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North Crosby Tennis Club

Membership Application 2017

Renewal _____ New _____


Senior (65+) $110 $____________ Adult (18+) $135.00 $____________


Postal Code__________________

E-Mail ______________________


Level of Play: Please help us to organize club play by categorizing yourself as player.
Beginner _____ Intermediate ______ Advanced ______

Donation: For general club purposes or for_____________________ $_____________

Fees are due and payable at the start of the tennis season

Please make cheque payable to North Crosby Tennis Club ________ or cash___________

Total Amount Enclosed: $_____________

Club Rules and Regulations must be respected. Please see rules posted at court entrance

I, the undersigned, understand and agree to the conditions of participation as set out by the North Crosby
Tennis Club (the Club) and waive any liability towards the Club or Township of Rideau Lakes with regard
to any loss or injury incurred while playing on the Tennis Courts.

I give permission for NC tennis to post my name and contact email for organizing tennis play

Date________________________ Signature_______________________________

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