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ZPD Executive Summary Page 1

Eco Sole

Mason Peacock

English 1101

Dr. Cassel

ZDP prototype
ZPD Executive Summary Page 2

The Earth, the planet in which we as the humankind reside. It has been in existent longer than
we have roamed its surface and yet in the time we have been here we have made drastic changes
to Earth. The main thing to focus on is Carbon emissions from the object that we make to better
our lives, turns out that the increased amount of carbon in the atmosphere is changing Earth's
climate. In the recent years, we as mankind have set up programs and are developing new ways
to make eco-friendly products to reduce the amount of carbon that is produced and sent out into
the atmosphere.

The Company

This leads to the prototype of an everyday object of a shoe, this new eco-friendly shoe
prototype dubbed the Eco Sole. Soles4sole, Mr. tester your company helps people all around the
world by granting people who didn't have the luxury of having something has simple and life
changing as shoes. The Eco sole could be a very nice addition to your shoes due to its low cost in
manufacturing and the fact that the shoe is eco-friendly. Being fully biodegradable the eco sole
can be sent to people in third world countries that don't have resources. This is where the eco
soles full biodegradation comes in after the shoe is outgrown it can degrade a soil, and enrich the
soil and reduce the amount of waste in the area. I believe the Eco Sole can benefit your
organization greatly and help the environment all at the same time. So, what makes the Eco Sole
such a revolutionary shoe well to start out this shoe is fully biodegradable. The Eco Sole is made
of three basic parts the strapping, the rubber sole, and the sweat resistance wrap that is coated
around the shoe.

The Components

The Eco sole design was based on a light weight covered wrapping shoe such has a TOM; the
wrapping of the shoe is consisting of 100% hemp and comes and a vast range of colors to
accommodate to the wearer's liking. The straps are fully biodegradable after removing the special
wrapping and submerged in water. Now on to the main aspect of the shoe the sole, the Eco Soles
sole is made from a biodegradable rubber that is relatival inexpensive to make but does require a
few layers do to the thinness of the rubber after processing. The prototype required only three-
layer, the rubber is also wrapped in sweat resistant wrapping which is tested to not stick to
human skin nor socks. To remove the wrappings from the sole there is an extra tab of warping
which is tucked away under the seam where the wears toes are located, this can be removed and
ZPD Executive Summary Page 3

help star the peeling of the warping off the sole. The third component of the Eco Sole which is
the wrapping that coats the shoe is a special form of a vacuum dried adhesives with thin
biodegradable plastic on top. The Eco sole has each part wrapped, and dried under a vacuum
chamber and then assembled to the wears size.

The Conclusion

The product does need some further research, though. The aspect that needs looking at the
durability of the product. The shoe holds up very well but not to the standards of a normal
running shoe. To counter this, considering a tough bottom lining of the shoe that holds up during
extended run periods. The Eco Sole is a versatile shoe with a cheap price tag and is made with
the Earth in mind, this joining the ranks of many new ideas that are trying to reduce carbon
emissions. Many other companies are starting to research, and develop shoes that are low to zero
carbon. Do to the nature of your company's business of giving people in need shoes to wear,
there is a strong belief that the introduction of the Eco Sole can benefit your company greatly.
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Reference page

Chu Jennifer (2013, May 22) MIT News footwears (carbon) footprint [web log post]

Goleman Daniel (2009 June 23) Why don't running shoes Biodegrade {web log post}

McNulty Mike (2013 July 13) ENSO aims to manage rubber waste with Restore RL

Ayers Ruby (2016 January 15) Industrial Hemp: A History and Overview of the Super Crop
{web log post}

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