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North Carolina Testing Program EOG Grade 4 Reading Sample Items

The Giant Who Threw Tantrums

by David Harrison

At the foot of Thistle Mountain lay a He drew in his breath sharply. It

village. sounded like somebody slurping soup.
In the village lived a little boy who Pooh! he cried.
liked to go walking. One Saturday afternoon Grabbing his left foot with both hands,
he was walking in the woods when he was the giant hopped on his right foot up the
startled by a terrible noise. path towards the top of Thistle Mountain.
He scrambled quickly behind a bush. The little boy hurried home.
Before long a huge giant came That giants at it again, he told
stamping down the path. everyone. He threw such a tantrum that
He looked upset. the ground trembled!
Tanglebangled ringlepox! the giant Must have been an earthquake, the
bellowed. He banged his head against a tree police chief said. Happens around here
until the leaves shook off like snowflakes. sometimes.
Franglewhangled whippersnack! the The next Saturday afternoon the little
giant roared. Yanking up the tree, he boy again went walking. Before long he
whirled it around his head and knocked heard a frightening noise.
down twenty-seven other trees. He dropped down behind a rock.
Muttering to himself, he stalked up Soon the giant came fuming down the
the path towards the top of Thistle path. When he reached the little boys rock,
Mountain. he puckered his lips into an O.
The little boy hurried home. He drew in his breath sharply with a
I just saw a giant throwing a loud, rushing-wind sound. Phooey! he
tantrum! he told everyone in the village. cried. I never get it right!
They only smiled. The giant held his breath until his
Theres no such thing as a giant, the face turned blue and his eyes rolled up.
mayor assured him. Fozzlehumper backawacket! he
He knocked down twenty-seven panted.
trees, said the little boy. Then he lumbered up the path
Must have been a tornado, the towards the top of Thistle Mountain.
weatherman said with a nod. Happens The little boy followed him. Up and
around here all the time. up and up he climbed to the very top of
14 The next Saturday afternoon the little Thistle Mountain.
boy again went walking. Before long he There he discovered a huge cave. A
heard a horrible noise. Quick as lightning, surprising sound was coming from it. The
he slipped behind a tree. giant was crying!
Soon the same giant came storming All I want is to whistle, he sighed
down the path. He still looked upset. through his tears. But every time I try, it
16 Pollywogging frizzelsnatch! he comes out wrong!
yelled. Throwing himself down, he pounded The little boy had just learned to
the ground with both fists. whistle. He knew how hard it could be. He
Boulders bounced like hailstones. stepped inside the cave.
18 Scowling, the giant puckered his lips The giant looked surprised. How did
into an O. you get here?

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North Carolina Testing Program EOG Grade 4 Reading Sample Items

I know what youre doing wrong, the Taking the little boys hand, he danced
little boy said. in a circle.
When the giant heard that, he leaned Youre a good friend, the giant said.
down and put his hands on his knees. Thank you, said the little boy.
Tell me at once! he begged. Perhaps some time we can whistle together.
You have to stop throwing tantrums, But just now I have to go. Its my
the little boy told him. suppertime.
I promise! said the giant, who didnt The giant stood before his cave and
want anyone to think he had poor manners. waved goodbye.
Pucker your lips . . . the little boy The little boy seldom saw the giant
said. after that. But the giant kept his promise
I always do! the giant assured him. about not throwing tantrums.
Then blow, the little boy added. We never have earthquakes, the
Blow? mayor liked to say.
Blow. We havent had a tornado in ages,
The giant looked as if he didnt believe the weatherman would add.
it. He puckered his lips into an O. He Now and then they heard a long, low
blew. Out came a long, low whistle. It whistle somewhere in the distance.
sounded like a railway engine. The giant Must be a train, the police chief
smiled. would say.
He shouted, I whistled! Did you hear But the little boy knew his friend the
that? I whistled! giant was walking up the path towards the
top of Thistle Mountainwhistling.

The Giant Who Threw Tantrums from The Book of Giant Stories by David L. Harrison (Boyds Mills Press, 2001).
Reprinted with permission of Boyds Mills Press, Inc. Text copyright 1972, 2001 by David L. Harrison.

1. What is the main purpose of this 2. Why does the giant say nonsense
selection? words, such as Tanglebangled
A to describe the people in a village
A He is frustrated and angry.
B to show what happens when
children hike alone B He cannot speak real words
C to explain natural events with an
amusing story C He likes to play with words.

D to compare the giant and the boy D He is happy and excited.

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North Carolina Testing Program EOG Grade 4 Reading Sample Items

3. In paragraph 14, why was the boy 5. In paragraph 18, why did the giant
compared to lightning when he hid form his lips into an O?
behind a tree?
A He was trying to speak.
A because there was lightning in
the sky B He was looking for food.

B to show how quickly he moved C He was making scary faces.

C to describe how quickly the giant D He was trying to make a

moved whistling sound.

D so the giant would not know

where he was
6. Which best explains why the giant
had trouble whistling?

4. In the statement, I never get it right! A He did not have his lips in the
why is never written in italics? right position.

B He was breathing in instead of

A to emphasize the word never blowing out.

B to explain what never means C He did not move around enough.

C to show that never is repeated D He was not in the right place to

D to explain how to pronounce

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North Carolina Testing Program EOG Grade 4 Reading Sample Items

7. What did the village people think 8. Why were there no more earthquakes
about the giants tantrums? in the village?

A They thought they were events of A The giant promised the boy not to
nature. throw tantrums.

B They were scared of the B The weather just naturally

tantrums. improved.

C They thought they were funny. C The giant moved somewhere else.

D They did not notice the tantrums. D The villagers knew how to
prevent earthquakes.

End of Set

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EOG Grade 4 Reading Sample Items
Question Correct Objective
Selection Title Number Answer Thinking Skill Number

The Giant Who Threw Tantrums 1 C Analyzing 2.04

The Giant Who Threw Tantrums 2 A Analyzing 2.05
The Giant Who Threw Tantrums 3 B Integrating 3.03
The Giant Who Threw Tantrums 4 A Applying 2.02
The Giant Who Threw Tantrums 5 D Knowledge 2.02
The Giant Who Threw Tantrums 6 B Applying 3.01
The Giant Who Threw Tantrums 7 A Applying 2.04
The Giant Who Threw Tantrums 8 A Analyzing 2.04

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educational purposes only; not for personal or financial gain.

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