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Noora ebrahim

L.P For The Teaching Math In A Second/Foreign Language

Grade CCSS Math Strand:

Unit: numbers
Noora ebrahim Lesson: Fraction

CCSS Standards:
Fraction dividing the shape into half and quarters, how to write the
fraction , and most of them can read the fraction , knowing the numerator
and denominator .

Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):

By the end of the lesson:
1. Students will be able to know fraction numbers and their equivalent.
2. Student will be able to recognize fraction even in different symbol other
than numbers.



Page 24
Write the fraction ( they have to see the pizza and write the
book(s) fraction )

Workshee Extra worksheets for who finishes quickly

ts/ papers contain different fraction activities to evaluate their understanding.

White board - Markers

Projector & speakers to play video

Student Maths Book

materials/ Printed handouts
manipulat Pencil
Smart Board
Flash game for extra time
Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):
Word Glossary Definition Image

Half 2 equal parts of whole thing

Noora ebrahim
4 equal parts of whole thing

Whole its a whole part of shape

Equivalent its equal to

Students Prior Knowledge:

Most of them They already know the half and quarter , and how to write a fraction .
They mostly recognize fraction .
Possible Problems and Misconceptions:
Students could have difficulties to divide different symbol to a fraction
Some students dont get the point of the activities or worksheets, because of their
short-term concentration
Difficulty to understand the numerator and denominator
Solutions for the Possible Problems and Misconceptions:
The teacher will show them a way to divide the different symbol by explaining to them
in different strategy
Show the students an example for each activity, to see what they have to do, and use
the three learning style (visual, kinesthetic, visual), to keep attract them.
Give them an example of who to write and find out the numerator and denominator by
using different method such as worksheet .

Lesson Schedule
Targeted teacher questions to promote HOTS
Student communication and the use of math language
T&S Time
Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge): interact

video song about fractions S 5 min


justification :

student will understand what fraction mean and they will have fun
looking to the picture and listening to the song , to see the video it will
get more attention than explaining the lesson in regular way .

Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures):

Explain the concept of ( fraction (numerator and t 10 min

denominator) , Equivalent), by a PowerPoint.
I will explain each concepts of the fraction lesson , in different way
first I will explain the new words and the two part of fraction then S 5 to 10
give them e.x then Equivalent power point I will focus of the min
high level because they will get it in first time and the rest
will explaining to them in next class using different

Book exercise,. Write the fraction ( they have to see the pizza
and write the fraction ) p 24
Noora ebrahim

Activity ( B) medium: pizza fraction

Objective: to define fraction and to identify a fraction by
comparing the number of shaded parts to the number of equal
Steps: i will give them a paper with pictures of shaded pizza and
another paper to stick the pizza that they. Then i will spin the
wheel and tell them to match the fraction equivalent to the
shaded pizza on the paper that i provided for them and cut it
then stick it to the other paper and write the fraction of pizza
Question: what is the principle behind fraction being equal into
Answer: Explain that the value of a fraction is not changed by
which sections of a shape are shaded or the positioning of a
shape does not change the value of the fraction it represents.
possible problems: what if some students don't know the
equivalent of fraction numbers if express into shaded pizza?
solutions :i will point it to them and simplify my explanation
again on how did they became equal even if they differ in
symbol e.g. Numbers equivalent with pictures Justification: i
choose this activity for medium level because it will help them
develop more their logical thinking by naming fractions just
using shaded shapes

Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or

S 10 min

Challenge Work Sheet for whom finish quickly, S &t 5 min
Online game
play the engagement video again, when tiding up. S Extra
Noora ebrahim
Noora ebrahim

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