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How many PHP Version in Market and Latest Version of PHP

Definition PHP
PHP, which implies for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, is well known open source
HTML-embedded scripting language normally utilized from websites everywhere in
cyber world. The prime aim is to assist for the fast programming of interactive,
energetically generated web pages.
PHP code is normally embedded into a presentation web page through the usage of
code delimiters in a similar manner as ASP, ASP.NET or Ruby. Unique JavaScript,
which works within a browser, PHP code turns understand on the server, creating
HTML that gets sent to the client browser to be delivered. The best thing about the
language is easy to use for the fresher developers and still retaining a healthy list of
innovative features for highly professional programmers to develop.
Here, check out the PHP Version Available in the Market:
1.0 8 June 1995
2.0 1 November 1997
3.0 6 June 1998 to 20 October 2000
4.0 22 May 2000 to 23 June 2001
4.1 10 December 2001 to 12 March 2002
4.2 22 April 2002 to 6 September 2002
4.3 27 December 2002 to 31 March 2005
4.4 11 July 2005 to 7 August 2008
5.0 13 July 2004 to 5 September 2005
5.1 24 November 2005 to 24 August 2006
5.2 2 November 2006 to 6 January 2011
5.3 30 June 2009 to 14 August 2014
5.4 1 March 2012 to 3 September 2015
5.5 20 June 2013 to 21 July 2016
5.6 28 August 2014 to 31 December 2018
7.0 3 December 2015 to 3 December 2018
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7.1 1 December 2016 to 1 December 2019

PHP 7 is the latest version of the language with its prime enhancements being in the
parts of object based programming. Every version of PHP is updated than version 2
is presently supported and in fine use.
However, it is basically used for the programming of a web site; PHP can also be
utilized as a command-line scripting language appropriate for easy text processing
job. It also can be used to create desktop applications with a graphical edge with the
help of the PHP-GTK library addition, but this isn't the finest use for PHP as
compared to several special languages planned for GUI development.
A popular benefit associated with PHP is its impartiality towards various operating
systems as well as web server software. It does jobs on different operating system
platforms, and assists the majority of them on recognized web servers which
includes Microsoft's IIS and Apache. One more feature about PHP's is ubiquitous
database assistance which comprises both large proprietary techniques such as
Oracle and open source choices such as MySQL.
The achievement of PHP is an outstanding account about the class of open source
initiatives in a mainly proprietary software growth world. No doubt, the dynamic
content could be something started from an easy GIF image to a completely
personalized web page rich with specifications started from the basic HTML all the
method to graphically related interactive Flash. There are several additional
creative uses too, but it'd be almost unfeasible to name them all specified the
amazing flexibility of PHP.

Specified the extensibility of the language it is hard to go into features of all the
actions as there are surely thousands of them in survival that succeed the around
100 base actions. However, PHP share syntax with most widespread high level
languages which include blocks for 'if', 'for' and 'while' conditions loops.
As with C/C++ changeable names are case responsive and with little exceptions
variables should be declared beforehand of being utilized and specified in special
type. The sorts of variables offered in PHP are astonishingly similar to those starts
in C/C++ and Java.
Advanced versions of PHP are oriented to object simply as advanced versions of
C/C++ are. Moreover, PHPs connection with the C programming language is
extremely close now that it is achievable for developers to mark extensions in C to
add extra action to the PHP language.
At last, incorporated event management isn't limited just too restricted to
predictable behavior. Started from the beginning, its inception is as a public project
strong mistake management abilities which is important mission. Who wishes an
unforeseen affair to crash a complete site or even simply a prospective as e-

MORE INFO: PHP Training Institute Delhi, Best PHP Training Course , HTML Training Course, CSS
Training Course.

SLA Consultants India

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Head Office - SLA Consultants India, 82-83, 3rd Floor, Vijay Block, Metro Pillar No. 52, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi 110092

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