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MCT OBSERVATION REPORT ~ B.Ed. (EPR) Year 4, Semester 2 Teaching Practice 4b~ Internship Name of student: ‘course: °C 4909 | Year Noora Ebrahim Name of School: Zam 7am ‘Mentoring Coleg Teacher Dr. Cara Weston ate and Tine: Februsy 21,2017, 9 a.m, ‘Competency A~Profesionalsm and Understanding: ‘This lesson was greatimprovement from the previous one observed. Noor's planning was wel sequenced and organized, an she wes both rlaned and in control ofthe lass and content. cotegory 0 Planning fr Learning: ‘Objectives written on raster paper and posted atthe front. Clearer than the objectives {rom the previous lessen good! **For abecive 3, Noora could be more specie snares and iferencesin relation to what? ‘The worksheets associted with “ss Nelson” were well prepared and motivating, artclarl he Venn elagram and the lass survey. **Best to give worksheets to stone ata tne so they don'tbecome distracted. Providing an example of a sinilary and ference between the two characters befor the st started the Venn dlagram would hve hapa thom ge arte MCT OBSERVATION REPORT ~ B.Ed. (EPR) Year 4, Semester 2 ‘Teaching Practice ab — Internship category C= implementing and Managing Learning Moora began the classby going over the dates. "Ok gis, eyes on me.” “Remember our rules stent your fends and give her chane.” Thad individual students practice reading verb tenses fom projection. rs “are you ready fordctation?” “Listen carefully wll repeat the words once.” “Arcve,arived, ee” Moora read various verbs inthe present and past tense while st. wrote thom in thee dation books. **Dictation is very useful for students and they typeally enjoy it for ashort period, W's also an etective way of setting them down, Noora can try including the dation words in example sentences as this helps provide context and improve understanding. The dictation could be extended with afew more words pr day a es n engaging actity which aczlerates comprehension. Next rew voeabuney ofthe day. Noora went over a selection of verb tenses projected on the front board ~ with accompanying pictures, **Go0d that adlitionel questions wore asked about the verbs and associated nouns. For example, while showing "ot", Noora asked, israladheathy?” **Could addons! words be provided a this point? Urteing sett based on workbook. T. provided instructions and prepared st. or what thoy would be listening to. This stening teat was dear and well recorded andthe st. ad to listen caefulyto choose the correct plture. St. were very attentive during thls activity, **Good that stoned twice "careful with oral English use "What she say? versus “What di she say?™ Noora did an eectivejob of chectng whether st. understood dvetions by having them repeated back to her. "What wil you do?” "Do you understand?” St completed a sheat | in their workbook — changing present tense verbs to past. **Good that st. were asked to, come to the hoor to wie the correct for. **T: "this egularorwregular?” W's Intorstng and utfulfor st. to consider this. Noora red fabulousstor tothe gi, "Miss Nelson Is Msg”, She asked the stadents totter to th pletures as she read and asked addtional questlonst practice English and generate lnterest.°*Hoora used very entertaining volees during storyline ~ ‘the clase wae very interest and loved tl **The inthe back were having le fica sein the pres ~try to hod the book up higher attest show them. In this cas, suggest completing the book and then going to the related activity, rather interrupting i One a te aie give hla ugh Ure book we ving the st. predict (using aworkshoet) where Mis Nelson was ~ however, thls ould have been done orally durirg the reading to save time, The other two worksheets could have been done effectively ollowing the reading. MCT OBSERVATION REPORT ~ B.Ed. (EPR) Year 4, Semester 2 Teaching Practice 49 ~ Internship — Category 0~ Monitorieg and Assesment of Learning Various activites wereused to evaluate Individual comprehension of the verb tenses. Noora went over invidua workshoet and had. come up t the front to provide the vee tence changes ‘shen st. have dificty determining the correct answer, ty to give them the time ‘they need to come tothe desired response, Usually, with some asistance with the teacher, they wil-tiss affirming forthe students and provides greater comprehension. For example, one st. was having eificuty changing ‘sy’ to sale. the st. was able to orally a7 this verb change, she could have worked with Noora to pel ‘the word letter by letter. (Let's seuss hi.) Category E~ Reflection: Please ema me your rections on this lesson, MCT OBSERVATION REPORT ~ B.Ed. (EPR) Year 4, Semester 2 Teaching Practice 4b — Internship Strengths ofthe lesior: ‘This lesson was well planned and executed. The actvtes lowed welland the students were fully engaged. Good work! Areas or Development Consider the advantages and dsadvantages of ether continuing and ishing activites such asthe story) or interrupting them to work ona related tae halfway through, Focus fr next lessons sienes:_{ ULL Date: February 24,2017 MCT: r. Cara Weston

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