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Leadership and Followership in Islam

Ahmad Bello Dogarawa, PhD

Department of Accounting, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
08026499981 -

1 Dr. A. B. Dogarawa, ABU, Zaria Sunday, July 31, 2016

Introduction [a]
o Allah (TWT) has commanded the Muslims to unite and
not to be divided.
[ Aal Imraan, 3:103]

[Anfaal, 8:46]

o Whenever people come together, there is need to have
a leader amongst them who will direct their affairs,
struggle for their welfare and defend their interest.
[Abu Daawud] o
o It was reported from Umar ibnul Khattaab (RA) that:
2 Dr. A. B. Dogarawa, ABU, Zaria Sunday, July 31, 2016
Introduction [b]
o Ibn Taimiyyah said:

o The objective of having a platform that will unite the
interests of Muslims, foster unity among them and
help preserve their Islamic values is what gave impetus
to establishment of organisations, associations and
societies by Muslims across the globe.

3 Dr. A. B. Dogarawa, ABU, Zaria Sunday, July 31, 2016

What is Leadership?
o Leadership entails leading to achieve an objective and
competing to be ahead of others.
o It is a contract or pledge between a leader and his
followers that he will try his best to guide them, to
protect them, to seek their welfare and to treat them
fairly and justly.
o From Islamic point of view, leadership is centred on
serving Allah through service to humanity in order to
seek the pleasure of Allah and attain success in the

4 Dr. A. B. Dogarawa, ABU, Zaria Sunday, July 31, 2016

]Characteristics of Leadership in Islam [a
)1 Leadership is not reserved for small elite; depending
upon the situation, every person is the shepherd of
a flock, and occupies a position of leadership.



[Bukhari; Muslim] .
2) Leadership is both a trust and a responsibility; it
should therefore be rendered to whom it is due.
] [Nisaa, 4:58 o

5 Dr. A. B. Dogarawa, ABU, Zaria Sunday, July 31, 2016
Characteristics of Leadership in Islam [b]
3) Muslims are discouraged from actively seeking
positions of authority.
[Ahmad; Bukhari; Muslim]
4) In the face of a potential crisis or disaster, people
with capability or expertise could seek for
leadership as with Prophet Yusuf (as), and as
explained by Abdullah ibn Fodio in his :

6 Dr. A. B. Dogarawa, ABU, Zaria Sunday, July 31, 2016

Models of Leadership in Islam
o In Islam, the following two models are to be combined
together to have the best form of leadership:
1) A servant-leader relationship
This emphasises seeking the welfare of followers
and guiding them towards good.
2) A guardian-leader relationship
This emphasises protecting followers against
tyranny and oppression, encouraging Allah-
consciousness and taqwa in them, and promoting
justice among them.

7 Dr. A. B. Dogarawa, ABU, Zaria Sunday, July 31, 2016

]Responsibilities of Leadership [a
)1 Establishing Allahs Law for them and preserving the
5 basic necessities


][Haj, 41
o :
][Ibn Katheer
)2 Justice and fairness


] [Nisaa, 4:58 [Bukhari]...
: " :
[ ]Ibn Saad
8 Dr. A. B. Dogarawa, ABU, Zaria Sunday, July 31, 2016
]Responsibilities of Leadership [b
)3 Appointing for them competent, trustworthy and
responsible people to oversee their affairs
][Anfaal, 27


] [Bukhari; Muslim " :
" . :
" " ][Haakim
)4 Concern, responsiveness and able representation

9 Dr. A. B. Dogarawa, ABU, Zaria Sunday, July 31, 2016
]Responsibilities of Leadership [c
)5 Consultation on public matters
] [Aal Imran, 159 ][Shuraa, 38 o
6) Receptiveness with balance between harshness and


][Aal Imraan, 159
7) Role modelling
o ] [Ibn Saad
] [Ibn Qutaibah
: ][Ibn Saad

10 Dr. A. B. Dogarawa, ABU, Zaria Sunday, July 31, 2016

]Responsibilities of Followership [a
)1 Obedience except where commanded to do wrong
][Nisaa, 4:59




)2 Sincere advise in secret, and support in truth




] [Muslim

[Ahmad, Tirmidhi,

] Ibn Maajah :

11 Dr. A. B. Dogarawa, ABU, Zaria Sunday, July 31, 2016

]Responsibilities of Followership [b
)3 Patience with him
] [Bukhari and Muslim :

: ][Aajurriy
)4 Praying for his guidance, not destruction
o : .:
][Abu Nuaim :
)5 Respect for him, and not to disparage him
o ] [Tirmidhi
12 Dr. A. B. Dogarawa, ABU, Zaria Sunday, July 31, 2016
Strategy for Effective Leadership and Followership

Leader Followers
Who you are, what you Understand followers be,
know, and what you can do. know, and do attributes.
Do the followers trust you? Motivate and get them

of Effective
Understand situations Communication
Consult; use judgment to Use 2-way communication.
decide the best course of Communicate according to
action needed for each understanding
13 Dr. A. B. Dogarawa, ABU, Zaria Sunday, July 31, 2016
Imperatives for Effective Leadership
1) Challenge the process by being active and innovative,
redefine the process if need be within boundaries; search
for opportunities; change or improve status quo; and
make shura part of decision-making process.
2) Experiment and take risks with the understanding that
success is not guaranteed.
3) Inspire a shared vision and invoke followers commitment
4) Enable others to act and be a team player
5) Model the way for others to follow
6) Delegate, with authority that commensurate
14 Dr. A. B. Dogarawa, ABU, Zaria Sunday, July 31, 2016
Thank you for Listening

15 Dr. A. B. Dogarawa, ABU, Zaria Sunday, July 31, 2016

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