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MCT OBSERVATION REPORT ~ B.Ed. (EPR) Year 4, Semester 2 Teaching Practice 4b Internship Name of student: Course: C4909 [Year 4 Noora Ebrahim Name of School Zam Zam Schoo! "Mentoring College Techer Dr, Cara Weston Date and Time: February 28,2017, Competency A —Profesionalism and Understanding Noor sgrowing in confidence and bacoming more expressive with the students. She has natural and tienaly manner. Sho could experiment with wslag her vole I varying ‘ways and practicing greater projection tothe back ofthe room, There arenes when ‘more structured drecton is required to kop the st. engaged and on task Woorasttod the st. ull atthe start of the elas, but was disrupted when new st student arrived, She handled this wel, and was able to resume the opening activity. The table set up of the classroom I conduelve to leering with four groups of desks placed in circles ratherthan squares. Noora tends to teach fom the front~she could vary tht at mes by tuating herself at ferent points in the oom, This particular class seemed to ack clear direction and lagged at points. Perhaps taking time prior tothe reagan listening activity to haves. brainstorm what they already new in each category food sleep and exercise and creating a poster with vriten Information foreach? MCT OBSERVATION REPORT ~ B.Ed. (EPR) Year 4, Semester 2 Teaching Practice 4b — Internship Category C— Implementing and Managing Learning ‘One student was asked to come othe front to give the morning greeting to her peers English and the other responded in unison. T: "who can tellme yesterday we talked about what?” Careful with English use, There was some confusion a this point a suddenly roup of students eft and others antved ‘There was minor response regarding yesterday's cass ~ could thisbe reviewed oraly in more detail? Four students gven makers a the front and Noora dictation with them on the ont board vocabulery: touel, leg, shout, te, “interesting to do dation this ‘way, butwhy not have ath st. also dodtation a the same time in thelr books? **can these words beused oly ina complete sentence by the T. to provide more contest and lstening experience? **Why are some of thesa word inthe present and ast, and others use the present? How are th words related? For Instance, most ofthem are verbs, butuhys Hi’ included? 1’ an odd combination of vocabulary which makes it challenging for students to remember, Start of new unit based on health. Prjection of workbook shown at front twas 2 lite aiuto see fem the back. St lstened to recording of reading tert in workbook St stoned twice. **How could st be given task, particularly during the second Tstening to create greater focus and intention? For example, they coud be ccing foods that bulld muscle. “On the sticker wre fformation you knew before and then the ew information.” Some st. seemed abt confused about this ask~ modeling a ‘example ona sticker before listening tothe recording would clarity. This dass mainly involied felowing the workbook txt and an accompanying worksheet. tims, st: became semewhet distracted indated bythe need for Noore to take off, wad ‘The workshoot activity required st. to differentite between foods they should eat and those they shouldn't. twas urcleat whether they shouldbe drawing, wring the words, ‘orboth. Then, once they started, Noora structed them to “write the name". Better to define this at the star ofthe tas. St asked to orally share ther inf using the structure, Veat.-instead of". *n order to evaluate understanding at this pont, etter to ‘have more st. share thi information ~even witha partner while the T.cculted Final acthiey~ St askedto crest a porter on etaying healthy on A¥ sted paper. Ts "The best poster wil get rewards.” **What are the ceria forthe ‘est poster’? Unclear ‘exactly what are expected todo with tis ~ draw pictures, write sentences, et? This typ of activity works well with partners athe than large groups. T: “I want something new -new informatior." Not clear what ths would be? Showing st an example poster ‘would help at this pont MCT OBSERVATION REPORT ~ B.Ed. (EPR) Year 4, Semester 2 Teaching Practice 4b — Internship ‘Category D~ Monitoring and Areossment of Learning Noora evaluated priorknowledge of st. relted to health by having them write Information they knew before the recording. This tasks interesting, but needed more direction from the T, bore using afew examples. 1 simpossble to know whether st uly understood the tsk. Als using lager sheets for this would allow st tthe back tose, “Another war to organize this would be to dhe the students into two teams — those wring information the already knew and those geting new nfo fom the reading, They could akornate reag thelr welten information, oa competition could be created, For evaluation to happen during this lesson, wing actives would need tobe included to. greater degree, The MST suggested the dea of having each group of. create 2 shared book about health ~ based on each st. ereating one sentence witha picture, Category Reflection Please email me your reflections om this eon. MCT OBSERVATION REPORT ~ B.Ed. (EPR) Year 4, Semester 2 Teaching Practice 4b — Internship Stongths ofthe Leszen The theme ofthis lesson offered the opportunity to build on students understanding ‘and knowledge of esky habits, yeas for Development: Consider ways to effectively sequence and develop tasks. There were several good ideas inthis lesson in termsof activites, but they were not well structured. Focus for next lesson: To be decussed. Date: February 28,2017 IMC: r. Cara Weston

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