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Page Subject
2 Preoperative
3 o Preoperative Respiratory Assessment
4 o Diabetic Surgical Patient
8 o Obesity
11 o Hypertension
13 o Alcohol
15 o Optimization
17 o Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
18 o Valvular heart disease
19 o Heart failure
20 o Preparation of Patients for Theatre
22 Operation
23 o Theater design
25 o Positioning of the surgical patients
27 o Light Sources in Theatre
28 o Sutures
32 o Tourniquets
35 o Retractors
36 o Haemostasis
37 o Diathermy
41 o LASER in surgery
43 o Nutrition
45 o Dressings
47 o Drains
49 o Anatomosis and Anastomotic leak
52 Postoperative
53 o Post-operative Complications
54 o Post-operative Hypoxia
56 o Wound Healing
60 o Organisation and Granulation
63 o Wounds
65 o Wound Dehiscence
66 o Gunshot Wounds
67 Ethical & Medicolegal
68 o Consent
72 o Death and Dying
75 o Outcomes of Surgery
76 o Surgical Audit
80 Others
81 o Imaging
83 o Epidemiology of disease

84 o Statistics
87 o Deposition and Stones

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