum Circular against the from proceeding with the nomination of UP-PGH Medical
NTC and its Commissioners. It was contended by the Center Director, in order to forestall the consequent removal/
petitioner that the NTC has no jurisdiction to regulate the dismissal of the Dr. Estrella, Jr., incumbent PGH Director even
sale of consumer goods such as the prepaid call cards since before the expiration of his term of office on April 30, 1992
such jurisdiction belongs to the Department of Trade and without any cause provided by law.
Industry under the Consumer Act of the Philippines. The The Court then issued the Restraining Order and after
Trial court ruled in favor of the petitioners but when due hearing the trial court, thru its then Presiding Judge Hon.
reversed when appealed to the CA. Julio Logarta issued the Writ of Preliminary Injunction,
enjoining petitioners from implementing the reorganization
plan for the UP-PGH Medical Center. The Respondent Judge,
Issue: WON the petitioner violated the doctrine of based on the evidence presented, concluded that the
exhaustion of administrative remedy reorganization of PGH was done in bad faith. Accordingly, the
lower court ruled that Dr. Estrella, Jr. cannot be removed from
Held: No. The Supreme Court held that In questioning the office as a result of such defective abolition of the position to
validity or constitutionality of a rule or regulation issued which he was appointed.
by an administrative agency, a party need not exhaust ISSUE:
administrative remedies before going to court. This Whether or not respondent Dr. Felipe A. Estrella who
principle applies only where the act of the administrative holds the position of Director of the Philippine General
agency concerned was performed pursuant to its quasi- Hospital (PGH) can invoke security of tenure during his term
judicial function, and not when the assailed act pertained of office notwithstanding the abolition of the said position by
to its rule-making or quasi- legislative power. In like the University of the Philippines Board of Regents.
manner, the doctrine of primary jurisdiction applies only HELD:
where the administrative agency exercises its quasi-judicial Yes. It is clear from the record that the PGH itself
or adjudicatory function. was not abolished in the reorganization plan approved by the
UP Board of Regents. The PGH was merely renamed "UP-
74. UP BOARD of REGENTS vs. RASUL PGH Medical Center" and some of its functions and objectives
G.R. No. 91551. August 16, 1991 were expanded or consolidated. There is no substantial
FACTS: distinction, in terms of functions, between PGH and the
Respondent Dr. Felipe Estrella, Jr., was appointed by proposed UP-PGH Medical Center.
the petitioner Board of Regents (B.O.R.) as Director of the While PGH itself was not abolished, the position of
Philippine General Hospital, to take effect from September PGH Director was abolished and in its place, the position of
1986 until 30 April 1992; that the petitioner B.O.R. speaking UP-PGH Medical Center Director was created. After
thru its then University Secretary Professor Martin Gregorio abolishing said position, it was proposed to be reclassified as
intended to have the Dr. Estrella, Jr. serve his full term, as Director, Charity Hospital, one of the five (5) hospital director
Director, since any other arrangement would impede the positions proposed to be created in the reorganized PGH.
hospital's development, not to mention the continuity of its The UP Board of Regents acted within the scope and
service operations.; that the duties and responsibilities, under limitations of its charter, Act No. 1870, as amended when it
Chapter 29, of the Revised Administrative Code, as PGH approved the reorganization plan renaming the PGH and
Director, inter alia, to direct and manage various activities expanding and consolidating some of its functions and
within the hospital; formulate and implement regulations; objectives. The UP Board of Regents did not and could not
develop institutional plans and policies; approve/recommend have abolished PGH. And rightly so. The PGH and one of its
budget proposals of the hospital; execute contracts; represent component units, the Cancer Institute, are creations of special
the hospital in proper functions; approve and sign warrants, laws, the old Administrative Code (Chapter 29, Secs. 706-707)
checks, vouchers and recommend or endorse appointments of and Commonwealth Act No. 398, respectively. The authority
personnel to higher authorities. of the UP under Act No. 1870 as amended, to combine two or
Barely two (2) weeks after assuming the presidency more colleges in the interest of economy and efficiency does
of the University of the Philippines petitioner Jose Abueva not empower UP to abolish offices created by special laws.
submitted a memorandum to the B.O.R. to reorganize the U.P. It is therefore clear that the authority of the UP is
Manila including the Philippine General Hospital (PGH) with limited to what is expressly provided in Act No. 1870 as
a draft resolution for approval of the B.O.R., recommending amended, that is, to combine or merge colleges. That is all the
that certain key positions of U.P. Manila including that of law speaks of in such instance.
respondent be declared vacant; the B.O.R., upon On the other hand, the power to create and abolish
recommendation of petitioners Abueva and Dr. Ernesto offices carries with it the power to fix the number of positions,
salaries, emoluments, and to provide funds for the operation of
the office created. This power is inherently legislative in permits when warranted by compelling circumstances
character. The UP Board of Regents does not have such power. and to proceed promptly along the method of
Hence, the abolition of the position of respondent Dr. Estrella legislative inquiry.
is not valid. ISSUE:
It is true that a valid and bona fide abolition of an WON publication is necessary before provisional permits can
office denies to the incumbent the right to security of tenure. be granted
However, in this case, the renaming and restructuring of the HELD:
PGH and its component units cannot give rise to a valid and No. The question of whether the controversy is ripe
bona fide abolition of the position of PGH Director. This is for judicial determination was likewise argued by the
because where the abolished office and the offices created in parties. For it is undeniable that at the time the
its place have similar functions, the abolition lacks good faith. petition was filed, there was pending with the
The Court hereby apply the principle enunciated in Dario vs. respondent Board a motion for reconsideration.
Mison that abolition which merely changes the nomenclature
of positions is invalid and does not result in the removal of the Ordinarily, its resolution should be awaited. Prior
incumbent. thereto, an objection grounded on prematurity can be
The above notwithstanding, and assuming that the raised. Nonetheless, counsel for petitioner would
abolition of the position of the PGH Director and the creation stress that certiorari lies as the failure to observe
of a UP-PGH Medical Center Director are valid, the removal procedural due process ousted respondent Board of
of the incumbent is still not justified for the reason that the whatever jurisdiction it could have had in the
duties and functions of the two positions are basically the premises.
same. The UP-PGH Medical Center is essentially the same This Court was impelled to go into the merits of the
PGH hence, the Medical Center Director will be performing controversy at this stage, not only because of the
duties very similar to the present PGH Director. It cannot be importance of the issue raised but also because of the
invoked to sustain the argument that respondent is not entitled strong public interest in having the matter settled. As
to security of tenure. In Palma-Fernandez v. de la Paz, the was set forth in Executive Order No. 101 which
abolition of the position of "Chief of Clinic" and the creation prescribes the procedure to be followed by
of the position of "Assistant Director, Professional Services" respondent Board, it is the policy of the State, as
were set aside for the reason that the two positions are swiftly as possible, to improve the deplorable
basically one and the same except for the change of condition of vehicular traffic, obtain maximum
nomenclature. utilization of existing public motor vehicles and
The Court held that the creation of additional eradicate the harmful and unlawful trade of
management positions in a proposed reorganization is clandestine operators, as well as update the standards
evidence of bad faith and is in violation of Republic Act No. of those carrying such business, making it
6656. We hold that the same applies to the PGH "imperative to provide, among other urgently needed
reorganization. measures, more expeditious methods in prescribing,
redefining, or modifying the lines and mode of
75.ARROW TRANSPORT VS BOARD OF operation of public utility motor vehicles that now or
TRANSPORTATION thereafter, may operate in this country."
G.R. No. L-39655 March 21, 1975 It is essential then both from the standpoint of the
firms engaged as well as of the riding public to
ascertain whether or not the procedure followed in
Both petitioner and private respondent Sultan Rent-a- this case and very likely in others of a similar nature
Car are domestic corporations. Arrow has in his favor satisfies the procedural due process requirement.
a certificate of public convenience (CPN) to operate a Thus its ripeness for adjudication becomes apparent.
public utility bus air-conditioned-auto-truck service
from Cebu City to Mactan International Airport and
vice-versa with the use of twenty (20) units.
Sultan filed a petition with the respondent Board for 76. Tan v Veterans Backpay
[G.R. No. L-12944. March 30, 1959.]
the issuance of a CPN to operate a similar service on
the same line. Eight days later, without the required
publication, the Board issued an Order granting it
That the petitioner is of legal age, a widow and a resident of
provisional permit to operate.
After filing an MR and for the cancellation of such the Philippines and that the respondent is a government
instrumentality or agency, duly vested with authority to
provisional permit filed but without awaiting final
implement the provisions of Backpay Law, otherwise known
action thereon, Arrow filed the present petition for
as Republic Act No. 897, further amending Republic Act No.
certiorari with preliminary injunction, alleging that
304; That the petitioner is the widow of the late Lt. Tan Chiat
the question involved herein is purely legal and that
Bee alias Tan Lian Lay, a Chinese national, and bonafide
the issuance of the Order without the Board having
member the 1st Regiment, United State-Chinese Volunteers in
acquired jurisdiction of the case yet, is patently
the Philippines; died in a battle at Rizal Province; and certified
illegal or was performed without jurisdiction.
In their answer, the respondents denied the need for by the Armed Forces of the Philippines as having rendered
aritorious military services during the Japanese occupation;
publication before a provisional permit can be issued,
That petitioner as widow of the said recognized deceased
in light of Presidential Decree No. 101, which
veteran, filed an application for back pay. The Secretary and
authorized respondent Board to grant provisional
Chief of Office Staff the Veterans Back Pay Commission sent
a letter to General Vicente Lopez of the United States-Chinese
Volunteers in the Philippines apprising the latter that the
Commission has reaffirmed its solution granting the back pay
to alien members; the AFP certified certified that deceased
veteran has rendered service as a recognized guerrilla. That
after due deliberation respondent revoked its previous stands
and ruled that aliens are not entitled to back pay; That on
February 13, 1957, the respondent Veterans Back Pay
Commission, through its Secretary & Chief of Office Staff,
made a formal reply to the aforesaid claim of the herein
petitioner denying her request on the ground that aliens are not
entitled to backpay; That upon refusal of the Veterans Back
Pay Commission the petitioner brought the case direct to this
Honorable Court by way of mandamus;

The trial court ordered respondent Commission to give due

course to the claim of herein petitioner. Against the decision,
the respondent instituted this appeal and it further contended
by the Commission that the petitioner should have first
exhausted her administrative remedies by appealing to the
President of the Philippines, and that her failure to do so is a
bar to her action in court.

Issue: Issues:
(1) Whether or not a petition for mandamus is proper to
correct the acts of the commission.

(2) Whether or not it is necessary in the case at bar that

Natividad should have exhausted all administrative remedies,
i.e. before the president.

(1) Yes. The discretion of the Veterans Backpay Commission
is limited to the facts of the case; that is, in evaluating the
evidence whether or not claimant is a member of a guerrilla
force duly recognized by the United States Army. It has no
power to adjudicate or determine rights after such facts are
established. Having been satisfied that the deceased was an
officer or a guerrilla outfit duly recognized by the United
States Army and forming part of the Philippine Army, it
becomes the ministerial duty of the Commission to give due
course to his widow's application. For this reason, mandamus
lies against the Commission.

(2) No. The respondent Commission is in estoppel to invoke

the rule on the exhaustion of administrative remedies,
considering that in its resolution, it declared that the opinions
of the Secretary of Justice were "advisory in nature, which
may either be accepted or ignored by the office seeking the
opinion, and any aggrieved party has the court for recourse",
thereby leading the petitioner to conclude that only a final
judicial ruling in her favor would be accepted by the

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