Persuasive Essay

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What is persuasive essay?
A persuasive essay is one in which you attempt to
get the reader to agree with your point of view. You are
trying to present arguments, research, and ideas in
order to sway the reader one way or the other.

Characteristics of a Persuasive
The purpose is to persuade readers to accept a
certain view or to undertake a certain action.
Hypothesis may be based on a value or a policy
o Approval/disapproval of certain value or
standards (ex: Conducting stem cell research is
o A call for adoption or change in a policy (ex:
The US immigration policy must be changed in
order to improve the economy.)
Writer debates an issue
Information is arranged by defining the issue,
showing both sides of the argument, and taking a
clear stand on the issue
Written in 3rd person (using it, he, she, they),
uses formal language to discuss someone or
The Importance of Postgraduate Education
For many young people, college is mostly a way to get the
education they need for further professional activity. Some students study
eagerly, others drudge through it, but all of them understand that without
graduating from a college or university, future perspectives are rather
dim. Anyways, many students after completing higher education and
getting employed in a company or starting their own business tend to
think that attending an educational institution was the last time they had
to study. What such people do not realize is that studying is, in fact, one of
the biggest services one can do for oneself.

A certain set of skills obtained during the years in a college or

university implies that a person continues working in the same field for
years. This person may become highly proficient in their area of work, and
may change companies he or she works in or climb the career ladder
and there is nothing wrong with that. However, if this person feels fed up
with what they are doing, and would want to realize themselves in a
completely new field, there is a drawback: a minimal amount of education
obtained during ones student years might not be suitable for this. For
example, a person who studied journalism and worked as a journalist in a
news agency feels that he or she cannot continue working there anymore;
what he or she wants now is to become a designer. There are two options
for such a person: either to keep dreaming about the desired job while
continuing to work in a position he or she hatesbecause of the fear or
unwillingness to start studying again, or because they think it would take
too much effortor to look for a design school and learn whatever is
needed to become a designer and finally change their job. This is not an
easy decision: changing ones profession, lifestyle, and duties is by all
means challengingbut studying can make this process go smoother

If a person has no problems with their profession, it does not mean

that postgraduate studying is not necessary. Any profession has, so to say,
a basic level, and an advanced one. A basic level implies that a worker
knows his or her duties, knows how to perform his or her functions in
order to manage daily workloads, and is satisfied with the state of things.
The advanced level implies that there is always something new to learn
even within a profession a person thinks he or she already knows; that
there are a lot of nuances, keeping an eye on which can not only improve
the quality of ones work, but help a worker get promoted, become a
companys valuable asset, develop business, and so on. And getting to
this advanced level requires a person to study; nowadays, many
companies offer their workers all kinds of workshops, seminars,
conferences, and other events during which it is possible to develop new
skills, obtain new knowledge, meet important people, and contribute to
ones own development in a number of other ways. Participating in such
events can be a great benefit to a worker who wants to learn and grow
professionally. Needless to say, companies value such workers, so this
kind of studying can be a great way to enhance ones career (IFR).

Besides, continuing to study even after graduation can make a

person more diverse, versatile, better adapted to different life situations,
and able to manage all kinds of complications. This is not to mention that
being intellectually active is good for mental health. For example, in the
case of such a dreaded problem as Alzheimers disease, studies show that
people who have it and who continue engaging in all kinds of intellectual
activities developed the symptoms of this disease much later than those
who did not study. If two people had the same amount of Alzheimers
pathology, and one had higher education and engaged in more cognitively
stimulating activities, and one had lower educational attainment and
didnt participate in as many mentally stimulating activities, then the
symptoms [of Alzheimers] would appear earlier in the person with less
cognitively stimulating activity says Dr. David Knopman, professor of
neurology at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine (Time).

Postgraduate education is not only a great way to boost ones

career, but also a ticket to a new life of possibilities: if a person wants to
change his or her lifestyle or profession (and they are often connected to
each other), there is no better way than obtaining a set of completely new
skills and fresh knowledge. Besides, mental activity can positively affect
ones mental health, and even in such difficult cases as Alzheimers
disease, studying and using ones cognitive functions actively can
significantly decrease the pace of the diseases development. Therefore,
graduating from a college or university is not a reason to stop learning.
The Death Penalty
When concerning the death penalty, the question is not whether or
not it should be removed, but why it has lasted this long. Originating as a
punishment in Hammurabis code, capital punishment was long been used
for the single purpose of keeping bad people off the streets. The death
penalty is no longer a viable option, for it is costly, irreversible, ineffective
as its sole purpose of being a punishment, and illogical; however, there is
an alternative to it.

The death penalty is inefficient and inconvenient for the

prosecutors, furthermore it may result in fatal errors. Once a person
receives the death penalty, massive costs can come to the state. In the
pre-trial and trial stages, the state spend an incredible amount of money
on trying to identify the killer. Since the stakes are so high when it comes
to the death penalty, the state has to pay for the best representation
(lawyers) for both sides. Convicts are put on death row waiting for their
execution date during this time the state has to pay to maintain them.
Since 1978 costs from death row in the state of California have added up
to 1 billion dollars. The death penalty is expensive for the government; the
state of California alone has spent around 4 billion dollars since 1978 as a
result of implementing the death penalty. Many convicts can be proved
innocent as technology improves, but even if proven innocent nothing can
be done once they are dead. In 1992, DNA testing was used in cases
where one had already been convicted as part of a project to save
innocent lives from capital punishment, the result by May of 2007 was 201
exonerated people, fifteen of which were on death row. Forensics is the
scientific method used to solve crimes. Moving along with technology,
forensics can better determine the culprit responsible for a crime. Along
with DNA testing, advances in biometrics have helped save innocent
people from capital punishment. Our judicial system is not perfect and will
never be, so in order to safeguard form irreversible mistakes the death
penalty must be abolished. Allowing for the death penalty to continue will
result in great expenses for the state and can, has, and will result in fatal

Apart from being a horrible deterrent, the death penalty is

ineffective as a punishment, counterproductive, and not to mention
illogical. Basic human needs include: alimentation, shelter, occupation,
company, and a will to live. Prison works as a way to isolate people from
society in order to remove the threat they posed, and to punish them for
their crimes. The death penalty obviously does not allow for time in prison
to be served and as a result the crimes go unpunished. By depriving them
of two of their basic human needs, occupation and company. These things
are considered needs because without them humans feel uncomfortable
and even suffer to some extent. Another form to punish people is to use
their own mid against them. The people in prison eligible for capital
punishment are usually people responsible for heinous crimes. By serving
time in prison all they can think about is the crime and how sorry they are
they did this. A guilty conscience is one of the most painful things one can
endure. We can all agree that criminals must be punished for their acts,
not by torture and abuse but by physiological effects, which may only be
achieved the long term imprisonment of a criminal. Every person can do
something useful for society and can work create a more perfect living
environment. By giving people the most menial and simplest of tasks the
living conditions of an area can improve. Here in our city many of the area
is littered with trash and many parks look neglected and/or overgrown,
while this does not affect in many ways makes our city look worse, only
long and constant work can help reverse these problems. Prisoners are
the perfect people to execute these small tasks at no cost. The work of
prisoners can also be beneficial to the government. Putting prisoners to
work can help the government maintain the prisoners and economically
help prisons; while money otherwise used for this purpose can be used
otherwise. Work done by inmates is beneficial and can result in no bad,
however prisoners cannot work once they are put to death. Clearly the
death penalty besides from being horrible n a moral aspect, it is also not a
very good punishment and deprives the government from free workers
which can be used for the good of the people.

Although, the death of these criminals is the only way to ensure

they are forever off the streets; life imprisonment can also serve this
purpose. One might bring up the point that life in prison is more
expensive, but one might not know that the death penalty costs more
than 40 years in prison. Therefore, a life sentence is a better punishment
for less money. Furthermore, in most cases the full cost of the death
penalty must be paid for by the state. A prisoner can help the economic
costs of his sentence if put to work instead of killed.

The death penalty has been used for over 5,000 years, yet it has
taken us this long to realize how wrong it really is. In the wake of a death
sentence follow costly fees for the government, which spend the
taxpayers money which could be otherwise used more proficiently; and in
some cases fatal errors can occur. Implementation of the death penalty
has denied the people workers who did not have to be payed and could
help improve the overall appearance and conditions of a place. Capital
punishment has also helped criminals cut their punishment short for their
unforgivable crimes. While using the death penalty ensures that very bad
people never return, a life sentence can serve as the better alternative
fanatically, ethically, and as a punishment. Think about your taxpayer
money, do you really want it to go to this outdated, illogical, so called
punishment? I urge you, take action today and dont let your money go
to waste. When comparing the benefits of abolishing capital punishment
with the death penaltys singe benefit, it is easy to see why it must be
Global Warming
Global warming is one of the most challenging environmental
problems in existence today. It threatens the health of the earths
inhabitants and the worlds economies every day. With global warming
comes longer and more intense heat waves and storms. Along with those
climate changes, come more pests which in turn can carry devastating
diseases. Forestry and farming are feeling the negative impact of global
warming and were also seeing traces of a devastated ecosystem. To
prevent further damage and begin repairing the damaging effects of
global warming, policies must be implemented and diligently enforced.

Energy conservation is the only policy that I would put into effect.
This policy would be very broad; encompassing as many aspects of energy
use as possible.

The first item on the table would be to force automobile

manufacturers to only produce vehicles with high MPG ratings and
eventually to develop new models that are not run on gasoline alone.
Such vehicles are known as hybrids and are run on a combination of
electricity and gasoline. Currently, the technology is available to
manufacture cars with 40+ mpg ratings, however, the concern lies with
the increasing number of trucks and SUVs that are known worldwide as
gas-guzzlers. These larger vehicles are becoming more and more
prevalent and currently do not meet any efficiency standards. Requiring
that all new SUVs and trucks from this point forward be as fuel efficient as
their smaller counterparts, would be a large step in the way of vehicle
efficiency and pave the way for less gasoline reliance. This in turn will
allow for fewer emissions of carbon dioxide from the vehicles that we have
all come to rely on for our sole source of transportation.

The next policy to implement would be that technology be

developed to make all appliances run efficiently; from refrigerators and
stoves on down to video game equipment and lamps. Every piece of
machinery or device that we own uses energy in some way, shape, or
form. Large pieces of industrial equipment and even residential equipment
require a lot of energy to run thereby contributing to the worlds air
pollution. If we would require that manufacturers of such items follow
strict guidelines of energy efficiency, not only would users save money,
but energy use would be at a minimum and thus, less air pollution would
be created.

Some headway is being made in this area, but not enough and not
nearly fast enough. We see most progress being made in the residential
areas: examples are Energy Star appliances and compact, fluorescent
light bulbs. However, everything coming onto the market needs to be
required to be energy efficient according to pre-determined standards and
we cant continue to bypass the industrial aspect of this.

The last policy that I would implement revolves around recycling. I

would require that all packaging be recyclable and that it be made from
recycled materials. Recycling helps the environment by conserving our
natural resources, saving energy, reducing air and water pollution, and
reducing the need for landfill space. Currently, many recycling programs
are in place worldwide, but there are no policies that enforce its
unequivocal use, yet this is one of the easiest ways of protecting our
environment. In order for my policy to be successful, all businesses and
consumers need to actively participate. Following the reduce, reuse, and
recycle methodology will help to reduce the amount of energy that is used
during the elimination of waste products.
Same-Sex Marriage
Imagine youve found the person you want to spend the rest of your
life with. Youre completely in love and you want to get married. But you
cant. Youre not allowed to. You dont get to have a wedding reception;
no vows, no exchanging rings, no walk down the aisle. You are also denied
the legal rights that come along with marriage. If your partner gets sick
with a terminal illness, you may no be allowed to visit them in the hospital
because you are not their spouse. If they die from that illness, all their
worldly possessions could go to a distant cousin because you arent
married, even though you two were partners in almost every other way.
Unfortunately, these are some of the hardships that gay and lesbian
couples face everyday. And, the sad thing is most of the arguments
keeping same-sex marriage are flawed and reactionary and are based
upon nothing more than prejudice, ignorance, bigotry and fear. Same-sex
marriage should be legalized because lesbian and gay couples are good
parents, becuase homosexuality is a common occurrence in nature, and
becuase the laws keeping same sex-marriage from being legalized are old
and outdated.

Those against gay and lesbian marriages often use the argument
that homosexual couples are unfit parents and cannot produce a child
without help from a 3rd party. So, therefore, they should not be allowed to
marry, since the sole reason for a marriage is to produce a child. You will
see that the arguer has already contradicted themselves. If the main
reason for a marriage is to produce a child, then why are sterile couples
allowed to marry? And why does the arguer call gays and lesbians unfit
parents when no credible study has ever found that to be true? A study
done by the AAP, American Academy of Pediatrics, shows that children
raised in homes with two parents of the same-sex develop just as
normally as their peers. Also, research done by Nanette Gartrell (a
professor of psychiatry at the University of California) and Henry Bos (a
behavioral scientist at the University of Amsterdam) showed that children
with lesbian parents may be doing even better than their peers. On
average, children raised in lesbian homes had higher grades, more self-
esteem, and were less likely to develop behavioral problems.

Another commonly used argument is that homosexuality is

unnatural and that, by accepting same-sex marriage, we are encouraging
an abomination. Two gay chinstrap penguins a the Central Park Zoo are
living, breathing proof that their argument is false. Their names are Roy
and Silo and they have been together for a little over six years.
Zookeepers have have tried offering them female companionship, but
they adamantly refused it. Its a similar story at the Jerusalem Zoo, where
two gay griffin vultures, Dashik and Yehuda, are fathering a surrogate
chick together. Homosexuality in animals isnt just something that occurs
in zoos, either. According to zoologist Petter Bockman, roughly 1,500
different species of animals practice same-sex coupling in the wild.

The last of the top three arguments is that same-sex partnerships

are short-lived and non-monogamous, therefore, gays and lesbians should
not be allowed to marry. This argument is so outdated its almost
laughable. It may have had some credibility, say, 50 years ago, when
divorce was a rare occurrence and adultery was a crime. But, nowadays,
over half of heterosexual marriages end in divorce. Nowadays, 57% of
men and 54% of women have admitted cheated on his/her spouse.
Marriage is no longer what it was fifty years ago.

There are many other arguments against gay marriage, each as

refutable as the rest. If no convincing arguments can be made, and all
that is stopping two people from legally spending the rest of their lives
together is the prejudice and ignorance of people who refuse to listen to
the facts, why are people who love eachother not allowed to be married?
Discrimination and hatred are wrong. Love knows no boundaries. Love
does not care if the two people are different races. Love does not care if
the two people are the same gender. Love does not care how different
peoples social background is. Love is blind to differences and similarities.
There is only one truth that people should never forget: Love is love.
The Smoke Scene
You've all probably seen a cigarette before. You've probably even
smelled cigarette smoke before. But do you know all the dangers that
come with it? Some of you may know a few of the dangers, such as
smoking being able to cause lung cancer, but is that all you know? About
400,000 people die every year because of the tobacco in a cigarette. Even
though cigarettes are small and have a small amount of tobacco, it is still
very deadly. About 65,000 of those 400,000 people die from obstructive
lung cancer. About 45 people die every hour! Imagine how many people
die every day. And if you do decide to smoke, just know that you typically
lose 7 years of your life. You could live 7 years longer if you don't smoke. I
know 7 years doesn't seem like a lot, but right now, 7 years is about half
of mine and many other children's lives. So tell me, do you think smoking
is a good idea?

For instance, if you see someone smoking, steer clear of them.

Smoking isn't only dangerous for the smoker, it also effects anyone
around them. This is also a thing called second hand smoke. Can you
believe that every year around 9000 people die from just breathing in
cigarette smoke? Not even pets are safe. Many animals tend to have skin
and chest complaints. Another reason to stay away is because only 15%
of the cigarette smoke is taken in by the smoker, and the rest of the
smoke is released into the air. If your parents smoke regularly, imagine
how much smoke you intake. Knowing that second hand smoke can be
very dangerous, imagine what is going on in your body right now. Your
lungs could be starting to get damaged, or maybe the smoke is affecting
other parts if your body such as the heart. Those who happen to have
smoking parents and are around cigarette smoke daily are 10% to 30%
more likely to get lung cancer than other children who aren't around
smoke daily. Second hand smoke is another one of the many reasons to
not smoke.

Besides, you probably knew that when you smoke you tend to smell
bad, but there's plenty of other reasons why it's so unattractive. Your skin
tends to turn pale because when you smoke, your blood cells are being
restricted. Just think of what it would feel like to try and get tan in the
summer, and not being able to because of smoking. Sadly, smoking also
causes halitosis, also known as having bad breath. If you haven't realized
yet, bad breath isn't very attractive, and will make people not want to be
near you because of your bad breath. Mints and gum can't help you now.
You also tend to develop yellow teeth and wrinkled skin. Yellow teeth isn't
the worst of your problems; many people already have yellow teeth
without smoking. But having wrinkles when your 20 years old? How
horrible that could be. You'd be only 20 years old and look like your 50.

Finally, if you do decide to smoke, there are many reasons to quit.

Smoking does damage, and if you stop, you can get better. If you do quit,
your body does recover and repair itself from all the damage. If you quit
for three months, your lung function can improve by about 30%. Smoking
causes heart problems, and in one year of quitting, the risk of having
heart problems is improved by half of what it would of been. You don't
cough nearly as much as you did, and you improve your blood circulation
and health. Also, carbon monoxide, which can kill you, is found in
cigarette smoke. The fact that a harmful chemical like carbon monoxide
would be found in a cigarette is no surprise to me. If cigarettes can cause
lung cancer and various other problems, there could be other chemicals
like that one. It is, again, no surprise to me that the smoke from cigarettes
have at least 60 chemical agents that cause cancer.

In conclusion, many of you may wonder why people still smoke,

even after knowing these facts. Many people smoke because their family
did it and they think that smoking is a normal part of their life. Others
started because of their friends smoking and peer pressure. And I believe
smoking should be banned in the U.S. Not only do the harmful fumes hurt
you, they affect others! Why keep a harmful product that kills not only the
user but also anyone around them. Many smokers claim it's their body
their harming. But it's not. It's harming many other people out there.
Imagine how many people would still be living if they didn't start. Many
children live with parents who smoke, and imagine how many times they
are made fun of because the way they smell. Cigarette smoke can't just
disappear, or be covered up with products such as Febreze. Cigarette
smoke tends to cling. And many people who try to stop give up because
they think they can't give smoking up. But it is possible to stop. So do
yourself a favor and don't give your hard earned money and your life to
those nasty cigarette companies.

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