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— A-llAaM Lori lendo Sok 26 Ag A Xen User Tessin, _} Beaereha | 2 walks 16, cemy wf Pewersrmol a =p ee ee =e | ore ae oem ~iwok +0 sees need to Suppress b. or Lder Ge ust met agate ) ee an AoA eas of\ ee \ aqtucd) ae = vno needs 48 Be Suppressed = who we need +o meet voi thr PANA- Schedule Conferences ZF wanton latter cert - beta be 8 cays ont, 2 or make phone Calls. tdocument 1 AgA | Plock Conkerence, -% Cos oo 1 alee Conferencing- what’s to talk about? Make good attendance a top priority! 1. Stress the importance of good attendance (impacts reading, math, learning, connecting with other students, hands-on projects, working as a group) 2. Discuss students personal attendance- how many days has the student been absent and/or late (include excused and unexcused absences) 3. Discuss district policy- what's excused, what's not, policy to clear an absence, potential outcomes if attendance doesn’t improve (sharing that we want to turn this around so the potential outcome don’t happen) 4, Ensure they have transportation to get to school every day on time Ask questions. 1. Why are they missing school or late for class? 2. Are they struge 1g with homework? Is it a specific topic or several classes? 3. Is there conflict with another student? with others? 4, Do they feel left out or like they don’t fi 5. What can we do as a school/parent/student team to change this behavior? Remove obstacles that are preventing your child from being at school every day, on time 1. What is causing your student to be late? 2. What can we change to ensure your student is not tempted to skip school? 3. How can we ensure we are doing everything to get them back in class? 4, Discuss district/community resources available to the family Discuss next steps Set expectations (example- no lates/absences for the next XX weeks) Have parent/student sign an attendance contract agreeing that they will show up every day on time 3. Discuss when you will follow up with family, and make a personal phone call and/or acknowledge improvement with student

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