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Transfusion and Apheresis Science 30 (2004) 2328

Blood component fractionation: manual versus

automatic procedures
Daniela Pasqualetti a,*, Alessandro Ghirardini b, Maria Cristina Arista a,
Stefania Vaglio a, Azis Fakeri a, Alan A. Waldman c, Gabriella Girelli a
Department of Cell Biotechnology and Hematology, University La Sapienza, Blood Bank, Via Chieti 7, Rome 00161, Italy
Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Laboratory of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Rome, Italy
Waldman Biomedical Consultancy, Oceaside, New York, USA

Over the last few years, quality system requirements have been introduced for blood components. The necessary
compliance with standard productions will have a considerable impact on Blood Banks. The introduction of automated
methods is the most satisfactory means to meet these requirements for blood component preparation.
A new device has been developed to automate the fractionation of blood into components. We evaluated the ecacy
of this instrument as compared to manual methods. A total of 218 units of blood have been collected, into several
dierent commercial blood bag systems (77 into standard quadruple bag systems, 141 into bag systems with integrated
in line lters), and used to evaluate the universality of the instrument. Whole blood units were processed using the Top/
Top system and the Compomat G4 (Fresenius HemoCare). A separate program protocol was developed for each kind
of bag.
Use of the Compomat G4 resulted in a statistically signicant (p < 0:001) increase of the hemoglobin in ltered red
cell concentrates (RCC) in comparison with the manual procedure, and a similar trend, even not statistically signicant,
has been observed for ltered RCC. Regardless of bag systems, we were able to observe a statistically signicant in-
crease of platelets in the platelet concentrates (PCs), when comparing automatic versus manual procedure.
The automated procedure has been shown to be fast, and easy for the operators. This device reliably produces
acceptable blood components, and has been shown adaptable to use with dierent blood bag systems.
 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction cussed over the last few years, and bringing stan-
dard production into compliance will have a
The implementation of a quality system for considerable impact on Blood Banks. In actual
blood component production has been much dis- practice, it often has been necessary to change
working methods in order to guarantee repro-
ducible production of the blood components,
* introducing careful controls of the processing
Corresponding author. Tel.: +39-06-85795-524; fax: +39-
06-85795-501. procedures involved and performing quality tests
E-mail address: (D. Pasqua- of the blood products on a routine basis. While in
letti). the past the procedures for preparing fractions of
1473-0502/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
24 D. Pasqualetti et al. / Transfusion and Apheresis Science 30 (2004) 2328

blood components were based completely on components produced with those obtained by the
manual operations, automated methods have re- standard manual method. As part of this study, we
cently been introduced as the most ecient and evaluated Top/Top blood bag systems from dif-
eective way to full the standards for blood ferent manufacturers.
components production and conform with the
European guidelines [1].
Using collection bags which allow for removal
of materials only through a port on the top (Top/ 2. Materials and methods
Top system), standard blood fractionation in the
United States begins with the separation, by low- To check on the universality of the automatic
speed centrifugation, of platelet-rich plasma instrument Compomat G4 (Fresenius HemoCare),
(PRP), red cell concentrates (RCC) and buy-coat we collected from blood donors 218 blood units,
(BC) from whole blood (WB). In a subsequent each of 450 ml 10%, into 63 ml of CPD antico-
high-speed centrifugation, platelet concentrates agulant solution, using blood bag collection sys-
(PCs) and platelet poor plasma (PPP) are derived tems from dierent manufacturers.
from the PRP [2]. In Europe, in the 1990s, a dif- Standard quadruple bag systems were used for
ferent approach was introduced, one designed to 77 of the blood collections, while blood bag
decrease development of the platelet storage lesion collection systems with integrated in-line lters
and in vitro activation due to the second centri- were used for 141 of the blood collections. In the
fugation [3,4]. Using collection bags which allow rst group of bag systems, manual procedures
for removal of materials through ports on both the were used to manufacture components from 13
top and the bottom (Top/Bottom system), it is units collected into Maco Pharma bags, 12 units
possible, following an initial high-speed centrifu- collected into Terumo bags, and 10 units col-
gation of the WB, to produce PPP on the top, with lected into Fresenius bags, while the automatic
the platelets concentrating into a BC on a cushion device was used to manufacture components
of RCC at the bottom [5]. After collection of this from 8 units collected into Maco Pharma bags,
BC, the platelets can be separated by a gentle low- 20 units collected into Terumo bags, and 14
speed centrifugation, a process that presumably units collected into Fresenius bags. In the second
produces less damage than high-speed packing, group of bags system with in-line lters, manual
which causes formation of tight pellets of plate- procedures were used to manufacture compo-
lets [6]. nents from 80 units collected into Fresenius bags
In actual practice, however, examination of and from 18 units collected into bags manufac-
platelets stored for up to ve days indicated no tured by Baxter, while the automated device was
signicant dierences in platelet survival and used to manufacture components from 31 units
function with the two preparative techniques [7,8], collected into Fresenius bags and 12 units col-
and it is still being debated whether or not platelets lected into Baxter bags.
from PRP or from BC are better [8]. The quadruple bag systems were processed
While there have been several studies performed immediately after blood collection, while all the in-
to validate the performance of an automatic line bag systems were processed after 2 h since
instrument with the Top & Bottom system [911], blood collection and after cooling at a conditioned
the results of using an automatic extractor for the temperature between 18 and 22 C. All the WB
Top/Top system for blood component preparation units were centrifuged at 550g for 8 min at 20 C,
have not been reported. with an acceleration rate of 2 and deceleration 1 in
As part of our eorts to improve product a Beckman J-6M/E centrifuge, to produce RCC.
quality and to reduce manufacturing problems, we PC were prepared from PRP by a second centri-
have tested the Compomat G4 (Fresenius Hemo- fugation at 2200g for 10 min.
Care) equipment developed to automate Top/Top The automated fractionation was performed
fractionation, and compared the quality of the using Compomat G4 (Fresenius-HemoCare).
D. Pasqualetti et al. / Transfusion and Apheresis Science 30 (2004) 2328 25

Following each of the centrifugations, the blood (b) Terumo and Baxter blood bag systems:
packs are taken out of the bucket, the primary Upper press out to 53.0 mm, both presses out
bag hung on the pins on the front of the machine, DET A1 and lower press out DET A8 + B with a
and the satellite bags placed on the top of the speed 25%.
Compomat G4, with the integrated tubing being (c) Fresenius and Baxter blood bag systems with
placed in built-in automated clamper/sealers. After in-line lters:
the rst centrifugation of the WB, as directed Upper press out 50.0 mm, lower press out DET
by the software, three presses combined with A6 with speed 15% and then lower press out DET
the integrated detectors express out PRP and, A8 + B with speed 20%.
if desired, BC, into satellite bags, leaving the (d) PRP derived from all systems:
RCC. After the second centrifugation, the pre- Both presses to 45.0 mm, upper press to 56.0
sses and integrated detectors express out the PPP mm and lower press to 58.0 mm.
into a satellite bag, leaving the PCs. The detectors,
the sensitivity of which were set to meet our stan- After standardization of the method for stain-
dards, allow control over the blood component ing of leukocytes with a commercial kit (Leuco-
separation, and standardization for dierent bags. Count, Becton Dickinson, San Jose, Costa
The separation of the 141 blood units with in- Mesa-CA, USA), this kit and calibrated ow cyto-
line lters was performed with the same procedure metry (FACScan, Becton Dickinson, San Jose,
as described above, placing the lter upside down Costa Mesa-CA, USA) were used to count the
on the right hand side panel of the Compomat. In absolute number of the residual [12]. Other
addition, this equipment has been used on Frese- hematological parameters were measured with an
nius lters with the partial squeezing of Sag-M automated analyser (AcT.5DiCP-Coulter, Instru-
through the lter by means of the top press. The mentation Laboratory, Milan, Italy).
ltration of the 141 RCC with in-line lters was Statistical analysis was performed by comparing
carried out by gravity. mean value of the relevant variables, by using the
By using Compomaster, a software running on Epi Info software (version 6) produced by the
Windows NT that manages the Compomat, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Compomat G4 is able to process the blood units
with a programmed and personalized protocol for
each kind of bag. The Compomaster/Compomat 3. Results
programs every procedure, from the start to end of
separation, and registers all the data. At our site, The average gain in hemoglobin recovery in
in order to obtain the best recovery results for the RCC was equal to or more than 3 g/unit for both
RCC, dened as lowest hemoglobin loss into the ltered and not ltered RCC. As shown in Tables
small BC volume and a low level of WBC con- 1 and 2, the automatic procedure is associated with
tamination, we developed specic parameters for a statistically (p < 0:001) signicant increase in
the processing programs for the dierent bag sys- hemoglobin recovery in ltered RCC, while for
tems, as follows: RCC the dierence does not reach the signicant
level (p 0:12). The apparent greater increase in
(a) Fresenius and Maco Pharma blood bag sys- red cell recovery for the Fresenius bags (Table 3) is
tems: felt, in part, to be due to the large standard devi-
The upper press is pushed out to 54.0 mm and ation in the volumes of the individual collections.
the red cell level reaches rst the DET A2 by With regard to the higher values for hemoglo-
means of both presses, then the DET A6 + B using bin in the ltered RCC (Table 2), this is apparently
only the lower press with a speed 20% to reduce due to a decreased loss in the lters, a loss that, for
the squeezing ow. The combination of these the Baxter bags, falls to 11.17% (Table 4).
parameters mainly denes the features of the BC, It should be noted that the Fresenius lter
in terms of volume and hematocrit. was hard-housing and the Baxter lter was
26 D. Pasqualetti et al. / Transfusion and Apheresis Science 30 (2004) 2328

Table 1 Table 4
Comparison of results between manual and automatic proce- Comparison of the results produced by Compomat G4 of l-
dure in standard bag systems from all dierent manufactures tered red cell concentrates with bag systems with in-line lters
Overall summary from the two dierent manufacturers used
Manual procedure Compomat G4
of standard bag (N 35) (N 42) Results with the two Fresenius Baxter
systems Mean (SD) Mean (SD) bag systems with in-line (N 31) (N 12)
lters manufacturers Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Volume (ml) 335.7 (22.6) 351.6 (24.6) Filtered RCC
Hb (g/unit) 61.0 (7.7) 64.6 (5.7) Hb (g/unit) 58.1 (7.8) 62.09 (5.24)
Ht (%) 52.9 (5.3) 53.2 (2.2) Hb loss (%) 10.4 (4.4) 11.17 (8.6)
WBC Log depletion 4.14 (0.30) 4.08 (0.27)
Plts (10e11) 0.62 (0.17) 0.81 (0.2) PCs
Recovery (%) 73.8 (14.1) 92.6 (14.5) Plts (10e11) 0.70 (0.3) 0.68 (0.7)
Recovery (%) 84 (22) 76 (30)

Table 2
Comparison of results between manual and automatic proce- priming and ltration was carried out by gravity.
dure in in-line lter systems from all dierent manufactures There was no statistically signicant dierence
Overall Summary of Manual procedure Compomat G4 (p 0:52) in residual WBC (Table 4) for both
in-line lter systems (N 98) (N 43) types of WBC ltered components.
Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
The results for PCs from the standard bags are
Filtered RCC presented in Table 1. A statistically signicant
Hb (g/unit) 53.3 (7.8) 59.2 (7.8)
Hb loss (%) 13.0 (7.6) 10.4 (4.4)
dierence (p < 0:003) has been observed between
WBC Log depletion 4.36 (0.6) 4.14 (0.3) the automatic procedure compared to manual
procedure, with a remarkable increment of the
Plts (10e11) 0.61 (0.2) 0.71 (0.3)
platelet count, roughly 20%, in the PCs. Table 3
Recovery (%) 73.5 (15.1) 82.0 (24) presents the results obtained for each of several
dierent manufacturers. The automatic prepara-
tion method was found to yield excellent and
comparable platelet counts with both the Terumo
Table 3 and Fresenius blood bag systems, with a recovery
Comparison of the results produced by Compomat G4 of red greater than 92.9% and 95.0%, respectively. This is
cell concentrates using bag systems from three dierent manu- a statistically (p < 0:001) signicant dierence, as
facturers compared to the results with the Maco Pharma
Results with Terumo Fresenius Maco Pharma bags, which had a recovery of 62.1%.
dierent bag (N 20) (N 14) (N 8) Similarly, the automated method proved supe-
system Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
rior to the manual method for the preparation
of PCs from blood bag systems with lters, with
Volume (ml) 340.0 (12.4) 370.4 (25.1) 365.4 (18)
a mean recovery per unit of 0.71 1011 versus
Hb (g/unit) 62.6 (3.2) 68.4 (6.5) 57.2 (3.9) 0.61 1011 (Table 2). Table 4 presents the results
Ht (%) 52.8 (2.1) 53.8 (2.6) 52.8 (2.2) obtained for the two dierent bag manufacturers.
No statistically signicant dierences were found
Plts (10e11) 0.82 (0.16) 0.85 (0.3) 0.60 (0.33) in the results obtained with the Fresenius and
Recovery (%) 92.9 (11.8) 95.0 (14.4) 67.1 (10.2) Baxter blood bag systems with in-line lters.
The average processing time using the Compo-
mat was 2 min and 15 s for each bag. The total
soft-housing. The priming of the rst, before the time for the procedure using automatic equipment
passive ltration, was performed automatically by was 4 min and 50 s, while the total time for the
use of the top press, while for the second both manual operation was 6 min and 36 s.
D. Pasqualetti et al. / Transfusion and Apheresis Science 30 (2004) 2328 27

There were no problems with the equipment, recovery was high enough to allow us to reduce the
and no breakdowns during the study. The only number of units used for the preparation of pooled
unexpected events during the study were two PCs. This reduces the risk of exposure to infectious
leaking seals, failures traced to incorrect posi- agents and to allogeneic stimuli as well as reducing
tioning of the tubing in the welding clamp. the costs of this product. In our facility, where the
increased request for PCs does not allow storage of
the PCs for more than one or at most two days, we
4. Discussion have established that it is best to prepare platelets
by this two-step method, using the automated
It is well known that, for transfusion therapy device Compomat G4.
to be eective, there must be quality and consis- Usage of pools of PC made by the two-step
tent blood components. This study provides data centrifugation method has, in the past, been
on the performance of an available automated questioned. Since the beginning of the 1990s in the
instrument, Compomat G4 (Fresenius Hemo- United States, in order to reduce risks of alloim-
Care), for separating blood components. Perfor- munization, there has been an increase in the use
mance, the accuracy of the separation process, and of apheresis-derived platelet concentrates (APCs),
the reliability of the device using dierent bag rather than single unit PCs, for treatment of
systems, were evaluated and compared with the thrombocytopenic patients. In 1994, more than
manual method previously used in our Blood half of all transfused platelets were performed with
Center. APCs [13], with markedly increased costs. How-
Performance, accuracy and reproducibility of ever, the TRAP Study group [14] demonstrated
the automatic method were assessed in two ways, that, when blood products are leucodepleted, there
both on ability to meet the standards in the is no advantage of APCs over PCs with regard to
European guidelines, and on the extent of varia- alloimmunization rates. It also was suggested, by
tion in the results. The results obtained for the several studies in the past, that the quality of BC-
components produced were all well above the PCs was better than PRP-PCs [15,16]. However,
standards of the European guidelines, and the recent studies demonstrate that there are no dif-
standard deviation of the parameters measured ferences in low morphological score and recovery
were either the same or lower for the automatic between ltered pooled BC-PCs and PRP-PCs [17]
procedure than for the manual procedure. and that, in vitro, the dierences of activation,
Our results demonstrate that when this device brinogen and glycoproteins were not signicant
was used to prepare red cell concentrates (RCC) after one day of storage [7].
following a low-speed centrifugation to prepared Our Center processes approximately 20,000
PRP, the level of hemoglobin in the RCC was blood units/year, and for each product uses a
higher than for the manual method. When this specic kind of bag, with the aim of improving the
device was used in conjunction with in-line lters, quality process, so we evaluated the universal
there was less loss of hemoglobin during prepara- applicability of the instrument, using the same
tion of the ltered RCC than for the manual separation process with bag systems from several
method. In Europe, it is required [1] that RCC and dierent manufacturers. The results conrm that
ltered RCC units contain more than 43 and 40 g this device can be used successfully with bags from
hemoglobin/unit, respectively. This study suggests numerous sources.
that, in the light of the ongoing standardization of In conclusion, given the improvement in the
these methods, higher values for the expected lev- production and content of the blood components
els of hemoglobin could be set. produced, the compliance with quality require-
Similarly, our results demonstrate that when ments and the easy, rapid and reproducible tech-
this device is used to separate PPP to yield PC, nology, we would recommended the use of the
there is a marked improvement in the platelet Compomat/Compomaster system to process blood
content of the component. Indeed, the level of into its components.
28 D. Pasqualetti et al. / Transfusion and Apheresis Science 30 (2004) 2328

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