EMRC Annual Walk For Zac

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Elan Mews Royal Court HOA Property Walk on April

29th 2017
1. Consider including Flowers in our annual landscaping contract.

2. Consider doing 4 fertilizing a year to new landscape contract, currently at 2

3. Bus stop corner of Elan Place and Jayhawk chop everything down to the
ground and start over with a new landscape plan. The current tree/shrubs
hamper what can be done there.

4. Big Playground pressure wash and cut down runners of trees hanging over

5. Area in front of 4407 add grass seed and fertilize to the bald grass spot
where the big willow was.

6. Near corner of 4408 Elan Court reduce shrubs, too tall and add flowers

7. Along Backlikc road and Elan Mews area cut down large ugly shrubs

8. Cut dead trees in the corner of Backlikc and Jayhawk street 2 trees.

9. Transformer # C0715 on Jayhawk Street. Remove existing shrubs and plant
boxwood shrubs.

10.Drainage issue on the big 1 acre lot. The drainage by the water outlet area
has to be taken care of.

11.Slabs taken out of alley behind 4536 King William St. (Steve will call Dominion
and ask them to fix it)

12.Roy and Steve will find out our property line on St. Michaels area and
Backlick Park area.

13.Monument Clean the monument and paint the letters. Plant flowers by
cleaning that area.

14.4555 Ravensworth Road Extend bed 3 feet each side and plant flowers

15.Paint railing by Storm Outlet by 7451 Jayhawk St.(Roy will follow up with

16.Trim under Story trees from Small Tot Lot.

17.Remove debris pile near Small Tot Lot.

18.Remove Shrubs behind 4574 King Edward Ct.

19.Court 4 - Clear shrubs and cut pine tree. Plant shrubs that are full sun
tolerant and plant flowers on either end.

20.Clear shrub by 4565 King Edward Ct (by parking #173)

21.Trim shrubs between 4533 King Edward Ct and 4501 King Edward Ct.

22.Sewer issue by 4510. The sewer cover is tilted around 6-9 inches. Contact
Fairfax County to see if this is an issue and possibly cut big tree by it.

23.Court 5 - Clear shrubs and plant flowers and add small shrubs.

24.Cut dead tree by 4501 Kind Edward Ct.


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