NewEngInUse3 Revision

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EXMEN RECUPERACIN: 3ESO Name ...................................................

Vocabulary (10%)
1 Complete the chart with the words below. Circle the words that dont belong in any group.
security guard canyon jury get lost nephew judge glue isolated
court scissors foggy flash drive break a record coral reef
fail the test glacier prevent paints go on a cruise swamp
Crime Nature School supplies Experiences

2 Complete the words. Then match them to the pictures.

1. p r 5. h ie
2. h t 6. li ing
3. h b r 7. k e
4. s oo r 8. f ne t ai e
a b c d

e f g h

3 Complete the words to match the definitions.

1. the noise we hear in stormy weather t
2. very tired e
3. your fathers sister a
4. what men usually put their money in w
5. a person who copies other peoples work f
6. what we eat between meals s

4 Tick () the sentences T (true) or F (false). Then correct the false sentences
without changing the words in bold.
1. The police need evidence to send a person to court. ...... ......
2. People go abroad in a taxi. ...... ......
3. Sandys taking lessons in self-defence. She plays tennis. ...... ......
4. Unplug the computer to save electricity. ...... ......
5. My parents were angry because I came home early. ...... ......
6. Pasta and bread have got caffeine in them. ...... ......
7. Frank had an injury so we took him to the gym. ...... ......
8. Manchester United are a very famous football team. ...... ......

5 Match A to B to make phrases.

1. tell ...... a. in a band
2. grow ...... b. out
3. belong ...... c. competitive diving
4. throw ...... d. an award
5. learn ...... e. up
6. check ...... f. e-mails
7. receive ...... g. lies
8. perform ...... h. to

6 Complete the sentences with phrases from Exercise 5.

1. Dont that box. I can use it again.
2. Every year, students at Preston School for their good work.
3. That book me.
4. I havent got time to every day.
5. Dan plays the guitar and he every Saturday.

Grammar (30%)
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple
or Present Continuous.
1. I (check) my e-mails every day.
2. the boys (light) a fire now?
3. you always (take) a nap in the afternoons?
4. I (make) a salad for dinner right now.
5. Mike often (fight) with his brother.
6. How often Edna (volunteer) at the hospital?
7. Pete (not do) an experiment at the moment.
8. We (not learn) a new language this year.
2 Complete the chart.
Base Form Past Simple
1. run
2. froze
3. try
4. spoke
5. think
6. ate

3 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Past Simple.
repair take get break lose go
1. Danny a record in the swimming competition.
2. George and Karen abroad to Sweden last month.
3. Larry my computer yesterday.
4. Jane and Matt married in Scotland in 2006.
5. Helen a lot of photos of her holiday.
6. Im angry because I my new sweater.

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives below.
formal expensive comfortable difficult big cool
1. This necklace is beautiful but its necklace in the shop.
2. Its it was yesterday, so take a jacket.
3. Your jeans are for the event. You must buy suitable trousers.
4. I dont understand this article. The language is for me.
5. This elephant is huge. Its elephant in the zoo.
6. I think Ill buy this bed. Its the others.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct adverb form of the adjectives in brackets.
1. Trevor won the medal. He jumped (high) all the other boys.
2. He spoke to me (rude).
3. Tina dresses (elegant) her sister.
4. Weve got a lot of work. Were working (hard) usual.
5. The baby is sleeping (peaceful).
6. I dont think the students will choose Mike. He spoke (confident) Cathy.

6 Choose the correct answer.

1. We watched ...... news on TV last night.
a. the b. a c. an
2. Ann wants to get ...... new nail varnish.
a. many b. some c. any
3. We ...... eat ice cream in the summer.
a. last year b. now c. often
4. We need some information. Can you help ...... ?
a. us b. me c. them
5. ...... do they do judo at your gym?
a. How much b. How many c. How often
6. ...... any eggs in the fridge?
a. There are b. Are there c. There arent
7. ...... a terrible storm last night.
a. Was there b. There were c. There was
8. Somebody stole our car ...... .
a. at the moment b. in 2005 c. on Fridays

1 Read the text and tick () the sentences T (true) or F (false). Then correct the false sentences.

We all like planning ahead. But sometimes the weather can spoil our plans. Two new smartphone apps can
help to solve this problem:
The sky is cloudy and it looks like its going to rain. Youre not sure if youve got time to run to the shops.
5 What should you do? Now, thanks to Raindropping, you can just check your phone.
Raindropping is much better than a normal weather forecast. This is because it uses GPS information to
work out exactly where you are. It then sends you a map of your exact location and tells you if you can
expect rainy or dry weather.
Raindropping checks the weather every 15 minutes. It lets you know how many minutes youve got before
10 it starts raining. It also tells you how long the rain will last and when it will probably stop.
Road Trip Planner
Are you planning a road trip? Try checking Road Trip Planner. The app asks you where youre going and
when youre planning to leave. It then draws a full map of the trip, and tells you the kind of weather youll
meet along the way.
Road Trip Planner can help you know what to pack. It also helps you to plan your trip. You can choose the
best way according to the information you get.
These two apps are still only available in the United States. But people all over the world will soon begin
using apps like them to prevent any unplanned adventures.
1. Both apps can help you plan activities. ...... ......
2. Raindropping tells you if it will rain for a long time. ...... ......
3. To use Road Trip Planner, you must send a map of your location. ...... ......
4. The two apps are popular in many countries. ...... ......
2 Complete the sentences.
1. Raindropping tells you when ......................................................
................................................................................................... .
2. Raindropping is very exact because ............................................
................................................................................................... .
3. Road Trip Planner can help you to decide what ..........................
................................................................................................... .
4. The information from Road Trip Planner helps you choose .......
................................................................................................... .
5. People using apps like Raindropping and Road Trip Planner
wont have ................................................................................ .

3 Find words in the text to match the definitions.

1. change something good into something bad (lines 1-3)

2. place (lines 9-14)

3. put clothes in a bag for going away (lines 26-29)

4. possible to get (lines 30-33)

Listening (20%)
1 Listen to a conversation about chef Skylar Bird. Then tick () the sentences that are true.
...... 1. Skylar opened his restaurant before the age of 19.
...... 2. He plays in a band with his sister.
...... 3. Only students work in Skylars restaurant.
...... 4. Skylars childhood was different from other childrens childhoods.
...... 5. Skylars parents taught him how to cook.
...... 6. Skylar started learning cookery at the age of 16.
...... 7. He went to France to study cookery.
...... 8. Skylar serves only French food at his restaurant.
...... 9. He is friendly with his workers.

2 Listen again and complete the sentences.

1. Robert thinks Megan should become .
2. Skylar Bird opened his restaurant in the year .
3. Skylar named his restaurant after his sisters .
4. Skylar didnt when he was young.
5. The menu at Caf Blue Moose changes .

Write about your plans for your next summer.

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