Wong 1995

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Spiral Flexure Bearing

T. E. Wong, R. B. Pan, H. D. Marten

C. Sve, L. Galvan, T. S. Wall
The Aerospace Corporation
El Segundo, California, USA

Flexure bearings are a key technology for many long-life, spacecraft-borne cryogenic refrigerator
(cryocooler) designs. The bearing provides frictionless, non-wearing, linear movement and
radial support for reciprocating machines. Since the maximum operating stress in the flexure
is a controlling factor for the cryocooler operating life, this stress must be determined. The
objective of the present work was to estimate the stresses in the flexure bearing under static and
dynamic deflections.

A typical flexure bearing, which is a spiral-cut diaphragm, was considered. ABAQUS finite
element code was used to characterize the flexure performance under static deflection. Analysis
results of the flexure deflection correlate well with the measurement. However, the flexure is
operated in-.the cyclic loading condition. Its responses under static and dynamic deflections
might be different. DYNA3D finite element dynamic code was then utilized to analyze the
flexure quasi-static and dynamic responses. Analysis results indicate that the peak dynamic
stress in the flexure is 28% higher than the quasi-static response. Therefore, it is recommended
that dynamic stress be considered in flexure fatigue life prediction.
Long-life, high-reliability, cryogenic refrigerators (cryocoolers) are a major enabling technology
for infrared sensor systems used on satellites. It has been shown that a linear drive,
non-contacting bearing Stirling cycle cryogenic refrigerator concept is the most advanced
approach to satisfy these needs [1-2]. The key technology developments that enabled spacecraft
applications of Stirling cycle cryocoolers were the use of flexure bearings. The flexure bearings
provide the frictionless and non-wearing support for the reciprocating components of the
cryocooler. Figure 1 shows some of the typical flexure bearing configurations used in various

In general, the flexure bearing assembly consists of a stack of axially flexible cut-diaphragms
with inner and outer rim/spacers. Figure 2 shows a single diaphragm assembly. The inner
rim/spacer provides support to the piston assembly. The outer rim/spacer is fastened to the
compressor housing which provides support to the flexure diaphragm. Since the maximum
operating stress in the flexure is the controlling factor for the cryocooler operating life, this
stress must be properly determined. The objective of the present work is to estimate the stresses
in the flexure bearing under static and dynamic deflections.

Cryocoo/ers 8. Edited by R. G. Ross, Jr.

Plenum Press, New York, 1995 305
Archimedes Spinl Flexure Cantilevcn Oxford Flexure

Figure 1. Typical flexure bearings.

Outer Rim/Spacer

Spin! Cut

Inner Rim/Spacer

Figure 2. General topology - spiral cut linear flexure bearing.

In Section II, the geometry of a spiral flexure bearing used in a cryocooler compressor assembly
is defined. In Section III, the analysis of this flexure bearing using ABAQUS and DYNA3D
finite element codes is described. Discrepancy between the peak dynamic stress and the
quasi-static responses are also presented. Tests were performed on the spiral flexure bearing
and the results are presented in Section IV. Finally, deflection measurements were then
compared with analysis prediction.
A spacecraft cryocooler was designed with two mirror-image pistons, housed within a common
cylinder and operating in phase opposition for dynamic balance. This cryocooler was designed
for 10 years operating life without maintenance. Each piston, driven by its own moving coil
linear motor, is supported by two stacks of spiral-cut flexure bearings.

Figure 3. A three-finger spiral Figure 4. Flexure coarse finite-

flexure bearing. element model.

A= .21
B = .196
c = .181
D = .167
E = .152
F = .138
G .123
H =
I = .0943
J = .0798
K = .0653
L = .0508
M = .0363
N = .0218
0 = .00726

Figure 5. Flexure displacement contour at full stroke position.

The geometry of a spiral flexure finger can be defined by the equation below [3]

R = R, + CRo- R,) f(c/>)1 25

f(c/>) = act> + bc/> 3 + cc/> 5 + d 7 , c1> = (} I (}""' (Eq. 1)

where R, = Inner radius of the spiral

Ra = Outer radius of the spiral
(} = <Range from 0 to (}rna,>
(}""' = Flexure finger sweeping angle, 220

The coefficients of a, b, c, and d in Eq. (1) can be obtained by solving the 4x4 simultaneous
equations when

f(l) = 1
df(c/>)/dc/> = 1.2, at c/> = 0 (the slope intercept of the function at inner circle)
df(c/>)/dc/> = 0.8, at c/> = 1 (the slope intercept of the function at outer circle)
f(0.6) = 0.6

Figure 3 shows the three-finger spiral flexure bearing chosen (or used in) for the present study.
This flexure bearing has a 1.27 mm width slot with stress relief radii at both ends of spiral slots.
For the static analysis, a coarse-mesh finite element model of the three-finger spiral flexure
bearing was constructed (Figure 4). This model consists of 552 shell elements and 658 nodes.
In Figure 4, the x and y axes define the flexure geometry. The z axis is perpendicular to the
flexure surface. The flexure has a nominal thickness of 0.005 in. (0. 127 mm) and is designed
to accommodate a 0.18 inch (4.572 mm) deflection (full stroke) in the z-axis. In the finite
element analysis model, the outer edge of the flexure is fixed and no in-plane rotation is allowed
at the flexure center. Since the deflection of the flexure is very large as compared to its
thickness, a nonlinear geometric analysis was performed with the ABAQUS finite ele ment code
on the SGI 4D/CRIMSON workstation. This finite element analysis code with an implicit
formulation was chosen to characterize the flexure performance under static deflection. The
analysis results indicate that high stress concentrations are located at the two ends of the

Table I. Maximum effective stress at full stroke position

Analysis Loading Maximum Effective Stress (ksi)

Code Type
Outer End of Slot Inner End of Slot
ABAQUS Static 35.1 41.0
Quasi-static 34.8 43.0
Dynamic 54.9 45.1

spiral-cut finger, whose maximum effective stresses are listed in Table I. The peak stress
occurring at the inner end of the slot has a magnitude of 41.0 ksi. The displacement contour,
Figure 5, shows that the spiral finger edge can curl up like a potato chip and deflect more than
the flexure center deflection of 0.18 in.

In addition to the static analysis, a dynamic response of the flexure was analyzed using the
DYNA3D computer code [4] on a SUN 4/470 workstation. This finite element analysis code
with an explicit formulation is capable of analyzing problems with stress wave propagation. It
was used to analyze the spiral flexure dynamic response with the full stroke of 0. 18 in. and at
32 Hz. Three cycles of the flexure dynamic response were evaluated. This analysis was
completed in four days (3.125 x lOS CPU computer time) on the SUN workstation. The flexure
center deflection is shown in Figure 6. The analyses results are summarized in Table I. The
effective stress histories of the hot spots at the inner and outer ends of the spiral slots are shown
in Figures 7a and 7b. It is seen that the maximum stress occurs at the outer end of the spiral
slot with a magnitude of 54.9 ksi . In addition, a quasi-static solution was obtained by slowly
applying an external load to determine the flexure bearing stresses at full stroke. A peak stress
of 43.0 ksi at the inner end of the slot was obtained. This stress is compatible with the
ABAQUS static analysis. Thus, it demonstrates that the dynamic flexure stress is 28% higher
than the quasi-static response.

: .
0.15 :
.-. : :



: :

0.05 . :
() :
tel 0.00 3 :
Ill ~
i5 ~.05 ~ :
iii :

< '
.0.15 .:J
::i .
.0.20 ~
I ' I ' I '
0.000 0.025 0.050 0.075

Time (sec)
Figure 6. Dynamic deflection curve of the flexure center.

60 ,_-----------------------------.

: .:

.. ;

0.000 0.025 0.050 0.075

Time (sec)
Figure 7a. Von Mises effective stress at the inner end of the spiral cut.

60 ~------------------------------.

- so


I ll :: ..
"~ \\
- .
u 20 ~!
ffi 10
...J :
0.000 0.025 0.050 0.075

Time (sec)
Figure 7b. Von Mises effective stress at the outer end of the spiral cut.

To further improve the accuracy of static stress calculation, a 1/3 flexure bearing model (one
finger model), Figure 8, was constructed with a finer mesh at the hot spots. This model consists
of 23 beam elements, 1305 shell elements, and 1378 nodes. The ABAQUS static analysis results
indicate that the peak stress can reach a maximum of 51.4 ksi. Consequently, the peak dynamic
stress in the flexure could be higher and reach 65. 8 ksi.


To verify some of the analysis results, an experiment was set up to measure the deflection along
the edge of each spiral finger when the flexure was statically deflected to a full stroke of 0.18
in. The test setup in Figure 9 consists of a Newport precision motorized rotary table, a Newport
Linear translator with closed-loop actuator controller, a Haenni laser diode, and a computer
controlled data acquisition system. A Haenni Instruments Laser Optical Measurement System
was used to determine accurate flexure deflection measurements along predetermined node points
along the edge of each spiral finger when the flexure was statically deflected to a full stroke of
0. 18 in. This laser system is a 2 in. distance measurement system that produces a linear voltage
output proportional to distance throughout its 2 in. range. A GaAs laser, operating at 10kHz,
produces a beam spot size of 0.008 in. at a distance of 2 in. from the target. Reflected energy


Figure 8. Refined finite element model of a 1/3 flexure bearing.

from the target is captured by a linear photodiode and distance to target is obtained by
triangulation. The laser head is mounted on a micrometer stage fitted with a linear actuator
driven by a Newport PCM400 Advanced Multi-Axis Controller which is directed by a computer
for precise beam positioning. The flexure was sprayed with black paint to reduce reflective
variations and to increase the amount of scattered laser light incident on the receiving element.
Figure 10 is a plot of static deflection measurements versus the analysis prediction. In this
figure, the number in the abscissa corresponded to the locations along the edge of the flexure
finger, measured from the inner rim to the outer rim. These locations were chosen according
to the node points in the finite element model. The ordinate is the deflection of the flexure.
Data points were plotted using mean value calculated from three-finger measurements. A good



Figure 9. Test setup for flexure deflection measurement.


. . .
------ ---

,..'\ I
u .\

. \ I
a. ~ '
- Prediction -~
0 0.100- - - Mean values
.... :.\
+ . .\'\ I
of experiments
Experiments !
'------~ ..~

0 000 ~0-~--.2r--.--,
locations at the flexure finger edge

Figure 10. Comparison between static deflection measurements and analysis

agreement is observed between the analysis and tests. The measurements also captured the
curling phenomenon in the spiral flexure.


ABAQUS finite element code was used to characterize the spiral flexure performance under
static deflection. Analysis results of the flexure deflection correlated well with the measurement.
DYNA3D finite element dynamic code was also utilized to analyze the flexure quasi-static and
dynamic responses. The quasi-static analysis result is compatible with the static response.
Dynamic analysis results indicate that the peak stress in the flexure could be 28% higher than
the quasi-static response. Therefore, it is recommended that dynamic stress be considered in
flexure fatigue life prediction .
This work is funded by the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization and managed by the Air
Force Phillips Laboratory under Contract No. F04701 -88-C0089. The authors would like to
thank the following individuals from The Aerospace Corporation for their contributions to this
work: D. F. Gluck and P. F. Jones of the program office for their support of this work; L. J.
Ortega and P. R. Valenzuela of Mechanics & Propulsion Department for their assistance in
building the test fixture; and F. Y. Yamanaka of Structural Technology Department for her
typing and preparing this paper.
1. Johnson, A. L., "Spacecraft Borne Long Life Cryogenic Refrigeration Status and
Trends," Cryogenics, pp. 339-347, July 1983.
2. Henderson, B. W., "U. S. Industry Close to Producing Long-Life Space Cool ing
System," Aviation Week & Space Technology, 6 April 1992.
3. Wong, T. E., Pan, R. B., and Johnson, A. L., "Novel Linear Flexure Bearing," 7th
International Cryocooler Conference, 17-19 November 1992, Santa Fe, NM, pp.
4. Whirley, R. G. and Engelmann, B. E., DYNA3D ~ Manual , Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory, UCRL-MA-107254 Rev. I, November 1993.


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