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The New ANALYTICAL GREEK LEXICON + Wesley J. Perschbacher Editor el Copyright © 1990 by Hendrickson Publishers, Ine RO. Box 3473 Peabody, Massachusetts 01961-3473, All eights reserved. Printed in the United States of America ISBN 0-943575-33-8 Seventh printing — September 2001 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Perchbacher, Wesley “The new analytical Greek lexicon of the New Testament: eve std and infetion ofthe Greek New Testament ranged aihs- beicaly and with grammatical analyes a complete series of Greck paradigms, with grammatical remarks and explanations / ‘Wesley J. Perschbacher ISBN 0.93575.33-8 1 Grek ange. bia Giosais, vse 2. Greek language, Biblical—Grammar. ible, NA 2 Geko 3.Bible, N'T Greck— PARBI.P54 1990 4$87/4-de20 soos cp TABLE OF CONTENTS Prenice it ‘Tame or Features ix st OF AMBREVIATIONS x Ts thes OF PARADIGMS OF GREE DECLENSIONS AND CONJUGATION ‘Wit EXPLANATORY GRAMMATICAL REMARKS xi Secon “Tue ARTICLE (Table A—The Article) xi [NUNS Suastanrve (Table B—Frse Declension) xiv [NOUNS Susstanive (Table C—Second Declemsion) xv Nouns Susstanrive (Table D—Third Declension) |» Nouns Sussrayriv (Table E—Conracted Nouns) xvi Tagecucanits OF DECLENSION xt DICLENSION OF ADRECTIVES (Table F—Class 1—Porisyllabie) xix Drcurnston or ADsecrives (Table G—Clss I~ Imparsylabc) xix DECLENSION OF ADIECTIVES (Table H—Class IT) > 4 Conmmnison oF ADsECTIVES xxi 3 Tue Nusienats (Table Cardinal Numbers} xa 10. PronovnsaL ADJECTIVES (Table sx 11 Tae DRonUNs (Table K-Persomal Pronouns] xv 12 Twe Veen SunSTANFIVE (Table L) xx 1B Recutan Vena IN @ (Table M—Aetive Voice) xe 4 ReGuiaR Venn Is @ (Table N—Posive Voice) xv IS Recuan Vani @ [Table O—Midale Voice) x00 ( ContancTeD VERB INE" (Table P—Actve Voice) x0 1 CoMRAcTED Vikan E°A (Table Q-Pasve and Middle Voices) xxx 18 Conraacten Vets A‘ (Table R—Actie Voie) xx 18 CosrrnacreD VERN NG (Table S—Rasive Voie} xxx 20. Contacte Vens iN O'0 (Table T=Actve Voice) | xxiv AL Counscrey Vens nv O°0 (Table U—Pusve and Middle Voices) 0x0 22 Renuanns on VERBS tt PURE, LE, PRECEDED DY A VOWEL | 8 Fe REARS ON Yeas Wich Fave A CONSONANT OR CONSONANTS BEFORE Q xcevt 24 Reanks ON THe SECOND AORST AND SECOND FUTURE xx 2S Riwanks on re SecoND OR MIDDLE PERFECT oo 26 Rewanks On VERAS IN ZA AND EEA xxv 6 NEW ANALYTICAL GREEK LEXICON 27 REMARKS ON VERISIN AO, MQ, NO, PA xxv 28 Venus. ML Table V—rithay cite Voce) xxaie eras ME Table WS, Midale Voice! x 29 Veras oe MI (Table X—Tornua Ace Yee? xl eras Ml (Table Y-forme Middle Voie? si 30 Vetas x MI /Tabe Z—BiBouy Aste Your? i VEnas MI Table AA=8iB0u6 Middle Voice? si BL VeRasn MI (Table BB—Beinwane Acts Voce! xe 32 Venus MI (Table CC—Inut sto, Midi and Pty Voices! aly 33 Vents NMI (ible DO, tana, xcuat) ali 34 RESLAKS ON THE ADGMENT OF COMPOLNHHD VeREs xls 235 REMARKS ON TENSES MoRE OR LESS IRREGULAR lx 36 Ress oN DEFECTIVE AND IRREGULAR VeRas | 37 REMARKS ON IRREGULAR VERS CONTINUED-VARIOUS TERMINATIONS I 38 RENIARKS ON SOME PeRFEcT TENSES EMPLOVED AS PRESENTS. i 439° The Use orig Tests fi 40. THe Use oF rae (SRRCTINE MOOD i 441TH Use oF THe SuaRcTVE Moo i Tee Use or rae Oise MooD it THE CONCORD OF THE VERB hi “THE ConcoRD oF THE AOJECTIVE,PARTICHLE 47 PRONOUN The USE oF PHE Nowevatie Case lv ‘THe Use oF THE Accusave Cat THE Use oF THe Grnive CASE by THE Use oF tH Darwe Case Ie 48 PREPOSITIONS. AVERIS AS CONUNCTONS Ie ‘THE Axstymicu GRe8x Lesteon 1 ANPENDIN: CROSERERRENCE LST OF STRONOS VaRANS 447 ot PREFACE “The goal of George V. Wigran's Anica Grek Lez ofthe New Testament, originally pub- shed by Samuel Basic & Sons in 832, ast che reader m acquiring knowledge of the Gres [New Testament The simof The New Avalyil Greek Lesion ceary remains the same, Whi the Chiglal eluom abl served housonds of eae for ove a cena, his newly reise edion pro- ii merous comectons and improvement that pei enhance #3 wets a duc ables of paradig ad expanse grammatical earks have been cited and cond th aioe toward making thn more sceanble ond ae seal the comtemporary ener Creer es nar he limi of forms nat ound nthe Gresk New Testament Suh she Rare setnes, pronouns, ee Sice hes foes fe ot enountered ithe New Tes Na eee area a cgi n New Testament Ges coures, as clear betes not once them Tr dion incading ove 500 Geek foms 0 found in he xginal work, The New Anata Cee stares ne fomas aang even disc ements designed oar immetiate Se eet oe porn daa, Please tel othe Table of Features which llows fran itseaion nd explnation ofthe cement of the new format Meee een made o ensure the axiracy and completeness ofthe entice che ee eee esto 5 animpouiy. Ary corrections and sugesions for smpeo ing tte editions wl be apreciated.” a ee ge etended to Hendin Publishers fr recognizing the need i enn an dh to ank David Townsley and Phil Frank fr the expertise, sop port and enualssteencuragemceteroughou the eng of hs work Wesley J. Perichbacher (The second printing has afforded the apportuity co cortet numberof minor eypograpical ‘rors found in the fist prnting—Publishet.) TABLE OF FEATURES @ © eo atigt enone 2.823) oe OY feeobapota, dat sp foto ——teatagoiny, aces O-—— tetearae pn En tne isi cass OQ sath, sone a few 89 @ eign ee an Rs Abcedopemes ge, Ren 174, TR —— Tastopra, CNT WH, MT & Nal seating 18) @ The lexical form given in boldface ype. ® Every levicl form (gd few nose fome) is coded with the numbering used in Strong’ Exhawstive CGrcordance this mumberng systems ased its wide variety af Cteek and Hebrew reference wosks co make them more accesible to reader nth a imited knowledge of the biblical languages. A dagger (t) or 3 double Alagper append to he Strong's mamer indicate ha he form ied ia vanant speling or vriat form SEike GhetPvord ound in Song's Grok Dirionay under that number, The double dagger (9) lo indicates thar ig Ss aed prope poston inte alphabetical cede bur is consequenly out of poston inthe Seba earl onde Fhe appenx beginning ot page 4a gives 9 complete ist of hese forms and ndctes ‘shere in the numeral order they may be found. @ When applicable, a eros eleenc is given in brackets indicating the relevant tables) and/or section(s) of rari remastsi the nteouctory mae @ tithe word is» compound, is often broken dawn inc its spective components @ Asa Englah los o a bri dfrition & given for lexical forms, With Few excepion, no tempt hasbeen Siadeo change ot update the deinons found in Wigsan’s enon. @ Nonlercl forms sppeae in cegls ype, This ea comprebensve iting ‘Testament When vs movable #8 giten in parentheses cating gender, voice, ad mood of every word i include, ofl the forms inthe Greek New ® The complete parsing, @ Woeds having the sme spelling but diferent pazsng forms are ven separate enies, form with more Rane gander seccres an soy for eck gender Om@00pra (oom pneu. ad.) and GxdBapra (ae Fear en eyfalomody «NT vtec gen braces whee an exami of sagecan be found @ The lexi! ov ccrenponding to ech parsed fm i given, When telex fotm repens, i. (= Hem the some) i use The Susong’s number forthe coreespnding erica form ven ofaciacloeating be fogm. See @ above Be rselienstar te sgctconce of» dager (1) ora double dpa (8 appended tothe Songs somber Naa ais red nai TR Ts Rea Seu Splag ) aesy a a oa a Hite CAT Und ibe Soctis Crock New Testone, Ged.) and NA (Nese ‘Alan, Nomen Testament, 26 8) tool _abouely, without se or at “See” a og a eget, a any Ant Anus of Joep Be Rte dik ie danecne dep. Sepener| eo exonpl gratis, for examele aes toe see i ipieon Si “cre ABBREVIATIONS “headache abla inthe Tae of fg. ew geod tse a sy. ie ‘is ae Ae wera " me. "peupoeal sumed mide treat bese he i Tomer ier meine acca IE aware ceding co he com fie soe ey eu ates sender oe, “oe ce REE Reve eimene SF ciocames Sho, ober 1 seo the Table of She epee med tached o 2 word shows iro be part paint Imus 00 be fom! 9s Kee and 1 be nee AUTHORITIES REFERRED TO ogg Fars a he va ee Sct oa, wh et ee ne 1 Fame Rap, Th Re TAO TR, Beat ea, 1598, eR Enea) 550 ‘Orga! Guck, Wencon ad Soa ecace Spe. “cre ‘TABLES OF PARADIGMS OF GREEK DECLENSIONS AND CONJUGATIONS, WITH EXPLANATORY GRAMMATICAL REMARKS SECTION 1—THE ARTICLE TABLE A-THE ARTICLE uo 4 tw REMARKS 1.The article has no vocatie which yomstines but when units, ofr a dphtbon, with preceding Te ae ee ect i am imeejecion, long rowel gs the casein te dative o he Gist an Sree ices sheconsonancein every esse exc second decension, by a general rl of the la cepein che nominate singeac masculine ad feminine guage, pled i Th Seda be noma lar masline sd km Yoel loiter es whore dhe tis superseded by the rough plural 7 ee genie pl nal genders, eds in ov. This inthe case sun ney declension, uhout excep. ‘position, eg The same ‘othe ending athe ste Trey declension the dave singular ends in eb, of ie eres pu he only consonant wk rete a breathing, Th fanny when ® NOUNS SUBSTANTIVE SECTION 2—NOUNS SUBSTANTIVE | TABLE B-FIRST DECLENSION NOUNS SUBSTANTIVE SECTION 3—NOUNS SUBSTANTIVE ‘TABLE C-SECOND DECLENSION | term. sega he ad at xceeat Gig mains Tv kee Do re. rete toys, ao ore is teva x ened sonket PNA akon dey ok aoa & tas tno ov Sucoov Dot tae rate ito A. thy fhtsae oa ied ftp (6) 88 ote the pr knot & Seo Rena ov amb Dw some we ronrets | Ae Font robs rome i) Nees the vom men ok avin & fos ones ‘ie wey Bw ene tek eae REMARKS. 1, All nominative nous ending n'y Keep that vowel tn every ease of the singular dod re delned ae egal TeAll nominative nouns endingin ou ora puree, preceded by a vowel) a8 iio) fendi keep i ‘ery case lke pe. Brin te New Tesament tee ‘wotd ontpa, 2 Band or roy has gene extn, ‘ew 105; 2031, 1, Ths acordng to the fone die 5,/All other nous ening in af hey ae not re ced by a vowel ot frm the genitive sola ne fd the dative singular np In fe scene gu ‘hey reume 8 NV. Béla, glory. stp Gaba A skew The pledge ns ike hse of he foi ‘Nominative nouns io n6 and form the genitive singalat in, te the manclineafcle Tne other * ses, those in g rain ma in sear hose in as ep a, an Auépe. The Dose ending (contracted from ao), or on found in Ate Gre, empecl Inthe eae of proper ames; ep Kava, pene Kalil; so ase Onde, Thomas, yetine O38, ee 5 Words sch sv, genitive wv (ontaced om da, ja), @ ming or pound, are delned he ‘hudba Foreign asmes ing ometanes for the BE the in; es loam, Jose, gente "Toot, %. The voctivernglar of soune in Ne nd formed by dropping tse oof the nominative But m0 ‘ounsin yg fom the woes n short, expel tose In'tmgy av nous, vocate nome, Taove IT ‘impounded af Oy, nay se xUvnna, shames Vocative ruwna. Compounds of wero, fo mesure 1B Yeouttong, a geome, voenive yeamerpa. OF ‘olde, to sal o Bonding «bookseller, wocaive Bibuonaia, OF via, to eran hence w exer, a reborpibn, « ner of boy, vecane nasoroibe Sioale Mae aN 8 Ros, te word G toe hore Di we kro PEN. Bde va Gag Baad Do 680. ome 888e eee ca CN. 8 Soporte gi Goo Bape D1 ban0 REMARKS 1 Thisdelenson comprises masealne and femisine oat og which ftw the endings ofthe masking sete and orm he vost ines pester nous ie ve which follow the newer arte The pete se ree The urs aominaing accutane, and act ae alte in the singular an purl a nthe pia these ese except the Ati decent) end Seen nouns of tis declension, whose endings at pesca ie ov, ae conraced all 5 > Bevo, Sorc a ane 6 bent, Sort Bont, Bora Bison S0 dog, oe wage, plural M401 MRO AWM, Tiby; mids, sete; nabs, 1005, “Ste Aes ecalyomat the vf the accusative singular eee KO, te lad Cos, for KG; "ARON, io Anak "Theft fa destensions ar termed painilabic, oc narpanl ns having in cach ease the same Ber of lables, The ti! declemsm sealed par {nln oF separable, because in the genie and Palowiageasest bas one syiabe more han doesn thenomatve and vasa single SECTION 4—NOUNS SUBSTANTIVE TABLE D-THIRD DECLENSION Single ws 6 “Bam uec cmt ov “Ew ON NOUNS SUBSTANTIVE NOUNS SUBSTANTIVE ‘TABLE D-THIRD DECLENSION (Cont) aus. te Lp a Neanétog Xana Aauada one crepe am Dp teu qo seen AS ae iin PTs = la Naat she ting ok tomate eo Sov Baaatar B 1% Brewed * “55 Boros * Poona oe to dnt By tote torn x Sie wr st abet e Si ly 5S = oe & we aie v eet ys si gare es Soe ror 5s i owod & Sore ¥ Soe REMARKS 1 The above sey nurse al she ities which he eam) They ye ote TROPA th etn nner ening aaa eecrt jae ehis deamencon eel Sram Rea be gees Ce MeO weet cored nominative and cue pul arc always ll, The ending ng is confine so proper men and adv fach a8 ORM), aon ell Feng an ade, fal beng rxipns as, ese! adhe ts of 03 Ta ending ited vo neuer nouns. The ge= tive purl oten unconeracted: ef A060 trom Bbosh, nor 600. en 4. Theending is aso confined vo aes, nd mostly foreign, nouns: eg, oly (olvan, New Fesament mustard genitive wR, 0% 8G, dave CWA, i plral eta, owen ney, pepper eh, a ‘amore. The only ue Grek word ending int scans tobe wiht, honey declined ike oaya, osat0s (KE, ware). 5. The ending evs fourd only in masculine noone, a, Baowns, «king, Boas am sop, ep sh, govebe, 3 urns, te Noun 0, genitive og, ae lke Barats, except thatthe accusative sin= {ular is in Wy ey Ay 2 cub, genitive os, es, Sleustve sto “6. NOUS I Ug genitive UOG, ae contacted inthe sal in Gee. nominative eg, ib, accutane {EGULARITIES OF DECLENSION inpiag, bbs ‘Aldous coding in ws, 9 (alg sd) ae Fei nine. The lar form inthe Table Eneludes ony neuter owns in pas and as pares eg te006, « Wunder, ‘Mipas, oll ge, wpe, les, et (a) The dative plural never contacted, becase its ending 04) Dents witha consonant. The genitive plore sometimes contracted, but on in nouns eo Fagin ng, os and ag. Ig sn ug als form the te cate saga vv (6) Lasts a we hie seen in nhac, nOhiag, nod, contraction sometimes oeurs even Nuns which ave 2 consonant below the endings ey scout poral Bone, birds, wheibag, whet, fom wl, SECTION 6—IRREGULARITIES OF DECLENSION REMARKS: SQ mas io sai 0g in eine rep thee, though the ending be paced by 2 con ‘onant they form the dae pla im eon) TN. 8 nastps the father oh ast, Ges Sarat ov estpor Bp so {i revo) A tov nena tats tartans 2 So also wena, mother, and yon, daughter. H yaorhe, the bel, dave part yoorhpeen), sac Yestode( 08 Ap, the man en he ‘mele releaed nal ene eee the cae sls 2nd soppled by 8 fo the sak of tophony. or fet Sag Pa 1. @ dvips the mae at dvoee too dnt toy doin Bw aie ee dete) A ov Sotoa oot ftpae frm an eo ee woman tcp et ae Sendra hee inertia es emer a oor ober Sao nS Seca etary oy qe w incon meres Wb Dethog, the advantage, " IRREGULARITIES OF DECLENSION These ae {a} some foreign nouns; eg, 8 Téoxa, cover, getave Tob Taoxa, date 1 doy in he singular (b) The cardinal number, fom $0 100 inchs {od The names of later 2g, Ahoa, Bro, ee $F) xew nouns ane of lerene genders in she sin the Pass {gular and plural eg. 8 Bxoubs, the bond plural ouas 8 Avon, the ight va iva, But of A904, in New Tearen Luke 12:35, 8: The woud edbarov, ov, 26, forms, inthe New “Texament 2dpPaa(), nthe dative plc, according tthe thin declension: Matt. Wl, 5 € SECTION 7—DECLENSION OF ADJECTIVES “TABLE F-CLASS 1~PARISYLLABIC Sing Mu mo oe MoO IN, dyalg. fyeBH BBs good Sota G Gyab00 eraonc byob Bras Sra B. Gyto, rah Sra ratte, drat Ae dyad yay yaBy Sratace Byabac Y dyes” yay) Grobe ‘rato Sya00 REMARKS 1 The macun of 80065 i detined He Aér0s, the feminine ike nope andthe nett fk BODO Buc tic mini ine pre og 8, ro Iason pay og, lend ep sured: ca Marys (pes Ac Grek, and hase Compo or ered) nae onl v0 ndings TABLE G=CLASS Sinise (oN sida sates ebetnes |B tation | esizon ‘Beatie feuy ‘Staqor cl (oN. dante la me © Hantote Cantor fet ne fran Satie oe Gin TIMPARISYLLABIC shaw fot ofr maui ond eine nd rn Iosclne and eminine Botox, nets EvBagon li ‘Eebupros,Syoapronncornpaible, Baab.c0%, Flacdswr, ra aos, Sov, erst, ln lov, cerating. Buco, accusative singular fEminvn,ocuts ce sche New Testament, 2 Thess. 26 Heb. 9 eating ‘Stato? ‘etatowns ‘Béatiwes sant ‘hates ‘mee site ape ame fines Snot DECLENSION 3. aigpan, prudent, Bppwr, foolish; Bator, merci App, pntve EO, male ae decid Te ebfasnor 4:(a) A lage number ate declined ik @AnBHgse, neti, nobly bom, nobles ions, fl; BoverHs, weak, xpi, exact eboUBe pi et (6) A few ae contacted n every cae und occur mos frequerly nthe contracted form s0 &zhG0%, SrhooS, simple; ixibns,Seraods, double, eeepas bos, OF ADJECTIVES IN. yaiovo; xpostn xpuatv, of gold vecte 3po0h youo00" G. yavotorypveen; Yost (4) Nominative topipeos, dowpots, apr, prod, Serica deren of ser, Gee Prenton, Aprup0d, éorupéus, BpyepaG, Aprupson, ‘apyupod. The feminine har a, because p precedes hc pe ee Se a aor os iy eas as eo ee coe aa ] ‘Singulae Phat eee ee eee 5: Fowl be seen hat hi clas of jets lows the hid decom nthe clin td Na ad theft ieee Of senate siete teas he fine ic unas newer tke Gotu, ore "6. Sometimes the ending 495 ofthe genitive snguir i ctr imo ous: ethos, hl, gesie fwioeos, conacred huiooue, Mask 823.0) 7th ooo TOUS, ch rage, ‘elongated cs wh fees nee sd scsi gu ote ee as al “other cases. a hal DECLENSION OF ADJECTIVES Mor ON nok xO aad rotiao roa; odled vas werdin nr fein esis ew iver eine be 8, Ofer ass xpos, gee, may hen | os sem ste The feminine ad purl reformed fra pa, which ie ato found, Mate 2. o ow | oe oe a ee | SECTION 8—COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES Go ie, OBOE. COREE Tet aman’ rkweoroc: KaOG, raul mURAIOY, Uinttpeg, dyraros Second Clas aap pr nn, aemgowarepns, sugpovearetes, aes low, sborBeowenas, ebeepearares, Third Clsss— ba blak, wrkavespos, ueheverog «605s, bnh Eipceinag, eypiraros All thse ae deine ike fyadee keep thc appeal asso he Fer tine coviparanne because he inatine sgl ends Ina. Born, neo eon 4. Alecses in form the comparative in 04905; ich yale reeds ha phon awe ere Jouklcierifees nobeos, ler, mow Covporareg, fibotes, iartony, tb0kOTE P05, [etnias Thi Cline” bug sur Bie ABoteS oiss nach muy, mise, elotey, EYES rat Tekin. wojaroe wegerpog ound othe New Te tomo fob Al compartes ino ad re dened sche sakes es sity hago Meee feta | vboforaros, In otepos, f he vowel preceding 95 is Short ei o0eds, tts eopeetpos, ooeareres, ‘She ehnge ofthe tpl, uncempared frm ine Emrepes. ci, aandtos, digs, onoubaeoregos [nonsaonepac athe Now examen, 2 Car B73) titi THE NUMERALS Contracted atv in 005 00s, ake £otep05; 6+ (ido, Gxhote, nhacoreos areata dadovoTEpoe ferh6os, Buthods, makes EtAétepag in the New Te taimene Mat. 235, 5. The following show some iregulaitys Bhaxbs, mail, den lor Baylor dyet0s, hom wich 2 Farther comparative, awtorepos 8 fred. Eph S:8-tayis, welt Bo0o0v or tayion), tie TN, équor0—. From the root word par, strong, ake focmed yociaauy patra) updeeros from Maks, ‘ad. wip (alto Nena, and Kaurepos) YeoaeOe SECTION 9-T) | os hie bow fos aids Se beg’ | OSS So wae oe tpt eae) | oe) (fi Suet Sarto buxboe 200 a ona ee! hrs ft ticom ‘twenty becticaad cond i ee UBeoxreors Samy Syinore y rarer ey Al the detinable oninls ae formed secon TABLE I-CARDINAL NUMBERS From suk ltl, uw (uve pepos inthe New Te tament) Alo fagew (Frees) Aetseos. Pom ROM, tc, many, Woy, ZeleTO%, ee Some compartves and soperatives are formed fr prepositions end, before, nBbtepos(mpTa.3, «ontacted no), patos, fst. On, above, Onéprepo Sarasa Grate; none Bout obra, “The above appear 10 he 2 sufficient aumber of instances, though not including all the varies of comparison, HE NUMERALS 10) 00, mo, genders sect (2) wenoapes stoaane, fur foment; torah Reareotoe—Iandidth Bansowotes to hededth hoetoe thous MARK fing othe frst an second declension; 5 MBB MOF PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES SECTION 10—PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES TAME] sie fat ee. Mok ON (0) akg aint firot cies td © Gh! inte cho stay Gleave Beko cia oe amas orete sho, Sie séelv ob lung Siege ine Donen, Be, bs Bos WN te tie te te dete Else Tse tee Soe nse vee S toe Sie coe Toate loge ae 2 ree thee be aoe Mowe ate WN. thos tin baton betta © Etter fade tnstos By tear ten SESS Rk het ten, Qos fete QAR. fect fone Hava keetos ace | : Boo a oe 8 “The ene pronoun, combined wh ng, wher Ber Ros Sous etn ene te G gees Fes Bim taney net) rs) Sime few oe owed Soowee Sve THE PR ONOUNS, ‘THE PRONOUNS REMARKS 1. The article, v6 may be considered a demon erative Combined wth the particle Be, 8, Ne, 08, ise meaning is more preci his one ths hore "Z Atrosis delice ike yas excep th: vis ab seorin the neuts.eis aivays marked with the smooth breathing. I the article precedes abot means the Same, ef 9 rds Busted, the same king 3: Oia, abe, fo, is indiees preset of neat objec: "Eeeivos, hat, point to absent or distant objec. 4 The dference between, indefinite, some one, «anyone ane, inerogative, sho? wil be expe cited. The antesrogaive ig has the scute accent ae ‘way onthe Birt mlb ofeach exe. Irmay Be naiced thar Arti Geek rob and x9 ae used foros and tiv, and 100 and to ot eacricn for tag and tt Inthe New Testament a cxample of the later wage ‘occas inthe varan eading, onepe <6 beeper, T'Gar 1s: whete the cominan text hs he arte (0) ee. seh (0) 6006 50 mach 05 of what Nd "eli, Saas) 1 Pal hor ma 8, OF these, sotto, roootos, and emhixodrog we find neuter etateow, Mat. 185, and Aats 2 see edined like obo, br the Ae Creche make the Yoo ‘neuter tomtroy and toootrov. nthe New Tesament sre dined according to Sceton ?, Rema SECTION 11—THE PRONOUNS 5 tivo, oF ® Siva, such a ome, is general inde- linable, but ig sometimes declined ths: nominate Selva, genite Belvog, dative Bel, accusative Siva Plural nominative Selves, genitive Bel. 5. The following adjectives may be includ ere: (6) Bdtog, Ghia, BAR0, other, Declined Hike obese, (6) Eeapog,tndpaytxepov, other. (e)unbet anBe ee, amBehte, unBév, none, noone obbel (cU8E ea, o¥Seula, BEV, mone, noone So obese, ") Betot05, tm, tov, each of more than wo (c} Nominate and accusative dug, oth vo o- gether, geiive and dative bug. “Alot, Pa, pov, che same meaning, o plural aon of eachother D pled Sat, daidhat, adie, fo each ther A aah @BaAoos, 81M, Aha, sah ther 7. The following for a cls es Conndas og ch fof ha Kind 00g, ho ret a reat in pla whosorer at, ow graying to ‘on of wha age aeons ov, Heb 12, Tong roxsabe, og, and 0 TABLE K--PERSONAL PRONOUNS ‘TABLE K-PERSONAL PRONOUNS (Cont) ad es. Sed fe. ual MR. Me mem Gceawod cxauehy ecuwne, of yowne——G: Eau Ena bave of theme i awaorg seave)) exauto Br tawots teats taveots 1A esaundy senorly oad DD tavroct tures) tovee REMARKS sels, by fv bs 1 Toe ares ttlan "a The poses promonina dete are sf The Compounds Auavrod and axauroe have nov, is RubcEpos, pe, pov, ours; OHEXE POG, PE, POV, SECTION 12—THE VERB SUBSTANTIVE TABLE L Present as ne : e Panne tal Be 0: ee fe cise 1M okt face) No St, poe * fee & Wie Rae & ae Sor teow: — ae = (ome ten Se Sed Pe 5 ee ae oe G taewes tynurhe basic, of me G inode bun of net fees Se Seat slat) ems Stn Bi tsate thevrd’ taaued Btre tes’ tang ban Stour Brag. cloas Bera ‘As twautdy Rpmurtiy tuawed ee ao REGULAR VERB IN| REMARKS 1 nthe preset, tbe 2a pero le he oi form, tm aes Be Bans eS Ae ona Sindh perce Sn pron onary fo Mare 1665" Router form ote ert oe cheb person plral eb, Mts 2590. oes as 3ed person singular of the imperative. ” 3. Their all moods ot te ile form The Za pee spula ongaly eae By drop ting formes Eos, and by conating eo ico fetching he fons omed Them Ble all ad peso singular n'y of passe a Die er wah excep, NE AM 4 The web wbwanive has eee perfec, lupe fexsnorabest. The pers spies plete SECTION 13—REGULAR VERB IN Q Ta ACE VOR Present I laos, ee. a oe - Me iio rhe ewe ewe hie Moe sheer Moon —attwowy —oows) Sono a = . oe = = Powe coe a Bo ‘ome Monroe oe = an Bioewe — aéome haan” eos = ou. Ee, a REGULAR VERB INO — TABLE M-ACTIVE VOICE (Cont) INDICATIVE. IMPERATIVE SUMBINCTIWE OFTATIVE. INFINITIVE NRTTCPLE oft | Se tee eye Ment | tite) cia’ | s. Menoanes Mawes | ABonere gine IN. hewnse Aainaowo) isunteoosy Mundas Se watine now Dakieenes Baaseae Baiceos REMARKS 1 Syabic augmens, so nod eens a lati es oe ne seperti fs soa tae ieicnse medi an pipe nor, Sloe, kines. verb bepning wn eae hat baler te aupmone eg geo, eat tpn. The ‘nase lta ges more nthe verbs BONG, Picah Mosopny, fovoua fa abe Woes Wik am abou end uo. Amcor sognen socal 2s engesing the timate gat, a peancation eces Whe he sere teply wi one othe owes ae onc 2 Bei Teegnceel ao ep, avira acomplia Aso TEEN Fada, ash foc ono ta, Hi ‘aon Or hove of the ipo eo 60 ori etd Ih reel ose, Fa eo in obo, mena ENON sth torg wml a the te hong, toons unenange, td tyme neon ‘Rauunton eb nt] wound her Pa, SSERELE pete ez. ‘oo clean, Pmagin, cao ein ret ‘Bours ot, wr, obetov. Butte AS Sten sang cna enon, Py nin See ere begining nh cee be ures ty ineng ps es Thao, ers eto | ron graye Uy pr ance Beas Sit eta, Tom aetna, 0 bene Secaed Sad thoy acm, pt pose Stone ecb pa, fae, recs bth he 3 besa tengo agen, cand e880. torso San bps pve ae bp or Space °F Reduplicaion. (a) Thr consis of aided co ce fist consonant ofthe oot, as in hun All verbs be finvang th a consonant have the eduplieation i the Petect and cain al he mos, th Merb beginning with ave! or iphone celina replete fit eter o he erect Being ‘fesame as that ofthe inperfer eg. over imp {ec fvnoy, perfec fr fn such eases he tempor iSgment reaped though all se mond, En) I ee fra consonant of che present it an spine is vplaed ote reduction by the cor TEponing smeceh consonant es WA, Lone Regan Ooo, I xacrfiee Diva, TE) Mrs winch bopn wh 8, a double ee, of to comomans lack the retuplieaions eB DART, 1506, ESpu: ve, 1 pay om on trent, Eyed Sretpon Zs, boapxe. Teftexcepont oth rle may be mentioned verbs segining wit muted algo; gem [rte pays tilvor mlne, wba Some beginning Tab cep. aenroxa, fem the od form ati, 1, 1 Ta TRg auc change the redupleadons Re and winthe perf incase, have, I ake (ad form ipod etme, for ings wel, Pd, euaowan, foe weuany. TN We called the Ate ropbcation occurs soln verb Lepnsng with 2 vowel Ke cons in 8 ‘erdon ofthe cwo fie leer f he Yer before she ‘Ehporal augments eg, SpUnve, Ji, peter ours, REE pukos Ean owe, perfect axa, AN Biers, Tei she thin yb, counting the redupliation, islong, itsshonceed op Age, noi, Howe, Ce Bitcas Secce, hear Aeovse, Aiden, (dln he second ari thie reduplcstion continues REGULAR VERB IN 9 REGULAR VERB IN nin ese re eeaene MOEcfe samen om ath el enn — misenl ie dear ep tem Bee ioe sed anuur Pepe ake A Re pocews iene siNCTHE OnaWE MENTE ATI fea tyres (ymin Sry be rftenomtab iin asta ke ae Rane aera oie oe TTontsivoteemesofiheuske wie. Ide HE SSS rhe pe hue med 2 sate wee tomiepenerineane cet ence aa {Thyme foe mike etandshend- ese aay an ee ame ing og Thnipcn plano hchedane| Righetti, ee Baie Melchert Potty fame (feet om ce prea pre tSSnon hates ow si, rad fine tcongcrad change sine Seat LO ae Benga ee mom Teldjetoonelsifikwserimears Aca’ a —— mea i Opie) The pet, er an peep Sater proees (The fue he wot, wih he lion he utheoe baad eee ee ee Sey 1» haba Brae ere ‘cml bape ia ae Prorem (avira tom he ey ping Sa he HN fe ON pan, ne as shcnanennthgag Soi earioee bet sao ees ow, prea oes TieiNpeonpleal med Sineviode ss MOST Sa ne the sagen, al Soo Plage pr age . (The perro me ey cage ete ME: Came Moa se any tts Mle ingow xa and petting he weuplcaton, Mode ou neh ems ig he indie Se ate Soy ee date, feos ofthis ending wl be ereaker nove the prec in eva gee mig an F hates {1 The plapectct i formed from he pele by pr". Tatciples, Those tenses having te infinitive fn on wants aber lines dteons fiat foe ead change ale ol, el geal Th ete tng nfs in or ir eine hae Minar ickinen Semen msmen some, iced semen at eee, The sepa fase, eave, —_ 6g. nemoretnnowy, ‘genitive hioavroe, Luokons, hbeaveog, et. The per trons abr 5 peat Te patna y charging Etta sete Meson Theo ' ofthe present indiestveino s;eg. 20%, hie, eta, Dehunde, geiive edondroe, Mamas Leameeroe, Peet eduntvs ects oe ‘2c They stall ded ike sects ft thi case ee lane ib To pes i on aa Ma, weer iho. tice . 2 Soe be {ibe seed iat in he Pram ge shows othe send ao does at occ Thi se ip By nobe —Aehuote nv Ae apo at ol Snel of wha hy ec he hs Sacto aac re eS Athos ldobonas eta don pi gd ot wie tori a lp eh re et Egeland opts dai ito ag aoe hae i ‘Remarks on the secand sorist will be found below, Section 24, Se Batwe tee mB SECTION 14—REGULAR VERB IN Q TABLE N_RSIVE Voce Ba. ,. ene, _— nae oe 1 istanees ne RAINE SAMNCHVE ome paervE mares soe Ss. oe ome Messrs, te, ——_—_— Jen iou in Aso = woutvou Se i » hee nemanis ” duducta. otek Avouems, “ — = we ees somet tom dey (0) Thlepeapin tom i imp = Feed seer 1 Tepe pee rm pares are tite dba active by changing © 0 Oba Me, AOU LLMs een atm REGULAR VERB IN REGULAR VERB IN @ (c) The fra passive by adding the ending Dyoowot to the stem ofthe verb, especialy ast appear inthe furute ace and the perfet, and aspirate preced ing consonant; i, inboquar; axow, exw, ‘oxonotaouar; By, G60, dxbhoouat Some verbs bbave another form, tered the sean tre, which ex ibis the same change af the stem ofthe verb a fe second sort ative, withthe ending Weonat Sep, Sapoonat; Bhidoos, AAdayioous (d) The arise passives ofthe ist and second for, have the ending ay in place of neouat inthe furs, and reich angrsen; 6, 0m nu, eb, arpéo, torpayy: voor, expobny. {e) The ending ofthe perfec asa Ha 40, way, erdhena,rexesyaYeypaoe,veyoauua. (A) The plaprtect is formed from the pee by changing ves iso pe and pretxng the mvgnen; akon, Bay, The agen ometmes cited ‘hs vevouobetye, for bvevouoternea (Gy The hid fot, which manly bls tthe pas sive voice, 8 formed fom one ofthe perfec by Sib stig che ending aouau,Kéxpay(eplyaonc) vexpdtouny, eypata (YeypenoouA) Yerpayou 20 (o} The imperative pasie formed fm te ie Aiative bythe flowing changes Aorist indesine Se pon Bl mperive bn Sed pen hts Peper indent 2d pron Bio0 Ingen he Sed person eto (8) The 2nd pro no he impede ioral fom soo apg ad coting sos ue iro, és, Bat Ce The pre patie wnt formed fm she jet pe adetne by changing ee ode at log one to The Bd Deon spats os Aa th et ao {5th tore pare june om a he acti putine nie by oping she supe and ang vio. bay, as ici ope bance say ym tone he ep parale mith ec Aijncteolie cbse Sis NG Tae pein pe lonely changing te congo he pantencaheo in ea ‘eset nate hoops opts Hot Ue Theanine chang sino Bi ht. Ti Pan eq Siac Ades, ihe a The aie eo he needing in 1stis fomed fom he rd person of te dae thst fine ob eer herons ‘eat we hour ne gcse (0) The sore pase inane op he set an onge io ma By, Aon CoB ‘ie Bill The pein pap of ey ens in words in inoge el, pea Mogay pape alos fee inch, price Sobetnee hs he Ackoouen prope lecduete, eel te eine ie yay Tb) The pave pape of the soi ops he plone afd ages Wine Duly beg lospaens, orouet en decined ike adjectives fhe thi ane - SECTION 15S—REGULAR VERB IN Q TABLE O—MIDDLE VoICE INDICATIVE ATERATVE! SURJUNCTIE. OFATVE NRTIVE RTICMLE Fate 1 shal ose, Se Moca ota Moe ir Assan ee F wooste retin Ioontine Boome ™ Sooo Mewar usin ASaoeat—M,Seodpe, omen toa oven eoinebe outta easing Homie Aone Noa Heone ewe Mooueoo REMARKS 1.-The mide voice has only to tenses peculiar so isc he furute a he sonst AS to the the tenes, the passive form veaed co ndicate reflexive eto: thus {he presents ojan may mesa Iam loosed (pase), (04 loons nose (idle) The tee ending is, €8. xéxpayo, négeora, commonly called the perfcs mie, but which i ft, ety a econ frm ofthe pet a, wil be tied erate 2 Tere ie ome fram acine by Gang to ot a, oon {WTR nde sor are ya indy etoe, Bsus the Sad person, So IEENisoce by depp an cnsang oi SECTION 16—CONTRACTED VERB IN E’Q — TABLE PACTIVE VOICE Se ea. wo icin wiy | M, aan woe pn se ast ances | Sie keke gd fat pa Ghate oie ite ge N. gob 7 ao) aaa paces hove) guteawas 90 atac — yanoor cores Soca os esteayn Saou gions, Jar0e REMARKS 1 ales of conection ¢ diappees before long ova dphvongs exs comodo £0809 5 The mction aes las nly ince present and imperfect because ih these tres lone the td Epi wh s vowel "Sin the rae and perfec thse vers change fen oily) and to mad 0 00 1 the shor veh ofthe foot ing the comespondng lang oes: resem guns frre gto, pect embed, hos, ern, BRAC, HCD, — se nes the uncomtacted nse are conjugated Hike opincas nn gene, bees tw secee w Sonar ec, odoin re scarcely wed on Pront e | on Ingest BS | | pret bene 1. The conrction takes place, in the ative ‘only in he present sind imperfect, and ge bo co tidered athe stem, tbe endings ae ibe tae tous CONTRACTED VERB IN 0 SECTION 17—CONTRACTED VERB IN E’Q IMPERATIVE SUMUNCTIVE. onarvE eootuae phoan ——potane = poo ey at ores Palette to ‘Donate pious Saat ‘wise wot tebe ulate hota — Sasletacay Saar ate eaaiune Bp bya fpaonete tensions ‘ehnthoous teaiey” aaiien nda revimwan —Teydnco ——_Rewmuoe MIDDLE VoIce. ious Heanesiny won pouuar —_gyonemy REMARKS TABLE Q—EASSIVE VOICE M. gdaigeros prmreng spaces 1. gustgnoe onnétceeto @inasueas, 02 retin Bt, aeeoe Fowfebe: Seysaadios totota: ginseng 22 Sistas gnosis, oF 2. Anothes form of the perfect, subjunctve and op tative, RepUduat and regan, wl be berets oe, SECTION 18—CONTRACTED VERB IN A’‘Q. INDICATIVE MIPERATIVE. suyNCcriV swe” 0 Bie ie mite we me ome baer sete ewtee ue Ooo) Hadtosey Yas) gu nbs Se TABLE R-ACTIVE VOICE suovros © aoe | eo re, azn (sabe eh fey eo subse. CONTRACTED VERB IN A‘ Ls ——- ‘TABLE R-ACTIVE VOICE (Cont IMPERATIVE SURJUNCTIVE. OFTTIVE INENUTIVE. RTICIRE | | eo eto oan eo REMARKS 2 For the optative nae) of ed, the Asin wrote seo ADS HOME HN, THOMASH, ONT, 0,01, G0 into; 2nd, fe, any nwo a: 3th, a, SECTION 19—CONTRACTED VERB IN A'Q. TABLE S—PASSIVE VOICE See ear nteme Tania pat oe | det, rato, cee Tune Teumdioe Paper terns CONTRACTED VERB IN O10 CONTRACTED VERB IN O'0. | oe 7 | MIDDLE voice | INDICATE MAERANVE SUMUNCTIVE. OFERIVE —INHTIVE. MATICILE Eanes 1 The 3 con single pet wok gia be Ean zoo; dropping o a contac 50 into ou, we have érudou, then Eri, . 2. The present subjunctive, afer contaesio, ithe same shat ofthe nde (as also inthe active voi because ue andy ae alike contracted i SECTION 20—CONTRACTED VERB IN 00 I TABLE T—ACTIVE VOICE 7 snot Bilow, Brioty, 7 nee Sie Be co | an Bio Aorist jhwoo Bikeaoy 000 cS migee, Balcoce coves we tae St. SS 1 Rules cotton: 0, 0, 008 2nd, 0 0 Se on, too, iO In the taf acted into Oy, ‘ein 2 Instead ofthe form Bi for dhe opesive the Acs ao wrote Bmalqy, Smog, Smee, ce SECTION 21—CONTRACTED VERB IN 0‘Q —— TABLE U=PASSIVE VOICE ] INDICATE IMPERATIVE. SUBJNCTIVE OARVE —INBNITNE ARTICIRES Pret La so, ee Sp Sees Snusuer Brome Soon ME. Sodan Saat bod niet tose Srecter — Sastto Sores Sito k pL trounce Rowe — Smouwte Sricdote, Gylalote —Syinete Bolo 1. Smewieor | Bret — Spaatovoe Sora SmoiTe samo | tamhosune eames seieaogen Smdroeobn énptmosncen, ce Ste xa Spinto «Badge hava Be, Boras 1 Eebihonas—Srbanwo— SeahONog Scbuictns feted, a MIDDLE VOICE fimct Eagan BiRwwa ——Brisn i anntn0s | SECTION 22~REMARKS ON VERBS IN @ PURE, LE., PRECEDED BY A VOWEL 1. stay ves in ma she fore in He int ‘out op, tte I fisshtltou; tonto, fpetoe, Seelam forma eg ate, pane von, ad tlw ganda. bar ooptom, snd gorau SOF seis n don many bese nthe fare Tose wich havea bebe 6s 6, ta! pera, Betoun bb scone et cen a bcd Those pea, Goa fe, 0 rot red) Thowe in kaos Cp Yb, ! our edo, ‘ao, Pima, xat00. Alo np T Hang af eeu, ont de ons Bo 96, Hew bs oho, nF bar, how. 38k wer in Gn ey few ep the fee, segs tpn plwghs dpe All obes have 8, 5 briaow i tar and sri psn, Many veri ae o before trnopat che ae aoe bv tbe or pio, | ait, pla, zpo¥4eouan, byl, re Tp, wes, ricatjoouet, Eehkotny, cto, | ‘in, ein, evabyeouae. Eehetobye, tou, 1 fron, arouse, dxovobheonat, hosePny Indeed, tow ales whach havea short vowel ot» diphthongs Trot the ending recone 0; add, I cull, woRtam, PSUS Moca etsdmua, bei, si om wt, ‘hoo, But eda orca by conracton 2 petectprowe, Conersy, vein which have 9h she fnare ad aro pare Moves alsa te eset, (Eg. eertheouan,néxpouet, Redouay, Fuovapa. BE ine have nthe one anne the eres Ee Mialopa wemonberxenoOry, Sue wena Sicha to cone, trams, bur nema ie pete pavineof verb hich have 9 before at egal 3 fais REMARKS ON VERBS WHICH HAVE A CONSONANT BEFORE @ REMARKS ON VERBS WHICH HAVE A CONSONANT BEFORE ‘roenva ea) 7, Accowding wo the analogy of MAvnay, Aw TeN, the 3d peso plural of fount shoul be eouaveak The shea af the conecute. consonants Molded by combining the Sed person plural indie INDICATIVE. PUPERFECT—IMFERATIVE. SUUNCTVE INFINITIVE. FARTICHLE | merc St txowoue sotonne woventioe SHsaGebar —M. Aeowang oven teewos four rowan 8 E eowe| feovera, Neovoto vaio jpowoqeios 6 IN. heousisor PL Heotowtla root ‘oventro dne frovabe feounte twouote — Yuoventen dre rocratorfoaw Aosetaoos Trovontia bows - S| of evn, oe, with the pesect participle Heaouev. Eloi). The same remati apples to the ploperee, where che Sl person plutal imperfect of ei i wed, ‘ouonvr hoa SECTION 23—REMARKS ON VERBS WHICH HAVE A CONSONANT OR CONSONANTS BEFORE Q 1, Forare and aor ac. 2) Alles which have inchestem form a mut ofthe fod B11, 8, fora thee ip Wee 98 re sive Yoav, (E) There whic ave a mute ofthe second ones, XX, form it in 805 eg, Myer I say. Mw Dpexmn, {ie Boo. S nh ean exon ee ee Tost wif (Those which have a mate ofthe third order, 1,0, form a i 8, frm iin 90: eg 80, sng, ou: Switay Fath, See; mio, jal xikoae 7: dhe sem has before mm sna, he is loatinhe fare eg, tevin The sors ina Ey snd oa; eg loves Bate, hoe 5. Fatt adsorp (a Webs which havin the en he fe ea Shem gion, ep. cea, Topo (or Those wh see of the sn ed is tect cera fice, ()Thove with me ofthe te ods in ooouas <4, dro, dvoBcona eas 5 ice the aon pase formed from the fate "sharing nga eon wl ber the fat order, wns, Edn for te secod, ne ez for the ind oy hvsogmy, ee cena ee a _ IRUNCIVE INFINTIVE. pARTICRLE fe es pecnew coun rexigbar Me restoe = fenge —stwo ce Bros ae ‘arigb trues § Nserauaier na feuata eaten day senate ftcoye" —edete Srna fe ‘ruin elohs) senphtinfoow ceinhooey Whom de) a fii nd wot mide For the ate, be wot the frre ate changed to one ty out i, 2etoua: dw, dwiooyen Forte oe Sritn i added to the sonst acts ey EOVC, fev fade, Cesagny, hwo Avwosi Rete a plop aie. ec wc he uefa, form the pectin yay egy ty ga. Those wth the fren ay frm he pert 238 wih wpe, emp Thee arin ao, om he pera yh my ep 00, ia. The lepers ened ce aime nd pring he augments Rerigey, cn EE Nm CE TS 7 Rect snd pape passive. Verb which hte ‘he pve act a, km the peel passe ‘tl with doles eg era, sen Oy ae lution for seveuat) Those which have the pee sev in, thy, farm he pote posse i 0 a abnbaya, sénpeuon Those wath the ere ‘ce wth er he pert pase ie ‘gett nssonn The pupae n formed ging ual in um, an prtng the ment bettas. taney, “ 8 Example of pres passe in ja, om = Tae ee 9 Perfect passive in ya, fom AE, Fy stub sli "Eazy, | comit, forme the perfect Bhheyua. Ba the roth sem reappea inthe 2d and Sed persons, Bijkeges, Oakey inthe fe, Bery@ooKat fod inthe soit METI: outs foo eiezAv00¥ INDKATIVE.——MLUPERFEGT. «ERATE. SUBUNCTIVE. INTIME, ARTICLE Se tee ater Aniontios Dean Macientos haste baste rast hats F iesmem ABasros Biers aka ekendoe Nletsntor Mngt ena denen Suet oer Baiete itu ehebr ee 10, The conjsgation ofall perfect passives in onan accords with the example alresdy gen; Seton 22, enact 6, SECTION 24—REMARKS ON THE SECOND AORIST AND SECOND FUTURE. ate Searels Sahl li SR on pon he dam ef mcm te carte ‘Soo fay tosas nine wor Sean Shicemeuts seston Sagat Tinath oe fe ose Sas et 6 4 "Seame end at nb am Stomict ope ater open iste ferences seri hve both the active and pave Second ors. 7. The second arse mle formed rom tat of che arte by changing Ov ito Guise Tndetve tony, oe: imperaiv nob, Cab. Subjane fe setouay, rar Opratve Toran, 0, oF. Inf dae Pte moony Changes inthe second sors) Several we change Othe presen imo Bz es xeon, | ide, Sra era posse Epa vs Baa BN, Si ted a iy Orie Change Fin 3 6, Bio, Feast, opr, Baca i. tan af rom onder ibn yo So Banta, I bury, males ao pase Eetony {Ss cot changes io. wx fue vito ort pine Byes 2nd fre voriooua Sate eng athe pest preceded hs chingedin ine 2m aor aos ioe scent agen, fete, Ear, Mo, pre of Javbdva, fam bidder, habov, Ba, foam, Petre, tsi nde oc edd "he dpiiongs ne, hey age shortened by ro Pike es kita, fest Burov, asin, PFO" rb few slabs, with before he ending, peedd fo flwed 9 ts change he eto secre bene m eparon "tea, vert eon | ieee rb hae 2nd art of nd ue select oer erie pr Bot fw het Sree ote ce cnor Burm, fx oy produce, ow | [REMARKS ON VERBS IN AQ, MQ, NO, PO SECTION 25—REMARKS ON THE SECOND OR MIDDLE PERFECT 1 This form i prope a eon perfect and i fomed by ale the se (08nd pring the cedupleatons eg, verona. Inde pret ‘Erona gre Pope eens nas tere ‘rune, vetort Since tevaos 9, Gps ferirou a, OF nf rota Ponte {eronde i ernotom ag, soe 2 ets prin eprom seated verbs neve, bce hy ale fo perfect in xa. : ee Sin some verbs he Ind pres is lone wed es sive, sega, 7 som eb th Bath pees he has activ. the 2nd a neuter o inane sense, ll U persuade, It perfect néxevea, Ihave peru, 2a perfec néxovta, I rast. So dvvoya viv Bip! hne ‘opened the door, 6véove” 8 ipa, the door i ope Enea, | have aroused, epyopa, T am ashe kOe, T hae los Shoha, aye rained, ee 5 Vecbs which have inthe present change io nthe 2nd ere eg. ava, shou aéonv The ‘of two sabes which have tin the present chaage {m6 €g, SteN, Extova. Lastly ofthe roa is change into 047 eg, hint, Neko; Buon charge Mob; elo, eénovba, SECTION 26—REMARKS ON VERBS IN ZQ AND EQ Deere ee ee pereand tot ee abe Exrinte ing ate ne ro re ietpannceg opi on, cs carbo Spouat it apobm Tae pee Votre seo an we sheen 2 Sle dem per oto tn yo snd fom ef fa and depen rT pene: Srk fang soca oS oc, ad pres wpe Wa oe Both ou and fe. donate, Icamy of pe ant comin tee ne auemalearaeean 53. The ves in oom seem alo 10 come for root words inva, and orm the oar fo, andthe pert le yaieg, 0, do, pate, xo, renee ‘tf appoint, are aes Ind so pt Sse Ets apd Tey, ood, ty band {carry of, 2nd ora passe apn ie hang, 483480, 2nd sore passe Hy, Ase iy Coe fam ey pa and mt a 90; ¢g, "24000, | form thdao, abshaosa 1 The et edig nfo ne most mm clas inthelanaage tet oon pre. The (Gs change teeing coe nro APE for roéooa, thacro, er Shdcaa, SECTION 27—REMARKS ON VERBS IN AQ, MQ, NQ, PO 1 Asie ce Fund ian Thee ih go stein te hue Cari, ep nee fie tovoo, bur br ba eile a ‘heh hey orm nt cnigns ae ‘emote e, cpr, pe roa Toe ‘hots i io, afd (Dike eens tonontn oe dopped inure herent ie ac were, J play om am instrument, wad . i Se htm a. pct heading. hy ate: by dropping the \; e.g., eal, Th, Serse ona, Ten, ont ono, sk (4) Buc in he ist avis the cess, even if absent in the present; eg., véweo, Furuce ved, aorist EVEWA: dyréiu, dyreh6, iyreika; oneipw, oxep@, EONEPA: ered, ovehd, tovstha, ne (ett ef cyl ino he Fula eat outs, fone Stn. sot tele Tear ieteam ely a eet sagt, I uatherwapaveageee ere. ag ss the Ra me re): i a the future by changing @ into xa; eg., wakha, vad, ranma eye Sep fc eos Vigne het og eer Tn ie, Po tie Sea REMARKS ON VERBS senhdnont, 1 ari pie Behari “Ey Dasables wo wah only voyhabes)aX> snd pa which hve ein the frre, eaoge a © Miggeleareg, eB. ovo, Hoven: on, ‘napa tropes; loo, 99d, toons. ‘cists inland Oo cop hein eet foes wich thy thy Cae rom ond Sores npn poy nbc who, fh ‘Sino flo ens somtine umes the i Fe inet passe nbn forty Those the fn the pects thy come a 80; Seva inti ed, setae 2 fom he pe Bri 2 Secale ins a yn form the peer ae sil he fa ween fo, Wn ey Tha Minion east aoe eu or Lette) 2nd ane eis evo, eee or stn a enc eB Ht Bein bas 2d sort Eon Paste ve Fie is oct 20 perce ‘gets tenes Seve om he pre ne tp cong sm wo Ogu a me es Zihuslssinn eden nboowa kab ? !!!!!!t (==. (ii IN AQ, MO, NO, Pa av, four wakes pret passe wenlaoun Ise aor pee syn Sra ani, ste td posi, nd second frre Sive ta) Daylales change thee fows imo © fo rth nk sorte stb eri ad ree pusveEosapnvs tS, obey 2nd sort passe Fetopma Brean, 2nd sori pase Are {i) The Bnd aor formed in general a8 ote ce fers ey egy od re pe She leds gunn; 2od sort pave fad We bom ike tut ofthe 2nd fre panes es ‘ovo 2a fare panne wang STSland oc made peter Al disable verbs of shoe inh oy wba) high hae the ue ‘Bhs oa the 2nd pei Secon 25, Remark Se ipo, nen, foropt, All hove which have {he prem ands fue tke ma he 2nd pee feed ps oato, four ous 2nd pert Reena Sandel Rows, sense et shold obseed thatthe fate mie of shee ein ends in oat eg aloyovones, Tom SECTION 28—VERBS IN MI REMARKS 1. Ths fog om 8 ay fen which he ifr se conjugation inthe ese, the poset mperlest, and second sori. The emai ing tener ace repelany formed The oat forms Yea, place, ond Tt wb Be, Age, nd Beers, fo maybe taken as examples “Etch vers from Bb) the changed nt Be hes the shore vowel, becomes ns Os 3). with the edeplicton is prefixed ni “Trom ora (i changed nso ns orm (2) = a nowy Sete tae sie Stang) eitwoe tow Inger Ste ts te ese teseooe TABLE Vayu, ACTIVE VOICE sugunienve wth the rough beatings prefne; formu, So when ‘toot Sep with oy tained speed lasted ofthe eduplction; ex, Rvdw,trroue. Ar rom Bono beg changed into owe have Ba, sod, wih the reduplicsion, BiBOM. "om Sein andl those which end in, he chang the ls eer a tap sien; Bee, cient nh Tables, the middle voices given elo ‘hepasne to shom more clea he ean of the 2nd ort mile withthe And sort ste. ky an M, ig ne eteos in Nios nace °c 2nd soit Se tow ns ney Fae eo ison te Papert tee TABLE V- a ew soca VERBS sinus, ACTIVE VOICE (Cont) SIN Mi SUBUNCTIVE orrerivE 0 ine Gein ts poi * ea Boxer fine ions ome sine N. te Soo ey Berg bYoew ——M, Mhawy,aertos wimetvas—M Se ena sce Wtoeta Inpret Se tatty tes PL ene tense ttaoe PL iete ter Fane hoo3a1 Ii fost any 6, Preeae andi Bey te noe Enda ‘TABLE W—si@qu, MIDDLE VOICE, eno seo ete seats sumuncrve 040 is ecuete sae those impr ace. For Ba), the Attics wrote teBeGion(v). The imperfect is is. ‘ conjugated lke the aovst passive Buin; but, Biba Br ie 5. The sid te omad am be pee stopping te dsieston ces mp ee 1 = a 7 = ute sens vio : = {2268 1. ake he og vowel inthe single ‘Porcine paral; ny, na ple Bren eT inpertie ean abba fo Boe Mid soce,a) The presen mile (or ps 4s fumed by changing yf naan seu stor towel fhe mers ga, ie eso # VERBS IN MI etd hehe ef pave oe the 2od and 3d ters singular bong br the hl notte contracted Toe Bo foo ous for Soa 1B) The subjunctive i formed om the subjunctive scive by aing a eg, nue ic) The ope egal formed fom the indica sinc bychaging ano nvvee ane, re “hth second sor fc ie tha ofthe 3 exe, th imperesby drping ‘bv deen. noe pert necontacted fom on fr boo ound in Napabon, 2 Tin 22 9. (a) The fare is formed from the root Bos © facure ative ows mide aon, To) The ise ant ends, not oa, but in a EBnxa, slate is sewed eer ate Inte excep in erin persons ofthe indicate ic) Tasca to other sors in RE} ey BOK foom SBcn, and he tom Tt ia) The peer hs she iphone aif From Bio; co tee, plupertc eben, TG. Passive vice The following are he tenses in use che poset and imperial those ofthe mide Inne saRTICILES| INDICATIVE ISWERATIVE SUMNCTVE OrrATVE | 1 Paar seo retharoter enous te awit dnd ity iy Kaper | Perce sitewa —iaao eb enon, eleeos Puperct ebay SECTION 29—VERBS IN MI TABLE Xtormas, ACTIVE VOICE IDICARIVE IMPERATIVE. SUQUNCTE OMATVE ANAATTVE tiCAS So nat te Iowa fondwes—-M. toric tere terete torans teraras, tere) terete nh torin ingen oe tase forte lone N. over Tortwoar foteonoy—lnrainone tererog pete % Se corny esi’ vas fons ott Mere fom oe oe ome, ore “an ecjoww —_orfam, cores Fetwe rte : Tat Tree separ endow =—=«satonmt—grtomt_ fan, nas mir rican tates, s800S Point tomcat i Papert toes —— VERBS BN ML | TAAL om, MIDDLE VOICE | fereoot tooo fork ital forazvos | ee Sty ttm Smee | Coe’ wou ee” rae ws apes Si _ | ‘Sass | | en cunt endo M, enduees, | iret soe ge’ Se snes | teravio —otdéotwoay orcnear acute aytvou Lo sce Renan 1. The and sori formed by dropping of she present and prefnng the augment, farm Ths tne Eee he long onelm in eh lars te cae ih ler int whch come fom rts 2 The imperative takes nthe Ed prcon because ‘he toa des not hae a spated consonant asthe stein Bee ake the sho woul inte pose, Toroth the long in the 2nd norsk eH: Bydoes ss for Svaornee 53. The subjunctive preset and 2ad sors cakes asin hae of tase lot, fe, fr 8a, ate, 4. ‘0 inthe middle; tovoual eat. Bo to sometnes ilar, 85 4, ord, Gy Ota but these are formed from fot, ot tor, 4 The perfcr Earn i ela formed from te future ots augment hoe the rough breaine ‘This perfect haste sense of the Latin tre tos si sigue Far laced, onl standin a present ent Soshe paper tora alo eae), Fats tn ingy fod, 'S. The presen fom imperfcr form, fae anit ase sens Borne, pipe lade have a athe fr transite Tore the perfect fornia, ploperks ounce, 2d sort Lorn, 2nd sort poral 08 GPs voice The present and imperfect ae Hit shoe ofthe wide " INOICATVE MMERSTIVE. SUNUNCTIVE. OFEIVE INRAITIVE PARTICLES ur Fane oraaous, crabjocat; ovateobieos | Le torst tanatme oxy ora craiy Grable ata Trier toreumt —tavaos—Eoteutog fertoba Foasoe f xi TABLE Z—Bidiou, ACTIVE VOICE EROS IN MI SECTION 30—VERBS IN MI rr Mauer Bouse Soe Miove Shere SBOE Se Se eter tbo * bm oe sons eee tie te foe TABLE AA=aidoq, MIDDLE VOICE Bate Sean Stn Se estan howtos VERBS IN ML — TABLE AA~BiBoq4, M MIDDLE VOICE (Cone, INOKCAIVE IIPERATIVE SUMUNCHINE OWTATIVE. OMFINTIVE _NuICILE | | 2nd Aorist Se exsune sou any Seater, B6ues05 ooo Bice to sonoeo | Hore Siete Sn fo. F Souten mute Souete Bode Severe | foose bam ante to 1. Souesor Hows edooay Santas Bole Bouton | Freie tonya SGocoter —Sootners, 0 | ikon Batebane REMARKS. 1. Si aks ie ru) inthe 2nd asi etsve; 8g foe B08, Lhe 8s for és Tha» dip hong inthe info of he sue tense, 600va4 Sd inthe ovo parties, 5005 snd Be, ke wets and tie 2 The present and 2nd sors subjuncive, ative and re en ial he pesanse4 i oa subserpt in those persons i which verbs in 6a hve he dip thong oe Bhd, Ol, BD, Og, “3. For Biba 3rd person purl present, Gels write 6:85am, the Oe “f Pasive vue. The present and inperfet se ike shave ofthe mide SUWUNCTIE OFITIVE. NRNITIVE TIONS teat BSSOy BOB Sotiny Sar Sot Sic” Méoues Sino ont EeBdeber—SeEontvo: L 5. For 86, 855 8 the orm ei, i, Bn also ‘occur nthe lon dle, TABLE Belew SECTION 31—VERBS IN MI rm, ACTIVE VOICE, Se Staci ftenviney —-M. fee fswonods) Sen Senvtoe PL baer Bevctors Batcninow) Seesroony Reeve Inperc Se ccwe eg betwee tBedewone VERBS IN Mi "TABLE BB--Benups (Cone | PASSIVE AND MIDDLE VOICES | Paso | Se xan fanoten SM, Sowotenes | | fcnmont Sao Senco | Shor Sema Remsen PBocwnde Sent: Eennoie, —Sekvete 1. fem Iperf Te inne | teciewre i aeons | ee ——EE REMARKS 1) The subjunctive and opis a formed fo sieve intone Bt, ne, Bercy “Es Thefonae Geary etc a ppt ene regulon ine voor Swen, en, BEBO, Seba, Bbuadnv, fc ers ino foe than 5 lables ae with cout the Bed so But howe of to sable ae faves edit Sasa es om Tonner yy rom Bin, Ban er Several hes ae limite sero 10 the 20d aoe, tha, Tear EVEN. YR, HSN Tmo. Bysshe, Ege These ker the Tong rowel inthe plus uy, Cyt, The Te Bein the imperate BAB we Bat xara SECTION 32— TABLE CC— ins, Lom & * } oo. & ew oo tien aoe occurs for wand, at dat for dnt +The imperfect sti expel hes ul ult comjped Ime contented verse ‘Ritcbn uy, toreovs ei BBiB00v, 80 hem erate; de td Tovar, tory Clr tre) Sie, ion ty doe ug, ts siete ned: Beier "A Grok the preset ad 20 aon ile ot a somtie oned ,0, uta, i lon toga, The opesive present ad Si soi ve senesced tte purl Santer, elena, nie, nese: Toe, Tetate tol boinc Gol Soi x0 BE, VERBS IN MI ACTIVE voIeE VERS IN MI TABLE CC—inay ACTIVE VOICE (Cone. | _ be ; Felon | | aoe fsa fees MIDDLE voice | ‘eu ‘ona, fens aborts, a2 oe tm uo Saw tot te tomo ew he | te fooues | f= ototar — Sosueos, 08 | Reo 1 Aonat tetas VERBS IN M1 TABLE CC fut (Come) PASSIVE VOICE i INDICATIVE. IMPERATIVE. SIMINCTIVE OMT INENTIVE MATIC Lure Ponsa qe eye fisiw vena, 2 on fom Bob | tha | Plot ane | REMARKS 1. Thesimple fon ofthis et ral encounter “The compound dvnysncim egy inthe New Rs. tament s does dot The fling ate be peincipa fem of in, which presen some iepulaiy: de Jar present (asf ro bt) owe fev from apa doses fr Seve Sd person Plural psec pase SECTION 33—-VERBS IN MI —— TABLE DD onus, erat sina — oe ea [mee a iinet eee VERaS 1 — 7 REMARKS ON THE AUGMENT OF COMPOUNDED VERBS TABLE DD os san (Con) 7 SECTION 34—REMARKS ON THE AUGMENT INOKIVE MOERENE SURNCTWE OME INMMITVE MAMORE | OF COMPOUNDED VERBS sonia tenon toe tos whoa etoas 1. vers compounded wi» prposton, a) he vz Iain, eo ae apa eet meting cP ew the aap 2 te pepontin dr at cane he mesg of a oe . rer eee armeracd ake he peporivon she ere Sopnent cual comes be fe) ae ois Me tug escrito enn spoatetror cobyotur_ ai, at dam, rab lett) wales, terewo t tense dle cot. Sedtcedon Bur come tke she augment afer ew rm. tow oe N. Tov (b) IF the preposition ends with a vowel, hiss elided; mpognrstes, npoegrirevov; Rapavouss, kapRvHnsG. = 0 ee ptancon'Burventtene "5" Wb compounae, but ney wha Prepon = Sener erence a wpolgeray)is_(o Toon compounded wie he rae are @ roour ee rergr tes icofes combined wah alton spent ye obit, a ame, el tals wees npotbn for moot, Bian ce pee fotbahov for stb “Ey Tho compounded wih 5 he ve eas Cee era charged vues wine sap of ste ke se 2 im otfeansan elingem tiv eangeartele eee! bs, open J ‘the augment; eg. £uBA¢RW, Iiook upon, évéBhamov; —_(c) If the verb begins with a consonant or a long ao SUAIagonT colle eoveheyow, vintOy ouveKfrouy, owe, remains invariable, ese is changed ito eae c= Saline othe hte dale conn ne toe a Some eis ie the augment bork befreand afer sno eS0Omroar eho, nEAorowy, MORO si egestom cer bvonsba I corech pum, ehéyne8. mio wd “mn Pen ota. actinas SECTION 35—REMARKS ON TENSES oe oe N. shor MORE OR LESS IRREGULAR cae saves 1. Vebs in to uncontrted. Dismal in ane shal at, which serve 2 fest toon 1 eR ne eerste acer rv, al ot RE), @ sin feral coma elon tiene! C2 sp neo Inger a a eA Norse "Bees ones dey and Cow, sey ed pe Se cata sal mont, dana mee age Thecor oc woe may bemenoned ae laching onthe it foes reer howe on Joke 3: Seana Spe hveria rit fey), ods sort secs Sm tt tag nomial an edt ery igre, sh Bate oa ee itn sve kes the | hough the moose fore senda gn es oot nso" B eas tout.On of ro may eee eee iwétn I thirst; and xpéouan, Hse, 2pG, X2ATaH, im given: C., teOvnRévaL, fo have died, by conkraction, 7 Diop eee Gel’ pace tvs for tebmnbe os Hie OHO ai, fom eth ind and tn gre, pul Fovxoy, coat Ba, ee REMARKS, sh pei on theo ome whch aco will be hereafter norceds oft reat trintn 4, Of eo (pine), few ses ay be eemonsd ret ingle ot aoe pte, to rsp an fu, ed fee, fone ey and feoar tf eva a ‘Sciple lav, loboa, lov, loveas, lotions, 1évt0g, ete. The neon on cat New tien Emicous, dwar, dap, soe fegeoe, abs, titre’ smason pce peep dae flac eminne of va ores pone sags! Ptcpe present of eo Lae Bh vit di. Avery ea, flu thé a ti, form tie fuure sow; eg pain, sto (Rhetoouat reign, Two no, mAs wep, and “tin, hur, orm in aby eas, Kao. So pestece pose wanna, sort passive ExouEr efoto frse our seth, PET, T09O, and spp he au eft ever of he a the a laach ie scond yale ofthe oot Fo, eptzouc, Boy, Boe Some webs, hough he ending ot preceded ‘by vowel lor ne fens an, Be Eide, weious afta obGe), wo faidanse Bonito (ne dso So usuoum,wetoouas Thee fortes, hough once, OE 8 6 “hall dent, ova mvs oud, yOu, | ou ovary, ovo, pluperec plural tavauey, Covers, erage impersve fora, tain et; subjunctive [Stay ope favainy ininve toes parseple tena, Roxane, bores, gee torOr0s, Eowwons, teearee ce. 9 Pret panne. role, orpépo, and rpéna cake a ndhstenss tefponuat,Eorpanan, tepasia. (he he oust passe € veappeass Cy EOE, oxoteon, 10 Neral adjecvesin ed ay be noted er. They are sed top neces eg NUT, tat Ong {Se or pst, loved, and se formed fom te par (Riplcof te ter sonst pasve by changing the ending Be nc dog Ove nstace seat, our inthe Now ‘Tonamene, Bitéog fom Babee, of BORA, Ia [REMARKS ON DEFECTIVE AND IRREGULAR VERBS 1. In Ati Greek, he ending ofthe Ind person sin- solar passte ormile nual eased ahvays ‘chee hee verbs: BotRoua, fil Boke oot, Teint ke Syne bal s,s. Fuse, ane alg ined by Se. noha, I sul posh, Sree roi So serch active iar (ey fequen in sere in Gah es tom oul, fue rojfow, Aric Noo, bee lle onuabjot, owe, Kona 12, Ocestonly such sos forms as E27, Eco, Aveta, ete ae found where the 2nd sors would be ‘more sus TS. The end 4) of the perfect ative some: tines shortened to avs eg. Aentohy for Rene ‘oon rom mites (variant Fading) So yEyove Yyerovaouh ete. On she other bar (ehely tn the ‘Alexandrian dst) the eading 9 lengthen! ie ‘eas eis. Abo for AAow (variant sag) Rokoboe for EBenioe, wnperact of Bahasa, SECTION 36—REMARKS ON DEFECTIVE AND IRREGULAR VERBS (A ni of oe wish ere inthe Now Ts cnt yb fun el Sought a as Gren ayper ie weed Te Ah ore Soe wees fm ve of sana sng be Sie a i pt pea tre tomcs soe pcey, Sus ech, {fom ta) ad ee con, nd sane oa Solow spat bat ny 2 ait some penne ot srs it Isrber tenses ro hey, Sad pat pS fo a eles tpprieny. ” “ eosin ome ngs gta ams Pr asoy so A be te ke fos aviv perc ‘Anhite, vr cdi, ee pce ore eset. tl eticoe io nave Indo bo “ture eéyona., : por ates eo tp ay ac pra patee foe pre Fanaa srt sae ee fom, ada lor ar he tit lum ctw besa Sone fe, Brot so at pret Sn sob, ate Sonar ee om St "oual ate nape ia So, poe Setpbaye a aias ise barf nd srt he open, Heb, 2:1, from napapptss, _ song fe oe so, sr ee, Exsva and 810, infinitive éa. a tbr cy pty ma, a ‘Soin pe sae mi Sainte dtp penton er) Sec eran ne i km Ferg rb eiabvon Ips, ad sie Abipny, are Siooove pe Sap reat, rsh fa src Suet, ie apes, ue duapro. fab ot Pasar), 2 sori hao inne Braorey, fre Bacto Sia Goo i), Dad or Bao, fae oun pt: ute bem nye io osc, td aon yo, ue and Bigowan, " oe ted, tee, come (oot), ad soi perc ys wih Ono, eh Aaya, [ne yo (ot Mg a ais oY, fee tous pron se al pres ee 2a, Take (oor a), nd aoe Ban ture An}vonsy, pete snes ere pase esa Adv a iden 0% 20), fe Ma, 2 aor Baton nd pas M.A et 2nd srs fad, prec sehen sd, Flor (oor gd or uaa ond ont Cato, fan nade he patho, pees ona ‘Bava, dive, are da, tt ort Mace, fect diana, exc. = rivBivne, gute (008 xei8oua) 2nd aot ‘aati ft wean pre atoga sepa, Feb oe roa reo Pe feet teréynxa, 2nd aorist Ervyov, “ova Sng oxo, fom ere tor, ie 0 tn aa don 2 "stove, it sores pst apc bear at oot Bato), we pos, Paseo. ieee Bebpaey fad a pr subiowan fore) too, ‘ere |r trot aegis sit mane pea O YP pup TAP, — "drat pari i “MOOK, Taw oot Ys}, fue roan, pe tet ran: pe oan a os ti En Wh oy oly, Fe, pr Rove wovtog hens dvopbon Fad, it sierooe wie ell mind or ro perme ' REMARKS ON DEFECTIVE AND IRREGULAR VERBS I remamber, soit Byvhabn anpéaxt, sell (oor Repu), tare mend, perfect étou(or tendons) purfect passive née Torr brody id future nexpaoouee. fvaXtone, T comme (oot 480, Showy fuse Vivanow, pereer dvihioea, kt aodst passe fiom ee 42 Endings ox and 9x0, rom o impute (ot pe ceded by 2 vow). pio, fd (r00 spo), 2nd aos ipo, infin tive ede, fare ciphes, peer stone, perfect Psive rpm, sors eOpesny, also copra 2nd Eipdyny, Ist sve ste ond mile ‘von, de (oot tava), Dad aors Bavov, fuute raved, peter veer doy, | suf (ro nn), 2nd sort bxaboy (root ‘vB, Fore aeloouat, dnd perfect nero. roy have niger iv ate Bot ey), Zod ort Eoovs ays, 0x0, 070m, sy rom whic {Phew fue oye, aed prec tym. From 019 iso" comes oxen Bold, and the compound uoyoua, {promise 2nd aru Gneonoh, tute byooyaouan, perfect Gréormte. Ending ome tagbor, flo oor dev) future dude, don, pester passe fpr. lone ed fe Goo, hears dle Spody pees pasive osha setters [break pines, ftore KaTEGEO, Is 208 “ar eaveagay dnd soit passe eased apa ingle 00 pd} feta Napéo0, Fe Rec pasive nontouona, sori Gxe9GO0N. by 97™ cope wept, bea opévvy F satiate, ftore Kopéaw, perfect passive cebu ort Brogan sau, I suspend ror wens) rte xpe0, ‘epi, aoe pasive pent Also xPEUaEL, eure kpeufootat, iri, mix (o9e Mey, wiv), future pik, perfect passive enrmia, xh devin ron Bho Fare kaw, OI Tort Gishow, perfect Sadana, farure middle Shaouas, 2nd aoe middle enn, 2nd perfect Shove, parciple Shards, Sania, Bards. {ive sonar roo Oba), st arse yoon, perfec Spouone, peter peste Sduoau 9640), fue Suothou yah troy nine OysTooa, sil spand, fre nev, st anti es, pons, fox (006 iy), fate nfo, It aor "r,s pie Nem satan, 2d ra ete Ee tl kes Rx tro ri, puns (0 bra, are i, 5 art opata, 2nd aon pose fpr na et ea nore, inte te sen ergo ean re B00, peer Te Epon ats tppeci peas pt be lene ‘Mec pase Bobcat or pave SOBs tre of eB dane pe tou xp Fp ont tre ot s00, Be 2008 ‘oun, pet ps tarpon SECTION 37—REMARKS ON IRREGULAR VERBS CONTINUED~—VARIOUS ENDINGS Tce ese iri te firme Emenee ote Es alse baa tee ne ‘von eco (ar Yea), 2d 0st EYEE setting Havas on ney ature Borieon,srtr HBocay a NOON CETTE RE en are get Bian Enea nS ane og re SAO oy aru, ae eB eres At rye, ‘rma ae ah a rec pune Erivepnat, ture hepeteous, Bere hpi, 20 to middle Ayan tt ‘renbtvh tn perfec propa, when ne free ypnropdo 1 wch bee eo ab in he presen, 2d ore vy ete and peda | teas lope ‘anne The for ae a lows per ie See sig ie lta to le pl tStomuens tov, fany npr tot, Fv fer pert Sa, Ht oe pur Bae e Fecevsubfancine ody opt es Beertid ideas parole dl, lst, sds edaoyey tan Hort, es aso dBA, 8 ‘om coco, 3. vt, perientovee, resemble parciple tov. ‘eto, T Bl a New lesament droxteto, and, i i oiO!!ii(0} (2... THE USE OF THE infinitive dnoxtavOivan. ® a oe Sen orn némraxa. : * “sorist doe. . INFINITIVE MOOD aos tote ‘iets ong rth rot ra, aero, 2 Stn pos forte ae ot ori oe, perfect be@axe (roor pOtica, PEW), 2nd worse Bp, torure gjoopat. bee 2K nts ts and frm some tenses si Yeu mary oe on ic as Eyqu an amoa, pee evan, el Bett Ti oo Bas ot: aay, 2a ‘rst ou pr eg eS scx, pit: gh ate, pert pune Soma prea Foe Ht seems, good, EBOEE. ete, ieee sedoya reat bnt), 2d aot Eno, perfect pépuna. : : SECTION 38—REMARKS ON SOME PERFECT TENSES EMPLOYED AS PRESENTS 1. In a considerable number of verb che perfect is sed ina striy preset Sese: The explanation of ts sage simply dered fom the complies cometed tthe pesect tense, a nthe flloing exeen, 2.8, J accustom most cb have essed imyslfchence, Lam acustomed, oe ta, I ex, ofS) hc Eotca, Isobe. ‘rj, di, cea, I hae sre dest ro |e emu, have safe death bese, ‘ov, le, orn (usb Ihave placed mr self; hence, i stand, alan vsdaje Fogatee,F ave agin ade to ene 1 poss, ssdou, Fal fo mind, Moura have called ‘nd ae nen Sho inthe pei panves eG axe, ‘hes are cp cal of itatom hes ‘teed one, ie pec " SECTION 39—THE USE OF THE TENSES ‘These of che prevent and fare tenses sulci ‘plained ty ther names. Boch pens sonetnee ‘ied sally expretion of pa setons an Brower sou bs rts Seaton, John 9.13; and also of ‘Mar 7763 The iene ate he Seely the fre of che imperntne mood, toes ott ‘tas rion Ma. 398. The nperfct press + tage action, beng th dumped foes Sadie hte nell ocean me peste I hows st of lng ate hero pe mas nate Pisces of Gans te cnc de Soule poco ran rns ek oii fe oni ie rea isn i con.759 The plpeercarees he ci pat tithe ie eof es we inept cde ee Ssononin a hatany ees tps wap a i SECTION 40—THE USE OF THE INFINITIVE MOOD: Aenean oad esi tinaion wh oer wordnet cpt Be ‘Serta a sare aca 20:35; or the object of tlation ofthe action oF so dion expressed bya eb, pariple or ajecves oy oro bt G86, Rm. 1; Bova xhSoay Aes THE USE IL47s ob Fors Buby Botan, Mat, 2023. The most sun gmat station ofa vein che ifn Fev immediate dependence om anther verb A verb ia the infinitive withthe neater ale 8) preixed be Comes by she inlction ofthe stile, aisle ino thewaions wamnmatelposoos cf he sbieantive: 35, ‘Pron ro Umoarpeee, Act 203; ie RaVtOE tO8 F THE INFINITIVE MOOD ‘iy, He. 215; 10 epee abtdy Luke 18, The inne i abuay alginate constuction, though aot the nly ong afer che pares rp and Gove: a pV oveoln, John 1494 ove uh faxiew cd, Mat NOHA patcple takes the place of an infinite in de pendence upon cern verbr a4, €ealeato AahOy, Take 8:4 8p oe Orsay Acts 8:23, SECTION 41—THE USE OF THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD In he principal verb of sentence, th subjuncive mood isa expression of deliberative inerogion: 2 Souey, fut Bouewe Mark 1215, Should we pay oF Shouldoe ot pay? wah i Jn 12:27, And chat howl | ay? Thea term 4s deibertive se nthe Fist pemon pl, haan the sues fore which isally cand am mpesaive as, Gynt lg rs, bronevas xayondhere, Mark 188; Le ns go into ce tastes This usage, ne actly identical with {tis nearly elated tothe preceding. The ors ofthis ‘mood suse ara imperve with the parle i =, Ith oehaiong, Mats 62. The constuction ofthe sub funatve with he combined pats ob) a form of abolue negation: as, 08 yh vis, John 13:8. The fleur indica alo ued ia the se eonstraction, In dependent clause, the subjunesve i the ordinary ood ster bay, By bed hypothe, ard race toa when esubjouned others, ra re) elds tes ay als apivand Eo with dv sebjoined Isak she adinay conersenon with te partes Wa, Ge, Snoe when expressing. purpose: 25, WO spool, Mat. 235, The same is the ease when pur Fone plied ough nor expreeed dc sy 10 vaio, Grou ees Mack 6, The fare Etstne is also construced with &y and 8x0, and in the New esemene sometimes a8 with SECTION 42—THE USE OF THE OPTATIVE MOOD In the principal werd the opearve mood i simple fon of wishing as, £6 Bpvopior= Stati Lake 9:45. Ceruiin verbs is che middle voice govern the eit, as, Saconet, Exope, yeiouay Oobrowe, Erhavivouay, Mate 845; Heb. 6; Mark; 1 Tim, eb 0. Alvo ceain verbs compounded af SECTION 48—-THE USE ‘Asa general principle, hat to which aything ise selena accruing, expressed inthe ative case {S thus conatuced mith words Enping— (Q)addveas, Matt 3:7; Lake 119, hets 2629. {2 besowaly Mau 495 At 3:8 (3) spprosh, Lake 7. (@) lin or loss, advantage or disabantape, Mat sos; Eke"42 Mate 235, Heh 8:8; Mate 336 Rom 16, 7. 15) cadence, reliance, Mart. 2:25, 2 Co. 107. {6} Sobsion suberiens, Acs $36; Lake 25, Ae 1536 To these nat be aed words signifying aapesion, THE USE OF THE GENITIVE CASE kata, and conveying by their compositon the idea OF untowaedacrians ss) KetnopO, Karauapripa, warabwacreia, waraKipiabo, xaaneor®, Matt Teo, Mack 14:60; James 26, Axe 16; Ma 6:2, cial change or semence is expressed i the gen ves Mate 26:86, The object ofa pail ation isin ‘he peitie, Mark 21; Ace 27:36, Mark 9:27, The nseton ofthe gestive afer es subwanve the Simin effet, with immedine dependence upon 3 Shbrsive, Mare 1985 1 Cor 618; Heb. 12: OF THE DATIVE CASE likes eqs, 2 Co 26; He. 67; Eph 5; James 16; Lake $2; Mac. 2012. The dative an expres Sn of nsrmentliy, Mat 8:6; Mark, $3; 38 abo Eston method; gene, ad ther kine notions, fom ny hs Sara 27,1 Coe 1420. date Ian in detains of nc Lake 12.203 Aes .20, an verb inte middle soe ae followed by che Shave; ay xpOua Barone, epWouel Res 277; Fee i23are 80, The date is quem found Independence upon a prepsiion sive in com oun very Mane aly he ty 2 Re 195 Mat ben SECTION 49—PREPOSITIONS, ADVERBS, AND CONJUNCTIONS The varios goversing css reuied by the eral preposions art given length in the Lexicon. Some Preponttns are Scnsonaly ued sarerbe without Behe Cor Hay and ae ao preted wo adverb ares, nee 2833 Cnen adverbs may havea trning cae, odin the genitive, Mat 1029; John 6.2), Ma. D4, The Grek neg eis 2 evalae sige inthe repetison of 3 negate, Mat Bec John L:S. Mark 44. Woes ec ucite by ‘simple conjuction ae oninaiy i the sume gram ‘parealconarastion LEXICON A (A. a, Alpha, the first letter of the Greek al- phabet, and used for the first, in the titles of 1Cor, 1 Thess., 1Tim., 1Pet., and John (Rev. 1:8, 15 21:6; 22:13, MT & TR | tga, GNT, WH & NA) 4, nom. pl. neut. relative pron. {510.}g] {Col. 2:17} ceeeeeee ee OS (739) & ee pL neat ate pron, (HOU) {cal 21) de 2) Aapaw, 6, Aaron, pr. name, indecl (9) ABaéé, 6, Abaddon, pr. name, indec. (Rev. 9:11, GNT, WH, NA & TR'| ApBabév, MT) ABaph, acc. 9g. m. adj. + 8Baprig (0 dbaphis, é [§7-G.b] (& + Bapos) not burden- some, not chargeable, 2 Cot. 11:9 (©) ‘ABBG, indecl, Aramaic or Syriac NPR, father (Mark 14:36; Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:6, TR | ‘ABBé, WH & MT | ABBa, GNT | aBBa, NA) (45) APBadGv, 5, Abbadon, pr. name, inded. (Rev. 9:11, MT | @BaS8av, GNT, WH, NA & TR) (18) “ABO, 8, Abel, pr. name, indecl. (Matt. 23:35; Luke 11:51; Heb. 11:4; 12:24, GNT, MT, WH & NA | “Aped, TR) (Apis, 6, Abia, pr. name, indect. (18) ABuabép, 6, Abiathar,, indecl. (Mark 2:26, GNT, WH & NA | ABid0ap, MT & TR) (©) Apaqvt, fc, A [$2.B.a] Abilene, a district of the Syrian Decapolis; from Abila, the chief town ‘ABsanvig, gen. sg. fem. n. (Luke 3:1, GNT, TR, MT & NA | ABednvic, WH) .. ABiAnvi 6) (00) ABwo68, 6, Abihud, pr. name, indedl. (7) ABpadp, 8, Abraham, pr. name, indecl. &Booaov, acc. sg. fem. n. [$3.C.b] ..-. GBva00s (12) (02) 8vae0s, ov, f, bottomless; place of the dead, hell Bdo000, gen. sg. f. 0. ++ 60005 (12) (19 "AyeB0g, 00,6, nom. st. ny AgabUS, pr name (Acts 11:28; 21:10, WH & TR | “AyaBoc, GNT, MT & NA) Gyayeiv, 2 aor, act. infin. [913.74] . &y0 (79) Gydyete, 2 pers. pl. 2 aor. act. imper. .... id, Gydiyn, 3 pers. sg. 2 aor. act. subj. ...... id, Gyayévta, acc. 9g. m. 2 aor. act. parts... i ‘ayayévres, nom. pl. m. 2 aor. act. part... i ‘dyéywow, 3 pers. pl. 2 aor. act. subj. (Mark 13:11, MT & TR | row, GNT, WH & Nae ia, ‘@ya6é nom. pl. neut. adj. Ww. al Rom, 3:8} + bya865 (8) a86, ace. pl. newt. adj. (Rom. 10:15} eadac, acc. pl. f adj eya0e, voc. sg. m. adj. Aya, nom. sg. f. adi dryadh, dat. sg. f adj. Ayadtiv, ace. 9g. Fadi @yabiic, gen. sg. f adj dyaBoepreiv, pres. act. infin dyadoeprte (4) (4) &yaBoepyteo, G, fut. dyaBovpyricn [$16.P] {(€era86¢ + Epyov) to do good, confer bene- fits, 1 Tim. 6:18 yaoig, dat. pl. m. adj. {0 Pet. 2:18}... &ya865 (8) dryado%s, dat. pl. neut. adj. (Eph. 2:10} .. id. yad6v, acc, sg. m. adj, (Mark 10:18} ... id. 4ya86v, nom. sg. neut. adj. (Matt. 7:17} . id. aya86v, acc. 5g. neut. adj. (Matt. 19:16} . id, GyaBonousite, 2 pers. pl. pres. act. imper. .... cesses ByOGOROUD (15) (19) byadonotte, ©, fur. dyadonorioe (616.P) (éeya865 + noite) to do good, benefit, do well @yaBonovjom, aor. act. infin. ..... dyaBonoié (15) Gyaonowite, 2 pers. pl. pres. act. subj. .. id. (18) &yaBonoita, as, f (§2.B.b; 2.2) well-doing, probity, 1 Pet. 4:19 AyaGononig, dat. sg. fn - dyaBonorta (16) (7 eyaBonoibs, bv, doing good or right; subst., a well-doer GyaBonooOvras, acc. pl. m. pres, act. part... : Srabonoe (9 yadonovodvees, nom. pm. pres. act. part. id. Aya8ororotoat, nom. pl. f. pres. act. part. id. ayanntiv aya8onoidy 2 ayaBonovdv, nom. sg. m. pres. act. part. {8 John 11} ayaBonoxe (5) Gyabonovsv, gen. pl. m. ad. (Pet. 2:14) AyaBonords (7) (18) &ya06s, 4, 6v, nom. sg. m. adj, good, prof- itable, generous, beneficent, upright, vir ‘uous (§7.Fa] deya800, gen. 9g. m. adj. (Matt. 12:35) .. aya (18) Gyabod, gen. sg. neut. adj. {Matt. 19:17} . id, éyaGoupyt, nom. sg. m. pres. act. part. (Acts 14:17, GNT, WH & NA | éyodono.v, MT & TR) aya80epyéo (14) ya8005, acc. pl. m. adj yas (6) @ya8, dat. sg. m. adj. {2 Thess. 217} .. id. dya8, dat. 9g. neut, adj. {1'Tim. 5:10} .. id. aya8v, gen. pl. m. adj. (James 3:17}... id. ayaa, gen. pl. neut. adj. {1'Tim. 2:10} . id. (19) &yaaouvR, ns, fi, nom. sg. fn. [§2.B.a] goodness, virtue, beneficence fyabwotvy, dat. 9B. fn dya8006m (19) GrraBoouvns, gen. sg. fn id AyaAdadivar, aor pass. dep. infin. (John 5:35, GNT, WH, MT & NA | ayathe activa, TR) » dyaddo 2) ayarnidoet, dat. sg. fn, ayarriaors (20) ayadAudoens, gen. sg. fone... eee iid dryadArdbs, 2 pers. pl. pres. mid./pass. dep. indic. (§19.S] {1 Pet. 1:6) ayaddde (21) dyadAsGoBe, 2 pers. pl. pres. mid./pass. dep. imper. (Matt. 5:12} ....... id. Ayadraodiivar, aor. pass. dep. infin. John 5:35, TR | €yaduaGiiven, GNT, WH, MT & NA) id, (20) byaariaens, e206, 4, nom. se Em. [§5.E-] ex- ultation, extreme joy ‘@yaddadte, 2 pers. pl. pres. act. imper. (1 Pet. 1:8, WH | @yaudote, GNT, MT, TR & NA). dyaddudeo (29 (2) dyaddude, , fut. dyaARidoe [$22.2] 0 cele- brate, praise; also equivalent to dyadddouat, Oyo, to exult, rejoice ex- ceedingly; to desire ardently, John 8:56 yadusye8a, 1 pers. pl. pres. mid./pass. dep. subj. (Rev. 19:7, MT & TR | dyad Auduev, GNT, WH & NA) secre GyODAEO (29 GeyadArduev, 1 pers. pl. pres. act. subj. (Rev. GNT, WH & NA | ayadauoneda, Aine TR) eee id dyaX2ieuevor, nom. pl. m. pres. mid. i/o dep. part. ($19.5) id. deyaipors, dat. pl. mn... ~ yang (2) (22) tpaq0s, 00, 6, nom, sg. m.n. [§3C.a] (& + ‘ydwi0c) ssmarried {1 Cor. 7:32} (22) kyapos, 00, ft, nom. sg. fn. [83.C.b] (& + ‘ydn0c) unmarried {1 Cor. 7:11, 34} ayavaxtety, pres. act. infin, éyavaxtée (29) (23) dyavanrée, &, fut. ayavaxtiiow [$16.P] to be pained; to be angry, vexed, indignant; 10 manifest indignation ayavaxrnawy, acc. sg. fn. ayavanrors (24) (24) teyavarnorg, 605, 4 [§5.E.c] indignation, 2.Cor. 7:11 Gyayaxtodvtes, nom. pl. m. pres. act. part. ayavaxéo (23) GyavaxtGv, nom. sg. m. pres. act. part... id. deyang, 3 pers. sg. pres. act. indic. [§18.R] {John 10:17} ayande (25) @yanG, 3 pers. sg. pres. act. subj. {John 14:23) : id adnan, dat. pl. fn. ayénn (26) ayanav, pres, act. infin, (GNT, MT & NA | ayangv, WH & TR) deyande (25) ayant, 2 pers. sg. pres. act. indie id. Gyaniize, 2 pers. pl. pres. act. indic. {Luke 6:32} id. Gyandte, 2 pers. pl. pres. act. subj {John 13:34}. = id, Gyandte, 2 pers. pl. pres. act. imper. {Luke 6:27} c id. Gyandte, 3 pers. sg. pres, act. imper. .... (25) dyandoo, ©, fut. &yarjow, perf. HydrnKa [§18.R] to love, value, esteem, feel or man- ifest generous concern for, be faithful to- wards; to delight in, to set store upon, Rev. pat (26) &yéan, nc, A, nom, sg. fn. [§2.B.a] love, gen- erosity, kindly concern, devotedness; pl. love-feasts, Jude 12 aydmmn, dat. sg. fn. + deydrm (26) dyanndiicerar, 3 pers. sg. fut. pass. indic, (89.5) dyande (25) Gydrny, ace. 5g. fn. aya (26) aydams, gen. 5g. fee id Gyamijoave, dat. 9g. m. aor. act. part. (Rev. 4s, TR | byondven GNT, WH, MT 6 NA) + dyanée (25) ayanjoavtos, gen. sg. m. sor. act. part. id. @yamijoas, nom. sg. m. aor. act. part.... id. Gyamjoate, 2 pers. pl. aor. act. imper. ... id. Gyamjoer, 3 pets. 5g, fut. act. indie, [816.3] id. dyamfoeis, 2 pers. sg. fut. act. indic. id. dyamfonte, 2 pers. pl. aor. act. subj. .... id. ayarioo, 1 pers. sg. fur. act. indic. id. &yaxnté, nom. pl. neut. adi {Eph. 5:1}. ayanntds 7) ayarntd, acc. pl. neut. adj. (1.Cor. 4:14}. id. Gyanté, voc. 5g. m. adj. ooo id, ayanncf, dat. sg fad) (Philemon 2, MT & TR | Bedi, GNT, WH & NA)... id, ayanntiiy, acc. 5g. f adj. oe... id. ayamnroi 4yanntoi, nom. pl. m. adj. (Rom. 11:28} . ayanntés (7) Gyanntoi, voc. pl. m. adj. {Rom. 12:19} .. id, Gyanntois, dat. pl. m. adj... id. eyanntéy, ace. sg. m. adj. (Philemon 16} . id 4yanntév, nom. sg. neut, adj. {1 Cor. 4:17} id. (27) ayanntés, ¥, 6v, nom. sg. m. adj, [§7.Fa] be- loved, dear; worthy of love ayanntod, gen. sg. m. ad ayanntds (27) ayannt®, dat. sg. m. adj. {Philemon 1} .. id, Gyannt®, dat. sg. neut, adj. {2 Tim. 1:2}. id, yard, 1 pers. sg. pres. act. indic, contracted form of .... ayaxdeo (25) Gyandpat, 1 pers. sg. pres. pass. indic. id. dyar@uev, 1 pers. pl. pres. act. indie. {L John 3:14} ia. GyanGuev, 1 pers. pl. pres. act. subj {i John 3:11} beeen id, Gyandv, nom. sg. m. pres. act. part. id, GyanGveas, ace. pl. m. pres. act. part id. Gyandvn, dat. sg. m. pres. act. part. (Rev. 1:5, GNT, WH, MT & NA | @yaxfoavn, TR) core id, dyandveev, gen. pl. m. pres. act. part. .. id. frandous), 3 per. pl. pres act. indi {Luke 6:32} id, dyandow, dat. pl m. pres, act. part, {1.Cor. 2:9)... id, (#28) "Avép, , pr name, indecl, Agar (Gal, 4:24, 25, GNT, MT & NA | ‘Ayap, TR | "Ayap, WH) Srrapesovads, 3 ps pl pres at indic. .... + dyyapeseo (29) érrvapesots, 3 pers. sg. fut. act indie... id (28) eryapebw, fut. dyyapsiow [$13.M] (éra- 0s, a Persian courier, or messenger, who hhad authority to press into his service men, horses, etc.) to press, or compel another {0 go somewhere, or carry some burden Gyreia, ace. pl. neut. n. (Mat. 13:48, MT & TR | Gym, GNT, WH & NA) yr8I0v (20) dyyeions, dat. pl. neut. n. ... ee aid (0 ape, ov, x6 [§3C.c] a vessel, wensil, Mate 254 0 dryeMa, as, t, nom. sg. fn. (§2.B.b; 2.2) 4 message, doctrine, ot precept, delivered in the name of any one €yé\Aovea, nom. sg. f. pres. act. part. (John 20:18, GNT, WH, NA | éxayyéiAovea, ‘MT & TR)... ceeecss GVEA (432) (482) &yy£ideo, to tell, to announce 4yyeho1, nom, pl. m. n. = Gyyehos (92) dyyédo1s, dat, pl. m. n. s Gyyehov, acc. 5g. m.m. .. (22) byye.05, ov, 6, nom. 9. m,n. [§3C.ab] one dyor sent, a messenger, angel Gyyéhov, gen. sg. m.n. . Gyrehos, (22) Grvéhove, ace. pl. men... id. Gyréhe, dat 9g mon. oceeeceecceeeeee id Gyréhov, gen. pl mon... id. Gm, ace. pl. neut. n. (Matt. 13:48, GNT, WH & NA | éyyeia, MT & TR)... Gy¥os (420) (290) &yy0c, ous, 16, vessel, container, Matt. 13:48 (63) Bye, a particle of exhortation, come, come now {James 4:13; 5:1} hye, 2 pers 9g, pres. act. imper. {2 Tim. 4:11} yo (79) Gye, 3 pers. sg. pres. act. indic. 2.2... id. yew, pres. act. infin. ween fk (G4) byéan, ng, A, nom. sg. fn. (§2.B.a] a drove, flock, herd eyOmny, ace. 9g. fom drédn (04) (65) dyeveadsyntos, ov, nom. sg. m. adj. [§7.2] (& + yeveahor6e) not included in a pedi- ‘gree; independent of pedigree dyeva, acc, pl. neut. adj... ayevrs (06) (08) aysvig, & (§7.G.b] (& + yEv0>) ignoble, base Gyeo8a, pres. pass. infin, eyo (79 Gyeobe, 2 pers. pl. pres. pass. indie. id Gyia, nom. 5g. fad), {1 Cor. 7:34} 0s (40) ya, nom. pl. neut. adj. (1 Cor. 7:14}... id. Gna, acc. pl. neut. adj. {Heb. 9:25}... id. yig, dat. sg. f adj id ander, 3 pers. sg. pres. act. indic. nate 7 andleran, 3 pers. sg. pres. pass. indic. ... id. 4nalonsvor, nom. pl. m. pres. pass. part. id. GnaConévous, acc. pl. m. pres. pass. part. id. €ndov, nom. sg, neut. pres. act. part... id. (7 nde, 1 pers. sg. pres. act. indie., fur. éndoo, perf. pass. triaaua [§26.1) 10 separate, consecrate; cleanse, purify, sanc~ tify; regard or reverence as holy énaGov, nom. sg. m. pres. act. part. ... énato (7) Gat, nom. pl. f adj... e+ + 05 (0) dryins, dat. pl. fad) id diay, acc. sg. f adj. : ia dias, gen. 58. £ adj. occ eeceecee fd denéoa, 3 pers. sg. aor. act. opt. Gnato (7) Gnas, nom. sg. m. aor. act. part. (Matt. 23:17, GNT, WH & NA | éy.étov, MT ‘& TR) id, dicate, 2 pers. pl aor act. imper..... id dyin, 3 pers. 58. 208. act. subj. os... id dnaodo, 3 pers. 5g. aor. pass. imper. .. id denaoudy, acc. 56. m. n. érnaouss 8) (28) &ynaaps, 06, 6, nom. sg. m. n.[$3:C.a} sanc- sification, moral purity, sanctity énaond, dat. 9g. mn. dnaowse (98) Gelacov, 2 pers. sg, aor. act. imper. .... @ndto (7) fine, voc. sg. m. adj... cones Gog (0) ot, nom. pl. m. adj. (Rev. 18:20)... id GyOueva Gyvor 4 &yo1, woe. pl. m. adj. (Heb. 3:1} nog (40) Gio1s, dat. pl. m. adj id &ytov, acc. sg. m. adj. {Acts 3:14} id, (69) nov, nom. sg. neut. adj. {Acts 10:44}... id Gyov, acc. sg. neut. adj. {Acts 10:47}... id. (40) tos, a, ov, nom. sg. m. ad. [$71] separate from common condition and use; dedi- cated, Luke 2:23; hallowed; used of things, ta Gna, the sanctuary; and of persons, saints, eg, members ofthe first Christian communities; pure, righteous, ceremonially or morally; holy (49 &ndmns, Tt05, Hh [$4.2.c] holiness, sanctity, Heb, 12:10 dendmnm, dat. sg. fn. (2 Cos. 132, WH Gnkévntt, GNT, MT, TR & NA)... dyiomng (4) dnemt0s, gen. 58. fone... id, yiov, gen. sg. m. adj. {Acts 6:13} G0 (0) you, gen. sg. neut. adj. {Acts 6:5} id, yous, acc. pl. m. adi yi, dat. sg. m. adj. (Matt. 24:15} Gig, dat. sg. neut. adj. {Mark 12:36} Gyiov, gen. pl. m. adj. (Rev. 5:8} feyiev, gen. pl. neut. adj. (Heb. 8:2) (42) &ootvn, ns, A [§2.B.a] sanctification, sanc- tity, holiness énmodva, dat. sg. fn. én@osvn (42) dnoowvny, acc. sg. fom... id, 4p@ouvns, gen. sg. fn... - id, Gneraen, dat. sg. f superl. adj. (8.4)... &yt0g (40) ayndhas, ace. pl. fn... ayxdan (49) (49) ay nddn, NS, t [§2.B.a] the arm, Luke 2:28 (44) keymstpov, ov, 16 [§3.Cc] a hook, fish-hook, Matt. 17:27 Gyxiotpov, acc. sg. neut.n. ........ dykrotpov (44) (45) &ysupa, a, Ht (§2.B] an anchor, Acts 27:29, 30, 40 Geynvpav, acc. sg. fn. yxvpa. (45) tepeipas, acc. pl fone eeeeeee ide ‘&yv4, nom. pl. neut. adj. + deyvc (69) aeyvds, ace. pl. f. adj coc id. (46) Brrvapas, ov [87.2] (& + yvdnew, 10 dress) unmilled, unshrunken; new, Matt. 9:16; Mark 2:21 tervdgon, gen. sg. neut. adj. teyvagos (46) (47) teyvela, as, 4 [§2.B.b; 2.2] purity, chastity, 1 Tim. 4:125 5:2 deyvetg, dat. sg. fn. (1 Tim, 4212; 5: :2, GNT, ‘MT, TR & NA | éyvig, WH) ...... dyveta. (47) Gyvii, nom. sg. f. adj. . dryvbs, 63) dyviv, ace. sg. adj... id, drvites, 3 pers. sg. pres. act. indic. ayvtteo (48) (48) &yotGe, fut. &yviow [§26.1] to purify; to pur- ify morally, reform. éywouan, per. fywa- at, aor. tryvio®ny, to live like one under a vow of abstinence, as the Nazirites deyvoute, 2 pers. pl. aor. act, imper. .... drvicen (48) Geymoteic, nom. sg. m. aor. pass. part... id derviodnrt, 2 pers. 9g. aor. pass. imper. ... id. (49) deynigubs, 00, 6 [$3.C.a] purification, absti- ence, Acts 21:26 ymopob, gen. sg. m.n Gyviowow, 3 pers. pl. aor. act. subj. aeyvigeo (49 ayvoei, 3 pers. sg. pres. act. indic. deyvoéw (50) Gyvoriv, pres. act, infin. . id. Gyvoeitan, 3 pers. sg. pres. pass. indic. (1 Cor. 14:38, GNT, WH & NA | évoeiro, MT & TR) we cee id. ayvostte, 2 pers. pl. pres. act. indic. id yvocita, 3 pers. sg. pres. act. imper. (1 Cor. 14:38, MT & TR | dyvoeirat, GNT, WH BONA) cc cccceeceeectttteteees fh (60) dyvote, &, fut. &yvoriow [§16.P] to be ignor- ant; not to understand; sin through ignor- (69 dyvonna, atos, 16 [§4.D.] error, sin of ig- norance, Heb, 9:7 dymonde (49) dyvormétov, gen. pl. neut. n » deyvénu (5) @yvoricavees, nom, pl. m. aor. act part : vosees Grob (60) (52) &yvoua, as, # [§2.B.b; 2.2] ignorance Gyvoig, dat. sg. f. n. Gyvoi (52) Gyvouay, acc. sg. f. n. . oS Gyvoiag, gen. sg. fn. . id. dyvov, acc. sg. m. adj. ayvdc (53) (63) dyv6s, A, 6v, nom. sg. m. adj. (§7.Fa] pure, chaste, modest, innocent, blameless Gyvoobysv, 1 pers. pl. pres. act. indic. .. &yvoée (60) Gyvoovnevor, nom. pl. m. pres. pass. part. id ‘yvooduevos, nom, sg. m. pres. pass. part. id. dyooivees, nom. pl. m. pres. act. part... id, 4yvoodouv), 3 pers. pl. pres. act. indic. {2 Pet, 2:12} To 4 4yvootou(y), dat. pl. m. pres, act. part. fHeb $:2} eee eee eee lid (64 ayvéens, ent05,# [§4.2.€] purity, life of pur- ity, 2 Cor. 6:6 dyvornn, dat. sg. fon... = depvoens (54) dyvomntos, gen. 9g. fn, (2 Cor. 11:3, GNT, WH & NA | MT & TR omit) .. id. 4yvobs, ace. pl. m. adj sr + Bv5 (53) NOM. sg. m. pres. act. part. ... @yvoseo (8 te, ads, purely with since, Phil 417 (26) dyvensia, ac, ¥ [§2.B.b5 2.2) (& + ywdorc) ig- norance, 1 Cor, 15:34; 1 Pet. 2:15 dyvaciay, acc. sg. fn. ++ dyveaia (65) (3) Ervaotos, ov [87.2] (& + ywoorde) known, Acts 17:23 Gro, dat. sm, ad yvaat0. (67) tySueva, acc. pl. neut. pres. pass. part... &ye (7) ) un ayouévous, 5 ayy youévous, acc. pl. m. pres. pass. part. (Luke + ait) to remain int the open air, espe- 21:12, MT & TR | Srarontvos, GNT, cially by might, Luke 2:8 WH & NA) Gyo (79| ——_&ypavdodvees, nom. pl. m. pres. act. ‘youévov, gen. pl. m. pres. pass. part. (Mat. par. aeypavdser (63) 14:6, MT & TR | revouévors, GNT, WH eypeiaoox(), 3 pers. pl. aor, act. subj, . aypado (6) & NA) : id (64) &ypesen, fut. eypedow (§13.M] to take in hunts fyoveat, 3 pers. pl. pres. pass. indie, id. ing, catch, Mark 12:13, Gyovtes, nom. pl. m. pres. act. pat. id, Gypia, nom. pl. neut. adj. yp105 (65 (58) &yop4, dc, 5 (§2.B.b; 2.2] (&yeipeo, to gather (65) &ypréhaos, ov, 4, nom. sg. fn. [§3C.b} together) a place of public concourse, (Gypt0s + Gaia) « wild olive-tree, oleaste, forum, marketplace; things said in the Rom. 11:17, 24 ‘market, provision dypiedaion, gen. se. fn, dryprédauos (68) yop, dat. sg. fon... éyopé (68]] Gypiov, nom. sg. neut. adj. {Matt. 3:4} . Gypios (66) @yopater, 3 pers. sg. pres. act. indie. .. dyopdto (59)| __Gypiov, acc. sg, neut. adj. (Mark 6} .... id @yopatoveas, ace. pl. m. pres. act. part. . id tyopaGovees, nom. pl. m. pres. act. part. . id (28) dyopaCwr, fut. érvopdow [$26.1] pert. pass ‘ydpact.t, aor. pass. yopda®ny, to buys redeem, acquire by a ransom or price paid @yopatot, nom. pl. m. adj. (with fuépav understood) : (60) dyopatos, ov [$7.2] one who visits the forum; a lounger, one who idles away his time in public places, a low fellow, Acts 17:53 per- taining to the forum, judicial; dy6pao, court days, Acts 19:38 drropais, dat. pl. fm ayop6 (58) &yopatev, gen. pl. m. adj. ayopatog (60) ayopav, acc. sg. fn. yond (58) &yopac, gen. sg. fon... id &yopdcat, aor. act. infin, ayop aCe (50) Ayopdoavta, acc. sg. m. aor. act. part. ... id. Gyopdoas, nom. sg. m. aor. act. part... id, Ayopdoate, 2 pers. pl. aor. act. imper. ... id. Ayopdon, 3 pers. sg. aor. act. imper. (Luke 2236, GNT, WH, TR &¢ NA | yopdow, MT)... id. dyopacdre, 3 pers. 9g. fut. act. indic. (Luke 22:36, MT | ayopacétw, GNT, WH, TR & NA) id. vopticoyey, 1 pers. pl. fut. actinic. (John 6:5,MT & TR |arerdooner, GNT, WH & NA) : Ayépacov, 2 pers. sg. aor. act. imper. Ayopdowpey, 1 pers. pl. aor. act. subj. Ayopdcmouv), 3 pers. pl. aor. act. subj. .. id. &youa(v), 3 pers. pl. pres. act. indic, ayo (71) (09 dypa, acy H (82.Bb; 2.2] 2 catching, thing taken, draught of fishes, Luke 5:4, 9 Gypq, dat. sg. f. n. ype (67) 4ypduyotor, nom. pl. m. - + dypdunaros (62) (62) Aypénwatos, ov (§7.2] (4 + ypduna) iliter ate, unlearned Acts 4:13 ypav, acc. sg. fn. « . 7 ype (6) (63) bypavite, ©, fut. dypavkson [16.F) (4706s ayopaiog (60) | (66) &xp.0s, ia, tov [57-1] belonging to the field, wild; fierce, raging ‘Aypinna,, gen. sg. m.n, (Acts 25:23} “Aypimnag (67) ‘Aypinna, voc. sg. m. n. {Acts 25:24} id (67) Aypinnas, a, 8, nom. sg. m. n. [$2.4] Agrippa, pr. name ayp6v, ace. 5g. m. n yb (68) {68} @yp45, 00, 8, nom. sg, m. n. [§3.C.a] a field, especially « cultivated field; pl. the coun. 1; lands, farms, villages Gyp08, gen. sg. m,n. ay06s (65) Gypobs, acc. pl. m. id Gyponveite, 2 pers. pl. pres. act. imper. . ss dypunvee (69 (09) &yposvbe, 6, fut. dypvnviow [$1627] to be awake, watch; to be watchful, vigilant (70) dypurvia, ac, H (§2-Bb; 2.2] want of sleep, eee dyponvins, dat. pl. fa. dypurvia (70) &ypvnvodvees, nom. pl. m. pres. act. art. : + dyponvéw (69) érponvosow, 3 pers. pl. pres. act indi. .. id 400, dat. sg. m. n. 966,68) ‘ypdv, gen. pl. m. n, (Mark 11:8, GNT, WH & NA | 8évpov, MT & TR) id, (7) Bye, 1 pers. sg. pres. act. indic., fur. GEm {§23.1.b] perf. ixa and dytioxa [$23.6] 2 aor. fiyayov [813.7.d] fut. pass. dx@ricouat {§23.3.b] aor. pass. fx@nv [823.4] perf. pass. firwat [823.7] to lead, bring; lead away, drive off, a8 a booty of cattle; com duct, accompany; lead out, produce; con- duct with force, drag, hurry away; guide, incite, entice; convey one’s self, go. g0 away; pass or spend as time; celebrate (72) byw, Hg, A ($2.B.2} guidance, mode of in struction, discipline, course of life, 2 Tim. 3:10 dro, dat. 9g. fn. « sses Grom (2) &youev, 1 pers. pl. pres. act. sub. yo 7) (79) dysav, vos, & [$4.2] place of contest, race- GdiKkhpata ayava 6 course, stadium; a contest, strife, conten- aBehpois, acc. pl. m.n. ehnts (60) tion; peril, toil bch, dat. sg. m. n. 5 id. aBeApGv, gen. pl. m. n. 5 id. dydva, acc. sg, m. n. aybv (73) dydu, dat. sg. m. n. cee id (% ayeovia, ac, 4 [§2.B.; 2.2) contest, violent struggle: agony, anguish, Luke 22:44 dyovig, dat. sg. fn. ayovia (74) Ayoviteots, 2 pers. pl. pres. mid./pass. dep. imper. ...... ayeoviGonan (75) (75) GywviGopan, fur. dyavioowan, pert. Hydmopar [8261] to be a combatant in the public ‘games; to contend, fight, strive earnestly ‘dyeoGéueBa, I pers. pl. pres. mid./pass. dep. indic. (1 Tim, 4:10, GNT, WH & NA | SveibiousBa, MT & TR) id Ayentéuevos, nom. sg. m. pres. mid. /pass. dep. part. : tryovigou, 2 pers. sg. pres. mid./pass. dep. imper sc... wid, Gywow, 3 pers. pl. pres. act. subj. (Mark 13:11, GNT, WH & NA | @yéyoow, MT & TR). Gyo (7) (76) ABGn, 8, Adam, pr. name, indec! dBénavov, acc. sg. neut. adj &Bénavos (77) (77) &énavos, ov [§7.2] (4 + Sandvn) without expense, gratuitous, 1 Cor. 9:18 (79) ‘8664, 8, Addi, pr. name, indecl. (Luke 3:28, GNT, MT, TR & NA | "A88ci, WH) abekgai, nom. pl. fn. . Schon (79) ABchods, acc. pl. fn. ; id. ABeh9E, vor. sg. mon... (7) BBthon, fc, 4, nom. 5B. fn. [§2.B.a] a sis- ter; near kinswoman, or female relative, a female member of the Christian com- munity aBchof, dat. 9g fn. (Philemon 2, GNT, WH & NA | dyaxntg, MT & TR) aBcAoH (7) Gdehpriy, acc. sg. fn. id. ABshOAIG, gen. sp. fn. : = id. ABehpo{, nom. pl. m. n. {Acts 28:15} . aBsA@ds (90) ABeipoi, voc. pl. m. n. {Acts 24 eid Bshoois, dat. pl. m. n, id ABAQS, ace. 5B. M.D. eee ee id (00) &6ch96¢, 08, 6, nom. sg. m. n. [$3.C.a] (& + Sedobs, the womb) a brother, near kins- ‘man or relative; one of the same nation or nature; one of equal rank and dignity; an associate, a member of the Christian com- munity (2) &BeAgorns, TtOG,f [$4.2.c] brotherhood, the body of the Christian brotherbood, 1 Pet. 2H17; 5:9 Abedpémnta, acc. sg. fn. Gdehoorns (6H) Abedpornn, dat. sg. f. n. - id, &Bep00, gen. sg. m. n. BEA @S¢ (00) + dBehg6s (0) Gn, vor. sg. m.n. (1 Cor. 15:55, TR | “At6n, MT | @dvate, GNT, WH & NA) . 450, dat. sg. m. n, (Luke 16:23, GNT, WH, TR & NA | ‘Aiba, MT) cee id &Bqia, nom, pl. neut. adj Abnh05 (@2) GBndov, acc. 5g. f adj... id (62) BBqd0g, ov [§7.2] (4 + Biikos) not apparent ‘or obvious; uncertain, not distinct, Luke 11:44; 1 Cor. 14:8 (69) GBqdOeNs, THtOs, F [$4.2] uncertainty, in- constancy, 1 Tim, 6:17 abnaSrnn, dat. 5g. fn. abnddens (69) (04) abihuns, adv., not manifestly, uncertainly, dubiously, 1 Cor. 9:26 aBnuovely, pres. act. infin. =. Gbnjovéo (85) (05) dSqnovéw, &, fut. ABqMovHow [§16.P] t0 be depressed or dejected, full of anguish or @Bqwovav, nom. sg. m. pres. act. part ceeeeeess GSnovEe (65) Bay, acc. sg. m. m, (Acts 2:27, 31, GNT, WH & NA | ‘AiSov, MT | @8ov, TR) 166) Gn, ov, 6, nom. sg. m. n. [§2.Be] the in- visible abode or mansion of the dead; the place of punishment, hell; the lowest place or condition, Matt, 11:23; Luke 10:15 (a7) &Bxexpreos, ov, nom. sg. f. adj. [87.2] (& + Baxpivo) undistinguishing, impartial, James 3:17 ABiddentov, acc. sg. f. adj GBuddenr0s (28) (88) dBxédeint0s, ov, nom, sg. f. adj. [87.2] (& + Biahsina) unceasing, constant, settled, Rom. 9:25 2 Tim. 1:3, (29) aBiadinterc, adv., unceasingly, by an unvary- ing practice 0) Wéva@dopla, ac, H [$2.B.b; 2.2] (a + S.ag80p4) incorrupiness, genuineness, ureness ABiapbopiav, acc. sg, fn. (Tit, 2:7, MT & TR | &g8opiav, GNT, WH & 6ns (66) G6ns (66) NA). seererssssees GBta@Bopia (90) aBuxeiote, 2 pers. pl. pres. pass. indic. .. A61xE (2) bixeite, 2 pers. pl. pres. act. indic. ..... id. () adixéw, @, fat. dducfow, perf. adixnka (816.P] to act unjustly; wrong: injure; vi- olate a law ABuenBévtos, gen. sg. m. aor. pass. part, a5ixée (1) buen, 3 pers. 9g. aor. pass. subj. ..... id. (92) &8txqua, atos, 26, nom. sg. neut. n. [§4,D.c) an act of injustice, crime {Acts 18:14} AbiKnua, acc. sg. neut, n. {Acts 24:20} aixnwa (92) Abuerwara, acc. pl. neu a... id, aBxqjoa 7 ASixyjou, aor. act. infin, abixé (01) GBixroavtos, gen. sg. m, aor. act, part... id biKNoGeD, 3 pers. sg. aor. act. imper. id. abixvjoet, 3 pers. sg. fut. act. indic, (Luke 10:19, WH & TRb | dBucion, GNT, MT, NA & TRs)....... id. Abuution, 3 pers. sg. ao act. subj. (Luke 10:19, GNT, MT, NA & TRs | adixhoes, WH & TRb).. id. Abu«tjons, 2 pers. sg. aor, act. subj id, Abuxrjonte, 2 pers. pl. aor, act. subj id. dBuxtjoouaw, 3 pers. pl. fut. at, indic. (Rev 9:4, GNT, WH & NA | aStxrjamo\v), MT & TR)... : ia ABuer}oouv), 3 pers. pl. aor. act subj (Rev 9:4, MT & TR | aSuxtioovow, GNT, WH & NA) : id (99) @buwia, ac, fy nom. sg. fn. (§2.B.b; 2.2] in- Justice, wrong; iniquity, falsehood, deceit- fulness Abucig, dat. sg. fm. . = GBuxia. 69) ABuciais, dat. pl. £m. « cee id ABuxtav, acc. 5g. fm... id Abuxtas, gen. 9g. fn. id 51x01, nom. pl. m. adi Bux05 (64) (94) abux06, ov, nom. sg. m. adj. (§7.2] (& + Biren) unjust, unrighteous, iniquitous, vicious; de- ceieful, fallacious ABuxobpEvor, nom. pl. m. pres. pass. part. (2 Pet. 2:13, GNT, WH & NA | Kou obuevor, MT & TR) + ABuéio 69) Bucoduevoy, acc. sg. m. pres. pass. part... id. @8\xovs, ace. pl. m. adj Buc05 @Bixod0u(), 3 pers. pl. pres. act. indie. . ABueto (99 dBi, dat. sg. m. adj... aBux0« (64) Bud, 1 pers. sg. pres, act. indic. ...+-. &Bixte (7) aBinav, gen. pl. m. adj. (Aets 24:15} ... GB1wo¢ (64) Bx@v, nom. sg. m. pres. act. part {Aas 7:27} déixéo (29 (95) aBtxens, adv., unjustly, undeservedly, 1 Pet. : 2:19 (2689) ‘ABpiv, 6, Admin, pr. name indec. (Luke 3:33, GNT & NA | Apéu, MT & TR | ‘Aéueiv, WH) 486eqor, nom. pl. m. adj. .. 56x H0< (66) AB5xwov, acc. sg. m. adj id (06) &b6xapos, ov, nom. og. m. adj. [97.2] (4 + 6x06) unable to stand test, rejected, re- fuse, worthless ABodov, acc. 9g. neut. adj. «+ WBohos (67) (97) Bhohos, ov [87.2] (& + B6hos) without de- ceit, sincere, 1 Pet, 2:2 GBovres, nom. pl. m. pres. act. part. 80 (109) Bon, gen. sg. m. meee eeeceeeeeee ees GENS (08) QBovox(v), 3 pers. pl. pres. act. indic. Bo (109) eEut0s, (98) Adpayveenv6s, tf, 6v [§7.Fal of Adramytizom, a Greek city on the coast of Aeolia, in Asia Minor ‘ASpanurenv@, dat. sg, neut, adj. (Acts 27:2, GNT, MT, TR & NA | ASpauwvenva, WH) ‘ASpauutmvdc (98) ‘ABpig, dat. sg. mn, (Acts 27:27, GNT, MT, TR & NA | ‘Abpig, WH) ‘Apiag (2) (99) ASpiac, ov, 5 [§2,B.4) the Adriatic sea (100) pens, (208) dxupoivres, nom. pl. m. pres. act. part... id (208) aevpow, ©, fut. aKvpdae [§20.T] (& + xvp60) to deprive of authority, annul, ab- rogate, Matt. 15:6; Mark 7:13; Gal. 3:17 (209) axwairans, adv. (& + Kava} without hin- drance, freely, Acts 28:31 (210) &xeoy, ov8a, ov, nom. sg. m. adj. (for GéKcov, from & + &xOv, willing) unwilling [67H] 1 Cor, 9:17 (2m) a, atos, 16, salt (Mark 9:50, GNT, WH & NA | 6s, MT & TR) Cha, see. 9g. neue Me eee eeeeees (21 Addpacrpov, ov, «6 [§3C.e} alabaster; a vase 10 hold perfumed ointment, properly made of alabaster, but also of other materials, Gia 9217) aAnoivd, &AdBaotpov 4 Matt, 26:7; Mark 14:3; Luke 7:37 AASBaotpOV, acc. sg. neut. n. .... GAéBactpov (21) adalovas, acc. pl. mn. . = ddatov (2g) (212) adagovela, as, A, nom. sp. f. n. [82.B.b; 2.2) ostentation; presumptuous speech, James 4:16; haughtiness (1 Jobn 2:16, GNT, MT, TR & NA | édafovia, WH) daafoveiaus, da. pl. fn. (James 4:16, GNT, MT, TR & NA | @aiovias, WH). aratovela (212) aaGévec, nom. pl. mn. ---+- ahalov 219) (214) adagav, 6v0G, 6 [§7.G.a] ostentatious, vain- ‘glorious, arrogant, boasting, Rom. 1:30; 2 Tim. 3:2 dahdtov, nom. sg. newt. pes. act part. ; ananato 1) aaadaCoveas, acc. pl. m. pres. act part.» id. 2 dando, fur, dhadéko and Hakdzouer [826.2] pr. 10 raise the warcry, Ghadis hence, o utter other loud sounds; o wail, Mark. 5:38; 10 tinkle, ring, Cor. 1381 adodroxs, dat. pl. m. adj. + BhdAnt0s (215) (215) &aadqt0s, ov [97.2] & + hada) untenable, or, unexpressed, Rom. 8:26 @aov, nom. sg. neat. adj. {Mark 9:17} coves Ghaos (216) tranov, acc. sg, neat. adj, (Mark 9:25} .. id. (21) GAadas, ov [87-2] (& + hahéw) unable to speak, dmb, Matk 7:37 anhovs, ac. pl m. adj tahos (26) (2m) Bhag, ar0c, t6, nom. 5g. neut.n. [84.2.1 salt, Mark 9:50, etal; met. Mat, 5:13; met. the salt of wisdom and prudence, Col. 4:6 {Mark 9:50a,5} hag, ace. 9g. neut.n. (Mark 9:50¢, MT & TR | Gia, GNT, WH & NA) @as am) han, dat. sg. neat. n- we id. (21) ddcipen, fut. Adziyo [$23.12] to anoint with oil oF ointment Geyer, 2 pers. sg. aor. mid. imper. ... Beige (26) @ksiyavres, nom. pl. m. aoe act. part... id @Xsiyaoa, nom. sg. f. aot. act, part ia. dheiyoow, 3 pers. pl aor. act. subj. id. GAéKtopa, ace. sg. m, a, anzKrep (220) (20) exropogevia, as, [§2.Bb; 2.2] (AAEKrwp + provi) the cock-crowing, the third watch of the night, intermediate to mid-night and daybreak, and termed cock-crow, Mark B35 ddeKtopopovias, gen. sg. f. n. azxtopopovia (21) (220) ahéxtwp, opoc, 6, nom. sg. m. n. [84.2.6] 4 cock, Matt. 26:34; Mark 14:30; Luke 22:34; John 13:38 (229) Adakavdpeis, xs, 6, nom. sg. mn. [§5-F.d] 2 native of Alexandria, an Alexandrine ‘Adetavépéaw, gen. pl. m. n. .... AdebavBpebs (ey ‘AAeEavEpivov, ace. sg. neut. adj. (Acts 27:6, GNT, MT, TR & NA | AiekavBpw6v, WH)... » AAeEavBpIv0< (22) (224 Adegavipives, my ov [97-Fs) Alexandrian ‘dezavbpivep, dat. sg. neut. adj. (Acts 28:11, GNT, MT, TR & NA | Rsbavbq0, WH) » Adekavbptvog (222) ‘AAKEavEpOV, acc. sg. m. n. ‘AREavE p05 (22) (224) AdEav8poc, ov, 6, nom. sg. m. n. [§3.C.a] ‘Alexander, pr. name I. The High Priests kinsman, Acts 46 IL. A Jew of Ephesus, ‘Acts 19:33 UL. The coppersmith, 1 Tim, 1:20; 2 Tim. 4:14 IV. Son of Simon of (Cyrene, Mark 15:21 ‘AdeEGvBpov, gen. sg. m.n. ..... AEaVEp0s (25) (224) tzvpov, ov, 16 [§3.C.c] (BAe, t0 grind) ‘meal, flour, Matt. 13:33; Luke 13:21 adaspov, gen. sg. neut. n. tevpov (224) (225) &aQe, ac, 4, nom. sg. fn. [§2.B.b; 2.2] truth, verity, Mark 5:33; love of truth, ve- racity, sincerity, 1 Cor. 58, et als divine truth revealed to man, John 1:17, et als practice in accordance with Gospel truth, John 3:24; 2 John 4, et al. aantelg, dat. sg. fm. adriBeiay, acc. sg. fn. @Anfelag, gen. sg. fn. An@elg, nom. pl. m. adj @nBéc, nom. sg. neut. adj. (Acts 12:9} GAn@Es, acc. sg. neut. adj. {John 4:18} @nBedovtes, nom. pl. m. pres. act. part = anes (226) (226) aimbesea, fu. &2nBcb009 [813.M] t0 speak or ‘maintain the truth; to act truly or sincerely Gal, 4:16; Eph. 4:15 Gnesov, nom. sg. m. pres. act. part GinQh, ace. sg. f adj. (1 Pet. 5:12} . aRsBeua (225) wee id + Gamdrig (227) id. id. aanBebo ze) = GAnbrig (27) 4H, nom. pl. neut. adj. {John 10:41} .. id. aAnGh, ace. pl. neut. adj. (John 19:35} ... id. 227) &anBis, &5, nom. 5g. m. adj. [§7.G.b] true, John 4:18, et ali; worthy of credit, John 5:3; truthful, Job 7:18, eal. {John 3:33} anGiig, nom. sg, f. adj. {John 5:31} .. dAnOis @2N) danBwvat, nom. pl. £ adi aan@wds 228) @An@o, nom. sg. f adj. id dames, gen. sg. f adj. . id. 60%, nom. pl. m. adi id dAnbw6y, acc. sg. m. adj. {John 6:32}... id. Ganéwév, nom. sg. neut. adj. {John 19}. id. ean@iv6y, ace. sg. neut. adj. {Luke 16:11} . id. (228) &inBtv6s, f, 6v, nom. sg. m. adi. [§7.Fal ster ling, Luke 16:11 real, John 6:32; 1 Thess. 1:9, et al; unfeigned, trustworthy, true, John 19:35, et al. adnewo 15 adAStprov GAndIWD, dat. 5g. m. adj. GAnBivdv, gen. pl. neut. adj Gano, gen. sg. f. adj eandrig (229 @As\Bovsar, nom. pl. f. pres. act. part. .. aie (229) (229) dQ, fut. Asoo [823.14] (Ado, idem) t0 grind, Matt. 24:41; Luke 17:35 (220) 8h, adv, try, really, Matt, 14:33, etal certainly, of a truth, John 17:85 Acts 12:11 truly, veraciously, John 4:42, etal. 4, dat. 9g. m. n, (Mark 9:49, MT & TR GNT, WH & NA omit) . 2ueK¢, nom. pl. m. n, (Matt, 4:18, GNT, MT, TR & NA | énecic, WH) desig (209 aaa8iG, ace. pl. m. n. (Matt, 4:19, GNT, MT, TR & NA | &tesic, WH) . GAuevew, pres. act. infin. . tiebo (222) (221) thacig, EG, 6 [§5.E.d] a fisherman, Matt 4:18, 19; Mark 1:16, 175 Luke 5:2 (282) dhutbu, fut. e500 [§13.M] to fish, John 213 (299) dio, fut. &Mow [826.1] t0 salt, season with salt, preserve by salting, Mate. 5:13; Mark 9.49 (1204) Gioymna, at0s, 16 [$4.D.} (&deyéa, t0 pol- lute, in the LXX) pollution, defilement, ‘Acts 15:20 aantivds (228) id. Gs (251) adioyuéroy, gen. pl. neut. m. .... @Afoymwa (1296) @uoBioeran, 3 pers. sg. fat. pass. ind... BiG (209) 422; aspirated form of .. = GAG (295) (225) 8424, conj. but; however; but still more; Dade, at all events; Addi, unless, e- cept. AXA also serves to introduce a sen- tence with keenness and emphasis, Rom. 6:55 7:75 Phil. 3:85 John 16:2 2a, nom. pl. neut. adj. (Matt. 13:5} Ga, acc. pl. neut. adj. {Mart. 25:16} @daynodusba, 1 pers. pl. 2 fut. pass indie : @AEo00 (298) dog (248) id. éaAaynooveas, 3 pers. pl 2 fut. pass. indic. id. Am, nom. pl. f adj Rog (243) @AAAEon, aor, act. infin, - AdAdooe (296) GAAGEE, 3 pers. sg. fut. act. indic. id. taaas, acc. pl. f. adj tos (249) (220) .A400m, fat. AAGEC, aor. pass. HAGxOnV, 2 aor. pass. #Adyny, fut. AAayfcoua [826.3] to change, alter, transform, Acts 6:14 Rom. 1:23; 1Cor. 15:51, 525 Gal, Heb. 1:12 (237) SAax60ev, adv. (B.A0s + Sev, denoting from ‘a place) from another place or elsewhere, John 10:1 49.0706, adv., elsewhere (Mark 1:38, GNT, WH & NA | MT & TR omit) Gan, nom. sg. f « GdAog (249) speak) to say what is ether designed or fit ted to convey a meaning other than the lit eral one, to allegorize; khAnyopois.ev0s, adapted to another meaning, otherwise sig- nificant, Gal. 4:24 @Anroposueva, nom. pl. neut. pres. pass. pacer sdAnyopéo (238) anasiioss, dat. pl. m. reciprocal pron. (Gal. 5:13} = GALE (240) ena, dat. pl. newt. reciprocal pron. (Gal. 5:17}. id (238) AAImRoGia, Hebrew MAN, praise ye Jebo- vab (Rev, 19:1,3, 4,6, MT & TR | ‘Adnhovid, GNT & NA | ARAmRovid, WH) 4RAtiAOvs, ace. pl. im. reciprocal pron. &AAsiRenv (240) (240) ashe, gen. pl m. reciprocal pron. ($10.6. one another, each other (Rom. 2:15} dAAiAov, gen. pl. neut. reciprocal pron. {1 Cor. 12:25} aiahov (240) damw, ace. sg. & adj. . » Gihos (248) Gans, gen. sg. f. adi. . id, Go, nom. sg. neut. adj. (Rev. 12:3} id, do, acc. 9g, neut. adj. {Rev. 13:11} ia 24) dadoyevic, &, nom. sg. m. adj. (§7.G.b] (@.Aog + yévoc) of another race or nation, ile, not a Jews a stranger, foreigner, Lake wg @Ao1, nom. pl. m, adi ors, dat. pl. m. adi. . (242) Sonn, fat. Goduon, aor, Wduny [$37.1] to leap, jump, leap up, Acts 3:8; 14:10; to spring, as water, John 4:14 GAASuevos, nom. sg. m. pres. mid./pass. dep. + GdAog (243) id. part. . GARopar (242) EAouEvOD, gen. sg, newt. pres, mid. pass. dep. part id. Gadov, acc. 9g. m. adj. . EAROG (249) (243) Sos, n, 0, nom. sg. m. adj. [$10.6.a] an- other, some other; G06, the other: of RRO, the others, the rest adAoTpIQ, dat. sg. f. adj EARS TpIOg (245) adAoTpLaLG, dat. pl. f adi id. | aarorplav, ace. sg. f adj. id. | (214) addorpientoxonos, ov, 8, nom. sg. m. n. [§3.C.a,b] (dAAStpIOG + ExioKoROs) pr. one who meddles with the affairs of oth- cers, a busybody in other men’s matters; fac- tious (1 Pet. 4:15, GNT, WH & NA | ddAorpioenioxonos, MT & TR) @Aorploeniaxonoc, nom. sg. m. n. (1 Pet. 4:15, MT & TR | adAorpicnioxonos, GNT, WH & NA) ANAotpIERLaKonos (244) ArXorpioxs, dat. pl. m. adj AAASrpIOS (245) AARStpIOV, ace. 5g. Mm. adi id. (28) faanyoptin,& (516.P} (shes + éyopsbe, to i fe aAASrpIOS a (245) &hAStpI06, a, ov [§7.1} belonging to another, Lake 16:12, etal; foreign, Acts 7:63 Heb, 1195 a foreigner, alien, Matt. 17:25 aadotpig, dat. sg. m. adj. ‘John ceeveee @AASTpIOg (25) aaaorpig, dat, sg. neut. adj. {Luke 16:2} id addotpiow, gen. pl. m. adj. .-...00e000- id. AAOD, gen. sg. m. adj. Erdos (243) @AoVG, acc. pl. m. adj id. (248) Bab gud0s, ov [672] GAGS + OUAH) of a other race or nation, ie., not a Jew, a for ceigner, Acts 10:28 anRopIN, dat. 9g. m. adj. = GAAS qUR|S (248) Gade, dat. sg. m. adj... Eidos (243) Gada, gen. pl. m. adj . id. (2m taxes, adv, otherwise, 1Tim. 5:25 (248) dkodin, ©, fut. Aoriow [§18.R] and dodow [$22.2] to thresh; to tread, or thresh out, 1.Cor. 9:9, 10; 1 Tim. 5:18 Goya, nom, pl. neut. adj Brov0s (240) @oyov, nom. sg. neut. adj. cee ids (269) 0105, ov [87.2] 4 + A6y0s) without speech ‘or reason, irrational, brute, 2 Pet. 2:12; Jude 10; unreasonable, absurd, Acts 25:27 (250) ain, nG, 4 [§2.B.a] also termed EuAaRSn, Ay@XRoxov, aloe, lign-aloe, a tree which ‘grows in India and Cochin-China, the ‘wood of which is soft and bitter, though highly aromatic. Ie is used by the Orien- tals as a perfume; and employed for the purposes of embalming, John 19:39 aaéng, gen. 5g. fn aden (250) Rody, nom. sg. m. pres. act. part. .... Bode (248) @odvta, acc. sg. m. pres. act. part id (25) Big, dds, & [$415 4.2] salt, Mark 9:49 Guxév, ace. sg. newt. adj thus, (252) (252) advnbs, 1, 6v (§7.E.a] brackish, bitter, salt, James 3:12 (1259) Ghunos, ov [87.2] (@ + Minn) free from grief or sorrow, Phil 2:28 (253) dhunétepos, nom, sg. m. compar. adj [88.4] duno (1259) Gidoat, dat. sg. fn. Gaveg (254) Gddoeis, nom. pl. f. a. {Acts 12:7} id, Givens, ace. pl. fm, {Mark 5:4} id, dhioeoi(v), dat. pl. fn id Gdvow, acc. sg. f.. id, (254) divers, ex, Ht [§5.E.c] a chain, Mark 5:3, 4 Awowterés, nom. sg. neut. adj. ... @vorredsig (255) (255) ddvorteiig, & [§7.G.b] (@ + Avortediig, ie. Asaw ta téAn) pr. bringing in no revenue or profit; hence, unprofitable, useless; det imental; ruinous, disastrous, Heb, 13:17 (49 “Adoa, 16, indect, first letter of Greek alpha bet, Alpha (Rev. 1:8; 21:6; 22:13, GNT, duaptipatos WH, MT & NA| A, TR) (258) Argaios, ov, 6, Alphaeus, pr. name I. Father of James the less Il. Father of Levi, {or Matthew) Mark 2:14 ‘*rpaion, gen. sg. m. n. « Adgatog (256) (257 Bia, avs, f [$4.Da] (a later form of 60s, 10, i) a threshing floor, a place where corn is trodden out; meton. the corm which is trodden out, Matt. 3:12; Luke 3:17 Gave, ace. sg. fn dddnexes, nom. pl fn, dhdnex, dat. sg. fm. (259 da, os, 4 [54.2.0] «fox, Mat 8:20; Luke 9:58; met. a fox-like, crafty man, Luke 13:32, Bhaow, acc. 5g. fm. tanors, 259) (259) fwaic, 605, A [85.E.<] (dMoKouar, 10 cake) a taking, catching, capture, 2 Pet. 2: (260) ua, adv, with, together with: atthe same time auateic, nom. pl. m. adj duatiig 69 (260 duadiis, & [87.G.b] (& + wavOdva) wn eared, wninstructed, rude, 2 Pet. 3:16 duapdvavoy, acc. sg. m. adj. ... dwapdvervos, (263 (282) ayapévewos, n, ov [87-2] (& + wapaivona) tunfading: hence, enduring 1 Pet. 5:4 auépavrov, acc. sg. f. adj. tndpaveos (265) (282) aydpaveos, ov, unfading: hence, enduring Ghaov 257) » eae 9 Pet. 1:4 dudprave, 2 pers. 9. pres. act. imper. » : énapréve (4) dnapraver, 3 pers. sg. pres. act. indic. ... id, duapravew, pres. act infin, id duopravere, 2 pers. pl. pres. act. inde {(1Cor. 8:2) id duapravere, 2 pers. pl. pres. act. impe. (1Cor. 15:34} os. id duapravovea, acc. 9. m. pres. act part. . id duapravoveac, ace. pl. m. pres. act. part. id duaprévovees, nom. pl. m. pres. act. part. id duapravévrov, gen. pl. m. pres. act. part. id. éqaptévou), dat. pl. m. pres. act part. id 264) auaprdve, ft. &xaptioouar and, lates, 4napcioa, aor. hudprnoa, 2 aor. Auap- tov [$36.2] pe to miss a mar; to bein er- rox, 1 Cos. 15:34; Tit. 3:14 to sin, John S214, et als to be guilty of wrong, Matt 18:15, etal duaprave, nom. sg. m. pres. act. part. : duapraves 264) dudpry, 3 pers. sg. 2 aor. act. subj id (285) auapryna, az0s, x6, nom. sg, neut.n. [$4.De] 4an error; sin, offence, Mark 3:28} 4:12; Rom, 3:25; 1 Cor. 6:18 éuapriwara, nom, pl. neut. a. .... duéprmna (25) Gnaptiwatos, gen. sg, neut. n. (Mark 3:29, duaprnpdtov GNT, WH & NA | xpiases, MT & TR) Audpemna (266) duaprnudroy, gen. pl. neut.n. id. Gaptiioaveas, acc. pl. m. aor. act, part. Guaptiioavros, gen. sg. m. aor act. part. Guapmodvroy, gen. pl. m, aor. act. part. 4uaptioaow, dat. pl. m. aor. act. part duaptios, 3 pers. sg. fut, act. indic. Guaption, 3 pers. sg. aor. act. subj. ‘dyapecouey, 1 pers. pl. fat. act. indic, (Rom. 6:15, MT & TR | éuapriaouev, GNT, duapraven (264) id. id. WH & NA) id 4uapriowuev, 1 pers. pl. aor. act. sab. (Rom. 6:15, GNT, WH & NA | aprtconey, MT & TR)..... id. dudprnce, 2 pers. pl. 2 aor. act. subj. id (228) éuapria, as, , nom. sg fn. [§2.B.b; 2.2] er- 101; offence, sin, Matt. 1:21, et al a prin ) to cause to come (909) ava, prep. used in the N-T. only in certain up or ascend, draw or bring up, Matt forms. dvi uépos, in turn; ava usoov, 13:48 through the midst, between; ava AvoBiBéoavres, nom. pl. m. aor. act. Snvdproy, at the rate of a denarius; with part. avaBiBaGo (907) numerals, avd Exar6v, in parties ofa hun- vaBAérovor(y), 3 pers. pl. pres. act. dred. In composition, step by step, up, indic. . + dvaBhén (008) back, again dvéBa, 2 pers. sg. 2 aor. act. imper. by apoc- ope for dvaBnih [§31.1.

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