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Rapture Island 2

Constant Craving
Kelsey Richards kept the few men shed allowed in her life at a distance. When her friend introduced her to Gabriel Durand, a man who
liked to dominate women, she gave him a wide berth, not interested in any man she couldnt control.

She couldnt miss her only friends wedding, even if it meant shed have to spend a week on Rapture Island, an island that catered to
men like him. The reality of being there, and under Gabriels protection, proved more unsettling than shed bargained for.

Kelsey was intrigued by Gabriels proposition, though. The idea of submitting to him in return for a week of pleasure was a lure she
couldnt resist. She didnt want to hear his claim to want more. She didnt believe it. Shed take the pleasure and walk away.

Sex with Gabriel, though, was nothing like shed imagined, creating a bond she couldnt fight.

He made her feel again.

He taught her to love.

Genre: BDSM, Contemporary

Length: 85,171 words

Rapture Island 2

Leah Brooke


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Copyright 2013 by Leah Brooke
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-102-9

First E-book Publication: June 2013

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Rapture Island 2

Copyright 2013
Chapter One
Just minutes after the morning rush began to die down in the coffee shop she owned, Kelsey
Richards felt ita sizzle of electricity in the airand looked up, straight into the eyes of Gabriel
Her heart leapt at the jolt to her system and the surge of awareness that made every erogenous
zone in her body tingle.
Good morning, Gabriel. Her voice sounded huskier than usual, something that she noticed
happened more often in his presence.
Good morning, Kelsey. The low intimacy in his tone never failed to fire her imagination, and
it made her curious to know if his voice would have that same deep timbre in bed.
The usual? Straightening cups that didnt need to be straightened, she looked up at him through
her lashes, her pulse tripping at his slow smile.
Can you join me?
In an attempt to appear nonchalant, she shrugged as the two of them played the game they always
played when he came in. Sure, for a few minutes.
She knew that if the shop had been busy, he would have sat at the table in the corner by the front
window and waited until she could join him.
He seemed to have learned the rhythm of the shop, because he always appeared just when things
started to slow down.
Nervous under his stare, she reached for a cup for a double espresso and almost knocked the
entire stack over. Why dont you go sit down and Ill be right there?
The knowledge of her predicament gleamed in his eyes. With a faint smile, he inclined his head.
Of course.
Watching him walk away, Kelsey admired the fine figure he made in his dark suit. Shed never
seen him in anything else, and she couldnt stop trying to imagine him in nothing at all.
I dont know how you can contain yourself. You try so hard to look calm and collected when
hes looking, but the second his backs turned, you eat him alive with your eyes. Dont you just want
to take a bite out of him?
Kelsey wanted to laugh out loud at Gina, the young woman shed hired to manage her coffee
shop, but managed to keep a straight face as she fixed coffee for Gabriel and herself. The thoughts
crossed my mind a time or two.
Gina sighed. Im going to miss him when you sell this place to me. Hes better than a jolt of that
espresso he loves.
Kelsey glanced toward Gabriel, unsurprised to find him watching her. I havent agreed to sell
yet, and what makes you think he wont come in here after I sell it to you?
Gina snorted. Please. He comes in here to ogle you and try to get in your pants. How youve
resisted this long is beyond me. He started coming in, what, six months ago? Smiling, she picked up
a towel and wiped the already clean counter. On the other hand, I might get back some of the
customers hes scared awayyou know, the ones who stare at you and he glares at them until they
Kelseys face burned. Shut up. Why I dont fire you, Ill never know.
Gina giggled. Because you love me. Now, stop dawdling and get out there. God, that mans a
walking orgasm.
Avoiding Gabriels stare, Kelsey picked both cups up from the counter and made her way to the
table where he sat, smiling at Len, who worked at cleaning up after the morning rush.
Setting Gabriels cup in front of him, she lowered herself to the seat across from him, wrapping
both hands around her cup to hide the fact that they trembled.
She knew what hed come today to talk about, and it excited her as much as it unnerved her. So
how are you today?
Looking sexy, expensive and dangerous, Gabriel smiled and slid his gaze over her features. Im
fine, thank you. And you?
Kelsey tightened her fingers on the cup to relieve the itch to run them through his long, dark hair.
Im fine.
Gabriel laughed, a deep, rich sound that vibrated through her, stroking her skin as effectively as
a caress. Youre not fine. Youre nervous as hell about going to the island with me. I thought wed
gotten past that. Sitting forward, he unwrapped one of her hands from around her cup and held it in
his, running his thumb over her fingers. I thought we were friends.
Kelsey jolted at the electric current that raced up her arm. Her face burned as she tried,
unsuccessfully, to pull her hand from his. Okay, friend. Why dont you tell me exactly what to
Gabriel studied her fingers. Why havent you asked Julianna?
Shaking her head, Kelsey grimaced. I have. Several times. She just laughs.
Still a little disconcerted that her best friend would be marrying two men in less than a week,
Kelsey was even more shaken at the prospect of going to the island Juliannas fiancs ownedan
island that catered to Dominants and submissives.
Gabriel grinned, lifting her hand to kiss her fingers before releasing it, sending another wave of
heat up her arm.
The rules are that every woman that goes to the island has to be accompanied by a man who
agrees to take responsibility for her. He has to make sure she follows the rules of the island and even
arranges for the clothing she must wear while shes there. Of course, we have to share a room.
Excited to be going on her first real vacation, excited for her friend, and thrilled at the chance to
spend time with Gabriel, Kelsey still felt a little uncomfortable at being his responsibility.
She took a sip of her coffee to ease her dry throat, staring at his hands and trying to stop
imagining what they would feel like on her body. Im sorry about this. Of course, Ill sleep on the
sofa. I sure didnt want you to be stuck with me. Had you planned to take someone else?
Looking away, her face burning, Kelsey couldnt imagine anything more embarrassing than
having to share a room with Gabriel and one of his submissives.
Sitting back again, Gabriel raised a brow. Im going to the island with exactly who I want to be
with. You. Scared?
Fidgeting under his steady gaze, Kelsey sighed. Terrified. Gabriel, you know that Im not the
kind of woman youre looking for. Were friends, right?
Gabriel inclined his head. Absolutely. For now. Have you arranged to take the entire week
The thought of spending an entire week with Gabriel had given her several sleepless nights.
Nodding, she smiled. I cant believe I let you talk me into that.
Finishing his coffee, he set his cup aside. You need it. Youve been restless for several weeks
now. I cant believe youve never taken a vacation before.
Couldnt afford it. Gabriel, about the clothing
He got to his feet and pushed his chair in. Already taken care of and packed. Dont make a big
deal out of it, Kelsey. Bracing a hand on the table, he bent low, his smile sending a rush of desire
through her. I enjoyed it. Immensely.
Straightening again, he looked toward the window. Juliannas coming. Ill be out of town for
the next few days. Ill see you early Saturday morning. Be good.
Kelsey frowned as she watched him go, trying to convince herself that his habit of telling her to
be good didnt arouse her. She knew he did it on purpose and tried not to show any reaction, but it
became more and more difficult.
Turning in her chair to look out the window, Kelsey watched Gabriel bend to kiss Juliannas
She and Julianna had met several years earlier, when Julianna moved to Philadelphia and got a
job at a decorating firm a few blocks away.
Since then, Julianna opened her own firm.
She met Gabriel when he hired her to redecorate his offices, his club, and then his home. Theyd
become friends, and had remained friends ever since.
Julianna had met Gabriel one day for coffee in Kelseys coffee shop, and introduced them.
Gabriel had come in at least once a week since then.
Since the first time she saw him, Kelsey wanted him. She knew by the hunger in his eyes that he
wanted her, too, but after learning from Julianna the kind of sexual encounters he preferred, Kelsey
knew that things between them would never work.
With a sigh, she watched Gabriel slide into his expensive car and got up to get coffee for
Julianna reached the table just as Kelsey did, looking happier than Kelsey had ever seen her.
Tall, blonde, and stunning, she drew attention everywhere she went.
Kelsey always felt like a brown mouse next to her. Setting the coffee in front of her best friend,
Kelsey picked up her own. I hate you.
Julianna threw back her head and laughed. I know. If I wasnt going to be busy screwing my
two husbands senseless on my honeymoon, Id love to be a fly on the wall when you finally give in
and let Gabriel show you just how great you two can be together.
Kelsey smiled, but shook her head. Julianna, weve talked about this. I think my first encounter
warped me on men.
Julianna scowled into her cup. That wasnt an encounter. You were fourteen years old and in a
foster home and one of the kids tried to attack you in your sleep. He got a bloody nose and black eye
for his efforts. Hardly what Id call a good experience, but it shouldnt keep you from what you could
have with Gabriel.
You dont know what I could have with Gabriel. Turning her cup on the napkin, Kelsey met
Juliannas look of frustration. First of all, the few men Ive dated
Few? Twoand neither one of them could have been called men. The only reason you even
went out with them is because you could control them. Dont let that asshole keep you from trusting
Gabriel. Hes a good man, Kelsey. I wouldnt have introduced you to him if I didnt believe that.
Kelsey looked around to make sure no one could hear them. The coffee shop had almost
emptied, but she didnt want Gina or Len to hear her.
Have you thought about what you told me about him? Hes a Dom, for Gods sake. What the
hell makes you think I would be any good at submitting to him? What makes you think I even could?
Julianna grinned. Dont knock it if you havent tried it, honey.
A laugh escaped before Kelsey could prevent it. Youre biased.
One of Juliannas fiancs, Nick, was a Dom, and Julianna wasnt the least bit shy about saying
how much she loved submitting to him.
Smiling, Julianna inclined her head. You bet. Leaning forward, Julianna kept her voice low.
Dont sell yourself short, and dont pass up the chance to get to know Gabriel better.
Kelsey sat back, shaking her head and smiling. You want to tell me about the clothing Im
supposed to wear? I hope Gabriel didnt spend a lot of money on it. Maybe hell let me reimburse
Julianna laughed. Not a chance. He had such a good time designing them. I watched him pore
over fabric and beads for hours. I wouldnt offer to pay for them if I were you. It would only insult
him. As for the designI think Ill let you see that for yourself when you get there.
Kelsey finished her coffee. I hate you.
Julianna grinned. Yeah, I know, but you wont after you spend the week with Gabriel.
Getting to her feet, Kelsey blew out a breath. I hope Gabriel and I are still friends after this
week. Id hate the thought of never seeing him again.
Chapter Two
Kelsey met Gabriels appreciative look with a glare, one that seemed to amuse him. Now that
she knew what shed be forced to wear the entire time she was here, she understood why he hadnt
wanted to tell her.
The sexual tension between them could be cut with a knife.
The low hum of arousal humming through her veins grew stronger every time she looked at him.
Every time she felt his gaze.
Every time he touched her.
A constant craving that grew stronger each time she saw him.
Shed known that coming to a place called Rapture Island was just asking for trouble, but she
hadnt had much of a choice. She wouldnt have missed Juliannas wedding, or a chance to spend
time with Gabriel, for the world.
She hadnt counted on how strong his effect would be on her, especially dressed so
provocatively, and with his attention focused on her for such an extended amount of time.
It was heaven, and it was hell, because she knew she could never be what he wanted.
She hadnt been able to tear her gaze away from him for more than a minute or two at a time
since hed picked her up that morning, and she didnt want him to know how desperately she wanted
him. Drawn to him, shed been aware of every shift in his body, every change in his expression.
God, she ached for him.
He looked exceptionally handsome in his tuxedo, but it didnt really matter what he wore.
Tall and amazingly built, he looked like every womans darkest fantasy. From his shining black,
overlong hair, to eyes like glittering onyx, he had a look of decadence about him that made her mouth
water and every erogenous zone tingle with awareness. His sharp features might have been carved by
the angels, but the devious intent shining in his eyes was pure devil.
She didnt know how a man could appear both powerfully masculine and elegant at the same
time, but somehow Gabriel managed it.
She always felt inadequate and nave around him, and couldnt help but wonder what a man like
Gabriel saw in her, especially since shed made it clear that she wasnt a submissive.
The look in his eyes as they moved over her, though, made her feel as if she was the most
desirable woman on earth, and made her believe that something wonderful could happen between
It was a heady feeling, and one that created a need inside her that couldnt be ignored.
It was also too dangerous for her well-being.
His eyes moved over her, creating an overwhelming rush of sensations through her, making her
shift restlessly and wish she wore something that covered her a little more.
As soon as she arrived on the island, shed been forced to change into the most revealing outfit
shed ever worn before, an outfit that every woman who visited Rapture Island had to wear.
What amounted to little more than two pieces of fabric, one covering her breasts and the other
wrapped around her hips, it barely covered her. Knowing that only the clasp between her breasts and
one low on her left hip kept the material in place made her feel entirely too exposed.
It was a good feeling, though, especially when she saw the appreciation in Gabriels eyes each
time he looked at her.
The knowledge of her vulnerability and arousal shone in Gabriels eyes, his gaze lingering on
the jeweled clasps as if he wished they would unclasp themselves then and there.
The thought of being naked and under Gabriel had given her many sleepless nights, especially
since learning shed be spending the week here with him, the need for him becoming so unbearable
that even masturbating no longer satisfied her.
She could only imagine how much it would amuse him to know how badly she wanted him, and
wanted the erotic pleasure his eyes promised. Hiding it from him became increasingly difficult as the
need for him continued to grow, especially when he watched her with those sharp, hooded eyes.
God, she wanted him!
Turning away, she swallowed heavily and struggled to sound composed. Stop ogling me. I feel
foolish enough in this ridiculous outfit. She suspected that he could see right through her, the
knowledge that she couldnt fool him exciting her even more.
He challenged her, and over the last few months had managed to sneak through her defenses,
leaving her feeling exhilarated.
Appearing nonchalant became increasingly difficult.
Standing on the balcony of the luxury hotel, and conscious of Gabriels searching look, Kelsey
looked out at the turquoise-blue ocean and the white sand and thought that this place had to be the
closest thing to paradise shed ever experience.
Without Gabriel here, she knew it wouldnt be half as appealing, and not nearly as exciting.
He was her own private paradiseand her greatest weakness.
Unable to resist, she turned her head to look at him, Struck again by the hunger glittering in his
Gabriels dark, elegant brow went up, a faint smile playing at his sensuous lips, lips shed
imagined moving over her skin with an expertise that she knew would leave her helpless and wanting.
No. Im not about to stop looking at you. Its not a ridiculous outfit. You knew the rules of this place
when you agreed to come here. He offered her a glass of the delicious wine their hosts had
provided, his voice lowering and becoming more intimate.
You knew that coming to Rapture Island meant that you would have to wear the appropriate
clothing I think you look amazingeven better than I imagined.
Kelsey couldnt help but finger the silky material of the revealing skirt she wore, the slide of it
over her overheated skin driving her nearly mad. She had to be very conscious of the way she walked
when wearing it because without panties, she faced the very real fear of showing her pussy and ass to
anyone nearby.
The thought that Gabriel knew that she wore no panties aroused her even more.
The almost continuous island breeze made being exposed a very real possibility, and although
she didnt want any of the other men present to see her, she found herself moving in such a way that
would draw Gabriels attention.
She didnt even realize she did it at first, and then struggled not to, but the lure of having
Gabriels gaze on her naked flesh proved too irresistible to ignore.
Narrowing her eyes, she slid a glance at her best friend, Julianna, who was dressed in a similar
outfit for her wedding to Nick and Steve, the owners of this island.
And the men who made the rules about what women were permitted to wear here.
Theyd dressed Julianna in white and gold, with crystals that caught the light, sending flashes of
glittering light every time her friend moved.
Kelsey had to admit, shed never seen her friend look so beautiful, or so happy.
Juliannas obviously in love, and I wouldnt have missed her wedding for the world, but did
she really have to get married here?
Gabriel grinned, his eyes moving over her. Where else would she get married? Her new
husbands own this island. With a hand at her waist, he pulled her closer, pointing into the distance.
See that construction going on over there?
Kelsey tensed, the feel of his hand on her bare skin sending warm, tingling heat outward until it
seemed to encompass every erogenous zone in her body.
Shed thought his touch on her hand overwhelming in the coffee shop, but it proved to be even
more potent now, so incredibly sensual that she almost turned in his arms and pressed herself against
him. The struggle to remain stiff cost her, but she knew better than to want something she couldnt
have. Gripping the railing until her knuckles turned white, she stared into the direction he pointed and
tried not to think about the heat pouring off of his body in waves.
She tried not to think about the feel of his body brushing against hers, or the slide of his silky
hair over her shoulder.
Yes. Her voice came out as a croak, and she had to clear her throat before speaking again, too
aware of his hard, hot body against hers. What is it? She stepped away and turned to face him,
slightly surprised, and unbelievably disappointed that hed let her.
Gabriel gaze narrowed, the pride and amusement in his sparkling eyes unmistakable. His eyes
glittered with the knowledge of her reaction to his touch, the satisfaction in them putting her on the
defensive. Its the resort were building. Nick and Steve needed a partner, and I was more than
happy to invest. His smug grin made her pulse trip. Were going to make a killing.
Kelsey already knew about the resort from Julianna, but she hadnt realized Gabriel would be a
part of it. Julianna told me about it. Its some sort of place for Dominants and submissives to
vacation, isnt it? Grimacing, she looked around and tried not to think about the number of women
Gabriel had dominated. Like this hotel.
Yes. I already bought one of the penthouse condos.
Kelsey shook her head, not surprised at all, and jealous of every single woman he would take
there. Of course you did.
He made her want to try.
Her need for him made her want to try to be what he needed, and it scared her.
Instinctively hiding her fearher weaknessshe reached deep inside her for strength, angry at
him for making her yearn for something she could never have.
Turning back to her, he let his gaze move slowly up and down her body, leaving a trail of heat in
its wake. This is a beautiful place for a wedding. Perfect, in fact, and it gave me a chance to have
you to myself. He smiled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. You look beautiful, despite the
frown. Im going to have to bring you here more often.
Kelsey tried and failed to conceal the shiver that went through her at the slide of Gabriels hand
through her hair, her breath catching when he slid his hand lower over her back and to her hip, right
above the clasp. No, thank you. When we leave at the end of the week, Im never coming back.
She couldnt come back here without wondering how many other women hed brought to the
Gabriel ran a finger over the clasp. Ever since Julianna introduced us, youve been trying to
ignore the attraction between us. Do you think I dont see it? Feel it?
Raising a brow, Kelsey tried to appear nonchalant, while inside her heart raced. Julianna told
me about your club, and that youre a Dominant. Im not a submissive, and dont even understand that
lifestyle. Giving you a wide berth just makes sense. Please, Gabriel, dont tease me. Dont make me
want something I cant have.
Besides being too handsome for his own good, his dark hair and eyes and chiseled features too
compelling to be ignored, he had a charm about him, a way of making a woman feel as if she was the
most desirable woman on earth.
She had to keep reminding herself that he did it so often that it had become a habit with him and
it didnt mean anything.
She had to believe thatfor her own peace of mind.
When he looked at her, though, with his gleaming black eyes that promised pleasure she could
only imagine, she had trouble remembering.
His hand slid to the small of her back, teasing the ends of her hair, his touch bringing sharp
awareness to her slit. I understand youre scared, Kelsey, but you have no need to fear me.
Stiffening, Kelsey lifted her chin, not wanting him to see how much her need for him unsettled
her. Terrified her. Im not afraid of you.
With a sigh, Gabriel ran the backs of his fingers of his other hand down her arm, using the hand
at her back to pull her closer. Yes, you are. Youve avoided me as much as possible ever since we
met. You like my touch, quite a bit, in fact, but you try to avoid it.
Not about to give him the satisfaction of pulling away from him and proving his effect on her,
Kelsey forced a smile and met his gaze squarely, forcing a sarcastic smile. Youre a handsome man,
too handsome, and can probably get any woman you want. Why would you chase a woman whos
been avoiding you? She wanted to cry, her need for him so intense it actually hurt. She turned away
to face the beach again, gasping when he gripped her upper arms and yanked her around to face him.
With a firm finger, he tilted her face up to his, his eyes hooded and unreadable. Ive never
wanted a woman as much as, and in the ways that, I want you. Dont look so surprised. Theres a
sadness in your eyes that pulls at me. Youre very adept at hiding your feelings, but your loneliness
and need for something more shows through, at least to me.
Startled that he saw even more than shed expected, Kelsey stiffened. Dont be ridiculous.
His voice, low and silky, washed over her, more seductive to her senses than the warm breezes
of the island. When you look at me, theres a look of hunger in your eyes, a desperation almost, as
though you know I can give you what you need and want. Very intriguing, wouldnt you say? How can
you expect me to walk away from that? From you?
She stood mesmerized by his words, unable to move, stiffening when he slid his thumb back and
forth over her bottom lip. She had to swallow heavily before speaking, alarmed that he saw too much.
I dont
He tapped a finger on her lips, making them sizzle with warmth, and effectively silencing her. If
you look hard enough, Im sure you would see the same look in my eyes. Youve been trying to avoid
me, which has been frustrating as hell.
Wrapping an arm around her, he pulled her close, taking her hand in his and lifting it to his lips,
making her fingers tingle, a sensation that travelled all the way up her arm and to her nipples. I want
you to trust me, Kelsey, and Im willing to do whatever I need to do to earn that trust. Id like to
explore the attraction we have for each other. Youll find me a very generous and attentive lover.
Kelsey shivered, her nipples pebbled and aching against his chest. Every warm breeze seemed
to caress her bottom and thighs, arousing her further and coating her inner thighs with her juices.
With the odd suspicion that she fought a losing battle, she shook her head, pushing against him.
You want something I dont know if Im incapable of giving.
Gripping her chin, Gabriel kept her face lifted to his, his eyes narrowed on hers as he rubbed his
chest against her nipples. Well never know if you keep walking away from me.
Taking a shaky breath, Kelsey pressed her thighs together as another rush of moisture escaped.
Its better that way.
God, she ached, wanting him with a desperation that bordered on obsession. Fighting her need
became more difficult each minute she spent with him, undermining her determination to keep him at a
Gabriel smiled as though understanding her inner struggle. You mean safer that way.
Kelsey shrugged, fighting the compelling urge to lean closer and rub her nipples against his
chest. Same thing.
Gabriels smile held a hint of sadness. Do you always have to play it safe?
Yes. Protecting herself had become so ingrained that she did it automatically, but Gabriel had
her reevaluating her own values. Suddenly, protecting herself didnt seem as important as
experiencing pleasure and fulfillment at Gabriels hands.
Why is playing it safe more important than living?
It doesnt hurt. A man like you wouldnt worry about getting hurt, but I have to.
Taking her hand, he led her to a nearby marble bench and gestured for her to sit. Kneeling in
front of her, he removed her shoes, little more than thin leather straps, sticking them into the pockets
of his black tuxedo jacket before holding out his hands again.
A man like me? Frowning when she avoided his touch, he flattened a hand on the small of her
back and guided her down the steps to the beach below.
Trying to ignore the shiver of delight that went through her at the feel of his hot hand against her
bare skin, Kelsey stepped down into the warm sand.
Enjoying the feel of it beneath her feet, and the sensuous brush of the warm wind against her
skin, Kelsey lifted her gaze to the horizon and the spectacular colors of the breathtaking sunset.
The sounds of laughter and music dimmed as they moved farther away from the hotel, leaving
her alone with Gabriel and honing her arousal to a razor-sharp edge.
Gabriels gaze heated her skin even more, his attention like warm hands moving over her.
Youre a very sensual woman. You like the feel of the silky material against your skin, the warm
breeze in the air. You like the feel of my gaze, and I can see in your eyes that you want my gaze on
your nakedness. Id bet that youd love to feel the warm air on your naked body. Youd love the feel
of the sun and the breeze on your soft skin.
His voice lowered, becoming soft and silky, his hand moving with hypnotic slowness over her
back. The feel of hands caressing you, the slide of leather over your skin. A blindfold would
heighten the sensations, and therefore, your pleasure. Id be willing to bet that the slightest pain in the
right place, at the right time, would send you into a world youve never even imagineda world Id
like very much to introduce you toto share with you.
Conscious of Gabriels intense stare, Kelsey swallowed heavily, her nipples beading even
tighter against the strip of soft fabric covering her breasts. Unnerved at the rush of sensation and the
frantic beating of her heart, she tried to push away the images his words created, inwardly cursing
him for the sexual awareness that swelled inside her, the temptation to explore it shredding her
inhibitions and need for self-preservation.
He made her feel wildly sexual, and yet adored, using the charm that practically oozed from him
to make her feelprecious.
It was a heady sensation for someone whod never once in her life felt special.
He would be an expert at making a woman feel so adored and wanted that she would do
anything he asked.
Shed imagined being his lover more times than she could count, imagined what it would be like
to be on the receiving end of the kind of attention she suspected a man like Gabriel would give her.
He could hurt her so easily. In addition to wanting him, she genuinely cared for him, something
she didnt want to examine too closely.
When it ended, shed be even emptier.
Turning away, she looked out at the water, the swell and crash of the waves making her yearn
even more for the crash of release from the pleasure swelling inside her. I told youI dont think
its a good idea. No offense, but I avoid arrogant men like the plague. I only date men when I feel like
Im in control.
Turning her to face him, he held her wrist, preventing her from turning away again. Define
arrogant. He looked at her with a hint of possession in his eyes, one that made her wish things could
have been different. His look made her want to belong to him, to give in to the hunger that threatened
to consume her.
Smiling sarcastically to hide her unease, she lifted her chin, pulling away from him. Youre too
used to getting what you want. Looking away, she strolled to the waters edge, careful not to let her
skirt get wet, afraid that the weight of the water on the hem would make it fall even lower.
Would you care to explain whats wrong with that? I earn everything I have. Im a man who
knows what he wants and goes after it instead of sitting around wishing for things I dont have.
Staring out at the crystal-clear, turquoise water, she kept walking, aware of Gabriels intense
scrutiny as he slowed his steps to match hers.
I know what you are, Gabriel. I know why you invested in this island and why you want your
own condo here. Youre a Dominant, the kind of man who gets his pleasure from overpowering
women and taking what you want from them. I trust you, but the thought of that scares me.
She didnt divulge the fact that it also intrigued and aroused her, not wanting to give him any
more ammunition to use against her.
The tense silence that followed filled Kelsey with foreboding. After several long seconds,
seconds filled with tension, she couldnt stand it anymore and turned her head to look at him. Sucking
in a breath at the glitter of anger in his eyes, and at the sudden palpable distance between them, she
turned away again.
Resigned to the fact that shed ruined everything, she swallowed the lump in her throat. Im
sorry if youre offended, but you told me once, when I made up an excuse not to go out with you, that
you preferred honesty between us.
True. I insist on it. He placed a hand on her arm, stopping her when she would have moved
away. The unmistakable hurt in his eyes held a hint of anger. Is that how you really see me? As some
kind of monster?
Unsettled by the challenge in his voice, she took a step back, feeling as if shed dared him in
some way. Not a monster. A Dominant.
Gabriel shrugged, watching her intently in a way that unnerved her. Ill admit to being a man
who doesnt back down from a challenge. Inclining his head, he allowed a small smile, a smile that
did nothing to dispel the anger in his eyes. I can even admit to being ruthless on occasion, when the
situation calls for it. The rest is insulting.
Kelsey raised a brow. But true.
His brow went up, the censure in his eyes knotting her stomach. I really thought you understood
me better than that, Kelsey. His gaze sharpened, the raw sexuality revealed in it making her pulse
trip. Well have plenty of time this week to get to know each other better, though, wont we? Before
we leave this island, well understand each other very well.
Shaken with the knowledge that hed hidden this intensity from her for so many months, Kelsey
schooled her features, determined not to show any sign of weakness. You confuse me. Just when I
think I know you Swallowing a sob, she shrugged.
Gabriel stared at her for several long seconds, his expression thoughtful. Staying here this
week will give you an insight into the lifestyle. Youll understand me better, and perhaps even
understand yourself a little better.
Kelsey snorted inelegantly. I dont want you to think you can change me into something Im not.
Youre doomed to be disappointed.
Narrowing his eyes, Gabriel tilted his head to the side, the compassion in his eyes nearly
undoing her. Youre scared. I understand that, Kelsey.
Lifting her chin, she struggled to hide her unease, afraid shed somehow given something away.
You dont scare me, Gabriel. Im just not interested in getting involved with any man, least of all
one who feels he has to dominate women.
She felt trappedbacked into a corner and defenseless against her own desires.
After another lengthy pause, one in which he stared at her intently, Gabriel reached out to take
her hand in his, firming his grip when she resisted. Back to back lies. Interesting. I see the fear in
your eyes. At first I thought you were just scared of me, and then I realized that youre scared of all
menat least the ones you cant control.
Kelsey tried to take a step back, gasping and crying out when Gabriel jerked her against his
Let go of me. You have no idea what youre talking about.
God help her if he ever found out that what she felt for him had become more than just desire.
Clenching his jaw, he wrapped his arms around her. Stop it before you hurt yourself. He slid a
hand under her skirt to her bare bottom and delivered a sharp slap, startling her into stilling. Thats
Gabriel gripped her upper arms and pulled her to her toes. You have a look in your eyes, a
wariness and fear whenever a man comes close that tells me that youve been hurt by one. Youve
discovered that the best defense is a good offense. Your attack first attitude is how you hide that fear,
and it drives me crazy.
She opened her mouth to deny it, but before she could speak, he placed a finger on her lips,
effectively silencing her. Dont bother to lie to me again. It pisses me off. Cupping her jaw, he ran a
thumb over her bottom lip, the possessiveness in his eyes and touch sharper than ever.
You dont trust men. They make you nervous, and youve pretty much convinced yourself that
you never want a relationship. Ever. But, you want me, and it confuses and angers you. Things
changed over the last several months, havent they? You know theres something between us, and it
scares the hell out of you.
Threading his hands through her hair, he pushed it back, lifting her face to his. He bent close, so
close that his warm breath caressed her lips. His gaze became tender, but no less watchful. Youve
started to trust me, and that scares you even more.
Astounded at the power emanating from him and the sudden shift in the erotic atmosphere, she
found herself more alarmed by the tenderness in the way he looked at her. It became increasingly
difficult to hide from his intense scrutiny, and since his hold wouldnt allow her to turn away, she
lowered her eyes, hating her weakness. I dont know what you mean. Her denial sounded lame even
to her.
Gabriel lifted her chin higher, waiting until she met his gaze again before smiling. Of course
you do, but Im willing to spell it out for you. I dont want any misunderstandings between us.
Taking her hand in his, he lifted it to his lips, his eyes steady and searching on hers. Admit it
if not to me, at least to yourself. You know I wont hurt you. Youre not afraid of me that way. Youre
afraid of the way I make you feel. Thats why youre so determined to stay away from me. You want
this as much as I do, but youre too scared to go after what you know, deep in your soul, is missing
from your life.
When she would have pulled away, he tightened his grip, pressing her palm to his strong jaw.
Talk to me, Kelsey.
Swallowing heavily, she struggled to keep her tone firm. Thats ridiculous, and theres nothing
to talk about. If she messed it up, or couldnt be what he needed, shed ruin the friendship theyd just
begun to build and solidify her belief that having a relationship with a man she could trust and respect
was impossible.
Turning his hand, he pressed a kiss into her palm, sending a riot of delightful shivers up her arm.
Its not ridiculous at all, and I think we have a great deal to talk about. You dont want to want me,
but you do. You didnt expect to ever trust me, but you do.
Drawing her close, he ran his hand up and down her back, increasing the sense of
possessiveness. His gaze held hers, the affection in it so like the look shed become used to, that she
found herself relaxing enough to flatten a hand on his chest. That means a great deal to me. I promise
to never betray that trust. I just want to spend the week getting to know you, and Id like you to get to
know me. Youve already taught me things about myself. Give me the chance to show you things about
yourself. Let me prove to you that youre strong enough to have a man in your life.
Very much afraid that Gabriel was the only man she could even tolerate in her life, she pushed
against his chest and slipped past him, knowing that shed been able to only because hed allowed it.
How could she compete with the women hed known, when she didnt even know the rules of
the game?
Hed think her gauche and nave, and his interest would quickly turn to boredom.
Determined to hide how desperately she wanted to give in, she turned to him as he matched his
steps to hers. I know Im strong enough to have a man in my life. I just dont want one, and I dont
particularly care to be an experiment for you. If you want to be friends, fine, but Im not interested in
what I think youre proposing.
Gabriels eyes narrowed, his amusement unmistakable. And what is it that you think Im
You want me to be your lover. Frowning, she shook her head. No. Lover isnt the right word.
Youre looking for someone to play your games with you. You want a woman you can dominate.
Stopping, she turned to face him fully. You intrigue me, Gabriel. Youre handsome and
charming and Im sure you have no shortage of women. But, like I said, Im not interested.
Surprised that she didnt choke on the lie, she averted her gaze, glancing at Gabriel out of the
corner of her eye to see if he believed her.
Gabriel didnt seem the least bit offendedor surprised.
Nothing she ever said or did seemed to surprise Gabriel.
Damn, she hated being predictable.
Inclining his head, he released her, clearly not believing her. I wont push you into anything,
honey, if thats what youre worried about.
Running a fingertip over her shoulder, he smiled. Dont worry, Kelsey. Nothing will happen
between us that you dont want to happen.
Sharply aware of his gaze on her breasts, she fought not to cover herself. That sounds
A dark brow went up. Not at all. You need a vacation. I want you to relax and enjoy yourself
this week. Im not going to do anything to ruin it for you.
A laugh escaped before she could prevent it, shocking her. Are you kidding? I cant even go to
dinner unless youre with me. If Im seen alone, one of the guards will just take me back to your room.
Stupid bracelet.
Lifting her arm, she grimaced at the silver band theyd put on her when shed checked in, a band
that had Gabriels name on it. It feels like a brand. And these outfits! I cant believe men actually get
women to come here.
Gabriel grinned. You came here with me, didnt you?
She glared at him, finding it harder and harder to hold back her amusement. I came here for my
best friends wedding. You just somehow managed to convince Nick and Steve to make sure I had to
stay with you the entire time.
A faint smile curled his lips. Rules of the island, darling. You knew that before we left.
Yes, I knew. I also knew there wouldnt be any way to come here without agreeing to the terms
and stop calling me that.
It gave her a warm feeling inside, one that she could get used to far too easilyand miss a great
deal when this week was over.
Taking her hand, he began to stroll farther down the beach. Nevertheless, you did agree to the
terms, and we have a week together.
Blowing out a breath, she hid a smile. I havent had a vacation in years, and it seems this is the
only chance Ill have to take one. I just dont want to spend it fighting off advances.
Gabriels smile, pure sin, sent another wave of longing through her, making her pussy clench
with the need to be filled. Kelsey, when I take you, you wont be fighting off anything. In fact, I can
promise you, I wont take you until you beg for it.
Lifting her chin, she met his gaze squarely. Well, that will never happen.
Hell, she was close to begging now.
Then you dont have anything to worry about, do you?
Not trusting his tone or the knowing look in his eyes, Kelsey eyed him warily. Good. I want a
vacation, and some time to think about some things.
She wanted to sleep, read, and lie on the beach and forget about employee schedules and rising
prices. Shed built a good business, but a lot of people had started cutting back on take-out coffee,
and her business had taken a hit.
None of that would have mattered to her, though, if her heart had been in it.
She was seriously considering Ginas offer. She wanted some time to think about it, and getting
away for a week seemed like a good time to do it.
The business had served its purpose, but the restlessness inside her to do something else
couldnt be ignored.
Meeting Gabriel had only made it worse.
At least she could enjoy Gabriels company while she figured out what she wanted to do.
A sudden breeze lifted her skirt, blowing over her bottom and mound before she could gather the
material and press it against her thigh. Knowing that if Gabriel had been on the other side of her, he
would have seen everything, Kelsey kept her hand fisted in the silky material, struggling to keep her
breathing slow and even.
Just keep your end of the bargain.
Gabriel smiled, and took her arm. I always do, Kelsey.
Kelsey narrowed her eyes, not trusting the look of anticipation gleaming in his. Good.
Lifting her hand to his lips, he kissed her knuckles, sending that now familiar tingling sensation
up her arm. It spread to her nipples, making them bead even tighter, and tingle with the need for his
touch. I always keep my promises, Kelseysomething youll learn soon enough.
Chapter Three
How did you get to be a Dominant? I mean, what made you decide that thats what you
Gabriel met her gaze, his eyes dancing. I never liked boring and was always looking for a
thrill. I drove my parents crazy. I was a daredevil who always looked for an adrenaline rush. I think
thats why I got into business for myself. I made money gambling and then took it from there. The
same applied to sex. I have a very high sex drive and vanilla just wasnt enough. I like the challenge
of bringing a woman pleasure even when she fights it. To turn pain into pleasure. To turn anger into
Pausing, he ran his fingers down her back. I like a hardheaded, stubborn woman who wont
give in meekly to her pleasure. I like the battle of wills. A strong womans submission makes the
victory even sweeter.
The mental image of trying to resist the pleasure he forced on her sent a warm rush of desire
through her, one so intense it gave her a small orgasm. Her steps faltered, and shocked at the brief
flare of pleasure, she struggled to hide it.
She stumbled once, unsurprised that Gabriel caught her immediately. Shaken by the feel of his
hands on her arms, and the look of hunger in his eyes, she pushed away. Thank you. Im fine.
Gabriel released her slowly, his eyes narrowing. I know how you are, Kelsey. Maybe while
were here, youll have the courage to explore your needs.
Theres nothing to explore. Tell me about the new condos.
Inclining his head, he gave her a knowing smile. Well change the subject, if you like, at least
until you calm down. Well get back to it.
Before she knew it, theyd arrived back at the hotel, only to find the lobby silent and empty.
As they walked across the large expanse of smooth marble, Kelsey frowned and looked around
at the opulent surroundings. I havent seen anyone except the staff and Steve and Nicks security
men. Arent there any other guests?
No. With a hot hand at her back, Gabriel led her across the lobby and to the bank of elevators.
Were the only ones here this week, and visits will be restricted to potential buyers until the condos
are finished. Theyre training staff for the condo complex here at the hotel, and they dont want a lot
of people running around until everythings ready.
Trailing a finger up her spine, he smiled at her shiver and followed her into the elevator. That
means were nearly alone. Security will stay out of sight and will mostly be monitoring to make sure
the island has no uninvited guests. Steve asked if we could eat in the dining room occasionally while
theyre training the new waiters, but tonight well stay in our room.
He met her look with a cool smile, his eyes unreadable. You look like you need something to
calm your nerves. We can sit and have a drink on the balcony.
Inwardly cringing that he found her so easy to read, Kelsey nodded and said nothing, wrapping
her arms around her waist.
Thats fine. I want to take a shower first, though. I feel sticky from the spray of the water, and
even though I rinsed my feet, I still feel sandy.
Of course. I think we could both use a shower. Besides, I bought several of those becoming
outfits for you in an assortment of fabrics and colors, and although you look beautiful in that one, I
cant wait to see you in all of them.
Kelsey groaned. Thats what I was afraid of. I wish youd let me pay for them. I hate the feeling
of being in someones debt.
You dont owe me anything, Kelsey. I enjoyed it very much. Ive looked forward to every
aspect of our week together.
Theyd arrived at their floor, and when the elevator opened, she rushed out, but Gabriel
apparently had no difficulty in keeping up with her.
Producing a key card, he kept his steps even with hers. Is there a problem?
Shed never before felt so out of her element, and feeling so vulnerable put her at a
disadvantage. Her arousal made it even worse, leaving her feeling exposed, and it had begun to fray
her temper. I dont know how to do this!
He unlocked the door and pushed it open, gesturing for her to precede him. You look beautiful,
darling, but I can understand that feeling so vulnerable would shake you. Seeing you dressed that way,
knowing that only two jeweled clasps stand between me and having you naked is testing my control to
the limits.
Dont. Please, Gabriel, dont lie to me. I know youve been with many beautiful women who
know how to play this game, and I must seem really nave to you. But please dont play with me that
She felt stupid and confused, a feeling she hated.
Still, she found her gaze drawn to him, wanting his hands on her so badly she trembled. Please,
Gabriel. Try to understand. I dont know how to play your games.
Frowning, Gabriel folded his arms across his chest and stared at her with narrowed eyes. If
you were mine, youd pay for calling me a liar.
Swallowing heavily, she studied his expression, trying to figure out if he was serious or teasing
her. What would you do? Spank me? Beat me? Whip me? I mean, if you were dominating me, what
kind of things would you do to me if I called you a liar?
She sucked in a breath at the feel of Gabriels hot hands on her shoulders. She panicked at the
surge of need and tried to pull away, but he tightened his hold, keeping her firmly in place with an
ease that impressed her.
Bending close, he brushed his lips against her ear, sending arrows of electricity to her nipples
and clit. I would make you very aware of the fact that youd displeased me.
She knew just how easily he could overpower her, but she wasnt afraid of him.
Not physically, at least.
She feared the way he made her feelfeared the rippling waves of alarm created by his
threatening but silky tone that ignited her senses.
Furious at herself for being one of the undoubtedly countless women that fell under his spell,
Kelsey clenched her jaw, fisting her hands at her sides and struggling to hold back tears.
Turning to face him fully, she crossed her arms over her chest. Tell me something. How would
you do that? What kind of women put up with that stuff?
And why the hell did she want so badly to be one of them?
She couldnt shake the feeling that there had to be more to his lifestyle than she imagined, and
that hed begun to show her bits and pieces of it.
Gabriels eyes hardened. By stuff, I assume youre talking about a woman giving herself to me?
Thats something youre going to have to find out for yourself.
Fighting back a jealousy she had no right to feel, Kelsey turned away and closed her eyes as
images of Gabriel touching other womennaked, beautiful womenraced through her mind. She
shouldnt care that hed been with other women. She shouldnt care that he found pleasure in women
who could submit to him the way he wanted.
Shaken by her own mixed feelings, she shrugged and stared out the doors to the ocean. I dont
understand what you want from me.
Aware of the tense silence behind her, and feeling Gabriels sharp gaze, Kelsey stepped out
onto the balcony for air. Im out of my element hereand with you.
She didnt think he moved, but knew she had his undivided attention.
To her surprise, Gabriel moved in behind her, his footsteps nearly silent on the marble floor.
But she felt him.
Turning, she took a step back and met his gaze, holding her breath.
Staring into her eyes with his dark, hooded ones, Gabriel smiled, a sad, tender smile that made it
hard to breathe.
Desire and feara powerful combination. An arousing one. Its also a highly unpredictable
Each word stroked her arousal, his deep, intimate voice as seductive as a caress.
You think you know me, but you dont. Just because you can convince other women to give in
to you, that doesnt mean I will. Or can.
His smile widened, the smug satisfaction in it fueling her anger. You only attack when youre
feeling vulnerable. You do want me, but youre afraid. I understand that, Kelsey.
She feared he didnt understand just how much she wanted him, or how much the strength of that
need scared her. She was afraid he didnt know just how important hed become to her, or how much
she feared losing that. Please, Gabriel. You dont understand! How can you be so calm about this?
Staring down at her with hooded eyes, he reached out to tuck her blowing hair behind her ear. I
understand more than you can imagine. I think youre the one who doesnt understandme, yourself,
or what you and I can be to each other. I wouldnt be any good to you if I got upset every time I
encountered an obstacle, and I sure as hell wouldnt be as successful. Why dont you go take a
shower, or better yet, a hot bath, and well sit here, have a drink, and talk?
She didnt trust the gleam in his eyes. Talk? Just talk?
Just talk. He held out his arms as if that would make him appear less threatening, but she
didnt think anything would do that. Trust me. I want you to be more comfortable with me than you
obviously are.
Kelsey sucked in a breath, frozen in place when he reached out a finger and traced the upper
curve of her breast above the silky material.
Other than the light stroke of his finger, he didnt touch her, but she felt the effects of his light
caress everywhere. We have a lot to talk about, dont you think? We can talk about why youre so
afraid of men, and you can ask me the kind of questions I know youre dying to ask.
Her nipples beaded so tightly they ached, making even the slide of the material against them
almost unbearable. Youll answer questions about your lifestyle?
Of course. Glancing up, he smiled, a smile filled with secrets. I want you to be comfortable
with me, Kelsey.
He dropped his hand to his side, his smile tender. Why dont we both get showered and
changed into something more suitable. A tuxedo with sand in it isnt very comfortable, and Im sure
youll feel better when you get cleaned up. Ill order some wine.
With a smile, he turned away. Ill get you another outfit. I bought you quite a few and Im dying
to see you in all of them. I really do like dressing you. I like taking care of you, even if its only
Bending close, he brushed his lips over hers in a soft caress, and lifted his head to stare into her
eyes. Ill just have to see what I can do to convince you to make it permanent.
Chapter Four
These outfits are stupid. You cant even call them clothes. Two skimpy pieces of material.
Nick and Steve should be shot.
Gabriel hid a smile at her indignation, letting his gaze sweep over her. He wanted to laugh out
loud at her look of confusion and desire in her eyes, a look he suspected had a lot to do with the way
the material felt against her breasts and bottom, and the amount of skin it revealed. I think theyre
Even though she glared at him, she couldnt hide the hunger in her eyes and the emotion she
probably thought he couldnt see. Her defensiveness rose with her arousal, the vulnerability created
by her need and the awareness of the amount of soft skin showing unsettling her. In defense, she
lashed out, and probably didnt realize how fluid her movements had become, or that she kept arching
her back, thrusting her breasts out in what he believed to be an unintentional invitation.
She looked stunning in the outfit hed had made for her, the outfits required for women who
visited the island something he and Nick had designed together.
Smiling, he let his gaze rake over her, his attention lingering on her beaded nipples. You look
beautiful, and Im sure you feel sexy as hell in it. Its the ideal thing for a submissive to wear. Sexy,
easy access, and always a threat of being revealed. It keeps a woman on edge.
He was on edge himself, his cock hard and demanding as every movement she made gave him a
flash of velvety skin. The brief glimpses hed gotten of her heart-shaped ass and soft curls covering
her mound tormented him and made his hands itch to touch her.
Dressed in one of the sarongs and brief tops, this one made of soft, pale green cotton that
emphasized the green in her beautiful eyes, she looked good enough to eat.
His mouth watered for a taste of her, and the thought of burying his face between her creamy
thighs and eliciting cries of shocked pleasure from her had his cock lengthening and thickening almost
Patience, Gabriel.
Her long hair, still wet from her shower, hung down her back in a thick, dark curtain, one that
would lighten to honey blonde when it dried. Even now it started to curl around her face, and he
found himself fascinated by the waves that became more prominent as her hair dried.
She usually wore it pulled back into a tight ponytail, a look that had sparked fantasies of
wrapping his fist around it and guiding her to her knees.
The thought of seeing her with that ponytail secured with her head forced back, perhaps with an
anal hook, on her knees, and with her legs spread wide had kept him awake countless hours.
Hed thought about her for months, wanted her for months. Each time he saw her, he became
more convinced that she would be the kind of woman he should stay away from.
He couldnt, though. Like an addict, he wanted more.
She could change his life. She would change his life.
In many ways, she already had.
His emotions had gotten involved, and the thought of taking her, taming the passion he knew he
would find inside her, gradually become more explicit, until he could almost taste her.
He wanted to guide her. Teach her.
He wanted to make her his.
The irresistible combination of brash rudeness she used as a defense mechanism, loneliness and
vulnerability was nothing more than a challenge to him at first, a challenge any Dom worth his salt
would revel in.
As he got to know her, it became something moresomething deeper. He found her so
overwhelming and so arousing to his senses that he couldnt stay away from her, torturing himself at
every opportunity.
She still challenged him on many levels, but her sadness and loneliness made him desperately
want to be the man to heal her. He wanted her to see what an incredibly desirable woman she was,
and that she could love.
One day, hed looked across the small coffee shop, watching her as she waited on customers,
and knew hed somehow fallen in love with her.
Bit by bit, shed stolen his heart, and he hadnt even realized it until it was too late to get it back.
Nick, Steve, and Juliannas wedding gave him the perfect opportunity to focus her attention on
him. He wanted to prove to her that he was man enough to handle her, and that she had nothing to fear
from him.
Hed wanted to ease her into the lifestyle, but he didnt have much time for more than a crash
course, one that he hoped would prove to her that they could be the perfect couple.
Kelsey was a woman who didnt give up control easily, another challenge that only made him
want her more.
He wanted to tear down her defenses and show her that she could be vulnerable with him. He
wanted her to see that he was just as vulnerable with her, and that only by letting their defenses down
would they be able to have the loving and exciting relationship they both needed.
He would be balancing on a thin edge, convincing her that she had the power to hurt him, while
retaining the control needed to satisfy both of them.
Emotionally, she brought him to his knees, but sexuallyhell, he could only imagine the passion
he would unleash. She would be pure dynamite, and he knew it would take every ounce of control he
possessed to handle her.
Hiding a smile, he let his gaze rake over her. Hed known it would happen one day. Hed known
hed find a woman he wanted to Master for the rest of his life, but had assumed it would be a
submissive, a woman whod already accepted the lifestyle.
Of course, hed never done anything the easy way.
He had to fall in love with a woman who liked to be in control in relationships, and who had
trust issues.
As she surrendered to him, hed fall deeper in love with her every day.
He knew that, and accepted it.
He was going into this with his eyes wide open, knowing that she had the power to hurt him no
woman had ever had.
Letting her see that he cared for her and desired her, but not overwhelming her with emotion
would be a hell of a balancing act, but he had no other choice.
He was in this for keeps and had to play it just right or risk losing her forever.
He went to the table and poured her a glass of wine, pretending not to notice that she stiffened
each time he moved. Lets sit down and talk. Maybe that will help you relax.
She frowned now, careful not to let their fingers touch as she accepted the glass of wine he held
out to her. Relax? How the hell can I relax around someone like you? She looked away again,
something she did with annoyingand fascinatingfrequency.
Pouring his own glass of wine, he glanced at her and smiled, hoping to appear nonthreatening.
Someone like me?
Her hand trembled as she took a sip from her glass, her beaded nipples and the hunger in her
eyes telling him that fear had nothing to do with it. Frowning into her glass, she shrugged. You know
what I mean.
Moving to the opposite end of the plush, white sofa with his own glass of wine, Gabriel
lowered himself onto it, turning slightly toward her. He hoped that putting distance between them
would give her a sense of security and enable him to move on to the next step.
His cock stirred under her stare, the apprehension and desire in her eyes telling him that his
instincts about her were right.
She kept glancing at the bulge in his soft, cotton pants, and at his chest, her interest arousing as
hell, and a good sign for the conversation he had planned for tonight.
Smiling, he inclined his head. I know what you mean. Taking a sip of wine, he watched her
over the rim, mesmerized by the sight of the long leg she kept trying to cover up.
He had to get her to talk, and hoped that a few glasses of wine would loosen her tongue. You
think that men who prefer to dominate a woman are cruel. Have you had any experience with a man
like that?
Kelsey clenched her jaw and looked away. Yes.
Fury swelled inside him. Are you saying you were raped?
Kelsey smiled and shook her head. No. Nothing like that. It scared me more than anything. He
didnt actually hurt me. It was the son of the people who took me in their foster home. He thought
every girl wanted him and snuck into my room one night. Two black eyes and a bloody nose later, he
hobbled out.
Staring down at his glass, Gabriel kept all emotion out of his voice, so furious, he wanted to
punch through a wall. What was his name? Clenching his fist in anticipation, he mentally calculated
how much pain he could cause, and for how long.
Kelsey laughed and threw back her head, her eyes full of misery and a glimmer of gratitude.
What are you going to dobeat him up? I already did.
Gabriel clenched his jaw, and set his glass down on the low coffee table before he snapped the
Good for you. Im proud of you. Regarding her steadily, Gabriel picked up his glass again.
And since then, youve been a control freak.
I guess. I never really thought about it. Kelsey smiled, a smug smile Gabriel didnt buy for a
minute. I do know that I have no plans to ever be a shrinking violet.
Amused at the image of such an independent woman being so docile, Gabriel laughed softly. So
you like dominating men, do you?
Kelsey laughed, throwing her head back. Yep. Got my own whips and chains and all that other
stuff. Christ, you sound like Julianna. Shaking her head, she met his gaze. I just dont let them push
me around. The few men Ive been with have known that I wasnt about to change my life for them. If
they didnt like the way I did things, then they knew where the door was. Frowning, she stared down
into her glass. It took me a long time to find myself, and I didnt want to lose that.
And still somethings missing?
Kelsey took another sip of her wine, frowning down into the empty glass. Yes. Lifting her
head, she blew out a breath. Ive always fantasized about being overwhelmed in the bedroom. You
knowsex, but more. More intense, not just a quickie and its over.
Gabriel smiled, hiding a wince when his cock jumped. I know.
Kelsey got up and went to the French doors and looked out, as if she found it easier to talk
without looking at him, something he would have to work on. It all sounds good in theory, and fine
for fantasies, but I just cant imagine being so defenseless. Ive been thinking about it more since
Julianna told me that youre a Dom, and I have to say, Im intrigued. But too scared to do anything
about it.
With a jerky movement, she gulped down the rest of her wine. There. You wanted honesty.
Now you know why what you want from me is impossible. Turning to look at him over her shoulder,
she laughed bitterly. Hellif thats even what you want. Youve been coming to the coffee shop for
months, sitting there for hours, but never asking me out.
Lifting a brow, Gabriel got to his feet and took several steps toward her, moving slowly so as
not to alarm her. Would you have accepted?
Not a chance.
Grinning, Gabriel inclined his head again. Thats why I never asked. I wanted you to get to
know me. If you hadnt, you never would have come here with me.
Turning to face him fully, she shook her head, her eyes not quite focused. Gabriel, I really have
no idea what you want from me. I told you the truth about myself because I want you to understand that
Im not playing games, but I dont want you to consider this week a waste of time. Im attracted to
you. I cant deny that, but the rest
Gabriel smiled, wanting nothing more than to fold her in his arms and comfort her, but now
wasnt the time.
I dont consider one minute of my time with you a waste. I consider each one precious. Taking
her glass, he moved back to the low table and spread some cheese on a cracker. He didnt want her to
get drunk, and he hoped a little of the finger food hed ordered would absorb some of the alcohol.
Offering it to her, he hid a smile at the way she somehow managed to take it without letting their
fingers touch, promising himself that one day soon, she would crave his touch as much as he craved
I want you, Kelsey, and I fully intend to have you.
Handing her another half glass of wine and another cracker, he gestured for her to sit on the sofa,
careful not to touch her.
Expecting the look of panic, he met it, shaking his head. Im not going to attack you, Kelsey. I
wont touch you until youre ready.
Curling onto the sofa, Kelsey looked up at him through her lashes, her eyes greener than ever.
What if I cant?
Shrugging, Gabriel refilled his own glass and took a seat again, attempting to appear relaxed,
when he was anything but. Well see. I think you and I could find a great deal of happiness together.
Staring into her glass, she finished chewing her cracker, the tip of her tongue appearing to lick
away a crumb and making his cock throb. Taking another small sip of her wine, she tilted her head to
the side, her eyes narrowing. I would make a mess of things, and afterwards, we wouldnt even be
friends anymore. Im afraid of that. You probably wont believe this, but youve become a very
important part of my life. Id hate to lose that.
Gabriel shifted, grateful that hed worn loose pants. He knew shed never appreciate being
thought of as adorable, but when she tilted her head that way, and she looked at him with those
compelling green eyes, he wanted to gather her close and cuddle her.
He wanted to protect her, to cherish her.
To make her his.
Gabriel twirled his glass, watching with amusement when she leaned forward and selected a
grape from the array of snacks on the silver tray. Let me ask you something, Kelsey. If you owned
something that you valued above all else, something that you thought about day and night, something
you cherished above all else, would you want to damage it?
Popping the grape into her mouth, she paused as she reached for another, frowning. Of course
not. Blinking, she sat back. Wait a minute. Are you trying to tell me that you want to own the women
youre with?
Gabriel met her eyes squarely, letting her see just how seriously he took this. When Im with a
woman, my attention is focused on her. For that period of time, I possess her. I want a woman whos
Hed never meant anything more.
Smiling at her look of shock, he reached for one of the plump grapes, his stomach muscles
knotting with nerves and excitement. You want to hear something really amusing? I didnt even
realize that I was ready for a woman of my own until I met you. I dont even want to touch another
woman. I want you, Kelsey, as much as I want my next breath.


Kelsey swallowed heavily, struck by the realization that she wanted him too much to avoid the
inevitable. What do you mean by that? I thought you had plenty of lovers.
Trembling inside at the knowledge that this would really be happeningthat she and Gabriel
would become lovers, Kelsey struggled to hide her excitement, and the very real fear that she would
disappoint him.
She couldnt stop looking at his bare chest, wide and dark against the casual white, drawstring
pants that settled low on his hips, her fingers itching to explore.
She didnt even know if it would be allowed. She didnt know if he was waiting for her to say
or do something, and it left her in the unfamiliar territory of following his lead.
He smiled, his eyes filled with tenderness, but shimmering with a hint of something that looked
surprisingly like sadness. The women in my past are just that. Past. I havent been with another
woman in months. I only want you.
Kelsey gaped at him, wondering if shed heard him right. Shed never imagined that hed wanted
her that way, and for so long. What? Gabriel, I dont
Gabriel held up a hand, cutting her off. Youve been honest with me tonight. I want to be honest
with you. Trust is very important, remember?
Kelsey swallowed heavily and nodded, her stomach tightening. Okay.
Gabriel stared into his glass. I havent been serious about a woman in a long time. Ive been
with women, mostly at the club, but theyve been casual. They knew the score, and it was all fun and
games. I didnt think Id ever want a woman the way I want you. I never thought Id want a woman to
live with me, and to sleep in my bed every nightto share a future with.
Kelsey blinked, curious and touched by his admission. What happened? Did someone hurt
you? She hated the thought of any woman being close enough to Gabriel to hurt him.
Gabriels smile held a hint of sadness, a sadness that surprised her. We wanted different things.
She wanted the scenes and wanted to play. She wanted me to share her with others and liked to be the
center of attention in the club. She did outrageous things and liked to make me jealous. She wanted me
to pass her around when she knew damned well that I dont share. It was all a game to her.
Intrigued, confused, and desperate to understand such a complicated and intense man, Kelsey sat
up. I dont understand. Isnt it supposed to be a game? Frowning, she set her glass aside, struggling
to clear her head. But why was it a game to her and not you? That doesnt make any sense. You
bossed her around. She would have had to do whatever you wanted.
Shaking his head, Gabriel smiled faintly. You know nothing about that kind of lifestyle. Ill
teach you.
Kelsey sighed again, and took another sip of her wine. I guess I thought it was all about sex. I
mean, like in your club. I didnt consider that a Dominant and a submissive would care for each other
that way. Like I told you before, that part doesnt make sense to me. You said something before about
pain. That doesnt make sense to me either. It scares me.
He took another sip of wine, his eyes steady on hers over the rim of his glass. I asked you
before how you would treat something, or someone you value above all else. Do you really think I
would mistreat a woman I cared for?
You could dominate a womanhave the kind of sex you like, and still care for her?
Of course.
Kelsey reached for another grape as an excuse to look away. Did you care for the women you
took in the club?
Gabriel smiled faintly. Not in the way you mean. They want pleasure and excitement, and I give
it to them. They gave me the same.
Frowning into her glass again, Kelsey got to her feet and tried not to think about the number of
women Gabriel had dominated in his club, women who knew how to play his games.
She didnt know how she could ever compete with that.
Moving back to the French doors, she wrapped her arms around herself, chilled despite the
warm sunshine.
To her surprise, Gabriel came up behind her, running his finger over her shoulder in a delicate
caress that made every nerve ending tingle.
Its not as easy as you think for a Dominant to find a woman. What I need is not something
thats easy to work into a conversation. Sure, there are women in the club who offer themselves, but
some of them want to make a play for the owner because its a status thing, or theyre looking for
pleasure and nothing more. I have other business interests and cant spend much time at the club, but
when Im there, Im usually busy with things that need my attention. Smiling, he slid his fingers over
her shoulder again. Besides, I find myself wanting something more.
Shivering at his touch, Kelsey fought the urge to lean back against him. Blaming her weakness on
the wine, the warm breeze blowing the flowing curtains, and the undivided attention of Gabriel at his
sexiest, she stepped out to the balcony, gripping the rail.
Already missing his touch, she stared out at the ocean and the white beach below, her heart
racing. So, youre looking for an affair?
Intrigued at the idea, she hid a smile, wondering what Gabriel would say if he knew that she was
actually considering it.
Coming up behind her again, Gabriel gripped the railing on either side of her, effectively
blocking her in, the heat of his body surrounding her. His voice, low, velvety and as seductive as the
island breeze caressed her. No. Im looking for a woman to spend the rest of my life with. No
pretense. No lies. I want a woman wholl belong to me. Totally. Completely. In every way.
Trembling with a need unlike anything shed ever experienced, a need that made her want to turn
and throw herself against his chest, she swallowed heavily and struggled to keep her tone cool. You
want a woman to dominate. I dont know if I can be that type of woman.
Gabriels lips touched the outer curve of her ear, his breath warm against it, and sending a
shiver through her that had another rush of moisture coating her inner thighs. I think youre exactly
the kind of woman I need. And I think Im what you need.
Her beaded nipples began to ache unbearably, making it harder to concentrate on their
conversation. Keeping her back to him, she glanced at him over her shoulder. You make it sound so
The pregnant pause that followed was filled with tension, his eyes unreadable as he stared down
at her. Finally he spoke, his deep voice carrying easily despite his low tone. It wont always be
easy, but I think both of us can find what we need in each other.
With a strangled laugh, Kelsey turned back to face the ocean, wanting him more with every word
every breath. Like I saidarrogant.
Running a hand over her arm, he leaned close. That doesnt mean that Im wrong.
Tightening her grip on the railing, Kelsey took a deep breath and let it out slowly, her heart
racing. She wished she could believe him, but so many things about his lifestyle made no sense to her.
She couldnt deny, though, that shed been aroused the entire time shed been with him.
The breeze blew her skirt aside, and would have revealed her mound to anyone watching.
Thankfully, the beach was deserted.
The breeze, like a warm caress over her mound, stoked the fire inside her.
Not for the first time, she wondered about the kind of pleasure she could experience at Gabriels
Releasing the railing, she gripped the edge of her skirt and turned, gasping at the feel of her
aching nipples brushing against his chest. The surge of heat to her slit stunned her, creating the same
tingling sensation shed experienced on the beach.
He didnt move away as shed anticipated, leaning closer instead, and intensifying the closeness
that had been building between them.
Theres only one way to find out what it could be like between us, isnt there? He smiled, a
flash of white against his olive skin, so overwhelmingly beautiful as she stared at him, unable to
Her fingers itched to touch him, to smooth over his wide chest, to slide into his ink-black hair.
She couldnt stop looking at his lips, her own tingling with awareness.
Kissing was overrated, as far as she was concerned, and entirely too intimate, but the desire to
experience one of Gabriels kisses had her leaning closer before she could stop herself.
Realizing her mistake, she hurriedly straightened, tearing her gaze away from his lips to meet his
eyes. She didnt know how to proceed without leaving herself vulnerable to being hurt, or what he
expected of her. What do you have in mind?
Gabriels smile sent a thrill through her, warming her everywhere. Why dont we start by
getting some of your assumptions out of the way? You can ask me questions and satisfy your curiosity.
Maybe itll help you relax a little.
Feeling as if theyd taken one more step toward becoming lovers, Kelsey swallowed heavily,
fighting her panic. Gabriel, this is stupid. I
With a finger beneath her chin, he lifted her face to his. Do you have any idea how close the
bond is between a Master and his submissive? A relationship like that requires it, and if its a serious
relationship, can be quite painful when it ends. When a sudden gust of wind blew again, he smoothed
her hair back while she concentrated on holding the edges of her skirt together.
Bending until their noses nearly touched, he ran the backs of his fingers over her cheek. Once
he finds the woman hes been searching for, the woman hes been waiting to take as his, its nearly
impossible not to fall so deeply in love with her that he feels as if shes a part of him.
Frowning, Kelsey leaned back, finding it hard to think with his body pressed against hers. Are
you trying to convince me that a Dom really cares about his submissiveI mean other than for sex?
Youd be very surprised at just how much he comes to love her. Gabriel moved aside and
leaned against the railing, the breeze blowing his hair and making him look impossibly gorgeous. The
relaxed side he showed to her now emphasized his raw masculinity, and the difference in them as man
and woman as opposed to the difference in their social status.
His eyes moved over her face, lingering on her lips. A Master has a larger responsibility to his
submissive than you could imagine. Hes not just responsible for her pleasure and well-being, but he
has to know her well enough to be able to challenge herto take her past what she thought of as her
boundaries. He needs to pay attention to everything about her and respect the boundaries she cant get
past. He needs to know her as well as he knows himself.
Lulled by the soft silkiness in his voice, Kelsey hung on to every word. Swallowing heavily, she
stared up at him through her lashes. Im scared.
I know. The flash of satisfaction in his eyes disappeared almost immediately, making her
wonder if shed imagined it. But, youre going to do it anyway, arent you? I can see the excitement
and fear in your eyes.
Shaking her head, she sighed, once again surprised that he saw so much. I think youre going to
be very disappointed.
He caressed her cheek with the back of his hand in an affectionate gesture that sent her senses
reeling. I know you do, and I know theres nothing I can say that would convince you otherwise.
Youre just going to have to see for yourself.
Taking a step back, she looked away. Were complete opposites. Cursing her weakness, she
looked at him again, her breath catching when he straightened.
Gabriels eyes danced in amusement, but she recognized a sharpening in them that put her on
edge. I think we have more in common than you think.
His eyes narrowed on hers as he slowly slid the tip of one finger down her arm. I understand
that youre the kind of woman who cant resist a dare.
Kelsey gritted her teeth against the sensation, sucking in another breath as the breeze caressed
her bottom. Panicked, she gathered the ends of her skirt together again. Julianna has a big mouth.
She pushed at his arm, relieved when he dropped it, allowing her to pass.
She wanted him too much to resist for long, but she couldnt make this easy for him. She had to
find a way to stand out from the other women hed taken, or shed just be another notch on his
Having sex with him would be quite a gamble for herone that could cost her dearly.
She had to hope that she could hold his interest long enough for her to learn how to please him,
and somehow win his heart. She wanted desperately to believe that he had feelings for her, and could
only hope that his words werent part of a game he played with his submissives.
Hed given her hope for the real thing, and she couldnt settle for less.
Fawning all over him like a schoolgirl, and telling him how much she truly cared for him would
just scare him away, and make her look even more nave.
Looking up at him, she shifted restlessly. Its got to mean something, even if its just respect.
Careful, darling. Ill take your fear and confusion into consideration, but I wont tolerate being
He must have read her unease, because he smiled, his eyes gentling. You really know nothing
about what I want from you, do you?
Kelsey turned and went back into the suite. Ive already told you that. She picked up her glass
of wine and plopped back onto the sofa, staring up at him as he stood on the threshold. I thought all
men wanted sex, but I figured a man like you would insist on it. Isnt that the point of being a
Gabriel shook his head. Like I said, you know nothing about what I want from you.
Kelsey couldnt stop shaking. More nervous by the minute, and trembling with the need to touch
herself and relieve the ache between her thighs, she smiled to hide the turmoil raging inside of her.
So why dont you tell me?
Gabriels smile made her stomach clench. Ill do better than that, darling. Ill show you.
Coming into the room, he ran his hand over the back of the sofa, barely brushing her arm as he passed
Do you remember what I said about giving yourself to me? At her wary nod, he inclined his
head and walked past her, picking up his glass of wine from the table before sitting on the other end
of the sofa again. Ill just ask for a small part of you.
Narrowing her eyes, she took in his relaxed pose, which contrasted sharply with the heat in his
eyes, and wondered what he was up to. Why would you do that?
He smiled, as if hed expected the question. To build trust. To give you a taste of what you
could expect from me. To let you experience what it would feel like. To satisfy your curiosity and let
you know what it feels like to be connected to someone else in ways youve never been beforein
ways youve probably never even imagined.
A thrill went through her as temptation became nearly overwhelming. Tantalized by the chance
to spend a week living what would undoubtedly be the erotic experience of a lifetime, she stared into
his eyes, struck by the solemnity in them.
Baby steps?
Gabriel inclined his head. You can stop at any time. We wont even begin until youre ready.
A dark brow went up. That is, if you arent too afraid of actually feeling something, instead of going
through life on the outskirts, never getting involved. Playing it safe. Everything depends on your
willingness to take a step or two out of your comfort zone.
A step or two? It sounds like a hell of a lot more than that.
Scraping a hand through his hair, he blew out a breath, his frustration and anger shocking her.
Kelsey, I want you. If nothing else, I want you to know what it feels like to be with a man who cares
about you. I only want what youre willing to give, as slowly as you want to give it. This isnt a game
to me. I dont want you taking back what youve already given as a power play or because youre
pissed at me for something. Those kinds of things have no place in what Im proposing.
To her further shock, he reached for her, yanking her against him. Clenching his hands on her
upper arms, he lifted her to her toes. God help me, Kelsey, I want you. I wont settle for half-
Wrapped in his arms and nestled against his bare chest, Kelsey found herself enveloped in a
warmth that penetrated deep, melting something that had been frozen inside her.
Stunned that such a man could want her so much, she blinked back tears and lifted her head,
staring up into his eyes. Ill be honest with you. Im a little afraid. I dont know how to do this.
Looking into her eyes, Gabriel brushed her hair back from her face. Theres nothing to be
afraid of. Trust me, Kelsey. Please. Let me show you just how perfect we are for each other. Lets
take advantage of the time we have together.
Brushing his lips over her forehead, he lowered his voice to a seductive whisper. Days and
nights of pleasuring and learning each other. I want you to give yourself to me in slow increments
one part at a time. Come on, Kelsey. You know youre dying to see what its like to be with a man
you cant controla man who wants you more than hes ever wanted anything.
With a sense of inevitability and premonition that the next few days would change her life
forever, she fisted her hands at her sides, fighting the urge to reach out and touch him.
Her stomach quivered, but she forced a smile through her nervousness, struggling to appear as
sophisticated as she imagined the women hed been with were. Youd better be good, Gabriel.
Gabriel smiled then, a beautiful smile that reached his eyes. Well be good together.
Gulping, Kelsey fingered the silver bracelet. How long are we supposed to do this?
Pursing his sensuous lips, he eyed her thoughtfully. Do you need a time limit?
Kelsey shrugged, her nipples throbbing under his stare. I like to know what to expect.
Gabriels expression altered, not something she could pinpoint, but it changed in a way that
made her stiffen, her breath catching as an increased sense of awareness washed over her. Youll
always know whats expected of you, but you wont always know what to expect. Circling behind
her, he ran a finger over her shoulder, the sensation even more potent than before. Youre going to
have to trust me.
Thoughts of sweaty sex and tangled sheets raced through her mind, but she knew Gabriel would
expect something different. Feeling out of her depth, she blew out a breath. Shit. Gabriel, I have no
idea what to do. Im just going to make a mess of this. The warmth of his body burned the back of
hers, and disconcerted that she could no longer see him, she looked up at him over her shoulder.
He ran his fingers over her hair, his eyes filled with anticipation. No you wont. Everything
will be fine, at least as long as youre honest with yourself, and with me. His voice, like a purr next
to her ear, created a delicious rush of warmth to layer over the other sensations. Slow and easy.
Your trust is the most important thing in the world to me right now. I wont do anything to betray that.
His hands slid to hers, lacing their fingers together. For now, I want your hands.
Surprised at his unexpected demand, she gasped at the gentleness of his strong hands sliding
over hers.
Closing her hands on his much larger ones, she delighted in the intimacy of his hands wrapped
around hers.
As aroused as shed been all day, it seemed such a silly thing, but suddenly she felt closer to
him. My hands?
His lips touched her ear, his low, rumbling whisper sending vibrations of delight to her nipples.
Yes. Will you give them to me?
She tried to lean into him, but he straightened his arms, using his hold on her hands to keep their
bodies from touching. Fascinated by the warm wave of desire that flowed over her, she had to
swallow heavily before answering. Yes.
Hed barely touched her and already she wanted him more than shed ever wanted another man.
Sex wouldnt be enough. She wanted to feel him all around her.
She wanted to absorb the heat and sensuality that surrounded him.
Lifting her hands above her head, he released them, trailing his fingers down her arm, a slow
caress that sent sharp arrows of tingling heat to her nipples. And your arms. Will you give your silky
arms to me?
Kelsey turned her head to look at him, her breath catching in her throat when his lips touched her
shoulder. My arms? Why do you want mmy arms? Gabriel, God that feels good. It felt amazing to
be touched this way, as Gabriel drew out every sensation until she thought she would die of it.
His hands tightened on her upper arms, holding them high above her head. I want your arms
because I want them. Isnt that enough for you?
The edge of steel wrapped around his velvety tone suited her mood, raising the sexual tension
between them. With her arms held high, Kelsey trembled with anticipation, acutely aware of how her
position lifted her breasts in a way that made losing her brief top a very real possibility. Instead of
being as alarmed as she would have imagined, she felt sexy and desirable, and almost wished her top
would fall and bare her breasts to his gaze.
The pleasure amazed her. Slow. Decadent. The anticipation continued to build until she thought
she would die of frustration.
Are you willing to give them to me? His voice, like a silky caress over her nipples, had
deepened and lowered even more.
Sucking in a breath, she closed her eyes and let her head fall back. Yes. Gabriel, I dont see
ooooh. Shivering as he nuzzled a particular sensitive spot between her neck and her shoulder, she
dropped her head forward to give him better access. Jesus, youre good at that.
She tingled everywhere, every inch of her body trembling with awareness.
His warm lips brushed her neck with a slow deliberation that sent her senses reeling. And your
neck. I want to nibble here, but I wont unless its mine. Catching her hair, he fisted his hand around
it and moved it aside, scraping his teeth over her neck as he did. And your hair. Say yes. Ive had so
many fantasies about this hair. Fisting it in my hands. Spreading it on my pillow.
Allowing herself to be drawn into his web of seduction, she thrilled at the riot of sensations
raging through her.
Gabriel. Mmm, yes. His name came out on a breathless whimper, a sound she could never
remember making before. With a start, she realized that he held both of her wrists in one hand, a move
she hadnt even felt, but one that sent another thrill through her.
Using the hand in her hair to tilt her head to the other side, Gabriel continued to kiss her neck. I
love your hair. I love seeing it down this way. He tugged slightly, sending a shiver of apprehension
through her. Even when you wear it in that ponytail, it drives me crazy. Its so soft. I want to feel it
on my arms, my chest, my thighs.
He nibbled on her ear, his voice dropping lower. I see you walk across your caf, shaking that
tight bottom at me, and it makes my blood boil. Releasing her hair, he brought her hands down and
held them behind her back. It inspires fantasies of changing that look of curiosity and trepidation into
one of surrender.
Tugging sharply, he scraped his teeth over her shoulder. Securing that ponytail to a hook in
your ass would keep your head back, so you couldnt hide a thing from me.
The shift from sensual to sexual tripped her pulse and made her heart pound furiously.
Her eyes popped open, her bottom clenching in reaction. Her heart pounded furiously as a
mental image of what hed described formed and sharpened.
The level of Gabriels wickedness stunned her, sending a flare of heat through her that seemed
to ignite every erogenous zone.
Off balance, she tried to ignore the awareness that made her puckered opening tingle, and had to
fight to keep her voice as steady as she could manage. Gabriel, if you try to stick anything up my ass,
Im going to kick yours. Frowning that her threat came out breathless and needy, she shifted slightly,
rubbing her damp thighs together in frustration.
His chuckle sent a shiver up her spine. Darling, when I breach your ass, its going to send you
into a world of pleasure youve never imagined.
Circling around to stand in front of her, he released her hands, lifting his to her face. A dark
brow went up, his handsome features so close to hers. But, youre getting ahead of yourself, Kelsey.
One step at a time.
He bent lower, his eyes dark and sharp on hers. I also want this face. These cheeks.
Kelseys eyes fluttered closed at the feel of his lips, warm and soft against her cheek. Her short,
shallow breaths made it difficult to speak. What should I do? What do the other women do?
Gabriel ran his lips over her other cheek before brushing them over hers. Nibbling at her bottom
lip, he closed his hands over her shoulders and drew her closer.
There are no other women. Theres only you. I want your lips. I want to be able to touch them,
kiss them, nibble them whenever I want.
Shivering at his touch, she opened her eyes again, not even remembering when shed closed
them. You know what I mean, Gabriel.
Yes or no.
The slide of his lips over hers had her bottom lip tingling, and she had to make a conscious
effort not to wrap her arms around his neck and pull him closer.
His tongue ran over her bottom lip, startling her into pulling back. Lifting his head, he stared
down at her, the challenge in his eyes unmistakable. Is this mouth mine or not?
Shed never been able to resist a challenge. Youre not always going to be in charge, you
know. If we spend the week together, Im going to do my best to seduce you.
Gabriels slow grin held a confidence that unnerved her. If you have your way, Ill be putty in
your hands, right? His hands tightened on her wrists. You dont seem to realize that a submissive
has all the power. His eyes held hers. Its not rape, Kelsey. As my submissive, you would have the
power to end it any time you wanted to.
Kelsey couldnt help but smile at that, amused at the thought of any man being able to stop.
Even if were in the middle of something?
Gabriel inclined his head, his eyes narrowing. Even then. It wouldnt be pleasant, but Id stop
whatever I was doing. I take this very seriously, Kelsey. Its not for the faint of heart. It takes a strong
woman to see it through, not some little girl out to play games. Now, are you going to give me your
Her hands, arms, shoulders, and neck still tingled from his attention, each part of her body that
hed already claimed humming with an awareness that felt incredible.
Clearing her throat, she stiffened and pulled back, reaching deep for the brashness shed used as
a shield. No kissing. If she kissed him, she wouldnt have any defenses left, and he would know just
how much he meant to her. .
Gabriel froze, lifting his head slightly, his eyes gentling with understanding. Kissing is too
intimate for you, isnt it, Kelsey? Running his hand over her hair, he held her gaze, smiling slightly.
Thank you for what youve given me. I wont ask for anything else for now.
Kelsey didnt know what shed expected, but his attitude surprised her. Eyeing him warily, she
shifted restlessly.
What game are you playing? Youre not mad?
Gabriel straightened to his full height, running his hands down her arms, the possessiveness in
his eyes slightly alarming, and very thrilling.
Of course Im not mad. You trusted me enough to give me parts of yourself. I told you well go
slowly. Taking her hands in his, he pressed them to his chest. I dont want anything from you that
you dont give freely, and Im not about to rush you.
He touched his lips to her cheek and chuckled softly. I do, however, want to take advantage of
the time we have together this week. Were alone, and we can talk all you want to. You can ask me
Almost anything. I wont discuss other women with you, but you can ask me anything within
reason. Straightening, he rubbed her shoulder. I have a lot of questions for you, too.
Turning away, she rubbed her arms, sucking in a breath when he moved in behind her. Nuzzling
her neck, he pulled her arms back in a way that forced her breasts out. Her stomach muscles tightened
as desire, hot and fluid, flowed through her. Forcing a hard edge to her tone, she glanced over her
shoulder, not meeting his eyes.
So, I guess it begins now.
Gabriels hands slid up her arms to her shoulders. Its already begun, darling. Its already
begun. Scraping his teeth over her neck, he massaged her shoulders. You wont regret it. I take very
good care of my possessions.
Chapter Five
Curled into the corner of the sofa, Kelsey eyed Gabriel, trying to figure out if his intention had
been to piss her off. Unable to read the look in his eyes, she couldnt tell. Not about to let him see
how hed shaken her, she kept her tone cool. I dont like being thought of as a possession.
Even as she said it, she realized that belonging to Gabriel would be the epitome of paradise.
Her nipples tightened painfully under his stare, her stomach muscles clenching as the awareness in
her pussy and clit became unbearable.
He looked every inch what she imagined a Dom would look like, the possessiveness and
glittering hunger in his eyes mesmerizing her.
From his black, shoulder-length hair, to his dark, bare feet, he was the epitome of sex and
His voice and expression never changed, making it even more difficult to read his thoughts.
Nevertheless, a submissive turns herself over to her Master, and therefore belongs to him. Itll take
some getting used to, but its a responsibility to me, too. Youll see.
Irritated at her inability to judge his mood, she lost her hold on her temper. So, what do we do
now, hotshot?
Gabriel smiled, a slow devious smile of satisfaction. Taming you is going to be very rewarding
and a lot of fun.
Gritting her teeth, she jumped to her feet, unable to sit still. Tame me? Youre in for a big
disappointment if you think youre going to turn me into one of those meek women who kneel at your
Her fear of not being able to do the things he would expect threatened to choke her. Cursing her
own inability to resist him, she tried to shore up her defenses, but one look from him had them
crashing to her feet again.
His soft chuckle made her want to hit something. Darling, youll be purring and kneeling at my
feet in no time, but youll never be meek or boring. He sighed, shaking his head. This is about more
than sex, Kelsey. I dont want a woman who rolls over and plays dead. I want a woman who isnt
afraid of her passion. Ive already told you that submissives have to be strong. They hold quite a bit
of power.
Kelsey snorted inelegantly, irritated that he considered her so gullible. Please. I dont believe
that for a minute.
Something flashed in his eyes, a combination of frustration and need, the brief glimpse of his
thoughts making her feel better. Didnt you just give me parts of yourself and deny me others?
Kelsey lifted her chin and grinned in an attempt to hide the fear of making a fool of herself.
Yes, but youre only allowing that because you want to get into my pants.
Youre not wearing pants, darling.
Trembling under his scorching gaze, she pulled the ends of her sarong together. Very funny.
You know what I mean. Let me ask you something. If I didnt put a stop to giving you parts of myself,
would we be talking now?
Gabriel inclined his head. Probably. Youre still a little nervous. Its my responsibility to
handle that, remember? His eyes narrowed. Youre curious, though. Youre intrigued by the
possibility of experiencing what its like to be with a man strong enough to handle that passion inside
Shaken that Gabriel seemed to read her so easily, she rubbed her hands over her arms at the
chill that went through her. You know nothing about me.
Leaning forward, he glanced up as he refilled his glass, his eyes twinkling. Defensive, too,
especially when you get rattled. I know more about you than you think. What do you think Ive been
doing these past several months?
Crossing her arms over her chest, Kelsey turned toward him, wishing he would just grab her and
take her instead of building her arousal until she thought she would die of it. Moisture trickled down
her thighs, the erotic torment of the last few minutes so intense that she knew one touch from him
would send her over. I dont know. You tell me.
Sitting back, he smiled again, his eyes even more possessive than ever as they moved over her.
His sharp gaze lingered on the arms shed crossed over her chest. Ive been observing. Ive been
paying close attention to you. Put your arms at your sides. Theyre mine now, and I dont want them
used to hide your breasts from me.
Kelsey whirled to face him fully, not grabbing the edge of her skirt in time to keep from showing
herself. She lowered her arms to her sides without thinking, and started to put them back across her
chest, stopping when she saw the look of challenge in his eyes. Lifting her chin, she kept her arms
where they were, not about to show any weakness by covering herself. I noticed. You always stared
at me.
She hadnt thought anything of giving her arms to him, thinking that when he released her, it
would be the end of it.
Evidently, Gabriel took it seriously, and placed her in a position where she would have felt
ridiculous not honoring her agreement.
She began pacing, careful to keep her steps small, the threat of moving wrong and flashing more
skin than she wanted to keeping her on edge. You know, you really didnt have to glare at every man
who spoke to me. A few of them have never come back into the coffee shop again. Dont think I didnt
realize you did it on purpose.
His gaze lifted to hers again, a dark brow going up. Of course I did it on purpose. I want you,
Kelsey. Weve already established that Im a man who goes after what he wants. I wasnt about to let
you pretend interest in one of them to discourage me.
What makes you think I wasnt interested in any of them?
You used to wince every time the blond grinned at you. The tall, skinny guy annoyed you
because he kept interrupting you and spent most of his time talking about himself. The guy with the
long hair creeped you out, and the muscular one hardly ever talked, and when he did, it was only to
say something incredibly stupid.
Surprised, and somehow touched that hed paid so much attention, Kelsey faced him squarely.
Okay. Why me?
Ah. Getting to his feet, Gabriel strolled toward her. I wondered when youd ask me that. Ive
already told you several reasons that Im attracted to you, but attraction isnt enough to justify all of
this, is it? Moving in behind her, he ran his fingertips up her arms, creating delicious ribbons of
sensation. You and I are a lot more alike than you think. I dont want a woman who only wants what
I can make her feel. I want a woman who wants me. Not many people bother getting to know either
one of us, do they? Theres a restlessness inside us, a need for something more challenging and
satisfying than what weve had so far.
Surprised, Kelsey turned her head, lifting her gaze to his. You feel that way, too?
He ran his hands over her hair as if enthralled with the texture. Yes. Thats why I recognize it
in you. I know you wont believe me if I tell you how beautiful you are, so I wont bother to tell you,
but when the time is right, Ill show you just how I see you.
Finding it harder and harder to remain still, Kelsey turned her head, looking up over her
shoulder to find him watching her. How do you propose to do that?
Dont worry about that. He moved her hair aside, his touch gentle as if he savored every
moment. One of the things I admire most about you, one of the things that excites me more than any
womans ever excited me before, is your courage. His gaze slid to hers, sharpening, holding hers as
he turned her in his arms.
When you have the courage to let me show you the woman inside you, to free the woman whos
dying to get freewell, I think that womans going to turn my world upside down.
Sliding his hands down her arms, he linked her fingers with his and raised her hands, linking
them behind his head.
And that scares me to death.
Gripping her wrists in one of his hands, he ran the tips of his fingers down her arm, sending
ribbons of electricity to her nipples. But, Im here. Im willing to take the risk because I think the
rewards will be worth it. I hope you have the courage to do the same.
Kelsey stiffened and tried to pull her hands free, but Gabriel tightened his grip, holding her in
place. It was the first time hed ever used his strength to control her, and the thrill of being
overpowered shocked her. Knowing that he meant her no harm and that he would release her if she
got scared only intensified the sensation. Gabriel, Im not the kind of woman who does things like
this. It came out in a breathless rush of passion as another rush of moisture escaped to coat her inner
He smiled faintly, his eyes full of tenderness. I know, but youre exactly the kind of woman
who should. These hands are mine, Kelsey. You gave them to me and I want them to stay where they
Kelsey tried to pretend the spike in her arousal had nothing to do with having her arms raised,
and the ensuing sense of defenselessness, but she knew the truth.
I dont like being vulnerable.
But youre wondering why it feels so good?
How the hell did he know that?
Not bothering to answer him, Kelsey turned away, the sense that her life was about to change
making her a little uneasy, but the excitement and need for him overrode it. What did you meanIm
the kind of woman who should?
Gabriels warm breath touched her cheek just seconds before his lips did. You have a sadness
in your eyes that tears at people, and a vulnerability that makes me want to wrap you in cotton
She tried to pull away, but he didnt let her put more than an inch between them before yanking
her back. I dont want to be wrapped in cotton, damn you. I can take care of myself and
Gabriel scraped his teeth over her shoulder, a clear threat that had her sucking in a breath.
and an attitude that makes me want to fuck your ass until you come so hard you scream with the kind
of pleasure a woman like you needs to feel.
He moved before she could do more than gasp, turning her and pressing her back against the
wall, her hands firmly clasped in one of his over her head. You make me crazy to have you. Pleasure
you. Possess you.
Gabriel. Arching, she pressed her breasts against his chest, moving against him and thrilling at
the friction on her nipples through the thin fabric. I want to. I want you. I cant believe Im saying
this. I want tosee what it could feel like. I just dont want anything more than pleasure.
She needed to show him that she could be as sophisticated as the women he was used to. She
promised herself that she wouldnt be clingy, and would do her best to not encumber him with her
need for more.
His lips hovered over hers. Well see. Thats one of the things well explore. God help me, I
cant resist you. Youre going to rip my heart out. I know it, but I just cant resist you.
No one had ever spoken to her that way before.
No one had ever made her feel so desired.
He had a way about him that made her believe there could be more between them, and gave her
hope for forever.
It became harder and harder to remember that his seductive words were part of the kind of
games he played, a game she was too inexperienced to understand.
She wanted his lips on hers. She wanted his mouth to take hers, as a man would kiss a woman
he desired above all else.
Swallowing heavily, she let her eyes flutter closed, so immeasurably touched she couldnt think,
couldnt breathe, couldnt move, she found herself engulfed in a warm sea of emotion that shifted
everything inside her. Gulping, she opened her eyes, her breath coming out in short, panicked pants.
Gabriel. Her breathless whimper was met with a sharp intake of breath as his hands tightened on
her upper arms.
Lifting his head, he stared down at her, his eyes hooded and searching.
Were not going to play at this. I cant, and I cant go into this half-hearted. Its all or nothing,
Kelsey. Even though his voice didnt rise above a whisper, the harshness and hunger in it told her
how deeply he meant it.
Amazed at the fresh rush of moisture that coated her inner thighs and the sharp pull to her
emotions, she found herself lifting to her toes to get closer. The heat of his body seemed to wrap
around her, like warm hands that drew her against him, warm arms that enveloped her in a sense of
rightness and inevitability that dispelled the cold numbness deep inside her.
She couldntwouldntallow her emotions to ruin this chance to be with him. She couldnt
deny herself the promise of pleasure that gleamed in Gabriels confident gaze. Shivering when he
drew her closer, she licked her tingling lips, inwardly cursing the fact that shed never be able to hide
how she felt about him if she allowed him to kiss her. What do you mean by that?
Lifting his head, he stared down at her, his gaze moving over her face before meeting hers. Im
saying that I want you to trust me. I cant have you stopping and starting for no reason. If youre
scared, tell me. If youre mad, tell me. Talk to me. Im going to take you outside your comfort zone,
and I dont want your fears getting in the way of experiencing the pleasure I want to give you.
Gripping her upper arms, he lifted her to her toes, his hands clenching as if fighting the urge to
yank her against him. You can end this any time you want, but dont do it on a whim. I cant do this
half-assed, Kelsey. Ill go as slow as you need, but I care too much about you to play games. I know
you and I can have something special, something incredible, but I need to know that you trust me to
take care of you, to give you what you need, and not take any more than youre willing to give. Im
trusting you to commit to this as much as I do.
Releasing her, he blew out a breath and ran his hands over her hair, the tortured look in his eyes
making it impossible to take this lightly. I want nothing more than to make you happyto let loose
that passion that youre dying to exploreand to show you that you have no reason to fear me. But if
you cant, or arent willing to try, Im walking away before you put me through an emotional
Kelsey blinked in surprise, staring after him as he strode away. How the hell am I supposed to
know if I can do this? I dont want to get hurt, but I feel like Im flying blind here.
Gabriel smiled. You worry too much, and worry about accepting my lifestyle. This isnt just
about me. I want to learn what you like, too. What you need. What pleases you. Running a fingertip
down her cheek, he held her gaze. We have this week to explore each other, Kelsey. Please, stop
worrying so much. Just relax and enjoy. Your safe word is red. If I do something you dont like, use
it, and Ill stop. If you need help, say yellow, and Ill slow down and help you through it.
Turning her, he pressed a hand at the small of her back. Thats enough for tonight. Its late and
youve had a long day. Come on. Lets go to bed.
Blinking again, Kelsey stared up at him, her body humming with a need that demanded to be
satisfied. Youre going to leave me like this?
Gabriels dark brow went up. Like what, darling? Aroused? If you need to come, Ill be happy
to oblige, but I wont touch any part of you that you havent given to me.
Clenching her jaw, she tried to tamp down an arousal that had become so strong she shook with
it. Her clit felt huge, and the tingling made it difficult to even walk.
Sleeping would be impossible.
Never mind. Shed just go to the bathroom and take care of it herself.
She whirled away, heading for the bedroom, coming to an abrupt halt when Gabriel caught her
arm, pulling her back against his chest.
His smile sent a chill down her spine. Even though you havent given me that clit yet, those
hands are mine, as well as those fingers. You cant use them to masturbate.
Furious that hed outmaneuvered her, she lifted her chin to glare at him. Are you trying to piss
me off?
No, Im just trying to get you to take this seriously. I always took you for a woman of her word.
You never play games and you mean what you say. Thats what I want from you now.
I never go back on my word.
A muscle worked in his jaw, need darkening and narrowing his eyes. All or nothing, Kelsey.
Decide right here. Right now.
Kelsey rubbed her thighs together against the overwhelming ache that had her pussy leaking even
more moisture. Damn, he turned her on. No expectations, right?
She wanted to make it clear that she wouldnt expect more after the week was over.
Gabriel inclined his head, his expression closed and distant. If thats the way you want it. For
She thought she saw a glimmer of hurt in his eyes and figured she must have imagined it. Lifting
her chin, she met his gaze squarely. Thats the way it has to be.
His eyes narrowed. Anything else that you want to negotiate?
Glancing at his lips, she licked her own, fighting the clawing need to have his mouth on hers.
Scared at how intimate one of his kisses could be, Kelsey nodded, swallowing heavily. And no
kissing, right?
Gabriel didnt seem at all surprised, smiling as he ran his fingers through her hair. I wondered
if youd stand firm on that. If you mean, no kissing on the mouth, Ill agree to that for now. I reserve
the right to kiss you elsewhere, though.
Bending low until their lips nearly touched, he sighed. Whenever you change your mind, let me
know. I cant wait to have that mouth under mine. Lifting his head, he raised a brow again, the
gesture so sexy, she wanted to jump him. Anything else?
Smiling despite her nerves, and feeling a little more confident, Kelsey grinned and tossed her
hair back. Nope. A week of pleasure is just what I need.
A week to immerse herself in Gabriels lovemaking and bask in his attention.
He nodded once in satisfaction. Good. We understand each other. This week is about discovery
and pleasure. Lets go to bed. Wrapping an arm around her shoulder, he started for the bedroom. In
case you havent noticed, theres only one bed. Youll sleep with me, of course.
Kelsey had noticed that the room held only one bed as soon as theyd arrived, and the
knowledge that she would be sleeping with him had been hovering in her mind all day.
Ive never actually slept with anyone before.
Gabriels smile lit his features. One of many firsts together. Ill cherish it. By the way, darling,
youll sleep naked.


Kelsey fisted her hand on the pillow beneath her head, resisting the urge to shift to a more
comfortable position. There was no comfortable position. Lying naked on her side, with the warmth
of Gabriels body at her back, she couldnt settle, more aware of her body than shed ever been
Gabriels hand moved up and down her arm, his gentle caress both soothing and arousing.
Relax, Kelsey. Im not going to attack you.
His husky, low tone increased the level of intimacy in the dark bedroom, strengthening the bond
between them she fought so hard to ignore.
How the hell am I supposed to relax with your cock pressing against my back? How long can
you stay hard anyway?
Chuckling, he pressed his cock against her bottom and bent to nuzzle her neck, sending more
delicious waves through her. Say the words, Kelsey. Say that your body is mine while were here,
and Ill make you come. I want the words from you.
She sucked in a breath at his erotic demand, rubbing her thighs together at the incredible ache
that made her pussy clench incessantly. Thats blackmail.
Running the tips of his fingers down her arm, and perilously close to her breast, Gabriel brushed
his lips over her shoulder. Theres no point in denying yourself. Or me.
She smiled at that. Do you always have an answer for everything?
His tongue moved slowly over her shoulder, sending prickling heat to every erogenous zone.
You know what you want, but you dont want to say the words. I need the words, Kelsey. I wont
take what you dont give. Say it, Kelsey. Tell me that even though youre not willing to give me
anything else yet, your bodys mine.
She turned to look up at him over her shoulder, squinting for a glimpse of his features in the dark
room. Just for the time were here, right? No expectations.
After a short pause, Gabriel nodded, something she felt as his hair brushed over her shoulder.
Just for the time we have here, but for every minute of the time we have here.
And when we go home?
Gabriel kissed her shoulder again. When we get home, wellrenegotiate.
Smiling in the darkness, Kelsey nodded. After we see if I can even do this. Will you let me
know when I mess up?
Gabriel scraped his teeth over her shoulder. Youll know.
Kelsey took a deep breath and let it out in a rush, excitement bubbling through her veins. Then
yes. Im all yours.
Pushing against her shoulder, he rolled her to her back, his breath warm against her lips. Good
Kelsey shivered, moving her leg against his, her body tight with anticipation. Excited at the hard
feel of his body and the controlled strength in his movements, she pressed against him. Im not good,
and Im not a girl.
Gabriel ran a hand down her body, from her neck to her belly, setting off ribbons of tingling
delight that seemed to spread everywhere. You wont always like what I do, and you will absolutely
not be comfortable with everything I do to you. But, you will submit to it. You will let me explore
your boundaries.
Moaning as his hand slid higher again, she twisted restlessly in an attempt to get him to touch her
breast, but he deftly avoided her. Are you planning to do anything kinky?
With a small chuckle, he teased her navel. Of course. Reaching over her, he turned on the light
on the nightstand beside her.
Hey! Blinking against the light, she struggled to focus on his features.
Gabriel bent over her, his black hair a dark curtain that blocked out most of the light. Bondage,
spanking, anal, and youll wear nipple and clit clips, and youll spend a lot of your time naked.
Kelsey stilled, alarmed at the rush of pure, white-hot lust that slammed into her.
Staring into her eyes, Gabriel lifted a brow. Scared? Or aroused?
Kelsey rubbed her thighs together at the fresh rush of moisture, her pussy clenching. Her clit
throbbed and tingled, feeling swollen and unbelievably sensitive. To her amazement, her puckered
opening began to tingle with awareness at the word anal. Ive never done any of those things before.
Ive never heard anyone talk that way before. What if I dont like what you do to me?
Its a time of discovery for both of us. Trust, remember? Now spread those thighs.
Excuse me? The hint of steely demand in his tone nearly made her come on the spot.
You heard me.
He shoved the covers aside with an impatient brush of his hand, exposing her to his gaze.
Have I mentioned that there will be consequences for disobeying me? The threat in his voice
couldnt be mistaken, especially when accompanied by the cool intent in his eyes.
It excited her, his sharpened attention sending a feminine thrill through her.
Now that she could see him, Kelsey couldnt prevent her gaze from sliding over him, her mouth
going dry at her first look at his naked body. Sucking in a breath, she lifted her gaze to his, trembling
in helpless anticipation. You werent serious about that spanking stuff, were you?
God, he was gorgeous. Dark, hard, and so incredibly male.
Of course. He smiled, a smile of wicked intent. Im looking forward to having you over my
knee. Ill give you a quick orgasm tonight so we can get to sleep. Ill wait until tomorrow to fully
inspect you.
Inspect me? Each provocative thing that came out of his mouth took her deeper into the new
world hed opened up to her.
The desire for him continued to sharpen, creating an arousal so intense, she could think of
nothing but relief.
Smiling, he ran a finger down her center. Of course. Youre mine now. Before this week is out,
Ill know every inch of your body. Ill know more about your body and responses than you know
yourself. I think youre going to be very surprised at the passion inside you. Youre shaking with it
Nodding, she blinked back tears, wanting him more than shed ever wanted anything. She
couldnt get enough air in her lungs, and she ached everywhere.
And hed barely touched her.
His eyes narrowed. Open to me.
Reacting to the underlying steel in his provocative tone, and the promise of ecstasy in his eyes,
she obeyed him without hesitation, shocked at how natural and incredible it felt to leave herself
defenseless against him.
With a seductive smile, she arched toward him, hiding her amusement at the look of surprise in
his eyes. She placed her hands on his chest, looking up at him through her lashes. Im ready.
And somehow you think I dont know that. Remarkable. Taking her hands in his, he removed
them from his chest. Im your Master, and youre my submissive. You dont have permission to touch
me unless I give it to you. Spread your legs wider.
Her smile fell. What? Shed expected him to reach for her, and give her the orgasm hed
promised, not drag it out and make her feel even more vulnerable.
Smiling slightly, he ran a finger down her arm. You heard me. Wider. No talking. Wider than
that, Kelsey. Good, now dont move.
Kelsey obeyed him, her heart beating nearly out of her chest.
Gabriels gaze moved over her, leaving a trail of heat in its wake. Damn, youre beautiful. I
cant wait to inspect every inch of you.
Arching her back, she lifted her breasts in offering, her nipples aching for his touch. Why dont
you do it now?
She ached for his touch. Everywhere.
Gabriels eyes hardened. No. When I explore you, I want to take my time, and its late. Youve
been tense all day and youre too tired to handle it. Keep those thighs spread. Ill make you come and
settle you for the night.
Settle me for the night? Im notoh, hell. The feel of his fingers on her clit had to be the most
incredibly sexual and overwhelmingly erotic thing shed ever felt. Oh, God!
Gabriel shook his head, his expression stern. I told you to stop talking. Another word and Ill
stop, leaving you even more aroused than before. You wont be able to sleep and youll be tired
tomorrow. Thatll just piss me off.
It was as if no man had ever touched her before. The feel of his fingers on her clit, the heat of his
gaze on hers, and the powerful presence of the most captivating man shed ever met filled her with a
sense of wondera sense of defenselessness and wicked pleasure shed never known existed.
Everything felt new and exciting, the sensations so sharp, her body tightened and shook,
overcome by a sublime pleasure unlike any shed ever known. She came hard, stiffening and crying
out in alarm, shaken by the strength of it.
Waves of it kept washing over her, the slide of his fingers over her throbbing clit sucking her
into a vortex of dizzying pleasure that she couldnt escape. Oh, God. Gabriel. Oh, God. So good. No
more. No more. Shaking her head from side to side, she fought his hold, but found it inescapable.
Yes. More. Your orgasms belong to me. Your clit belongs to me. His deep growl held both
authority and sexual tension.
She cried out as he continued to stroke her, the pleasure becoming excruciating on her overly
sensitized clit. She fought to close her legs, but a strong thigh between them kept them parted. Her
body jerked in reaction, the pleasure so extreme it bordered on pain. No more. Please. Oh, God.
She tried to hide her face, but Gabriel removed his hand from between her thighs to grip her
Dont ever turn away from me. Your pleasures mine, and I want to see it. He released her
hands, his expression hardening. No more, no, and stop dont work here, Kelsey. Only your safe
word will stop me. Reaching out, he turned off the light. Remember that. Red to stop, and yellow to
slow down. Unless you use one of those words, I wont stop.
Gathering her against him, he dropped back against the pillow. Now go to sleep. The edge in
his tone as he tucked the covers around her had her struggling to open her eyes.
Turning her head, she smiled, her entire body humming with the most incredible pleasure shed
ever experienced. Damn, youre good.
He didnt open his eyes, or laugh as shed expected, his body tense against hers. And youre a
brat. Youre starving for it, darling. You came as soon as I touched you.
Go to hell.
Ive been in hell waiting for you. Theres a lot of passion inside you just waiting to be tapped.
Its mine now to explore. Turning toward her, he rolled her to her side, and with a hand at her waist,
pulled her back against him, spooning her from behind.
Youre going to be mad as hell when I deny you. He kissed her shoulder, chuckling softly
when she shivered. Being unsatisfied puts you on edge. Believe me. Im feeling it right now.
Why dont you take me?
Because youre half-asleep, and I havent had a chance to explore you yet.
Hmm. Disappointed, she lay there wondering what one of his submissives would have done in
similar circumstances.
Something else he said penetrated. Deny me? Deny me what? She had no idea what he was
talking about, and with the warmth of his body seeping into her sated one, she didnt have the energy
to try.
Gabriels breath tickled her ear. Deny your orgasm, darling. Starting tomorrow, youre going to
have to earn the right to come.
Chapter Six
Kelsey woke with a sense of anticipation she hadnt experienced in years. Before she even
opened her eyes, excitement flooded her veins, her heart racing with eagerness to start the day.
At first, she didnt know why, but then memories of the night before came rushing back. With a
smile, she stretched and reached out a hand in search of Gabriel, hoping to run her hands over him
before he woke up. Surprised and disappointed to find the sheet beside her cool, she opened her eyes
and turned her head in search of him.
Frowning to find herself alone, she sat up, holding the sheet over her breasts. Smelling coffee
and feeling a presence, she turned her head, her breath catching when she saw Gabriel leaning against
the doorframe.
Dressed in another pair of cotton, drawstring pantsblack this timeand with his chest and
feet bare, he smiled, so gorgeous and sexy her mouth went dry. His overlong hair, still damp from a
recent shower, had been combed back, emphasizing his elegant, masculine features. Good morning.
Wondering how one man could have more sex appeal than any twenty men combined, she smiled
seductively, hoping to lure him back into bed.
Wanna quickie before breakfast? Dropping the sheet, she bared her breasts, hoping to entice
him, and begin the week of pleasure hed promised.
Gabriel smiled and shook his head. Lets get something straight, darling. If I want to fuck you,
Ill fuck you. That body belongs to me now, or have you forgotten? He took a sip from the thick mug
he held, and smiled. Ill get you some coffee. The coffee here is actually as good as yours.
It should be. Julianna made me hook them up with my supplier. Sitting up, she started to curl
her legs under her, frowning to realize that something around her ankle prevented her from moving it.
Tugging again, she threw back the covers to untangle her leg from the sheet, shocked to see that her
leg had been tied to the ornate bedpost with a length of black silk.
A funny feeling settled in her stomach, and with a sense of alarm that she might have
underestimated Gabriel, she turned toward him. Whats this?
Straightening, he gestured toward her leg. Just a reminder of what you agreed to last night.
Amused at his attempt to scare her, and aroused at his play, she tossed the sheet aside,
determined to enjoy every minute of their time together. Grinning, she raised a brow, running a hand
from her neck to the upper curve of her breast to draw his attention there. You planning to keep me
tied to the bed all week?
His eyes narrowed, the anticipation in his gaze making her a lot more nervous than the threat in
it. I doubt it. I just wanted to remind you of the fact that I can if I want to.
The realization that his brand of play may be more intense than shed expected had her shifting
restlessly. And then you can give me all that pleasure you promised. Blah, blah, blah. Can I have my
coffee now?
Gabriel smiled, the anticipation in his eyes sharpening. Of course. He started to turn away, but
turned back, all trace of amusement gone. I cant wait for the moment you realize this isnt a game,
and I wont let you play me like youve played other men in your life.

Trembling with anticipation, Kelsey waited expectantly for Gabriel to cross the room with her
coffee, lifting the sheet to cover herself again at the unexpected sense of vulnerability.
Gabriel seemed different this morning.
More intense.
He seemed more sexual. Colder. More in control.
A lot of things she couldnt quite pinpoint, but the combination drew her even more, and actually
gave her the sense of belonging to him.
It was a heady sensation, one that made her realize that she had to fight harder not to let him see
that her emotions were involved.
Watching as he crossed the room and rounded the foot of the bed, she stiffened when he sat on
the edge before holding out the steaming mug to her.
Accepting it, she stared into his eyes, struck by the possessiveness in them as they held hers.
Thank you.
Reaching under the covers, he circled her ankle, his fingers sliding over the soft material tied
there. Youre welcome, darling. I ordered breakfast to be delivered. We have a few things to take
care of before we leave the room today.
Taking another sip of the fragrant coffee, she let her gaze drift lower to his chest. You know, I
used to think you wore all those fancy suits and designer clothes to hide a paunchy stomach.
Gabriel smiled. Did you? He caught the hand she reached out to lay on his chest before she
could touch him, his eyes going hard and cool.
We dont have a relationship, Kelsey. We have an arrangement. You want just the physical
aspect of this. Not the emotion. You dont touch me without permission. Did you forget already?
Furious to have her own words thrown back at her, she tried to yank her hand from his, her anger
growing when he prevented it. He held it just long enough to let her know that he was in charge before
releasing it. Snatching her hand to her chest, she held up the sheet that had started to fall.
Fine. I wont touch you, but I dont want you to think badly of me if I cant be submissive. Ive
spent my life counting on no one but myself.
Her breath caught when he reached out a hand, her heart racing when he curled a finger over the
top of the sheet, brushing it against the upper curve of her breast. Darling, youre more suited to it
than you think. Ive already told you that a submissive has to be strong. You need to be overwhelmed,
darling, or youd be bored to death. Taking the cup from her, he set it on her nightstand and touched
the upper edge of the sheet again. Put your hand down.
Blinking, she stared up at him, her pussy clenching at his cool tone.
Gabriels brows went up. You can obey me or have me overpower you and have what I want
anyway. If that happens, you will be spanked, and I dont think thats something you want.
Kelsey gulped. Youd force me?
Something in her tone must have alerted him, because he paused, smiling gently. Of courseto
a point. Threading a hand into her hair, he cupped the back of her head and lifted her face to his.
You know yourself that passion can be rough and sweaty. You still have all the power, darling. You
can stop everything with just a word. Dont forget that.
Believing him, she nodded and began to relax, excitement building inside her at the prospect of
the raw passion he spoke of.
Her nipples tingled with anticipation when he began to lower the sheet, beading tight under his
gaze as he bared her from the waist up.
Sucking in a breath, she fought to remain still as he reached out a finger to caress the underside
of her left breast, right below the nipple.
Sharp, tingling heat seemed to shoot from his fingertip, making her entire breast feel warm and
Using his fingertips, he watched her face as he caressed her breast, his touch light as he stroked
it in increasingly smaller circles.
She jerked at the touch to her nipple, his light touch as potent as a jolt of electricity. Never
before had she felt such excitement and need at the hands of a man, the deliberation in his delicate
caress sending her senses soaring.
Never before had it felt so right.
Shaken and hardly able to breathe, she stared down at his finger, mesmerized by the sight of his
dark, masculine hand against her much lighter breast.
Youre incredibly beautiful and amazingly responsive. Taking her nipple between his thumb
and forefinger, he squeezed gently, the sharp current of sensation to her clit and pussy forcing a cry
from her. Very good qualities to have in a submissive. He tapped her nipple, his eyes narrowing in
warning when she started to lift her hand to her breast. Smiling in satisfaction when she dropped it
again, he ran his finger back and forth over it. You also want to be in control, and find it difficult to
give up that control.
Rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, he lifted his gaze to hers. Thats an
excellent quality for a Master to have in a submissive.
Kelsey could barely breathe, biting her lip to hold back a cry as the pleasure kept building. She
shook everywhere as a strange awareness gripped her, one that left her helpless to her own bodys
Her clit throbbed unbearably, the need to come too strong to ignore. Rubbing her thighs together,
she fisted her hands at her sides to keep from reaching out for him, inwardly cursing that he made her
wait. She had to swallow heavily before speaking, and involuntarily pulled away, crying out at the
sharp tug it created on her nipple.
What do you wwant mme to ddo?
She hated that her voice shook, hated to show any type of weakness. Shocked at the whimper
that escaped when he released her, she couldnt hold back a cry at the sharp sensation of the blood
rushing back into her nipple.
The combination of pain and pleasure created a need inside her that shed never experienced
before, a hunger that had her arching, holding her breath when his hand moved to her other breast and
he began to stroke the sensitive underside.
Gabriels hand was hot as it pressed against her breast as though testing its firmness. Youll be
given instructions as needed. Right now, I want you to be still.
With the uneasy feeling that she didnt have as much control of the situation as she thought shed
had, Kelsey forced herself to remain still, unable to look away from the look of fascination in his
Gabriel never looked up from her breasts, pinching both nipples at once and tugging them
slightly away from her body.
Keeping her nipples in his grip, he lifted his gaze to hers, holding it as he tugged again. Dont
look so indignant, Kelsey. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with a woman embracing her
Each shuddering breath moved her body, increasing the tugging sensation. You mmean
Staring into his eyes, she looked for signs of his arousal, gritting her teeth against her own
desperate need.
Other than the lift of a dark brow, Gabriels expression never changed. He released her nipples,
his eyes never leaving hers. Is that how you see yourselfas weak? Do you think letting your
passion take over makes you any less strong?
Crying out at the feel of the blood rushing back to her nipples, Kelsey gripped his forearm.
Yes. Thats why I ccant do it.
Gabriel smiled, threading his hands into her hair and holding her face tilted to his. Oh, youll
do it all right. Ive only begun to inspect whats mine, and youre already trembling to come.
Fuck you. She tried to kick her foot as Gabriel tossed the sheet aside, the tug and sight of the
strip of black around her ankle sharp reminders of her predicament. Gritting her teeth against the need
for his hands on her, she sucked in a breath, her stomach muscles quivering under the hand he placed
She couldnt hold back a cry as Gabriels hand moved lower, brushing over her mound before
settling on her thigh. I dont know what you want, damn it! Just fuck me and get it over with.
Gabriels expression softened, the warmth it created inside her making her feel even more
You are so beautiful. So passionate. So incredibly sweet.
Sliding his hand down her leg, he deftly untied her ankle. Theres something that I dont think
you understand. You have no say in when, or if, I fuck you. I can play with you all day and not give
you any satisfaction, or I can tie you to the bed and fuck you over and over. Its up to me. Not you.
Sliding his hand back up her leg again, he covered her mound, his palm hot against her skin. Do
you remember that I told you that youre going to have to earn your orgasms?
Sucking in sharp breaths, she watched Gabriels hand as it moved down her leg again. Yes. I
think so. What does that mean? How the hell do I earn an orgasm?
Gabriel ran a finger over the arch of her foot. You earn the right to come by behaving yourself.
Cursing at me is not acceptable. His hooded gaze held hers. Go take a shower. No masturbating. I
have to make a call, but Ill be watching you through the glass.
He stood, holding out a hand to her.
Ignoring it, she started to slide out of the bed, pausing when Gabriel shifted his stance,
effectively blocking her. Surprised, she looked up to find him eyeing her steadily, still holding his
hand out to her.
Resigned, she blew out a breath and placed her hand in his. I can get up by myself, you know.
Giving her room, he held her hand in his and helped her to her feet. Thats not the point.
Frustrated that every step just seemed to confuse her more, Kelsey gritted her teeth. What,
exactly, is the fucking point?
He led her to the bathroom. Youll figure it out soon enough. He tugged her hand when she
would have started for the shower, pulling her to stand in front of him. For the rest of the time here,
youll address me as Master. He placed a finger over her lips before she could object. We have no
relationship. We have an understandingan arrangement that lets both of us explore this thing
between us. No emotion. No feelings. Just sex, pleasure, and submission.
Kelsey swallowed heavily. Fine. Thats what I want, but if you dont finish what you start, Ill
take matters into my own hands.
Gabriels cold smile filled her with apprehension. Youll be very sorry if you do.
Chapter Seven
Gabriel disconnected and tossed his phone aside, smiling as he watched Kelsey through the
shower door. He hadnt been able to concentrate on his conversation worth a damn. Hed been too
distracted by the sight of Kelsey standing wet and naked only feet away, and had ended the call
abruptly. His cock jumped when her hands moved over her abdomen and started lower. Keep those
hands away from your clit.
Biting back a laugh at the gesture she made, he adopted his sternest expression and opened the
shower door, letting his eyes rake over her wet body. Giving me the finger isnt any way to show
respect for your Master.
Kelseys eyes flashed. She opened her mouth, but snapped it closed almost immediately, her
eyes shooting daggers at him.
He wanted to laugh, knowing that her bad mood came from an arousal she knew wouldnt be
satisfied unless he allowed it. Hed expected it, but hadnt counted on how responsive she would be
to his every touch. Every look.
Everything about her delighted him.
Gabriels cock throbbed with the need to sink into her, getting even harder when her gaze
lingered on the bulge at the front of his loose pants. The proper response is, Im sorry, Master.
Hed never tame her, which thrilled him immensely, the thought of the years ahead filling him with a
sense of anticipation and excitement.
Im sorry. Her sarcastic apology, followed by an equally sarcastic smile stirred the Dominant
inside him as no other woman ever had. Turning her back on him, she reached for the shampoo,
completely oblivious to the storm raging inside him.
Gabriel couldnt resist teaching her a lesson, and giving her a glimpse of what he had in store
for her.
Turn around.
Pausing in the middle of shampooing her hair, she stilled, her eyes closed tight. What?
He adopted his sternest expression, his cock throbbing at the sight of her naked, wet, and with
bubbles streaming down her delectable body. Turn. Around. Hands on the wall above your head.
She started to lower her hands, in what he assumed to be an effort to rinse them. With shampoo
suds running down her face, she couldnt open her eyes, which suited him just fine.
Keep your hands up. You dont need to see. Pleased to see that hed shaken her a little, he
reached out to grip her by the shoulders, his hands flexing on her slick skin as he turned her to face the
shower wall. Take a step back.
He wanted her a little off balance, knowing she would try to fight him as soon as he delivered
the first slap to her well-rounded ass.
Gabriel, what the hell do you thinkow!
With an arm wrapped around her stomach, he rubbed the spot hed just slapped. Keep your
hands on the fucking wall. You will address me the way I told you to. He delivered another slap, this
time to her other ass cheek, biting back a groan at the way she felt wiggling in his arms. Your
spanking will continue until you apologize for your rude gesture, and for calling me by my name.
After each apology, you will address me properly.
Her tight ass bounced with each slap, turning pinker by the minute. Each cry from her was like a
stroke to his cock, each attempt to evade the spanking he administered making him even more
determined to earn her submission.
After several more slaps, her cries of outrage filled the room, the combination of them and her
wet, wiggling ass stoking the dominant need inside him to new heights.
After about a half-dozen slaps, he paused, caressing her bottom to hold the heat in and because
he couldnt resist touching her, waiting while she settled some.
You son of a bitch!
Gabriel held on to her so she didnt fall, aware of the fact that hed placed her in a position that
kept her off balance. Smiling at the hunger in her voice, he let his hands move over her, the need to
possess her far more than just physical. Thatll cost you another apology. Thats three.
Fine. All right, damn it. Just stop spanking me.
She sounded slightly desperate and more than a little confused by the fact that each slap raised
her level of arousal, something she couldnt hide.
Gabriel sighed, hiding a smile as he faced her. I can spank you as much as I want to. This ass is
mine, remember, darling? However, I only see the need to punish you if you disobey me. If youre
bad, you get spanked. If youre good, you get to come. See how easy it is? Now, I want my apologies,
and then you can finish your shower. We have to eat and then you have an appointment.
What kind ofow, damn it!
Knowing she couldnt anticipate his slaps kept her squirming restlessly, a sight Gabriel enjoyed
No questions. I want my apologies. Now.
Fine. Im sorry. Im sorry. Im sorry.
Gabriel bit back a groan at the soft, husky apology, more delighted with her by the minute.
Youre forgetting something. He ran his hand over her warmed bottom, giving her a light, warning
slap when she wiggled.
Master. There. Satisfied?
He slid his hand lower, grinning in satisfaction when he felt a slickness between her thighs that
had nothing to do with the water raining down on her. Againand without attitude.
He bit back another groan when she parted her thighs, his satisfaction growing that she opened
herself to him so readily.
A groan escaped before he could prevent it, the effect of her whisper on his cock overwhelming.
Righting her, he held her while she got her bearings, grabbing a towel from the nearby rack to
wipe her face dry. Holding her with an arm around her waist, he felt her hands go to her bottom, but
decided to let it go.
After drying her face and tossing the towel aside, he cupped her chin, lifting her face to his.
Again. His stomach tightened, the anger and need on her face satisfying the dominant side of his
personality and increasing the hunger inside him for more.
Lifting a hand, he cupped her breast, running his palm over her nipple, his cock jumping at her
sharp intake of breath.
With a sigh, the anger on her face softened, her eyes fluttering closed. Master.
The satisfaction that swelled inside him stunned him.
She was so precious to him. Perfect for him.
Struggling to hide the depth of emotion he felt for her so as not to scare her off, he pinched her
nipple, holding her gaze when her eyes popped open again. Very good, darling.
He chuckled at the flash of fury in her eyes and released her nipple. Quiet. Dont ruin it. Finish
up. We have things to do.


Kelsey finished putting her hair up in the high ponytail Gabriel insisted on before he left, a little
surprised that hed provided a variety of colored scrunchies for her to use.
Her stomach rumbled as she walked back into the bedroom, enticing her to hurry. Finding a
turquoise sarong laid out on the bed, she slipped it on, fastening the matching jeweled clasp at her
Frowning when she didnt see the matching top, she pushed the tangled sheets aside, first one
way and then the other, cursing when she couldnt find it. Gabriel!
Startled, she looked up to find him standing in the doorway, her heart pounding furiously.
Thrilling at the feel of his gaze on her breasts, she kept her hands at her sides and arched toward him.
I cant find the top. Surprised at the breathless quality in her voice, she waited, her stomach
muscles quivering.
His eyes hardened and narrowed as he adopted that cold, ruthless look that excited her so much.
Address me properly, Kelsey.
Gritting her teeth at the reminder that hed honored her wish to keep this purely physical, Kelsey
blew out a breath, her bottom still warm from the last time shed forgotten. Master, I cant find my
Taking her arm, Gabriel turned her toward the doorway. Its in the other room. You dont need
it until we go out.
A bubble of nervous laughter burst free. So I can cover my ass, but not my breasts?
Gabriel smiled, leading her to her seat at the small breakfast table. Youre covered, or bare, at
my whim. Eat your breakfast.
Damn, he excited her when he spoke in that dark, silky tone. If she could bottle his sex appeal,
she could make a fortune.
Under his gaze, the tingling in her nipples became unrelenting. Reveling in the pleasure, she ate
her breakfast, moving restlessly in her seat and enjoying the view.
Gabriel had changed into white, pleated trousers and a dark green T-shirt, one that emphasized
his muscular biceps and wide chest.
Taking another sip of the fragrant coffee, Kelsey smiled. I thought dominants liked to feed their
Inclining his head, Gabriel sat back and sipped from his own cup. Some do. I may occasionally
feed you, but I find myself fascinated by the way you eat. You shovel it in like youre starving.
Shrugging, Kelsey picked up another slice of bacon. When youre in a foster home, youre
afraid that if you dont eat fast enough, someone will take it away. When I ran away, I was always
hungry, and as soon as I got something to eat, I didnt waste any time getting it into my stomach. I was
too young to work above board and got jobs in places that didnt exactly give lunch breaks, so I had
to eat fast.
Memories of her revulsion and fear of that time in her life threatened to choke her. Not about to
let it, she bit into the crisp bacon, washing it down with another sip of coffee.
If I worked in a fast food place, I could steal fries, a slice of tomato, a pickle, you know, bits
and pieces here and there. If I didnt get caught, I wouldnt have to pay for it and could afford to pay
the rent.
Uncomfortable with the anger in Gabriels eyes, she leaned forward and winked in an attempt to
lighten the atmosphere. I never got caught.
Gabriel didnt give her the smile shed expected. I dont doubt that for a minute.
Seeing the pity in his eyes, Kelsey got up from her chair, and rounded the table to him. Are we
going to play your games, or are you going to sit here and throw a pity party for a woman who no
longer exists?
Arching her back, she thrust her breasts toward him, her nipples beaded and tingling with
anticipation for his touch. I want what you promised. Are you going to give it to me or not?
Gabriels expression cleared. With a small smile, and the gleam of possession and devious
intent in his eyes, he drew her onto his lap. Im going to give you exactly what you need.
Rubbing her hip, he placed a hand over her breast, sending sharp need through her. He kept his
touch light, but moved his hand with a possessiveness that she cravedan eroticism that shed
dreamed of experiencing her entire life.
Staring down at her breast, he pinched a nipple between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it with
a nonchalance that contrasted sharply with the riot of sensation his small movements created inside
When she reached up to cover her breast in an instinctive move to protect herself against the
slight pain, Gabriel frowned in disapproval and slapped her hand away.
To her surprise, he pinched harder. I wont tolerate interference in what Im doing. This is
mine to give pleasure or pain as I wish. His eyes held hers. Tell me the truth. Does the pain youre
feeling now diminish your arousal, or enhance it?
Sucking in a breath, she bit her lip, amazed at the shock of need to her system. She didnt know
how the slight pain could feel so good, but it sharpened her arousal in a way that made it impossible
to think about anything else.
Before you answer, you should know that any lies from your lips will earn you punishment.
He pulled her nipple away from her body, making the pain more intense, eliciting a cry of shock and
delight from her. If you tell me it doesnt arouse you, Ill have to inspect your pussy and see how wet
you are.
Moaning, her breath coming out in short bursts of desperate hunger, Kelsey fisted her hands on
his shoulders, throwing her head back. Yes. I dont want it to, but it does. Just dont make it hurt too
Gabriel released her nipple, rubbing it as the blood rushed back into it, his other hand moving
over her back. Youd be surprised at the amount of pain you can endure, if the pleasure outweighs
Gabriel smiled and got to his feet, steadying her with a hand on either side of her waist.
Pleasure and pain. Soon, itll be hard to tell one from the other.
He reached over, retrieving the strip of turquoise fabric from where hed placed it on the
padded bench, and wrapped it around her breasts, securing it with the clasp. Slip on your shoes. You
have an appointment at the spa.
Aroused and very conscious of her body and femininity, Kelsey made her way on shaky legs to
the elevator with Gabriel. When the door closed behind him, she turned to him, once again struck by
his elegant but powerful good looks. Need made her even more brazen. You gonna fuck me today, or
are you just going to keep playing with me?
Gabriel shook his head, smiling. I cant wait to see your face when it hits you.
When what hits me?
Youll see.
The elevator opened, and he took her arm again, leading her out and turning left to go down a
long hallway, his expression thoughtful. I want to check out the lotions and oils they have here. I
havent bought any for you yet and theyre supposed to carry the best. Ill check them out after I have
you waxed.
Kelsey couldnt help it. She burst out laughing. Dont be ridiculous. If I need hand cream, I buy
it from the drugstore.
Gabriel frowned. I buy the best, and certainly for you. I told you that I take care of my
possessions, and for this week, youre mine.
Trying to pull him to a stop proved useless. Gabriel
Shit. Master. She couldnt understand the thrill that stroked every erogenous zone each time
she called him that.
Yes, darling?
Bristling at the satisfaction in his tone, she glared at him to hide the surge of lust. I dont need
to be waxed. In case you hadnt noticed, I shaved my legs before we left.
Smiling faintly, he held her gaze. I noticed. I notice everything about you, Kelsey.
Theyd reached the end of the hall, and Gabriel opened the large, frosted glass door, ushering
her inside.
They were greeted by a woman dressed in a gold outfit similar to the one Kelsey wore.
Comparing them, she realized that hers had large jeweled clasps, while the woman who worked at the
spa wore a much more utilitarian clasp. The other woman didnt have the beading and crystals at the
hemline that Kelseys did, either, but with her slim, petite frame, and dark exotic beauty, the other
woman didnt need them.
Im Master Gabriel. We have an appointment.
The woman smiled at Gabriel, not giving Kelsey any more than a passing glance. Of course,
sir. We have everything ready for you. Will you be staying with her, or would you prefer that we
deliver her when were finished?
Shocked at their wording, and the way she was being practically ignored, Kelsey opened her
mouth to speak, only to snap her mouth closed when Gabriel yanked her against him.
Bending close, he whispered in her ear. You are not to speak without permission. Lower your
eyes. You will not make eye contact with anyone but me.
Straightening, he squeezed her hand in warning, raising his voice to answer the other woman.
Ill be staying. Shes new at this and is still learning. She may need my guidance.
A deep male voice came from her left. The restraints are in place. Would you like me to take
care of it?
Kelsey began to shake, wanting to look up at the other man but determined to meet the challenge
Gabriel had given her, she kept her eyes averted. She didnt know how many people worked here and
didnt care for the fact that she could be handed over to a total stranger.
Gabriel seemed to take pity on her. If youll show us to the room, Id like a few minutes alone
with my sub before we continue.
Of course, sir. The satisfaction in the other womans voice grated on Kelseys nerves, and she
couldnt help but turn her head to glare at her as the other woman led them down a short hall to a
room at the end.
As soon as the door closed behind her, Kelsey lifted her head. Looking around the well-
appointed room, Kelsey found her gaze drawn to a large padded table with restraints at both ends.
GabMaster, I dont understand this. Why all this fuss to wax my legs? I know youre
probably trying to scare me, but
Im not trying to scare you. Ill be happy to answer your questions, but I know youre going to
have to experience a lot of things for yourself before youre curious enough about something to ask.
One step at a time, darling.
Tracing a finger over the clasp between her breasts, Gabriel smiled. Youre not getting your
legs waxed, honey. Youre getting your sweet pussy waxed.
At her gasp, he gathered her close. Then I can inspect you properly. Youre not going to
believe how much more sensitive you are after youve been waxed.
Looking up at him through her lashes, she sighed, hiding the thrill of excitement that swept
through her. This is going to hurt, isnt it?
Gabriel chuckled and slid his hand under her sarong, his firm caress over her bottom reminding
her just how easily he could get to every part of her. Pain can bring pleasure, something youve
already learned. Do I need to put the restraints on you?
Kelsey shook her head, not wanting to be restrained with the other woman present. No. I wont
move. I promise.
Sliding a finger into the material covering her breasts, he paused, focusing his attention on her
nipple. One of the worst things a submissive can do to her Master is to embarrass him. Its a sign of
disrespect, and one that I wont tolerate.
I wouldnt do that! Just the thought of embarrassing him made her feel gauche and
unsophisticated again and brought about a niggling belief that she would fall short of his expectations.
Im glad to hear that. Be a good girl
Frowning, she ran her hand over the leather table. I hate being called that.
I know.


Having her mound waxed hurt more than Kelsey could have imagined, but Gabriels watchful
presence distracted her from the worst of the pain, the admiration in his eyes making the procedure
easier to endure.
He stood beside her, his hand flat on her belly as if to hold her down if she tried to escape. He
eyed her mound critically, his gaze occasionally going to hers, smiling in amusement each time she
glared at him.
His dark eyes darkened even more as the woman finished and turned away, the promise in them
making her impatient to get back to the room.
Now that her mound was smooth and bare, she felt even more vulnerable and exposed. As
Gabriel stared down at her, she arched her hips toward him in offering, her skin tingling for his touch.
Frowning when the woman returned, she looked back at Gabriel, waiting for him to tell her she could
get up.
With a smile, Gabriel took the jar from the womans hand. Ill put that on her. I think my little
sub needs my touch.
Of course, sir. Would you like me to wait, or come back?
Wait. Id like her finished as soon as possible.
Confused, Kelsey looked up at him, biting her lip to keep from asking what more he could
possibly have done to her. Aware of the other woman standing nearby with her back to them, Kelsey
let her eyes speak for her, letting Gabriel know how much she wanted him without saying a word. She
lifted into his touch, a moan of pleasure escaping at the feel of the cool cream being massaged over
her stinging mound.
Gabriel smiled, sliding a finger into her pussy. You like this. Youre soaking wet, my pet.
Embarrassed that the woman could hear them, Kelsey shot him a dirty look before turning away.
Gabriel, of course, wouldnt let her ignore him, sliding his finger, coated with the cooling
cream, over her clit with a steadiness that had her stiffening at the tingling heat.
She whipped her head around, staring into his eyes as she rocked her hips involuntarily,
pressing her lips closed to hold back her cries. She didnt want to come with the other woman
present, and certainly didnt want the other woman to hear her cries of pleasure.
Gasping at the finger Gabriel slid into her pussy, she glanced toward where the woman stood
several feet away, gathering some items while putting away others. She couldnt close her legs
because Gabriel had moved to stand between them, and when she reached down to push his hand
away, he slapped hers.
With narrowed eyes, he bent over her, getting in her face and keeping his voice at a furious
whisper. Give me another of those dirty looks, and Im going to fuck you in the ass right here in front
of her. Are we clear?
Shaking helplessly at his erotic threat, Kelsey nodded, drawing in several shaky breaths. Her
clit tingled so much she feared that a single brush of his fingers would send her over. Closing her eyes
in relief when he released her clit and withdrew from her pussy, she didnt object when he flipped
her to her stomach, meekly allowing him to arrange her to his satisfaction. She didnt want to
embarrass him in front of the other woman, but found letting him have complete control over her body
more difficult and arousing than she could have imagined. When he parted her thighs, she stiffened,
alarmed that he would make good on his threat.
Even more shocked that her puckered opening tingled, she couldnt hold back her cry when firm,
male hands gripped her cheeks and parted them. Be still so she can finish.
A few minutes later, Kelsey wanted to kill him. Only slightly appeased at the cool cream being
smoothed over her forbidden opening, Kelsey kept her burning face buried against the leather table.
Id also like body lotion, oil, and bath salts. The admiration and barely leashed tension in
Gabriels tone made Kelseys toes curl, the need for him making her bottom clench.
Any special scent, sir?
Gabriel rubbed a hand over her bottom before releasing her, using the sink to wash his hands.
Anything except vanilla. Perhaps something in a floral. Something feminine and calming. Using one
of the towels stacked beside it, he moved back to the table.
Of course, sir. Would you like me to send it up to your room?
No, thank you. I dont want to be disturbed. Ill take them with me. Lifting her from the table,
Gabriel gathered Kelsey against him.
The other woman smiled. Of course. Ill get them ready for you.
Kelsey waited until the other woman left before lifting her gaze to Gabriels, reaching out a hand
to lay it on his chest. Did you notice that she never looked directly at you?
He took her hand in his.
Rules of the island, Kelsey. He ran a hand over her hair before reaching for her sarong. You
were very good. Im proud of you.
You threatened me. Tilting her head, she eyed him curiously. Would you really have fucked
me in the ass in front of her?
If I dont encourage good behavior and punish bad, how are you going to know whats expected
of you? Grinning, he ran a hand down her back. Besides, Id wondered if being with a beautiful
woman would excite you, but it didnt.
Surprised, Kelsey blinked up at him. I thought you knew that I only like men. Squirming under
his touch, she lifted again. I thought this was supposed to be about sex, not about doing things like
this to me.
Gabriel paused before answering, making her wonder what he was thinking. It is about sex. Its
also about your ability and willingness to submit to my desires.
Gripping her hands, he pulled her closer and tugged on her ponytail, tilting her face to his. A
Masters needs are all that should matter to his submissive.
Struggling to ignore the awareness of being waxed, Kelsey couldnt help but notice the bulge at
the front of Gabriels trousers, a large bulge that made her pussy clench. Does it excite you to know
Im bare, or that I let you do that to me?
Hell, shed never be able to resist him. If he asked her to jump on the table and spread her
thighs, she would have done it in a heartbeat.
Running a hand down her back as though he couldnt stop touching her, Gabriel pulled her
closer. Both. Why did you let me have you waxed?
Leaning back, she looked up at him with a smile. Good question. Shrugging, she flattened a
hand against his chest, smoothing it over the firm muscle there.
Gripping her chin, he tilted her head back, his eyes flat. You want adventure and pleasure. You
have no say in anything I do to you or make you do while were here. His eyes narrowed. Because
youve never experienced this lifestyle, Im allowing your questions, but I wont allow you to dictate
whats done to you or when.
Taking her hand, he led her to the door, caressing her bottom as she went through the doorway.
And believe me, my pet, Im doing to do things to you this week that have never been done to you
beforethings that youll either love or hatebut that will shake you out of that shell youve built
around yourself until I get to the real you.
His gaze moved over her breasts before settling on hers again. And when I get to the real you,
Im going to do everything in my power to keep you. You might want to ask yourself what youre
going to do when that happens.
Chapter Eight
Kelsey stiffened at the ominous sound of the lock clicking into place, jolting when Gabriels
hands closed over her shoulders.
Turning her in his arms, he reached between them to finger the clasp between her breasts, his
eyes unreadable. Slip off your shoes.
Kelsey shivered as the material covering her breasts fell away, his cold tone filling her with
anticipation and apprehension. Smiling, she kicked her sandals off and arched toward him. Anything
you say, Master. You gonna fuck me now?
Aching for him, and thrilled at the flare in his eyes each time she challenged him, she looked up
at him expectantly.
Gabriels expression never changed, but his eyes flashed with something that looked like a
combination of satisfaction and amusement. Youre going to be such a trial to me. With a flick of
his fingers, the sarong fell away. Im going to enjoy turning that defiant attitude of yours into
something a hell of a lot more productive.
Standing naked before him, Kelsey grinned and closed the short distance between them, rubbing
her nipples against his chest. Looking forward to it. Ive been horny all day.
Gripping her upper arm, Gabriel sighed and led her across the room. I know when youre
aroused, Kelsey.
To her surprise, he headed toward the door on the other side of the room, a door that had been
locked when shed checked it earlier. What are you doing? That doors locked. Isnt it an adjoining
room? Holy hell! Gasping when he swung the door open and she got a glimpse of what was inside,
she froze, wondering what the hell shed gotten herself into.
Gabriel urged her forward, and into a room that gave Kelsey the chills. I unlocked it before we
went out. You are never to come into this room without my permission. Stand in the middle of the
room, below the hooks.
Shaking with nerves and heightened awareness, Kelsey wrapped her arms around herself and
moved to the middle of the windowless room. The lighting in the room gave it a strange, dungeon-like
feel. Each corner remained in darkness, while the light shining down in the center of the room seemed
exceptionally bright. I didnt even know this was here. Looking around, she squinted in an effort to
see as much as she could, partially blinded by the bright light.
A padded table stood on one side, complete with the same restraints that had been on the table in
the spa. She gulped, trying to hide her nervousness as she took in the variety of ropes and hooks
coming from the ceiling, floor, and walls.
Gabriel closed the door behind him and bent to pick up a large black case that stood against the
wall, just inside the door. Each room in the hotel has a room like this. Its called a playroom. The
condos will have one, too. Each Master must supply his own toys, though.
He set the case on the large metal table in the corner, and unzipped it. I want you to know that
the things I have in here were purchased for you. I havent used them on any other women.
Swallowing heavily, Kelsey watched him take an assortment of objects out of the bag, some she
didnt even recognize. Some she did, and the sight of them increasing her nervousness. Are you
trying to tell me youve never used toys on a woman before?
No. Im telling you that the items in this bag have never been used on another woman.
Turning, he came toward her with what appeared to be some kind of cuffs in his hand. I only brought
a few of them. The rest are in the playroom in my home.
His eyes held hers. Waiting for you.
Entranced by the aura of erotic intent and power surrounding him, Kelsey couldnt look away,
drawn to his strength like never before. Shivering with anticipation, she didnt fight him when he took
her wrist in his hand and fastened a padded cuff to it. You dont have to do this, you know. I wont
fight you.
Shivering again at the incredible sense of helplessness of having her arm raised and her breast
totally vulnerable, she tugged at the cuff experimentally.
Gabriel glanced at her as he reached up to cuff her other wrist. I dont care if you fight me or
not. I just dont want to have to deal with your resistance this time. This is so I can explore you
without your hands getting in the way. Once hed cuffed her wrist, he tapped a nipple, sending a
sharp stab of pleasure to her slit. I dont want to have to deal with your squirming and efforts to stop
me when the pleasure becomes too strong.
Tugging to test the restraints, Kelsey grinned, surprised to find them loose enough for her to drop
her hands to her shoulders. Theres no such thing as too much pleasure.
Gabriel went to his bag again and returned with what appeared to be a thick, leather pad.
Squatting low, he placed it at her feet. Kneel on this.
Eyeing him curiously, Kelsey obeyed him and lowered herself to her knees, an action that
tightened the rope attached to her cuffs just enough to keep her arms over her head.
Hed accurately judged just how loose to make the ropes, making her wonder just how many
times hed done this kind of thing before, and just how far his expertise in this kind of thing went.
Watching him move back to the bag again, Kelsey squirmed, rubbing her thighs together against
the ache and struck by the knowledge that Gabriel purposely kept her on edge. I guess it takes a lot of
practice to judge the rope just right.
Gulping in air, she inwardly winced at the twinge of panic in her voice, panic caused by not
knowing what he would do next.
Gabriel paused, his eyes narrowing. I guess it does. Look at me. Concentrate on me. Were the
only ones here. Youre the one with the power. Reaching out a hand, he ran his fingertips over her,
giving her goose bumps as every inch of skin he touched quivered with awareness.
Concentrate on my voice. All you have to do is use your safe word, and everything stops.
Leaning forward, he brushed his lips over her cheek, her jaw, her temple. You and me, Kelsey. No
one else. Youre mine, and theres nothing more important to me than your safety. Your pleasure.
Satisfying those needs no man has ever satisfied. Theres no anger. No ugliness here. Just you. And
me. Us. Pleasure.
Melting under his soft caresses, the brushes of his warm lips, the soothing gentleness in his
voice, Kelseys vulnerable position became less frightening. She turned her head, losing sight of
Gabriel when he moved in behind her. What are you?
Spread your legs, Kelsey. I want to explore each and every inch of you.
It took less than a minute for him to cuff her ankles to the floor, leaving her spread wide enough
to give him complete access, but not wide enough to make her uncomfortable.
It does feel more sensitive.
Gabriel came around to stand in front of her. I know. You like the way it feels, dont you?
Reaching out, he slid a hand over her cheek, his eyes hooded. Youre a very physical woman, a very
sensual one. But, youve never really explored that side of yourself, have you? Youve never really
taken the time to savor anythingnot even when you eat.
Kelsey wiggled, testing the ropes again. I enjoy sex and food, Gab Snapping her mouth
closed, she looked away, finding it difficult to call him Master, especially while in such a
defenseless position. Bristling at her helplessness and the effect of it on her senses, Kelsey turned
Holding her face between his hands, Gabriel turned her toward him and stared down at her, his
eyes steady and searching on hers. I find it interesting that you resist calling me Master, addressing
me in a way that makes this a purely sexual relationship, one in which I take all decisions out of your
hands, which is all you claim to want from me. Sex, pure and simple. Right?
Kelsey swallowed heavily, her body humming with a desire that made it difficult to remain still.
Of course.
His eyes hardened as he ran a thumb over her bottom lip, his look cold and distant. My friends
and lovers call me Gabriel, and since you dont want either friendship or love from me right now,
you arent either. Its never more important to call me Master than when were in the playroom.
Releasing her, he drew a strip of black fabric from his pocket. I get to play with you. Explore
you. Enjoy youas my possession.
Not about to let him see how much he intimidated her, she smiled up at him, arching her back to
thrust her breasts out to him. Do your worst, Master.
She drew in a shaky breath when he moved to stand behind her, chills breaking out all over her
skin when he slipped the dark, silky fabric over her eyes. No longer able to see, she shivered as he
tied the blindfold, her senses sharpening.
Arching again at the slide of his fingertips over her back, she couldnt hold back a moan. Oh,
that feels
Shocked at the effect his authoritative tone had on her, she snapped her mouth closed, biting
back another moanthis one of frustrationwhen he removed his hands. Wondering where he would
touch her next, she trembled with anticipation, turning her head to listen for any sound that would give
her a clue.
She felt him move away, and then heard the sounds of him delving into his bag again. Keeping
her head turned toward him, feeling his gaze on her, she trembled helplessly. The mental image of
what she must look like to him in her present position had her tugging at the ropes as the awareness in
her breasts and slit grew.
Jolting at the suddenness of his warm breath against her ear, she leaned back into him in an
effort to get as close as possible.
He tugged at her hair, tilting her head back. Ive been looking forward to having the chance to
explore you. You wont find everything I do comfortable, but this is my body to do with as I wish.
Remember that. You have no say in anything I do to you. You accept it. You endure it, because you
know that everything I do to you pleases me.
The feel of his finger, coated with cold lube, thrusting into her vulnerable bottom startled a cry
from her, the reality of being impaled in her most private opening heightening her sense of
defenselessness. Oh, God. Oh, God. Ahh! Chills wracked her body as he slid his finger deep, cries
pouring from her as he moved it around firmly as if he owned her ass and she had no say in what he
did to it.
She struggled against her bonds, her inability to evade even the slightest touch more alarming
than she would have imagined. No matter how much she tried to move, she could lift up slightly, but
she couldnt close against him. Biting her lip to hold back more cries, she stiffened as he stretched
her, pressing against her inner walls with a ruthlessness that had her clenching on him as he awakened
nerve endings she hadnt known existed.
With the same suddenness, he slid his finger free, leaving her clenching at emptiness, the sense
of loss unbearable.
Before she could catch her breath, something slim and slippery was pushed into her, the sense of
relief and desperation for more forcing her to push back against him.
Struggling to adapt to having her ass filled, she concentrated on Gabriels movements, his
breathing, and forced herself to be as still as possible. She couldnt identify the sound she heard at
first, but as the item Gabriel had inserted into her got bigger, she realized that it was the sound of it
being inflated.
You wondered what would happen if I did something to you that you didnt likesomething
that turned you off. At the time, I assumed you were talking about your ass and the prospect of pain,
and assured you that I wouldnt do it again if you didnt like it. If you come while this is filling your
ass, then this gorgeous ass is fair game in the future.
Kelseys breathing grew harsher with every pump, as each filled her ass with the plug even
more. She felt so full, so invaded, that she couldnt catch her breath, the chills that raced through her
now stronger than ever.
He stretched her with every relentless pump, making her ass burn, but still she wanted more.
Wiggling against the fullness, she bit her lip to keep from begging him for more, begging him to
move it inside her. She tugged harder on the ropes, the inability to escape her bonds adding a layer of
excitement and freedom she hadnt expected.
I can ttake whatever you. Ah. Dish out. Holy hell. Yes. Take me. Fuck me.
The pumping stopped, and Gabriels hand slid over the cheeks of her ass, his fingers flexing as
if testing the resilience. You dont have any choice, remember? This is a fine ass you have here.
Soft. Firm. Round. Ive had more than a few fantasies about this ass. Since I wont punish you unless
untilyou disobey me, I wont turn you over my knee and give you the spanking Ive dreamed
about. Yet.
Chuckling, he slid his fingers lower, pushing at the inflated plug. Believe me, my pet, Im very
much looking forward to it. Youll have a much larger plug inside you when I spank you, and when
your ass is red and hot, and the heat spreads through your slit, Im going to remove the plug and fuck
that tight ass hard and deep until you come, calling me Master.
The word of denial slipped out before Kelsey could prevent it, an instinctive resistance to the
cold superiority and calculation in his tone. She wanted to challenge him. Dare him. Excite him so
much that he forgot about control and took her in a wild frenzy they would both enjoy. I wont give
you the satisfaction. Ill be so goodbetter than any woman youve ever dominated.
Gabriels hands went to her waist and moved higher, covering her breasts. Do you really think
you can be so good? Do you really think I cant push you into disobeying me so I can have this sweet
ass over my lap?
Kelsey cried out at the light slaps he delivered to the underside of her breast. Not a chance.
She was very much looking forward to it.


Gabriel smiled, delighted with her defiance, and her plan to please him in order to avoid
If he could direct all of her stubbornness and courage into pleasing him, she wouldnt realize
that he was drawing her in emotionally until it was too late.
He hoped it worked, because he only had until the end of the week to make her fall in love with
He had no choice but to wear down her resistance as quickly and as thoroughly as he could
while they were still here on the island.
He knew his light slaps to her breasts would warm the skin there and make her nipples even
more sensitive. Avoiding them cost him dearly, but he knew that building her anticipation for his
touch would give both of them more pleasure.
It was time for him to make her just as crazy for him as he was for her.
He needed to hear her beg.
First, though, he needed to release some of the sexual tension that had made his cock throb all
I love your breasts. I love you.
He squeezed gently, his cock jumping at her cry. So firm. So strong.
Letting only his fingertips touch her, he circled her nipples, careful to avoid touching them
despite her squirming. So soft. With a big heart that you try to hide.
Unable to help himself, he ran a hand over her stomach, smiling at the feel of the muscles
quivering beneath his palm. Hed imagined his child growing inside her too many times to count.
Her soft gasps, so feminine and uncontrolled, sent a surge of power through him, driving the
dominant side of him to new heights.
He let his fingers slide lower, over her slick mound. Knowing she would be sensitive and tender
there, he kept his touch light. Youre gorgeous like this. So exposed, so accessible.
YYoure enjoying this, arent you?
Very much. Getting to his feet, he stripped out of his clothes as he circled her. His balls, tight
and heavy, ached with the need for release, his cock so hard he had to bite back a groan when he
fisted it.
He stared down at her, knowing hed never seen anything so breathtakingly beautiful in his life.
Address me properly. Cupping her cheek, he caressed her jaw and lifted his hand away.
She stilled, as though listening for him, her cheeks flushed. Her ragged breathing quickened, and
her inner thighs glistened with her juices, but even aroused, she clenched her jaw in irritation.
Master. Satisfied?
Not even close.
He stepped forward, biting back a groan at the sight of her mouth only inches away from his
cock. He knew how much she wanted to gain some kind of control over him, and suspected that if she
saw his face now, she would be reveling in her victory.
Open your mouth. His cock jumped at the shiver that went through her.
When she licked her lips, he almost came on the spot.
Running the head of his cock over her moist lips, he threaded his fingers through her hair to hold
her steady. Sucknice and easy. If I feel your teeth, youre getting that spanking Im looking very
much forward to administering.
She shivered, her hips pumping as she nodded and touched her tongue to the head of his cock.
Gabriel couldnt deny himself any longer.
Slipping the head of his cock into her hot, waiting mouth, Gabriel felt as if hed died and gone to
Her lips held him tight, her soft tongue sliding over the sensitive underside. Sucking gently, she
took him to the back of her throat, her hips wiggling with more enthusiasm. The sounds of need
coming from her vibrated around his cock, testing his control to the limits.
Not about to let her get the upper hand, he cupped her face and fucked her mouth with slow,
shallow thrusts. Good girl. Smiling when she stiffened and sucked harder, he pushed his cock to the
back of her throat, tightening his hold on her hair.
No matter how much pleasure you give me, youre not in control here, my pet.
Just as hed expected, Kelsey stilled, growling in her throat.
He knew shed say something smart, if given the chance, so he kept her mouth full of cock. You
object to being called my pet? Thats what you are this week, though. He began moving again,
thrusting a little faster than before. Hed never had to struggle so hard to keep his voice cold and
smooth, but the feel of Kelseys mouth and sight of her bound and naked on her knees, her mouth
filled, had his cock leaking moisture.
Mine to fuck. To use. To take however, and wherever I want. I want you to swallow every
drop. If youre a good girl, Ill let you come. Yes, thats a girl.
He came harder than he could ever remember coming before, so hard that his knees and the
muscles in his thighs shook. Throwing back his head, he growled his completion, groaning as she
sucked him dry.
Hed never met a woman who excited him so much, a woman who fulfilled every need.
And the time to convince her was running out.


Kelsey tugged at her bonds, sucking Gabriel even after hed come, determined to draw every
drop from him and make him putty in her hands.
He tasted so rich. So exotic. So male. Running the backs of his fingers down her cheek, he
withdrew. Very nice, my pet. Youve got a very talented mouth.
Licking her lips, she swallowed heavily, sucking in a breath when she felt his fingertips slide
over her mound. Tilting her hips forward, she clenched on the plug in her ass, once again shocked at
how good it felt to have that full, overwhelming sensation of being impaled there.
The decadent, raw, sexual wickedness of it satisfied a need inside her shed never really
understood or been comfortable with.
A need Gabriel seemed to understand completely.
He slid his fingers over her slick folds, the sensation much stronger now that shed been waxed.
It seems you like having your ass filled. Thats good, because its going to be filled often. Now be
still so I can explore you a little more.
Kelsey gasped at the suddenness of a finger pushing deep into her pussy. Oh! Yes. It feels so
full. Harder. Faster.
Gabriel pressed his finger against her pussy walls and against the plug inside her ass. It feels
fuller because your ass is filled. Itll feel even fuller when I pump it a little more. Clamp down on my
Bucking in her bonds, Kelsey cried out in bliss as she fucked herself on his finger, the sensation
of having her ass and pussy filled like nothing shed ever experienced. She tightened on him, not
because hed demanded it, but because she couldnt help herself.
She didnt know if being unable to see had anything to do with it, but everything felt sharper
more intense. Little pinpricks of pleasure broke out all over her skin, becoming hotter with each thrust
of his finger.
Youre drenched, my pet. Ill let you come so I can finish inspecting you.
Lost in a world of erotic pleasure, Kelsey tried to block him out, focusing on her own needs.
Her inability to see anything else made it easier, each roll of her hips making the sensation in both
openings even more staggering.
Hot warning tingles consumed her in one giant wave, the delicious feel of them making her
nipples and clit sizzle with heat. Her movements became more frantic and uncontrolled as she fought
for release. When it came, it hit her hard.
Crying out, she fought her bonds. Yes. Oh, God. More.
The sound of the pump penetrated only seconds before she felt the plug in her ass getting bigger.
Gabriel pushed his finger deep, sliding his thumb over her clit. No doesnt work here. If you
cant take it, use your safe word. I told you youd fight the pleasure, and I believe you told me that
there could never be too much.
Holy hell! How could anyone survive such pleasure?
Ah. Oh, God. I cant, I cant. The plug expanded, stretching her ass and increasing the
pressure in her pussy. Jolting at each delicate slide of his finger over her clit, Kelsey fought her bonds
even harder, the sensation too extreme after her orgasm. Its too strong, damn you. Fuck. I cant stop.
Fuck you, Gabriel. If I wasnt tied up, youd be
Oh, darling, youre adorable.
Clenching her jaw, Kelsey tried to fight the pleasure, groaning when she went over again.
Gabriel clicked his tongue. Thats twice that youve called me something other than what
youve been instructed to call me. You also said fuck you to me. Do you really think Im going to let
you get away with that?
Her bottom clenched at the threat, a harsh moan escaping at the burn as she tightened on the plug.
Her nipples tingled, beading impossibly tight, so tender that she jolted at the feel of his fingers
stroking them. Arching toward him as the hunger for him reignited, she shook her head, her breathing
ragged. No. Damn it, do something. Give me what you promised.
Gabriel chuckled, a soft sound that sent a thrill through her even as she bristled at his arrogance.
I said I wanted to inspect you, and that I would let you come. Im not through, and youve already
come. Twice. You also earned punishment, which youll submit to if you want to continue down the
path were taking.
Cupping her breasts, he leaned close, his lips touching her ear. Now, Im going to explore your
breasts, your nipples, and your responses. When Im finished, I need to inspect your clit, my pet.
I hate it when you call me that!
I know you do, but thats the arrangement you want, isnt it? He removed her hands, leaving
her feeling bereft.
Hearing him move away, Kelsey stilled, turning toward him with a frown, trying to decipher the
strange tone in his voice. She jumped at the brush of his fingers over her cheek, not having heard him
come back.
Be still. This isnt for you. Its for me. Youll be still and quiet while I explore you.
The sharp pain in her left nipple shocked her so much, she froze. It took only a second or two for
her to realize it wasnt easing. Crying out, she struggled to escape it, but with her arms high over her
head, she had no way to defend herself. Each movement intensified the pain and shot jolts of jagged
heat to her slit.
Settle down, Kelsey. Thats my girl.
Focusing on his gentle tone, she stopped struggling, sucking in air and blowing it out through her
Thats it. Breathe through it. See. Its easing. Your nipples are very sensitive, arent they?
Youll wear clips or jewelry on them, but when I use clamps, I wont make them tight.
He reached up to remove the blindfold, looking into her eyes. I enjoy dressing you, and Im
going to enjoy decorating you even more.
Blinking against the harsh light shining down on her, Kelsey looked down at the clamp attached
to her nipple, her pussy clenching at the surge of arousal. What do you mean, decorating me? She
couldnt stop clenching, her arousal growing by the second.
She didnt think it would be possible to become so aroused after just coming twice, but she
realized shed already underestimated Gabriel.
She just didnt know how much, and was filled with anticipation to find out.
Her gaze lowered, drawn to his nakedness like a magnet.
She let her gaze follow the contours of his broad chest, her fingers itching to stroke his olive
skin and sink into the muscle there. His six-pack abs made her mouth water, but she barely glanced at
them, her attention drawn to his thick cock, already half-erect again.
With a finger beneath her chin, he lifted her face to his. Youll see. Aroused again, my pet?
She would kill him. Just as soon as they got back to Philadelphia, shed kill him.
It hurts. She gasped when Gabriel held up another clip and dangled it in front of her face. Oh,
Mesmerized by the sight of the clip, she watched with breathless anticipation as he brought it
closer to her beaded nipple.
She fought her instinctive reaction to pull away, her gaze drawn to Gabriels as he attached it.
Sucking in a breath at the sharp pain, she looked into his eyes, stilling at the warm affection and
hunger simmering in them.
Gabriels obvious pleasure in her and the patience in his eyes as he waited for her to settle, and
his guidance, made her more determined than ever to see this thing through to the end.
The intimacy as their eyes met connected them for several precious moments, giving her the
feeling that the bond made them both part of something bigger than each of them.
Her body shook, the sensations layering over each other. Pain and pleasure combined
strengthenedcreating a hunger inside her unlike anything shed ever known.
A vulnerability she would never have imagined yearning.
Every muscle in her body quivered, and she realized with a start that her hips pumped of their
own volition. She tugged at the bonds, some inner need satisfied at her inability to escape.
Moving behind her, he ran his fingertips over her breasts, down to her waist, to her hip and
around to her back, the possessiveness in the slow trail of his fingers thrilling her. He wrapped his
hand around her ponytail and tilted her head back, touching his lips to her temple at the same time his
cock touched her bottom. Im going to release you from the cuffs. I dont want your knees to get sore,
and your hands have been over your head long enough.
Kelsey shivered, moaning her pleasure at the feel of his lips on the sensitive spot between her
neck and her shoulder. Yes. She had no idea of her hands had been over her head long enoughor
even what long enough was. Her knees felt like the rest of herweak, tingling and out of her control.
He freed her ankles, and with an arm around her waist, he released her wrists, holding her
steady when she fell forward.
Startled at her weakness, she tried to get to her feet, alarmed when her legs wouldnt hold her.
Gathering her close, Gabriel chuckled softly. Ive got you. Just relax. Im here to help you,
baby. Believe it or not, were in this together. He placed her on the padded bench, one that came to
his thighs. Spreading her legs, he moved to stand between them, running his hands up and down her
thighs with a firm possessive caress. You look so beautiful. Now, be still. No. Get your hands away
from those clamps or Ill restrain you again. I havent inspected your clit yet.
Inspected my clit? Her clit tingled in reaction, something she would have bet he knew very
well. Her spread thighs left her slit unprotected, and with her mound waxed, she felt even more
Lifting a brow, he smiled coldly. Of course. Its mine now, and Id like to have a good look at
it. With a hand on her mound, he used his thumb to push the hood covering her clit back, exposing the
swollen and throbbing bundle of nerves. Beautiful. Red. Swollen. Slick with your juices. Still
holding her hood back, he slid a finger from his other hand over it, stroking it lightly.
Kelsey jumped, crying out, struggling to close her legs against such an extreme sensation. Oh,
God. Her entire body went stiff, her ass clamping down on the plug.
Not even close. He stroked her clit again, staring down at it for several heart-stopping
seconds before releasing her.
Power. Confidence. Knowledge.
His eyes gleamed with all three as his gaze held hers. He rolled on a condom, his movements
unhurried and smooth. Now Im going to take whats mine. Be still.
Kelsey sucked in another breath when he placed a hand over her mound and pushed the hood
covering her clit back again. Feeling the head of his cock press against her pussy opening, she
clenched her jaw, groaning as she rocked her hips in an effort to take him inside, struggling harder
when he increased the pressure on her mound and abdomen.
Even the air moving over her clit inflamed her. Her movements reawakened the pressure in her
nipples, the tugging sensation driving her wild.
I told you to be still. He surged deep, filling her and making her pussy stretch to accommodate
him. His thick cock pressed against her pussy walls, the pressure to the plug in her ass making her
feel as if she was being fucked in both openings.
How the hell am I supposed to stay still? Gabriel! Oh, God. Please. Make me come. Fuck me
harder. Groaning as his slow, controlled strokes continued, she kept rocking, parting her legs wide.
Gabriel touched her clit. Be still, Kelsey.
She froze, her breath escaping in sharp pants, her gaze flying to the hand he reached toward one
of the clamps.
She felt him everywhere. Her ass, her pussy, her nipples, and her clit burned with a sizzling heat
that raced through her, encompassing every fiber of her being.
He kept his strokes even and deep, each one shifting the plug in her ass. Youre mine, and I
want you to be still so I can fuck this pussy without your interference. Lay back and grab the top of the
bench. He gripped the edge of the clamp, his slight pull making her nipple sting. Do it. Good girl.
Dont let go.
No warning tingles preceded an orgasm that seemed to come out of nowhere.
Screaming his name, she gripped his forearms, fighting the burn as her ass clamped down on the
plug. Another wave of heat washed through her as he removed the clamps, another orgasm to layer
over the last.
The blood rushing into her nipples kept her orgasm rolling through her, her body sucked into a
vortex of pleasure she thought she may never escape.
She never wanted to escape.
Through it, Gabriel continued to fuck her, his thrusts coming harder and faster than before. Yes.
Thats it. Milk my cock, my pet.
Bastard! Dont call me that. Oh, God. I cant. Ahhh! She reached for her slit as he began to
stroke her clit, the too-intense combination of pleasure and pain sending her over yet again. Each
orgasm seemed milder than the one before, but lasted longer.
Shed never realized pleasure could be so intense, or that it could last so long.
He caught both of her wrists in one of his large hands, using the other to keep stroking her clit,
intensifying the pleasure until it bordered on paina pain she never wanted to end.
Reduced to ragged moans and whimpers, Kelsey let her legs fall, too weak to hold them up
Kelsey, look at me.
Forcing her eyes open, she struggled to focus, once again struck by what a magnificent figure he
made. His eyes held a warmth now, a fire that seemed to burn out of control as he thrust into her over
and over. Again.
Trembling, she shook her head weakly. I cant. The slide of his cock and the shift of the plug
in her ass kept the pleasure humming through her, while each delicate slide of his finger over her clit
made her body jolt. So weak, her muscles wouldnt even obey her, Kelsey even found it difficult to
Gabriel released her hands, letting them fall to the side. Yes, you can. This bodys mine. I
control it. Come again for me.
He surged deep, his finger on her clit moving faster. I can make you. Now.
Her own body betrayed her, and she came again, a strong, slow swell that held her in its grip,
making it impossible to do more than whimper.
Thats a girl. I knew you could do it. The satisfaction and affection in his voice warmed her,
easing some of the sense of loss of herself.
Kelsey opened his eyes to see his beloved face, not even realizing she was crying until she had
to blink back tears in order to see him. Gabriel.
His smile lit up his face. Yes, darling. Ive got you.
She couldnt hold back a whimper as the head of his cock slid free, the pressure against the plug
in her ass drawing another cry from her.
His eyes held hers as he moved to stand beside the padded table. Youre amazing. Pushing her
hair back from her face, he wrapped his arms around her and gathered her close. I wish I hadnt
promised not to kiss you. Lifting her high against his chest, he strode from the room. Youre okay.
Kelsey groaned. The plug.
I know, honey. Just relax. Ill take care of everything.
Kelsey didnt even bother to open her eyes, turning her face toward Gabriels chest and
snuggling against him.
She felt so vulnerable and weak, she wanted to hide. She didnt even recognize herself. She had
to bite her lip to keep from telling him how she felt about him.
The only thing that stopped her was the knowledge of how desperate shed look to him if she
told him she loved him after one sexual encounter.
Recognizing that she was way out of her league, she wanted to cry.
Leave me alone. Even her voice sounded weak.
That, my pet, is not going to happen. Ever.
Chapter Nine
Her reflexes had slowed considerably, not allowing her to do more than whimper when Gabriel
sat on the lid of the toilet with her in his lap, and deflated the plug. He slid it out with ease and
dropped it into the sink before moving to the tub and starting a bath for her.
Balancing on the ledge of the tub, Kelsey frowned at her lethargy. I dont take baths. I take
showers. Just give me a minute
His caring and gentleness soothed her, especially now, when shed become so needy and
emotionally fragile, and she had to fight for the strength to keep him from seeing her weakness.
Her experience in the playroom had been more than just sex for her.
Hed stripped away every last defense, baring her to her soul, leaving her physically and
emotionally spent.
Shh. I told you to relax. Ill take care of you. He dumped some of the bath salts hed bought at
the spa into the water, sending lavender-scented steam into the air.
Blinking back tears that she couldnt quite contain, she fought for the sophistication she didnt
I dont need you to take care of me. Surprised that she slurred, Kelsey slid a glance in
Gabriels direction to see if hed noticed.
When Gabriel straightened and lifted her into his arms, she let her eyes flutter closed, her breath
catching. She couldnt remember ever being carried before, and was surprised at how safe and secure
she felt in his arms.
How cherished.
It only emphasized her weakness, but felt so good she didnt have the strength to fight it.
To her surprise, he stepped into the tub with her, lowering both of them into the warm, scented
water. I take care of whats mine, remember?
With a sigh at the feel of the warmth on her trembling and rapidly chilling body, she let her head
rest on his shoulder, promising herself that shed only lie there a minute or two.
Gabriels lips touched her forehead as his hands slid soothingly over her skin. Youre still
trembling. Are you okay? Sore anywhere?
Still a little shaken at her response, and embarrassed that he considered her frail, Kelsey
shrugged and forced herself to a sitting position. Im fine. It was sex, Gabriel. She reached for the
bottle of scented body wash he held, only to lower her hand again when he held it out of her reach.
Gabriel uncapped it and poured a generous amount into his palm. Youve called me that
several times tonight. Have you decided that you want more from me than the relationship weve
already agreed to? Staring into her eyes, he placed his hand over her breast.
Kelsey gasped, shivering at the feel of the cold body wash on her tender nipple. Alarmed that
shed let him see too much, she fought to add a hint of coolness to her tone. No. I cant. Just sex. Just
for the week.
Gabriels hands moved over her, his touch so soothing and comforting that she wanted to cuddle
again him. It isnt just sex, Kelsey. Its domination and submissionor have you forgotten?
She tried to glare at him, but she couldnt quite work up the energy. A moan escaped when both
of his hands started moving over her with increased firmnessheaven on her sore and quivering
muscles. No. I havent forgotten. I just think that some of your rules are silly, and some are
downright degrading.
He glanced up, continuing to wash her arms. Like what, my pet?
Inwardly wincing, she reached for the bottle, her movements clumsy and uncoordinated, only to
have him brush her hand away. Like that. Why do you have to call me my pet? Im not a damned
Could he care for any woman who submitted to him so completely?
Of course youre not. He rinsed her, running a hand over her shoulder. Its a reminderand
an endearment. Youre new to this, and Id hoped that it would help you, and to reinforce the
relationship youve asked for. He smiled, and bent to kiss her shoulder. I know it can be confusing.
I see it in your eyes. Even though you welcome the pleasure, youre uneasy with the way you respond
to me.
Stunned that her cheeks burned, Kelsey tried to look away, sighing when Gabriel caught her chin
and prevented it. Shrugging, she shifted restlessly on his lap. I was just surprised. She smiled. I
know I shouldnt have been. Im sure you have plenty of practice pleasing women.
Gabriel chuckled and turned her, settling her with her back to him. You sound jealous. Youre
getting just what you wanted from me.
I wasnt complaining. She hadnt meant to sound jealous, and vowed to be more careful with
her tone.
He started washing her back, his hands slow and smooth over her skin. What else bothers
Why do I have to call you Master?
Ive explained that. Only my friends and lovers call me Gabriel. Youre not interested in being
either one. Many Doms prefer to have their slaves call them Master. Its a sign of respect, and in
some cases, affection. It also reminds the submissive of her place, and in your case, our
Kelsey cringed at the word slave. Have you ever had another woman call you Master? The
question slipped out before she could prevent it. The slippery hands moving over her back lulled her,
relaxing each muscle one by one, and shed blurted it out before shed censored herself.
Its none of your business. Gabriel rinsed her back. Stand up.
Kelsey got to her feet, standing on shaky legs. She started to turn toward him, but he stopped her.
Stay still. He lathered her bottom, his fingers pressing in and massaging the muscle there.
Anything else bothering you?
Besides the fact that youre staring at my ass?
I cant deny that youre good. I liked it. I mean, I cant even remember how many times I came

Frowning, she looked over her shoulder at him. I cant say Im comfortable with liking it so
much. Hell, I dont know what the hell to think after what just happened, but I know Im definitely not
the submissive type. In the playroom is one thing, but dressing me, and this
Gabriel smiled, glancing up at her. You couldnt prove it by me. I dont even think you know
what the submissive type is. I told you that a submissive has to be strong. She has to be willing to put
herself in another persons hands. You trust me more than you know. Bend over. Keep your legs
Kelsey stilled, her pulse tripping. Excuse me?
Running his hands over her bottom and down the backs of her thighs, Gabriel blew out a breath.
You, my pet, have already earned several punishments from me. Ive been easy on you because
youre new at this, but I wont tolerate insolence or disobedience from you.
Kelsey shivered, and couldnt resist putting up a mild objection, a little unnerved at the
excitement flooding her veins at the cool command in his voice. I dont know why I have to bend
over. This is stupid. Ow!
Jolting at the sharp slap, she turned to look at him over her shoulder, once again struck by the
power emanating from him.
Raising a brow, he ran his hand over her bottom in a warning caress, a dark brow going up
when she hesitated. Are you really going to disobey me for something so insignificant?
Swallowing heavily, Kelsey shook her head, her face burning at the thought of appearing so
nave. Trembling, she turned back and slowly bent, placing her hands flat on the edge of the tub to
brace herself. She stiffened when his warm hands settled on the cheeks of her ass, her thighs
trembling when he pulled them apart and stroked a finger over her puckered opening.
Biting her lip, she sucked in a breath, locking her knees to stay upright. She couldnt believe the
vulnerability at having him look at her so intimately.
When shed thought about submission, shed only considered the pain, not the overwhelming
intimacy, an intimacy that seemed to know no bounds.
Very good, my pet. I wanted to check and make sure your ass isnt too red. Its a little pink. Ill
put some ointment on it when Im done. Stand up. I want to finish washing you.
Feeling foolish for overreacting, Kelsey straightened, trying to ignore the tingling sensation that
lingered. I didnt know what you were going to do.
It doesnt matter what Im going to do. When I tell you to do something, you do it. Turn around
and face me.
Assuming he was testing her, Kelsey turned, smiling as she folded her arms across her chest.
His eyes lit with amusement. Spread yourself. Sitting back as though master of all he
surveyed, he spread his arms out along the rim of the tub and waited.
Knowing he would only wait a certain length of time before making her pay for keeping him
waiting, Kelsey unfolded her hands with a sigh, and spread her folds, once again struck by the
intimacy and vulnerability of being exposed at his whim.
Very good, my pet. Youre learning. His gaze settled on her slit, and to Kelseys irritation, he
waited several long seconds before reaching for the soft washcloth.
Clenching her hands at her sides against the sensation, she gritted her teeth. I hate being
Then stop being belligerent. He ran the cloth over her sensitive flesh, cleaning her with a
thoroughness that left her trembling all over again.
Once he finished, he got to his feet, helping her to sit. Stay in here and soak while I shower. I
smell like lavender.
Mentally shrugging, Kelsey sank into the water. Watching Gabriel walk into the shower, she
reached for one of the towels hed stacked on the edge of the tub and rolled it to pillow her head.
Leaning back, she ran her fingers through the surface of the water in an absent gesture, while
struggling to come to grips with her response to Gabriels brand of sex.
The raw edginess suited her personality, but she hadnt planned on Gabriels effect on her
He seemed to know her body as well as she did, knew how to give her pleasure in a way no man
ever had. He had a naughty streak a mile wide that she absolutely loved.
She couldnt help but give in to it, not realizing that each touch made her love for him even
deeper. As the feelings she had for him grew, she opened herself more and more to being hurt
especially if she couldnt be the kind of submissive he needed.
She worried that her inexperience would bore him, and that her reluctance to do some of the
things he might demand of her would make him realize that hed been wrong about her after all.
She worried that she would lose herself under his dominance, and that she would once again
become the scared little girl shed been in the foster home, a girl who had no choice but to rely on
others for everything.
Gabriel seemed to have no trouble controlling her, leaving Kelsey wondering just how much of
her he would demand.
She didnt know how much she could give, and at what point would she have nothing of her
independence left.
Hed actually threatened to spank her, as if she was a child to discipline.
Gabriel stuck his head out of the large shower stall, his thick hair like a black curtain to his
shoulders. I can hear your brain working from here. Whats bothering you now?
Kelsey shrugged, looking away, once again struck by how much he saw. Youre not really
serious about the spankings, are you? I mean, Im not really doing anything that violates those stupid
rules of yours.
The water from the shower stopped, and a few seconds later, Gabriel stepped out. Naked and
with water streaming down his body, he stole her breath. His cock, semi-erect, hung, dark and thick
between his thighs, the sight of itand himfar too intimidating and deliciously irresistible for her
peace of mind.
Grabbing one of the towels, he rubbed it briskly over himself before wrapping it around his
waist. First of all, the rules arent stupid, and they serve a purposewhich weve already
discussed. And yes, a submissive must follow those rules. You dont have to agree with them, and
you certainly dont have to like them, but you do have to obey them. If you dont for whatever reason,
you have to accept the punishment.
Grabbing another towel, he started toward her, holding out a hand to steady her as she got out.
It wouldnt be punishment if you liked it. Sitting with her on his lap, he eluded her efforts to take the
towel from him and began to dry her. Knowing that youre going to have to drape yourself across my
lap if you disobey me should go a long way toward curbing your defiance. Stand up.
Standing in front of him, Kelsey grimaced. I can dry myself, you know?
Yes, I know, but thats not the point now, is it? Youre mine, at least for the rest of our stay
here. Its up to me to care for you. Blowing out a breath, he swatted her ass. Ive told you that
enough times already, Kelsey. Stop trying to renegotiate our agreement. Its done. Stand still.
He reached for a jar that sat on the counter with several other supplies from the spa. After
scooping out some of the thick cream with the tips of his fingers, he turned to her and began to smooth
it onto her mound.
Bracing a hand on the countertop, she bit back a moan at the cooling sensation. You were right.
Its a lot more sensitive there. It makes me feel even more naked, if thats possible.
Gabriel nodded and finished smoothing on the balm. Turn around and bend over. I want to put
some on your bottom. Itll soothe you there.
Uncomfortable doing something so intimate, she hesitated, earning a disapproving look from
Shaking his head, he smiled faintly. You cant follow the simplest instructions, can you?
Clenching her jaw, she turned, sticking her ass out at him. I can follow them. Its just different
when Im not aroused. Itsintimate.
Gabriel chuckled softly, spreading her bottom cheeks and rubbing some of the soothing balm on
to her puckered opening. When he finished, he stood and washed his hands, looking at her in the
mirror as he dried them. But what I did to you in the playroom wasnt intimate? Rubbing her hip, he
guided her into the bedroom.
Walking beside him, and warmed by his touch, Kelsey looked up at him and frowned. I told
you, its different when Im aroused. I guess most people are the same. Youd do things when youre
aroused that you normally wouldnt do.
Going to the closet, Gabriel picked out another outfit for her, this one in red with gold beaded
Youll find that I dont have to be aroused to touch you intimately. He ran the backs of his
fingers over her breasts as he fastened the jeweled clasp. I love your soft skin and Im going to touch
you quite often. Everywhere.
Ignoring her glare, he slipped on another pair of cotton pants in white, and a black cotton T-
shirt, somehow looking sophisticated and elegant in the casual clothing. Grinning, he held out a hand
to her. Of course, as soon as I touch you, Im aroused. Come on. Lets go down and pick up the
picnic lunch theyve prepared for us. We can eat on the beach.
Chapter Ten
Gabriel made a call before they left the room, telling someone on the other end that they would
be on the south side of the island.
As they left the room, Kelsey eyed him curiously. Who did you just call?
Steves men. I dont want anyone spying on us. Sliding a hand under her sarong, and over the
cheek of her ass, Gabriel smiled. Its a very private picnic, and I dont want anyone to see my
exclusive property.
Stepping into the elevator, Kelsey frowned up at him. You know I hate it when you call me
your pet or your property. I think you do it just to piss me off.
When the doors closed, Gabriel ran a finger down her arm, making her shiver. For this week,
youre both. Youre also the most important thing in my world, and what I value and cherish above all
else. Grinning, he leaned close. And yes, to piss you off. Youve been giving me trouble ever since
I met you. Youre not an easy woman to know, Kelsey, and can be as frustrating as hell, but I
understand you, and I sure as hell understand what you need. Youve made me see what I need as
Not knowing how to respond to that, and uncomfortable at the rush of warmth that his words and
the affection in his eyes created, she looked away. Stiffening at the feel of his hand sliding under the
sarong again and over her mound, she whipped her head around. Stop that.
No. I want to touch you, and I wont be ignored. Here we are.
When the elevator doors opened, he led her to one of the chairs in the lobby. Wait here. Our
basket should be at the desk.
Several minutes later, Kelsey found herself sitting on a blanket in the soft sand, with Gabriel
sprawled out next to her. You know, I never would have taken you for the picnic type.
Gabriel reached into the basket and pulled out a bottle of wine, sitting up to uncork it. Oh? And
what type am I?
She opened the basket with the intention of retrieving the wineglasses, blinking up at Gabriel
when he slapped her hand away.
No peeking. So, what type do you think I am?
Stretching out, she leaned back on her hands and looked out at the ocean, feeling more relaxed
than she could ever remember. I take you as the fancy restaurant type. Gesturing toward the bottle
into the two crystal glasses hed retrieved from the basket, she smiled. Wine. Crystal. A closet full
of designer suits.
He offered her one of the glasses. I like the finer things in life. I work hard, and I enjoy
surrounding myself with beautiful things, and I like my comfort. Is there anything wrong with that?
No. Its just that you and I have absolutely nothing in common.
Reaching out, Gabriel slid two fingers behind the clasp between her breasts and undid it. Still
holding one end when the other fell away, he brought it toward his face, running it under his nose and
inhaling deeply, while his gaze moved over her exposed breasts.
Raising a brow, he eyed her searchingly. I didnt think you particularly cared if we had
anything in common. I think I like you in lavender. What do you think?
Inwardly wincing at her slip, she kept her features carefully schooled so as not to let him see
just how fascinating and erotic she found his sensual actions. She loved the feel of the sun on her
breasts, thrilled at the warm breeze blowing over her nipples. With her hair still up in a high ponytail,
there was nothing to cover her, and she loved it.
I dont care. I just find your lifestyle interesting. Laughing softly when his eyes narrowed, she
shook her head. I could never live it, but its interesting. Gesturing toward strip of silky fabric hed
set aside, she raised her glass. I dont wear perfume. Im surprised you picked something floral. Im
not exactly the feminine type.
Gabriel reached into the basket again. You claimed that you werent the submissive type either,
and yet youre both. I think I know you better than you know yourself, my pet. Frowning, he glanced
up at the sun. Even though its late afternoon, were going to have to watch your skin. I dont want
you getting burned.
Enjoying the sensuality and freedom of the being naked from the waist up, of being outside with
no chance of being seen, she smiled and took a sip of her wine. This is one of my fantasies, you
What is?
Lifting her face to the sun, she closed her eyes, humming with pleasure at the feel of the warm
breeze blowing over her breasts. Ive always wanted to sunbathe in the nude. I know sunbathing is
bad for you and all that, but its something I always wanted to do. It just seems so decadent. Shading
her eyes, she looked at him again, expecting him to make some sarcastic remark.
Instead, he looked pleased that shed confided in him. We wouldnt want to deny you any of
your fantasies. Ill let you sunbathe for a little while. I want to put some sunscreen on you, though.
His wicked grin sent a surge of lust through her. I wouldnt want sunburn to get in the way of my
plans for you.
With a laugh, Kelsey reached out to him, cupping his jaw. You really are naughty, a quality I
really like in a man.
Gabriels eyes narrowed, something flashing in them and disappearing before she could
decipher it.
Shocked at what shed done, she started to pull her hand away, her breath catching when Gabriel
caught it in his and lifted it to his lips. Belatedly remembering shed been forbidden from touching
him, she started to apologize. Im
Dont. His eyes gleamed with something that stole her breath and made her heart race. You
told me one of your fantasies. That means a great deal to me. Would you like to touch me?
Taking a sip of wine to ease her dry throat, she eyed him warily, wondering how he would react
if he knew that she wanted to touch him almost constantly. Wouldnt that break the rules?
His eyes narrowed warningly as he tightened his hold in her wrist, preventing her from pulling
away from him. When I ask you a question, I expect an answer.
The tingling in her nipples shouldnt have surprised her. Bared to the waist, she couldnt hide it,
stiffening when Gabriel let his gaze linger over her nipples just long enough to let her know that he
saw her reaction. She already knew she responded to that steely, silky tone, a tone that held a hint of a
threat, and a lot of control.
Shaking her head, she pulled her hand away, relieved that he allowed it. Yes, Id like to touch
you. Lifting the glass again, she eyed him over the rim. Can I ask you a question?
Of course.
Would you like me to touch you? Her hands itched to stroke his skin, to feel that hard, hot
muscle bunch and shift as she ran her hands over him.
She needed to know if she would see desire in his eyes when she ran her hands over him.
Reaching out a hand, Gabriel ran the backs of his fingers over her right breast. He didnt speak
for several long seconds, seeming lost in thought as he teased her nipple, never looking away from it.
Finally, he lifted his head, his expression cool. Id like very much to have your hands on me,
but Im afraid thats not part of our agreement. When you want to touch me, ask. I may or may not let
you, depending on the circumstances. Right now, the answer is no. Producing a tube of sunscreen, he
gestured toward her sarong. Strip out of that and let me put this on you so we can eat. No. Stand up. I
want to see you.
Shed always considered herself slightly brazen, but still looked around to make sure no one
could see her as she got to her feet, the vulnerability she felt in Gabriels presence emphasized when
she unclasped the sarong and let it fall to the blanket.
He reached for it almost immediately, shoving it into the basket with her top. Come here.
She closed the short distance between them, swallowing heavily and trying not to think about the
fact that her mound was practically in his face.
Squeezing a generous amount of sunscreen into his hand, Gabriel eyed her critically. Your skin
isnt fair, but fair enough. Im going to have to watch you closely.
Kelsey gasped at the feel of the cool lotion touching her skin, trembling as it warmed almost
immediately as Gabriel smoothed it in. Her stomach quivered under his hand, and she found herself
holding her breath as he slid his hand lower. Her thighs trembled under his touch, and when he
ordered her to spread them, her cheeks burned in embarrassment at the moisture coating them.
She settled somewhat when he moved lower to apply sunscreen to her knees, her shins, and even
her feet.
He didnt speak as he ran his hands over her, pausing to fill his palms several times, his
movements slow as he rubbed the lotion thoroughly into her skin. Once hed finished with her belly
and legs, he concentrated on her mound.
Keep your legs spread. I want to put on a nice thick coat because youre going to lie back with
your legs parted, and I want your slit protected.
Biting her lip to hold back a cry, Kelsey stood as still as she could while Gabriel applied a
thick layer of sunscreen to her slit, his fingers moving with firm deliberation over her folds.
A moan escaped when he got to his feet and began to rub the lotion on to her arms and shoulders,
the rhythm of his caresses lulling her into a relaxed state that soon had her closing her eyes and
leaning back against him.
When his hands came around her to massage the lotion into her breasts, shed become so relaxed
and pliant that she couldnt even stiffen.
Instead, she slumped back against him with a moan.
Neither one of them spoke as he smoothed the lotion into her skin, the feel of his warm, firm
hands on her breasts building her arousal by slow increments.
By the time he finished applying the sunscreen, every inch of her skin tingled with awareness.
His touch, the warm sun, and the island breeze, along with the vulnerability of being naked outside,
all combined to ignite her senses in a way that left her trembling and feeling slightly primitive.
Once he lowered her to the blanket, Gabriel sat across from her again and frowned. Give me
your nipples. I want to put a thick coat on them so they dont burn. Get on your knees and lean toward
Reacting to the authority in his tone, Kelsey slowly came to her knees and leaned toward him,
feeling like a seductress. Arching her breasts toward him only increased the wild hunger burning
inside her.
His smile of appreciation made her want him even more, and was immediately followed by the
flash of challenge in his eyes. No, my pet. Cup them. Offer them to me.
Her pussy clenched at the dare. To tease both of them, she ran her hands over her stomach,
working her way slowly to her breasts, the thick coat of lotion making her skin slippery to the touch.
Trailing her fingers over the underside, she stared into his eyes, thrilling when they darkened and
narrowed. Cupping her breasts, she lifted them to him. Like this, Master?
Surprising herself by addressing him in such a way, she found herself even more surprised by
the jolt of heat that went through her, a heat reflected in Gabriels eyes.
Very good, my pet. God help me when you realize what you do to me. Now, be still so I can put
this on you.
Using the tips of two fingers, Gabriel applied a thick layer of the sunscreen in a circular motion
over her nipple, his slow devious caress sending ribbons of tingling sensation to her clit. Spread
your thighs for me.
Obeying him, she shivered as a warm breeze blew over her damp folds, once again struck by
just how naked she felt now that shed been waxed.
He left her nipples white with the thick cream and moved his attention to her slit. We need to
keep this covered. I wouldnt want you to burn here. That would ruin all my fun. Applying a thick
coat of the sunscreen, he glanced up, smiling. Youre soaking wet, my pet. Youre such a sensuous
creature and you never even allow yourself to explore that side of yourself. Pity.
Flattening her hands on her stomach, she tried to keep still as he massaged the cream into her
skin, each slide of his fingers over her mound and folds exciting her more.
Sex has always been fast and furious. Thats how I like it.
Gabriel inclined his head. It can be that way. It can also be slow and breathtaking. You like to
play. You like to explore, and youre delightfully curious. Im honored that you allow me to show you
this side of yourself. Your trust in exploring with me means a great deal to me, probably a lot more
than you realize.
When he finished, he sat back, reaching into the basket again and producing a package of wipes.
I had the chef prepare a light lunch for us. Lean back on your hands again, and you can do your
sunbathing while I feed you. I want you to savor it while youre lying there with the sun and the
breeze on your skin.
Leaning back on one arm, Kelsey trembled with anticipation and arousal as she watched Gabriel
over the rim of her wineglass. Her heart raced at the sight of him as he stripped off his shirt and dug
into the basket again. So you rub sunscreen on me, wash me, feed me, and Im the submissive one?
Gabriel grinned. I told you, it takes some time to get used to. Actually, Im going very slowly
with you. With only a week to work with, I should speed it up, but I dont think you could handle it.
Insulted, Kelsey sat up. What do you mean, I cant handle it? What kind of stuff do you want to
do to me?
She had to learn everything she could about her ability to be what he needed before the week
was up, something she couldnt do if he went too slowly.
It appeared shed have to dare himchallenge himto speed things up.


Gabriel let his gaze rake over her again, his cock still throbbing at the way shed addressed him
as Master without coaxing. He watched her carefully, pleased to see that she reacted to the slightest
inflection in his tone of voice.
He wanted to transport her into a world where nothing mattered except his voice, his touch, and
Holding up a cold shrimp, he smiled. Its a matter of conditioning, Kelsey. You need to think
like a submissive, one of the hardest things to do. I understand that a lot of this is an adventure for
you, and very different. Youre alternately rebellious or a smart-ass, addressing me as Master when
you want to play. He ran the shrimp over her bottom lip, pulling it back when she started to close her
mouth over it.
No. Part your lips. Touch the shrimp with your tongue.
He tensed, his cock jumping at the rebellion in her eyes now as her tongue darted out, the tip of
it touching the shrimp. Very good. Now, take a bite and chew it slowly. Savor it.
As he fed himself, and her, bites of the cold shrimp, he continued their conversation. You want
the pleasure, which is fine with me. You are, however, going to have to do things my way in order to
get it.
Hiding a smile at her scowl, he fed her another piece of shrimp. Youre doing a wonderful job.
You couldnt be expected to do all thats required of a sub in just a week.
He wanted to laugh out loud at her glare. He knew Kelsey would rise to the challenge, and that
telling her she couldnt do something would be the equivalent of waving a red flag in front of her.
She frowned adorably, her chin going up in that sassy way that made him want her more. I can
do it.
Hiding a smile, Gabriel pursed his lips. If you put your mind to it, you could.
Once theyd finished the shrimp, he poured her another glass of wine. Did you enjoy the
Kelsey waved a hand in dismissal. Yes. What do you mean? Are you saying that Im not doing
whats expected of a submissive?
He wanted to laugh out loud at the insult in her tone, filled with satisfaction that hed judged her
correctly. The glimmer of hurt in her eyes, though, gave him hope more than anything could have.
No matter what she said, she wasnt in this just for the pleasure. She was in it for him, and he
couldnt have loved her more.
Careful to keep his tone cool, he smiled instead of jumping up and shouting with joy the way he
wanted to. Of course not, my pet. I told you that youre doing a wonderful job. Hmm. Would you like
some melon?
Kelsey got to her knees, some of her wine sloshing out of her glass. Dont patronize me! Im
doing everything you want. I even let you tie me up. I let that woman wax me. I have to wear those
stupid outfits and everything.
Gabriel pierced a melon ball with his fork. I. I. I. I. He held it at her lips. A proper
submissive isnt just a limp dishrag, and she certainly isnt selfish. Ignoring her gasp, he continued,
finding it harder and harder to hide a smile. She actively seeks to please her Master. To put him
first. Some women just arent strong enough, or committed enough to do that. Now, I think youve had
enough sun on that side. When she opened her mouth, he popped the piece of melon inside. Flip
over to your belly, my pet.
Kelsey swallowed the melon, practically sputtering. Limp dishrag? Selfish? Listen, Gabriel, I
can do this. I just dont understand all the rules.
Enjoying the sight of her well-rounded bottom, Gabriel nodded. Of course you could. I think
that if you really put your mind to it, you could find a lot of satisfaction in submitting completely. I
think a woman like you could go far. Youre strong. You could endure what it took to experience
quite a bit of pleasure.
She looked at him over her shoulder, frowning. And you dont think Im doing that?
Looking away to spear another piece of melon, he allowed himself a faint smile. I think youre
doing as well as you can. Youre strong, but your attitude gets in the way.
Excuse me?
Running a hand over her lush ass, he took another sip of his wine, struggling to keep his tone
cool. You keep putting barriers between us that you think I dont notice. You disobey quite a bit, and
I think its because youre afraid that Im going to make you feel more than you want to. I told you
before that a Dom and a submissive have a very close relationship, and I think youre scared of that.
He gave her ass a light slap. I want it all. I already told you that, and I wont allow your
defiance to get in the way of experiencing this thing between us to the fullest. The only way to
properly train you is to punish you for bad behavior and reinforce good. Bending to kiss a sun-
warmed ass cheek, he chuckled. Youre already trying to renegotiate and find a way out of a
spanking, which is ridiculous. I wont let punishment slide, and youre anticipating it anyway.
Leaning close, he ran his hand over her ass again. Spanking is my preferred punishment. A sub
who drapes herself over her Masters lap realizes her place and displays not only her desire to
surrender herself, but also her acknowledgement that she deserves the punishment shes about to
receivesand her Masters right to administer whatever brand of punishment he deems necessary.
Lifting a brow in challenge, he leaned back on one hand. Youve addressed me by my name
several times instead of the way youve been instructed. Just minutes ago, you did it again. You dont
appear repentant at all. You didnt apologize, either. You want to be spanked, and to tell you the truth,
I think we both need it.
Kelsey sat up again. Wait a minute. Those spankings youve been talking aboutdo you really
expect me to just drape myself over your lap?
No, youre not capable of that kind of surrender yet, my pet. When the time comes, however,
you will. Ill make sure of it by the end of the week. Conscious of her interest, and thrilled with the
fact that hed intrigued her, he backed off so as not to pressure her, and got to his feet. Lets get you
dressed again and back to the suite. Youve had enough sun.
Dressing her again, and aware that she watched him thoughtfully, he lifted his gaze to hers, his
cock making demands that he knew would have to wait for later.
He could almost see her mind spinning with possibilities and curiosity, the excitement in her
eyes making his heart pound faster.
The Kelsey he knew wouldnt be able to resist the challenge.
Her own curiosity and need to explore her own raw sexuality would lead her right where she
He just hoped that the pleasure and love he gave to her would keep her there.
Chapter Eleven
After shed showered again, Gabriel rubbed more of the cooling balm onto her mound, and more
of the moisturizer into her skin, leaving her smooth, scented, and with every inch of skin tingling with
desire. She ran a comb through her hair, working out the tangles and left it loose per Gabriels
instructions. With her heart racing in anticipation, she rushed out of the bathroom to the bedroom
where she knew Gabriel waited.
Finding him in the closet picking out her next outfit, Kelsey sat on the edge of the bed and let her
gaze feast on him. You sure did buy quite a lot of those. It seems quite an expense for just a week.
Gabriel glanced at her over his shoulder. Youll need even more. I plan to bring you back here
Kelseys breath caught at the thought of being a more permanent fixture in his life. Fisting her
hands in the bedding, she struggled to keep her voice steady. You sound sure that Im going to be
able to adapt to this lifestyle.
She inwardly winced, wishing she could call her words back. She didnt know if he was talking
about brief vacations together, or something more.
Gathering a handful of pink, he turned and came toward her, tossing the fabric onto the bed
behind her. You will. Ill help you.
Eyeing her critically, he nodded. You didnt get too much sun. Good. I was a little worried.
Did your fantasy of sunbathing nude meet your expectations?
Wrapping her arms around herself, Kelsey shrugged, feeling a little vulnerable. She knew she
had a good body and wasnt shy about being naked in front of Gabriel, but it felt strange to be so
entirely dependent on him for everything.
She had to wait for him to give her clothing to her. She had to wear what he chose.
Since he still hadnt given her what hed picked out, and had tossed it out of reach, she had no
choice but to remain naked.
Enjoying the way his gaze warmed her, she leaned back on her hands, unwilling to let any sign
of vulnerability show. Youre not giving me my clothes because you want to reinforce what you
were talking about on the beach. Thats part of it, right. You want me to realize that Im dependent on
you for everything, even my clothing, and that if you want me to be naked all day, I have no choice.
Gabriel smiled, inclining his head. And how does that make you feel?
Giving it some thought, she sat up, uncomfortable with admitting that at times it gave her a warm
rush, and that at other times, it made her feel a little helpless. I dont know. You know, I think it
depends on my mood. Is this the kind of thing that men who dominate do?
Gabriel smiled again. Sometimes. Lie back and spread your thighs. Moving to stand between
them, he towered over her.
Master of all he surveys.
Shifting restlessly, she tried to close her legs against the tingling awareness in her bare slit, once
again struck by the power emanating from the man standing over her.
With a hand wrapped around the back of her knee, he lifted one leg, pressing it back against the
bed. Running the backs of his fingers over her slit, Gabriel smiled. Youre wet. You like being in a
vulnerable position, but youre conditioned to fight against it.
Biting her lip, she lifting into his touch. I dont like being vulnerable.
Gabriels smile unsettled her, his eyes sharpening in a way that made her feel even more
vulnerable, as if he saw into her soul. But when youre with me, the sense of vulnerability excites
you. He released her leg to join her on the bed, gathering her close. Running the tip of his finger over
a nipple, he stared into her eyes. Did you ever think that its because you know youre not as
defenseless as you thought youd be? That youre with a man you can trust to let yourself go?
Kelsey didnt want to admit that shed begun to come to the same conclusion. Are you going to
tell me more about this submissive stuff, the stuff you dont think I can handle? The slow build of
arousal had her lifting into his casual touch, and turning partially toward him.
Gabriels eyes held amusement as he tugged her nipple, giving her the pressure she needed. I
didnt say you couldnt handle it. I just dont think youre willing to put that defensiveness aside long
enough to really learn about this lifestyle and get everything out of it you can. That attitude has
become so much a part of you that you use it as a shield.
Feeling sexy and restless with arousal, she leaned forward, put her arms around his neck and
tried to roll him to his back, but Gabriel wouldnt budge. Raising a brow, he fisted her hair and
tugged until her gaze meant his. You really didnt think Id let you get away with that, did you?
Embarrassed and irritated that he always seemed to see right through her, Kelsey started to sit
up, but the look of smug arrogance on Gabriels face made her pause. You like pissing me off, dont
He rolled her to her back, chuckling at her attempt to make herself as immovable as hed been.
Let me ask you a question, and I want you to think about it before you answer. I want you to be
honest. Do you want the pleasure that you know I can give you enough to forego the attitude and let
yourself enjoy it? Lifting a hand to cup her breast, he used his thumb to tease her nipple. Or would
you rather hold on to that defiance and spend the rest of the night aroused and unsatisfied?
Staring up at him, she lifted a hand to his shoulder, the warm tenderness in his eyes drawing her
in. Smiling, she didnt even try to fight the closeness she felt at that moment, her gaze draw repeatedly
to his lips. You dont really think you can control me with pleasure, do you? I mean, other than when
youre arousing me or making me come. Im talking about all the other stuffwearing what you pick
out, draping myself over your lap, and accepting the punishments you think I deserve. Do you really
think I could be happy giving in to you like that?
Gabriel smiled slowly. Absolutely.
He pinched her nipple lightly before rising, running a hand over her thigh as he stood. Eyeing her
possessively, he held out a hand to her. Come on, lets get you dressed. Im looking forward to the


The pink outfit hed picked out turned out to be sheer, making her very conscious of the fact that
she might as well have been naked. She felt his gaze as if he touched her, and purposely positioned
herself in poses to tease him. Leaning back against the corner of the sofa, she lifted her arms over her
head, her nipples beading even tighter at the brush of sheer material over them.
Encouraged by the amusement and heat in his eyes, she stretched and clenched her hands
together as she let her hands rest on the back of the sofa.
So in order to get your little submissive to behave, you have to punish her? I thought you said
you controlled women with pleasure.
Gabriel leaned back, his enjoyment in the conversation apparent in his relaxed pose and ready
I said I could control you with pleasure, but yes, submissives are controlled by pleasure, not
pain. Smiling, he propped one leg over the other. Pain can bring its own pleasure, as youve
already learned, but sometimes bad behavior needs to be addressed.
Her nipples tingled more at the reminder of having the clamps put on them, and the rush of
pleasure shed felt once the initial pain had faded. Even when hed taken them off, shed experienced
another rush that made her orgasm even more intense.
Aware of Gabriels scrutiny, she put her arms back down and crossed them over her chest. Not
all pain promotes pleasure. I have to be honest, a lot of this still confuses me. I cant imagine doing
something like draping myself over your lap for a spanking of my own free will.
Gabriel inclined his head, his eyes watchful. Theres a big difference between being forced,
and doing it because you want to experience all the pleasure youre capable of feeling. Its different
because you know that I care for you. Knowing that Im paying attention and taking charge of things
gives you a hell of a lot more freedom, doesnt it?
Kelsey shrugged and looked away, not knowing how to respond without giving too much away.
Even though he didnt move in any way, Kelsey felt his sharpened interest.
His voice dropped even lower, the deep rumble of it washing over her skin like an erotic
caress. Youd like to experience the full extent of that freedom, but wont allow yourself to
surrender yourself that way. You believe that by actively participating in your own submission, youd
somehow be degrading yourself.
Kelsey turned her head to look at him, once again struck by how completely he understood her.
Wouldnt I be?
Gabriel shrugged, still watching her closely. Degrading you is not my intent. Have you felt
degraded at all since weve been here? Do you think less of yourself because I can do whatever I
want to do to you without restrictions? Do you think I think less of you because youre willing to
follow my commands?
Curious about the inflection in his tone, Kelsey sat up, wanting desperately to understand this
incredible man. Following your commands? Being able to do whatever you want to do to me without
restrictions? Is that the kind of thing you need, Gabriel?
Although he smiled, his expression became distant. You havent seemed concerned with what I
want up until now.
Kelsey stiffened, struck by the edge in his tone. If only anger had been present, she might have
retaliated with a smart remark, but the hint of hurt in it ruffled her.
Gabriel smiled and got to his feet, all traces of emotion gone. Ill tell you what I need from you,
Kelsey. Trust. Leave the rest alone for now.
Unable to look away from him, she sat straighter, turning to watch him as he moved to stand
behind the bar. Uncomfortably aware that she hadnt taken the opportunity to get to know him better in
all the months hed come to see her, she suddenly wanted to know everything, intrigued by the bond
that had begun to form between them.
Although shed come to trust him, she knew nothing about the kind of needs and desires that
plagued him.
Shed been forced to become independent, and to rely on no one but herself.
Somewhere along the way, shed lost the ability to feel anythinguntil shed met Gabriel.
Watching him crack open the seal on a bottle of water, she made a decision shed probably
regret. Gabriel, can we talk?
He paused with the bottle poised over a crystal glass. I thought thats what we were doing.
Shaking her head, Kelsey got to her feet and crossed to the bar, overwhelmingly aware that her
clothing hid nothing. No, I mean really talk. Can we put aside the rest for a few minutes?
Gabriels gaze sharpened. What do you mean, put away the rest? Theres nothing to put aside.
Do you really think that being your Master means that you cant talk to me? Im always available for
you. Now, stop chewing your lip and tell me whats bothering you.
Kelsey picked up the glass and held it out to him, smiling when he filled it from the bottle and
reached for another.
She took a healthy sip to ease her dry throat and set the glass on the bar. Running a finger around
the rim, she stared down into it. Id like to get to know you better. I know Ive had the chance for
months, but youve always scared me.
Scared you? How?
Kelsey laughed softly and took another sip. Youre probably going to think Im being
ridiculous, but I didnt think I could ever really care about a man. There was always something
missing. Gabriels eyes flashed with something mysterious, but his expression never changed. You
learned not to trust, and to depend on only yourself to survive. Your inability to trust has kept a wall
between you and the rest of the world.
Smiling, she turned, amazed that hed figured that out when it had taken years for her to
understand it. How do you know so much about me?
Gabriel smiled. Because I pay attention. Pausing, he studied her, his eyes sharp. What else
do you want to tell me that youre so afraid of saying?
Kelsey blew out a breath. I started to care about you.
Aware that he stiffened, Kelsey took a step back. I dont want you to think that I expect
anything. I just wanted you to know that you scared the hell out of me.
And now? Gabriels expression could have been carved from granite.
Kelsey forced a laugh that did nothing to relieve the tension inside her. You still scare the hell
out of me. I know you think that I dont want any emotion between us because I feel nothing.
Grimacing, she looked away. Its just the opposite. I care too much, but I have no idea if I can
be what you need. I just dont want to be hurt.
The silence that followed filled her with unease, her nervousness and anxiety growing as it
lengthened. Finally, she couldnt stand it any longer, and turned to look at him, surprised to find that
he was no longer standing behind the bar and had moved in behind her.
Kelseys face burned, the tension inside her building as she waited for him to say something.
She set her glass aside to wrap her arms around herself, and turned to face him, once again self-
conscious that he could see everything through her clothing, her body and thoughts both laid bare.
Gabriel stepped closer, reaching out to run his finger over the clasp between her breasts. You
have no idea what it does to me to hear that. I care for you, too, Kelsey. If I told you how much, I
would scare you even more. Well play this week the way you wantnice and easybut never for
one minute think I dont care for you. Before we leave here, well figure it out. Just relax and enjoy.
The clasp between her breasts opened, and Gabriel lifted it to his lips as the fabric fell away. I
need you to trust that I wont give you more than you can accept, and I want you to experience things
youve probably never considered.
He smiled at her startled look, running the backs of his fingers over her cheek. Remember those
punishments? By the time we leave here, youll realize that not only can you handle them, youll work
to goad me into administering them. The amusement and affection in his eyes wiped away her
trepidation. I wouldnt want you getting too nervous about trying something new. I think youre going
to like the adventures I have planned for you.
Kelsey blinked, a little surprised that hed been thinking about doing things to her that he hadnt
done yet. You have things planned for me?
His smile held a hint of frustration. Ive been imagining things I want to do to you for a long
time now.
Rubbing her cheek against his hand, she moaned at the feel of his fingers on her nipple.
According to what you said before, youve been easy on me. Why? Are you afraid I cant handle it?
Gabriel sighed, staring down at the nipple he circled. I didnt want to scare you away. I told
you once before that youre going to break my heart.
Leading her to the sofa, he sat, settling her on his lap. With an almost absent caress, he cupped
her breast, running his thumb back and forth over her nipple. What else is bothering you?
Leaning against his shoulder, something shed never done with any man before, she sighed. She
couldnt get over how right it felt to be with him this way, and how feminine she felt being cradled on
his lap. Its nothing important, just something I have to figure out. Can we talk more about this
submission stuff? What kind of things do submissives do that you think are going to scare me away?
His fingers moved over her breasts, his eyes following the movements as though he couldnt
look away. I told you, my pet. There are all kinds of things a Master expects from his submissive,
but each Dom is different and has different expectations.
Struggling to concentrate on the conversation when his touch had her nearly mindless with
pleasure, Kelsey had to swallow heavily before speaking again. Like what?
His tender touch didnt demand. It cajoled, the slow, casual slide of his fingers awakening every
nerve ending in her breast and making her nipple ache for his attention.
Gabriels eyes lifted to hers. A slow smile spread over his face, a wicked smile of anticipation
that told her he had another sinful adventure planned. Taking the fabric hed removed, he tied it
around her eyes, blindfolding her.
Pretend with me.
When he used that velvety, playful tone, shed follow him blindly.
Being blindfolded made her feel even more naked, taking her to another level of vulnerability,
mainly because she never knew where he was looking. The shimmers of heat from his fingertips
seemed to settle at her nipple, making the ache almost unbearable. It travelled to her slit in a stream of
heat, one that brought her clit to life.
Taking a shuddering breath, she dug her heels into the sofa cushions and lifted her hips, wiggling
in invitation. Okay. She jolted at the touch of his lips against her ear, shivering at the feel of his
warm breath caressing her. What are we pretending? She smiled at the feel of his fingers on the
underside of her breast, arching to give him better access.
His low hum of pleasure added to her own, warming her inside and out. Ill give you a
scenario. If you were mine, we could be sitting like this in a special room at the club. Its a room for
conversation, and for Masters to take their submissives to show them off, or to offer them to their
friends. Gabriel trailed his fingers down her back. Other Doms would be present with their
submissives seated either on their laps or at their feet. Each sub would be dressed, or undressed, in a
way that suited their Master, but whatever they wore, they would be exposed to everyones gazes.
Her nipples tingled, his caress and thoughts of other men looking at her making her heart race.
They would be looking at me?
Of course, my pet. Youre very beautiful. Theyd have a hard time taking their eyes off of your
beautiful breasts. Rolling a nipple between his thumb and forefinger, he tugged gently. Submissives
in my club arent permitted to look any Master in the eye unless told to. I would make you follow the
same rule, of course.
Bending close again, he scraped his teeth over her shoulder. Because of it, you have no idea
how many of them are looking at you. But, I know. I see them admiring you and wanting some time
with you in the playroom.
Her breasts felt swollen and heavy, her nipples tingling so badly she found it difficult to sit still.
The confidence and authority in his silky tone emphasized his position as a Master and drew her
deeper into the fantasy he created. I dont want to be with anyone else. Are you going to let them take
She didnt want to go with any other man, and she realized that she would have no one to count
on except Gabriel to keep her safe.
Absolutely not. I dont share. Cupping her breast, he lifted it, running his thumb back and forth
over her nipple until she cried out. No sounds. No matter what I do, you must remain quiet. Those
sounds of pleasure belong only to me. The other Masters can see your pleasure, but they cant hear it
unless I allow it. Spread your thighs. I want them to see how wet you are for me.
Kelsey shivered, biting her lip to hold back a cry of pleasure as Gabriel pushed the material of
her sarong aside. Feeling the material rest high on her thighs, she began to shake at the very real threat
of having her slit exposed. They cant see my pussy, can they?
She couldnt believe how real he made the fantasy feel, and found herself enjoying it immensely.
She could live a fantasy shed never realized shed had, but in a completely safe way.
Not yet, my pet. If youre good, Ill reward you later, but if you misbehave, I may just spank
you right here in front of them. His voice deepened and lowered. Im going to sit here, listening to
their conversation, and very slowly run my hand up to your mound. Im going to push back the hood,
and expose your clit so that everyone can see it. The other Masters will be watching your reaction.
Theyll know what youre feeling, and so will their submissives. Theyll all be looking at you, and
there wont be a thing you can do about it. Maybe others will come by and look, too. Some might even
ask me if they can touch you. A red, swollen clit is a breathtaking sight.
Kelsey took a shuddering breath, and then another, shaking helplessly. She could feel it.
The atmosphere.
Their gazes.
His pride in her, and her own delight in pleasing him.
She wanted him to be proud of her, and want her more than hed wanted any other woman. She
could picture the scene, and the other people. A sudden thought made her stiffen.
Are you looking at the other submissives?
Gabriel touched his lips to her shoulder. Of course. Theyre beautiful. I wouldnt insult my
friends by ignoring their property. They brought their subs here for the same reason that I haveto
show them off.
Do you want them? She hated the jealousy in her voice.
Gabriel pinched her nipple hard enough to make her wince. You and I have an arrangement,
not a relationship. Remember? I could take one of them in front of you and you would have no say in
it. Just as you have no say in anything else. For example, one of the other Masters has asked me if he
could examine your breasts. Hes a good friend of mine, and has shared his submissives with me in
the past. Of course, Ill allow it. Put your hands behind your head and lace your fingers together. I
want to see if you like the way he touches you.
Hesitating, Kelsey turned toward him.
Dont you dare say my name. Dont question me, or defy me. I wont tolerate any belligerence
or disrespect, especially in front of my friends.
His voice lowered, once again silky smooth. Show them why youre so special to me. Show
them that you want to do whatever you have to do to please me.
The expectancy and hint of challenge in his voice told her how much her willingness to do this
now meant to himhow much this fantasy excited him.
She pushed her elbows back and arched her back to offer her breasts, concentrating on nothing
but pleasing Gabriel. If theyd really been in a situation such as the one he described, she wouldnt
have been thinking about anything except him.
Wishing she could see his face, she gasped at the feel of his fingers moving over a nipple. Fire
shot through her, his expert touch on first one nipple and then the other, making her nipples bead
impossibly tight.
He moved with a grace and sureness that told her hed done this often.
Youve done this with other women, havent you? I know Im not supposed to ask, but you
seem to know a lot about this.
Gabriels tone hardened, but his touch remained gentle as he moved his hands over her, one over
her breast and the other threading through her hair. Yes. Ive shared submissives with Masters, and
accepted the use of theirs on occasion.
Turning toward him, she rubbed her thighs together, the tingling in her clit driving her insane. I
wouldnt be able to do that. It just shows that I was right about us. Theres no way we could have
anything more than this week together.
Gabriel laid her back over his arm, running his hand over her belly. I wouldnt share you at all,
my pet. Ever. The material around her eyes fell away. Cupping her cheek, he turned her toward him
and bent over her, his eyes glittering with possessiveness. Im looking for something permanent now,
a woman who would belong only to me. I wont share, and I certainly wouldnt want any other
woman. No other man would ever see you.
Taking her hands from behind her neck, he held them to his lips. Youd be completely mine.
Mine to tame.
Aroused and anxious for his touch, Kelsey brushed up against him, looking up at him through her
lashes. Show me.
A brow went up. Do you mean, fuck you?
Gabriel smiled faintly. No.
At first, Kelsey thought shed misunderstooduntil she saw the cold intent in his eyes. What
do you mean, no?
Gabriels eyes narrowed. I dont think you truly understand what I want. You knew the rules
before we started this and youve disobeyed me several times. When you choose to give yourself
over and ask for your punishment, well continue.
Stunned to see the hint of vulnerability in his eyes, Kelsey reached for him. What do you mean?
What do you want me to do?
I want you to think about what you want. I want you to think about what youre willing to do to
get it. He glanced at his watch, and stood, settling her before moving away. I have some calls to
make and some work to do while you figure out just how far youre willing to go to obey me.
Chapter Twelve
Leaning back in the chair, Kelsey couldnt take her eyes away from Gabriel as he sat forward
and bent over some papers hed strewn out. Sitting in the chair across from where he sat on the sofa,
she listened absently as he spoke on the phone, taking advantage of his distraction to study him. She
hadnt heard the cold, clipped tone he used now very often, and she listened in fascination, not paying
much attention to his words, but focusing on his voice.
It got colder when he got angry, lower and deeper, but without the silky cadence it held when
shed done something to disobey him.
Pleased that shed begun to understand him, and the way he lived, and loved, a little better, she
leaned back, swinging her foot as she listened to him reprimand an employee.
It made her understand just how gentle hed been with her.
He made her reevaluate herself, something she hadnt done for a long time, and listening to him
now, she had the chance to think.
She hadnt fallen in love before, and figured shed never feel that emotion.
Until she met Gabriel.
Hed taught her more about herself than anyone ever had, and with it, the knowledge that she
could loveand love deeply. Hed ruined her for anyone else.
He didnt take, but enticed her to give.
And gave back in returnmore than anyone had ever given her.
Youre staring.
Kelsey blinked, meeting Gabriels amused gaze. Smiling at the picture he made, she curled her
legs under her and let her gaze rake over him. The rush of warmth no longer surprised or alarmed her,
the combination of his magnificent looks and confident gleam in his eyes so sexy she wanted to jump
Lost in thought, she hadnt even noticed that hed finished his call.
Tilting her head, she licked her lips. You should be used to having women stare at you.
Stretching, he laced his fingers behind his head, his pose relaxed, but his eyes sharp and
watchful. You didnt seem to even see me. You appeared lost in thought. Is something bothering
No. Shed gotten a little more used to being nakedor close to itin front of him, but still
felt incredibly exposed when he looked at her with such possessiveness. Gesturing toward the scrap
of pink draped over the back of the sofa, she raised a brow. Are you going to give my top back?
No. You wont be wearing it anymore tonight.
A little unsettled that she couldnt read him, or guess his intentions, she shifted restlessly. So
whats the plan for tonight? Since you dont want to fuck me, Id say our options are limited.
Gabriel grinned. A statement which proves that you dont know me at all. Why didnt the
authorities come looking for you when you ran away from the foster home?
Grinning, Kelsey sat back, wondering how long it would take him to get back to that. My foster
parents woke up to their son screaming that Id beat him up. I told them that I was leaving and if they
called anyone and told them I was gone before I had a chance to cover my tracks, Id tell them why I
left and have her son arrested.
Getting to her feet, she made her way back to the windows, crossing her arms over her breasts.
I dont know how long it was before anyone checked on me, but Id moved to Philadelphia by then.
And looking over your shoulder until you turned eighteen. So, what happened then?
Kelsey shrugged. With makeup, I looked older. It was easy enough to find a job working for
cash. Once I turned eighteen, I was home free.


Gabriel could only imagine what it had been like for her. Alone and scared, shed probably had
to live on the streets until she made enough to find a place. No money, no friends, and in a strange
city, she had to have been frightened. Hungry.
But, shed made it.
It had made her tough and understandably distant.
Im proud of you, Kelsey.
She turned from the window, frowning. For what? Surviving? There really wasnt much of a
Getting to his feet, he strolled toward her, aching with the need to hold her. Yes, for that, but
also for what youve been doing since we got here. Youve been letting me in. I know thats been
hard for you.
Shrugging, she looked away, smiling when he came up behind her and slumped against him. I
dont really have any choice. I cant seem to resist you.
Sliding his hands around her, he cupped her breasts, smiling at the way she slumped against him
without hesitation. Kissing her hair, he stroked her nipples with his thumbs, the satisfaction welling
inside him nearly choking him. I cant seem to resist you either. Ill go slow, baby. As slow as you
He wanted to dress her in the finest clothes. He wanted to bring her back here often, to get her to
relax. He wanted to build a life with her, to wrap her in a cocoon of security and love.
He couldnt seem to stop smiling. Were both going to live out our fantasies. Since I dont want
to let anyone else see you naked, though, Ill have to indulge your fantasy, and your fear of public
exhibition in other ways.
A fiery blush accompanied her look of shock. What desire for public exhibition? I dont want
to be naked in public.
Gabriel smiled, anticipation flooding his veins as he thought about all he could teach her about
herself. Being naked on the beach aroused you. When you were in my arms and pretending to be
naked and surrounded by other men, you were wet and got that little catch in your breath that you get
when youre aroused.
Shed also done something that had thrilled him, something that hed probably never tell her.
Shed shifted her focus to him even more, tilting her head as though listening for the slightest
inflection in his voice. Shed been so attuned to him that shed responded to his change in tone and
even in the rhythm of his breathing, and he doubted she even knew it.
Sliding his hands down her waist, he paused to undo the jeweled clasp at her hip. No, my pet.
You dont want to be naked in public for real, but its another of those fantasies you have. You need
to live out your fantasies in a way thats safein a way that you can enjoy to the fullest.
Smoothing his hand over her abdomen and lower, he slid his fingers through her slit, unsurprised
to find her wet and swollen. He couldnt resist teasing her clit, her soft cry going straight to his cock.
Together, we could explore all of your fantasiesmaybe even create a few more.
Hed given her only a taste, and wanted more. From the subtle to the more extreme, he wanted to
experience everything with her. The idea of a permanent relationship, and the growing intimacy that
came with it, had his mind racing with possibilities. He could explore subtleties hed never been able
to experience before.
With a woman he loved.
He wanted, needed for her to look toward him the way she had earlier.
For a lifetime.
Kelsey shivered against him, a soft moan escaping when he tapped her clit. Its not fair for you
to arouse me when youre not going to fuck me.
Gabriel smiled, more in love with her by the minute. Sliding a finger into her wet pussy, he bit
back a groan at the way she clamped down on him with a moan. Who ever said I was fair, my pet?
Love and war, darling. Love and war.
Chapter Thirteen
Watching the erotic film in the darkened room, Kelsey soon found herself lost in it, feeling
everything the woman felt and completely mesmerized by the mans focus.
Nothing seemed to matter to him except her.
He surrounded the scantily clad woman from behind, forcing her to bend partially over a car.
His focus was entirely on her, the hunger in his eyes unmistakable.
Still, it lacked what she saw in Gabriels eyes when he looked at her.
Stunned by the revelation, she kept her face turned to the screen, and started to imagine Gabriel
doing to her what the Dom in the movie did to the other woman.
When the woman on the screen reached for the man, he took her hand in his and placed it on the
hood of the car, telling her, without words, to keep it there.
Kelsey leaned more heavily against Gabriel, the heat at her back intensifying the fantasy. Why
doesnt he want her to touch him? She kept her voice at a whisper, not wanting to ruin the intimate
With his arms wrapped around her naked body, Gabriel kissed her hair. Because he wants to
make it clear that hes the one in charge.
Kelsey shifted again when he began to idly circle a nipple, wishing she could rub her thighs
together against the ache that settled there, but hed spread her thighs with his own, preventing it. I
thought the sub was in charge.
Chuckling softly, Gabriel hugged her before teasing her breast again. Its a delicate balance.
She is overall. Hes in charge of the scene, and needs to be in control of it. Hes responsible for her
safety, and he sets the tone. She has to obey him or pay the consequences. On the other hand, one
word from her ends everything. Still teasing her breast, he worked his other hand to her mound, his
almost absent caress causing a hitch in her breathing.
Kelseys breath caught, not wanting the excitement to end. But she wont use it, will she?
Gabriel tapped her clit. Look at her face, my pet. Shes enjoying this. She knows that hes in
tune with her and that hes delighted with everything about her.
Kelsey couldnt take her eyes from the mans face, stunned by the captivation in his eyes. It
wasnt difficult to see that Gabriel spoke the truth. The man dominating the woman on the screen
appeared to be totally attuned to her, as though nothing on earth mattered except having her surrender.
Having her as his own.
She couldnt help wondering if Gabriel had looked like that when shed been blindfolded.
The fingers moving in a slow caress over her mound dipped between her folds to stroke her clit
Closing her eyes, she lifted her hips, crying out when he pinched her nipple again.
Keep your eyes open. Watch.
Kelsey struggled to appear unaffected when the man slapped the womans ass, her own bottom
clenching in reaction.
The womans cries echoed Kelseys own pleasure, her enjoyment obvious as the man slapped
her ass again and again.
The mans eyes didnt hold anger. They glittered with possession. Passion. He wanted to own
her and wring every bit of passion from her he could. Even when spanking her, his obvious pleasure
in her couldnt be denied. He didnt do it to hurt her.
Why is he spanking her? Kelseys question came out in a strangled whisper.
Gabriel chuckled. She wanted him to. Did you see the way she fought him? She knew he
wouldnt let that bit of defiance go unpunished. She did it to get his attention. To make him fight to
have her. They understand each other very well, my pet.
Fisting her hands at her sides, Kelsey couldnt hold back a moan when Gabriel released her
nipples. It doesnt make any sense. Look how shes lifting into his slaps. Shes teasing him to give
her more.
Nuzzling her neck, he wrapped his arms around her again. Yes, she is. Does he look like hes
doing it out of anger or because he wants to degrade her? Look at the way shes moving against him.
Look at her eyes, Kelsey.
Stunned at the look of pleasure and abandon on the womans face, Kelsey released a shuddering
breath, her bottom clenching with each slap. She saw the mans lips move again, and wanted
desperately to know what he was saying to her. Already fascinated with Gabriels voice when he
touched her that way, she wanted desperately to hear the Masters on the screen. Why wont you turn
up the volume? I want to hear what hes saying to her.
With a soft laugh, Gabriel plunged a finger into her pussy. You dont need to hear him. All you
have to do is look at their faces.
Kelsey squirmed, her pussy clenching on his finger. Too aroused to be embarrassed, she rocked
against him. She couldnt stop imagining she was experiencing the scene in the movie with Gabriel.
She would love to feel him that way around her, love that she could put that look on his face.
She realized another aspect of submitting that she hadnt thought about before. It would be
exciting to see how far she could push Gabriel, to test the boundaries of his control.
Looking over her shoulder, she searched his features lit only by the light from the television
screen. You know Im aroused. Are you going to do anything about it?
Later. Gabriel slid his finger free and tapped her clit. I like playing with you. Watch the
Her entire body burned for him, every inch of her skin tingling with an awareness that wouldnt
be satisfied until he gave her the release that lingered just below the surface.
Youre a bastard. She looked up at him over her shoulder.
A dark brow went up. Excuse me?
The cold threat in his tone couldnt be mistaken.
She waited with breathless anticipation for his response, her bottom tingling in expectation.
Gabriel clenched his jaw, saying nothing as he stared down at her.
Realizing that he had no intention of doing anything until she made the first move, she jumped to
her feet. Damn it. Youre going to make me do this, arent you?
Eyeing her steadily, Gabriel inclined his head. Its your move, Kelsey. I made that clear.
Kelsey gritted her teeth against the hunger, wrapping an arm over her breasts and using the other
hand to cover her mound. The vulnerability forced her to take a step back, and then another. Im not
draping myself over your lap. Im willing to be tied up, wear what you want, and let you fuck me. Im
even willing to have you put the clamps on me.
You want a series of scenes. No, thank you. Gabriel got to his feet. Come on. Its time for
Kelsey stared at him in disbelief. Youre going to leave me like this?
Gabriels eyes hardened. Its no easier for me, and my tempers short. Get your ass in the
bedroom and into bed. Now.
He clenched his jaw when she hesitated. One of the things I admire most about you is your
courage. I wont be goaded into overpowering you. Youre going to have to take the next step,
Kelsey. Ever since Ive known you, youve had the guts to do what you want. If you want to go any
further, youre going to have to admit it.
Chapter Fourteen
Picking at the remnants of her salad, Kelsey continued to stare at the door to the playroom as she
had for the last twenty-seven minutes, wondering what Gabriel was doing.
She jolted when the door finally opened.
Dressed in black trousers and a black cotton shirt, Gabriel reappeared, looking elegant and
gorgeous as always and far too dangerous for her peace of mind.
His eyes, dark and mysterious, went immediately to hers. Have you finished your lunch?
Looking down at her plate, she was surprised to find that shed finished her chef salad without
realizing it. Yes. Did you finish whatever you were doing in there? Her imagination had been
running wild while she waited. She couldnt wait to see what erotic surprise he had in store for her
Closing the door behind him, Gabriel smiled faintly. Yes. What would you like to do this
Kelsey shrugged to hide her surprise that hed asked. How about a walk on the beach? Im
getting a little restless.
Im sure you are. Are you ready to go?
Walking beside him to the elevator, she bit back a moan at the slide of the silky green material
against her skin, like a caress she couldnt escape. It brushed over her nipples, bottom, and bare
mound with every step, the sarong fluttering and causing a rush of air over her skin as they made their
way down the hall.
Uncomfortably aware that only two thin pieces of material covered her, Kelsey glanced at
Gabriel as they waited for the elevator to arrive, unsurprised to find him watching her.
She felt his eyes on her, and knew that he was waiting for her to take the next step.
She didnt know how to do such a thing without looking silly.
Swallowing heavily, she looked away, struggling to understand how hed become so important
to her so quickly. She stared up at the numbers before glancing at him again, inwardly wincing that
she couldnt tear her gaze away for long. Did you get all of your work done this morning?
Gabriels lips twitched. I dabbled a little. The others left this morning. Julianna said to tell you
shell call you next week.
Shaken, but inordinately pleased that, except for the hotel employees, she and Gabriel were
alone on the island, Kelsey nodded. They said theyd probably have to leave early. They promised
to come back as soon as they could.
When the elevator opened and they stepped inside, she met his gaze again, her mind spinning,
and her body on fire for his possession.
She wanted to excite Gabriel, and to challenge him to new heights.
She wanted him to want her as much as she wanted him.
When the elevator stopped, he led her out and across the lobby to the large balcony leading
outside. Youre awfully quiet.
The man standing at the desk nodded respectfully at Gabriel, but didnt even glance at her.
Amused, Kelsey smiled at Gabriel. Have you noticed that the people who work here never
look at me? Its like being invisible.
Chuckling, he led her outside. Nick trained them well. Its considered extremely rude for
another man to stare at a submissive without her Masters permission. Julianna came close to
smacking one of them because she thought he was ignoring her, much to the amusement of Steves
men. Theyll help you in a heartbeat, but when your Masters present, theyll defer to himunless
youre in danger or being mistreated.
Confused, Kelsey mentally dismissed the man at the desk and stared up at Gabriel. You said
that at the club, the other men would all be looking at me. Here, they cant. I dont understand.
Gabriel smiled and tugged her to a stop, turning her to face him. In the club, there are certain
areas for just that sort of behavior. The men here are not Doms, and were not in the club. This is a
resort for Dominants to bring their submissives. The people who work here have been trained to
respect another mans property.
Kelsey blew out a breath. This is so confusing. Okay, so what if there are other Doms here.
Would they be allowed to touch me?
Gabriels cold smile sent a chill through her. Not if they value their lives.
Warmed at his threat, and intrigued by a set of rules she eagerly wanted to understand. Would
they look at me?
No more than any two people passing in a hotel. If they stared, I would handle it. It wouldnt be
anything for you to worry about.
When they reached the stairs, Gabriel shook his head when she started to remove her shoes.
Leave them on. The sands hot. While youre here, youre considered my property. Its up to me to
make sure youre well taken care of and that you have whatever you need. Something else is bothering
you, though. What is it?
Shrugging, she walked beside him. Just thinking. Shading her eyes, she studied his features.
We could have left the island with the others. Why didnt we? The only reason we were coming here
for the week was because we were going to take the plane home with them. Didnt you want to
Gabriels smile sent a surge of heat through her. Not a chance. We havent done what we came
here to do. I think both of us know theres more we need to explore and settle before we leave here.
Youre a very sexual woman, and you know damned well I can fulfill those needs that no man has
ever been able to satisfy. I slipped past some of those defenses, but Im not through. You know theres
more, and your adventurous nature wont leave it unexplored. Until we get things settled between us,
Im not letting you out of my sight.
Grinning, she lifted her face to the sun. You sound like you have me all figured out. The fact
that he did warmed her. She looked back toward the hotel, and seeing only one man standing on the
balcony, turned back. So we really are basically alone here?
Except for a skeleton crew and security. No one will bother us. He slid a hand under her
sarong and caressed her ass, the possessiveness in his touch unmistakable. Were far enough away
that no one at the hotel can see us. Would you like to tell me whats bothering you now?
Kelsey turned toward him, not even bothering to close her sarong when the wind blew it. I
want to ask you something.
His gaze lowered, narrowing on her bare mound before lifting again. What is it, Kelsey?
She didnt want to admit, even to herself, that she missed the wicked possessiveness, and silky
dominance in the way he called her my pet. Frowning, she put her hands on her hips and looked up at
I dont understand a lot about this dominance and submission thing. It sounds like each
Dominant has their own demands, and apparently different demands for different women. From what
you say, there are things that youve done before that you dont want to do with me. I want to spend
the rest of the week with you trying to experience as much as I can, but I dont want to disappoint you,
especially since I dont know what kinds of things you would expect from me. Surprised that her
face burned, she looked away. I cant deny that Im very intrigued.
Gripping her chin, he turned her to face him, his dark eyes glittering with warmth. I understand
that. Thats why I wanted to spend this week with you living the way we would live if you were mine.
Every Dom is different, but until I met you, I didnt think much about having a woman of my own on a
permanent basis. Its an entirely different level for me. There are certain things that I dont want from
you, such as letting another man see you. I want to dress you. I want to care for you in ways Ive never
wanted to care for another woman.
Releasing her, he folded his arms across his chest. If youre going to belong only to me, its
even more important for me to train you to my specifications.
Kelsey couldnt hold back a laugh. Saying something like that would have pissed me off a
couple of days ago, but now I know that you say things like that just to rattle me. Cocking her hip, she
grinned. So, you gonna teach me what to do, and what not to do?
Its my job to teach you. With an intimate smile, he bent to touch his forehead to hers. Im
very much looking forward to exploring this together. I think it could be something even more special
than either one of us expects.
Moving closer, she looked up at him through her lashes, her heart racing at the closeness they
shared. Do you?
A dark brow went up. I do. While I teach you, youre teaching me things about myself that are a
little shocking. Im better with you, Kelsey. His expression changed, a subtle change that made her
nipples bead and sent a rush of sensation to her slit. But, the only way to train you is to punish you
for bad behavior and reward you for good. I told you that since you dont want a relationship, youre
not to use my name. Youve used it. Repeatedly. You want the familiarity without the intimacy. You
have to pay for that.
Kelsey sucked in a breath when he turned and continued down the beach, once again struck by
the ease in which he cornered her with her own words. Contrarily, her pulsed leapt, anticipation
rushing through her veins and leaving her a little dazed. So what do I have to do?
Gabriel turned, gesturing for her to walk with him. You know what I expect from you.
To tease him, and herself, she looked up at him through her lashes and stuck her bottom lip out.
Im sorry. Filled with excitement, Kelsey attempted to look repentant, but she couldnt hold back a
smile. Am I forgiven? Shed expected a smile from him, but other than a slight twinkling in his
eyes, his expression remained cold.
A simple apology for all the times you adopt a familiarity that you refuse to live by, and cursed
at me? No, its going to take more than that. Gripping her arm, he pulled her to a stop. Slipping his
fingers into the material covering her breasts, he unclasped it. Gathering the fabric as it fell away, he
rolled it around the clasp and stuck it into his pocket. Keep your arms at your sides.
With another quick move, he rid her of the sarong. Tucking the ends of it into his other pocket, he
began walking again. The clothes you wear belong to me. Youll have to earn the right to wear them.
Take off the shoes. The sands much cooler here.
Naked and aroused by his commanding tone, Kelsey kicked her sandals aside and moved closer
to him. You know, I cant just follow meekly along like the other women youve dominated.
I know.
Im going to be just as demanding as you are, and probably rebel at your arrogance every
chance I get.
Gabriels lips twitched at that. I know.
Loving the freedom of being outside naked, and the sexual awareness, she found herself moving
with a fluidness that felt unfamiliar, filling her with feminine delight. The knowledge that she could
call a halt to this gave her the confidence to continue, and the daring to challenge him.
Wiggling her ass, she couldnt hold back a grin. So, you gonna spank me now?
A dark brow went up, his icy tone sending a thrill through her. I am.
They came to an outcropping of smooth rocks that appeared to have been placed in position with
careful deliberation. All had rounded edges, each at least five feet in diameter, none more than six or
eight inches thick. Theyd been stacked securely in a random pattern, overlapping each other in
places, leaving high and low areas that she would bet would be put to good use for the visitors of the
Gabriel paused, propping a hip against one of the higher rocks, and pulled her sarong from his
pocket. With a snap of his wrists, he covered the half of the rock closest to her. Drape yourself over
Smooth and flat, the large gray rock came up to Kelseys chest, but one of the rocks below it had
been positioned in a way that provided a small ledge for her to step up on.
Taking his outstretched hand, Kelsey stepped onto the small ledge, glancing at him out of the
corner of her eye.
I cant believe Im doing this.
Gabriels eyes narrowed. Youre a big girl. You can take your punishment. I have a feeling its
something youre going to be doing quite often. With a hand at her back, he urged her forward. Of
course there are limitless ways of curbing your defiance.
Finding the rock surprisingly smooth and warm, Kelsey reached up to grip the edge, lying flat on
the rock with her ass over the edge. Good luck with that.
Bracing a hand beside her hip, he slid the other over her bottom, igniting an awareness through
her bottom and slit that had her repositioning her feet to spread her thighs slightly apart. Luck has
nothing to do with it. Its a skill that takes years to perfect.
Bending low, he nipped her shoulder. Ive perfected it.
Unable to keep from clenching her bottom, she found herself lifting on to her toes and into his
caress. Biting her lip, she waited for the first slap, but Gabriel seemed content just to caress her.
Shifting as he ran his hand over one cheek and then the other, she started to relax the cheeks of her
bottom, dropping her head on her arm to watch his face.
Leaning on an elbow, he stared down at her bottom as he caressed it, his pose relaxed as if he
had all day to do nothing but caress her.
Her bottom prickled, warmed by the sun and sensitized by Gabriels firm caress, but she didnt
move, lulled by the warmth, his caress, and fascinated by the tenderness in Gabriels expression.
His gaze lingered for several minutes before it began to slide higher, pausing on her back. His
slow caress never faltered as his gaze slid higher to her shoulders and then met hers.
Struck by the affection and hunger in his eyes, Kelsey smiled and turned toward him, finding it
hard to breathe as a surge of love for him swelled up inside her.
Have you changed yourow!
The sharp slap startled her more than it hurt, but after only a second or two it started to sting.
Lifting slightly, she searched his eyes for any sign of what he was feeling. She hadnt expected the
slap, especially after the way hed looked at her, and looked for any sign that his feelings had
Surprised to see that the emotion and need in his eyes had sharpened, Kelsey went willingly
when he rolled her back to her stomach. Oh, Gabriel, I thought youd changed your mind.
Gabriel smiled, his gaze settling on her bottom again. Not a chance. My hunger for you is too
strong. Im a very physical man, Kelsey. Another slap landed on the other cheek, making her squirm.
Foreplay is a very important part of sex to me, but its more than that. That frame of mind
extends to every part of our lives together. Youre mine to enjoy to the fullest, and nothing in this
world has ever given me so much satisfaction.
Kelsey squirmed as the heat spread, the spanking and her position not making her feeling
degraded at all. It left her feeling vulnerable, but the look in Gabriels eyes made her feel desired,
and very adored.
It didnt make sense, but she found herself lifting into his touch, wanting more.
Gabriel ran his hands over her bottom again, conveying his need and delight for her in his firm
caress as he got to his feet to stand beside her. Even while being punished, you defy me by your lack
of respect in the way you address me. What do you have to say for yourself?
Although she couldnt see his face anymore, she knew by the tone of his voice that his features
would be hard and cold, but that his eyes would hold a hint of tenderness and amusement. A rush of
moisture escaped, dampening her inner thighs, and to her consternation, she lifted herself to her toes,
arching her bottom for more. Im sorry.
Another slap. Im sorry, what?
Closing her eyes in bliss at his low, rumbling tone, Kelsey hummed in delight. Im sorry,
Master. I forgot.
Very good, my pet, but you know I have to do something to improve your memory.
Squeezing her legs together to hide the fact that her juices coated her inner thighs, she faced
straight ahead. Yes, Master.
Rubbing her tingling nipples against the warm, smooth rock, she braced for the next slap,
moaning at the feel of the breeze on her heated bottom.
Gabriel didnt seem to be in any hurry, his slow caress spreading the heat, each slow stroke
building her need until her pussy and clit burned.
Lowering herself, she tried to lean forward, surreptitiously attempting to rub her clit on the edge
of the warm rock as need clawed at her. She wanted more of the incredible heat, more of the slaps
that focused her attention so sharply on her slit.
After several long seconds, she couldnt stand it and started to rise, dropping to the smooth rock
again when another sharp slap landed, this one much closer to her bottom hole.
I didnt tell you to get up.
Another rush of moisture escaped, her pussy clenching at the hard edge of dominance in his tone.
Knowing that the cold dominance would wither, and become affection and concern if she
panicked filled Kelsey with a surge of power.
The power of her own femininitythe power of knowing that she had a strong man who would
use every bit of that strength to keep her safe.
She knew that as well as she knew her own name.
He would use that strength to give both of them a great deal of pleasure, and use the sharp
sensations of pain to increase that pleasure, but would never hurt her just to hurt her.
Each slap was designed to heighten her awareness, just as each flare of pain hed administered
in the playroom.
She began to shake as the heat seemed to race to her puckered opening, making her ass and pussy
clench in a desperate need for his touchsomething she didnt want him to know. Trembling now,
she bit back a moan at the feel of his soft pants brushing the backs of her knees. Im sorry, Master. I
thought you were done.
His cold chuckle made her stomach flutter. You didnt really think that a few little slaps on
your gorgeous ass would be enough to make up for all the times you disobeyed me, did you? He
moved closer, standing between her knees and forcing them apart. Were not done yet. Ill let you
know when we are.
Thrilling at the cold intent in his voice, Kelsey tightened her grip on the edge of the rock. It hit
her suddenly that he didnt stand on the ledge, but on the ground below it, which left her ass about
chest high to him, with her legs spread wide.
She sucked in a breath when his hands settled on her bottom, biting her lip when he ran his
thumbs down the crease. Gritting her teeth, she fought a losing battle as she tried to keep from
clenching. What are you doing? Oh!
He slapped her a little harder than before, and since her bottom had already been heated, she felt
each slap more intensely.
Dont question me, and be quiet.
Determined to take everything he gave her, she still couldnt stop trying to clench her bottom
cheeks to protect her most vulnerable opening.
Not a fucking chance, baby. Gabriel lifted her a little higher onto the rock, high enough to
make it impossible for her to reach the stone shed been standing on. Gripping her ass, he ran his
thumbs down the center to her puckered opening. Youve got the most fantastic ass Ive ever seen.
You dont really think tightening against me is going to keep me out.
Kelsey panted through clenched teeth as he tightened his grip on each of her cheeks, crying out
as it stretched her puckered opening just hard enough to make it sting.
She froze at the feel of something soft and warm caressing her there, moaning and crying out at
the sensation as she slowly realized that it was his tongue. Her pussy clenched, releasing even more
moisture, the wickedness and intimacy of his actions driving her need for him higher.
Her clit throbbed unbearably, and even as his grip on her ass cheeks made them burn even
hotter, she wanted more. The decadence of his mouth on her was like nothing shed ever experienced,
thrilling her that with Gabriel, there was no such thing as forbidden.
Bit by bit, she felt herself giving in to him, softening for whatever erotic thing he had in mind.
Her soft cries of pleasure grew louder as the pressure inside her mounted her body, becoming pliant
in surrender.
Lifting his head, he moved to the left, using his body to force her left leg outward, while using
his left hand to grip her right knee, keeping her legs spread wide.
Feeling the breeze and the ocean spray against her slit made Kelsey feel even more open and
vulnerable, and very, very primitive. Yes. Oh, God, you make me crazy. You make me want more.
Oh, Ive got plenty more for you, my pet.
The sharp slap to her pussy stunned her so much she couldnt even cry out. As the sting
registered, and the heat began to spread, Kelsey groaned, a harsh tortured sound that shocked her. She
instinctively tried to close her legs to protect herself, struggling against Gabriels strength when he
slapped her pussy again. Dont you fucking move.
OhGodohGodohGod! The stinging sensation made her clit feel as if it were on fire, making the
ultra-sensitive bundle of nerves feel as if it had swollen to ten times its normal size. Using her knees,
she rocked herself in a vain effort to alleviate the combination of pleasure and pain that threatened her
sanity. Consumed by the throbbing, she cried out again and again, her voice choked as she blinked
back tears.
Please. Oh, God. Please. Ive never felt anything like this. Please, Gabriel. Please, fuck me.
Im begging you.
Gabriel slapped her ass. Im going to be easy on you this time. Ten more to your ass. Count
them. If you miss one, you get your pussy slapped again and we start over. Do you understand me?
Unable to believe that not only would she allow this, but that her body screamed for more,
Kelsey bit back a moan and nodded. Yes. IIll count them.
Several sharp slaps landed, each one in a different place until her bottom felt like it was on fire.
Yes, what?
Trembling at the dark threat in his voice, Kelsey lifted her hips, desperate for whatever attention
she could get. Yes, Master.
She never felt like calling him Master more than at that moment.
She belonged to him completely, surrendering to the raw hunger that Gabriel controlled with
such ease.
Thrilling at the sound of the word on her lips, she gripped the smooth edge of the rock even
tighter, her breathing ragged as she waited. The warm breeze did nothing to cool her heated bottom,
but it did cool her inner thighs, telling her just how drenched theyd become with her juices.
Sliding a hand over her bottom, Gabriel reignited the heat. Good girl. Count loudly enough for
me to hear.
The slap to the lower portion of her right cheek, just above the back of her thigh, stung and
quickly spread to her slit. Gulping in air, she moaned hoarsely. One.
His next slap landed right in the center of her cheeks and low, right above her puckered opening,
this time a little harder. Stunned by the stinging of her bottom hole, a stinging sensation that seemed to
flow into her bottom, Kelsey whimpered, bucking her hips in an attempt to alleviate it.
Before she could draw another breath, another slap landed on her pussy. Crying out, she tried to
close her legs, but the strength of Gabriels hold prevented it. Oh, God.
Rubbing her ass, Gabriel leaned to her side. You didnt count. You have to focus, my pet. You
cant think about anything except doing what I want you to do. I want you to count each slap.
He plunged a finger into her pussy, and before she could stop herself, she began to fuck herself
on it. You do want to please me, dont you?
She clenched on his finger, bucking as much as her position allowed, wishing it was his cock.
Yes. Im sorry, Master. I swear I can do it. She couldnt help but think about all the other
women hed done this with, and wanted to prove that she was more of a match for him than any of
Each slap heated the cheeks of her ass even more until she thought she couldnt stand another.
Gritting her teeth, she fought to be still, counting the slaps in a voice she didnt even recognize, crying
out as he delivered the last one.
Shuddering, she breathed a sigh of relief, moaning at the feel of his hot hands moving over her
already overheated bottom.
Very good, my pet. Im very proud of you. You took your punishment well. All is forgiven.
Moving back, he helped her close her legs, taking her weight as he eased her down from the rock.
Holding her steady, he brushed the hair back from her face, the combination of hunger, possession,
and pride in his eyes filling her with a sense of satisfaction and belonging as nothing else ever had. I
knew you could do it. Youre so beautiful.
Fisting his hands in her hair, he tilted her head back, his eyes dark and searching on hers. So
beautiful. So exciting. So arousing. He slid his hands over her shoulders and to her breasts, his touch
gentle and warm. Strong. Bold. Perfect.
Her knees didnt seem strong enough to hold her. When she slumped, Gabriel caught her to him,
wrapping his arms around her. With a weak laugh, she rubbed her cheek against his chest. Im far
from perfect.
Touching his lips to her hair, he sighed. Youre perfect for me, and nothing would make me
happier than having the chance to train youto having this time alone with you. Straightening, he
reached for the sarong. Youre more suited to this lifestyle than either one of us could have guessed,
and Im sure as hell not giving up until you admit it. Accept it.
Chapter Fifteen
Freshly showered, her skin glistening with the moisturizer Gabriel had rubbed in, Kelsey made
her way into the bedroom.
The butterflies in her stomach never seemed to completely settle, and fluttered out of control at
the feel of his hand sliding over her bottom. She turned to glare at him over her shoulder, but couldnt
stop grinning. My ass is still sore. She couldnt resist wiggling her bottom against his hand, thrilled
with how he couldnt seem to stop touching her.
Gabriels smile caused another rush of warmth between her thighs. Come here, my pet. Ill kiss
it and make it better.
Thinking he was joking, she stuck her tongue out at him, stilling when his eyes narrowed.
Gulping, Kelsey froze, turning to face him. She melted under that look, the combination of anticipation
and trepidation sharpening her senses. Youre kidding, right?
Gabriel raised a dark brow, his eyes glittering with erotic intent. Do I look like Im kidding?
Come here and turn around, or Ill put you over my knee.
On shaky legs, Kelsey sucked in a breath and closed the distance between them. Not taking her
eyes from him, she turned slowly, feeling like a seductress under his hooded stare.
She sucked in a breath, as he knelt behind her, gripping the bedpost as she closed her eyes and
dropped her head against her hands.
Stiffening when his hands closed over her hips, she moaned in delight at the feel of his lips
moving over her bottom.
Shed expected just a quick kiss, and perhaps a smart-ass comment, but Gabriel seemed to have
other ideas.
With a slowness that sent her senses reeling, Gabriel licked and kissed every inch of her bottom
with slow deliberation. I love this ass. Soft. Firm. Delicious. Warm from the spanking you took for
Gritting her teeth against the reawakened awareness at her slit, she struggled to keep her voice
steady. I still cant believe I let you spank me. With another moan at the feel of his tongue sliding
over her bottom, she parted her thighs. I cant believe how good it felt. It feels good every time you
touch me.
After a last kiss to her bottom, he straightened, pressing against her. Sliding his hands to her
breasts, he massaged gently. Yes, you can. You took your punishment with grace and style. I think
you deserve a reward for being so good.
It felt natural to lift her hands to circle his neck. She felt so sexy with him, and loved giving him
access to her entire body. She stood on her toes and arched her back, lifting her breasts into his hands
and at the same time, pushing her bottom against him. Hmm. Sounds promising. What kind of
Gabriel nuzzled her neck, his voice low and with a deeper intimacy than before. Im going to
put my mouth on you. I want your taste on my tongue, my pet. I want to make you come and hear your
cries of pleasure, and I want you to stay perfectly still. I want to taste my little subs pussy and I dont
want you squirming around. Its my pussy and clit. Mine. Dont do anything to keep me from enjoying
Her clit sizzled as if hed stroked her there, the small bundle of nerves throbbing and swelling.
Sucking in a breath at the slight pinch to her nipples, she threaded her fingers through his damp, silky
hair, her breath escaping in sharp puffs. Yes.
Chuckling softly, Gabriel pressed his cock against her back. It wasnt a question, and I sure as
hell didnt ask permission. Sliding one hand down her body, he slid his fingers through her folds.
This pussy belongs to me and I can fuck it or put my mouth on it anytime I want to. Now, get on the
bed and spread those legs wide.
He untangled her arms from around her neck and urged her forward with another slap to her
bottom. Hurry up. Im impatient.
She knew he was good, and could only imagine how good hed be at oral sex. Biting her lip at
the thought of what a thorough and physical man shed fallen in love with, Kelsey pressed a hand to
her stomach and locked her rubbery knees as she moved toward the side of the bed. Her clit throbbed
with anticipation, her entire body shaking with the knowledge that Gabriel would put the same degree
of attention to this as he did with everything else.
His earlier slap to her clit left it more sensitive than she could have imagined, and just knowing
that his mouth would be on it intensified that sensitivity. She couldnt believe he could arouse her so
much with nothing more than words. With a look.
Her stomach quivered as she lowered herself to the bed, a moan escaping at the feel of the soft
bedding against her warm and sensitized bottom. Staring up at Gabriel and struck by the sight of him
towering over her, Kelsey spread her trembling thighs, the realization that she opened herself to him
more than just physically reflected in his glittering eyes.
Despite his tender smile, his voice remained cool and filled with authority. Bend your knees,
my pet. You look nervous. Youre not scared of me, are you?
Rubbing her hands over her thighs in the hope that they would stop trembling, Kelsey shook her
head alarmed at his hold over her. Never. Her breath caught when he lowered himself to his knees
and gripped the backs of hers, forcing them wide.
His slow smile was so filled with emotion that it took her breath away. Liar. I scare the hell
out of you. The feelings mutual, baby. Hold on tight. Im about to devour you.
Alarmed at his mischievous tone, and the devious intent in his eyes, she sucked in a breath, her
stomach muscles quivering. Fisting her hands on the bedding, Kelsey watched with breathless
anticipation as Gabriel lowered his head, jolting at the indescribable feel of his hot tongue sliding
through her slit.
Shed thought herself prepared, but nothing could have prepared her for his mouth, or the way he
held her so she couldnt escape him.
Shed never been wanted like this before.
Shed never wanted like this before.
She craved him constantly.
Every time he touched her, she wanted him more, until she ached when he didnt have his hands
on her.
His tongue stabbed into her, the confidence and hunger in his touch slicing through her
inhibitions and leaving her open and exposed to desires.
He ran his tongue through her slit again, lifting his head briefly to meet her gaze, the
possessiveness in his eyes as they held hers overriding the inner struggle inside her to keep some
emotional distance. Youre delicious, my pet. Now that Ive tasted you, Im going to want even
Kelsey stiffened when he lowered his head again and focused his attention on her clit, shocked
at the intensity.
She couldnt resist him, and had no defense at all against her hunger for him, one that went far
beyond just physical.
His low hum of pleasure against her slit thrilled her. The firm, but tender grip as he held her in
place told her of his hunger for her. The way his fingers clenched on her legs, as if the hunger
overwhelmed him filled her with an inner warmth.
Within seconds, she began to shake uncontrollably, the pleasure so sharp she couldnt keep up.
Oh, God. Im gonna come.
The pleasure was too sharp, both physically and emotionally, the pleasure of a woman who
knew she pleased her man.
His seemingly insatiable hunger for her matched her own.
She couldnt get enough of him, and each touch only made her want him more.
Cries poured out of her as she began to struggle against more pleasure than she could endure, her
cries becoming frantic when she couldnt get the leverage she needed to escape it.
The rhythm of Gabriels strokes never changed. His hold tightened, keeping her in position for
his wicked assault.
The heat and friction of his tongue against her clit made it burn, the already sensitized nub
tingling hotly in warning. When he closed his mouth over it and began to suck, she froze, stunned at
the sensation.
Pleasure so intense it might kill her.
With a cry of ecstasy, she went over, her orgasm hitting her with such force that she couldnt
breathe, trapped in a wave of pleasure that took her higher and higher. It tossed her into a maelstrom
of sensation that seemed to take over her entire body, catching her in its powerful grip with a strength
that made her head swim.
The pleasure swelled, holding her in its grip for several heart-stopping seconds before releasing
her in a rush of warmth that forced the breath from her, and left her shaking and dizzy.
Sucking in another, she lost control of her body and went limp, whimpering as Gabriels
devious tongue continued to flick over her clit, his groan of appreciation vibrating over it.
It felt too good for her sensitized clit to endure, but to her shock, she couldnt seem to find the
energy to move. It was as if hed taken control of her body and her mind, leaving her limp while her
body shook with sensation as he feasted on her. Please. No more.
Gabriel lifted his head, his expression tender, but his eyes fierce with possessiveness and need.
This is mine, remember? Its not up to you. Im selfish, and I want more.
Too weak to fight him, Kelsey lay helpless while he used his mouth on her, the knowledge that
she couldnt stop him until hed finished forcing her to acknowledge his mastery over her. Thrashing
her head from side to side, she kicked her feet and pulled at the covers as the pressure mounted again,
but nothing slowed him down.
Shed never felt like such a sexual being, or one so desired.
He wanted all of her, something apparent in every touch, every stroke of his tongue, and every
groan of satisfaction in her response.
His slow, smooth strokes kept ripples of pleasure flowing through her, his hands holding her
tightly as though he couldnt bear to let her go. His groans of pleasure vibrated against her slit, his
delight in her unmistakable and irresistible.
She couldnt stop crying out, moans and whimpers escaping one after the other as the pleasure
sharpened unbearably.
With a groan of approval, Gabriel got to his feet and leaned over her, gathering her against him,
his lips still slick with her juices. Easy, my pet. I know. I know. Its strong, isnt it? Pushing her
damp hair back from her temple, he smiled faintly and shook his head. Youre so incredible. I wont
let you go. I wont let you break my heart, and Im sure as hell not going to break yours. I know youre
scared to let go completely. That initial resistance to keep me at an emotional distance is fading, but
its still there. You might as well get it in your head right now that I wont let you go.
Wrapped in warmth, her body still humming with the remnants of the kind of pleasure only
Gabriel could give her, Kelsey snuggled against him to hide her face. She couldnt understand why
hed said such a thingcouldntwouldnt believe he actually meant it. A knot formed in her
stomach, one born of panic as the shell around her emotions cracked.
He claimed to want her forever, but how could she give in to that without understanding the
lifestyle that was so much a part of him?
A sob broke free before she could prevent it, her love for him so powerful that it hurt. Please,
Gabriel. Gabriel lifted his head, the concern in his eyes sucking her deeper into the vortex of
emotion that made her dizzy. Are you all right, my love?
Kelseys heart stopped, another sob escaping at the sweet endearment..
Im scared. I dont know if I can live this lifestyle with you. I want to. I just dont know if I can
do it. Its going to kill me if I cant. Gabriels slow smile warmed her heart.
You can, my pet. You do. Just by being you. Youre what I want. Whatever issues come up,
well work them out together. Just use one of your safe words if you get into trouble. Im here for you.
Conscious of his cock, hard and heavy on her thigh, she rolled toward him, spreading her legs to
take his thick length between them. Squeezing her thighs, she rocked back and forth. I want to please
you, too.
She needed to please him. She needed to know that she could satisfy his desires as he satisfied
Gabriels eyes narrowed, his expression thoughtful. Propping his head on his hand, he reached
out to tug a nipple, his eyes flaring with heat at her cry.
Youre being a very naughty girl.
Kelseys breath caught at the threat in his voice, breathing a sigh of relief when she saw the
tenderness and indulgence shining in his dark eyes.
Swallowing heavily, she cuddled closer, grateful for his obvious attempt at lightness to ease her
fears. I am?
Gabriel smiled faintly, his eyes searching hers, and running his hand over her as if to calm her.
Youre taking liberties with my cock, and it hasnt been offered to you yet.
Feeling cherished and highly adored, and melting under his tender caress, Kelsey smiled,
grateful that she had such an understanding and attentive lover.
Running the backs of his fingers over her belly, Gabriel watched her closely. Take a deep
breath and let it out slowly. Good girl. And now another. Thats better. I dont like seeing you so
upset. What I feel for you isnt going away. Okay?
Kelsey gulped and nodded, smiling tremulously. Okay. But what if I
Smiling gently, Gabriel shook his head. Stop. Youll see. I want you so much, and I was
moving too fast for you. You wont be able to commit to me until youre more comfortable with all of
Cupping her face, he brushed his lips over her cheek. I know thats why you dont want me to
kiss you. Its enough for me now to know that you want this as much as I do. Youre perfect for me,
Kelsey, but I know that you still have doubts.
Kelsey shrugged, pressing her cheek more firmly against his palm. Being a Dom is important to
you, isnt it?
Gabriel inclined his head. Ive known for some time that its a vital part of my life.
Kelseys stomach clenched. I need to know that I can live that way.
I know. I apologize for rushing you. Ive waited a long time for you. I can wait a little longer
while you get everything straight in your head.
Running a hand over her hair, he smiled and slid from the bed. In the meantime, Im going to
have to give you a crash course in pleasing your lover and Master. On your knees, my pet.
Grinning at the surge of lust at his silky command, Kelsey scrambled from the bed, her eyes
never leaving his as she dropped to her knees in front of him. A shiver ran through her when Gabriel
fisted her hair with one hand and his cock in the other, the slight alarm at the cold intent in his eyes
filling her with sexual anticipation.
The slight smile of affection as he stared down at her made her heart swell with love for him.
The light of challenge in his eyes thrilled her even more. You want to please meyoull do it
my way. Not yours. Open that mouth.


Gabriel wanted to throw back his head and howl at the primitive hunger raging inside him, but
the slide of his cock over Kelseys hot, velvety tongue pushed everything else from his mind.
He needed her to know that this wasnt just about sex. Dominating her wasnt just about making
her do things, or doing things to her
It wasnt all about physical pleasure, at least not with her.
He wanted to firmly establish the bond that would continue to grow between them, a bond that
he had to build before they left the island at the end of the week.
Keeping his hand fisted in her hair, he moved her mouth on his cock. You think this is just about
pleasure? Do you think that all I want from you is your beautiful body? I want it all, Kelsey. I want
you so tied to me that youll never even think of getting away.
Biting back a groan, he ran a hand over her cheek, unable to look away from the tantalizing sight
of his cock sliding in and out of her mouth.
He wanted to show her as much as he could about the way things would be between them, and
needed to show her that even her anger wouldnt interfere with their relationship, or turn him off.
Thats it. Just stay still so I can fuck that soft mouth of yours.
Smiling when she glared up at him, he kept his expression as cold as possible, adopting an
arrogant look that he knew would heighten her anger. Hed show her, in no uncertain terms, that he
could turn that anger into a passion unlike anything shed ever known.
Aching to spill into her throat, he fought to make it last, his control in danger of snapping like
never before. Looking down into her eyes, he couldnt mistake the mischief and arrogance.
The little brat was determined to make him lose control!
He wanted to laugh out loud, his delight in her growing every day.
She would be a handful, and he wouldnt be able to let his guard down for a minute.
God knows Ill never be bored with you. No. Dont use your tongue. Youre not going to make
me to come before Im ready. I just want to fuck your mouth and enjoy the peace and quiet for a few
If that didnt piss her off, nothing would.
The look of belligerence in her eyes made his cock ache.
God, he adored her.
Shed changed since theyd come to the island, dropped some of the reserve she held in front of
her like a shield. The brief glimpses she allowed him of her loneliness and fear made him all the
more determined to have her in his life.
Keeping his tone cool, he ran his thumb over her bottom lip. Thats a good girl. This is what a
nice little submissive should look like. On her knees at her Masters feet.
Kelsey wiggled her tongue, tightened her lips around his cock, and glared at him.
Hed expected her belligerenceanticipated itbut he hadnt anticipated the amount of
satisfaction it would give him.
He knew she had to test her boundaries, and that she sought any kind of weakness in him.
His only weakness was his love for her.
As much as she tried to hide it, he knew his domineering attitude turned her on, and right now he
needed every advantage he could get. Were going back into the playroom tonight and Im going to
give that ass more of the attention it deserves. You always become so pliant when I take control of
that ass. Those sweet nipples are begging for my attention, too. Spread those thighs. I know my clit is
aching, but its mine and I dont want you rubbing your thighs together to ease it. Any satisfaction you
get will come from meor not at all. It depends on how well you behave yourself.
The anger in her eyes amused the hell out of him, an anger he knew grew progressively worse as
her arousal grew. With smooth, deliberate strokes, he forced his cock deeper, keeping his expression
cold and as formidable as possible under the circumstances.
He absolutely adored her.
Shed become as important to him as breathing.
The change in even the way he felt about dominating her fascinated him, the additional of love
changing everything.
Loving her added a depth to it that made everything sharper, warmer, and a hell of a lot more
The sight of her kneeling in front of him, taking his cock into her mouth, her eyes full of fire and
hunger filled him with a sense of excitement he hadnt felt in years, the kind of excitement no business
deal could give him.
She was the only woman hed ever met that made him want forever.
He hid a smile, wondering if she thought she could keep her arousal hidden from him, or the fact
that shed been surreptitiously rubbing her slit against her heels for the last several minutes.
Spread those thighs a little more, my pet. Youre only allowed the pleasure I give you, and not
allowed to satisfy yourself by rubbing your clit. I think tonight were going to have to work on
delaying your pleasure. Im afraid Im spoiling you, something Im going to have to watch out for in
the future.
Hed give her everything in his power and spoil her rotten at every opportunityand hed enjoy
every minute of it.
Her moan vibrated over his cock, and biting back a groan, he began to stroke faster, carefully
working his way deeper into her mouth.
Holding her head between his hands, he stared down at her, his entire body stiff with tension at
the enormous pleasure she gave him.
Easy. Just relax and take me deeper. All the way to the back of your throat. Yes. Thats it. Now
suck. Gently. Good girl.
Jesus, she made him feel like a horny teenager.
The rush of pleasure seemed to come from deep inside his soul, his balls drawn up so tight it
hurt. With a groan he couldnt hold back, he came in hard bursts, the pleasure so intense it turned his
knees to rubber.
His stomach clenched and his thighs shook with the effort to remain upright.
He wanted to throw his head back and revel in the sensation, but he couldnt seem to take his
eyes from the sight of Kelsey, who moaned as she swallowed on him, her mouth drawing every bit of
pleasure from him.
He didnt know how she knew how to do that, and didnt want to imagine it, but her enthusiasm
and desire to get the upper hand made her a dangerous and compelling lover. Gritting his teeth, he
groaned again, tightening his hands in her hair.
Elated at the smug satisfaction and rebellion in her eyes, Gabriel cupped her cheek, withdrawing
from her hot mouth. Very good, my pet.
He couldnt resist calling her that, the glitter of lust and anger in her eyes impossible to resist.
Lifting her to her feet, he ran a hand over her bottom. Ill use the other bathroom. When youre
dressed and ready, well go downstairs to eat in the restaurant tonight.
Her eyes widened adorably. Youre going to leave me like this?
Gabriel let his gaze rake over her, aware that she trembled with need. Lifting his gaze to meet
hers, he held it, wanting nothing more than to sink into her.
I told you that youre going to have to learn to hold off your orgasm. You have to learn to wait
when it suits me.
He turned away, pausing when she caught his arm. Looking down at her, and thrilled at her soft
touch, he raised a brow, falling deeper in love with her by the minute. What is it, my pet?
But I was good. I did what you wanted.
Hiding a smile at her blush, he nodded once. Yes, you did. You pleased me very much.
It took every ounce of willpower he possessed not to reach for her, but he knew that feeling the
way he did now, if he touched her, he would be lost. He didnt want to pressure her, and wanted to
get this back on a sexual level until she was ready to handle more.
This is part of it, Kelsey. If I want you to wait, youre going to have to learn to wait. If I dont
allow you to come at all, you have to accept it.
Glaring at him, she crossed her arms over her chest. I hope you dont expect me to like it.
Gabriel laughed, delighted with everything about her. Of course not. I told you that you
wouldnt like everything I do to you. Lets see how well you can handle it.
As he watched her walk away, he thought about the look shed had in her eyes earlier.
Something was bothering her and he wanted to get to the bottom of it.
Hed have to distract, and probably anger her in order to get the answers he was looking for,
and keeping her aroused would put her on edge enough to spark that temper of hers.
If she thought hed allow her to keep her worries to herself, she didnt know him at all, and
certainly didnt understand the kind of relationship he wanted with her.
She would, though, and soon.
Chapter Sixteen
Dressed in deep violet this time, and wearing the silver sandals Gabriel had left out for her,
Kelsey sat in the deserted restaurant with him. The horseshoe shaped booth they occupied allowed
them to sit close to each other, but at a slight angle, making it nearly impossible for her to avoid his
Each knowing look, each small smile of satisfaction, each lingering gaze of possessiveness
heightened her arousal until it became nearly impossible to sit still.
Tapping her feet, she looked around at their elegant surroundings, acutely aware that he watched
her closely.
Glancing at him, she leaned back in an attempt to appear relaxed, and tried to appear as
sophisticated as the women hed known in the past. Do you really think a place like this will really
do well?
Smiling, Gabriel reached for her hand. Youd be surprised at the number of people who
embrace this lifestyle. This place is booked solid year around. Nick and Steve wanted to close the
hotel while the condos go up, but then itll be open again. They didnt want guests disturbed by the
noise. He ran the backs of his fingers down her arm, his gaze following the movement.
Shivering, she fought not to cross her arms over her chest to cover the fact that her nipples
beaded. Shed never been with a man who touched her as often as Gabriel did, and wished she could
touch him as often in return. Smoothing her damp palms over her lap, she looked toward the window.
I havent really heard any noise.
No. This weeks been pretty quiet. Im sure Nick and Steve planned it that way, coming here
when the majority of the noisy work had already finished. It also gave Julianna a chance to see some
of the condos in person. Playing with her fingers, he smiled. Two weeks from now, the hotel opens
Nodding, Kelsey smiled. And everyone gets a chance to see the new condos. Ill bet they have
a sales staff here, along with pictures and mock-ups of the new units.
Gabriel lifted her hand and studied her fingers, and with slow deliberation, placed a soft kiss on
the tip of each one. Theyre hoping to have a model ready. Juliannas in charge of decorating the
units, of course.
Kelsey nodded again, distracted by the feel of his hand wrapped around hers, and the warm of
his lips sending ribbons of tingling sparks up her arm. Amused, and a little surprised that something
so small could have such a huge effect on her, she couldnt help wondering what he would think if he
With desire flooding her veins, she found herself staring at his lips, wondering what it would
feel like to be kissed by a man like Gabriel.
Hed kiss the way he did everything else. Hed pour everything into it and draw her into a
vortex of emotion and sensation that she may never recover from.
She could only imagine what Gabriel could put into a kiss.
She could only imagine what hed take from her.
She tingled everywhere just thinking about it.
Soft, but firm, his lips would take hers. Hed kiss her with a possessiveness she wouldnt be
able to resist, and draw her deeper and deeper into the erotic spell hed woven around her.
With just a kiss, Gabriel could reach into her soul.
Snapping back to the present with a start, she realized that his lips had been moving, but she
hadnt heard a word hed said. Pulling her hands away, she reached for her glass of water, her face
burning. Im sorry. My mind wandered.
Struggling to remember what theyd been talking about, she looked around the restaurant,
focusing on the servers across the room. Remembering their conversation, she kept her face averted,
aware of his scrutiny.
Im sure when the guests here see the condos, theyll be lining up to buy them. Letting her gaze
slide to his, she smiled. Youre a good businessman, and Im sure youve already decided its a
good investment, or you never would have put your money into it.
Gabriel regarded her steadily, a faint smile playing at his lips while his eyes danced with
amusement. I think, of all the properties I own, the condo here will be the one that gives me the most
A rush of warm flowed through her as she remembered his promise to bring her back here, but
she didnt want to presume anything and look like a fool. I assumed your club would hold that
distinction. She hated thinking about his club and all the women hed had there.
It didfor a time. Raising a hand, he signaled for the waiter. I was so busy building my
businesses that I didnt have the time or desire to build a relationship. I always enjoyed sex, but
preferred to dominate the women I bedded. It wasnt easy to find someone who shared my
preferences, especially with the limited time I had to pursue them. I also travelled quite a bit more
than I do now.
Once theyd placed their orders and the waiter left, Kelsey reached for one of the breadsticks. I
find it hard to believe a man like you would ever settle down.
He looked slightly surprised by that. Oh? Dont you think I could ever get lonely?
Kelsey grunted. Youre never alone.
You know as well as I do that you can be in a roomful of people and still be alone. The
warmth and concern in his eyes had her shifting restlessly in her seat, the ache for him growing
stronger all the time. Smiling faintly, he gestured toward the empty restaurant. Or you can be with
just one personone special personand be completely fulfilled.
Not knowing how to answer that, Kelsey decided to steer the conversation back to the island. It
got increasingly difficult not to profess her love for him, and she had to consciously censor herself
before speaking.
She wanted to blurt it out, and beg him to promise her that they would be all right.
She couldnt, though. It was all up to her.
Despite his confidence in their future relationship, Kelsey wanted to be sure. With her feelings
so wrapped up in him, a mistake could cost her dearly.
She took another sip of water to ease her dry throat, and forced a smile. Do you really think a
lot of people will be buying a condo instead of staying at the hotel?
The knowledge that she wanted to redirect the conversation shone in Gabriels eyes, and to her
relief, he let her get away with it. Smiling, he nodded and reached for his own glass.
Theres already a waiting list for rooms here. Some men, like me, want a place to get away
with someone important to them, and dont want to worry about things like reservations. I never know
when I can get away, and my plans can change at a moments notice. I value my free time very much
and dont want any obstacles in my way.
Frowning slightly, he sat forward again. Taking some time away from your responsibilities to
relax and regroup is important. You dont seem to do that at all. When was the last time you took a
Pausing as the waiter arrived with their appetizers, Kelsey shook her head in amusement that the
young man didnt even glance in her direction. Propping her head on her hand, she looked up at him.
Hello. Im Kelsey.
The waiter stilled, his face becoming bright red as his gaze flew to Gabriels. Sir?
Gabriel chuckled, shaking his head as he reached for a fork. Behave yourself, my pet. Hes
obviously new here, and youre rattling him.
After the waiter left, Gabriel sat forward and slid his fingers into her brief top, the shock of his
bold move making her jump. He slid the backs of his warm fingers over her nipple, his eyes daring
her to defy him.
Thats the kind of behavior that could embarrass a Master, and would almost assuredly earn a
well-deserved punishment.
Curious and only mildly apprehensive about another spanking, Kelsey leaned into his touch.
Youve mentioned that before. I dont get that at all. Why would talking to the waiter embarrass a
Master? How am I supposed to understand all these rules?
Gabriel appeared to take her question seriously. Because I explain them to you. Your defiance
shows that I have no control over my submissive, and makes me look like I cant handle you. It also
shows lack of respect on your part toward me.
Surprised at that, Kelsey paused with a bite of mushroom halfway to her mouth. Ashamed of
herself, she hung her head. I never thought of that. Im sorry. I didnt realize how my behavior as a
sub would reflect on you.
Once again, she felt out of her element. With a sigh, she broke a breadstick in half. Do you see
what I mean? Ill probably never get this, and would one day embarrass you or piss you off and that
would be it.
Gabriel shrugged, spearing a shrimp and touching it to her lips. Its up to your Master to teach
you. And like I told you before, every Master and every arrangement are different. Dont worry about
it. Youre new at this, and Im willing to make some allowancesto a point. You will, of course, be
expected to pay for what you just did. Its a lesson you wont forget again soon.
Considering that, and hiding a rush of excitement at his threat, Kelsey took a bite of her
breadstick. It sounds like some of the rules remain the same.
Such as showing respect. Leaning back again, he shrugged. A Master must earn it. Not all
can, and not all submissives care enough to give it.
Swallowing the lump in her throat, Kelsey set the rest of the breadstick on her plate and reached
for her glass of wine. What happens then?
Gabriels eyes sharpened. Ive seen Masters walk away from their submissives, and vice
versa. Some on both sides arent cut out for the lifestyle, and some just havent found the right person
Shocked that she worried that she might not be right for Gabriel, Kelsey shifted in her seat.
How could she know?
How could he know?
Alarmed at the emotional tug, and sense of loss as she imagined him walking out of her life,
Kelsey looked away, afraid of what his sharp eyes might see.
Taking a sip of her wine, she met his hooded gaze, her heart beating a little faster. It must be
hard for a woman used to making her own decisions and living her own life to suddenly be under the
thumb of a man who expects her to be a doormat. Pausing, she lifted her glass again. No matter how
much she wants to be with him.
Gabriels eyes sharpened. Are you talking about us?
Maybe. Blowing out a breath, she set the glass aside. I just dont know. I just cant imagine
being soacquiescent. Id never really thought about ever having a man in my life, but lately, Ive
been thinking about it.
The brief flash of something in his eyes disappeared before she could decipher it. Oh?
Reaching for her wine again, she sat back as the waiter came to take their plates, not speaking
until he left again. Id want a partner. Id want a man who cared about my happiness, not just
ordering me around. Id want to be respected and have my opinions respected.
And you think that wouldnt be possible in a relationship with me?
Kelsey shrugged, wondering what it would be like to have a man she could talk toa man she
could share things with. I dont see how. Id be expected to see to your needs and ignore my own.
Since weve been here, havent I seen to your needs?
Frustrated that she couldnt quite find the words she wanted, she slapped the table. I can take
care of myself. Fuck it. Forget I said anything.
Taking her stinging hand in his, he turned her palm upward and touched his lips to it. I know
you can take care of yourself, and thats a great relief to meand a great source of pride. But, taking
care of you satisfies meno, more than thatfulfills a need in me. Its more than just a sexual thing
for me, Kelsey. Being in control is just part of it. Its taking care of what belongs to me. Its treasuring
whats most important to me. Its trusting someone who trusts me, and creating a strong bond with
another persona woman I could see spending the rest of my life with. You, Kelsey. I think you and I
could be very good for each other.
God, when he talked like that, she could almost believe
Taking a deep breath, she looked away, flattening a hand on her stomach as she blew it out.
Running her fingers over the stem of her wine glass, she looked at him through her lashes.
Were so different. We come from two different worlds. Forcing a laugh, she shook her head,
blinking back tears. Youd regret it within a month.
And leave her even lonelier and emptier.
It struck her that she hadnt really noticed the emptiness before meeting Gabriel, but the
friendship that had developed between them, a friendship shed tried to avoid, made her conscious of
just what a solitary life she led.
Shed been content with her life.
Now, she wasnt, and it was all because of him.
Despite her mood, the impatience in Gabriels eyes as the waiter delivered their entrees amused
Kelsey. Her amusement grew when the younger man appeared visibly shaken and hurried to leave as
soon as possible.
Gabriel glanced up at her as he cut into his steak. I suppose once we both stop dancing around
each other and really begin to trust each other, we might just find out.
Kelsey blinked. You dont think I trust you?
Pausing with his fork halfway to his mouth, Gabriel shook his head. Not completely, but that
kind of trust takes time. I know that, and know what it involves. Its frustrating that we only have a
few more days before we leave here.
With her body vibrating with arousal, Kelsey leaned toward him, her nipples beading even
tighter under his heated gaze. Then wed better not waste a minute of it. Rubbing her thighs
together, she waited expectantly, her pulse leaping at his wicked smile.
Gabriels chuckle danced over her skin, his eyes glittering with intent and mischief. You seem
to forget, my pet, that Im in charge here.
Remembering the way his mouth had felt on him only hours earlier, and his intensity in the
playroom, Kelsey smiled coyly, feeling playful and carefree.
I know. Your imagination is incredible. Propping her head on her hand, she eyed him
curiously. How do you come up with all these things?
Laughing, Gabriel reached for her hand, enfolding it in his. My love, Ive lived this lifestyle for
a long time and Ive seen a lot of things, but youve inspired me to new heights. Lets say, I have a
vivid imagination.
He reached out to stroke a nipple through the soft material covering her breasts. Once, right
after I first met you, I went back to my office for a meeting. In the middle of it, my thoughts drifted to
you, and some of the things I wanted to do to you. I missed half of what my staff said to me and had to
go back and look at my secretarys notes later on. The thought of taming you has given me many
sleepless nights.
The idea that hed thought of her, and that shed been able to distract him from his work,
delighted her. Tame me? Grinning, she cut into a ravioli. Do you really think thats possible?
Oh, its possible, but I dont ever want to tame you completely. Sitting back, Gabriel picked
up his fork again. Its very satisfying to turn a spitting tiger into a purring cat.
Her clit tingled. Frowning to hide her excitement, Kelsey frowned. I dont purr.
Gabriel threw back his head and laughed, a deep rumble that seemed to vibrate right through her.
Yes, my pet. You definitely purr.
Chapter Seventeen
To Kelseys surprise, instead of going back to the room after dinner, Gabriel suggested another
walk on the beach. Darkness had fallen, and with the beach deserted, it felt like they were the only
two people in the world.
Watching him out of the corner of her eye, and struck once again by his presencethe
combination of raw sexuality, gracefulness, and powershe realized that she always felt safe with
Safe, with the most dangerous man shed ever known.
Youve never done things the easy way, Kelsey.
They walked far enough away from the hotel that they couldnt be seen, but close enough that the
lights from the hotel lit their way. She kicked off her shoes, a little surprised when he did the same.
Without a word, Gabriel took them from her, placing both pair on one of the large rocks before
moving toward the edge of the water.
A sigh escaped at the feel of the warm water lapping at her feet, her toes sinking into the wet
sand. She felt so sensual here, feeling more than she could ever remember feeling before.
The warm breeze.
Her hair blowing over her shoulders.
The silky material.
The sand. The water.
Everything felt incredibly real.
She noticed things that shed never even noticed before.
Even the food tasted amazing.
Taking her hand in his, Gabriel led her a little farther down the beach. Part of a Masters
responsibility is taking care of his sub, both physically and mentally. Somethings been bothering you.
I can see the worry in your eyes, and sometimes you go quiet and stare at nothing. What is it?
Shed thought hed been too preoccupied with his work to notice that shed been distracted by
thoughts of him, and her confusion at her growing feelings. Her steps faltered, and thankful for the
darkness that she hoped hid her burning cheeks, Kelsey shook off Gabriels hand and looked straight
Nothing. Well, nothing other than wondering what youre thinking, and what youre planning for
me next.
The pregnant pause that followed filled her with unease.
Reaching out a hand, he gripped her arm and pulled her back against him. Keeping his back to
the hotel, he reached around her, unclasped her top and hung the fabric over her shoulder. He cupped
her breasts as he nuzzled her neck, his hands warm and firm as they moved with a gentleness that
melted her resistance. You were deep in thought on the plane ride here before we even discussed
any of this. You kept frowning and sighing like you have a problem. Tell me what it is. I can tell
somethings eating at you. Im worried about you.
Dropping her head back against his shoulder, Kelsey moaned as his hands worked their magic.
Her arousal built gradually, the slow, firm caress of his hands lulling her into a sensory state that
made it difficult to focus on the conversation.
It also relaxed her, and made the silence of the night even more intimate. The darkness
emphasized that intimacy.
With a moan, she leaned more firmly against him and closed her eyes. Nothing important.
Scraping his teeth over her shoulder, Gabriel continued his slow, tantalizing massage. Tell
me. His lips caressed her ear, his voice low and intimate.
Ive spent a lot of time with you over the last several months. Even when you were trying to
ignore me, I was studying you. Ive gotten to know you better than you think, and Ive learned to judge
your moods. When you get that look in your eyes and chew at your lip, youre weighing your options.
Youd already made the decision to come here, so that wasnt it. Talk to me, sweetheart. You can
depend on me. For anything.
Love for him and the desire to be everything to him made her stomach clench painfully, and
made her insides feel funny.
Unused to sharing her problems, she moaned and gripped his forearms. Just a business
problem. Its nothing like the kind of thing you deal with and something I just have to work out for
myself. She could only imagine how trivial her problem would seem to a man who had business
interests all over the country. Forcing a laugh, she looked up at him over her shoulder. Or are you
going to try to convince me that you would want to talk about one of your business problems with
me? To her surprise, Gabriel stilled.
Id like nothing more than to have someone to talk tosomeone who would be honest with me
and who I could trust to keep our conversation private. Sometimes just saying it out loud helps.
Stunned, Kelsey swallowed heavily to avoid choking on the lump in her throat. Youd trust me
with something like that? Youd talk to me about your businesses?
Of course. Tightening his arms around her, he began to rock her. Talk to me, Kelsey. Maybe
saying it and hearing it out loud will help you see things clearly.
She didnt know if it was the intimacy and affection in his tone, the feel of his body wrapped
around hers, or if the warm, sultry night had anything to do with it, but Kelsey found herself confiding
in him.
Blowing out a breath, she straightened. Im thinking about selling the coffee shop.
The silence lasted only a second or two before he bent to touch his lips to her hair, gently
pulling her back. Why?
Smiling, Kelsey leaned more heavily against him. Of course you would get right to the heart of
the matter.
His chuckle rumbled through her. I prefer the more direct approach.
Turning her to face him, Gabriel ran a hand over her shoulder. Has someone made you an
Kelsey sighed. Yeah. Gina, my manager, made me a good one.
Gabriels brow went up. It sounds like youve already decided to take it.
Surprised to realize he was right, Kelsey frowned, not quite ready to commit to anything. I
dont know. Maybe. Turning slightly away, she looked toward the hotel, her heart racing when he
pulled her closer, pressing her shoulder against his chest, while massaging the other.
Do you want to keep it? Taking the hand she held out to him, he pressed it to his chest and
gathered her closer. Talk to me. Whats holding you back? If you dont want to sell, you dont have
to sell. Is someone pressuring you? Is there something going on that I need to know about?
Amused at the steely anger in his tone, she dropped her head against his chest, glancing up at him
briefly before looking toward the hotel again. She felt as though a weight had been taken from her
shoulders. Its nice that you care. Thanks for that. A bubble of relief erupted in a laugh. No one
except you has the balls to try to intimidate me.
The laugh shed expected didnt come. Instead, Gabriel ran his fingers up and down her spine,
his casual caress soothing. So whats the problem?
A week ago, she would have laughed at the idea of confiding in Gabriel, but now it seemed
natural. Warmed by his presence and feeling closer to him than ever, she sighed, arching in the hope
that he would caress her breasts. And then what?
I see. Accepting her invitation, he slid a hand to her breast and began a gentle caress, one that
seemed more comforting than sexual, somehow arousing her and strengthening the invisible bond
between them at the same time. What do you want to do, my love?
Smiling, she shook her head, her heart pounding furiously at the endearment. You always seem
to understand me. It can be scary, you know?
You have no reason to be afraid. I understand you, Kelsey. Youre avoiding the question. Tell
me what youre thinking. His velvety tone lulled her, a tone perfect for the balmy night on the beach.
I dont know. The offer came out of thin air. Blowing out a breath, she kept her voice at just
above a whisper, not wanting to break the intimacy. I hadnt thought about selling until then, but
when I got the offer, I thoughthell, I can finally get out of here.
Surprised you, did it?
Thats putting it mildly. Because of the night, and the warm feel of him against her, she found
herself admitting something she knew she shouldnt. After meeting you, I started feeling restless.
Gabriel tugged her nipple, tightening his grip on her as if anticipating her jolt. Imagine that. The
same thing happened to me. Turning her to face him fully, he ran his hands down her back and pulled
her closer. You and I belong together, Kelsey. I know it scares you.
Stiffening, she let her eyes flutter closed. Please, Ga. Please, I cant
Gabriel shifted slightly and her sarong fell away, leaving her standing naked in his arms. I want
you to say my name. His hands slid to her bottom and squeezed gently. I like the sound of my name
on your lips. Taking her hands in his, he lifted them to circle his neck. I also like when you touch
Shocked, pleased, and a little nervous, Kelsey glanced up at him. No more Master?
I think things are changing between us, dont you? He placed his finger over her lips,
effectively silencing her instinctive objection. Enough for now. Why dont you tell me what you want
to do if you sell the coffee shop?
Delighted in the freedom to touch him, Kelsey slid her fingers through his dark hair. I dont
know, Gabriel. She loved saying his nameloved being naked in his arms. Smiling as she
remembered the promise hed made her to let her experience the feeling of being exposed without
actually letting anyone see her, she rubbed her breasts against his chest. I wish you werent wearing
this shirt. I want to feel you naked against me.
You will as soon as we go back to our room. I have some plans for you tonight, my love.
With a grin, she rubbed against the cock pressing into her stomach. Do you? What kind of
In a move too fast for her to anticipate, he hooked an arm under her stomach and lifted her,
leaving her dangling over his forearm. In a show of strength that surprised her and earned new
respect, he held her there despite her struggling, slapping her ass before pressing a finger against her
puckered opening hard enough to make it sting. Something that involves an ass hook, a vibrator and a
lot of screams.
Lifting her higher, he kissed her hair. That should take your mind off of your troubles tonight,
dont you think? Hugging her close, he squeezed her ass. Itll also make up for what you did back at
the restaurant.
Chapter Eighteen
Kelsey trembled with excitement and no small amount of trepidation as Gabriel closed the door
of the playroom behind him. On shaky legs, she made her way to the center of the room, her steps
slow, and her heart pounding nearly out of her chest. Aware of his rapt attention, she scanned the
room for any changes hed made since the last time shed been in the room, hoping to get an idea of
what he had planned for her.
Her steps faltered when she noticed a strange contraption positioned over the padded table, but
before she could get a good look at it, an arm came around her from behind. Hmm, Ive got you right
where I want you. You ready to play, my pet?
Hed made a brief trip to the bathroom and now she knew why. Producing one of the scrunchies
she usually wore, he gathered her hair in a high ponytail, securing it before running his lips over her
shoulder. Ive got some devious plans for you, some that have kept me awake at night.
Releasing her hair, he ran the tips of his fingers up and down her arms in a slow caress that sent
erotic currents through her that seemed to zero in on her nipples. Youre going to be mine. The
thought of that fills me with the kind of satisfaction you cant even imagine. My heart pounds every
time Im near you. The scent of you, the sound of your voice, the feel of your soft skin makes my
blood boil.
A moan escaped, a shiver of delight going through her at the feel of Gabriels warm, hard body
pressed against her back as his words sparked a fire inside her that grew swiftly out of control.
Shed never known feelings like this. Shed never known this kind of intensity, or that it was
possible to feel so close to one person. Shed never been wanted this way, or been so hungry for a
soft word from him, or even the lightest touch.
Shed never taken the time to appreciate the small things that combined into so much more.
Unable to hide her desire, she pushed back against him. You make me feel so much. You make me
want so much. Its like I waited all my life for this.
With slow deliberation, Gabriel undid the clasp the clap between her breasts and tossed the
material aside. He ran his hand down her side to unclasp the other, his lips warm on her shoulder as
his hands slid up to cover her breasts. So do you, Kelsey. You fit against me as if you were made for
me. Ive waited a lifetime to feel this way, and Im not about to let it go.
The cock pressing hard against her lower back filled her with longing, the hunger in his tone and
in his touch freeing her inhibitions. He held her there for several long seconds, pulling her back
against him and running his hot hands over her breasts, his unhurried movements so decadent and
loving that she arched her back, giving herself over to his touch.
With a hard arm wrapped around her waist, he urged her forward. And now we play. Now I
show you just how suited you are to this kind of loving. Guiding her across the room, he never
stopped caressing her. I lowered the table for this. I put that mirror over there so I can see your face
the entire timeeven when Im behind you, but also so you can see yourself. I want you to watch.
Lifting her to the table, he positioned her on her knees.
Bending low, he leaned over her, meeting her gaze in the mirror, a slight smile playing at his
lips. I want you to see your face. I want you to see mine. I want you to see what we do to each other.
I think youll be surprised at what you see.
Shocked at the intensity of his lovemaking, the planning, and his determination to experience
everything to the fullest so that they couldnt even hide their reactions from each other, Kelsey could
do nothing but follow his lead.
His mastery over her, and his total commitment to every aspect of their lovemaking both thrilled
and alarmed her.
Shed never experienced anything that could even compare to the way she felt with himas if
nothing else in the world mattered at this moment.
Trembling with need and anticipation, Kelsey arched into the hand he ran down her back, a
moan escaping as goose bumps broke out over her skin. She couldnt tear her gaze away from the
mirror, mesmerized by the sight of Gabriels hand sliding over her. Her gaze followed the movement,
watching him as shed watched the Dom in the movie, and the feel of his hand moving over her
doubling the pleasure and excitement.
The need to see his eyes proved even stronger now than it had when shed watched the movie.
She lifted her gaze, anxious to see if Gabriels need matched her own, her breath catching when her
gaze met his in the mirror.
His eyes narrowed on hers, the glitter of possession and need in them even more intense than the
Doms had been in the movie.
It took her breath away, making her insides quiver with something much stronger than desire.
Moaning at the feel of his fingers trailing over her belly, while his other hand moved over her bottom
with deliberate purpose, Kelsey sucked in air, every breath becoming more ragged than the last.
She sucked in another breath at the feel of his fingers tracing a pattern between her breasts,
releasing it on a groan of frustration when he deftly avoided touching her aching nipples. Lost in
sensation, and in the incredible closeness she felt with him, she breathed his name and let her eyes
flutter closed. Her breath caught as his hand moved higher to close around her neck, his fingers light
and caressing as he tilted her head back.
His warm breath brushed her cheek as his fingers tightened on her neck, the combination of
softness and icy threat sending her senses soaring and keeping her even more off balance. Open your
eyes, Kelsey. I want you to watch yourself in the mirror. I want you to see your passion, and watch
what I do to you. Dont you dare look away from that mirror.
The hard edge of authority in his tone sent little pinpricks of delight dancing over her skin even
as it sent a chill through her.
Obeying him without hesitation, she opened her eyes, her gaze flying immediately to his. She
found herself more attuned to him than ever, intensely aware of the smallest shift in his touch, the
smallest change in his tone.
Wiggling against the hand he skimmed over her ass, she couldnt hold back a smile as she met
his gaze in the mirror, searching for signs that she pleased him. Yes, Master.
Reassured by his affection for her, and having already witnessed his formidable control, she
grinned playfully and wiggled her ass at him.
She hadnt thought the pleasure could get any better, but the bond she felt with Gabriel added an
intimacy that made everything even more intense, so intense that it would have been overwhelming if
not for the connection she felt with him.
Narrowing his glittering eyes, Gabriel slapped her ass, the sting of it igniting a heat between her
thighs that made her pussy clench and leak moisture. I detect a note of sarcasm in your tone. Youll
have to pay for that, of course. He tapped her inner thigh in a silent command for her to spread them.
Wiggling her hips, she obediently spread her thighs, bucking her hips as his hand moved up
again and caressed her bottom. Im counting on it. Her voice didnt sound as steady as before, the
threat in his firm touch and the memory of what hed promised to do keeping her on edge.
She couldnt look away from the erotic intent on his face, watching him hungrily as he moved to
stand behind her. Positioned a little lower than waist high to him, Kelsey rocked her hips, her pussy
clenching with the need to have him deep inside her. Stilling at the feel of his hands on her hips, she
watched them move on her, once again struck by how feminine and delicate she appeared next to his
strong masculinity.
Shed never really paid attention before, or noticed the way a mans hand looked against her
Gabriel gave her no choice, forcing her to see the way they looked together, showing her every
facet of their lovemaking and making her notice things shed always taken for granted.
She stared at the erotic picture they madea devilishly handsome man stood over a naked
woman, his intention to dominate her sexually clear.
His eyes glittered with intent and hunger as he ran his hands over her, the possessiveness in his
touch obvious.
He wanted her. He wanted to own her.
His need for her couldnt be denied, and there was no mistaking the fact that he gave the woman
his undivided attention.
The woman, on her knees, had a look of seductive playfulness on her face as she focused on him,
a look of need and watchfulness in her eyes as she waited expectantly for her lover to make his
She shook with nerves she couldnt quite hide, and a need that had her squirming restlessly on
the padded table.
Kelsey would never have believed she could be part of such a picture, but the proof stared her
straight in the face.
Gabriel had a wicked gleam in his eye, one that sent her heart racing. Running a possessive hand
over her ass, he reached behind him and produced a tube of lube, holding it up so she could see it.
You have no idea how much Ive looked forward to this.
Her bottom clenched in anticipation and apprehension, the thrill of his wicked touch mingling
with the anxiety of her ass being breached. Thrilled at the excitement and hunger gleaming in his eyes,
Kelsey wiggled her ass at him, only to yelp and jerk away when he slapped the cheek of her still
warm ass.
His eyes narrowed, the decadent glitter in them even sharper than before. You want to tease
me, do you? Youre a naughty little sub, one who definitely needs to be taught a lesson. The cold
authority in his voice sharpened her awareness, and knowing that he had the strength and
determination to back up his threat had her arching her back downward and clenching her bottom in
an instinctive effort to close against him.
Gabriel smiled. That wont stop meand neither will you. Will you, my pet? He lubed his
finger with a slow deliberation that caused another rush of moisture to trickle down her inner thigh.
He knew she wouldnt use her safe word.
She could see it in his eyesthe confidence of knowing that she would see this throughand
the satisfaction it gave him, a satisfaction that hadnt been there before.
Mine, my pet. All mine. With one hand flat on her lower back, he touched the tip of his finger
to her puckered opening, watching her eyes as he prolonged the anticipation, circling her opening
with the cold lube.
The feel of his lubed finger plunging into her drew a cry from her, throwing her headlong into
another world, a world of wicked need and pleasurea world where Gabriel led the way, and she
followed willingly. Oh, God. Alarmed at the feel of the cold and firmness pressed inside her most
vulnerable opening, she clenched on his finger, instinctively lurching forward in a futile effort to
Gabriel slapped her ass again before wrapping an arm under her hips and yanking her back into
place. Moving his finger inside her with a deliberation that spoke of ownership, he held her steady, a
move she suspected was designed to show her that he could do whatever he wanted to do to her and
she couldnt stop him. He shoved his finger deep, pressing against her inner walls. You dont really
think Im going to let you get away, do you? This is my ass and Ill fill it whenever I want. I can do
anything I want to you, cant I, my pet?
He curled his finger, pressing harder against her anal walls, her whimper earning one of his
slow, sinful smiles. Yes, thats the look I like to see. Look at yourself. Look, Kelsey. Look at the
helplessness in those beautiful eyes. You know that nothing is off-limits, and that makes you feel even
more vulnerable. I can see it in your eyes, and it makes me crazy to have you.
Kelsey glanced at herself, struck by the desperation, helplessness and neediness in her eyes, but
she couldnt keep her eyes from Gabriel for long. She couldnt stop clenching on the finger he kept
moving inside her, knowing he did it, not only to spread the lube, but to remind her that he could.
Fascinated by every change in his expression, and in his rapt attention as his eyes moved over
her body, Kelsey watched his every movement.
Felt every breath.
The sudden appearance of silver in his hand piqued her curiosity and excitement, her heart
beating faster in alarm at the cool calculation in his eyes.
He withdrew his finger from her ass with devious slowness, pressing against the tight ring of
muscle and making her bottom hole sting as he did.
With a firm hand on her hip, Gabriel held her in place as he slid the cool, menacing-looking
hook up and down her spine. He moved it in a way that allowed her to see the ball at the end of the
hook, a ball she suspected would be going inside her. Ive imagined doing this to you more times
than you could ever imagine.
Squirting a generous amount of lube on the ball at the end of the hook, Gabriel smiled. Yes,
many times Ive imagined you helpless and squirming, with no choice but to take the pleasure and
pain I force on you. You wont be able to move much at all, and youre going to watch every minute
of it.
Kelsey shuddered, her breath coming out in a groan as Gabriel slid a hand beneath her hips and
lifted her ass high. I cant believe the things you think ofthe things you do to me. She looked up,
and realized that the hook had been attached to the ceiling by a black cord. Oh, shit.
He was really going to do this. He was really going to do something so wicked to her, something
he looked forward to with an excitement he didnt even try to contain.
Clenching harder, she dug her fingers into the leather padding, shaking so hard she feared she
might fall.
Moving behind her, he positioned the ball at her puckered opening, holding her steady with the
hand still under her. His hold firmed when she jolted as the cold metal touched her.
Gabriels smile, pure sin, sent a thrill through her. I know its cold, but itll warm up once its
inside that hot ass. His voice had deepened, becoming husky and tighter with tension, the authority in
it feeding a need inside her she didnt quite recognize. Yeah, thats it. Just a little pressureno,
dont fight it. Its going inside you, my pet.
Kelsey couldnt take her eyes off of Gabriels face, the cold mask of control adding to the aura
of danger surrounding him. She bit her lip to hold back her cry as he pushed the ball, which appeared
to be over an inch in diameter, against her opening with an unrelenting pressure that forced the tight
ring of muscle to give way.
He eased it in, the angle of the hook pushing the ball against her anal walls with a pressure that
tore a cry from her. Thats my girl. The raw huskiness in his usually silky voice thrilled her, the
knowledge that this affected him so much filling her with a warm satisfaction and made her ache even
more for his touch.
Pulling the cord attached to the hook just enough to take up the slack, Gabriel fisted her ponytail
and, to her surprise, excitement and alarm, deftly attached it to the cord.
She knew he hadnt tied her as tightly as he could have, but hed tied her in a way that made it
impossible to lower her head. Every movement she made tugged her hair, and pulled the hook deeper
to press against her anal walls with enough pressure to take her breath away.
She shook everywhere, and couldnt help but look at herself in the mirror, shaken at the erotic
and submissive picture she made.
An image that seemed to please Gabriel very much.
His eyes flashed, the pleasure and pride in them unmistakable.
She had no choice but to keep her hips tilted, lifting her ass high in the air, exposing her entire
slit to his gaze. Even if her legs had been closed, he would have total access to her ass, pussy, and
Feeling sexual and desired, she moaned and watched Gabriel, trembling with excitement to see
what he would do next.
Her pussy clenched with need, her clit throbbing for attention. Even her breasts had been left
unprotected, her nipples aching for his touch. Needy and shaken, she looked to him for guidance, his
strong presence keeping her centered and making her want him even more.
She belonged to him, something that became increasingly obvious with every passing moment.
Gabriel? She needed to hear his voice, needed his touch. The helplessness and need grew
with every second that passed, and even wiggling in restlessness made it worse.
Running a hand down her back, he held her gaze in the mirror. Look at you. Every time I see
that helplessness and hunger in your eyes, Im struck by just how beautiful you are. Whats even more
breathtaking is the look of surrender. Bending, he kissed her shoulder. How am I supposed to resist
Kelsey trembled under the hands that moved over herover her back, her hips, her bottomas
if making sure she understood that he considered her his.
Warmed by his words, she blinked back tears. Too much.
The physical need and love she felt for him swelled inside her until she thought she would burst
from it.
The pressure in her ass and tug on her hair had her quickly rising again, the sharp reminder that
she had to focus on staying upright sending another wave of sexual vulnerability through her.
Gabriels low chuckle added to the erotically charged atmosphere. Youre in a very delicate
position, arent you, my love? He bent to touch his lips to her shoulder again, holding her gaze in the
mirror No matter what I do to you, and no matter what you feel, youre going to have to keep the
presence of mind to support yourself. Sliding a hand under her, he cupped her right breast, and with
his other hand, teased her nipple with a nipple clip. Focus, Kelsey. Your job is to stay in this
position and endure whatever I do to you. Do you understand me?
Yes, Gabriel. Her breathless reply became a cry of distress and shock as he fastened the clip
to her nipple. Oh, God. Oh, God. She jolted at the sharp pain, a movement that earned her another
tug to her hair and increased pressure in her ass. The sensations drove her wild.
Pain. Pleasure. Pressure.
Everywhere and all at once, until they all mingled together and became a force that heightened
her desire to a razor-sharp edge that left her whimpering and struggling to move closer to Gabriel.
Her pussy clenched repeatedly, releasing more of her juices to coat her inner thighs. Opening
her eyes again, she gulped and stared at the clip dangling from her nipple and the small ball that hung
from it. The weight from it tugged her nipple with every movement, her trembling making it worse.
Gabriel met her gaze in the mirror, rolling her other nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
Breathe through it. You know how to do it. Thats it. His eyes narrowed and darkened even more.
You feel that all the way to your clit, dont you, my pet? Smiling, he cupped her other breast. Why
do you look so surprised? Do you think I dont know what youre feeling every second? There, its
easing now, isnt it? That little weight on there will keep tugging your nipple and every time you
movewhich you willitll send the clips swaying. If you move your head, that ball on the hook
presses against the walls of that tight ass, doesnt it?
Chuckling softly, he released her nipple to retrieve the other clip. Its a small ball, my pet. I
have much bigger ones for you. Running a hand down her back, he kissed her shoulder again, each
brush of his lips lingering a little longer than the last. I have all kinds of things to fill your ass and
pussy, and lots of beautiful things for your clit and your nipples.
Every word increased her hunger.
Her awareness.
Every slide of his hands, or touch of his lips, made the need even stronger.
Holding her breath, she fisted her hands on the leather, watching in breathless anticipation as he
poised the clip at her nipple. Knowing what to expect, she tried to brace for it, but when the clip
closed on her breast, she realized nothing could have prepared her.
Crying out, she squeezed her eyes closed and tried not to focus on the pain. Her pussy leaked
more moisture, while her ass clenched on the steel ball inside it, making the hard metal feel even
Open those eyes, my pet. Gabriels hands moved over her shoulder and back, his eyes alert in
a way that shed just begun to recognize.
Patient and attentive, he waited for her to adjust. He waited to see if she needed his guidance,
and waited to see if it was too much for her to endure.
It made her love him even more.
His unselfishness and obvious caring released something inside her, the realization that she
could truly trust this magnificent man.
Completely, and with everything.
The erotic picture reflected in the mirror was more mesmerizing, more compelling than any of
the movies theyd watched together. This was real, and she felt the hunger, instead of imagining it.
She knew she would be the one to come this time.
She wanted nothing more than to fulfill his decadent desires as no other woman ever couldto
be to him what he was to her.
The need to challenge him grew even stronger, as did the need to surrender to him and to the
It was a fine line, and one she wasnt quite sure she could navigate.
Thats it. I didnt make it too tight on your nipples, but its enough pressure to keep that pussy
clenching, isnt it?
Kelsey gasped, bucking as he tapped one of the balls attached to her nipple and sent it swaying.
How could you possibly know what Im feeling?
With a cold smile, Gabriel moved to stand behind her, gripped the cheeks of her ass and ran his
thumbs over the skin stretched around the hook, sending alarming sensations racing through her.
Because I know how to read people, and
By people, you mean women. Cursing herself for the edge of jealousy in her voice, Kelsey
gasped when he forced her legs wider.
With a faint smile, he gave her ass a light, playful slap, one that in no way diminished the
powerful aura surrounding him. You have no reason to be jealous, darling. No other woman matters
to me. Caressing the place hed slapped, he spread the heat, making her bottom hole warm even
To her frustration, his hands left her body before he reached her slit, leaving her pussy and ass
clenching in desperation. She panicked slightly when she lost sight of his hands, but couldnt lower
her head enough to see them. Moaning as a fresh rush of moisture escaped to coat her inner thighs,
Kelsey couldnt stop arching her back, tilting her hips in offering, each movement sending the clips on
her nipples swinging and creating an erotic tug that she felt all the way to her toes.
Her stomach muscles tightened in reaction, which in turn curved her back and increased the
pressure of the ball in her ass.
Sucking in a breath, she forced her muscles to relax. Dont ttry to convince me that you
havent had a lot of women. Youve probably forgotten more about ppleasing a woman than most
Kelsey jolted, shocked at the intense vibration against her clit. The sound and feel of it sent her
senses reeling and brought every nerve in her body to rapt attention. Struggling to escape the powerful
vibrator proved useless, and only served to send the weights attached to her nipples swaying and
shifting the ball in her ass in a way that stole her breath. Oh, my God! Gabriel! Oh, God. Oh, God.
The vibrations against her swollen clit were so intense that she couldnt even feel anything else.
She bucked against the too intense sensation, but as hard as she fought, she couldnt escape it, the
vibration sending her over with a speed and strength that left her breathless and shaking.
Still, Gabriel didnt stop.
Frantic, she fought to get away, the too intense sensation on her swollen and sensitive clit too
strong to endure. No more. No more. Oh, God. Please. No more. Ahh!
Kelsey! Look at me.
Kelsey opened her eyes, not remembering when shed closed them, and met Gabriels reflection
in the mirror.
Narrowing his eyes, he kept his voice raised to be heard over the vibrator. Say the word,
Kelsey. Do you want me to slow down, or stop? Yellow or red, my pet. Nothing else works here.
Kelsey opened her mouth to say yellow, just wanting him to slow down and let her catch her
breath, but instead found herself rubbing her clit against the vibrator as the need to come again
overtook her.
To her amazement, she went over again, the second orgasm layering over the top of the first. The
sizzling from her clit spread everywhere, making her clench on the ball inside her ass, her pussy
leaking more of her juices. Her stomach kept tightening, making the pressure in her ass even stronger,
while the swaying of the weights attached to her nipples tugged with relentless pressure. Please. No.
Son of a bitch. You fucking bastard! Im not using it. Fuck you.
She wouldnt give in. She wouldnt take less than he wanted to give her. Trusting that he would
know her limits, she bit her lip to keep from screaming her safe word, not about to let him think she
couldnt take what other women had undoubtedly taken.
She would prove to him, and to herself that she could do this.
Even though shed made up her mind to continue, her body continued to shake helplessly and
fight him.
His strength astounded her, his grip on her thigh keeping her from closing her legs no matter how
hard she struggled. He remained calmeven amusedby her attempts to escape him. He appeared to
enjoy her efforts, and even laughed softly when she cursed at him.
No, my pet. Theres no escaping it. Youre the one whos always impatient to come. Come on.
Youre always the one in a hurry. You want everything fast and furious. Im just giving it to you.
Tugging at one of the clips on her nipples, Gabriel raised his voice, a deep baritone that cut like
a knife through her hoarse cries. Stop it! Use your safe word, or be still.
Startled, Kelsey stilled as much as she could, but her body shook everywhere as the vibrations
to her clit continued. Tears blurred her vision as she went over again. Dear God!
Gabriel clenched his jaw, his eyes nearly black. Look in the mirror. Look at me. Look at me,
Kelsey. Thats it. Keep your eyes on me. This clit is mine. Not yours. Mine. I can do this all day if I
want to. Cant I?
Her breath came out in sharp pants, her back bowing and arching despite her best efforts to
remain still. Her thighs shook with the strain it took to remain upright, but the hunger and challenge in
Gabriels eyes tugged at something deep inside her and reminded her of the reasons shed agreed to
this. Yes. Oh, God. Anything. Ill do whatever you want.
She needed this.
He made her feel alive. Desired. Needed.
The bond between them tightened.
Gabriels hand moved over her back, holding her in place when she came again, a small orgasm
that sent another rush of heat through her. Thats my girl. Laughing softly, he moved the vibrator
away and turned it off, the sudden silence sharpening her senses. Now that weve taken the edge off,
we can spend some time exploring, cant we, my pet?
Kelsey couldnt stop shaking, her movements weak and clumsy while every nerve ending in her
body still vibrated with pleasure. Her heart jumped at the sound of the vibrator starting again, her clit
tingling with anticipation even as she stiffened and struggled to move away in alarm.
Please. No. Please. No more.
Her gaze flew to meet Gabriels, the need for his strength and guidance overwhelming.
His eyes seemed lit from within, his expression tender and filled with a satisfaction she hadnt
seen in them before. He had a strange look on his face, as if shed done something that pleased him
immensely, a look that filled her with a sense of power and satisfaction unlike anything shed felt with
him before.
I like the way you beg, my pet. He released the clip on her right nipple, touching the vibrator
to it just as the blood began rushing back into it again.
The shock of it had her struggling again, crying out at the sharp pleasure shooting throughout her
body. No matter how hard she fought to get away, the way hed bound her prevented it.
She found herself arching her hips higher, spreading her thighs to ease the pressure in her ass.
Distracted by the sight of the vibrator held against her nipple, she hadnt been prepared for the feel of
his firm finger thrusting into her pussy. Caught off guard, she cried out, clamping down on the finger
hed thrust into her. Yes. Oh, God. Yes. More.
Gabriel chuckled. Demanding little thing, arent you? This is my pussy, isnt it, my pet? Yeah,
clench on my finger. Lets take this other clamp off.
Kelsey screamed with pleasure as the blood rushed back into her left nipple just as Gabriel
touched the vibrator to it. Using her hands and knees, she fucked herself on the finger he kept pressed
into her, surprised and slightly uneasy at just how quickly shed gone from sated to needy, her body
demanding the pleasure she knew Gabriel could give her. She couldnt move as much, or the way she
wanted to, because of the hook, and unable to get the friction she needed, she clenched on him as hard
as she could.
Her entire being became focused on Gabriel, her body reacting to his lightest touch, the slightest
change in his expression, and every nuance in his low, silky tone.
She clung to his voice, to the praise and demand in it.
Very good, my pet. Youre being very good. Yes, spread those thighs wider. Youre soaking
wet, arent you? I want more. I want those creamy thighs soaked. Youre going to do that for me,
arent you, my love?
She melted at the affection and possessiveness in his voice and in his eyes, knowing that no
other man could give her this sense of belonging.
Gabriel moved the vibrator away from her nipple, moving it in circles over her breasts. Look
at those beautiful breasts. Firm and full and just begging for attention. I hate when theyre covered,
you know. If I had my way, Id keep you naked all the time.
Withdrawing, he slapped her pussy with his slick fingers. If you were mine, you wouldnt be
allowed to wear clothes when were alone together. I would keep you decorated and highly
conscious of your body, but you would never be able to hide any part of it from me.
He turned the vibrator off and tossed it aside.
Spread those thighs a little more. Thats a girl. Do you have any idea how much it excites me to
see your ass filled?
He tugged at the hook, caressing her ass when she moaned at the fullness and lifted into his
touch. Youre magnificent, my love. You just needed to have that passion set free. It belongs to me
now. I control it. I can make you come over and over or torture you with your own arousal and make
you suffer. Youre all mine, and I can do what I want with you. You have no idea of the satisfaction
that gives me.
Kelsey shivered as she watched him roll on a condom, the look of possessiveness and intent in
his gaze sending a surge of lust through her. Tilting her hips higher, she rocked, her pussy clenching
with the need to be filled.
Thats a girl. As he finished rolling on the condom, he moved to stand between her splayed
thighs. Meeting her eyes in the mirror, he thrust his hips forward and filled her. Nice and wet. Hot.
Tight. His voice had lowered even more, becoming deeper and not quite as smooth as before. This
is mine, isnt it, Kelsey?
Yes! Kelsey shuddered as his cock moved inside her, stunned by the pressure against the ball
inside her ass. Her ass and pussy felt impossibly full, the friction of his cock against her pussy walls
shifting the ball in her ass and making it feel as if she was being taken there, too.
He withdrew until just the head of his cock remained inside her before thrusting deep again.
All of you.
With no warning, the vibrator touched her clit again.
Screaming Gabriels name, she came again, so hard and fast she didnt even have time to draw a
Clenching on his cock and the hook, and shaking so badly she would have fallen without
Gabriels support, Kelsey reached under her to push the vibrator away, crying out at the pressure in
her ass. No more. Her voice, halfway between a cry and a whimper sounded desperate and almost
tortured, her cries becoming more frantic when she found she couldnt reach the vibrator.
With her head held back, she couldnt see anything except the disbelief and anger in Gabriels
Setting the vibrator aside, he fucked her harder. How dare you think to tell me to stop! Its my
fucking clit and Ill do whatever I want to it. He slapped her ass, heating first one cheek and then the
other while she fought to get away, his thrusts never faltering.
The heat, the domination, the wickedness of his attention, all served to drive her higher. The
knowledge and security of being with a man who could truly handle her most decadent desires turned
her into a creature of need, a primitive woman rendered helpless by the demands of her man.
Her man.
This ass has teased me enough. Gabriel turned the vibrator on again and touched it to the hook,
sending vibrations along the metal hook and into her ass.
Stunned, alarmed, and thrown into a world of sensation that left her reeling, Kelsey let out a
hoarse cry as the combination of Gabriels thrusts and the vibrations rippling through her ass sent her
soaring. Every muscle in her body tightened as she screamed his name again in ecstasy.
The most sublime tingling raced through her, leaving her weak and trembling. She gasped at the
sensation, and couldnt seem to get enough air into her lungs.
Gabriel released her hair from the rope, holding it fisted in his hand as he thrust into her again,
and just as swiftly withdrew. Be still.
The cold command in his tone had her clenching at emptiness, her desire for him never wavering
no matter how limp and weak she became. Gabriel, please. I cantHelp me.
Gabriel met her gaze in the mirror, his eyes hard and cold. Ill help you, darling, but youre
going to have to focus. Let me get this hook out so I can fuck your ass.
Kelsey whimpered, her ass clenching at the thought of his cock pushing inside her, but the look
in his eyes told her he wouldnt tolerate any more objections, so she remained as still as she could to
appease him. Oh, God.
Her thighs, soaked with her juices, quivered as he worked the ball out of her, another whimper
escaping at the sting as the metal ball attached to the end of the hook passed through the tight ring of
Gabriel rubbed her ass cheeks, his eyes sharp on hers. That ass is really sensitive, isnt it, my
pet? Its going to be stretched more when I work my cock inside you.
Overcome with pleasure, weak and a little scared of having her ass taken, Kelsey folded her
arms in front of her and buried her face against them, bracing herself for his invasion.
No, Kelsey. Gabriel tugged her ponytail again, forcing her head up. I want to see that face
when I take your ass. Yeah, keep that face and this ass up in the air.
Kelsey had no choice. Her body did whatever Gabriel wanted from her even before she decided
to do it. Stunned, she found herself unable to fight his control over her increased her sense of
vulnerability, making her even more dependent on his guidance.
Shivering when the head of his cock pushed against her puckered opening, Kelsey couldnt hold
back a tortured moan as it began to enter her.
Alarmed by the absolute dominance of the act, and shocked by the feel of Gabriels cock forcing
the tight ring of muscle to give way, Kelsey lost all inhibition and cried out, shaking helplessly.
Gabriel! Her cry of need and desperation seemed to echo in the room. Too hard. Too hot.
Gabriels cock felt so different than the steel hook. Alive and throbbing, it burned as it entered her,
the bumps and ridges she could feel through the condom stroking her inner walls as it stretched her.
Its so big. Gabriel, Im scared. Still, she pushed back against him, her ass clenching and the inner
walls tingling with the need to be filled.
Her choked cries continued as the head of his cock worked its way deeper, chills going up and
down her spine at the raw sexuality of having her ass impaled by Gabriels thick cock.
Im here, baby. Youre safe with me. You know that, dont you? His voice, low and with a
barely contained rumble, soothed as it flowed over her, the gentleness in it unlike anything shed ever
heard in a mans voice before.
Holding her hips steady, he withdrew slightly. Youre mine. I wouldnt damage my property,
now would I?
The slight teasing in his tone eased some of her trepidation, giving her back some of the courage
shed lost when hed begun to take her.
He always seemed to know exactly what she needed.
The hard edge of possessiveness, though, kept her tense as she faced the inevitability of being
fucked in the ass as hard and as long as he wanted.
He wanted her in the most primitive way he could take her, and she found, to her surprise, that
nothing less would do for her.
She wanted to give everything to him, and needed him to take her this way, and make every part
of her his.
Thats it. No, theres no escaping me. My cocks going in. You can take me. No, dont tighten
up, my sexy little sub. Youre never going to get used to this, but your ass is going to be filled quite
often. Hmm, I like that little shiver. You like the thought of me fucking you this way.
God help her, she did. She loved the naughtiness, loved his control, and the dominance he
wielded with such ease.
Reaching under her, he slid his fingers over her clit. I already know that your attitude and smart
mouth are both going to earn you lots of punishments. You know that most of those punishments are
going to be spankings and fucking this ass. Filling this ass. Reminding you just who you belong to and
whats expected of you.
Every word he spoke pulled at something inside her, drawing her deeper into a world where
nothing existed except Gabriel.
His touch.
His voice.
The shift in his breathing.
His cock, hard and so hot inside her, moved with a slow, steady deliberation that made it
abundantly clear that he was in charge.
She belonged to him in that moment as shed never belonged to anyone elseas shed never
even known it was possible to belong to someone else.
He controlled her, bending her to his will with nothing more than a murmur.
Yes, thats the woman I always knew you werethe woman not afraid to explore her desires.
Push back. Yes. Thats the way. Take my cock as deep as you can.
Kelsey whimpered and obeyed him, her thighs shaking as she held them even wider apart.
Gripping the edge of the table, she pushed herself back, arching to give him better access even as her
mind screamed at her to resist.
Too much. I cant take it. It feels so big. It burns. Oh, God, Gabriel. Help me.
His hands firmed on her hips, his thumbs pressing against her on either side of her puckered
opening, making it burn even hotter. Who do you belong to, Kelsey?
Kelsey cried out as she came again, tears streaming down her face at the too-sharp burning
sensation as her ass clamped down on his cock. You. Please. Im yours. She gritted her teeth,
suddenly wanting him with a violence that shed never experienced before.
Nothing mattered except Gabriel and what he made her feel. Nothing mattered except this.
She felt everything so sharplywith every fiber of her being.
Pleasure and pain.
Love and fear.
Vulnerability and power.
The sense of freedom that washed over her stunned her, as did the willingness to surrender
herself completely to his desires.
Shocked to discover that his desires became hers, she sucked in a breath, releasing it on a
hoarse moan as he withdrew until the head of his cock stretched her opening.
Gabriel pressed his thumbs against her opening, making it sting even more. I understand your
need to deny that we belong together, but I wont accept it. I understand your fears. One inch at a
time, he pressed his cock deep again, filling her, groaning as his cock pulsed deep inside her. Snaking
an arm under her, he lifted her against him, meeting her gaze in the mirror.
Youre mine, Kelsey. Fight this all you want toall that scared little girl inside you needs to
but in the end, well be together. I want forever with you, Kelsey, and I wont accept anything less.

Wrapped in Gabriels arms, Kelsey clung to him, unable to stop shaking.

Or crying.
After carrying her from the playroom, hed gotten into the shower with her, washing and
pampering her until she finally stopped shaking.
She felt as if something inside her had been set free, some barrier ripped away that left her raw
and vulnerable. Fighting her need for reassurance and comfort, she pushed against his chest, not
wanting him to see that she couldnt handle the aftermath without feeling clingy. Let go of me. I want
to be alone.
No. He gathered her close again, running his hands up and down her spine and pulling the
covers more securely over her. Just let me hold you. You were wonderful. Youre the most
fascinating and passionate woman Ive ever met. Can you blame me for wanting to keep you?
Keeping her face hidden, she surreptitiously wiped away a tear. It would never work, and you
know it. Getting together for sex is one thing, but anything else is just ridiculous. She could feel
herself pulling away from him, her fears forcing her to rip away at the bond between them.
Is it? The ice in his tone made her shiver. Running his hands up and down her spine, he kissed
her hair. You and I are the same in many ways, my love.
Shaking her head, she blinked back tears. I doubt that.
Rubbing his cheek against her hair, he hugged her. Were both alone because neither one of us
trusts anyone else enough to let them get close. Were both entirely too independent, which will
undoubtedly cause quite a bit of excitement in our lives, but its nothing we cant overcome. Smiling,
he leaned back and ran his fingers over her cheek, gripping her chin to tilt her face to his.
Using a thumb to wipe away her tears, he smiled tenderly. As a matter of fact, Im very much
looking forward to dealing with that temper of yours.
Amused despite her best efforts, Kelsey smiled, and buried her face against his chest. Youre
lucky Im too weak now to deal with you, but I can assure you that Im tougher than you think I am.
Youre not going to break me down just by making me come a few times. Angry at herself for her
insecurities, Kelsey sighed and cuddled closer to his warmth. Look, youre good in bed, and
He stiffened, his fingers clenching on her arm. Dont go there, my pet. Im very pleased with
you right now, and worn out. Dont start trying to convince yourself that its just sex between us. You
and I both know better.
Not bothering to lift her head, she mumbled against his chest. Do we? She hadnt counted on
the level of submission hed want from her, or how weak and defenseless it would leave her.
We do. Sliding a hand down her back, he cupped her bottom. I find you exciting, stubborn,
independent, loyal, frustrating, and soft-hearted.
He rolled to lie on top of her. I know about the trips you make to the bookstore to buy books for
the pediatric ward at the hospital.
Kelsey gasped. How did you know about that? Nobody knows about thatnot even Julianna!
Gabriel smiled. I followed you one day, shortly after I first met you. I was very much afraid
you were going to meet with a lover. Seeing you with those kids made me realize just how sweet you
are. Then, in the coffee shop, I saw that you hire people who need work even though you dont need
them. Youre a softy all right, and I adore you.
Without thinking, she wrapped her arms and legs around him, loving the growing familiarity of
having his body pressed against hers. I need them. Shrugging, she inwardly cursed the burn in her
cheeks. Business was good then and I needed more help.
Uh-huh. Pushing her hair back from her face, he ran his thumb over her lip. And you couldnt
let them go when business slowed down.
Insulted, she stiffened. Are you saying Im not a good businesswoman?
Gabriel smiled, rolling back to his side and gathering her close. Settling her head on his chest,
he pulled the covers over her. Not at all. Im saying youre softhearted and more concerned about
others than you are about yourself.
Youre trying to piss me off.
Gabriel chuckled. Its not much of a challenge. Go to sleep, my love. I think Ive figured out an
answer to your dilemma.
Really? What? She tried to sit up, but the hands moving over her back both held her in place
and lulled her closer to sleep.
Well talk about it in the morning.
I said that wed discuss it in the morning.
Frowning, she opened her eyes, disconcerted that she couldnt see anything, until she realized
hed turned off the light. Youre arrogant. Sometimes, it pisses me off.
It pisses off a lot of people. Im sure youll figure out a way to deal with me. Now, go to sleep.
Weve got a long day ahead of us tomorrow.
She tried to keep her eyes open, and then wondering why she bothered, let them drift close
again, Really? Whats so special about tomorrow?
Since youve accused me of trying to control you by making you come, Im going to spend
tomorrow teaching you to hold back your orgasm. You wont be allowed to come, my pet, for quite a
long time.
Lying in the darkness, Kelsey smiled faintly, once again overcome by a vulnerability she
couldnt quite shake.
Yes, my love?
Would you do me a favor? The fact that she needed more proved to her that she wasnt ready
for a man like Gabriel.
Darling, Ill probably spend the rest of my life spoiling you. What is it?
Will you kiss me? After all theyd shared, it seemed a silly request, and one she regretted
almost immediately. She tried to turn away, blinking back tears. Forget it.
She hated feeling so needy.
Not a chance. Gabriel rolled her to her back in a quick move, covering her body with his.
At the first touch of his lips on hers, Kelsey melted, the tenderness and possessiveness in his
kiss reaching deep inside her and pulling every bit of emotion for him to the surface.
It made her want him more. Need him more.
Panicking, she turned her head away with a sob. No.
Yes. Cupping her face, he pressed his thumbs against her chin, forcing her to open her mouth
to admit him. He slid his tongue past her lips to slide against hers with an intimacy and
possessiveness that stunned her.
His breath mingled with hers, his fingers sliding into her hair and tilting her head back to give
him better access. The slow, incredibly sensual slide of his lips over hers erased every rational
thought from her mind as his body moved on hers, pressing her to the mattress.
A whimper escaped as a sense of deep vulnerability washed over her, a much stronger
vulnerability than shed felt with him before.
The emotional vulnerability proved much stronger than the physical, the impact on her senses
sending her reeling.
With his firm, but gentle touch, he drew from her more than shed ever planned to give. She felt
raw inside as if hed touched her soul.
Somehow, he gave it all back, enveloping her in a warm sense of security that made her feel as
if she could conquer anything.
And the bond grew.
Gathered against him, she felt as if she truly belonged.
Silly. Stupid. Scary.
Her struggle to resist it proved useless, and she found herself drowning under the wave of
possessive demand and sensual persuasion. The slow rise to arousal surprised her, but the warm,
slow swell of it proved irresistible.
She needed him as much as she needed her next breath. She needed this closeness, this sense of
being part of something more potent and beautiful than anything she could have imagined.
The muscles in his chest and arms bunched and shifted under her hands, the sounds of his
increasingly ragged breathing so intimate and so beloved she wanted to cry.
Gabriel shifted slightly, and she heard the sound of the drawer being open and closed next to
her. Reaching between them, he rolled on a condom, his kiss becoming deeper and even more
Wild for him, she matched him kiss for kiss, unable to get enough of his mouth, another whimper
escaping when he lifted his head. Fisting her hands in his hair, she tried to pull him back down, her
breath catching when he gripped her wrists in one of his big hands and lifted them over her head.
You and I belong together, Kelsey. His free hand moved down her body, closing on her breast
as he thrust into her with one powerful stroke. Denying it is just wasting time that we could be
spending in more productive ways.
He made love to her with a slow thoroughness that left her trembling and amazingly weak,
nuzzling her jaw as he continued his firm strokes into her, making the inner walls of her pussy quiver
with sensation. Threading his fingers with hers, he nipped at her lips until she parted them, and with a
groan of satisfaction and possession, pushed past them. Mine.
Taking her mouth with the same arrogance and purpose that he used to take her pussy, Gabriel
used his legs to force hers wider. Sliding deeper than ever, he forced her over with an ease that left
her feeling as if hed branded her as his, her entire body burning with the stamp of his ownership.
The gentle swell ebbed and flowed through her, warming her from within.
Struck at the feeling of well-being and complete sense of rightness that washed over her, Kelsey
clung to him in desperation.
With a last slow thrust, Gabriel groaned, his cock pulsing deep inside her. Still holding her
hands, he lifted his head. This is all that matters, Kelsey. Us. Together. No matter how hard you try
to deny it, its there, and its not going anywhere.
Kelsey blinked back tears and buried her face against his neck, very much afraid he was right.
She loved him, and her feelings for him continued to grow no matter how much she fought them.
Somehow, she had to find a way to have a relationship with himwithout allowing herself to
get hurt.
Youre going to break my heart. Her low cry escaped before she could prevent it. Wishing she
could call the words back, she stiffened when Gabriel raised his head.
Touching his lips to hers, he gathered her even closer. I was just thinking the same thing about
you. Were in this together, Kelsey. Just remember that. We can hurt each other. Trust, baby. We have
to trust each other, or well both get hurt. As strong as this thing is between us, if we hurt each other,
neither one of us will ever recover.
Chapter Nineteen
They didnt get up until late the next morning, and by the time they did, both of them were
Expecting Gabriel to tease her about the previous night, the way shed surrendered, and even
asking for him to kiss her, Kelsey felt as if she walked on eggshells around him.
He was tender with her, and she could sense a change in their relationship, but to her surprise,
he said nothing about the weakness shed shown as he ordered breakfast and they showered, but his
eyes remained watchful. Not until they went back into the bedroom and she waited for him to pick out
something for her to wear did he mention the night before.
Youre not getting any clothing today. Were staying in the room, and, as I mentioned last night,
I prefer you naked.
She stood still as he massaged the lotion he preferred into her skin, watching him closely for any
sign of distaste at her clinginess.
After several minutes, she couldnt stand it any longer. Im sorry about last night.
In the process of rubbing the lotion onto her legs, he glanced up. Sorry for what, my love?
Kelsey fisted her hands at her sides as he smoothed the lotion over her mound. For being so
clingy. Its not like me.
Gabriel smiled. Its exactly like you, especially after having so many orgasms wrung out of
you. Its a Masters responsibility to ease his sub back down, especially after a session like that. You
felt vulnerable and raw, and needed to be held.
Smiling, he bent forward to place a kiss on her mound. And I wouldnt want it any other way.
Theres nothing that makes me happier than being needed by you.
Getting to his feet, he held out a hand. Come on. I want to look at my property while I eat my
She tried not to let him see how vulnerable she felt eating breakfast totally naked, and tried to
keep the conversation casual, but his eyes told her he knew exactly what she was feeling. So, were
staying in the room all day? What are we going to do?
His look of amusement made her wish shed kept her mouth shut. Oh, my pet, Im sure Ill think
of something to keep you occupied.
As they ate, his eyes lingered on her breasts, making her nipples bead tightly and ache with the
need to be touched.
Sitting back, he sipped his coffee. Flustered, are you? Therell be times when youll be
required to sit with your legs parted while I feed you. I have all kinds of delightful adventures in store
for you.
She went into the bedroom while the waiter came to clear their breakfast away, and when she
emerged, she found Gabriel sitting on the sofa. Automatically moving toward him, she stopped,
distracted by the sparkle of the sunlight hitting something on the coffee table.
Stepping closer, Kelsey swallowed heavily as she recognized the items, and eyed the assortment
of glittering chains dubiously.
She lifted her gaze to meet Gabriels, the gleam in his eyes warming her even more than the sun
shining on her.
Looking back at the small chains hed laid out on the coffee table as an excuse to avoid his gaze,
she shifted restlessly at the surge of arousal, her nipples pebbling at the reminder of the weights that
had been on them the night before.
She started to cross her arms to cover herself, but lowered them almost immediately, not about
to show any sign of weakness, especially after showing so many the night before. What are those
things for?
Dressed in cotton shorts and a white cotton shirt that made him look even darker and more
masculine, Gabriel sat back in his chair, his eyes raking over her in the arrogant way that irritated as
well as unsettled her. Im going to use them to decorate you. Instead of wearing clothes to cover you,
these will emphasize your nakedness and keep your attention focused where I want it to be.
Frowning to hide the way her body reacted to his words, Kelsey unobtrusively rubbed her damp
thighs together. Im not a damned Christmas tree. Her nipples, still sensitive from the previous
night, beaded even tighter and began to tingle.
Gabriels smile sent a sizzling delight through her, bringing every erogenous zone to life. No,
youre not. Youre even better. I can decorate you to my hearts delight and find all kinds of treats
along the way.
His eyes narrowed, and with an arrogant look, he spun his finger in a silent demand that she turn.
The satisfaction and flash of hunger in his eyes filled her with a sense of power, one that had her
shaking her ass at him as she watched him over her shoulder.
Gabriels gaze moved over her with slow deliberation. That cream I massaged into your skin
makes it glisten. Very nice. Im going to have to order a case of it to take back home. Lifting his gaze
to hers, he held out his hand. Come here.
She tried to glare at him, but the look of promise and appreciation in his glittering eyes had her
taking a step toward him. Im going to have to do something about that arrogance. Smiling at his
raised brow, she placed her hand in his. You really are bossy. You act like
Like I own you? Raising a dark brow again, Gabriel smiled, his expression one of both
patience and mild curiosity. I thought wed already settled this. We belong to each other, something
Im sure will take some getting used to for both if us, and something I wont let you forget.
Settling her on his lap, he gestured toward the array of chains while running his hand over her,
his eyes hooded and dark with possessiveness. This aspect of our relationship has already been
established and agreed upon. But, either one of us can end it at any time, which is making both of us a
little nervous.
Something of her apprehension must have shown on her face because Gabriels eyes sharpened,
his faint smile not reaching his eyes. Trust is scary as hell, isnt it?
Bending, he touched his lips to hers, cupping her breast and running his thumb over her nipple.
But, were going to do this, Kelsey. The alternative isnt an option. Never forget that.
Taking her mouth in a heated kiss, one that left her senses reeling, Gabriel slid his hand from her
breast, over her stomach, and to her mound. Lifting his head, he smiled down at her, moving his hand
over her bare, sensitive skin. I have a proposition for you.
Kelseys breath caught, her heart pounding in expectation. What kind of proposition?
Sliding a hand under her hair to cup her neck, Gabriel slid the fingers of his other hand through
her folds, teasing her clit before he sank a firm finger into her. Lets talk while we work on your
ability to focus. You arent allowed to come, and talking about things might help distract you.
Kelsey stiffened, the need to come growing with every touch. What if I do come?
Gabriels eyes hardened. If you do, Ill shove a large butt plug up your ass, spank you, and then
whip your pussy, and I wont let you come the entire time. You wont like it. I promise.
Sucking in a breath at the feel of his finger moving inside her, Kelsey tried not to clamp down on
it. Why would you do that to me?
Because you have to learn not to come without permission. Youre going to be teased
relentlessly all day, and youre going to be mad as hell, but its a lesson you need to learn. I mean
what I say to you, and if you disobey me, especially during a scene, youre going to pay for it.
He ran his thumb over her clit, sending sharp need through her, and making her clench on the
finger he moved inside her despite her determination not to. Something of the strain she felt must have
shown on her face because he smiled faintly. You didnt really think you could keep from clenching
on me, did you?
Holding his finger deep, he lifted her face to his. I want you to obey me in the playroom and
during a scene because well both get more pleasure from the lessons you learn there. Its also my
responsibility to keep you safe, and you will obey me. Once again, trust is important. I dont do
anything to be mean, or on a whim. I take our pleasure, our relationship, and mastering you, very
Running his thumb over her clit, his gaze sharpened. I expect the same from you.
Blinking back tears of emotion, and struck by his ability to slice through her defenses and
inhibitions, Kelsey reached up to cup his jaw, unable to help herself. She spread her thighs, opening
to him both physically and emotionally, a low moan escaping at the slow slide of his thumb over her
throbbing clit.
You know Im just going to mess this up, dont you? Im going to do something to piss you off,
or be too nave about something, and thatll be the end of it. Frowning, she lowered her eyes, staring
at the dark hand between her thighs. I told you already that Im not the submissive type.
Gripping her chin, Gabriel forced her to face him, tightening his grip when she tried to pull
away. I like a woman with spice. Ive already told you that a submissive had to be strong. I swear,
my pet, I dont know why I put up with your insults. I know what the hell I wantand I want you.
Bending slightly, he scraped his teeth over her nipple, smiling when she cried out. Now,
behave yourself so we can talk about my proposition.
Sitting naked on his lap, with his finger the stroking the inner walls of her pussy, Kelsey
moaned, unable to keep from rocking her hips. I thought your proposition was just to talk. How the
hell do you expect me to carry on a conversation when youre doing that?
Chuckling, Gabriel tapped her clit. You have to learn to focus. We are talking. Now, pay
attention. Pressing against a spot inside her that made her breath catch and her body tighten, he began
to rub with slow deliberation. You dont want to have the coffee shop anymore, because youve
outgrown it. It served its purposegiving you the independence that you wanted. Im sure you were
tired of working for someone else. Why dont you just sell it while you have the chance, and put the
money in the bank until you decide what you want to do?
Trembling as the need to come became stronger, Kelsey shook her head from side to side, losing
the battle to keep her voice steady. Please. Im gonna come. I cant think. She tried to close her legs
against him, but he continued to stroke her pussy, pressing on the spot that he seemed to find with
incredible ease.
Her breath caught when he slid his other hand down her body and parted her folds, closing her
legs as much as she could with his hand between them.
He reacted fast, withdrawing from her pussy to slap her clit. Open your legs and behave
yourself. Dont you dare try to close against me again.
Kelsey cried out at the sharp slap to her clit, stiffening and crying out again when she hesitated
to obey him and he delivered another. The hot tingling spread like wildfire, making her clit sting and
then burn, the heat flowing through her slit in waves of both pleasure and pain.
Warning tingles began in her exposed clit, making the sensitive bundle of nerves ache and throb
even harder. Spreading her legs took more effort than she would have ever thought possible, but she
finally managed it. Her thighs shook, another cry escaping as Gabriel slid a finger into her again.
Keeping her folds spread, he tapped her clit. Focus.
Okay. Okay. Fuck. Its tingling. Swallowing heavily, Kelsey nodded. Im listening.
What did I say to you?
You ssaid that I should sell the shop and wait to see what I wanted to do. What the hell am I
supposed to do every daytwiddle my thumbs? Her clit burned, the very real fear of coming making
her stiffen. She tried to regulate her breathing, struggling to block out the mental image of what
Gabriel threatened to do to her if she came without permission.
Of course not, my love. I want you to take charge of the charity work for my company. I have to
admit, I just give money to a variety of charities, but I dont know as much about them as I should.
You can take control of that. You can check them out and give the money where you think itll do the
most good. You can buy more of those books and things, and use the company name to buy in bulk and
get more for the money.
He tapped her clit again, smiling at her cry. The offer stands whether you commit to me or not,
but expect me to use it as an excuse to spend more time with you.
Trying to concentrate on his face, she fought the lure of pleasure, stunned by his proposition.
You would trust me with something like that?
She thought of the other hospital she wanted to help, and realized what a difference she could
make with Gabriels money. Shed also have more time to spend reading to the children, and a dozen
other things shed wanted to do.
What do you say? Gabriels low, deep tone held more than a hint of suppressed need, which
made her feel a little better. It would help me a lot, and Im sure you could do a better job of making
sure the money gets where its needed than I can. It pays well, too. He named a figure that staggered
Blinking up at him, she clenched on his finger as the pressure to come kept building inside her.
Im not going to be able to hold it back much longer. Please, Gabriel. I cant help it. Im gonna come
and I cant stop it.
He smiled, a flash of white that made her heart race. Take the job and Ill give you five minutes
to get yourself back under control before I attach the chains.
The slide of his finger over her clit stole her breath and made it nearly impossible to think.
Mentally counting, she found herself timing it to the strokes of his finger inside her, so she switched to
mentally reciting the alphabet instead, but nothing seemed to hold back the torrent of sensation racing
inside her.
Okay. Okay. Please. Ill do it.
With a low laugh, Gabriel released her, laughing harder when she jumped from his lap and
began pacing. Youre adorable. I wont hold you to it. The offer stands whenever you make a
Wrapping her arms around herself, Kelsey inwardly cursed as she fought to calm down. The
knowledge that she could just go into the bathroom and release the tension had her turning toward the
Dont even try it. Gabriels deep voice held a hint of amusement, one that sparked her temper.
Struggling for a look of innocence, Kelsey frowned. Try what? I was just going to go to the
Gabriel grinned, shaking his head. You were going to the bathroom to masturbate. Walk it off,
my pet.
Look, Gabriel. Im not in the mood to be patronized. Were you just kidding about the charity
work? It would give her a chance to get out of the coffee shop business, let her help with a cause she
believed in, and would give her some time to think about what she wanted to do next.
Gabriel smiled, leaning forward to pick up one of the delicate chains. Of course. I always
mean what I say, my love. I thought Id already proven that.
Surprised by the emotion and vulnerability in his voice, Kelsey slowly turned, struck by the love
shining in his eyes. She knew if hed wanted to hide it, he easily could have, but he didnt even bother
to try.
Times up. Come here, my pet.
Five minutes cant be up already. Not sure if even an icy shower would help, Kelsey stepped
My pet and my love became interchangeable in her mind, and she had a feeling he meant them to
Both drove her crazy, arousing her beyond belief, and there didnt seem to be a damned thing
she could do about it.
Gabriels frown filled her with both excitement and alarm. Dont make me come after you.
She wanted to feel indignant, but it fizzled to nothing when faced with the love and caution
burning in his eyes.
This was an erotic game, and need, to himone that he wanted desperately to share with her.
He wanted her to be a part of his world, and not just for one night, or one week.
He wanted her.
To her horror, she burst into tears, the flood of emotion making it almost impossible to breathe.
Gabriel jumped to his feet, his eyes full of self-incrimination and an overwhelming sadness that
nearly broke her heart. Fuck. Look, baby. Im sorry. Come here.
Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close, hugging her so hard she could barely
breathe. Christ, dont cry. I swear Ill do anything you want. Just dont cry. Shhh.
Shaking her head, she pushed away from him and started laughing, filled with joy and love for
such an incredible man. Im not crying for that. Damn it, I cant believe Im crying.
She punched him in the stomach. Damn it, why the hell did I have to fall in love with you?
Laughing again at the stunned look on Gabriels face, Kelsey threw herself against his chest,
tears blurring her vision. I cant believe you really want me. Its not just sex with us, is it?
With a groan, Gabriel gathered her closer, lifting her high against him. Thank God. Christ, you
scared the hell out of me.
Fisting his hand in her hair, he pulled her head back, his eyes dark with a combination of relief,
love, amusement and desire. Of course its more than sex between us. You scared me when I thought
all you wanted was sex.
Rubbing her breasts against his chest, Kelsey wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs
around his waist. I thought I did, too. I thought it was what you really wanted. I thought that was all
we could have.
I told you from the beginning what I wanted from you, but you didnt want to hear it. I ought to
turn you over my knee and spank you.
Feeling more carefree than she ever had before, and far too emotional, Kelsey wiped her eyes,
thankful that she didnt wear makeup. Promise?
His eyes flashed with hunger and intent, his cock pressing against her. Of course, my pet. And
you know I always keep my promises. Youre mine, now, arent you? Really mine? No more
objections, excuses or doubts?
Looking up at him through her lashes, she moaned at the feel of his hands clenching on her ass
cheeks. Until I fuck it up and you dump me. I will make a mess of this, you know. I dont even know
how to do this.
Gabriel smiled, a slow seductive smile that melted her heart. I guess well have to learn
together. In the meantime, we have some unfinished business to take care of.
Kelsey looked up at him expectantly, her eyes brimming with tears again.
He hadnt told her he loved her, and although the emotion darkened his eyes, she found she
really needed to hear the words.
She would never have described herself as needy, and realized just what an impact loving
Gabriel would have on her.
Gabriel smiled, his eyes twinkling. Yes, I love you, brat, but that doesnt mean youre getting
out of this.
The hard slap to her bottom filled her with anticipation. Yes, Master.
Rubbing against his cock, she licked her lips, dying to taste him. That doesnt mean Im not
going to stop trying to make you lose that control of yours.
Reaching between them, he ran a hand over her breast, pausing to tug a nipple, his eyes
narrowing at her cry of pleasure. I would be sincerely disappointed if you did. Put your hands
behind your back and keep them there.
Sucking in a breath, Kelsey obeyed him, a cry of pleasure escaping when he gripped her wrists
and pulled them lower, forcing her to arch her back and thrust her breasts out. Youre too damned
good at this.
Her breath caught when he reached out his other hand to retrieve one of the chains on the table,
one that reminded her very much of the clips hed used the night before. How many women have you
dominated anyway? Just the thought of him touching another woman pissed her off.
Ive never dominated a woman I intended to marry. After fastening one of the chains around
her neck, one with two more chains hanging from it, he lifted her hand, kissing the bracelet engraved
with his name.
Kelseys heart stopped for several mind-numbing seconds, her jaw dropping. Lifting her gaze to
his, she swallowed heavily as her heart started again, beating nearly out of her chest. Marry you?
Gabriel, thats not funny.
Im not laughing.
Kelsey gasped at the pressure on her right nipple, looking down to see Gabriel tightening a ring
over it, a ring attached to the chain dangling from the one around her neck. It didnt hurt the way the
clips had the night before, but the pressure on her already sensitive nipple heightened her awareness
there, making it impossible to ignore.
Lifting her gaze to his, she sucked in a breath, gripping his shoulders as her knees turned to
rubber. What the hell are you doing to me?
Im going to decorate you, my pet. Attaching the other chain, he eyed his handiwork
thoughtfully, tugging the chain, a look of satisfaction gleaming in his eyes at her cry of pleasure.
Im having several specialty pieces made for you. They should be ready by the time we come
back here for our honeymoon.
He picked up another chain, one with two more chains hanging from it, and fastened it around
her waist. Be still. The more you move around, the more those chains are going to tug your nipples.
Youre going to be wearing them for quite some time and youre only going to end up making it worse
for yourself.
Kelsey grinned, loving the sexual awareness and wicked hunger Gabriel inspired. Ive got
news for you, Master, I like being aroused, especially since Im with a man who knows how to
satisfy me.
Grinning, she watched as he knelt in front of her, her breath catching when she saw the clamp at
the end of the chain he held. Before she could ask what he planned to do, he attached it to her outer
fold, and then quickly did the same to the other, the pressure from the chain holding her open and
exposing her slit.
She hadnt counted on something like that, and shocked at the feeling of being held open, she
began to tremble.
Gabriel, I
Quiet. He moved quickly, picking up another chain from the table, and just before he stuck it
in his mouth, she saw that it had a teardrop shaped loop on the end.
She couldnt take her eyes from him, stiffening in anticipation when he bent his head toward her
slit. A cry of shocked delight escaped when he sucked her clit into his mouth, the sharp pleasure
buckling her knees and sending a sizzling wave of heat through her. The warning tingling began and
she gripped his shoulders, throwing her head back and waited for the pleasure to take her.
A cry escaped, a cry of frustration, when Gabriel lifted his head, yanking her orgasm just out of
reach. No!
The awareness in her clit threatened to drive her insane.
Even though hed released her, she still felt pressure. He looked up at her expectantly, catching
her hand when she reached for her slit as if hed been expected her to do just that.
I already told you that youre not going to come until later. Now, keep your hands away from
that clit. Its not yours. Its mine and I havent given you permission to touch it.
She felt something move, and bending, saw the shimmer of silver around her clit. What the hell
did you do?
With a smile, Gabriel reached for another set of chains. I attached a clit clip. Itll keep the
hood of your clit pushed back and keep your clit exposed.
Shaking, Kelsey stared at him wide-eyed. Dear God! I can even feel the air blowing over it.
The sensation stunned her, her clit throbbing harder and feeling swollen and heavy.
Gabriel grinned and pursed his lips, blowing on her clit, his laugh wicked when she cried out
again. Its going to be a long day for you, my love. You wont be allowed to come until much later
that is, if you behave yourself.
Gritting her teeth against the overwhelming need, Kelsey fisted her hands at her sides. I hate
Getting to his feet, he smiled faintly. No, you dont. You love me, and youre going to marry
Do you plan to do stuff like this often? She didnt know how long she would be able to hold
out. The need for relief clawed at her, so intense it bordered on pain.
Absolutely. Keep it in mind before you agree to marry me. Staring into her eyes, Gabriel
attached something to the center of the chain around her waist, smiling at her cry of distress. I would
suggest staying as still as possible. Now, other than to answer a question, tell me you love me, or
accept my proposal, youre to remain quiet. Each word you utter other than those will earn you a
stroke of the whip to whatever part of you I deem appropriate. He stepped aside to gather two more
pieces from the table, each appearing to have several small chains dangling from the center.
She took advantage of his movement to the side to look down at her slit, her pulse tripping when
she saw that the chain hed attached to the one at her waist had several more dangling from it
directly over her clit.
Positioned in a way that any movement she made would send them swaying over the throbbing,
swollen, aching bundle of nerves, the thin chains of silver proved more of a threat to her control, and
one that she didnt know if she could handle.
The threat increased when he attached similar chains directly over her breasts, leaving about a
half-dozen smaller chains to tease her nipples with every movement.
Turn around.
Kelsey opened her mouth to ask him why, snapping it shut again at the flash of impatience and
anticipation in his eyes. Realizing that he was waiting for her to disobey him, she glared at him
without saying a word and turned, sucking in a breath at the feel of the chains brushing against her
exposed clit and beaded nipples.
The awareness in every erogenous zone had her trembling with helplessness. The thought of
going the entire day aroused to such a level sparked her temper.
You son of a bitch!
Gabriel grinned. And theres that temper Ive been waiting for. Reaching into the pocket of his
loose fitting pants, he retrieved a black piece of silk and made short work of tying her hands behind
her back despite her struggles.
She had a flare for cursing and used it now, struggling even harder when he attempted to put a
ball gag into her mouth.
Gripping her jaw, he forced her mouth open and inserted it, smiling as he fastened it. I counted
every word, my pet. Youve got quite a few lashes of the whip coming to you, and I think most of
them are going to be on your clit.
Glaring up at Gabriel, Kelsey used her tongue to try to push the gag out, furious that her
unsuccessful attempts earned her another sardonic look from him.
Well, darling, now lets see if we can do a little something about that attitude. Since you cant
use your safe word, were going to have to come up with something else. Im going to put a scarf in
your hand. Release it and everything stops.
He wadded up a red scarf and stuck it in her hand, closing her fingers over it. Dont disappoint
me and use it just because youre pissed off. See it through, Kelsey. If you really cant handle
something, Ill be happy to stop. Smiling, he ran a finger down her cheek. Christ, youre beautiful.
Breathing harshly, Kelsey groaned in frustration as each movement made the chains dance over
her nipples and clit. With another curse that came out as a garbled mumble, she stilled, closing her
eyes as she tried to get herself back under control.
She wouldnt stop him just because she was mad. Shed just get even with him in the future.
The tug to her left nipple had her eyes snapping open, her stomach clenching at the look of
wicked satisfaction in Gabriels eyes.
His dark eyes gleamed with a dangerous combination of anticipation, sin, and possession, a look
that she knew spelled trouble for her, especially in her current position.
It looks like youve gotten yourself into quite a predicament, my pet.
Knowing that hed purposely used that particular endearment and emphasized it in order to piss
her off even more, Kelsey straightened and lifted her chin, glaring at him.
Gabriel seemed inordinately pleased, grinning and running his hands over her. I think its about
time to introduce my future wife to the concept of patience.
Running a finger over her cheek, he bent close, his lips hovering over hers. I know being
aroused sparks your temper, but youre going to have to learn that delaying your orgasm can bring
even more pleasure. By the time we go to bed tonight, my pet, youll be willing to do anything to
Kelsey shivered in delight as Gabriels lips touched hers, lost in sensation at his open-mouthed
kiss over the ball gag.
He kissed her as though starving for her, as though he wanted her more than hed ever wanted
another woman, making her frantic to have him.
Reveling in the feel of himhis body against hers, his hands fisting in her hair, his mouth
moving with increasing possessiveness and raw sexuality over hers, his low groans of hunger
rumbling from deep within his chestKelsey knew shed found her true soul mate. She squirmed
against him, lifting to her toes to get as close to him as she could.
Whimpering in frustration, Kelsey fought to kiss him the way she needed to, tears stinging her
eyes when she couldnt.
She cried out when Gabriel lifted his head, feeling isolated and abandoned at the loss. Shaking
with need and emotion, she took one shuddering breath after another, her knees buckling in reaction.


Gabriel caught her against him, murmuring soothingly to her as he ran his hands up and down her
back, savoring the feel of the sleek muscle quivering under his hand and the silkiness of her skin.
Shh, baby. Ive got you. Take a deep breath, my love. Thats it. And another. Good girl.
Tense with need, Gabriel held her trembling body close, filled with delight that hed been right
about her.
Shed marry him.
He could see the acceptance in her eyes.
Thrilled that the woman he loved more than his own life, and whose passions matched his own,
finally belonged to him, he rocked her gently, running his hands over her in an effort to calm her.
He had far more planned for her, and knew that he had to get her settled before he continued. He
planned to keep her in a fog of lust for most of the day, letting her settle briefly before arousing her to
even greater heights.
By the time he took her to the playroom that night, she would be so consumed by need, shed beg
for release.
He knew it would take every ounce of control he possessed, but he needed to show her the kind
of mind-numbing pleasure he could give her, and that he was strong enough to handle her at her most
Afterward, when she settled, hed love her with a tenderness that would destroy the last of her
His cock jumped when she lifted her head to look up at him, the need for reassurance in her eyes
fulfilling his most dominant urges. Knowing that she counted on him to guide her filled him with a
satisfaction unlike any hed ever known.
It settled something inside him, easing the last remnants of the apprehension hed felt since
arriving on the island.
Cupping her cheek, he ran his thumb over the ball gag. Youre so beautiful, my darling little
sub. You respond so deliciously. Look at you, all decorated and exposed for your Master. Now, your
Master needs something more from you.
The flare of vulnerability and lust in her eyes made him desperate to have her, but his needs
would have to wait.
At least some of his needs. The need to have her mouth under his couldnt wait any longer, and
with a groan, he unfastened the gag and tossed it aside, bending toward her.
To his surprised delight, she leapt at him, her soft lips hard and demanding against his.
Fisting his hand in her hair, he cupped her chin, taking control of his kiss. Nipping her bottom lip
hard enough to make it sting, he growled in his throat, a warning for her to submit.
Her whimper, filled with hunger, fed his need for her, and for the way of life that had become so
much a part of him. Her tongue came out to tangle with his as she came to her toes to press herself
The swell of love and desire for her threatened to choke him, and using the hand fisted in her
hair, he pulled her head back, thwarting her efforts.
Lifting his head, he stared down at her, his love for her growing even stronger. No, my pet.
Releasing her jaw, he slid a hand down to the chain attached to her nipple and tugged, her soft cry of
both pleasure and distress like a stroke to his cock.
Still holding her head back, he ran his hands over her, delighting in the feel of her.
The freedom to finally have her this wayto be able to do whatever he wanted to herboth
thrilled and humbled him, and he vowed to himself that he would spend the rest of his life surrounding
her with love and the security she probably didnt even realize she needed.
Tugging her nipple again, he smiled coldly, amused at her sharp intake of breath as her eyes
clouded with pleasure. You have some lashes coming to you, dont you, my pet? Lifting the whip,
he held it in front of her face, teasing her lips with the small, flat piece of leather on the end. Kiss
Trembling with need, she did it, her eyes flashing with rebellion.
Satisfied that shed recovered enough to continue, Gabriel raised a brow, his smile falling.
Now that you have your hands tied behind your back, youre going to have to work harder to keep
your balance. Turn around and bend over.
Her eyes widened, and she opened her mouth as if to speak, snapping it closed almost
immediately, her gaze going to the whip in Gabriels hand.
Remembered youre not supposed to speak, did you? Very good, but your hesitation at obeying
me has earned you a few more. He slid his hand over her soft belly and began stroking her
delightfully exposed clit. The good news, my pet, is that youre not going to receive your lashes all
at once. I plan to space them out so they last all day.
Her eyes widened again as she pressed her lips together and turned away from him.
With a hand at her back, he guided her forward. Bend over. I want to see that ass. Youre going
to have to spread those legs wide to balance yourself. If you fall, we start over. More, darling. I want
that ass high in the air.
Once she was in place, bent over, and with her thighs spread wide, Gabriel moved to stand
behind her, his jaw clenching at the sight of her puckered opening, now completely exposed,
clenching over and over. Her thighs glistened with her juices, making his mouth water to taste her.
To emphasize her vulnerability, he ran a finger over her delicate puckered flesh, pressing just
hard enough to increase her awareness there.
Smiling at her moan and at the fresh rush of moisture that coated her thighs, Gabriel kept his tone
cool. Your ass wants attention, doesnt it, my pet? Your tight little opening keeps winking at me,
demanding my attention.
He ran his fingers up her inner thighs, letting her know she couldnt hide her arousal from him.
Your thighs are drenched. All that bitching about being in charge and not being able to submit, when
what you really need is a man who knows how to draw all that passion from you and be willing to do
whatever it takes to satisfy it. Those other men in your life didnt have a clue about handling you.
Straightening, he ran the tip of the whip down the center of her ass, using the piece of leather to
tease her puckered opening, smiling when she moaned and shivered.
Guess where youre going to be whipped first, my love. Brace yourself. Five, my pet.
Remember, if you fall, we start over.
Preparing to help steady her if needed, Gabriel lifted the whip, intending to create an awareness
that would last the entire day. Hed touch her there often to keep the sensation alive, counting the
hours until he could take her ass, fucking her long and slow until she surrendered completely, and
accepted that they belonged together.


Kelseys thighs trembled with the effort to remain still, her knees turning to rubber at the first
lash of the whip on her puckered opening. Oh, God. Her breath came out in sharp pants, the sting on
her most vulnerable opening sending her senses soaring.
Following almost immediately came another, and she almost fell to her knees, but caught herself
at the last second. Breathing harshly as the sting spread, Kelsey couldnt hold back her cries of shock,
of overwhelming sensation as she fought to keep her balance.
Gabriel caught her by the material circling her wrists, the tug to her shoulders forcing another
cry from her. Wrapping the hand holding the whip around her waist, he yanked her against him. Poor
baby. I guess youre not going to be able to hold yourself up.
Lifting her to a standing position, he ran a hand over her hair, his eyes dark and watchful. Since
you cant stand, you can drape yourself over my lap.
Slumping against him, Kelsey clenched her bottom, whimpering and shifting restlessly at the
sharp awareness there.
To her surprise, Gabriel freed her hands and dropped gracefully onto the sofa, sitting back with
the whip in his hand, gesturing toward his lap. Now.
Knowing he wouldnt give up until hed delivered three more lashes to her bottom, and not
about to do anything to end what shed found with him, Kelsey swallowed her pride and draped
herself over his lap with as much grace as she could muster.
God, she craved the lash of the whip again. Craved his attention. Craved the hunger he ignited
inside her.
His hand ran over her back in a possessive gesture that made her stomach quiver. Very good.
Since youre not spread the way you were before, I want you to reach back and spread those ass
cheeks for me so I can finish whipping that tight little hole.
Lifting her face from where shed buried it against his shin, Kelsey had to turn slightly to see
him, shaking so badly, she had to hold on to the sofa. You cant be serious!
Her bottom hole still tingled, making it impossible to stay still. Just the thought of more strikes
with the whip there almost made her come on the spot, but Gabriels penchant for forcing her to
contribute to her own surrender made him an even more dominant lover than shed ever imagined.
A dark brow went up, his eyes glittering with satisfaction. Four more words. Four more lashes.
Im really enjoying that temper, darling. Now, spread your cheeks so I can finish. Because of your
hesitation, well start over.
Kelseys pussy and ass clenched, every movement tugging the chains and heightening the
awareness in her clit and nipples. Struck, and desperate to hide the mini orgasms that raced through
her, she hurried to obey him, scared he would notice.
Spreading herself made her feel even more vulnerable than when he did it, something she hadnt
counted on. She relaxed her hold almost immediately, shaken at being so exposed.
Gabriel pushed her hair back, running his hand over it as though petting her. Those little
orgasms just arent enough, are they, my pet? Theyre just going to make you even more sensitive. He
ran the tip of the whip over her opening. Its going to be a long day for you, Im afraid. Spread
yourself wider. More. Thats it. Stings, doesnt it, darling?
Before she could answer, he delivered two strikes with the whip.
Crying out at the ensuing heat, Kelsey fought to remain still, her ass clenching involuntarily at the
stinging heat. Oh, God. Please. Please. Oh, God. It hurts. It burns. Loosening her hands to ease the
stinging, she kicked her legs against the intense sensation, her movements tugging her chains and
driving her need higher.
Keep those hands where they are. Spread yourself, Kelsey. Get control. Youre not telling me
you cant handle a gentle whipping, are you?
Kelsey gritted her teeth when he stroked her stinging hole, shocked yet again at what an intimate
and dominant man shed tied herself to. I can handle it. Biting her lip, she spread herself again with
shaking hands, her breathing much harsher now.
Very good. Gabriel shocked her by using his fingers to spread her even wider, and delivering
three rapid strikes to her delicate opening.
Kelseys breath caught as he set the whip aside, letting it out on a moan when he began to run his
hands over her from her shoulders to the backs of her knees and back again.
You can let go now, baby. He caressed the cheeks of her ass with long, slow strokes, his other
hand teasing the ends of her hair.
His firm hands worked their magic, relaxing her tense muscles while leaving her pussy, ass, clit,
and nipples screaming for attention.
After several minutes of silence, Kelsey turned her head to find him staring at her back,
seemingly in no hurry to move.
Without turning his head, he shifted his gaze to meet hers. I knew it would happen. I walked
into this with my eyes wide open. Still, I didnt expect the force of it. Lifting her, he got to his feet,
steadying her with firm hands wrapped around her upper arms. Love isnt even a strong enough
word for what I feel for you.
With her body still shaking with need, she reached for him, her chains tugging at every
movement. Gabriel. Damn it. Blinking back tears, she dropped her forehead to his chest. Struck by
the irrationality of craving every intimate touch, but not willing to let him see her cry, Kelsey smiled
through her tears. I love you. Its your fault. You made me. I still dont know how you did it. I have
no idea how you make me want the things I want.
Turning away, she evaded his arms and put several feet of distance between them. Wrapping her
arms around her waist, she kept her back to him, wiping away tears that just wouldnt stop.
Damn it. You make me so emotional. I hate being emotional.
His hands closed over her shoulders, startling her as she hadnt even heard him move. I love
every nuance of you. Your strength, Your temper. Your passion. Your sweetness.
Running his hands to her neck, he tugged the chains attached to her nipples. I know that you
love me. Sliding his hands down her body, he wrapped them around her waist. I also know that
youre going to panic and try to run as soon as you realize how much. Nuzzling her neck, he touched
his lips to her ear. Ill come after you. I wont let you run away from this. No matter where you go,
Ill find you and bring you back where you belong.
Shivering in delight, Kelsey turned her face to his lifting her chin. I wont run.
Good. Thatll save us a lot of time, and I want to enjoy every second with you that I can.
Turning in his arms, she flattened her hands on his chest, her tingling clit and bottom driving her
insane. Im being agreeable. Does that mean youre going to take me to bed now?
Gabriel smiled. No. We havent finished yet. By the time we do, youll know the agony Ive
gone through the last several months waiting for you.
Chapter Twenty
Spread those legs and keep them spread.
Gabriels eyes glittered with erotic intent as he ran the tip of the whip over her nipple. Hed
adopted that cold, dominant expression that never failed to excite her, an expression that sent shivers
of alarm through her despite the fact that she trusted him to keep her safe.
She didnt know how he did it, or how the slight edge of fear could heighten her arousal so
much, but with Gabriel, anything seemed possible.
Leaning against the back of the sofa, she tightened her hands on the top to brace herself, arching
into his touch as she rested her bottom on the edge. Moving carefully, she spread her feet, enjoying the
warmth of the smooth marble beneath them, which had been heated by the sunlight streaming in
through the large wall of windows.
Standing in the band of sunlight, warmed by it, Kelsey stared up at Gabriel, who somehow
remained completely in the shadows.
He looked so dark, so breathtaking as he stared down at her, sliding the whip back and forth
between his fingers. Larger than life. A formidable force.
The black whip, which appeared so menacing against her skin, looked small in his hands, but his
familiarity with it was apparent.
Mesmerized by the leather strip at the end, she sucked in a breath as it moved closer. A rush of
moisture escaped to trickle down her inner thighs as the small, rounded strip of leather touched her
She drew in a shuddering breath as Gabriel moved the leather back and forth over her nipple in
a slow, devious caress that moved the tiny chains over it and drove her nearly insane.
The slow, deliberate strokes went on and on, torturing her.
Tormenting her.
Sending sharp arrows of pleasure to her clit, and making her tremble so hard that the small
chains continued to tease her other nipple and clit.
It wasnt enough. She needed more.
Fisting her hands at her sides, she cried out, her hunger too strong to contain. Damn it, Gabriel.
Do it!
Tapping the underside of her breast with the leather, Gabriel shook his head, the cold threat in
his eyes intimidating her more than she would have liked to admit. Behave yourself.
Finding a man who could intimidate and excite her the way Gabriel did was something shed
never planned for, but now doubted she could live without. I dont want to behave. I want to come,
damn it!
The whip came down on her nipple with a snap, the sound penetrating just seconds before the
sting of it hit her system.
Crying out at the shock of pain, she reached up to cover her nipple in an automatic move to
protect herself, gasping at the startling rush of pleasure to her clit.
Gripping her chin, Gabriel moved close, his eyes nearly black. Put those fucking hands down
or Ill restrain you.
Realizing her mistake, and her show of weakness, Kelsey struggled to get herself back under
control. Need clawed at her, the heat at her nipple adding a dimension of hunger that threw control
and inhibitions out the window.
Gabriels icy voice got through the sexual fog surrounding her, and shaking uncontrollably, she
managed to put her hands at her sides again, gripping the back of the sofa in an effort to keep them
The leather strip touched her still-tingling nipple, making her jolt, the slightest touch like an
electric current shooting straight to her slit.
Sliding a hand to her waist, Gabriel tugged at the chain attached to her clit. You need something
more, dont you, my love?
Furious that he wanted her to admit it out loud, but knowing that he wouldnt satisfy her until she
did, Kelsey tilted her head back to meet his gaze, stilling at the emotion in his eyes.
Dark and filled with love and a need unlike anything shed ever seen before, his eyes held her
Gabriel? It came out in a choked plea as emotion overcame her.
Her body was on fire for him, her heart swelling with love for the only man whod ever made
her feel.
Touching a fingertip to her other nipple, circling it with a gentleness that brought her to her toes,
Gabriel watched her closely. Yes, my pet? Tell me. Tell me what you need.
I need you, damn it! I want you so much it hurts. Its stupid and crazy, but I want to feel it.
Make me feel it, Gabriel. God, I love you so much I ache. Tears blurred her vision as she began to
cry, the need and love for him welling up inside her until she couldnt breathe.
Now you understand a little of what I feel for you. He brushed the backs of his fingers over
her cheek, murmuring his satisfaction when she turned her face into his touch. Be still, my love.
Three on each nipple, three on your clit, and then youre going to come harder than ever.
Desperate to please him, desperate for release, and eager for the tenderness she knew he would
show her afterward, Kelsey braced herself.
The three strikes to her nipple came in rapid succession. Fire shot through her nipple, the heat
shooting to her other nipple and clit in a heartbeat. Crying out at the pain, pain that bordered on
pleasure, Kelsey gripped the material along the back of the sofa, digging her nails into it in a frantic
effort to keep her hands there.
Oh, God. Oh, God. It hurts. It burns. Her harsh, ragged breathing seemed to echo in the room,
growing louder as the stinging dimmed to a heat that quickly spread.
Thats my girl. Yes, breathe through it. Youre strong enough to take it because you know the
pleasure waiting on the other side. Say my name, Kelsey. With every lash, say my name.
Fire hit her left nipple as the whip came down, and Kelsey did what came naturallyshe
screamed her lovers name.
Gabriel. Gabriel. Gabriel! The last erupted in a hoarse scream, the sharp pain releasing a dam
of raw, carnal lust inside her. She couldnt believe the sensations racing through hercouldnt
believe her need to give him everythingknowing instinctively that only by giving him everything
could she have everything from him.
Yes. Please, Gabriel. Help me. Take me. Show me.
Every inch of her body seemed to vibrate with hunger, the need inside her so strong and wild,
she hardly recognized it.
She had no idea how to handle it.
Thrilled with the knowledge that Gabriel could, she cried out at the feel of his strong hands
cupping her breasts, whimpering as he brushed his palms over her tender and still hot nipples.
His eyes seemed lit from within, his body tight with a sexual tension that poured off of him in hot
waves. Beautiful. Youre so fucking incredible, and youre all mine, arent you? Finally, youre
Gulping in air, Kelsey leaned into his touch, mesmerized by the love shining in his eyes.
She needed to prove to him that she was his match, and strong enough to challenge him.
Releasing her grip on the sofa, she reached out to cup him, her eyes never leaving his as she
squeezed his cock. This is mine, and I want it.
He smiled, a flash of white against his dark features, a glimmer of surprise in his eyes before
they narrowed. Feeling brave, my little sub?
Horny and desperate.
When I get my mouth on that clit, youre going to scream my name.
Reaching into his loose pants, Kelsey cupped him again, running her fingers up and down his
thick cock, smiling when it jumped in her hand. Surprised that he allowed it, she took full advantage,
running her thumb over the head to smear the drop of moisture at the tip. Her pussy clenched, hungry
for the long, thick cock that seemed to get even longer and thicker as she stroked it. Always.
Gabriel stiffened, his eyes flashing with pleasure. Forever. Now brace yourself, my darling.
Lets see how well you do when I whip your clit.
Taking her hand from his pants, he kissed her palm. Youre not supposed to touch me without
permission, are you?
Wrapping her arms around him, Kelsey squeezed his tight butt. Thats when I was just your sub
and this was just sex between us.
With a smile, Gabriel stepped back, touching the tip of the whip to her clit. So you want to
Stiffening, she threw her head back at the strokes of the leather against her exposed clit. Yes.
Much later.
Kelsey screamed his name as the whip came down, stunned by the fire that exploded in her clit.
Throwing her head back, she clenched her thighs, struggling to keep her hands at her sides.
Very good. That pretty clit is nice and red, my pet. When I finish with you, your nipples and clit
are going to be so sensitive that the lightest touch is going to reawaken the pleasure. I plan to keep you
that way all day. Are you ready for another?
Breathing through her teeth, Kelsey moaned, shaking uncontrollably. The pinpricks of pain
threatened to drive her crazy. Her clit felt huge, so swollen and sensitive that she didnt think she
could stand another lash of the whip.
Lowering her head, she met Gabriels eyes. Seeing the patience and love in them, Kelsey
nodded, knowing that he wouldnt give her any more than she could endure.
She cried out again at the second lash, looking immediately to Gabriel for support. Her clit
burned, the stinging so intense that she reached for it, stopping at the last second by the look of
disapproval in Gabriels eyes.
It hurts. It burns. Oh, God. The tingling got stronger, spreading with a rush of pleasure that
affected her as strongly as an orgasm.
To her surprise, Gabriels expression softened. I know, my love. Breathe. Thats it. Feel it.
Focus on your clit. Its tingling, isnt it? It feels so swollen, and with the clip there, so exposed. Feel
the air moving over it.
As if hed arranged it, a breeze kicked up, blowing the light sheer curtains on either side of the
large windows. It seemed to head straight for her clit, the warm air cool on her overheated skin.
She couldnt hold back her whimpers at the incessant throbbing, her entire being focused on the
bundle of nerves at her center. Shed never experienced the kinds of sensations she felt now, each
ragged breath, each jerk of her body tugging the chain and intensifying the tingling into mini shocks.
Her entire body jerked with each shock, her cries deepening. She shook. She throbbed. She
She burned.
For Gabriel.
She jolted at the feel of the soft leather brushing over her clit, her gaze whipping to Gabriels.
Oh, God. Its so strong. Its tingling so much. Its like Im coming, but I cant come.
Gabriels eyes appeared to glow. You wont come until I allow it. One more. Are you ready?
Shaking her head, Kelsey rocked her hips, needing the tug. Needing more. I cant. Too much.
My clit feels alive. I cant even think about anything else. I cant feel anything else. It feels huge. Do
Imagine what its going to feel like when I get my mouth on you.
Kelsey stilled, his words so potent, she would swear she could actually feel his mouth there.
She shivered as a surge of heat raced through her. Then another, and another.
Her mouth had become so dry, she had to swallow before speaking, her words coming out in a
croak. Ill die.
No, you wont. The whip came down again, the shock of it keeping her frozen in place for
several long seconds before the fire hit her.
Her knees buckled, no longer able to support her, every muscle in her body trembling with the
need for release.
Gabriel caught her to him, and with a quick movement, turned her and bent her over the back of
the sofa, spreading her legs wide and kneeling between them.
The chains rubbed against the sofa, pulling her folds even wider and tugging on her clit just as
Gabriels firm, hot tongue slid over it.
Kelsey screamed, the sensation so intense that she instinctively fought it, kicking her legs and
trying to reach her mound, but with her abdomen pressed up against the sofa, she couldnt.
Gabriels firm hold on her legs kept her in place for his devious mouth. Holding her legs wide
in a firm grip, he took her clit into his mouth, using his tongue and sucking it in a firm rhythm that sent
her over the edge with a force that stunned her.
The sizzling in her over-sensitized clit wouldnt stop, the rapid strokes of his tongue keeping the
waves of ecstasy racing through herone after the other. Fisting her hands in the cushions, she fought
to escape him, crying out in both pleasure and pain as the sensations became too strong to endure.
And yet she did, crying out at the intensity of it.
No more. Please. No more. Too much. No! A huge swell washed over her, holding her in its
grip, her body stiffening at the intense tingling that went all the way to her fingers and toes.
It went on and on, not releasing her. As it finally crested and began to dim, she began to fight
again, trying to escape a pleasure so strong, she could feel it in her soul. But, no matter how much she
struggled, she couldnt escape Gabriels mouth. Too weak to continue, she stopped fighting him, and
began to cry, her body shaking uncontrollably and jolting at every slide of his tongue.
She thought of screaming yellow to get him to slow down, but immediately dismissed it.
She wanted it all.
Please. Please. Shaking her head, she resigned herself to Gabriels ministrations, accepting
that nothing she did, or said, short of her safe word, would stop him. So weak, she couldnt even lift
her head, she shook helplessly as his strokes slowed, each swipe of his tongue sending another rush
through her.
Her clit tingled so badly that even when Gabriel released her and stood, she could still feel him
there. She began to cry, the intensity of her orgasms and her total loss of control and herself leaving
her feeling weak, spent, and totally helpless.
She wanted to hide away until she could get some sort of control over herself, whimpering and
covering her face as Gabriel lifted her against him. Curling her body, she pushed a hand against his
chest to push away from him, a choked whimper erupting from her throat when he pulled her back.
Hooking an arm beneath her knees, he lifted her against him. Shh. Ive got you, baby. Youre so
beautiful. So perfect. His long strides carried them across the room and into the bedroom. Youre
okay, baby. Ive got you. Shh. Youre incredible. Did you know that? Do you know how much I adore
you? So beautiful. So soft. So giving. Ill never get enough of you, my love.
Keeping her face hidden against his chest, she kept her arms wrapped around herself and tried to
stop shaking. As soon as he lowered her to the bed, she turned away from him. Leave me alone.
She felt so cold, and reached out with shaky clumsiness for the covers, but Gabriel was already
wrapping them around her, murmuring to her in a soothing tone that she blithely ignored. Go away.
Pulling her close, he ran his fingers through her hair, the hand at her back moving in long, firm
strokes. Youre not alone, and you know it. Be still. I want to take everything off.
A whimper escaped before she could prevent it, the thought of being touched on her nipples or
clit more than she could bear. She tried again to shove him away. No. Dont touch me.
Gabriel lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him, his eyes glittering with emotion. Thats not
an option. I know youre sensitive, my love. Ill be gentle. Trust, remember?
Stiffening at the feel of his fingers on her breast, Kelsey tried to push his hand away, but her
lethargic, clumsy movements didnt even slow him down.
There, baby. See. Theyre off. Just stay still and let me take off the chains.
Dont touch the one on my clit. She shifted against him, stilling with a gasp at the slight
friction on her clit. Please. Its too sensitive.
I already took that one off, my love. Come here.
Kelsey jolted at the sound of the chains hitting the nightstand beside her, but let her eyes flutter
closed. Her breathing had begun to slow, lethargy overtaking her, as the warmth of his body began to
seep into hers.
Still, she felt too vulnerablea different, intimate vulnerabilitysomething far different that
the sexual vulnerability shed come to know well.
This vulnerability made her feel raw, as if her soul had been laid bare.
Holding her, Gabriel rested his cheek against her forehead, his face close to her as he slid his
warm hand up and down her arm. You were absolutely magnificent. Youre so strong, and so
passionate, and so incredibly sweet. I find myself more in love with you every day.
Frowning, Kelsey stared at his chest. I love you so much it hurts.
Her defenses lay shattered all around her, leaving her feeling exposed, and she wanted nothing
more than to let him draw her closer and hold her, but couldnt help but fight feeling so needy. I hate
feeling so needy.
I love it. His decisive tone meant arguing would be useless. He brushed his lips over her
forehead before lifting his head to look down at her, his eyes filled with tenderness. You need me
now, and that means the world to me.
Taking a deep breath, Kelsey shook her head. I fell apart. Stupid. I guess my inexperience
shows. Her face burned as she remembered how shed cried, and the way shed given up and
stopped struggling. You said subs had to be strong. I guess I screwed up.
Gabriel stilled, bracing himself on his elbow and leaning over her, gripping her chin when she
would have looked away. You were perfect. Your surrender was the most beautiful and exciting
thing Ive ever seen. Were in this together, remember? Im here to guide you, and for you to lean on
when you need me. Always.
Kelsey frowned, staring at his lips. I dont like leaning on anyone. I depend on myself.
I admire, and respect your independence very much. Youre very much your own woman. He
brushed his lips over hers. But, I also want you to be my woman. I need to know that youre mine.
That you need me as much as I need you. That youll depend on me. That instead of hiding from me
when youre feeling vulnerable, youll come to me.
Rolling on top of her, he gathered her even closer. Especially at times like this.
She moved her leg, sucking in a breath at the friction on her clit. Blowing it out, she shivered. I
lost all control. You made me like it.
To earn your surrender, I have to tear away your defenses. Smiling, he brushed his lips over
hers. I dont want you to ever be afraid of that. I want you to trust that Im here while you recover.
Shaking her head, she groaned. I cant believe you made me feel that way. Hell, Im still
tingling all over and feel as weak as a newborn kitten. I just totally let go. I couldnt even move.
Her unease lessened somewhat as she settled, but didnt entirely go away. She still couldnt
come to terms with how completely shed surrendered to Gabriel, and to the unbelievable pleasure.
Sliding down her body, Gabriel smiled up at her as he bent to kiss a nipple. That was my
goal. Grinning at her frown, he nipped the delicate underside of her breast. Weve only begun,
Kelsey groaned. Will it always be like that?
Poor baby. Scared? His eyes were watchful.
Looking into his eyes, and struck by the concern in them, Kelsey smiled, irritated at herself that
she had to blink back tears again to keep him in focus. Overwhelmed by emotion, she threaded her
fingers into his silky hair. A little, but I trust you.
His smile transformed his features. So, youll marry me?
When her vision blurred, Kelsey blinked back more tears. I cant do anything else. I love you
too much. I feel like I just came alive when I met you. Id die without you.
And that scares you. Gabriel smiled, brushing her hair back from her face and running his
thumb over her bottom lip. I feel the same way, and it scares me sometimes, too. But, I love you, and
I cant imagine going another day without you in my life.
Kelsey sobbed, throwing herself in his arms.
Gabriel held her, gathering her close, murmuring to her until she settled. Thats my girl. Itll be
all right. I promise.
Kelsey sniffed and lifted her head, smiling, and wanting to relieve the tension, she reached down
to grasp his cock. Are you sure you want to tie yourself to someone like me?
With a groan, he eased her hand from his cock and lifted her wrist, his eyes holding hers as he
kissed the only piece of jewelry she still worethe bracelet engraved with his name. No. Im sure I
want to tie you to me, and in every way possible.
With a quick move, he rolled her to her back. Reaching out, he retrieved a condom from the
nightstand drawer, rolled it on, and used his thighs to spread hers wide. Tell me you love me.
Hard to believe she wanted him after what theyd already done, she tilted her hips, her pussy
clenching in anticipation. I love you. Say it back.
With a grin, Gabriel thrust deep, his eyes narrowing at her cry of pleasure. You really are a
demanding little thing, arent you?
Yes. Digging her heels into his tight butt, she clamped down on him. Do you have a problem
with that?
Not at all. I have some demands of my own. I love you, my pet. My love. Tell me again.
I love you.
Struck by the fact that even without games, or props, or toys, Gabriel overwhelmed her with his
lovemaking, Kelsey cried out as he took her, her clit still so sensitive and tingling more at the friction
every time Gabriel thrust into her.
An orgasm she hadnt thought possible slammed into her again, the huge swell holding her in its
grip for several heart-stopping moments, a hoarse cry ripped from her as she screamed Gabriels
name. I love you.
Gabriel thrust deep again, quick shallow thrusts that left her trembling and weak, before
groaning his own completion. Gathering her close, he rolled to his side and reached down to stroke
her clit. Hows your clit, baby?
With a cry, Kelsey tried to push his hand away. No. Holy shit, its sensitive.
Not sore?
Its still tingling, damn it.
Falling to his back, Gabriel chuckled. Good. Itll be like that all day. Well get married next
Saturday and come back here for our honeymoon.
Kelsey tried to lift her head, but it seemed too much effort. Dropping it back on to the pillow,
she turned it instead. Dont you think youre rushing it?
He stretched and turned his head toward her. No. Ive waited long enough for you, and Im not
giving you a chance to change your mind. Ill call Nick and make sure Julianna can be there, and give
you some time to take care of the coffee shop. Then youre all mine. Forever.
Chapter Twenty-One
Sliding a glance in Gabriels direction, she waited for the attorney to finish reading the sales
Leaning back in his chair, Gabriel met her look, the question in his eyes unmistakable.
Is everything okay?
Smiling, she nodded, turning back to the attorney as he finished and nodded in her direction.
Its just what we discussed.
Ginas attorney visibly relaxed. Of course.
Hiding a smile, Kelsey signed the papers, and only a few minutes later, walked out the door
with a big check in her pocket. After saying their goodbyes to Gabriels lawyer and Gina, Kelsey
turned to him. You scared the hell out of the other lawyer.
Taking her arm, Gabriel started down the sidewalk to where hed parked. I didnt say a word.
It was your deal. I was just there for moral support.
With your lawyer?
I told you, I keep his law firm on retainer. It doesnt make sense for you to pay someone else.
He opened the car door. I just wanted to make sure everything was in order.
Kelsey paused, turning toward him. I appreciate what you did in there. That other lawyer
seemed determined to talk to you, and you told him that he was dealing with me and ignored him after
Remembering the other mans face, she smiled. He didnt know what to do. He turned about
five different shades of red and wouldnt look you in the face again. Still surprised, she reached out
to touch him, loving the feel of firm muscle beneath his expensive suit. I thought youd take over. I
appreciate that you didnt.
With a smile, Gabriel kissed her forehead and turned her toward the car. Im not trying to take
over your life, Kelsey. Youre a strong, intelligent, capable woman. I have no desire to change what
you are. Im just glad this is settled before we get married tomorrow.
Once hed closed the door and rounded the car, he got in on the other side. Closing the door
behind him, he turned to her, running a hand up her thigh. Id rather earn the submission of a hot-
blooded wildcat than a simpering doormat.
Shaking her head, Kelsey laughed, the sense of freedom she felt now making her giddy. You
always surprise me. I was worried when you showed up dressed that way, and with your lawyer in
tow. I figured you would take over.
Gabriel grinned. I save that for when were alone. Starting the car, he glanced at her. Once
were on the island, we can discuss the way you can show that appreciation you talked about.


Standing on the balcony of the same hotel room theyd used the week earlier, Kelsey took a sip
of champagne and stared up into the eyes of the man who was now her husband.
I cant believe were married.
The light from the full moon illuminated his face, allowing her to see his smile. Youll believe
it before we leave here.
The scent of flowers filled the room, beautiful flowers that she couldnt name, but that had been
placed everywhere and scented the room with every breeze.
The abundance of flowers, the stunning clothing Gabriel had surprised her with, and the look of
love shining in his eyes made her feel like a princess, complete with her very own prince.
Shed always thought him impossibly handsome, but tonight he was breathtaking.
Hed tossed aside his jacket and tie as soon as theyd entered the room. With his shirt partially
unbuttoned, and his hair blowing in the warm breeze, he looked like a dangerous and very sexy pirate.
Theyd been married less than an hour, and even now, Julianna, Nick, and Steve were on their
way back to Miami. Except for a skeleton crew, Gabriel and Kelsey were alone on the island.
Tilting her head back, she smiled up at him. You look like a pirate.
Gabriel grinned, setting both of their glasses of champagne aside. Wrapping his arms around her
waist, he pulled her close. And I found my treasure.
Out of nowhere, tears filled her eyes. Damn it. Before I never felt anything. Now I feel it all.
Youve turned me into a crybaby.
Pulling her closer, Gabriel ran his hands up and down her back, resting his chin on the top of her
head. Its only because youve held it all in for so long, baby. Itll ease over time. Tell me.
Kelseys face burned. Its stupid. Shed never been fanciful before, and blamed it on Gabriel.
Julianna put all this stupid makeup on me and its probably running all over the place. Stupid.
Taking the handkerchief he offered, she wiped her eyes, trying not to smear the makeup she couldnt
quite get used to.
Tell me, baby.
Choked with emotion, Kelsey flattened her hands on her chest. When I was a little girlbefore
my mother diedI used to dream about being a princess. Sniffing, she glanced up at him. I havent
thought about that in years.
She drew in a shaky breath, and lulled by the hands Gabriel slid up and down her back, pressed
her face against the back of her hands, not wanting to get his shirt dirty as more tears appeared.
Today, it came true. She gestured toward her extravagantly beaded white clothing. This
outfit. The flowers. You. It was even better than my dream.
Leaning back, she wiped her eyes, glancing at him before looking out at the ocean. Stupid,
Threading his fingers through her hair, Gabriel tilted her head back, using his thumbs to wipe
away her tears. Not stupid at all. His eyes, so dark they appeared black, held hers. I have every
intention, my love, of making all of your dreams come true, and fulfilling each and every one of your
Lowering his head, he took her mouth with his, kissing her with a slow thoroughness that left her
dizzy and even more emotional.
Lifting his head, he cupped her jaw, running his thumb back and forth over her bottom lip as he
took the handkerchief from her and wiped her face. Thank you for telling me that. I know it wasnt
easy for you.
Taking a step back, she shrugged, smiling as she reached for her glass. Its probably the
champagne talking.
Gabriel chuckled, wrapping his arms around her again, locking his fingers together at the small
of her back in a loose hold. Im going to have to give you champagne more often.
Leaning back, he smiled down at her, his fingers moving over her skin in a light caress. Have I
told you how beautiful you look?
Several times. Its the clothes. She shrugged again, melting under his caress.
Hmm, lets see. His hands brushed over both clasps and before she could even draw a breath,
she stood naked in front of him. Lifting her hands above her head, he turned her. Nope. Its you.
Thankful that theyd left the lights off in the room, Kelsey brushed against him in the moonlight.
Have you ever noticed that most of the time Im with you, Im naked?
Imagine that. He slid a hand over her breasts, teasing her nipples. Ive noticed that every
time I touch you, youre wet.
Kelsey couldnt hold back a moan at the slide of his hand down her body, arching into it when
he slipped his fingers between her bare folds. Your fault.
It had better be.
Kelsey giggled at the jealousy in his tone, wrapping her arms around him when he lifted her
against him. To her surprise, he lifted her higher, his fingers digging into the cheeks of her bottom as
he took a nipple into his mouth.
Sliding her fingers into his cool, silky hair, Kelsey threw her head back, moaning as the pull to
her nipple went all the way to her clit.
Take me, Gabriel. I need you so much.
Hed already started across the room, and carried her into the bedroom. And I need you, my
wife. Tonight, Im going to love you so slowly, youll think youve died and gone to heaven. He laid
her on the bed, following her down, and settling between her thighs.
Wrapping her arms and legs around him, Kelsey pulled him close. I already feel that way.
Minutes later, a naked Gabriel moved over her again, and thrust deep. I love you, Kelsey
Kelsey lifted her hips, taking him deeper, melting at his slow, tender lovemaking. I cant
believe its real.
Gabriel reacted immediately, leaning back to kneel on the bed and yanking her to his lap. With a
hand behind her neck, and one on her bottom, he held her securely and thrust deep. Its as real as it
gets, baby.
With his heat all around her, filling her, the feel of his breath against her lips as he stared down
at her, Kelsey felt closer to him than ever before. Heaven.
Gabriel brushed his lips against hers, lifting her to thrust into her again. For both of usand
its about to get even better.


When Leah Brookes not writing, shes spending time with family and furry babies, and plotting
even more stories.

For all titles by Leah Brooke, please visit
Siren Publishing, Inc.

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