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Chapter I


Background of the Study

Electricity is a form of energy which we use to power machines and electrical devices


It is one of the most valuable energy that people cannot live without especially to todays

modern word. Everyday each every one of us consumes a lot of electricity. In common

households, many appliances such as lamps, refrigerator, iron, washing machines, etc. use

electricity to work.

As technology develops each passing time and high tech devices more importantly used

to engineering and technology, as well as enthusiasts. There is a high demand for reliable, and

less expensive devices or equipment.

In every household, with the existence of power meters, consumers electricity

consumption is recorded and monitored. A monthly bill is given to the consumers of their

electricity consumption. Currently these devices are provided directly by the local electric

company. This meters play a key role in electricity consumption in a household. These devices

are commonly large and very expensive. This even requires a trained person just to install a

simple power meter.

The length of time a consumer is given a bill or given an update of their electricity

consumption is far too long for the consumer to a monitor and observe the behavior of their

electricity usage. Monthly feedback given to the consumers is not enough knowledge for them

on how much electricity is consumed.

If a person can instantaneously see how much power leaving a device on by accident

consumes per minute, they may be more careful in the future about letting devices run when not

needed. The goal of creating more awareness about energy consumption would be optimization

and reduction in energy usage by the user. This would reduce their energy costs, as well as

conserve energy [9].

Statement of the Problem

Every day, we consume electricity at a significant rate. We consume electricity by almost

everything we use. Lights, refrigerator, heaters, chargers, iron and so much more uses electricity

to work. It is invisible to the consumer to see their electricity consumption

One of the main energy problems is to control electricity usage in households. We can

monitor our electricity consumption using the Kilowatt Meter provided by the electric company.

A homeowner has no way to track their power usage on a more immediate basis.

One solution is the Smart Meter. Smart Meters is a new kind of electricity meter that can

digitally send meter readings to the energy supplier. This can ensure a more accurate energy

consumption and bills. Smart Meters also come with monitors, so consumers can better

understand their energy usage [5].

But there is one tiny problem we see in this Smart Meter is that it is very expensive. Most

of the consumers cannot afford this kind of meter.

The researchers decided to create a simple, inexpensive Kilowatt meter using the Arduino

microcontroller. Simple components are required and are safe to use. The use of CT sensor or

Current Transformers are sensors that measure AC current. Clamp one of the main lines and it

reads the current running through your house. Tapping into the main line will never be done thus

a protecting the device and safer way of reading current passing through a circuit.

Objective of the Study

The objective of this project is to develop a Kilowatt meter using Arduino. This reads and

displays the instantaneous values of current, voltage, power, peak power and total energy

consumed of a household on Liquid Crystal Display (LCD).

Significance of the Study

This project makes awareness to the consumers of their energy usage.

The result of this project will be beneficial to the following:

To the Household. This study will help trace the power, current and voltage and energy

usage they consume every day. This will help optimize their total usage in every household.

To the Community. The community will be aware on their daily power usage that will

help them save energy.

To the Environment. By saving energy it can help reduce the demand for remnant fuels

such as coal, oil and natural gas.

To the Economy. This project can create and develop energy efficiency can save more

money and create jobs.

To the Entrepreneurs. Application on this project is not only limited to household use.

This could be one way of tracking power usage on big industries.

To the Researchers and Project Designers. The knowledge learned from this project

design will be helpful in conceptualizing new research. This can be used by the next researchers

as their reference to the near future.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

There are several scopes that cover this project. First, the researchers will be using the

Arduino microcontroller. This will be the brain of our project. Second, using the Arduino IDE,

this can read the instantaneous values of current and voltage, power and energy consumption

consumed by the consumer in a household. Lastly, interfacing the hardware with the Arduino

microcontroller so that we can compute the total power consumed. An AC voltage measuring

circuit is used to measure the voltage and the use of CT sensor to measure the AC current of a


One major limit of this project is that the researchers will not be covering the cost or

billing of electricity consumption for we cannot monitor or update the electricity rate.

The CT sensor may be safe to use but this has its limits. One of the major disadvantage of

is that a direct connection is more accurate than the clamped sensor.

Definition of Terms

CT - Current Transformer are sensors that measures the AC current for the project.

DIY - Do It Yourself
LCD also known as Liquid Crystal Display is a visual display used in

the device to display the values based on the outputs from the arduino.
Sketch - refers to the source code of the microcontroller or the

program code where conditions to run the device is controlled.

Smart Meter - is an electronic device that records consumption of electric energy in

intervals of an hour or less and communicates that information at least daily back to the

utility for monitoring and billing [11].

Tapping/ Tap - a process by which an electrical wire is connected to another electrical


Chapter II


Presented in this Chapter is the Review of Related Literature and Studies. This chapter

provides an overview of previous projects and studies related to our thesis. This introduces the

framework for our study that comprises the main focus of the research described in this paper.

Related Literature

In early years, electricity is available only to a wealthy society. The advancement in

technology over time encouraged meeting the demands of common people in all parts of the

world. The history of electricity meter is well connected involving researchers from past. The

general usage of electricity before was only limited to telegraphs and arc lamps. With the

invention of the electric bulb by Thomas Elva Edison, the power energy market became widely

opened to the public.

Electromechanical Induction Meters

This is the most common and traditional type of electricity meter.

The electromechanical induction meter operates by counting the revolutions of a non-

magnetic, but electrically conductive, metal disc which is made to rotate at a speed proportional

to the power passing through the meter. The number of revolutions is thus proportional to the

energy usage. The voltage coil consumes a small and relatively constant amount of power,

typically around 2 watts which is not registered on the meter. The current coil similarly

consumes a small amount of power in proportion to the square of the current flowing through it,

typically up to a couple of watts at full load, which is registered on the meter [10].

For monitoring electrical energy, the instrument for measuring electrical energy are

moving coil meters which could be seen in every home in the type of KWh meter. When

considering on accuracy of these meters which will depend on the quality of material such as the

saturated properties of magnetic field on moving plate and coil axis. In order to increase the

capability of the meter, the meter inform of solid state will be developed for accuracy in

measurement without material fatigue in mechanism.

Solid State Meter

Figure 1: Electromechanical Induction


There is a new type of meter used instead of common electromechanical induction meter

or the Electromechanical Meters. It calls the solid state meter where it the energy is displayed on

LCD. This means that the energy can be read automatically without the need of manual

calculation for users.

Solid State Meters use CT to measure current. So, current carrying conductor does not

need to pass through the meter itself. Thus, the meter can be located remotely from the main

current carrying conductor [10].

This type of meter has a power supply, a metering engine which given the inputs

calculates the various metering parameters, a microcontroller which calculates the digital values

generated by the metering engine, and other modules such as RTC or Real Time Clock, LCD

controller, temperature sensor for input/output functions.

The types of electricity meters mentioned above are some of the common meters used to

measure energy consumption. Nonetheless, they still have drawbacks. Electronic meters for

example, if this type of meter fails, data from a house for example being scanned by the meter

would be unavailable until it is repaired while the electromechanical meter has technical

problems created by the moving parts , which causes wear and tear.

Figure 2: Solid State Meter

Related Studies

AC Voltage Measurement Using Arduino [1]

This project done by an unknown author, posted this on circuits4you website where it

explained how to create an AC Voltmeter. Using the main components of a simple power supply,

this created a 5V output for it to be readable by the Arduino MCU. From a 230V AC source, a

step-down transformer was used to decrease the voltage form 220V to 6V. Using a bridge

rectifier, this converted the 6VAC to 6VDC. A variable resistor was used to calibrate and have a

proper reading of the voltage. Then a capacitor was used to filter the ripples. Lastly a 5V zener

diode was used to protect the Arduino from accidental excess voltages. Then the Arduino takes

the rest and computes the AC Voltage reading.

From this project, the researchers will be using the circuit on how the voltage was read to

the arduino.

Current Monitoring with Non-invasive Sensor and Arduino [2]

A technology enthusiast named Vincent Demay created this project on September 17,

2013 where he monitored the current entering in their house.

Using a Non-invasive CT sensor, he was able to read the AC current entering through the

house. This type of sensor is a current type sensor which means it only produces a current

output. For this to be readable to an Arduino, the output signal from the CT sensor needs to be

conditioned so it to meet the input requirements of the Arduino analog inputs. A circuit

composed of three resistors and a capacitor was added to convert the current output into an

acceptable voltage. This produced a 5V output then arduino computes for the actual AC current


Based on the project mentioned above, the researchers will be using the same sensor and

circuit to read the AC current.



This chapter describes the methodology to collect and analyze project, including the

research instruments, flowchart, and research output and test procedures.

The figure above shows the block diagram of this project. It consists of the power supply,

Figure 3: Block Diagram

a voltage and current sensor, the arduino and the LCD and LED pattern.

Current Sensor

A CT sensor or the Current Transformer is used that captures the AC current flowing

through a wire. The sensor can be clamped to one of the wires either live or neutral coming into

the house. This is a safe way of reading a current through a wire for there is no need for direct

contact with the mains. The CT sensor is a current output type sensor which gives a current

signal output. For the arduino to read the signal, this must be first converted to a voltage signal

with the use of a burden resistor, R1 shown in Figure 4. A burden resistor is used to produce a

voltage output proportional to the resistors value. Since the arduino can only read positive

voltage, two resistors, R2 and R3, must be added to make 5V. A capacitor C1 is connected which

provides an alternative path for the alternating current to bypass the resistor.

Figure 4: Current Sensor Circuit

Voltage Sensor

For the voltage sensor, a simple circuit is used taken from the concept of a simple

5Vpower supply. Shown in Figure 5, a transformer for the same purpose to step down the voltage

then next a bridge rectifier is connected to which converts the AC voltage to DC voltage. A

voltage divider is used, R1 and potentiometer or variable resistor RV1 to adjust the value to have

a proper reading. Next a capacitor C1 is used for removing ripples to prevent fluctuations. Lastly

a zener diode D5 is connected in the circuit for regulating the voltage output and also for

protection and will never give an output higher than 5V.

Figure 5: Voltage Sensor Circuit

Signals sent from the sensors are received by the arduino microcontroller and it calculates

current, voltage, power and energy consumption and then displayed on the LCD. LED pattern is

used to indicate the peak power range measured by the device. The pattern indicates the range

peak power consumed in a household. Green LED indicates that the power usage is normal. The

yellow LED average power usage. While the red LED indicates if the power usage reaches or

exceeds the peak power value.

A power supply which produces dual output of +5V to power the Current Sensor Circuit

and +9V to power the arduino. From a 240VAC source a step down transformer TR1

(220V/15V) is connected from the 220V. This is how 220VAC is reduced to 15VAC. Next, the

reduced voltage is sent to a bridge rectifier. Bridge rectifier is used to rectify AC to DC. The

output voltage of this rectifier is 15VDC. A capacitor C1 and C2 is used to filter the voltage.

Output form the capacitors are received by the regulators U1 and U2. U1 produces +5V while

U2 regulates +9V.


The hardwares and softwares are the insrutments used to create this project is mention



Arduino Microcontroller

Arduino is used to develop stand-alone interactive objects or can be connected to

software on your computer .Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform based on a

simple I/O board. The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. It has

14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz

crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains

everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB

cable or power it with an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. Arduino will be the brain of

the device.

Figure 6: Arduino Uno

Non-Invasive Current Sensor (YHDC SCT-013-000)

Current transformers are sensors that are used for measuring alternating current. They are

particularly useful for measuring whole building electricity consumption (or generation for that

matter) [2].

Like any other transformer, a current transformer has a primary winding, a magnetic core,

and a secondary winding.

In the case of household monitoring the primary is the live or the neutral wire coming

into the house itself and goes through the hole in the CT. The secondary winding comprises

many turns of fine wire housed within the casing of the transformer.

The YHDC SCT-013-000 will be used in this project. It is a split core type such as the CT

shown in Figure 7 is particularly suitable for DIY use it can be clipped straight on to either the

live or neutral wire coming into the house without having to do any high voltage electrical work.

The CT must be on a single current-carrying wire either live or neutral. If you put it on a

twin-core, or any multi-core cable then it will measure the sum of the currents in each of the

conductors. In the case of a twin-core or twin core & earth cable, the same current will be

flowing in opposite directions and the sum will be zero.

Clip-on current sensors are non-invasive and should not have direct contact with the AC

mains. However, installing the sensors will require working in close proximity to cables carrying

high voltage. Installing must be done slowly and with care for the safety of the researchers.

A wire carrying an electric current sets up a magnetic field around it. The wire forms the

primary winding of the current transformer. The iron (or ferrite) transformer core concentrates

the field and couples it to the secondary winding and, provided the magnetic field continually

changes, causes a current to flow in that winding too. A current transformer will not measure

direct current [7].

Figure 7: YHDC SCT-013-000 Current Transformer

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

LCD (liquid crystal display) is the technology used for displays in notebook and other

smaller computers. Like light-emitting diode and gas-plasma technologies, LCDs allow displays

to be much thinner than cathode ray tube technology. LCDs consume much less power than LED

and gas-display displays because they work on the principle of blocking light rather than

emitting it [12].

The Liquid Cristal Display is the output of this project. The LCD used for the Arduino

based KiloWatt Meter is a 16x4 character display based on the Hitachi HD44780. Figure 8 shows

the LCD output for the device.

Figure 8: 16x4 LCD Display Blue LED Backlight

Light-Emitting Diode (LED)

A light-emitting diode (LED) is a two-lead semiconductor light source. It is a pn

junction diode, which emits light when activated. When a suitable voltage is applied to the

leads, electrons are able to recombine with electron holes within the device, releasing energy in

the form of photons. This effect is called electroluminescence, and the color of the light

(corresponding to the energy of the photon) is determined by the energy band gap of the

semiconductor [3].

The LEDs will be used for indication of the measured peak power. Six LEDs will be

used, 2 red, 2 yellows and 2 green LEDs. The first 2 red LEDs will indicated a range 1/3 of the

peak power measured. LEDs red and yellow will indicate a range 2/3 of the peak power while if

all LEDs will lights up, this indicates it reached the maximum peak power level.


In this project, the researchers will be using the open source Arduino IDE. IDE Arduino

is a programming environment used to program Arduino modules. The programming

environment is implemented by programming language called Processing/Wiring. This language

collects many functions from C language. However, Arduino provides specific libraries, used

only in this environment. The advantage of being an open platform is that it is not required to

purchase a license, avoiding a considerable expense. Here The Arduino will be responsible for

both capturing the output of the CT sensors and sending the measured data to the LCD and LEDs

The Proteus 8.1 software will be used for simulation to test the circuit. In this way it will

be safer and nothing will be affected if the circuit will encounter faults thus proceeding to

prototyping if the circuit passed during simulation.


The algorithm of our project is shown in the flowchart below. The process starts and

when power is this runs the sketch. Next step the CT sensor reads the current passing through a

wire. The output data form sensor is then received by the rectifier for current signal be converted

to Arduino readable signal. The program reads then computes the current, voltage, power and

electricity consumption. If the device was ran for the first time, then the program sets the initial

peak power then system will return to normal operation.

The initial and current peak power will be read and compared. If the initial peak power

and current peak power changed, the current peak power will be set as the initial peak power and

system runs again until a change of peak power is detected then the current peak power will be

the new initial peak power then the system will return to normal operation.

The read current, voltage, power and electricity consumption will be displayed on the

LCD. The power range level consumed will be displayed by the LED pattern.

Figure 9: Flowchart


Figure 10: Projected output

The figure above shows what will be the projected output of this project.


User Operation Manual

1. The device can be placed before the main panel board or after the main switch of the

2. When device is turned on, the LED pattern indicates the range power consumption.

Green LED indicates that the power usage is normal. The yellow LED average power

usage. While the red LED indicates if the power usage reaches or exceeds the peak power

3. If adjustments are to be made, the changes must be done manually by changing or

adjusting in the arduino IDE. Code from the arduino is provided to the users. The

adjustments must be done in a laptop/PC connected to the arduino hardware.

Test Procedures

To verify the project be done and functioning properly, some test

procedures and measures are to be done by the researchers. The

researchers will determine the sensor if it is functioning properly.

Three CT sensors will be tested, namely S1, S2, S3. Each sensor will be

tested in three different circuitries, C1, C2 and C3. A pass or fail will be

marked depending on the sensors performance of the circuitry. A real power

meter will be compared to the device for the researchers to indicate whether

the device operated successfully or not. Under remarks column will be

marked usable or unusable. Usable will indicated if the sensor passed all

circuitry tests while unusable will indicated if the sensor failed all or even on

circuitry in the tests.

C1 C2 C3 Remarks
Figure 11: Test Procedure Table


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