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- Stphane Roussel : La recherche sur la culture stratgique - quelques pistes de
rflexion, Diplomatie, numro 29 il devient une variable explicative de plein droit, qui
permet directement de rendre compte du comportement des tats, voire de prdire leurs
dcisions futures. Pour dautres enfin, il sagit dun discours qui vise essentiellement
lgitimer et maintenir un ordre social et politique dans lequel lusage de la force et
lentretien de vastes appareils militaires occupent une place importante. p 23.
) (

: :

" "

1982 1985

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8 13 21 31

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1982 1991









( 4 ) " .

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4 :
2010 .135
- David Galula : Counterinsurgency warfare - theory and practice, Foreword by John A.
Nagl. Praeger Security International PSI Classics of the Counterinsurgency Era , 2006,
Three main objectives are pursued in this step:
1. To re-establish the counterinsurgents authority over the population.
2. To isolate the population as much as possible, by physical means, from the guerrillas.


" "

) .( 6


" ) ( 7
3. To gather the necessary intelligence leading to the next stepelimination
of the insurgent political cells.
This is the most critical step in the process because of its transitional character, moving
from emphasis on military operations to emphasis on political ones, and because it
combines a heavy burden of both. The main center of interest switches now to the level
of the basic unit of work, where the real battle takes place. p 81.

6 :
2004 .126
7 " "
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( 8 ) .



) ( 9

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8 :. .110
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( 10 ) .



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" ".
5282 2000 1994
1999 1164 ) .( 11



11 1948
2000 494 .496

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( 12 ) " .


- Frank G Hoffman : Hybrid Warfare and Challenges, JFQ / issue 52, 1st quarter, 2009,
As difficult as compound wars have been, the operational fusion of conventional and
irregular capabilities in hybrid conflicts may be even more complicated. Compound wars
offered synergy and combinations at the strategic level, but not the complexity, fusion,
and simultaneity we anticipate at the operational and even tactical levels in wars where
one or both sides is blending and fusing the full range of methods and modes of conflict
into the battlespace. P 36.




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" ) ( 13


-Russell D. Howard : Strategic Culture, JSOU Report 13-8, The JSOU PressMacDill Air
Force Base, Florida 2013. Strategic Culture is that set of shared beliefs, assumptions,
and modes of behavior, derived from common experiences and accepted narratives (both
oral and written), that shape collective identity and relationships to other groups, and
which determine appropriate ends and means for achieving security objectives. p 2.

" ) ( 14
1 :
2 3
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14 :
15 :. .111




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" .
- Danny Boisvert : Niklas Luhmann : la thorie des systmes sociaux, Les systmes
sociaux des socits modernes, peu importe leur complexit et leur dure dans le temps
(que ce soit lconomie, les systmes lgal, politique ou religieux, les organisations, les
groupes sociaux ou les interactions) assurent leur identit et leur autoreproduction (leur
autopose) en prservant leur diffrence par rapport un environnement complexe p.
58, Revue Aspects sociologiques, volume 13, no 1, aot 2006


" "
" :

( 19 ) " .



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19 : )
( 2008 - 1978 2008
" " .





" ) ( 20

26 2006
" :
) ( 21 3
2006 " :


21 :
2006 270
( 22 ) " .
9 2006 "


" ) ( 23

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22 : 273 .
23 : 292 .


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24 :
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" ) ( 27

" " axis of weevils

" "

- 25
( 1996
61 .
- Walter Russell Mead : the return of geopolitics , the revenge of the revisionist powers,
foreign affairs, volume 93 number 3, may/june 2014, p 70.
- 27 : :
2003 .55

" "

) ( 28

" "


" "



- Frdrick Douzet, David H. Kaplan: Geopolitics : la gopolitique dans le monde
angloamricain , Hrodote 2012/3 (n 146-147), p. 237-252. Francis Fukuyama (The End
of History and the Last Man, 1992), Samuel Huntington (The Clash of Civilizations and the
)Remaking of World Order, 1996) ou John Mearsheimer (The Tragedy of Great Powers, 2001
laborrent chacun un discours gopolitique offrant un nouveau cadre pour comprendre le
monde daprs guerre froide. p 241.

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