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1) Patient with acute stage left hemiplegia; have unilateral neglect what advice you give to

patient's relatives ( patient in hospital acute stage)

a) Ask the patient tum the head side right side and stand on the patient left side so patient
sraduallv recover from neglect
b) Right side training becoz we cannot expect the result from left side. ( A)
c) Another two options but not related

2) Same patient how vou train from supine to side lvine

a) side lying with flexion

b) side lving with extension
c) flexion with rotation combination ( A )
d) extension with rotation combination

(Refer- pase 683 sullivan 6d edition)

3) 36 vr old patient SOB . HIV +ve . malaise what u suspect?

a) Asthma
b) pneumocystis pneumonia ( A )

4) Same patient which medicines he usins

a) anti inflammatory
b) anti viral ( A )
c) anti psvchotic

4) Same HIV patient ; taking oxygen in hospital .nurse ask u which is best way to improve

a) Percussion and vibration( A )

b) suctionins

5) Same patient breathless. What is your advice

a) Supine
b) Forward sittine ( A )
| 6) Construction worker had elbow fracture in flexion injury, ulnar border of hand weak which
deformity he get with contracture?

a) Dupuytren's
b) claw hand ( A )

l7) Same patient pain in which area?

a) cubital tunnel ( A )
b) carpel tunnel
8) Same patient which movement augravate pain?

a) elbow flexion ( A )
b) elbow extension
c) over head movements
9) Which movement to adviced not to do?

a) wt.lifting
b) hammerins
c) wheel barrowing ( A )
10) What is used to prevent pain in this patient?

a) elbow padding ( A )
b) elbow splintins
I l) MRSA *ve Patient which standard precaution to use?

a) mask
b) gown.mask
c) gloves,mask
d) sown. sloves (A)

12) ALS shown sisns of:

a) Upper limb LMN and lower limb UMN

b) Upper limb Spasticity and lower limb LMN
c) UMN AND LMN ( A )

13) This same patient diagnosed as oral apraxia by swallowing specialist ,and has aspiration
pneumonia due to

a) Dysphagia(A)
b) dysaphasia
c) dysarthria
d) dvspraxia
14) Same pt . for Rt. middle lobe postural drainase position?

a) flat left side lying.... ( A )

b) left side lyine head down l6inches

15)T2 Spinal cord injury. 6yrs. patient has sacral bed sore. she is doing all activites in the home
have nrrrse whaf is fhe carrse?

a) shear force, moisture, nutrition

b) Iniury time, shear force. incontinence (A)
16) What trainins to give for pressure relief?

a) push up every 30 min. ( A )

b) wheel chair tilt
17) 6vr old bov with pink and white waxv color deep partial thickness burn. You find

a) pain with superficial touch

b) no pain with superficial and deep pressure
c) no pain with superficial but pain with deep pressure ( A )
18) Same patient" when to stop sivins passive elbow movement?

a) leathery end f'eel

b) blanching
c) AROM achieved (A)
d) crvins
19-| Same patient while dressins to divert what will do

a) Encourage active movements ( A )

b) Give a counselling to the child

l9) 26yr.old f'emale, she came to physio dept 3 months after posterior forearm burn, what you
expect she is doing home prograrnme

a) pressure garment ( A )
b) self massage
c) elastic crepe bandage
d) splintine
20) This patient not able to grasp properlv- which intervention can be siven?

a) deep friction massase( A )

* 2l ) With anterior compartment syndrome of les which movement is ]ost?

a) dorsiflexion and eversion ( A )

b) dorsi flexion and inversion
c) plantar flexion and eversion

- 22) Post Tibial nr. Compression is seen in

a) Medial malleolus ( A )
b) Lat malleolus
c) Tibial plateau
22) Patient truck driver came with back pain and he had previous history of ankle injury so
patient can't lift last 2 dieits. How test the Sl mvotome is affected.which other si area could be
tested to assess the mvotome?
a) dorsi tlx and inversion
b) hip extension and eversion ( A )
c) knee flex and eversion

23) Where to check for L5 Dermatome?

', 24) Patient came to physio department after surgical release of Dupuytrens contracture. patient
asked PT ll'hat structure u'as released u.ith surserv. what do v-ou exolain?

a) lumbricals
b) palmar fascia ( A )

r 25) What can u discuss with the same patient about the condition?

a) can develop flexion contracture

b) reoccuffence chance is more( A )
26) Ultra sound has been siven to this Datient .rvhat would vou document?

a) ground f-ault
b) how manv times machine used
27) Patient settins treatment for rvound. What vou document other than its shape and size

a) Wound bed ,sensation

b) Wound bed. exudates( A )

e 281A 50 years diabetic patient came to private physio clnic with heel and foot pain pt suspects
olantar fasciitis. patients workins as a securitv suard and he climbs 4 floors dailv andwalki a lot
.What is another diasnosis to be ruled out u,ith olantar fasciitis

a) diabetic neuropathy
b) stress fracture of heel ( A ')

, 29\ Same patient what treatment u will advice s home prosram?

a) Taping and some exercises ( A )

b) Resisted exercise

q 30) Same patient no relief from nain after 8 wks treatment .What will vou advice?
a) job modilication
b) Refer ohvsician( A )
c) cumulative theraov
. 3l ) A female athlete w-ith plantar fascitis. which area do vou expect the nain?

a) heel
b) medial calcaneal tubercle on toe extension( A )
c) lateral les
- 32) What is vour short term goal for this athlete?

b) strengtheningexercises
c) ___?

33) Same patient comes back to you with no recovery, you notice she wearing high heel sandals,
what is vour advice?

a) Send to orthotic assessment( A )

b) Advice long term phvsiotherapv
34) Same patient want to retum to sports(running). What type of orthotics u give?

a) longitudianal arch support

b) transverse arch support
c) heel cushion with support( A )

35) Knee iniury. coronary ligament affected. Which part you suspect is involved?

a) medial meniscus ( A)
b) femoral head
c) patellar ligament
d) tibial plateau
36) In patellofemoral ioint pain what activitv increase pain
a) descending stairs ( A )
b) ascending stairs
c) semisquats

37) Same patient how to assess ...???(dint get the question!!)

a) pain with compression patella and limted medial glide( A )

b) Decreased q angle
c) Restricted lateral elide
38) Which exercise is advisable for this patient? Refer Kisner
a) 0-45 degree closed chain ( A )
b) 0-15 degree open chain

38) What do u find in patellofemoral svndrome patients?

a) <Q angle(A )

39) Intervention for this patient?

40) Female oatient diasnosed rvith TOS : vour findins?

- deereased radial nulse ( A')


41) What advice vou sive to this TOS oatient?

i,) nrgnt spirni

b'I nosture correction ( A)

42) What is best fcrr her?

q shouider siing
b) sunnortive bra ( A )
e ) cervieal collar

43) 'i'ruck driver with back pain comes tor P l' . to check his L5.Sl myotome you assess this

. 44\ Common oeroneal nerve test .how do vou do?

q Sr-K , Pi.rrx " root rnverslon( A )

b) knee extension dorsiflx . toe ertension
e) SI-R. D.flx. foot eversion

45a) 55 vr old RA natient . classic svmotom.

a) Svmmetrical involvement of small ioints

45b) Problems founcl in foot

a) Metatarsophalaneeal svnovitis

4o 1 A +5-year-oici remale who has systemlc iupus erymemarosus requlres physlother apt, at a
nrivate clinic. The ohvsiotheranist's assessment of the client should reveal whieh tvoieal ar-tieular

a) Aslmmetflcat rnvoirement.
b) Ankvlosis.
c) L,t-tusions.
d) Nodules.( A )

41 1I he physiotherapist is eciucattng tne chent about her concirtron. inronnatron about which skin
chanqe" common to svstemic h-rous ervthematosrls. should be inclucled in the edr_rcation prosram?

a) ltchy rash on body.

b) Nodules"
c) Thickenins.
d) Photosensitivitv. ( A )
a 48) PT advice walker for a pt. With ankle fracture. But patient doesn't want it.

a) respect patients decision

49) Decerebrate position?

a) Upper limb llexion and lower limb extension

b) Upper limb and lower limb in extension ( A )

50) Nr.rrse asks PT which position is sood to sive this oatient as there is increased spasticitv?

a) side lying
b) Supine to increase TLR
c) Prone lvinq
51) On auscultation of a patient with pleural effusion what is abnormal on pleural site

a) decrease breath sound ( A )

b) increased breath sound
c) bronchial breath sound
52) r.lhat exercise to teach this patient?

a) DB Ex.
b) FET
c) PEP
d) Stair climbine and Deep breathins exercise ( A )

53) ALS patient oxvsen level is decreased at night time. what will vou do to maintain saturation
a) nasal prongs( A)
b) tracheostomv
54) Cvstic fibrosis case 6 month bov. with SOB on initial assessment u find?

a) flaring of ribs
b) barrel chest( A )

55) What is the important education to boy's Darents?

a) postural drainage
b) _?
56) 2vr.Old CP child. no neck control. Parents asks PT what is the problem? You sav:

a) Symptoms of CP suspected ( A )
b) You will refer to physician

* 57) Supine position. lateral head tilt what is tested here (suestion not clear)
f,) alar llgament
b) _?

58) rvhieh test?

a) lat shear test

b) -?

-59) same ot. Shows I-IMN svm.otoms. vou read r rar. to find
a) alar irg
b) odontoid proeess( A)

60) Posterior tibial nerve eomnression seen in?

a) behind meelial malleolus (tarsal tunnel)

6 1 ) fi bromvaleia svmotom?

a) difftise mm pain & tender pts

62't 5th dav oost op ORIF With pin for 5th ohalanqe of fineer. Wha.t exercises will vou sive as
home Droqram?

a) actlve ex
b') passive ex( A )
c) active assisted exercises

63) Same patient" savs exercise prosramme is difficult to do u'hat is vor-rr advice?

' 64a) CHD Child on hip spica cast. now brace adviced. how to position the hio in brace?

a) hip flexion and abduction

65) Sien of CHD

a) Sacral pltting
b) Limb leneth asvmmetrv((((
c) tr 1 tevel dlll'erence
d) Fillinq of anterior eroin ( A )
66) Standins with knee and hip flx. PSIS Moves ..?

a) cauoaiiy 1A.1
b) craniallv

67) 6 wks after Colles fracture . shoulder and hand pain due to CRPS .what svmptom u see?

a) vasodiiatation and bnttie nairs

b) vasoconstriction and atroohv
c) pain, srvelling , stittness ( A )
d) fibrosis
68) For the same oatient what will vou advice home orosramme-

a) ice ,elevation while in Pain

b) AAROM and AROM for hand and uoper extremitv. ( A )

69) Same ot. No imnrovement w-ith svmDathetic nerve block.. what will u sussest?

a) 'l'his is not going to recover already t-ibosed

b) other treatment
c) this is not normal,can lead to fibrosis
d) Dreoare for home exercise Drosramme and Reassessment olan everv 2 week ( A)
70) How to Desensitize ?

a) ice
b) rubbinq with cloth ( A)
7l) Pauci Articular Juvenile Arthritis which it involved?
a) Knee ( A)
b) sh0ulder
c) SI it

72) Flonpv Babv Svndrome: Position of low'er extremitv

a) Hip flexion and abduction

b) Hio extension and abduction
c) Hio extension and adduction
73) In thoracotomv luns wedse resection surserv. what will be vour first aim

a) Ventilation
b) Luns comoliance

74) Parkinson's disease, before hospitalization or admitting to nursing home, after 2 days patient
ic nnnfirqed Whaf cnrrld he fhe re2q^n

a) Present stress
b) Dopamine medicine ( A)
c) Depression
75) To de-stress acromio clavicular ioint. you will mobilizarion of gleno humeral ioint in

a) Posterior glide
b) Caudal elide ( A )

76) ALS patient ansry and sliehtlv confused. What w.ill vou do
a) Ask pattent wny were you angry dunng treatment ( A)
b) Send patient back to room
77) TB patient .Diagnosis not revealed yet. Patient asking PT why are you wearing mask. Your
q\r-pr ..r,.il ! he

a) ou have t tJ

b) This is the standard orecaution at this situation ( A )

78) Same natient. No information on dronlet intbction on door. Yor-r u'ill

a) Strck isolatron on door

b) Ask doetor iinatient should be isolated ( A )
79) Axillarv nen/e

a) Deltoid and upper arm lateral asoect

80) When vou are checking the saturation using pulse oxymetry. vou notice that there is bluish
diqr-nlnrrratinn nn hand nnd cnld \L/hat cnrrl,'l he the rpaq^n

a) Ravnauds phenomenon

81) Hvrroxemia. Which is the value

a) Oxygen- sl ( A )
b) co2- 65
c) HO3- 22
82) Patient in 1.5 L 02. Desaturatine with exercise. What will vou do

a) intorm medicat starr ( A )

b) Increase oxvgen

I 83) I chronic low back pain TENS fiequencv

a) 1-4Hz(A)
b) 100 Hz
c) 4uuu Hz
d) 1000 Hz
' 84') Rotator Cuff Iniurv

a) Drop Arm test

85) Where can vou find the pain

a) Arm parn
b) Supra clavicular fossa

86) Other caLlses of arm nain

t{) Ca'., r.. c-
PNE Qucstions

homc? :'

| 74*; lody post hip fractur6 - ffiat would bc most uscl'ul aid
at I'
I l$aised toilct scat '
Vti."r -l

ii tttt*o.llpponrrr???? can t read writing .

Sheishardofhcaring-Horv.ryouldyougivcinstructions? . . c'.3# 6'r- $

+ wbrds- ,1ooa t* - t're4
irc^' I \e"rt'\
I )) Spcad
SocaU ioudtV

lir v iill
enuncialc wor-ds
a"nd enunciate
loudly and

rr- --r. storviy --J ."icr
-l-...t.. and raiic ^ilr.h all
words 5@
of wnr
? i\ 0
p \ T ( c-{c""
- '+) Spcik softlY and enunciatc
I I Studcnt watchcs physio do a trcatment Units strould be
llby student -o
f-zDt plrYsio W)',
YUV student and PhYsio
4) by physio (but units doutrled) ;. .

i, 4. ,Old man falls oi shoulder and has dccrcascd q!$,ligq.

Physician orders short $ravc
diarhermy for supraspinatui tcndinitis. You,slrould:
l) Pcrform SV'{D
?) Pcrform SlvQ and chart that phypician ordered it
{Ho"iramity rnember dccide whlt}rer,SWDitrould bc allo*rcd
e($en phlsician pu dont rccommend Rx /
5. man? , .. t^ , [ ,l
Whig{r Rr csuld you-us: lor rhis
ti'; e;+!--cr-l c '' hgl'L'r-! '/
#' 2)US+-
3) S\\D
4)watbaths + F "'l t'tJJ
i..t'" clrrtrr.) .
6 co rn parc rtrc brcarhin* p=,,.* or *S{ ioiillf.S: :i""T;?",rQ;
7. lf a.paticnt rvanrcd ilreir trectme{ sloPtcp ard the PT continued' what would the PT bc
g.rifiyon Ass o*J,* { 'lic'l*fv-^-'';-{
d I f your paticnr had a hip replacementi rvhar rwuld be the {rs posr-op inlcrvcntion'

'- :i'' "- ': ' ';2

e. COPD paticnt qucstion
1 srridor? hiah i?lbcJ^rd iwl? ,,\MzL- *?Ptt 4Awd4
lo wrrar is \..
-l L ^p' .\
r \-,-g-F tr_;
' .*-S-.* Ltgt" -V3c'*)
\;S.rY* -Jo \
* :. *--s ..>
<O . .;
Y \ ^ld-
J$,'5R' :\\-ao" \),?*
ir?r i{at is thc best
position trcdttllc"''
for trnatrneilt tor
-:.:^- far OA and $A?
t "',,. I
I) flexion c
J)--mid'flexton X
bc dueto? / \'
i, what would a sacral sore
30 dcgrce
and are tilted
, ,rlt" are on a rratcr mattrcss
) comPrcssivc
j5+otntn(urn forces
Qslrcanng forccs otflqxion. Flexion
at25 dcgrccs
dislocgtedtr,::1"* ' - - splirrted
r PIP ^
r Bascball playcr
isjimitcrt duc to: Y
"' -'Iilol laterat l i gamcnts'
Y; lntcrossct
llinttzl'2'!?'!'!?'!'! ,
t*tt"Ucs' Howl
tr. Elderly COPD - racir]it-at1 lt^l
"' -S hcad 30 dcgrccs
t' ;) ircathingtcchniqucs ^
i i I ?l r r r 11'7:1212t'72t"!t't"tz'

*"'lil1::'::' i""',Jfr1'q.:,-
r 5
f ;it I''
ii m""tt"niarl intcrmittent
Ji *""hunicel
16 Late stagcs of
ol sKtt'
. -,-ifi crackirig pstburn?
.t? i krrv do yo1 rcdrrce thc risk
4^l- Fr II -t i c c'-'l t ttrl a


I ) rvhirlPool f .,.ef!J
nF!'{ f.r (:. -. r7r

;i ;ilil; I. g-Y:f:,*1,,",, r{! sTuft

r wt11???'!?'!
;ii i Tffili*riiiiiir
??fiili,r':???????r??1???7 *risr@

t9 lu{5 clonreningococle?
$trat do you isscss:
10 l lcnrophilia -

:l El';o.,r- injury - llorv doYou
-\ 3'f,'ll '7
t I'sorir.sis - UV light !2
arc encouraged?
1 (]trl'rtlrilrlcli:r - Whictr right muscles

. - :-
:: -. :l
rr- +7
:' ! ,lil
ftrt orot. aerobic caPaeitY
--strcss control

-colcstcrol reduction
-lifesrylc modification
' t ^-1 A"JY"'a
u. Cholesectomy can bc bcst diagnoscd r$ by?
b\o lV>" .

{t i'' ct'-" t 'Ei' JrY'

,fi. A, flail chesr patient should no, r.*i"r.whichtrcatrnenr? #;. 4r''2'
an object inro thc middtc lobi. vfhish symPtorys rvill bc prcScnt? h t"c*'-t h lr r<
15.. .A paricnt srvallowcd - -1'f
e -?.1r'."
td. A child in a hip spica cast should notrcccive
t., tt))
CdJSl-locq;-{rt'' "thi.Ig*tmcnt?c'$
ad;irrocc>-t\l', h"
? iV Z ^' J
t? Rclease of a Dupetrcnc contrac$re srrygically resulted in
decreased flexion ofthe'proximal -
phalangcal joint. This could bc duc ta:

a. contracturc of lumbricals-)rz-
(6) shoncncd FDB '/
X shortcned FDP
rvbinan rvrro is 3 months pregnant has a lumbar disc lesion. Which rnodality should bc
-{ rcccivcd?

-.a $/^t'
d. Short*avcdirthcrmY i
' . - '',r]
d' traction-
d. traction\ !-* {
\ f "ic\" "'/ ''
u"*w{ t ' f ;-'r.i'r"
tg. l\'ltat rvould short tcrin goals for a paticnt wirh brain damage be?
, f- !evtl c'1
1., ,

rr^ r i,1. ':". ilr i.' r

j ?s Wlret arm anglc ofJlcxion will maximizc cxtcnsor forcc? y ll v -"
6" -
Qtf l'Et"hcnge thc prcvafcr,rcc rvltat rvitl bc affectcd?
g 1"a--.,lncrcasc pos. prcdictivc valuc
-6. in" neg. predictivc value -'
c- chang'; spccilicitY
d change sensitivity P*lr"r-t'
_-4, '
3t Thc s1'mptoms of pleural effusions include? '
?t \'{uscles of thc neck include?

t{ .\ 76 vear old confused rvoman rvithan inlenrochanlerit fraclurc. \l-fr

t. \&'hat asscssmcnt shoufd bc qonductcd belore getting her our of
'J bcd? , ;1 ,:.t I 'l "k*aF:
6-ll . \;{ t' :' . .. \t4

' ' t .t i,.,.' . i'
a6]r,necr flcxors "/' t-

,b. fingct cxtcnsors

c. rwist flexors
d wrist e.rtensors
year old. Which is contraindicatcd? X
3 Rhcumatoid Artluitis in an I I

a. l'lcet r
.l lce
-b: Ultravioletlisht/r-i

d **lY- _ tutj![*$
#;. are the signs of a rvoman
tN t .u-]
' .'),,r*, n15'' c Lu p't: |o''t {' rv"'r't'fu
a' butterfly rash -4 ilit'
; ;;;i';d :(-- o t
c. u"eitis ,/
whv? '
5 Cufi;lB"r;t &k* - btood tingcd sputum and efTusion

of his indcx prp joint. He has bcen
o A bascbart prry", has a dorsar disrocation
for 6 rvceks in flexion'
"hint?^ L f t
a. \\fhat ROM "*"t"iitt rvolld -lo.u.trtt-factor? :

i. rrnnoM = PRoM rsltat is -

/*a1t^-So{Y rrr ^ .-rh -
-liaaments o
4iil;;t dl*itonrm subl'irnus -'' u
\tff" d ili toru m
*o, fundrs
coilateral I igamcnt
physio tscommcna g thjgh corsct fo.r a pcrson with a bclorv-knee
7. \\Itry would
- incrcase rvcight bcaringsurface? X a ^^-*i
in the stump arca?
8. \ffty js an anputcc expcrieqcing pain and tingling

Why is it imSrorunt to cducaie amputees? -' pJSJyj!

'Th.t should check for scnsory loss and l9!9s' - .

"---- mnlpractice?
Rccord cter1rhing antl inform: Plystt',"n

' - can 1 physio bc sued for malpr:ctice?

ll l'lorv care
Pcrson i.L iolut"d - subsundaid

t: \\'hat is tlrc purflosc o[-crrtJiac rchab?

i4.)Mnn comptnins of pein (d cltf. Passive dorsiflcxion is full,nnd peinlcss. Resistcd-PF is
^{"* nnd prinlcss. Plln ls reproduced with hlgtr imprct. high endurancaisokinctic stu{f.
t tikefY dingnosis?
;) Gnstror.teer
' Atlbint stress frecturc ,,

tt\\\ I
@l n term itten t claudicetl on 1y/ ;(,^
Ifl [endinitis trf
5. Tlterc wfls e qtrcs(ion about i Fcrson wltk hemtiphilie rrho hnd_nn ncutc cllrorv joint
t3*:lni,_1!f:I-T.1tc trcetment? Choiccs r?crc somcthing tilt*QFe end elevetion, B)
.ROM, C) strengthehing.

6.'Qucstitn nbout Diebefes regarding ttre signs and syrnptoms of,'lrypoglyccmia

leherally: " ,
lso quite a bit on: Post TE& cystic fibrosis, CABG and ethicel questions.

Yq-' i3.lJ
-s2 -2
( ,/tz. 6J + ' $ e ap(
- -rt-:-- --^*^'r/
Vtltllt information should we know before starting a walking,qrogfam'f
t !
t ;: *il ;il;;;rJ*.nt pcoriticsr l(she isno'loigerconfGd) T-[ o 7, e r
4. Areiherc considerations?
any spccial

5. Shc comes back j months later and has an arthroplasty - what do you nccd
to hnorv

..shc staris a rvalking program? Trcatmcnt prioritics? spccial considerations? ,

r( A qucstion rclarcd ro CPR - do you do it or not? fiegal issucs)

wnrriaN *onrloN ol.luo.tIu,
' {l{tr
. -.r,r, diasrasis rssiori,
,trich exercises must be modtlrco'z
A) gluteal strctch
B) nclvic floo5
,61)oclvic titf\-vl
K{ noint knieling hiP crtension '
\J Evoid' tomptt"ion of
tlre'iirferior vene
-r ^r---
class' rt--f
Best -^ci'innirtp
positioning to lvoid'
.. Teaclrinf, pre-netrl
with pi!!9ws pnder chest and hip ,r,-J f
lulrrrrL wittr
supinc r-r-: --_ und-et
rr.r"' Pillow
ronger rhan 3 min-
o? O sde
. F+u'pi"e po ,tt,it,
{p;::;;h- ,
f;{h" l-*!i. @ 1,,,
ril f ctroiccs most {uestions 'f'
severe post exlm ditricutty in rcmembcring
ffi, A \

,*Lnta@:o / ;): ,i,brfi

- trtLEe
'Farrud .)
( rrt $ttra P '4

grad uerrx in crers es 0h,

ffiti ;iiliil;iecreests,
; drt q i'r::,, 1T.lI

Ui "yl,ulic
gistoric decreasts' diastolic decreases

thatlou rvoulrd erpcct rvitlr ercrcise:

6. IOSt MI
r. Post FR[rcrl on bete
[YlI pntient u-T*-":Crclonse
.U,'P dn [r" f
' Snme choices as ab'ove (I think)' YtzlI

. y,f-
60. Yqu arc intcrvi.wint mari and bis rvifc is prcscut answcring rnbst of rhe qucstions
a K
for him and thcn asls you to explain thc surgcry hc has just.rcccived to hcr. You snspecr
tie man is g-ogiggly iry
what do you do?
';'" i;!';:-:;l1s+

Tell the wifc tlrat you know some excellent materials that she can refer to
ask the patient if therc is something wrong
ask the wife why her husband becms so distant
s { ask th_" TT-!o g.rglain-thi.proeed-uir-ro}ie.saifc. .._--.-
6 t.
A parient and his wife are in to talk ro you in his quad room and his roomates are K
presenL Atl of a suddcn the man asks you if hc will everte a.ble to havc scx again. The
wife secms nlonifr*. What do you do? I

YHe has brought this zubjeu up beforc so you addresl the isiue because finally the
wife is therc to talk about ir aswell
ask the other paricnts to leave tbe room to talk about rle problem witlt tfe couples
'psk the patieut to please ler you finGh your asscsmenc and that quxtions like this
,tsan be saved unrilthe end so you can rcfer thern to anothcr pmfessional
Clst thecouplcjq m_{{g *1_1pp_o_i9g.$.*ir!7otto-discusstba.g!qllgm 3l a more


52. A physiotherapy@working vlirh an'atzireimer's paticnls suddcnly burss inro

tean becarxe of thc difficulry she is having working around.Eis ilisabiiitics. As her
supervising thenapist you'

cmpathizc *ru ncr story and. a.dvise her ro continue with the treatment - ) ,
scstd hcr forlosing hcr tcmper I
ask her to reiid more currint matcrial oa akhcimer's disease
_q r rcvicw gssss of the conrmon problcms eucountercd widr alzheimers padents

.,- .",*l^o!'\
Ii' 63. A patienr with orfffiT-nin disease is bccoming increasingly morellisoondant even
..,-,?.L' ^--l l--:t:--^:-- tt^,--
. yith encouragcrnent and facilitation. You: -ar--+

continue tleamcnt and try and be morc cncouraging i ' ...1' -

et ilrange a consult with ps.vchology/sociology
firmiy let t$c paticnt knorv that bcing alcn is imporumt for hcr to be ablc ro gct the
most out of.bcr th"opy sessioas . l-
ask Fer fa$ity if thcy havc notic&l a pBlcm

64- Thc nursing staffask you whar tbe bcst poiition for a paricnt wi*r a toral hip
arthroplasty. You recommend:
{' sidc lying wirh piUow
\iQlying on the affcctcd side wirb a pillow
-/ly^,gprone I

6alyingsrpincwithapiilowunderocathttrcknecs 'i'
.U,). -r''' ii
invl '

65- A ,7"with aakylosing spondylosis hu what likillr malalignmcn$ of rhe ,o;r.\U/

ri' T::,::tl:'3."i1*a':!ryhosis
gcervial flaq thoracic - , -$4"1i,b ".
'{umbar lordesis, flar crrvical , L* . rl-*\Rw,
cervial lordosis and scoriosis ** .{.
' ftF - -"r<fr-

\ ; "-?\
r\ C'"'

67. Alqlgimer's p_aticnr-.whar will the padenr have?

14.-f dr:,-ren _rrtI *-r , l)

nha*<14 F,-+ '
irt k,^\CL
-.1'l'- - lir'
s,S"- o.$Y-
,a izan(U.A-(* ob.y+t
68. To ,7 rhe above padent exercises, you use:
e ddn. step couunancis -

-- 6.rm commands
use a srons. cballenging rcBc
use a soft whispered tone
69' A CvA padcnt with tack of spcech has bc:n to physiotherapy for the pasr 6 w*l=. n
comrnunication is difficult and makes therapy very hand. you: --


b f:,i.ou: *ilg body lauguagc and gcsrures so that tbe person srill receives thcrapy
the family to leam sign language to make less frustrating for 6c padenr
^,Af to speech pathologisr

70' You.wan( to discharge a cbronic padcnc You give thcrn a possible disctrarge
rvhich visir?
ao," on A
'-ld visit L--
"Fi t
,errcfenihg wi& t}re physiciaa

n $. 7l ' when do you b.grn ptans for discharging a padent with a kurelffir? -

arl"qf ro ?

$ s- Which musclc $oup do thev
72- Apatient with a spinal cord injur-v has use

lock their anns?

ca-{x '


bfd6;-'ffiIpinagr lt
".' --

t). COPD. If rhe diaphraem is comprimised with rauscles of respiracion will wodi? X

o lq -r.-
;( lenEilr scapula
. pec minor
f/ wmajor

?4. A person refuses to do stmches- You tetl dre puient that there are-only 3 morc A
whar rx'ill she have dene?
,,lstretches ro do. If the therapisrcontinues with the reatment
f-' w. Comoleted the full treatmentr'

an adequate explanation seeingls therc was only 2 morc to cior

encouraged the paticnt to rolerate the trEatment since this is a good thingt
, 1{. A *rumb #. What movement can be encouraged act$i 8 wcc-klnark?
L:=:--' J
., r\ .FIe.rion ^{rJk-"
+r A
extension ir'-V
' ciuction n
'J .z-

ich cxcrcises would you do? r\,r r'J .
,-t -ir r-"i
" i .' 1
| '-'l

-j'-' ,
hrc 4*o* }
"- \r "
- ,'-.-s
- 't
Walkiag 'rl \I
*ft bicycling
)rir-rping 62 .'-" ,Jl
') ,L',t
lFtnrnrruns (Jf
t -''

77. A child with asthma thar is rcady for discharge. You advisc:

trlinS to huff ro majntain ,rcnrilation

f. rclaxed postion
78. Terch rhis child how (o run by instmcring (
, him,o,
.t.i 'J \
run fasr
' ' modcratcly
_,\$ r=ast so as to keep aerobic
^0 ^
q0 ^f 'rn
You are testing trtt
X ?
"'r:n balanc: of rn elderl-v indivicius;. you which merho.?
Foam and domc'ts
foo,:lancc wiri
::: e-vcs open and cycs closed
sltung wirfi penubarions ro challenge
up an! go from sirring ro,t*ding
and thcn walkine

80' 'l pqron comprains rhar the:xercise program is roo

orotocol ofpne
-repirition- higb *.rgi,, ni-=h

She is rec:iving an
E;u"n.y- You changc rhis and Y
weighr. high frequcncv \
Y3o hi_sh
*: 0 ftsjj:P. higr-roggilcy.loy ure_:gft ; -

$ ltu_eiffip. to*E.q.-_-u.n"nlr* *"ir,, r,

high rep, high frequ.n.y. lo* *ei-ghi
8r. Thc farnily of a parienr wirh MS asks
how the TEN5 wors.- you repty
Ithar ftc TEN' brocks ftc sensatiin of pain - r vr-t 'yr"' b-v Jsal,ing:
v'y ,-/
1-"; )('
82. The farnily continues- ro ask quxtions
and you repl.v further ro sa-y thar
'1 tioesn't allow the reru:
brain to pcrceive the s.nse or,rr. poln

E3. Wernq has becn advised ro wearsplina

for the arms. She begins ro cr-v ar rhc
suggestion. You respond by:
saying rhe splinr will hetp with
asking her to ptcrse irc ress crnorionaj
as this malr incrcase rhe pain
qr .tqg her to se3 someoac elsc if she
^l cxprain rhat the sprins arre nor
contml pain
p.**ll, Jidl".bur are
-iusr being used ro
84. A pcrson with clinical d"p;5!g-n yilIg-t wirh:

"t#l?, dePressivc rnood

you advise:
exaIL AS hcr supervising thcrapist
85. A sn:dent wan6 aniclas for an

'6r to gct aniclcs that are'randomictd-arrd

ro ger anicles that have a subject grouP
oi tili*t t;1: tf
the validiry
''| o{,

the studY ,;.tr/

Jon, ..i you. but search for the informadon
henelf t'' tl
get rctrosPcctive srudies hrst t tt.e
16' Thcy are s means
86. A paticnt bas a rcsPiratory rate of . \-Z
,, 1
-F'o trey ar-c rccilllg !6 brcaths &o*
: -- ..^
Gy-*" h.. ! spontanigqsl-Y
bcginning a higher
ioGtyErtr P5csurc

; - r!
\- ;$eY are

q. A pr^l t which
C\c oX
i t0-20
l,f 20-30
Wufu #e'flr@[ f'n try+tc'Lzm*c-

you necd to lsrow before you exercise?

88. A padent with diabctes mellitus. What do

Strcss test
J have they had any fooc!-Leforc now '
havc they had any cxercise bcfore now
havc theY donc a treadmill tcst

89- If this padcnt' gcts di:a.y during cxcrcisc wbat do you cio? x
Call tbc Dursc
6 stop ercrcise
S El"" thcm carbohYdrates

wcll as
your \
to dischargc todty as
g0. A colteegrrc didn't sbow uP. You bavc somcine
JU*g,,r"', fu*t Whicb do You do 6rst?

Dischargc Your Paticat

rirne aficr the othcr ooc
;;;* dr.iroiif yoo 53vs you arc too bUsy t '
don,t scc thc other pafient !6,serrsg
and sec botb -
- ,,I 6P..noritizc
It You writc out
glv; arc pr."ricing a pivor saasfcr
witb a rigbt hcniplegic parieur-
Gu or tbe foUowing ts & 19ug-t9!B

G,""t witl.*.ru*ut bc
sessio6Efilassist with transfer
trffi;;nr tut'rc
:;;;;;rhc -- "l*.'-.
''s(\ - y'-
Hc r--r ui' ,^t,^du-.t*li.l-Ua(t"t
bad Li. io.;q@ti'r*lt-s workiag' IHe
92. \d paticnt witb low backpain'
bas5ccn to a doctor, a PT, ctc' n"'"I it ll. *
givcs him
ffi::Tr'Sil'ffi; do? r*", il1"*@lcarw^rrmcorbccause
WUtrtP You do?
t deif.
pal rcleif. wutr\P
v /
;':?Tcll hi* 15"J is norhing ,oor" rl"/p'nysiothcrapy can do
.l \ k*p bi- on a morc aggressivc Program ..- silcc -:, his lnsurancc s ialmost up
re"fmeols Oricar be requcss
._ givc him tbe 2 morc
aD$ay l.:-

of action you loay'u"tJ for this paticut? X

93. Wbat is thc ncxtcorjrsc

basi! 4 "t ' t- J-:Y ': vi' I

A Give tbc bcat treatlDctrt on a coutinual
'o/r3; yo,,r doctor-rhc plucau hr< laas

pbysio' Tbey bavc sued a

pbysician in tbc V
94. A ncwaqlietrr has bcco rcfcrred to you for
pasu@= ^
i Rc,fi$ thc Patient
P ,/' ptc trc'rtocot wi&out worry
+'*'/'.1- t L:;? <'-*t-Jfu|
what do X

.--\ yo,, ao (\ocoiis oot tbcrefening pbysician)?
to tbc doctor ovcr tbc pbone. do oot givc e wriicu
'4;') ,-".r4
r ,,\
t into 4 point Lnt"ii"g' wnlks ttg' ;;;;;rtt; *-rr., t'anas
.u+u --'i

? *:-' "
>D) 1trafi<&{" rvith a wirle rvsddling gait'

g. Duclrcnnes -.ssme young boy. {alks *r4. t ,. t ,|

-f,l mmrnd nrcdialis vJ3ius
tUt t ,trffi"!*
r*\h.deoBc--rary' )tl
li ?
iiirr, addrrctort agd ?r o<;-o \a - -,--o L'Ts tot'-

,9. (2rrd degrc. - th;nr+-rs.rrrs&flf&*osterior
lcgs en 4"i'n
B,r.r,r. 30 ycar old guy'witlr burns
arm. Position patient in supine with: ,*t i
end wrist rreutral
. ,A\]*nees eitended, elbow extensionertended''ivrist

\r' $elborv {lerion 30 degrees' knees flered' '[ ii'

rvrist neutral' 'l
C) knecs stightly flexed' elbors extension' ,l ],

partiat entl full t'ickness burns but not -'ffi
it. Burns. Cotleaguc kno*'s the diffcrenc:::[;"" iii
I)l usEr Lv' 2nd degreq:1,1f,'_':-li:i:1,":*"' to rind
'",-9;";; il j:':*:i:'-"-l:.::::3i:Tor
"r- nnd ou..
ou.. i

r =gl L"t*e that Znd degree must be partial thickness


C rnd D? - t3"tn .

Yenorvr -!'r-^rt >- )
^7t-^..-{\ }<, Jo f\frL't"''.
Je'. p.s'lg
'r-\ -, !hs't't t::;
isometrics - d#^,
' B)i*itt.'
+ ,,*o*
' p riS\-
- tlf er13
' i- :yrt
\ |} i

rnost effect'ive {rcatment - ,'QM{

12. Fibromyalgie. What is t}rc sing|e
' heat
A) ve)^,p,v-rl!iv't ..,3^"':Tl*3}fruv..,ru1 d{s-
"- 1 e - i

' ilqi.*'rt'.c s-'

firrrobic rctivity incorrect
I tirintt tirey suggestJ ce*ain *"[""'i
rdalitics. a
-7;;;o o"r. obviousty /'7r4l
i3. Flt Patient ltad increased anxierv rcgardir:g
ct ,ls$ci''i
;l i"' tl t e, ro a !,'' o' t' -Fc

,=e*,rcL cd b-ts ry
-r')B) suegtst nrcdicetion va u :] \''

F b'r::

/ -)t
vv\ -l c'oi 44,,

20 Parkinsoniatt gait characteristics

)oo ol c/1
. - il
wide bese, short srcp r ,; , .fr )^r-r-i-i'
A - . t . ,5h,o*t I 5fe p;,, F": ..r al
,(elrrrr.mrr"on q h otg (cp--'T&t".Itc; L: hli:$
*l I

- oYoa 2 choiccs definatcly were irrcorrect - I cArr'I renlelrbcr (lrenr

-f f
21. Tmurnatic Brain Iirjury kid having dilliculty conccntrating end is easily distrrcted 2
during your scssions. You are tryirrg to do contract relax for gastror ;

_A find quiet area for session

B) Give toy to play with during session
C) Instruct (hat hc must corrcentrate

22. Cen't rcrrrcrrrbcr the qrtestion brrt you had to lqrrorv (hc definltion of the follos,ing ternts:
A) apraria A I

B) dysplagia I
C) dysphagie I
D) d....
5o rr
23. SCI - 87. Patient
was a fgrr;rrer athlete- IIe is exerci.sing qn {he arm ergonre( /
"'l:L Le-\* 4V@ ^;.^., r;E; ; J;)'Vs;;1t;t*v;-j.f-^._-1.-1".
/ o,a---r-'
/'\ A)HRto increlaselosanrernexesprior(oaceident . /-'-
E'''<4r{1 f'ta"")
(- B)-ER to increase but prateaus at lower ilrat prior to acciden t
gf? m'Ittys the seme irregerdless oFincre:sed
Frtr/1.*" rasistrnce or increased
oFincreased resistancs increrse.d time- ergnnrnter-
time on ergonreter.
'n !':t''{'
?t SCr -,C7 pustres WC with which muscles?
( T''tt1ar
D?C and
-;] -
,l n*J
25. Teaching fi?'e"natal class what one crercise is corrtraindicated :rs rnost \ryorncn in tlre

cless trave hed an epesiotorny?

.r,.p .1\ ,
A) resisted
l.tup N o (Xt't-
fif#', 4,
Q) rerer:e sit up
- ertension in 4 point kneeling o
V) pei"ic lloor erercises ']
26- Cornplete rupture of ertensor tendon of the 2nd digit. Danger of developing a flexio I F

deformity of the DIp joint. This deformity is cailed? i'

A) Boutonniere Jo' r

pf Triggerulinge, ( 1.
/ -r 1U;o* t"5---'
4) lllallet linger
neck deformiry
pntlent tcllr yorr thn( lrcr Insurance comPnny won't pey-becptts
lfa.. rrbromyelgi: n reel medlcel tondltlon. You rcspond wllh:
\.,,c tr is n dltlicirlt conditlon to arsss lnd dhgnose oltJettlvdy
it is n reel diegnosis
,' ;tltuggcst rhn( p.e(lcnt trlks to doclor for evldence to slrow thrt
'6;;"t;*i tt,rt iire ctrrngcs insuir-ni, co?rpenio
D) rccommcnd s good hwYer
7 rr- ''
S. you f,re r communlty thernpist
You suggest to the cllent that shc ^,
in r rurel ltoma
tfist you leave tlte/
rmoves tfta tftrorv rrtgs, The clienls son tekes offense rna Ulir*nds
,rernlscs lmmedletcly. Whrt do you do?
/ tl t*l,ne the Premises
B) Stly nnd tr7 to rurson witlt son
C| S"y ttret it is your legnt right to trest the patlerrt
thet she ttas 6 months to live-
.6. prtlent is e rvomln rvho is terminally ill end hes bcen toli
Eer farnily does
ile hrs totd you that she doesn't r*"nt rnyirr" to know of hcr prognosis' reunion Lrut she
rot knorv. Deughter rpproaches you and seys that she is plenning r fanrily
you tkink?
s not srlre lf she shoull phn It for nert month or nert yetr. Whnt do
A) Tell the dsughter of hcr rno(lrers prognosis
/5, Oo not diselose anYthlng
C) Provlde subtle hints to the femily
.-5iTdl the daughter that time is of thc cssence wlth the very sidt
r. TENS ls often used with pregnlnt women. What ls tfue best time to use TENS?
At lit trimester
B) 2ud trimester
p 3rd [rimester
/D) during labor

1.8- Intcr{erentiel frequcngr to decr"te Inflamrrtstion?

A) l0O hz
B).1-lo0 hz
'D1 lohz
19. Sehsory distributioir of tlte common peronesl nerve
{eg \-.-'
B) en(erornedial lcg
Q) posteronredinl leg
47. Carpal tunncl, which movemcnt of the thumb will be intact?
a) flexion
ffil extensionr'/
c) abdaction

48. Foot, you usepulsd VS, because:

a) bones are close to the skin
d b)

49. Ecccntric ex's for wrist extensors? X '

..4) active wrist ex's and then wrist flexion with a weight (resistarrce)
y q I l'Y"
b) active wrist flexbn and then u,rist cxtension with-a *Lignt
6aistancel J {

50' cardiac pt- 3 min warking test. A-Rer 2 min dyspnia, fatigue.
discontin \'*
you discontinue
igue' You
test. what do you do next?'
a) continue test after rest period
v5) discontinue and chart incidencc

5l ' crdiac pt conre t9

clinic- stage 2 or 3 rehab. Before start exercise you
slnuld? X
a) obtain stress-walkine test result frorn hospital .

!/b) nerformqtgxs test) |ourself

52' Foot- talocalcaneal" lalonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints

exercises are contraindicated?
are fixed what kind of
/a) sub-tdlar nrobitizqtion
b) .::---a-t- '
, h\' /..tJp--- ,
devic e 23/)
\ fr+*r
27, patielrt lrns been instrrrcted by doc(or {o \r'eer sotne kinrl of conlpressiorr j'i '

pall of thc body \Yc Are dealiilgrvith hcre or

I dtr9.r\

Irours a day (t can'f rerrtember rvlticlr i

rv[at thc irrjury \l'es). Patierrt says t!rai tltc cottrpt'essiotl dtvice is hol

uncomfor(able and therefore lre is no( rvearing it'

A) lnstruct to \Yslr tltc dcvice 23 lrorrrs pcr day or ltc rvon't gct better' trntil ull to 23
B) suggcst tc wear it Z hours per day tlen irrcrease by l5 nri-n' Each d:ry
a hours Per (o
doctor tlrat patien( is tron-conrplient'
lrns 2 clrildren at
2g..1Vor1an conrltlairrs of LBF and pnirr irr feet- Works as a bnnk tellcr'
1onre. docs acrobics 3Xs pcr rr.cck. Slrc asl<.s 1,orr if shc shotrltl discolrtitttlc :tct'ollics'
Ai quit aerobics ./
6 io acrobics bul stop rvttert you bcgin to fccl pain\,/
) Oo eerobics bu( stop rvhen fatigued
AQ..f erercise bike
l/ __-z
29. Scvere os(coporosis, what posture do you exllect? --
1' A]1 in creased
cerTitrl lo rd osis, Increa s ed t lora ci c kyptr o s is
W drcr.esed lurnbar lorCosis, increased tltorncic !q'phosis
C) decreased cervical lordosis, increased (horacic kyphosis
., f q)*o'
30. Instrgction to cough
A) Deep breath, relar abdominds
B) shallow breath, contrect rbdorninals
CI shallow breath reler ebdominsls ,uu),qtnklr^ t

^ RilP u.Jil .;;iJ";;ffi;ft -'


31. CABG and right pneumotllorar On essessment of right side you find:

r{ d."to"sed breath sounds JZ :

,.' . i'
k B) increascd breath sounds ,_./
fulOrr- resonenr (o percussionY ?J^r4'
'n): ,^^p
b l:

32. Sarne
-? i

B) pcrcus-tion I

C) encourage anr bulation

DI? F*ft',U l r*f-fi ,2
MI, going home and arvaiting CABC in 5 days' Wife says ire has lrad
33. Paticnt had
of pain in chest orner pasf 2 ',veeks-, Patient says it is nothing' Patient dern onst re{es:
;60;'';i .- I..,) $' Prtte'tt\ i"a dcrtill rs o k' right ans*'cr 1n
lhe rvas
B, C end D - c"-u'r?em"inrl-,e. as I arn pretty strt'c

rvi{tr spinn vrrrui' t'reviously
"'rr bifida. previou
spicn c;lst. olt exercis [)r.ogranr.
"rrl) Recerrl ollcration - irr bilr(eral
discon,trru:.:r:rcis.e progrlrrr
"() irrue,rvitlr trrrrrtt -"0"".,,,' urrrif frrlly lrealcrf t,o 4.-x,Y ut.'
1-g corrf
exercises At-a
' e?'
#.{1,'i'#'+fl i :J :' #+J::':r j :g",' an c v' i\', o s,, i k e,
v re;rso*?

l"':," :' il:,::.1ili
-.,@ffi ead ditSeas
eA fal
'/ twu,.
f{' ) 9*-
lv -j

l;-'i r
?^#:;::11 il::r','Rncv'rigrrr reg i, 2 .,tt.
$iSonvex (o rigtr( ?
I: i
t, J
Sce spirrnl ttrn,a trrr"
lr eonver to left I
\^/ I

t' :.

Xlt. L2 oerunragia i- r.^--r. - 9Qt I i

Fa. +{
i;.: ll n rY r,a r angc? - .j
:' o

rlfte, +C )
.Ltitu titq- :;Piivil(


' B)tibieftubercre {frtt{rrt*a"wd*'[**5W-?":y
t A) stumD

p) I rhink tr ,y-
-rrBj^',#*HAW"#x-H'"u': '@Ao-/ Y,*4hlll&
prosthesis. Whv?
Qo.ror" *.igt,, bearing surface aree _ \ | | i
)'"t rn..."r. .#rrappricition---- -
*r* +
g in..or; -)
;r;; prosthesis f
| {-
7r' fu/-
e+za'L<' d/.,t/*Iq.g-
c*'lu o<''tw/A
- li * t ru

Eere's e few
. -'o*j#j;nff*+IXl]t -q'itq rlmeml+r; bugr rssr ir win givs yorr and itlee.
i'l !'J#ffi
ft;T"',: il:H[##:i:::
i a,
-,;,;: ;, r, e,p ? i
42 ea
I r rr
v z ve o rd, n o n -s m
Tr;IJ ii:f fi l?.,.T ; :;,::*;H';
u."o.* I reatty .rnlt ,*r,,.;;;
-r-w\'v"r ' E'arcs ro pstrenFwrro
obviousry non_.o.pri_,,i. ivt _;;;;;;
A) discharge
._,, F reporl to
" C) ask petierrtdoctor
\ F
9^*e J'- ,V**-
--= .=r;

39. Hip flexion contracture, how to assas?

CW prone an! try to extend the hip
b) lilp flexioru knee extended

40. Rapture extensor tendon- DIp. lvhy d_q{!$ ROM exercises in

the early rehab.?
a) to protect surgical incision
,lP to avoid rapture of the saturated tendon
4 l. Anlylosis spondylitis- Which test use to asses progresS
of the disease? X
a) ocipit to wall test

42. cardiac arrest (pr stops breathing), what ' /-\

do you do? patient has-Rflbrder'
a) begio CPR tud after few minuG
minutes tell thc n,rrcinn crqlin-
the nursing station
b) bFI CPR according rolhe hospitalpolicy -l .
(ell thinusing statbn

43. You do CpR until:

lyzfyou are tiid '
b) u,hen you see the person is dead
c) the persoa voririts

44.C=-V_4: how to asses sen-vtion?

a) light touch e4d.adiadochocinese
a=b, pin-firicFand graphestesia : ]

15. Right cvA fefl herai you are doing ex,s in the crowded gyrn pt, is restress,
7 conenrrtr:atebn exercises. What do you
do? -
motivate pt to concntrate on ex,s
rlpY cbange the exercise place-.wheri
is low qlutter )

pt and
H"1lfr- ht*:n" ^"WX
.bchind with firm g;p"oipt,,
behind pt and with firrn
irip i ".* b"t,

44. Man conrplains of pain
td calf. Passive dorsiflexion is
strong lnd painless- pain is reproduced full and painless. Resistcd PF is
with high impact. high lndu.snce isokinetic
Most likcly diagnosis? stuff.
A) G*stror tear
t /.,@ tiuiel sr r-ess fi.Rcr
/ f'ftinternritierrt
u re
45' Tlrere wes e or:T,:t::,^!:out
a p-"1?" rviilr rremoprririn rvho rrncrinrr
btecd' Most a pp ro p riare rrearmeni? Rcure elborv joint
AROM, c) strengttrening. cr, oicer r*...
v'rur..E:r lYcre sonte il':,d;
ii ni;;r,;; J.rl o elevation, B)
46''Qrresti6n about Diabetes
rcgarding th.e signs and syrrrJrrorrrs
of rrypogryccnria
LOTS **"' on: CAR-PAL
and pl1.rr- NATAL stuffrrrr
nlso quite e bit on: post
TH&';;* fibrosis, .ABG BUITNS
,,,ia .rnic"r ques{iorrs.



trifidr. prwiously on ererqise Frogrem. Rcccnt ope*(ion - ln biln(cral
pien cnst.
iiscon(lnue erercise pnogrem until fully lrenle*f
:ontlnue rvith tntnk lnd rim crercisesl
?.rr."r pnlsy kld wirh lcg length discrcpnncy - Most ltkcly ..nron? ff
leech leg growing nt e differtnt rn(c
femornl shEft bowing onl
su blu ra tlo n/dlsclocetioo r
) fcmoral held

lurgtlr dlscrcpnq,;cy. right lcg ir I
cm. longcr thnn lcfl. Sca splnnl
cttrlntttre d\"\
convex to rlglrtV/
. rv ' n'S \
.fconver to lett O
?, v"9t^^r.du'
,$J- Lu'
rospitrl Safe to do lrip flexion in rvlrel range? n
.)ioliaegrees'r.--?6 v ?
J to 90 degrees i '- '
{ull rsnge z-.-- i ,

.ory,knee amputce. pcight buring is through petelhr tcndon lnd?

,'stu-mp ._ti',' ' : l\--.-'
) tibhl tuberde
) I thlnk thet heed of libstr w8s t choice
g@trot<a lht4S.
prostheti) geit ifiining. You suggest a thigh corsct to be added tot lre
BI(A - ,

rthcsis. Why? ,

weight beering surfete rrr, {

f Increese erise of epplicrtion
) lncrerse fit of prosthcsb
icrets e fcw morr qutstion I cen't quite remember but et least it will give you and idee-

SCI -C6 suggest abdorninrl cor:et to essis( brerihing. Ilsrv will {his help?
Burillo the ln(erior crlf- You are sterting a welking progrum- Considerltions?
llealtlry 72 yeer old, nol-smoker in MVA. I?rerturcd chvicle ind hes prtlrrtonery
ltusion. Qtrestiol hnd ronrcthing (o do with kind of respiretory problem you would see:
lsolidation nnd decrcescd ventiletion - I don't know I renlly can'l rcnicmbcr tlte choices-
)4, fi* {ueJiibni reletedroprtiEnG *tro were obviously non-compliant. What rvould you

'l isch a rge

cport to doctor y/'
C) nsk palienl rvhy

PLEASE HoTE: These qucqcionscool( u'9To-,
snc pilot
scribbled dlown after the clEss
cxoE. Que;iion" tray not be eotrplete' t tl

=-"io"o"p-fui"l Interprttation of any

quest.ions or ansH-ers'can not be blaoed by lhc ,'
noPe i:t helPs everYonef
.vpist. /./'

1) 13 o1d i#b'dYt--"ittr an a.cutei ua.

lbow.- bleed'r.
''car You ffiET?it=t
. '
ir'e"ct t

-.f. .--1:.

:q ffiu';;i;;;
pain- - \
t i rY--
elbow Buscles
2l How would )'au Lreat !hc"'acEu'e elbou bleed?'
--+-iee' r
-short' wave diatheroy
resistance exercises 7")v'ln{Y fuY

-ana funceional
\,i f.X,i:":.J';li_i.rv tqa ":'j$@n1l or,, ,
ffi ffiitl-
,!-,,^/ u W.t- ",",;idrrar
fJ jw ioo r

llorr'do you treal a nerve root coctrr.ess'iogg1$fffrkte

f oc"a i'ovirrg c9Tpo,'ty
- llc works ;.tjeccs' in uhich he''.'v
lif cs lea;; suoultd he so bach
work? +FtU r .
pursed ripped /f_<:
-/': ; .),
*pdrxnri. ql HhaE is rhe^purpose- of
f;,,t$to'itr ;', "; i;.;i.;;",r*,.L$_fr.{$",rdl1*D4Jr(r3pt:*
'sclero . |, '-}t*rt
g.l tLl -i'i?t:,ii:lh1:,taterar
t c c ed t
" "
--l q) -seilsor)- .r" #'.{L^rtwarc)
\)-)t\ -p'arasyBpathetic ti'xfr"n
U (( legs' anrs or
(Correcl'ansuer: motor. First ;isns -us-u1-1lv ?pPe9T in tlie-use ;

bulbar area. s"r""r"ein-i"-iript."tr+ l.en;:sornl los* of anus ard

hands, sone find iu hard t.,'S:su;"'ii'i-;i";';i"i;;;;;'hi z) {k
che oK ressucitat,eT |./
' 7} l{lro gives
-doctor I
,'/ - pa C i err t t c ooPe t en t l
+ - l1o'spi t a L

t-t "' ./ 57
S, Lcsious of. Cauda. Equine SYndrooc: /n
- ttH li I e s i o rr vri'tlr lrypoeonicity {*l
;-tf ll l{ I e s i o tr with lrypertonlcitY
ddUr lesiorr wiilr rr'ith fiYpolonrcilf
-Li''fll ]esiotr
hip rePlaceo ent?
9t l{ooou with RiR,trt totaIused.
(posterlor 8pP5oa;lh-gas Dougl -..
'^.,n, -boirrg upstairs, Qd-E-'or iieht f oot f irst?
.\ lo) h'hat po"i,'$'on shourd u"lilded in t'his
nad \cgrldicion? -\t,' , rf -
')* =.-gr-- @, .

11) 6'5 yea'r oId uan, CLolecysteetoeYr ? daysP

post-op r*ith coup-l ?ints of inci-sioual pein. -
-it" has a weCkl cough.'YOu'
/i irrc redibl e ctr-erapist you are, ind:
\/n-decreased chest.exPansicinr i
--;;;;;.;=u-ureath sounds to right lor*er Iobe. ':

V/;;. i". t " s i s ',--UUfJ'y,?''-rk-,+ro1''*'G'' i*-4 \t't

-consolidetio,i- P"-Y'
-pleural efFusion.i'.. i/
L2) ltost likeIY cause: 'P ' .-'"- -*
-decreased uobiliLy - ''r-'/'-
-itref f ecti,v-e----e+*.h '
4-iu-cisional pai!,):.. l- ^g,
13) TtreJ-e;1-di-^snostic test would Aor?
'-AB.'s ,. --."" ^.t-
-:'-- lr,^
V/X-ra!'s. " : '.,...
_ )r6F
1t{} Hhat treat6ent ri--F-^-t.
would be the LEAST ' lL- tEre'F
e f f e c t i v-e ? f --'.f
-incre"r" nobility 1,,4,'{'
', ,'i tpltr''
+i-nostural d'raitrage..' |
;,] L ,-,2)/'
15, 1{hat irrtervention wou,ld be Uult'at''7'
4-tcrea.sirrg the irrcisional pain? L ,
/= .i u p p o-q.-t.e d -.c o !:,8 h
-f)urseo lip bieathing.'...
frp DreaCll.lng.'. . l/\/
-.r.-r..if f slror of rye
A , r{,lJ$.|,
16)!Fa&et's niseas-o Sigus arrd syupCotrs ??? (i(i'rq i
dorr'C kno* oither) \
ftn$h) aL &ab'at]ffi{ld bonl., ,l nWCO
W -&wnpds.c.dn.roL
,P*l.dtltffilllito hr$cc',
r,Y.\ ' .. - F . | ^^.^rr I
. .. '-
;t .i -; 'l
^ nly\

.rllpur co avoi-d'.r:i.ilI.:t::,,,?;"::,Ti_:T"1
UlSfaSC. \v lrrYuL tt'it-
:.--'o---.EesC rd
qroveoenti to do t lf iS

pa!c.eros of
Js.' . - --J-^
l-cioed resisEed 9x"rcise"I -f
-quick sEretch e!c' /tt/
witlr distal rddivs'
18) 78 )' o troroeTaker
Iit- ;]:=-'1,
r a c t u re wrLt'-_;;;-r
ffracEure ir :"*-tt":-:n'
!. "."/and-
i* ^
ilii;il;. ;.:," ":i:t j trril-""',: :
t " frfltl t# ?: i Jr'r,'*Y-#W"
a E o e tr t

i;it'] i5I
r\ reu ;;;pece' this bbcause' '? iLiffip4.a.,' -
tt al,t 'i

of !?l::-t't-',lf.lroxio 6V' ot.---)

201 fhe o'rder
i;-(:rroE' -ir iqyroe t' ulnal
::,1 o"til f url r Pi s i f orn'
v,* scaphoid '. l yrrlatll tra?ezoidt capi'ta'te
( dis c8I .o*,il crap""i,tnt,

r'rieh avcllnouenigeccle' l'l'at-
fr;f f y o in'f?nt l": eel-i'hinfi
seee horn-e- ttt".:t,1t,.' ->6
Vould vou iii;r1ta"
:fou irrcJ'ucre rrr
to the Farent's?
wiEh aros suPport'ans"'
q'- n tu!",^a
\'/ a ''
nortrar'-i* '
2Z) litrat woulda be cons'idered
to ehe t'horax? '
pers ion vli th "oitiugi""
hite sPutus

& j.,.kn g
-,,a 4, t f-.-L3 -a
fd -t
t-'-5 *

trklng e history from pnretrts of s l0 rnonth old blby ryou susPect that
problem with the respond by
JY- has Cp, they esk you whet might be the
1 glYins :
. ,-{ tbere rnay bri some early signs of CP
* @ tak to the doctor' {' q'
V -C) cystlc librosls
slngs of
D) ..-....... -..--r3--- .,e! -

isre for preventlon of skin irrr'tation ,the most irnportant thlng ls

sure socks are wrlnkle frec b
B) taklng care to wesh the stump every day
c) taking care to wear the Prosthesis
D) don't remove tensor socks for more than 20 min

,1 6a neuro pt. Is belng tested for is decressed for pinp;iclc. Whet
fensatiou ls likely decr-eased? *"uL'
;rutff il;:t-"".
ai vt6retion
t t-
!o'r.i Gl'*^r la'-1._'
lo*'< fx
;l +::#':T3il:'5-inatiou **',1..I:'1. !'^I:('*F,,q,r?
(dir.".'"*Ji'c'[o-rtt') lsw"ot

,- oYou do?
t*ff,e-s"bedute eppointment so tnit ne is not so sleepy during treatment
ili1. trursc to see if she knows whet may be causing the drowsluess
C) Abort treatmeni slnce it realy fsn't helpiug the pL D(.
D) ...........

{LK you do CPR until:
o-A)you ere tired t
i9 B)wben you see the dead
C)the person vomits

. 9) Tell tbe uurslog ststlou

,rzb) Begin CPR and stop once you are too tired
conrult with the lawygr,o.f-the f1"j!-ry fq9: ="!:t'-t
dont give the lcucr
havc thc padcnt sPcak to the supervising thcrapist

to know?
96. Getting a patient up to walk- What do you necd

Strcng*r of thc oPPosite ieg

visual fialds
r..-tdght bearing staus
cF$\f\N-, knorv has be:n done?
9?. GtC';;tietrtcoming for exercise. What do you ne:d Lo

a. blood work.uP

test )

98. You are monitoring Pa

do you immcdiatcly stop the exercise

-caJV-'..,A c
PAC P'v-- ccn-^^.-l*a-tj ^
\ ft'c- ,{.c
dccrcased pulse
inctcased Puls. t;.-^li\

!!. What do you l9ldryhen excrcising a heart paricnt when you notic: carai&asc-utaF' '',

monitor during cool dowti

-conrinue cxercising oncc rlrc symproms havc stabilized
aotify the doctor of the symPtoms
discontinue the exercise

100. A oatient is on betafcssn- What sign do you monitor?

lBlood prassure
heart rate
respiratory ,:rt- lU
diledon6f ihFP il|-rts -)
(-- _ \
\-,' 'ttr

t:..{. 1{r'1.-{''.*\ tre, ,.o il|-.|, l'. t
!i,r"- L 1-' . i.
..j....-l '! ' '.! ,its,'.& io 'Qt"* ' -stolg"s4
i'r ''; lili' q
/n '' , t i
( 4[Vntch Instruction do you give to e COPD pt? -
Vlro-.trlc legEra Lir:t: L l-. .c-,u\.
- l [.rn.y . ?1, 6?))
e uBlDo controlled brcathing and move when you hsale
C) Inbale and hold your breath wbile dolng Ere.
E) Donlt talk whlle dolng the Exe.

g{You ere teaching Erb. To pregnant womer. You aotice that during thepelvlc tilt
Ere. The ladies look es if they are becomlng bored.what do you do?
A) Elimlnate the pelvlc tilt Ere.slnce no oue likes them
B) Substltute the pelvlc tilt ere. Witb other exe,
Cy'Ask the class rbout the lsck of motlvetion during exe.
t.D) Discuss the exe.after clsss


fIt .9/you wrnt to teach embulation to an elderly pL Who Just-had r surgery for e hlp #
The doctor bes glven en order for fT but has forgotten to iut tbe weight bearing
stetus lu. You:
,{){ead the hospltal manual for this procedure &continue
'D4)' wait to talk to doctor c.
C) Belin walking but Non-weight bearing
D) Don't walk wlth tbe client

9,119- BK amputatio-n pL You and Dr. Declde to use hlp brace to:
hetp wlth steblllzlng the Jolnt
B) belp wlth smbuletlon
worindcare / dtr S,^tlivc^ !,^.dt o tJ .l-rt^t^
Incease weight berrlng surface L fy' t? q)

.lu{Losteoporosk-you rrc eduerting pL rbout tbe dlseesc proce$ ,so you do_4!Sry:
\-d) it ls a process of eglng In all of us thet slert at r young age
B) lt's a progresslve disease
C) can get better witb cxe.
D) Cao coutrol lt witb r deily program
,j to:
f,|44"pL has a buru on the anL aspect of the instruct the pt
1 ,

-{ S,rr:ll,'l"tlli',T:['"i:'powertd
C) lcg to prevent damage to the tissues
rest the
'.* i'
"" walk mu.h ,rr"".f to decrease edeme &pzintfu
"s -'
',Y ,. y (n(]
I posture cen bc re-Produced bY posture? h".Aln, t ^rl
A} Sidetylng to increase the tonlc labyrinthe refler \'t ,:..
B) Suplne to increase the tonlc labyrlnthe reflex
r' I{1
1 ,oal
c) Sidelying to iocrease the llexor withdrawal reller ll Irlrl tttt!
D) p ro o e r r+g: 1 {.,T:-'.Li i^ f"a
-r \rE
l {t-r
" ::T:"t3''jysd.J.tff
5.;;[;"1;-:;i'l'';Ie |'l/ .., ,llrt
e r..''t, r ^h ' 'r -'t
t; t ll e.t
r'-u H*
feult it is?
bt--:-:: r''.
c) Thc Instltution
D) Tb e relfering physician
\t.rr..ii1. leser es belng
io. p"io reiief ilas produced a resesrch psper tbat concludes
inilfcctlve. you :
j.i"qur.ytbe doctor's results by doing a formal question and answer in-servlce
':B; esk the Dr. to sbow you ell hls reseerch step by step
F) say that the study is not velld becausc ofbisresearcher bias
Jrl do s review of tbe literrture tncludlng study

cribe for r home Progrrmel

. B)swlng trm while walking

C) Isometrlc resisted movements
D) Isoklnetlc movements

use which modelity? N

. ddoo Alzbeimer p! bas suprasplnctus teodlni{ decide lo.ll..l-
9-6LA5RE e f., :- a ,,,jr*_o{,.,.,,t _Ns \..{i 1;..1-Il* LAr.R
l-'o-^ LAJR' -.,
B) lce {U^*J
Il''4{^l ,$
onr r
-iL.-"1.,rlnt Lnst-L tr,,'*{ fft.-
c) Heat
F S'ruo- l:oro l-f
D) US I l . I rr
J"' l-.J;-'{-''
Lsdy has increased neck pain only after periods of prolouged sitting or
"){ the car.what ls likely erpkuation of her symptoms:
A) teution on thc C3 nerve root
, Br)egtlon on vertebrel arterY
t Cf p6stural fault
D) ..........

9- whit is tbe best treatment for t is lady

A) Tractlon
Bi Str"ngtbening & stietching of tbe appropriate muscle groups
Ugf.P os t rrectio n
ur al co

Di Manlputation of the Involvedsegrnent of the cervicsl spiue

at should be assessed firs the abovc case)

A) sings of uerve root compression.
ni verietrel arterY ( 'l ..'' I t l" Alltr,l ! "*,.$" r.:^ "t_)
CFgns of TOS
\-Et ergonomic of work station
t ind answers all of the
J questioos. You :
[41 tisten to tbe mother
gi t.y end look et the boy for bis enswers to discouragc the mother

Cy'ignore tbe mother

talk to tbe boY dlrectlY
(t$you 8ra intcrvicwlng e mrn,rnd his wife is Preseut
prescut &ens most otttrc
dErnswrllg rnost or tuc
snd tben esk you to erplain the surgery he hes Just recelved to
-AV;tions for himthc vs vv'
do Jyou
E;r'r' r' rrEa uv do?
.' suspct lmpared.Whet
cognctivcly lluPar
msn ls coguctrYcrJ
suspect Itrc matr
tbat can refer
S)-ldl tbe wife that you know sode excellent materlsls she
, -fit ask tbe pt lf tberc l.s somctbing wrong
C) ask tbe wlfe wby bir husbend seemt so dlstsnt
D) ask tbe man to trplain ttc procedure to his Yrife/
6l O pt snd bis wifc ere h to trlk to you lu his qued room rnd bis roomatct rre
)ie s e u r. r l o f nffr# # # #f ## # ## ##H #### ### ## tttttflut#t l tffi*il#H ##ttHffiftgiln-
The wifc sems mortified. Wtrt do you do?
A) -be has brougbt hls subJcct up bcfore so you eddrcss the lssue becruse filrlly tbe
,/ wife is tbere to trlk rbout it rswell
/-o) ask the olber pt s to leave thc room ro lalk about thc problern with the couples \.
' rei esk tbe pt, to plerse let you tinisb your'issessment end tbc questions Ukc &ls can
:''' b. ,"".i untiltbe end so you csn refer thcrn to another professional
D) esk tbe couple to seek counsclling
| _-i-'1' -


Alzhelrner ptr- what will t e pt, bave? t"l+, /tp'' -y.i.

) Aphasla q^*o-
B) Ataxln r Aq *'. X
.c) Agggsla e
iTcNw\Ll* .{ *.tonr*^'+{',^1 Senro1 srlncJ- k G"gfuor lt^rol'

Aptrw y, which of these malalignments of spine ?

ervlcel lord6$is & thoreclc kypbosis (l)
;"i,;'Jr'tll['il#:';il::t",:= NrrE surrr\c^
d ot{ fir ol, b
c) lumbsr lordosls & IIat cenical spine
D) cervicat lordoils & scoliosi.
- , . l) )<;.^.al:^'
A S )Gtvtc4
. U
, I I
A CVA pt with lsck of speech has been to PT psst 6 weeks.
Comrnunicetlou ls dillicult aud makes therapy
Comrnunicetlou very hard. You ::
bard. X-
ontiuue using body language end gestures so thet tbe person recleves therapy-,-'
-Ask the femlly to lesrn sign langulge to make less frustrlting for the ptt
A'1'; rr r a ';{r v *i r; I'
D) :::::::.::::::.::::orogrsr "
ou wsnt to discharge a ehronig pt,. you give tbem a possible dlscharge datepn

iit;lffr': A t -n'1- '''-/t^^''e^4'"t"t."''1

BL-{rr virrr lU fu'fuJt
t'-l w /-)
close to discharge c
0 /'-)
,/ K
S after referrlug with tb. D.. \
wben do you plans for dischargiug a pt, with e knee rrt
I vislt
B) 2"d & 3"t vislts
C)-lralfwey through treatment I
t$ Just beiore aiscnarffi t*m pt, X
29- A p!refuses to do tell the pt, there are only 2 more to do '
If the
therajlstcontluues with the treatment' wbat will she has donc:
A) -complete d the full treatment
B)-assault and batterY
to do
ii".i pt, au edequate exphnetion rsceing as there was only 2 more
nf lo"ouiaged tbe p,, ,o tolerate tbe trestmeut slnce tbis is e good thing

n6ts movmenttan be encourage at

{'"6 il;
(DJ ctrcumduction I

30-Tercbing a child with asthme how to ruut

8. giltfl f:,,:,,,. keep s er.b ic

An.J /\

\3;zfne TENS blocks the seusadon cf pein
B) ...........

32-women has been edvlsed to weer splinG for tbe arms. Shc bcgins to cty at the
suggestion. You respond bY:
' A) saying the spliuts will help with the pain
gi asllul her to please be less eniotiouet as this may lncrease tbe pain
C)/asklne ber to see someone else lf sbc is uot sure
tbat tbe splints sre uot permanent solution but arc just being used to
J6t erptain pain

i{Iicull recieving 8n exc'

SLe is
protocol of : one repltitlon, hlgh welgbt, high frequency- You cbenge this end glve :
/ rep, -
high weigh! bigh-{rcquencr,/
.,, @ nigh rep, higb fre,. lowweighfV
.) -'lyc) hlgh rep, low fer, lory weigbt
I ni roi rip; tow fer, )'' (
to*J weig:ht

tA person rvlth cllqlcal depression rvll|,Present wlth :
[Qluphorle. r7
'C) depresslvc mood
D) trrillblllty

her to: ,-r'.

A) get ertlcles thet are randornized and valid '1
B) get ertlcles thet h*ve a subject group of at least n=25 to lncrease the vtlidity of
the study
c) don't ask you and search for berself
D) get retrospectivc studles first

A pt witb abetes tus.wbat do you n to know before you ere.?

A) stress test
B) Have tbey had eny food before oon.r./
C) Hgve they bnd rny exe, beforc oow.
D) Have tbey doue e treadmill test

37- If s diabetes mellitus pt, gets diry during ere whet do you do?
A) call the ourse
B) stop tbe cxe'
c) give hlm carbobydrates

ou have someotre to dischrrge today as as you

colleague's patlenlwhlch one do you do first?
A) dlscharge your pt
. B) /u. you, pl and lf you have time after , the other one
C/ doo't see the other p! because you are too busy
prioritize and see both
- A pt, l"ith L Injury 2 years rgo t
as his not c has been to a
doctor and PT, ctc. He seys be understrud tbrt bls home progrsm will depend
.sb his effort aod ls asklng if he csn receivc e lieat treetmeut because It glves
/ him paiu releif. Wbet do you dq?
$; tett bim notblni morc tbat pbyslot-hcrapy csu do
B) keep him on morc aggresslvc,progrem
C) glvc bim 2 rnore lreatrneotof beat be requestssince bis insuranceis almost up
40- What is the uert course of action you mly suggest for thls pt'?
A) glve theheat treatment on g contlnual besis
tgi-t"ryour doctor beceuse the pleteru bas beeu rcacbed
D) ...........

41-A nerY Pt' has been r bred to you for He has sued e
Wbat do you do?
A) refuse the Ptt
B) give treatment without belng wo(tT
C) c{lr6wyer
for advice
4l- Doctor requires s note about a pq. You ere not sure about the rules . what do v

a1 ,1ii,1",[:"r":nT"1";.';fifitJt"1'J,"*" rwitren note ,,,.' a _ tIt-/]* .*r3


consult wlth tbe lawyer of thc faclltty for nrles about this mat{er N.';.-
6t give the letter
D) Have tbe patient speak to the supervising tberapist '
* f' ,'o-(
" r.!
ra Q '

A) strength of the opposite leg -16/|

B) visual lield
6-ffoil.irto, ststus ) A..
D).....-..-.......--...'.....- l-..,; !
I r. r ' I

;Gtgn ceuse you emnediet slop

-> I
,grfecreesed Putse (
D) Increased pulse'

tr whcu You notice cer ascular

. i==--: -
stgDs j
A) mool(or during cool down
Lg)<d6'tinuc cxcrclslqg onci the symptoms hrve stebilized
C) notify the doctor bf tUe symptoms
D) dlscontlnue thc exeicise
' :{t t4

sbe affraids'

and when startlng
ilti do You do?
A.) Push b:t -^ rnd confirming toucb
ni rrre sesture I
Qf"'urof ^.Il:il::ll,.ot
er a'
D) Do not

\\ r',ili:h;ltinl'"1u"1;u"' tr
somtblu K
ow on
Srffi",'rr"t'"t*Xffi iT"tt*6"
lli=*-1'1o.3 "ll'-
-* ." it on time rr on n

6,1"'"-1i! ilr


\':"- /:'2)r--
! j

l. Wlrat clibct fias ice whcn put on a spraitred ktrcc, pairr rclievc a:rd:
-V- a) dccreasc ntelablism alld nxn. spasnl'g/-'
b) ittcrcase ttrct. attd decrease lrttn- spasnl

2. ulia-xial artroplasty of l" N4CP,8 rvccks post sLtrgery. \Mrat cxcrciscs do you do?
a) circr'rnrdaction ,

CW llcxiort-extcnsion 1

/'' c\ aklacl.ion-addaction
d) abdaction-flexion

l. Oxirrretry-ou tlte finger. \\'hat rvill affect the tltcasurcutettt ? 'f

a) , jaundice
t) uttra pressure ,... -

c) lv
,' dL
,'?']whrt nrrll. src nrost likely ;'esponsible for fine nrotor urovernents in rhe hand?
b) interossei
t&\tfinger flexors

5. What is thc primary Lreaturcnt goal in scleroderma? -

.Y-a) ROM exercises -/,t
b) moderated resisted exercises

'*;,4 sunscreen, avoid fatigue ad high irnpact activities

7. Mobilization of l" N,l'fP- To improvc extcnsion-whrch glide?

a) lateral
b) mcdial
8., dorsal
- d) r,olar

Yo"t $CP 3o
t F \eiq volqv *'Jr t cbJ latrd R kilcl e

)* + djt d oescJ gJ.l

8. lJurn- postcrior ktrcc atttl
hip' I-)cst positir:n,tlt-lti *U \ "'
cxt' r--' r\Q'r-[\l?t'l' ' ra \
-n"r)" sutri^", l5* hip atlb' ' kttcc
'* bi sullitte, ttcutral hip ahi' ' ktlcc cxt

9. Shoulcler tlislocatiorl (zurterior-ir'[brior)

What scapula position rvillcausc this f
dislocation to occur? \$--,-
a) scaPula elevatiort ,/1
b) dePresston
irr[crior iutgle nrcd- rot.

Iut. rot
alrcady has 2-l ply (qocks)'
anrputatron, prosthesis tloestt't fit (to big),
10. I_)K
What to do?
a) add socks
.x 6l change Prosthesis'
V c) strengthen quadricePs

l. BK amp- Wrat is the fust priority to teach this pt?

>F O skirl integrtty care

measure the cane?

12. l'HR, pt uses cane for ambulation' How to
a) 40+ elbow flexion
.41frcane at lcvel of grater trochanter
'-- c) cane at the level of ASIS

l]As]l-q*?siE.rvhatkindofverltylatory(?)finclirrgsinpt'sclrartconfirmthat? J Oteo*" 5 o"r'rtJ

a) CXR
B coi\{' flqteli I
+ bi decreased or absent tlS -' '
c) FEVI fr"ub-
losc weighr in last fcw
I4. Pt cornes to your clinic wittr p.rin in tlrc knec- wol'sc at tright,
nrounts .-----What do you suspect?
a) OA
V& Ut bone mctastasis

l5 What s cltolccYstcctotlrY
tr) rctttoval of tltc stonraclt
X' t,i of tl" e@!"'
-i oithe colon

16. l{cmoPhilia- treatmcnl rssues

no cxercises 48h post bleedirrg
[rrst priority?
l7 . Acutc lratutratic hcad iljury-

\y (
18. Sirrgs of pultnouary cdettra? K
a) increased tactile frcmitus
/ l\
1 9. Sings of Pleural effrrsion?
lryperresollattt on percussion
ir) decreascd t' lremitus
rnediastinal shiJt to side of ellusion
"; bronchial BS. t:

20, BK amp-- a thigh corsct is used for?

a) tasy ambulation
. Y{ *rr"ase weight bearing area
\Zc) reduce cdema

rvnat is the initiulstagc of decubitus

.- zi)i.-,:^ -**
ulccrs? +1
'V,4 mUanxnatlon ' t
b) plgmentatlon
c) small blisters

22'AK ianp.-ptcomplainsofpaLrandhyperserrsitivity.Youarebusydoingevaluation
\Vtrat do you do'/
b) let PTA asscs the Pailt
. ,6^ have PTA to do the cx's'in the lirnit of pain and you comc a's-a'p'
/-, . Iistic tibrosis- 6nr. uld baby. Mr.lthcr sity.\ "(hc baby is hrLrtl tu lccding"
What do you tlo'/
l) tell mothe r to givc thc baby ntore milli
b) sct up dictar.v Olotf*l involving motlrer and babry

24. CP- ntost comtnon contracturc?

gqkal hip addaction and plzurtar flcxion

25. SCI- L2 , rvltat is thc lastest gait hc can aclttevc'i

a) swing to .' . //.\4
t )"] r,, at
"- 2
L-Z-:'h) 4-pourt srving tltrough (^ t
irc) i
d) 3-point

26- Ivtyclomenigocelc,
rvhat do you see?
r'ertebral arch defornrities i
c, ..:--...

27. Cluld with Cl'}. Wrat is thc cause of sacral sitting?

*:1 b) trSht hams$rngs Q,
hrp lleruon contracture (

28. Rooting reflex

-r a)--touch the chcek- the baby turn the head to the stimuli

29. Explain the importarrcc of blndaging the stamp? ;^ |

a) shaping
b) wound healing
c) improve clrculation.-..--
}}o) '
geccased s'*"Uing
v --\___
f' J0. )frcn to dlscontinue bandagrng thc Afamp'i
a_ftrrosthesis is ready i

I,/Xtl doslressis usedwguhly

c) hound is healed

I I '[', itrr'rovc stabrlity ol'tlrc lcg in tlrc stlrrcc pirasc w'lirclt ttltit' tttrrsI bc striutgthtcil'/
l) hiP arrd kncc llcxors
W lrip and ktrcc cxtetlsors w
c) hip adductors

J2. Wonian,rcc-qrleil!-il*ig Jpraitr l*' paul' Wliat cxerciscs do you do'?

a) strengthen dorsi flexor board v
cxercises using balancc
gpl t"f*".c and prioprioceptive

ll, Cisric lihnsis, what do you obscrvc

'-*fi;;r;.rscd , '.,
pH, increasetl Co2. increascd l{Cgl- resp' acidosis witli cottrpensatron

I-lenrophilia, rvhat do you asscs alter henrartlrosis?

rrun. strellgth usirrg rcsistattcc

35. CP- leg discrePancY , WHY??

>i' a) hip dislocation and subiuxatiorr
b) borvling of legs

36. Contraindication to IFC

, ''a) dclaYed healing fracturc
\ 'u/Ab) metal imPlants | '

ro 3J. Pregnant worruu! lorv back pail- rvirat to use'/

) a) US
' c) SWD,

38_ Pt with the pain-in tlrc medialplantar:!-o-ot, pain on passivc dorsi llexion and
walkng on uneven teinain Wliat L ttt" Aiogtrosis? qk-
#a) plantar fascitis
fascitis rapturc - .
c) Achilles rapture
3t). Ilill llcxion contlacturc, lrorv ttl :l-ssxs./
\-,.,a) prr)ne altd try 1o cxterrtl ttrc hill tt
- b) hip [lcxion, latcc cxterrdctl

r. \

Rapturc extcl$or tendon- DIi)- wry don't <Jo
ItoM c:xercises irr thc early rchab.?
to protect surgical incision
,4'b)__te avoid rapturc of the saturaterl tendon , .. r.. :

4 l. Ankylosis spondylitis- Which test use ro asses progress of thc dise:rsc?

,drl ociPit to wail tcst \

42' cardiac arrcst (pt s^tops_breathing), wlnt doyou

l,a(ic't has DNR o*Jcr.
a) begin cpR a.rd after lcw mi.uLs rell the nursingdo?sraiion
b) bcgin CPR according to the hospitalpolicy l, j (.
,;-c) tell the nursing station

{i. }'ou do CpR until:

.Eol you are tired
' b) when you see the person is dead
c) the person vomits

14.CVr\ horv to asses sens.rtion?

a) light touch and adiadochocinese
b) pin-prick and graphesresr-a
V4 7
45' Right cvn-ten hemi' You arc
doing cx's i. thc crowt]ed gyr.. pt. is rcstrcss,
concentrate on exercises- What can,r
do you-d<l?
ru) motivate pt to concenlrate
or) cx,s
\ )r,ir) ctrange the cxercise ptace_ ;";; i. Io* clurrer z.

. 46.,
'ir)Going rvith the pt up stairs. Where
tlo you sray?
orr the side of pr, Inve lum grip on his arrn
Dcnuld pt and with firm giip on
\ X.t a transGr-bclt

{, "
47. (-'lrrltll turttrcl, rvlticlr rtrt-rvcrrrcrtI ol-tlrc tlttrrrrtr rvrll lrc irrlitct'/
a) llcxion
i.b) cxtensiorl '

4ti. l;ool, you use pulscd US,.bccause:

.-_l ' a) bones are closc to llte skin

49. Ilcce ntric ex's lbr rvrist extcnsors'l

. ..J2- a) astive wrist ex's and then wrist flexion with a weight (resistance)
'. b) active *risi llexion and then wrist cxtcnsion with a rveight (resistance)

50. Cardiac pt- 3 rriln. waUiilrg tcst. All.cr2 miu. dyspnia, l?rtiguc. Youdiscontinuc
,- test. Vhat do you do next?
4) continue test after rest period
t.h.J4'b\ di-rcontinue and chart incidetrce i

51. Cardiac pt come to your clinjc- stagc 2 or 3 rehab. llefore start exercise you should?
, .a) obtain s(ress walking test result frorn lrospital
+ q )onctnn stress test yourself
52. I:oot- talocalcaneal, talonavicular and calcaneocuboid ioirrts are fused. What kind of
qxercises are contraindicaicd?
'lV ">Y:*_*
subtalar mobilizalisn
v -6:'.
b) .11-:.(:S:-7'
2_ 1) a l,,s-) ,*1 o,,,...q,,_
Pt. With sBasiiciry- what position rrilJ 1'ou not g.ive-
' 'r J,- a -^"tL-"
'-'g1'g:--brt<t<- {t;1t
Sioelytng to Kt.
Sidelying to Lt
2. Pt with spasticiry- tv!,at willyou not give-
v Quick stretching y/
Weight bearing
3. pt with cystilfibrcsis- *4rich test will you look for confirmation-
)it'sweat test\'/
pul Imonary function test
exs. Tolerance tesr
pt with MS- what r,r'ill you grve ipt. Has spasticity and poor balance) I
' ,lr'(-: r
tropical heat
! ,t
tropical cold (i'-ini lL
hydrotherapy wth temp > 30rc
f hydro with temp <30 c",y'
dJ o 7r r/+t
'/, ;tc|c f -' -/.-,-d'-
s. PD for R middle lobe-,- -r.,. pT --s\ R /1"* )Ei
Different positions 4lccE- 7r 'r
l"l i5 F,r-raj .t. -t.-''45
\'t'..i , 6. Asthama- education of pt rvhile *::"
DlCing , (-'t'A*a*'--) #,i
' i't i' '/
.,--: .\') ;* Breathing exs ,f i1

.\! r Relaxation positionsv .d.t

7. ycP replaliment,silL which movt. will you start 8t 46 week- -:

x Flex-exfy'
Abd- add
8. Pt has reddening on sacralarea, yesterday u gave tilt table for 30 min at 45 degrees'what can
the cause be;,
Y Pressuren/
9. how ofteawill u suggest the nursing staffto tunr the pt?
r 2hrsJ
3 hrs
4 hours
5 hrs
10, pt has sensory loss on medial aspct of leg. What level of damage?

L6 ,.----r\ .-{J.- t
-- i l. Pnvith cgmmon peroned';;;r.Eury- pt wiil have problems- ff L=-a--,=.
t'\, /:
Ji\.l}f5frdrop*-Eu"iifgn' . ; ; :r,-iir, ,,'-t:
1ii ;{-so-'Footdrop+InvJ ' il-- \ t l'2.,1,,nttj"
+ nLr4ls
Eve -..s-i++
tz. Pt with megrtarsal Amp, problern
^r'pr ir
-ttfr 7
; ;il;'ilZ'''"'r
rnid stance a)
,'i- ,f| -r1 - t-,1-li.1
1/* i\r'-i1-J .(i,rr'\'' i i,t l'-
d - | -
.ar 1l C !\ '- f,n 41 I
t, l_rr.-ci.i\ _i1_rfii rii_,

r {.'.,-.1
| \ tjrl!r l'\
mid swing
heel strike
li. PTA can give the pllotirng Rx
>{ IceaPPlicationr/
Rx planning
tq. Burns: foreann, keep the elbow in - ur* 12-uril)
,. rrJ' '.,
. flex - pro>*
f,,fzr_ g(\tt
o Ext- sup./ 4-c i'
Ext- pro i -.' "i TF ol gt )
Flex- sup
15. suspension- to make abduction easy on hip- the point should be -
+ laterally-,/
, G THR - prionry is
,---J' t'* - R'du'e'swelling -' '1
-r x- Transfers ,,/ ' h -+'k g,-o-e/-- 5 i'lt
| ..1

t7. pt CiO pain rvhile doing knee exs, says wants to stop the exs. You continue are
guiity of ,/\
K assauit andbattery*/
ld. pt asks you for alternate RX. This is the pt of another PT who is on leave. You will--
deny r
.* 'Ax first and then proceed Rr-/
Provide the Rx that the pt asls for
ft. Does not knorv that he has financial interest
i9. coileague asks for cervical collar to your pt.
in that. you do..-
tell about financialinterest in question to the patient
Discuss with collegu r/ \..
Inform the regulatory body
a^ IFT frequency for pain
80-1 00 "
1-100J( 7'"^"=-.':ltr'-e
l" u"-r e'r :c-t<l T Cof
.-,-7 =.1.i
21. aold application rvill... i:
increase metabolism ..-
' >l' decrease * J'/
z:. tight iateral rptinacutar: mobilize patella to...
# rnedially r,z
23. ankle sprary. to check, you move calce... (
anteriorr/ ./
:c, valgus test positive on 5 degrees knee flex. l.lp other test is positive. It is...
,Y. I" degree sprain of med. Coll. Ligement {

. l" degree sprain of lat. Coll. Ligament

:s. stair rdth cane..,
.cane l'r while going down and up,
v,' affbcted leg firlt *[jb doy+n /
unaffected leg first whiie dori,n ,
26. cane length /
r.' eibow 20 - 30 degrees flex ;./
exbow fuil ext
elbow 40 - 60 degrees flex
27. B. K. amputation: position nLr..

pateliar femora! artkitis, s1s:
* pain while downstairs and crepiius and pain and swelling
sweiling and pain
a 29. no sound on rt. Base lobes qn zucultation best Rx.
vibration and breathing..'"/
30. pt. With COPD you teach.,r
,F pursed Iips breathinE-J
3 I' you gave TENS to a pt. Yesterday- Pt. C/o pain and said "that stupid machine". AIso said
that she did activity which you said nor to do. You...
X expiain that it mig[t b;t;;r* ofactivity and fry TENS one more time./
continue Rx.
Discontinue Rx.
:2. physician who is not a referral physiciarl asks for rritten note from you for the pt. You...
consult hospital lawl,er before doing so' 4
give it I

$ prefer verbal instead of written note ,,/

13. volunteer asking about Rx- About the pt, Is taking, you...
\P deny any infoJ
Give it
34. qr C7o nexl,pain, pt. Is tel. Operator, holds teiephone between her neck and shoulder by li.
Side rotation and right side flexioq the muscle spasm is in...
trapezius ,l
+ sternocledomastoid -,/
rhomboidus .-
35. pt. who is a computr programmer has carpal tunnel qmdrome, you give...
hand rest in chairJ
back rest in chajr
(9_*hile suctioning, pt. Bleeds, the cause...
darnage a1

4:\ lung tissue damagert

AiJ /l
\-r a male pahent has burns and is in ICU, before going to pt- you check..-
family support
'.,...i! Patn r,'
'l ' .:l
1Q hefnre
Ju, .^it
uvrvr- 5u,r1g to hemi. Pi. Whai ycu see iorin the chart...
----+i^.'*, I "lril
}l- consciousiless *z/
le. Ys of fibromyalgia
x tendernessJ
40. osteoporosis - what will u tell the pt.
<.? Females> males -/
Ca. Decreased
No effect of exs
41. THR - contraindicated mo!'t.
Abd+flex /..
v Add + flexLl-''
Exf + ER
FIex + ER
42. Post TI*.- pt complgn of leg pain and swelling, possible cause-
v Thrombonhlebitis/
r:. plantar fascitis- pain around rThat part of foot?
lr- Mgd tubercle of calcaneum-/
- Lat tubercle of calcaneum
Metatarsal base
aq. sh dislocation- for aoprehension test- which position-
flex- abd
-/-_---\ '/
add r
add IR
45. pt ofiers 500$ to you for good treatment-
you will accent
14 ieruse.-_/'
46. pt offers dinner- you will
accepr ,/
* ,ri""s.-/
,1 post surgical pt has 15 + quads lag- you wiil give-
contract relax ,a'
)K isometric contr.,,/
48. pt has PSIS uneven when standing, beccmes even in sitfing, possible cause-
gluteus max weakness
glu med rryeakness ,/
)F limb length discrepancy -/
qs. what wiil u do in the above mentioned case-
strengthen giu max ,,
strengthen glu med /t
* heel elevation (shoe compensat ionlJ
5n Iady discussing horrifying experince
abcut labour in prenatal exs grouF what wiil you do
v interrupt and clarify..r,/ .t=
-7.\ /+\
,i \.

ask her to get out

5l. what exs wiil u modily lor a pregirani lady with diastesis recti-,
- curJ ups
---/,- /
qk4s6metnc abdomjnai( posr pelvic lilr)J
5?. osteoporosfs- what will you give
arm ergometer
,+ rvalking *-.'
Ji. rvhat will you grve tp increase the effectiveness ofpD-
{ branchodilators J
iifililfffi::,"T':"':1,9::'i'- L' Lut'b'u'cc,t,ttt - By+
C -' OPPO'IUI.. Pol " Lkrni*l
.) x' flerpolJ$S J
. .: .i fi ^ nbor. poiti.r\ B:rr"'u
' ext pol breiis 'r..i...i. i ''--
t,, tr Figy . go \\i ci-i bved u
55' ysur colleague plbvides sime Rx for osteoporosis
to all, *,hit will you do-
callan inservice /,
x discuss with colleaweJ
nothing- its peer revjew probiem
56. pt askingyou for some info regardingMs. Whrt will you
Tafnrovid. jo! about MS sociery and other orgaru.sario n, -{
[57iyoudon't feel confident in performing rp".ifir Rx which you have
not tried since a long
V time- you will
refer t-he pt to a colleague
continue Rx
3pp.p +rr -6y*.-^.-I4^p lArr7t_,.rpo-.*1f> F*_
s8. pt. With BK prosthesis- wanrs to get up from
bdd- ./
,f normal |rg up the4balance on prosthjti, irg anduL J
prosthetic leg up and then balance with non:tal Ieg and
pull himself up with UL
^ et *"ith parkinsonism-- needs music
(st -l iherapv to-
decrease-rigidiry r
increase automatic movt
Q)pt r**
an article and wants you to charge the treafinenf_
you wrlt change the Rx and ask physician
,F read article v \/
rSrrefuse to change the Rx
f !)fl]:_y19
comonly uses which muscres for propulsion-
F i.

wili observe
tibia comes prox to talus
s:. chondromalacia patellae _ pain is in which region
'1 retropatellar-J
laterally ,V- o-^ ll
pcoz ls, pOz 95, pHCO3 23, pH 7.4;02 sat rate 100% {i
t ! {-!z

hyperkalemia *'*lr_l
' ---;.-,
f:t \) il
-'1 tt
hypoxia P{'
-1. resp acidosis cr5
resp alkalosis -,1" -',- \t!
o) ffiiltti"g to tt*n,iing or lying ivith knees bend, ihen- 1l\.

PSIS rnoves cranially ./ *{

ik PSiS moves caudaliy'=" /r .l
SI jt moves cranially
Si jt moves caudally
66. pt is on home 02 therapy, he did some exs. If 02 levei < 80 then, you will give
additional 02'-/
g inform physician
Fraclure of humerus, midshaft due to lall on outstretched i,ona.'[Roai"t*]q t**t
danraged- axon damage4 neural tube intact.

l. \\/here you observ'e changes i.n scnsory distribution?

a) forearrg dorsal a-spect of the pakn- thumb, index finger and half of
-- '-)TrIt,
the middle fuger.
b) arrq forearnr, dorsal aspect of the pahn- iittle finger, ring finger and
middle finger
c) . palmar aspect of the hand
.. -,
d) .., palmar aspect of the hand

1 Where you observe muscle rveal<rrcss?

a) bqr.!igg.d_r"tir, lpficis longus, mg9r9!:
b) triceps. "xten-sor
c) flexor.
3. The patient asks.*,hen his lr.and function is going to come back. You aruwer:
\t a) ncwr
b) less then one month
) T
2 I- - 4-'FAG8 week^s
-{dJJmore then six-rnonrhs
l 4' lhffitient is wearing a splint to prevent what deformity?
a) wri* drop, clarv hand
. -b) rwis drop, fingers drop


5. The most affectcd muscles: rrrsir'Cirr- Pg'fY'g

oponnens pollicis, aMuctor poilicis brevis
radialis;@ cPPtrrtu'-' .1*rt' c'{ s l ,4,
t -
flexor carpi
c) adductor gnllicis, abductor digiliminimi Ab't go\iici: flr't- 5


6. plen test will cause pain and:

---{) tingling
b) burnine
c) numbncss

7. Sensory changes:
15g-a) palrnar &sflect of thumb, indc-x and micldle fingcr
b) middle finger, ring finger and little 6nger
4 t\^\'

8. \4{ut do you rnost lkely expect to find in pt. historv?

a) Rayraud's pheno ncnonr

b) fractwe ofnavicular bone

c) Dupu)'tren's cont {.acture
_ d) tenosynovitis of finger llexor

9' This woman does not have a propr chair at u,ork. \Virat
will affect the most her carpal
tunnel slndrom?
L-,-a) a chair u'ithout arm rest
b) lack of sit high regularion
c) back supporr to high
\rolleyball player ruptured thc inscrtion of the
extensor digitorum communis at distal
phalang of his inde-x finger. He has to \\,ear
sprint to kcep his finger extended.

I0. \\&at to teach him?

R not ro take offthe splint at ali
- QJ take offfor hygiene and skin inspecrion
it oniy l.
c) takc it of few iiio u d"y f.;;*.rcise routl,r" .,L f 6 '1'
d) wear the splint at nighr and g hours during
rhe day 9^rJ \
'rl., r

_l t 2v
I l. \\hat is the primarypurpose ofexercisesl . \ ..' - \
f,-a) preserv" fr- tendon griding and provide colragcn remodering
-, g"in n,tl RO.N.i
:l decrease pain and swelling a . ,.

d) *.-.)' \ . ".\-
[P .Y -*/;
pt' wants to pariicipate in voLleyball comperition next '-,'
n|e x,eek. vlut do ydu teli
1_*H* goal is unrealistic, he can only injured
his finger
\, b) his goal is realistic, tre just has to practice =:-=/
he should nor plav for ncxt,6 months -;
c) ,',, ,


Thc child rvith chondromalacia patella

i3. \\tut do you exgr^ct to see?
a) pain in the antirior kncc and st,elLing
b) pain on tibial tubercle
^\ , | { - i
- r..'

&,-.,+ d,G at---\ l::-\ ?"\

{ (\(

I4- \44rat should be a'oided at the be ginning tc rcducc pain?

a) kneeling
.--$/ stair climbing ;cl_C,-._ y^- d.rl-,: )
c) jurnping

t5' r+91 grqllem: rorn corona-n, Iiganrenturn \rtpt wiil be a probrem?

a) tibiofibular sha-ft
, b)
\' ,.t)
meniscus instability
- d) lateral instabiiiry

16. I 1 y.o. boy rvith RA. What is contraindicated?

a) ice
;sJ us
c) IF

17. IF: '*,hat tjo ,vou ciroose to ciecrease pain?

a) 80-100
b) l0-t00
i,9 g,/

18. iF: contraindi6pli6p5

')'/ hcalin-e fracture ,

r metal i*pt*t.

19. High rate conventional TEI,IS

a) l*4 pps
L&) @0
c) l-1000
d) >t000

\ -.-5ty,
20. AcupuncrureTENS
a) l-4
b) _50_80
21. Distal fracture oltibia. ARer cast rcmoval ycu observe x'eak toe e.dension
This can result in:
.;l) drop loot during srving phase
.'-/, ,

22. You use l$for dorsiflexor re-education where do you place electrodes?
,-.a) above deep peroenal nerve and motor point of tibialis anterior muscle
b) close to origin and insertion of tibialis anterior

23. Woman with fibromialsia

24. Lefl CVA. You advice the pt. to rveal an ann siing to prevent shoulder subluxation.
The pt. arrives for next P'f session *'ithout the sling. You read in the raport ttrat
nul[8 aide wrote: " To much trouble to put the arm sling on". S/tut should you do?
,"]k to the aide explaining t'lr purpose of the arm sling and consequencs
ot nol wearmg tt .

., b) call the coordiruqtor of nursing staff-and propose in-scrvice about positioning and
splinting h CVA
c) )'ou ask nursing aide to explain his statement clearly
4 talk ta tle pt.

25. In u,hich direction the arm is rnost likelv to subluxatc?

'r -a) anterior inlerior
b) anterior supcrior
c) posterior inferior
d) plosterior superior

26. The pt. a{ter hx of recurrent anterior subluxation of the shoulder. He lrad surgery to
shorten capsula. what combined movcment must be initia-llv avoided?
t,a) abdaction I external rot.
b) addaction / internal rot.

27. This pt. developed limitation in abdacrion above 90+ What do you observe in
scapula /'
scapula depressior.
Ab) scapula ,.rt
,d-4:O elevation v
-- ''t
inferior angle rotation re-striction

28. \\tat dircction you choose to mobilize hurncrus head to increase ahluction?
\_-.,t)' inferior
b) supe rior

c) anterior d) posterior
29. \Vhai Ls the best aerobic activity for a boy rvith astma?
irll tftLing
'b) JoggLng
c) ri'alking
, _d) srvimming with rest penods for paced trreathing

-r 0. You teach him puresed iip breathing . You rvani to:

a) slorv irupiration
14Pf slow exPiration \r/
c) forccfulinspiration
d) fast expiration
I L The pt. rvith few years of Parkirson's disease bx . *,hat you expect to see?
taf bradl'kinesi4 tremor
b) chorea, trernor
c) ataxi4 chorea

32- \ilbat changes in gait pattern will report PT assistant a{ter walking this pt?
a) wide base of support, unsteady gait
b).'legs close together, no arm movernent
n ) qteYrn ot rt

d.) excesstve 8rm s$'1tr9,....--.

(fl) ttttlch gait exercise is most appropriate for this pt?
){u) stepping over objects v/
F, U) heel to toes gait

34. You r+ant to prevent pulrnnary cornplication t*trat do you teach the pt?
'-diaphragmatic breathing, lateral expnnsion
. a)
b) activating irspiratory mustles

35- Parkinson disease- Best exercise:


a) active/assistive tnink rotation movements

36. Which of the following can PT assistant do?

-, ,4 put ice pack
" -b) re-evaluate the pt
c) make changes in excrcise program

37. What duty carl you refer to pT

assistcd walking
-b) chcking ortlnlc firtrne
c) writing a disclnrge noti

2 smar] kids arready you observe

a) flattened kiphosis.. ..
b) retracted scapul4....
^r, c)Thyperextended knces

works part tirne as a bank teller-

\\trar you reach her io relieve her sacroiliac
iltrt"" ioin

gf posture correctior in sirting,
standing, sleeping
"o- c) resting supine with her Iegs
erevated, hips and knees
d) {rexed 90*

40' The pt' comes to your clinic r+'ith

knee pain. He arso comprain
tt:i*$l"e and apperire loss in tast j of sudden weiglrt
months .^xtrat r.".L*,,

4i ' Truck driver pain aggravared by long

": ]"*.,b.k period of sitting, rifting. He is on
;:::il ;l"ffiX.?J:ijfrTili,'" oei,vse p.i,i; p,
1,e,iy *,;?ntinue tr,e
j:;' J, Hr;;;,o go rrack, o *o,r i"u j"Tffif,: THf":*
h -*
iu"rh't *
70u discharge him as you prare4 and exprain qvrur that
responsible now -s hw back care and FIE is
trklt r-uw
you allow him 3 more \vooLa
weeks of pT to ersure / -
You drsclwge him he wanrs
the achieved lever
3l ol prirgress.
of progress. :_,
" ,rr" sysrem
You let him continue pT as :
*"r"1*l are-concerned by irsurance
discharge ptan and reach pr
home exercise program?
o" the fusr visirrr


1] Pt. in acure care. pT for _5 days. \\Tren do 1,il* start planning

disclra,rge prograrn di-scharge ard prepare
,.1] * early as rhe first day
b) after 2-j days of rrearlent l-

N\l :l

>lSe' 4ssesslnent d) c' the last day -r

c4' 4o y'o' women' you observe excessive cen'icai
lordosis, fonvard head posture which
can be actively corectd-by the pt- She
complaints of headachc and visual disturbances.
R'1ut is tlre rnain cause of he. p.obl"*?
a) -cervical radiculopathy
y b)/ncoinect posture habits
-O ccrt icai mnt. spasm
d) hemiated cervical disc
45' Aller few PT sessions the symptoms decrease but she
cornplains, she is riot able to
read or watch Tv for as rong *r rir" *'ishes.
wrrat do you advice hcr?
a) her acti'ities shourd be reduced as they promote in"o....,
b).' she should corsciotr-sly self conect
her posture rvhile this activities and interact
'''/ Iong periods ofsitting with active head neck

16. What is contraindication to traction?

a) herniated disc
b) focrtjoints +
c) spondylolisthesis

47 ' You ask PT a-ssistant to put hot-pack on pt low inck. The pr experierrce burns. who
is legally responsible?
a) PT a-csistant
b) You
c) Patient

48' You perlbrrn passive stretching to the pt

knees. He wants you to stop imroediately.
t#ot" stretches *.L""rory and conrinue treatrncnt. what can you be
a) 'assault
and batten,

49. In the nursing honre. Your pt requires rc-evaluation. you

re-evatuarion at rhis rinre as you arc unable to perform
hrsl'evfuail"; ;;;i,. wrru, do you do?
a) scnd PT assistant to do re-evaluatton tor you
\,?\ T:i to perforrn exercise ioutine wirh the pt
and you will arrive as
soon as possible for re_evaLration
c) You skjp the pT session

r/ g'T-
not fouorv Honre u,.:",r,.-o. program
you recomnrnded. He stares ..This
bur you re, him ir is his
DJ you are not going to continue pT
unless he sticks to FIEp

51. Tuberculosis R upper .lobes, wnat you see on the X-rar_?

, _il, *ir-rpaces dersities
-b) infilrration
c) calcium dcpcrsits

52. ?neumothorax_ what you

hear on auscultation ?
;+f*'absent o r decreased b,reath ;il,
D) ncreased breath sounds
c) bronchial sounds.

53. Cystis fibrosis-

r3),'tr+,eat test
rvhat test confirm dx? -t- vY 5 r.-c.-t t-{e c i ,o{y F. tes *
b) spii.rurl stuciics
c) X-ray

54 The pt rvants to know why you

have him perform drainage
a day? ald percussion fcw times
r a)-:q6 remove excessivc sccietion
b) to increase lung ventilation

55' You verballyexplain the pregnant

to do thern, What women, she seerns to have no
is your approach to teach idea horv
demonstrate cxercise \_.-z-
ol rroeo cassette\
c) writren instruction

56' 'fhc pt aser coronaqz blpass,

obese, sedentary lifestyle. llrrat
prevent g"h**ry co,nplicatilns. ' do you teach him to
\__A eff'ective cougL brcarliing exercises
b] drairuge prosiiions, o"r.,r!ri""' "'

57. What you do belore starting

e.rercise progranl

a) submaximai GXT b).. -... c)...........--??

58.t/which of the follorving sings or symptoms with increasing rvorkjoad rvould make
you stop this pt. exercise and contact his physician ?
a) systoiic BP greater then 150 mmHg
!]*$iasolic BP increes of l0 .mmH g -.':2*-
.- --nysystoiic
BP falls 5 mmHg
V systol-ic and diastoiic BP iricrease rlith workload
n oxymetry.
\59J Pt alicr MI with hx of renal failure, astma , Pulse SaO2 values ....
v What can interfere with pulse oxyrn measues? ii ',,
a) renal failure. ClVt;?'
bl) .... anterior lines
c) ... Intravenous
d) 'ftfftm.hs\t^^^o. y
This pt is ready for arnbulation. While walking he complains of dyspnia and fatigue.
\\&at do you do to ease the ambulation?
x.-^a) portable oxygen cylinder aad maskr,z
b) *.alker

61. The pt does not want to ambulate

,-j)-+.t explein agaln t-he bcnefits of ambuletion but respct his dccisionc,
b) you insist on continuing walkirqg program

62. 40 y-o. rnan backed to the [t barbeque fell and burned 65% of his body: both arrns,
back of his tnurk and legs. How ycu gnsition his elbow?
aalz-e>rte ns io n and sup inat ion
D extension and pronation
c) flexion and zupination
d) flexion and pronation
63. Thre pt ncede{ posterior knee graft- How to position his knee after the graft surgery?
a) . bxlcnsion

v) -,a-7

2d day post graJting, what you tcach him?

Lsornetric exerclses'
active ileion-extension -r - I -r,r;,-,/r

65. 6 nronti old girl, spastic quadriplegic CP. What ,lo you tcach parents to do?
\,-*l support her back while sitting
" b) help hcr active 4-point kneeling

v ,7\r-r --:

t$frnea! conrrol (in supine?) d)... ....... ..

6E- 6 y'o. hy, spastic CP, LE"s more affected. What deformity do you try to prevent?
;a)'-hip addactio4 planrar flexion

67' 80 y.o. wonran aller stroke lives with 80 y.o. husband. He is present while you
her transfers. He wants to herp and participate. sftat do you do?
,;i) teach him how to safely help her
n) teach the pt ad ignore him
c) give him written instructions

68' 74 y'o- wonan living horne alone, 1bU down and broke her hip. She is going back
home. What is important modification
-$/remove scattered rugs
b) dlors on stairs
c) -bright
change thick carpets to low carpcts

69' L hemiplegic pt, R CV.'! is able to roll to the R sideling independly, sit on the edge
of the bed (to the right). \Vtnt do you teach him nexr?
-.-i_ 1] rransfer ro the chair and rai-sed toiled
i .hl


70. SCI . L2. Vhat is the most difficult that he can perform?
-g)- pick tte object from the {loor
b) reach and lock tlre w/c
c) *y'c on the ra-mD
d) w/c on the curb

71. He is able to ambulate witb:

a) AFO and crutches
t)AFO and cnes
{c} KAFO and forearm crutches
d) HKAFO and

SCI , C6 is indegrendent in arnbulation uslrs :
a) u'lcwithpropulsionaids :, :r '. - . |l I , .l
D) rv/c with.,...---..-..-.. 'r. C-' ' ci [ ,' 1' -

.l \

--a)Vhat mm. will stabilize the elbow during transfers to compensate triceps firnction?
iaiissimus dorsi
b) Pectoralis major
U< L))aUoulder extemalrot.: Ll-t i-r i.r <,u\\\w'u)
\df shoulder intenul rot.
74. Wp,rnan uith post-polio syndrome. The best way to keep her fit as long as possible:
,a/poolprogranl frequent rest to minimize oven+'ork

75. SCI , Tl0. A-ll of foilowing is correct to teach him effective coughing EXEPT
a) family rnember applies pressue on lower abdomine to assist expiration
b) pt himscif applies pressure
I. PT provides inward and upward pressure, simila-r to Heimlich rrraneuver
f d) Pt relaxes aMominal mm.
76. SCI , C6. What do you teach him while coughing ?
and neck extension on inspiration and {lexion on expiration

77. Complete paraplegic perfornx mat exercises. Suddenly he complains of headache,

diplopia You obsene him sweating, flushing. What do you suspect?
a)_y'utbnomic Dysreilexia , eheck/empty catlreter


?8. You supect deep vein thrombosis. \Vhat do you check?

.a)rpfssive dorsillexion of the ankle produces pain in the calf

79. AKA- Wtrat do you teach to prevent contractu-re?

p) prone positioning !1lf1F

80. BKA. How to position the leg to avoid contracture?

aLlip extension, neutral bot. , lstee e$ension
tt. l'- pt c/o
l$lh" fects amputate leg. \ihar do you do?
gxexllain this is nonnaland shourd go a\.\,By after sorne time I
b) reter fum lor psychologica,l evaluaticrr

82. The pt u'ith burns offacc, B-rmE and chcs(. You teach him
wearing pressue
garments for his hand. you erplain:
y'i+rc*entsm @hrpcrrrofni" o"r"


83' The pt does not to *'ear this gloves. He says " they make him
fillhot and look ugly,,
You say:
g)r/1x?\n again benefirs &orn wearing gannenrs
tt he should"t be concern about his apparance
because it is already changed

(gifl rn"" con(u-sion, pt has lateral coilateral

lig. torn. Which mm. must be strengthen
to prevent pateilar subluxation
iliotibial bancl
vg.stus medialis ldra.'
.'-> P(d
85;=[]rch rnovement wili aggravate the pai'in rnedial meniscus tear?
stress, external rot.
'Ul I'algus stress, intcrnal rot.
c) varus stress, external rot.
d) varus stress, internal rot.

86' drlcre-lanw, R leg ronger. \\tnt

.ktIumbar lordosis
dc you expect ro sce in rhe spine?
b) Iumbar lcrdosis fla$encd
c) lum-bar curve with convex on t}e R
cune with convex on the L
o i. 9
87. y y.g.
y.o. boy
ooy with
wrth asrma*
aslrru_ {hat do you perform
yr{reathing exercises
- b) pcrcussion and drainase& ot-' -
c) r'ibration
d) breathing and percu-rsion
88' The woman after ma^stectomy cries whe'you enter her room. she
ashamed of her bshaYior andshe says she is
understands.i," ri-t"rii'be more rnature
over bur she can nor ger rig of rhougfrs and get
abolt amp;;",; parr. you cxprain:
a) this is normar before rtt" u""oouno?are ro
rh" .il;;;L
ler boov

89. Gamekeepers thumts the rapture of the ulnar collateral lig. of first MCP results in:
.gXlaterat instability

90. You decided your pt is ready for indepcndent ambulation rvithout assistance. He is
nursing home resident. Who do you have to inform about your decision and how?

a)r/you teil the pt to inform nursing honre sta-ff about your decision
H you c-ell the office and talk to nursing staffcoordinator and note it in your record
t4i .i

91. Pt alier TBI. You come for PT session. He is agitat"d, pull" his gown up few times.
\\trat do you do?
you leave the room
you state the mles of behavior and you expect him to bchave appropriately
1Q2+otrspeak in a calrn voice and try to gct his attention
92- Pt after (. -.) surgery' When you come for initial evaluation you se him still under
influence of anesthesia He does not respond to
lour comnrend appropriately and
it is difficult to asses hirn- Wlrat do you do?
,./ corle back when anesthesia
\%ou stops working
b] you a-rses him as well as you can and impry prop". treatment

93' Pt on beta-blockers- What you obsene d"t1og uronitoring I{R while exercise?
a) increased HR during resfand exerclc ,. '
b) increased HR dudng rest but does not rise adequatety with exercisc
.c).,E[R is low during rest but elevates with exercise
X) FIR-is lorv during rest but'fairs to risc adequdfly u.ith exercise s \z--
94' You colrl to see a new pt. He states that bees are {laying above his hed and snakes
are hidden under the bed. what do you expect to see in pt hx.
,a),.dcohol abusc
6) depres.sion

95. The eldcrly woman_after hip surgery- she fell and broke her hip is withdrawn,
low motivated for PT- I{er husband states she changed affer the fall and
'\-t What is the couf.rc ?
first sign of depression
b) result of micro-strokes
c) result of anesthesia
g, \


96. \ttnt do you do (t{o. 95) *-J-

a) caI her physician
-r. , PJ iry to motivate her ard involved in pT
refer for psychological evaluation

97. Igntofo rez.a - hl,drocortison

current, anoda wirh nerlicatiorr
,/::rl*.:"us at the area ro bc trcarcd, catoda ln

98' 60 )/.o. wofflan *'ith RA Mctatarsarjoins

of hoth ha:rds are sworerg red, hot,
bcst to choose?
gf -$tut
iccd to',r'els
b) hot paclcs {
d) conrra-st baths

@ :;*,:?t#:."in'olved rhen arnrs. when do you check

sensation, whar are you

. _aJ lemperature, graphestesia v/-- p+

o --.b) flcxor nithdro*,al rcflex, plJprioception ,
c) primitive re-flcxes, position'in .slpace -.,\

100' Infant- few months- fajts to.gqin

*?ghl, Mother says ,,the baby is diffcurt
Whatdoyou do? Lii..,.-t-r.t ) A1,i .;;:;;'j".., to feed., t
*/. . . ,. , .. ?
. I
\) J -\ ,it _.
-: {+-

toD rhe pt on \4/orkers comgrnsation does not follow your irutruclion

xiorL does not takc PT *;;;i;' lou tell rri,r, during pr
tr-, i-ir rre does not change
you rriu scnd the iettcr to the insurarrce his artirude
and rhcy wilJ stop scnding him
inlormation is: check. your
a) rrue- you can do it
b) $lts- you can not do it r
*tt"g argunent to achie ve grositive
reaction and morivarion
l 02. Pl a-fler hip surgery, posterior
approach. wirat do you teach
a) not to adduct and cross tlrc him?
103' Aller knee replacernent. st-rat ARot{
1,cu expect 1o achjeve ailer pr plan is
,exteruion 0e, fiexiong0+ .r-' ,fr
0+, flexion I20i

LW;,r!w'ith l0 years cf knee pain and OA. \\trat do you recorrrmended ?

Kncc repracerncnl surgery
'j b) of thc cafl* L-- {
c) rvalking prograrn I


105. For bcst result of strctching what

is best
a),4uick stretches, bouncing
'' p- long susrained stretch (3b sec.),
sct of r0 repeated
---vrvYrvsJ' i x dav.

106' sci ' L2- hc ambulates *'ith crutches and or{hotics. The most diffcult
pattern hc can learn is: gait
a) s*'ing to
b) s*'ing through V""' 4-groint gait
il s
You examine the pr sacroiliacjoint
and hip. you observe posterior
iliac spine(Psls) in standing. iou zuperior
"normal"- healthy person
*t trr" pr ro fle; his rrii.- vou obsave in

b) PSIS deprcss on tlre
a) PSIS elevares o-n L ,r' supgrorred
( t L"' '. {t Y\c"' " v )
side 0

I ,, i'i'rt-'

Tlvr fr,re ; gL t*or, _)-

1. You wa$t [o dccrcasc p"in io an oldcr irdividuat by using a bor pack bur you will takc
caution siocc'bccausc you want to bc able to monior tbrii s*ruiiog, you explafu
to a collcaguc by saying:

/" older patients bavc hypothcrmy

'*-al*tpati_eus are !:rpoJolumic.. and thereforc thcir blood circularion is less able to i,
fr diisipatc bcat
''t: oldcrpatients swcat morc quickly
ol&r paticnE swcar urorc slowly ('
2. compar6 &g sl6xrhing pattcrq of babies comparcd to adults- Babics:
- a ''
are mouth brcathcrs i'^oot 6r6el-{"cr3 \/tr'
Q,-Navea morc irrcgularbrcatling rarc r nt
uscthcirintcrcosul murcles' i \ ....
bavc a decrcascd respiration 14s - t AR -

3; Il'hile riung i
history from parcnis oia 10 sosrb old baby tbat you suspccr bas Cp, t,.

tbey ask you what might be tbe problcm with the rcspond
by saying:
i 1.,.
t.' fY.

/ t' \

'Vl 6,,,j
tbcre may bc somc carly signs of Cp
(\--/- ralk to tbe doctor
signs of cystic fibrosis

4t Yori waot to apPly muscle stinulariou to iactcasc sft;$b of tbc foot cvcrtors, You.
placa 6" electrodes:
ovcr thc pcroocal ucrvc ....
L4 and rbc imertion of the musclc
o motorpoint a.od thc pcroncal Der.c ',
tbc inscrtion and origin of thc musclc

5; A prcgnat womar requircs modaliry for pain contol. At which

stagc of pr"grarcy
would you apply SWD?

2d tdmcstcr o
3t trieettcr
---.\ uevcr
f/ r $-
Y 6. old lady witaosrcoporosis ud you suggerrTcas. Thcncxt aay snfT# ht'is ilqlj :
much morc Pd! fud that she did some activiry ssd rhrr sbe acvcrwa.ntcd to ry a 'buzaing
rnachinc' i! thc first ptacc. Ho* do you respoDd:

t"r.,,tr tFr

.t1\t \
.8. .You arc rc-tcaiuisg gait wirl an emputarcd paticnl
glgE4-@ during thc stancc pbasc. wtry?

with ccccnuic lip flexion

7q to lmk tbc kneo
lsuid" lcnglb

;lt. This ,/V

9. You arc gving anpurccstuup cducatios ou @.
ilcludcs: .'-; a -. n\
-':.9': ';t:t-.:r-.' \ ,
sores s
*r-:-o '-=:;" niiaw<kr,rrt,
..*-'l-. t, -,-rJ,i!"L
ilspccting thc sbrry rvr
sv.rgsaf' yrv
\\J/ (1l -H^ktn8-eE- iltuqepJpu@-qqlgdlye' :rC
inspcctiug the snrmg f6g rdhcsions t.-
.,: ttort.. ; ,to{-{ ;:<,
,-r tJ'
washingthcstumpevcry&y r- ' r.. wt /)-

W ''h ' oJl
10. Skis carc for prcvcnting skiu irritarioo Tbc most imponanl rhing is: (,0alat I'{. -i 01*
ryTbcmostimponant$*g.Tt.^ , s o'f
{Cog orrr socks arc wirklc fuc \l 'X l'Jq
f1 , G i \ Tt+-L l-ott4i
taking carc to wcarGEprosthcsis
dOutremOvc r.nSOrSociS for nOrc thar, 20 rninulcS aJ,t4 ductu*
l1- An amputcc with point.tcndcrncss tiaelirg ro rbc rouc!. m$ suspcct?
and Og you O,lttr*,,
' Prcssurcoaan arca ! , V ,,//rt :+
. ,,..,, '8 n
dccreascdcirculatioo - r
trf.. (/ 5 .l's {
| . *}i,,i-,.c
^,-\ t 1'
^r;,. ytrl il^6 h tl
Lrou_a ew .. r r.t
l*tti,r' ua^4i*42vr f-s**-o-,5.
6eJ .. o\^1-J441<2,-r + tb.l''*'-,^
-\ f" *f"-*f-jq:;. .;
is bcing tcstcd fsl ssnstatioo . It is dccrcascd for pinpricli/*what '. -(.il( ij
'-gtfidoion islftaly'{ccreascd? '"-'l.r:;7"}',6 -a*.rQ-o
.: l..,L Iit,J
K 'r&*Fl'
d\ lishr.roucbo .,i) r ,, ^ V i,**.,#J

-*@'-{.-*6rn .l1rclrJo-+'-8"-) i'r^**.!,'!;r,'ta,"^r.l*,- -- -'

rv 4t' *r'^n]';il L;..I,fr*t t7
l\''l A I war old :' Er-.-
,--. Erb's
n. . , . ,A^4
Brachial Plexus inj,rry. s&ich mrscli group ir 6"t-] >-. r-.*J ' a&'<"'7'-'-*-

For th'ts saroe'boLy, which position sbould bc.cnco'raged?

D(ttio ,/ --
' i'
Faric'6r lrfefriakotatioa, and abduction i ..- j!--2.'1,r.
flerio\ gter.^al rotation, a-od-adductitm / F:f l,,.ir' .'r
yolc-c^rLrdatjarr, adductioa;
*:*-*'' qru cxtcnsion
and s^t'rnl(ru ,,.i
- ,ll_,..p,:.
--r' t_
"' ':'*:' {r''q ' +'J
.r - a-. :;r" t''' -

,^ o'h
i/\\ li'A
goticni ptrorsa! Dervc involvcmctrL T{hich arc.a bas dccrusd scasatioo? \t\
(a Ltftral a5pect {.th" lcg, dorsum of thc a[ib r.,1- ',.H*' ry s lc ' --'- ,'-'" ,f,f
6g,trr oftfict"g"t-g .:
Lh L- ''
-r'*did '=ElA.r(,qj.: , &,._,,,..rt. {<hn,,-!, ,.t ,r_;r\
axtor.i sr r<,roi ths fior, fh uUffi
-r-] v'-Y"'--F-
^ / 'tb' =+ e.*r^
Ap*ir,,rrrhatdo*iSexion*aooinvc-rsiou whichDcrycisinvolvcd?- T.nverlcrt
r .

r f-\'Q<'or-lratLrr'i5r'
?. _-t'
f.1.r,..*^o?,,9t' y -.5&'dt'
( so r*}/
sural 14rl^Hn.r*C)ru{enti0^lA.{-- \'
... :
" \ {ou arc , c-tcnsforpain.whic.bparancursd3rouurc?
U ''rsin3 . Fa,,ro+c.-4! T+.h1*
A\.'iq .

, _i1.) rq--r{orGh'b;fu
V +;':fr"t' )$c-tDti tss : ::l: lIff;r, -
.- --\'b+{f;n" - 2u--r-5. r'.q
efrvrsptrrJswrLrul reds
--- . t
L'r r^
\t '- + e Te{s . -' J f"t^ 3J ' ' :' O
':--n ( \ ,.t,
\ i LgJ;l*ft,ru...
,-#i .r:- \\
ttJ )
' 'l'

ll' .J(D
. "-:l;*
kn" .r*. rrr
..K ro,
_k- ' ^J+'"!
\ :

I8: Now you dccidc to apply{rcas forpaia.

which paramerers do you usc?
7eI50I{z \rirh a 50 ms pulsc wi&h L K
O )

19. When do yqu usc Teas witb aprcg!?nt


lq gincster
, 2d fnr.reser
\/ .,, 3d tiincstcr
[l.d*ioglabour i
20. Ar:ir year
with R.A. Whicb modaliry
,..., . _l- ";i,
doat you rxc?

5a7, +!ft-r+i+reF:'-*rotz i ptf'&' ac:r) L:n f*''

_\ r' t-zr&-,^+..t-...._(.tt..
"( _,il),.,?,,r;_,ii1:.
._s. 6E
Aparkinsons paticnt becomqs drowsy .**-
?t. during bcahcal what do you do?
/*'. * Re-ichedurc
{J'T: ?=-t
appoinment so &at hc is aot,so ^)
srecpy during Eeahc'* - J-
t)' to thc head nursc to scc if she knows
*lr, -iy uc carising a. arowsio*,

abort treatnccnts siucc it rcaily iso't
helpiag rhe paticnt t
R A paricothas
. Whst do you do? ,n**;Lo;r*;i

23- A p*,i"@D*iog Eca.hcnL you: !

'i I

{d' Bcgin CPRend aftcrafewmiautcs

bc.Fl eR1199tdigs ro gsdspita
all thc nrrniiffi-ou
ull thc tursing srarion

CPR aad stop otrcc you arc

too tircd

I rhc pcrsou vomiE 7
7' rlr pLct,-- ))-hi[,iJot '+O
5 t__,
l\ coi :
*r/ ' ., ,{,. v'1n-\rtt:
E"-*\t p6.r-= (,)-{ctonnfr7' A '." -

- ,v- a o Ai' A ai' -

* p" brood work-up.
zs. ABG's. you
*'ii ^
' -' rt rcads: pu&'oz4a{n :caz<;fr'
-- :5il i. ;
*"g3-_26iwt"tir cond.ition?
tbe ?-. (y
1='1i top with rcspirarory compcnsation
ReqpiraroTy acjdosis
,- t-r'''{"r". .'.,..rfJ., Y UC O *' ...
mctabouc aci{9sis with rpliretory .0oop.*ttioo / \ "^''_
- ), . .
.Y '---- ;Gd;;
':-- ' Tj
ir!\ r?t)
- 111
26. Apatient b&s colP. tffi;;e aascs arE as fouows: oz--g:&*p o2-'I0vo,3l of '
02vianasafprongs. Youdccidctoprocccdwithwhichteatmcnr-. .*- \or^, t**r.{\
' -:
-i thoracic mobiiity exerckes, dccp breathing excrciscs
:) &oracic oobiliry ercrcics. decp brcarhing-cxcrcics, and a moderatcly intensc L'/

,'' ,-' acrobicprogram \+ 5-.d. O, S .'

a 30 rdautcwalk prograni aa.d decp breating cxercises

*F* t


i 27. which' s*-sve sv gv

i-ostructions'do Jyou
vs give
sv tvs E,r s to
y ru padent rd/ttfl
a pilugut
4 with copD?
trl i-L,rrlJ
t_L,rrlJ I/ . /
i< ,r 5
'. \l,)1. "'"\
-. .\))
. F.Isomeric leg exercics --.iT--- 1 lJ

-9?cgqtrol-,cd:blryryd!0ovo t-*f.*ffi,,..;kplL--; - ,

\ WF'"1< I
and hold whilc doing rbc cfcrciscs r ff
'.-.t'-.> dont rrlk "-
r wbilc doing thc
dcscribc tbe curvc as:
'cr toL'
So**GEir"-nl \+ {t
29. You arc teachiq-g cxerciscs to prcgoant ladics You notico thx druing rhe pclvic tilt
cxcrciscs the ladics look as if rhcy arc bccomitg wha ds you aof
ryrtd X
Etimirrrtc thc pclvic tilt cxcrcies since no ooc likcs &sm X
substinrrc &c pclvicc tilt cxcrciscs with otber cxcrciscs gra.
ask the clrrs about tbc lack of notivation druing crcrciscs
--Agtscuss tlc cxcrciscs r:n"i .f"r.
\-/ i.

3-Q. h.,"Suaot womcn--which
cxerciscJj[out]ou do?
., E#;-4"1t rI
.-W -
'/ r',:
gE*P./ " F,huu $ttt';t
piiti.,,lr a'{ ,{ 6 Dtr.i, {?tctt'
q k &f
olo_r, t**q
kcE ( quuf w+e. ,)
you do?
?t epiilomy (prcgnant rvomcn)-which cxercisx dont

Crook lYing
& gsidc lYing rvith leg naisc
urho has jg5t had a surg:ry for
32- you wanr ro rcach ambulation with an elderly patietrt
but bas forgoten to put the weight
hip fracrure. The doctor has given an arder for PT
bearing satus in. You:

rcad the hospital manual for this procedure continue

fwait for to sPeak with the doctor
begin walking buc non-weight bearing'
dont walk'rith the client
,kj ataj erl't-
-lL {.J
i3.Paticnt felt 20 feet and aow has a fused calcan!?r-ral:,ularjt"
J:g*it"ar joint. r{hich moveme$t of the ankle/foot isliircd?
cal:aneocuboid jl a-nd
'l 'Y'; C., ,-'it.'-
j"' t T-""-! \1t"'-
.,l\\'J'\ 5r'

Dorsiflexion/pl anrar{lexion
pl antarfl exiorrli nversi on
gdrsiflerion/eve rsjon +
t{invers ion/cvclsio P>

'.-t+. Person witlr shouldcr instabiliry will show signs of aPPrc!9r-sinn with which
k '1.

a Abduction/external rotetion
adduction and inrernal rotadon
: flexionfinvcrsion
flexion/external rourion

35- ampuation (below knec). You aad doctor decidc to use a hip bracc

*? help witb sta!il$1S the joina

hclp wi& anbuladon
assist with rr,ould carc
4 incrcase weight bearing surface
36. Rcsuictivc lung diseasa $ftry is breatbilg ditriortr?

Incrcase in tbe secretiotu

{ecrcase in muco-ciliary movcmcnt
o 16eak musclcs of respiration , 1.
3?. Pncunotborax (targe); Wbat arc the signs? #( '
O lho ^f.V'
e-fTYPorcsou'ance I r'-f ,l^fn
ll .,*
r '! dullnxs on percussion ,'. Lr

ot shift of crachca

38. Ostcoporosis- you are cducating pacicnt about thc disease process and you cio not
.4t is a proccss of aging in all of rrs that starts at a young age :

it is a pmgressivc disease .
@ .can get bcner with eTcrcisc
cah conrol it with a daily prograst

{9. A pa1erit b*." burn on tbc antcrior aspect of the shin. You insruct the paticnt to:

see OT to gct a spint for the lowcr leg *)

@ i++l"fisllilii:.l*
*'..'LEi:t--'--:-:'1::J - i'.'-..,'-
rcst th9 t:glq_ g" t da:m tsgJ
-. . r*alk6 *uaft ioiiibfero--accfrfficEinnlffi -t. pain

41. A four msnth old child- What motor function is approlriate for &is agc group{'
l. t
Sit | \'.J
li, ''/
)t'alk . !;'
Utrota head up

4e A l0 rnonth old baby cxrcnds tbe head and b4ckwhcn bcing hcld by thc rnotber.
IVhat oositiou mavbdp this reflcx? t
The mother Ermiy srrppgrts tbe head
b S fint$-- t 7r+ r
,,fll a(l \
43. Deco*icate posture can bc repro{gccd by which posurc? 7N

/ Side lying to incrcase tlre ronic labyrinthe rsflex

/f tupinr ro-in"r..r. t!r" roni;" tablrrinth reficx 5 rull d
sidc lying to increasc the flcxor wirhdnwl reflcx
prone to increasc thc posirive support reflc,t

44- A baby is able tosupport himsclf on straight arms in 4 point kneeling when the head is
extended. This is what rcflex:
[Symmegic tonic n.ak i,-,., \i 'r. '
l- rssymetric tonic neck O
tonic labyrinthe rcflex
positive supporting reflex

45. Treatment for pain wirh an individuai wirh MS would NOT include wfuigh modalirv?

Ice d lud,
gl{ubbard Tank'

46. A ph-vsiotherapy assistant does something wrong. Who's fautt is it?

*1 YPt yriglber-"py assisrar r

ue mBliluoo
e the refcning physician

4?- A
!o1or at your hospial who has nevcr advocared laserrherap,v as being effective for
pain relief has produced a research papcr that concludes laser ineffective- You
decide to: ,-,{V "s
query the doctors rcsulg by doing a fgnal qucstion and answer in-service
ask dredocrorro qhow you afl nii rcs&Lfr s-tepby-step
jfy thattltc strdy is noc valid,because of rcscarchcr.biaF
qfdo a revicw ofrhe literarure including his snrdy


tL An Alzhcimcr patients has supraspinatus tcndinitis. You decide to usc which

modalicies: 'ry
6ice /
s heat ?
; ultrasofrdd
49. Wirar cxercises wouid you prescribc for a home-program?

f Active assisted
swing arms while waiking
0 isomeUic rcsisted mo ve.rncnts
isokinetic movernenrc

50. A padent wirh MS has foot drop. Which intenenrion would you prescribe:'

muscle stinulation of the dorsiflcxon

s 6
J,. psrson with lhoracic outlet experiencx pain after rest Why? .,.i-.r I i. _
-r 51. Ar.l&83$_{gX.Epa_+grisLgspgtrsg
,,.,;i,irirrr i--"\- ()
- )..
| ;r:'
l*: !
52. Thoracic oudet s_vndromc test wiU protiuce rvhich ryrnproms if posirive?>F

rDccrease in radial pulse

dcaoease in radial pulse and diz4foess
' incrcase in tbe strcngth of tlre pulse I

decrcase in strength of pulse but more rapid

53. I-ady has incrcased occk paia oniy aftcrpcriods of prolonged sitting or driving the
car. What is thc likcly explanadon of heispuptornsi

tension on thc C3 nerve root i \\.

tcnsion on the vertcbral artery _ \\tr;"
<t posural fault
s (+
I{. 'g/hrt nusclc groups arc bciag stretchcd?
f Upp"r ccrvical spine flexion, lowcr cervicat sprge exrerrion
uppcr ccrvical spine cxtcnsion, Iowcrccrviat spioe flcxion
uppcr ccrvical spinc cxtcnsion
uppcr cervical spint flcxion

JJ.What is thc bcst treacment forrhe lady?

srrcngrhening and s6ctching of thc appropriate muscle grouPs
'lposnrral corrcction
manipuladon of rhe involved segmenr of the cervical spine

1 SO. Would should be assessed first?

Signs of nerve root compression

. kvenebral
-sisns aner-v
of thoracic outlir
../ -
l6fcrgooomic work station

peron has a kne: fiexion contracrurc. What is t}rc appropriatc mobilizadonl

5?. .q,

Snall amofitude movement of patella on the tibia

large anrolirude movement of femurof tibia
/t Al amplirudc movement of tibia on fcmur anceriorly at end range
small amplihrde movemcnt of thc femur on the tibiaantcriorfy atend nnec

58- .{ spinat coni injured parient wi*t acomplete C6 injuq', \Wrich musci:s are

-'lti'-. l'Jlr-r-.t-.rrr<

L; lcvatorscap,- I - ? ...-
r-'fdagilragm ('..1-,rt rrJ''r'
.1r z---- |
-!'\-#7 -/ T, T t r_
-F.J i..;1-.:..r ;:)t.
rj,.,i ' tr'

Sg.. you are seeing a 9 ,vear old clienr but &e oother is present and is answering all of the
questious. You:

listcn to thc mother

try and look at thc boy for his answctlg discourage thc mo*rcr
ignore the boy
-s . telk to thc boy dircctly

:.s.-:- : : i"1 1 ,,

Physiothe rapy National Exarn

Pcae {
Pilot Questigrfs
whrclrzmovements are performed best in u {i"nt \yilh molor dyspraxia?
, V SIO\/rnOvg..nenlS
b. fast movernenls
c rnoderale rnovernenls
d varie^C speed
+F- =
2. Considerarionsjv'iren devetoping an aqtMty d-fogi.r for a patient with
' --;:,;i
6 r q/sfic fibrosis?
q"tr1','#i L"*Y ,'
(f ' Which lreairneiri vuoulcj ycu avoid in the rnapagement of a palient lal1rnpye_ma (lung
infection)" ., /
a-breaihinQexerciset{Tll : .
'. -,J
ambuJaiion'1r ._
: +

r2 --
u- aa

--=.. {- A young man has undergone a femoral ampt-rtation and wants to resume runnine. What
do yo.u tell him? -r' .,'-i - i. r .. .:
'i e''"1' i'r . -
b. iunnin=qGiiEaie ulceG on nifiec j :
ro run vnrh a hop t IU
G) he win r.1 luf .
t - 2 fji:t I
h?: on g',o
T:+ gilf.rlla*m a'relrEiii.Ji'4@lanr' rn e pat e

^ 'vru. F-*r.Ic? orrt lr3airf T".-ct, qE.{*..6-Tf
;ar L)(\tK r *f al hH j!.f hr,l
!) wr,at is rrEiosr probabte
a shorlened hip flexors "rp#"fi#l6?thise' - n -::-{ -

b. r*eak abdirrninals
,{ qr193-l',saf. musdes'*
--i. - -a_,=___o -g_.;, 6 ; r

!e9[-r:qteasqf ;

ThbptEnt wiil atso $rtsern *n a

hamstrings. l.fB-.-- _r\--.
(9 hamstrings, quadftoeps, ptgntii nexors
{Ft, !'!
6nip adOr:6tors. lTB, pfantar flexgrs . . .
ct. hip adductors. quadriceps
+ ,
- .:- ::it
r .tb

'ji: n
roSe 5
- y-fr:g. ' Whqn testrng the strenglh of this child. y5{would expect lo frnd deficits:
-'-b@try -z
' @ dislalty and symmetricalty
d dislallY and asYmmeirical!
1O Afler surgical release of a Dupt-ylren's contracture, a flexion conlracture of the PIP jotnt is
cornmgn. The'rationafe for use of heat and sirelching is: \
{connearre lissue plastic elongation I -.t- \
b. increasa{syncvial fluid production .F ::
c. connectiye tissue plastic deformalion$ j
d. altered siibt"n reflex .F S "..
.r 'g :..-
11. A 31-year-old fran had a diskeclomy at L4-5, T|rr*e months posi-op. he has pain in sifting
,. wilh the knee eiended and the spine flexed-.and wth a SLR of 6O"- Thetb are nc
,' derrnatoinaroi-myolornal deflcils Tne possible causes for these symptcrft are:
r' 3. Snsl+P svzelling '
i \@nerve rooi adhesions .:'
t c recurTeni disk herniation
\ /
i d. facet joint sYndrorne
: ::
r ?- His job is drM'ng and unloading a truck (hea1f lifling).
,1 the same jcf?
a. yes, small chance for anothet hemiation


, \Ld
put tongue depressor betr'veen teeth
| clear floor of objecls that they could iniure themselves on
t c. tum their head to the side to allot/ safn to drain ' :
d. let them rest or steep afrer the seizure -
)' '"'. -:
" ''-it$l:'1
':T . i-
-\r-=- rToiij,,,: , ,
.--.. . 1.'
G)+#;i-hls had a rniu-aivapb iepraittmedEiREf @rh*.parson tap ior sre_resir

.--i-i .,::.
ffi:. .iiQffiFffi1i:,r:':-]i; :"'':-+-'"-.'$.;*i; 1:- ;"'' " ;" i11 :f


:: Poq e
): iO yorr patient is a bq/wilh tole_range. What exercise
- \A,,ould yOu p-reSCn*?
, B- moderate run 6 mlnulEs. rest 60 seconds
b- fasl run
{ c/ slow run

't --
I \r
PcL< n {x:'Lw

'-'/ *---- =
20. 1 O-month-old bq/ wiih myelcmeningocele.
t' Education Priority for Parenls.
, .Mobility aid (i.9.- trirycle, lo,v vzheeled cart, etc.) : '--
tA,"-,..'' i: .'.i.
-2DA patient .^(--,
. -.,\t
_r\ \Z ' --'.-' has just had- a shoulder arthroplasty. What movernents should be arcided?
_ y EA V ii* \Z:
22.Your patient lras an oggggin'b sargglna. VYhich modality do you-g5g&LpAjnlelje?

gttrasound l 4.

-- -j -d ultraviolel l;ght i - -

26. \irhich exerciies rr=ulc you prescrile to this patient? ;.C-:g**i:1*-i 1t i':
-f- ( "ai7-:-i::F'y
2T.Provtde educalion for an amputee regarding bandaging. -post-op'inslnrtions and


''-..j s- J-.
' -\ ..7r-tc
-:^ '
\, ,/
' ''){ -..
tr .a'
( -n ro3e7
^"Lf' -j
ar.e rhe signs and symp(oms
of RSD? f, f']-', )l{
.2 t-

An insqla^sgreapany
Ents,_a. pa{ienr.s he_arlh records. who gives consent-2
33 w.n:lrUpu cq-q1mend shouid
?l fou lnrs an apra;<ic petreni?
yt' one slep
- b. hryosleo , i; _

, c three slep
,{gwrifien }.
F- +
-- : -+
-14. v/hicH mobirizdfion r+ourd you us ror a tneFflexion
I l i.J\lCg
t. l- c-cnrracrure
ti,lt j' ,\'i, :

,:i "_s_l
i ::!:! _ ,1,
l4- r' I\--/ X\ '. 6 I tt/

ff rr... yau15 lbr cou rr's_srgn i. pucherue nruscui:rr-dtdlsrpbs-,

Y a) Shortened Hip Fleiiors ---..i '.i'
I ii i rri i: 1,. t'f 'l i
'..-.t I i x- ;-!. Ui
b) Weak AMonrinals t , . .. N-i -.'i t'i
i-r I \'l- {''r-iii-''
r), Wcak calf :i:usclcs ,/
e gJd@
( hese are
*u.t.zr- a,lr/+ Lne, trx'[-.
I the optrons tltat were given. Btri th:rc is :r possib!!it-v that the
r.*" rhjs left out the correct answer. I feel Gorvv's sig:r is due to
3k f\nee C$enSOrS)

Wp rud,f* lrFL
!ii"e l!J 0d k F\ d vn 5t"'t'ro
Hip .{dcitrcrcrs, and QuadrlcJps
\-.--1--rv \'- . 1-1
,_znt _-
(I ' ^
LAgain though rhe opticn
opricn does not trai.i
hai.i it.
rt. i feelis
fts bt
betzuse of Hip Abducior
3. \\,hen ^vins the srrenglh of rhis child (3 1,ear old) _r.ou would exper-:l m find
j \A./ Pron'mailv andI svmmetrica.llv*
. .,, ,/
b) Pro-un-,alls and asymmetri,=ily f : -

c) Distally and sy'mmerically

d) Dstaiiy anci as1:nnmerricajiy , . : :. .:.:-j

-* -.-
.6 i'--'qier sGca release of Dupul-tr-enl!-ro-lt iflexi*r contracfure ofthe plp :;=i
jointi@?;, ""i*.,

d) altered $rtch reflex

., -*-.:-,..1
- :3E -,'-.
- t *.-.S
5. A 38-1'ear-old man had diskectomy at L4,Li, J p6nrhq post op, I
wr*:tn- eue4e4 spine flexd and d sil @{'ffi he has pain in
Slg i - ' '-j
der'atoratiilmvolp.rne deFcirs 1-h. p*ou"GEiGJ qd*G;
a), Post-op swelling ..
o t9{ N.rt. root oal".ioris t /- ---- i:
c) Recurrent disc adhesions
Q Facajointsyn&ome

vou advise hit'lt l0 sc

o His job is driving and unl,.:adiilgrruel. fitearl iifling) \\:oukJ
}( back to the same job?
a) chance for another henrtalton
Yes- sinct there is ottlv small
Uj v... since he is '-"oung ud so prognosis is
^i\-o- i;irr, h*u., liiiino .ould b. d.iti*'nt.l to th'
, *5' ion* o.riod. of
d) No- its too soon 10 deternrne tus prognosrs
t $at &y a 10 minute-reg sses-srnen! 20 minures of hot paclc -5
TreJment included r ,^ rr^.,, aarrr,
s rvirh 2 other perple' Horv ma']
nrio&.t of ultrasound ?.0 rnnuleS-of
:$ ::- ,,
for bilunftqrPoseib-'' the PT ?
'rii.)--'-. -*-.*{
t1'g --'';' J <-
a) 1 .^
W i.,
f!-rl 5 5
d)8 zo
rne by th. PT. charged'-CI 537'50i
f one unil coqfdereC

3. .Y
A oatieirt suffers from an epileptic seizure-
MTg tgttopl'' \\tat DONIT you do?

clobjecls qs! they

\JL'feLs rtrat Yv-'- pol.)Ut.
4:vJ eorrid injure thems elves v;'+hf
^4 Ct."r floor
L.lear MUr ul r----- '- /.
Turr ther head io the sidg to ailow saiira
io Crain | ';a ,4,
l,et them rest or sleep a-ter the seizur '/
risl gjtheu
9. A p"ri"lr lry lgg it-t} $l 'rtog
riril ths i-'=oi *{i fbr rhe-

recommanded for a pregnant womarl
\ ,:F' iql
12. .{ parienl r+11[ r]srlo{9!J9Er,!Pa- \l'hich nx,dalilr do 1'ou use ior pain reliel'l n
a) S$'D ,/
TEN5 -,"/
:;. r\ rnale runner ielt sirarp pain ln of hs calf. On assessment- he ha-. parn
What is the Rr
Als: RICE prtrtcr.'ol

l4 V,luch i',:pe of conmnnd,sh-iuid vou glve io anapr3-\]c) |rrrientl) \
- ./ '_' ," ,
V tf,1
G '-t One ster \-z/ ,/
- --- ---. ' -
b) Trvo step
c') Three step
d) \\:rinen

;\/ )4 ( i.7u'hen mobiiizine ribia )'ou use for a p_4!ient rvith knee flexion contractura
f,,/ on femur )
gKrs: -{nterior qlide o -t'b'a on -emur.u,,
,' 16.:4 7.1 ,vear old palieni urth pcs hip Whar ivould be the most usail aia-at
horne| ,/
'# Raisedtc,ilet seat V,/
b) Stool
, c) Obus forme support ;.

18. S$denr rvatches physiothaepig do a tearment Units should be recorded

a) bv Student ,.'
aUf bv phvsiotherapist V/
c) by s&denl and phlsiotherapi*
d) b-v physio ( but units doubled;
19. An eiderly man falls on shouider and has decreased secrsation Physician orders
S'*? for supraspinaurs tendoniiis. You slpuld
' a) Perforrn SWD
- ' b) .Pcr.frlrg,'S:-#D aed;lisr d* pfo'siciaa c.A#ei ;t
c) Have thmrly meder decide i*'he&er SWD shoul4be allou'ed
r # T.U Phvsician thd.iou do oot recomnend it ,/


- ?0. Which ptx:tion is besr lbr rrsrlrnertr ibr OA an.j RA

a) fle.rion
b) e.rrensior)
c) rnici-fle ::ion
21. If Vou are on a waler tllarrress. and are riit:d 30 ciegrees- what wouid a sacTirl sore
be due to

bf ntomenrurn
22. Baseball pia;,'er, dislocarec hs index PIP.- spiinted at 25 degrees of lle:i:on.

y[. 2])es methcd ro provide iracrion ro aileviate pain in the neck

a) nranual intermiaeni r.i 'l Lt ri.c''*"

J) (afv, .

- _!. .a \,:,_r | Jt,|qil,t ltnl''

r'f3;i.,gr:lcc1J 1.,.! t,
t'6j *..n""i"rr;ni.r*irr*r :ii'il

{: rttav. crnJ r'

vic Jr;e i6 t
b) finger extensors

c) UV light
d) Laser.

@Unt"r are &e signs of a

iat i"
:S *-'tL'

28. .i' baseball plever has a d.;rsai ciislocarion ol'his index plp. He hu becu
imrnqbiiized for 6 q'eeks ir: tle xion, on assessnrent
-vou find rhat ARo\1 =
PiAIt \\'hel would vou con!-lude as rhe limiring tacror?
oj ff .*r Oieirorun subiimes
u) Fle:<or digitorum profundus
d) Radial collareral liqamenr
29. What_PT R1 is contraind.icated for Flail c.hesr .
e"r, r.r"utri*iEu tori.eing.@lS:Utt,comprcsion" +
0r,.q chtldrut { hip_Wl rl_B-sr. w- o be b-ken?
v6., e."i't-q$ea1agd
)4,t?,^-l,A ,:-:'1
0' "
he to check fDr m$i-!a_lote. Lr pa:ients rvith gE_S
f)/l :^.:::t.}"y
a) \'1\{T
P/b) Refleres -.. :.ij:U J' r t;,lu-.-_,
c) ,{DL
,/:- d)
32..?7 Qradnplegic- t'iiile ri:aining for wiieei chair usagc, usiag the UBE u'hal
) r---{vould,you e\pect
a) HR to rise suddenli,

- j-J:.::;_y-

f4aT ,?"og3,,,,i i''i lb
(,$ . Cae,C-
wth COPD- with di{fercnt rrrlucs of plt pcoZ, po?, HCO3..
fatient cducation for home exs+rogntmmc... . . . . . ...
fp rrleryy ccnscnation
*-i*"td led breathing- .'
lL/ 1?
t D-r.L:^L- rL-. the
.L^ patient
2.PT thinks that --rr^-. r-
is ready to be discharged Pt says that he still w'ants to come for feu.more sittins. llt6r
should the PT do?
Give Rx for few more -cssions and then D/C
the pt.
the paticnt that the goais are achieved and therefore the Rx shor.rld not be ccntinued o
+ 3. Pt has low back pain She is sccrdarI.tUlt"t changes will you suggest a her*'orli place?
increase chair height .
Avoid ltAs crossing
., back lumbsr slpport +
:a CAIU)AL TL|N\EL S\TDROI{E:- pt *orks a lot on computer:::.
4. t*trat changes in ergonomics?
Rccline the chair
,!A"Fm $pport
lr{ake things easily rerchsble
-s. SymptomJsigns-
Tingling on dorsal aspea of hand and \+,erkncss of EpL
;. Tingling on dorsal espect of hand and *,ee}."ness of FpL
Tingiing on mediai aspec{ of hand ard weaknegs ofEpl
J[ngling on the brteral fingers and wc-a]cness of FpL----J
6J when she gocs back ro work, what u,otrld yo-u srggest?
Avoid going beck to sarne work
h Continue computer rvork and Etop whcn symptorns sppeaJ
',[r7{ternate computef, wo* wit'h olher tssh'
) ufiat *,iil you
. :. teach rhe patient?
t orearrn slretchtng
- -Activirv modifrcsion 1y4
Wrist strcng:thening c

8 what is the first th.rng thar the physio has to check before starting the tre.srment?
trvel of consciousncs$/
[tu6cle tone
9 colleague gives same rreatment to all thc patients with dtmporosis. \4Tut do you do?
\-dalk to thc colleapnre abnrt ajternate treitrrcnr
Do nothing Es peer review problem
Change the trestr*enl
10. you are treating a pdient of your colleague r,,,ho is on leave. pt brings an erticle regarding another Rx rnd asks
for that Rx Whaf do you do?
Continue with the same Rx without making chrnges in it
Change the Rx es per pdients uish
prR-eassess and then decide u'hich Rx would be best
!,lEcharge the pt
tl}) pt tells you that rhc has probtems remembering rhe timc of day for rhc ttuapy. What do
Te ll the nursing to kecA hcr oriented to time
Keep the thcrapY at thc same timc everyday and telt hcr to rernember the time at.thc same rime er.cryday end give her the rimings in wrinen c.
-r | 2 somcrhing regarding lateral shifr and postural deviation
I 3. For checking rhe pinprick sensation on thr affecred side, the pr
Pinprick the Bffected sid

-p,Explain the prccedure to th patient and thn fir:t dcmonstrare on thc unaJlbcred sidc
the pt to close the eyes and pinpric& the affetled limb
(14) pt has aphasia You try to teach him something by verbal commands. R drrcsn't follow Whar do you
:".{ -L

Stop treating the pt as k is useless to dea.l u.ith someonc not following the ccrnmands
Refer to a spoech tanguage pathologist
{n6t'e the commands in writing r
"- Cont""t the phl'sician to inform him abor-rt the diffio:irie s\-.,--.
"t FIBROhfYAI-GIA S\}{DROI\{E - A Middle agcd fcmale-
15. she is crying saying thst she csnt copc up witlr her problems" what do you do?
Console her
yAell her that her arr-riery is normal and tix she r+,ill bc able to cope up gradualiy
Jqlk to the famil;-
fl rr)
she is concerned that she would not be able io ecri,.'ely participate in her daughier's *'edding ner-t month. \\,hat
Vdo vou do?
Talk ro ihe famity and posrponed the r+cdding
e ralk to the femily and organise the w.e'dding el.t,tj so that she can participate fr

;aL{ate a list of her prioritie s and plan the gods accordingly to hclp her,e
IG not a physio's job ro deal u,ith such iss;es
(flhe multidisciplinart' team is involved lo malie slre lhst the patient is benefitted &om t-he programme for
-/fibrornyalSra For this reasorl'they har.e certain g6als and sctions. \Ytrich of thc following iinot consistcnt
with tlrem?
conduct a questionaire lo make s.rre thal. thc paiea is ok at home
pt is instructed to come for treatment oncc in a Frec& to see the progress .

E is provided c,,irh a horne exs programme..e ai

(8) *'list is the mosr eppropriate tres.:m:rrt for this patient? ) .
e !6me-exs pro8ramme rr.ith TENS t- .{
[{cat therapv for 3 times a werk at the cliric

l9 pain in calf with pain and su,,elling. W}at can ir be?
??(other sillv ontion^cll) .

;ff)ut**ing tLt the patient wilt b in the hospitrl for 5 days, u,hen should FT nrake discharge plans?
(y'Tn" rnrtr8l Ax ./ -,u f t.i L i-i.
u-\4Tren the <ioctor gives the order to Dic thc pt I
After sccing the pt for 2-3 sessions J
Q\the day of d/c
QjJ p, is PWB Primary goal behind giving *rlker ro the patienr is .

Increese lgteral stabitity

Incresse AP sebility t
L-S{riR some weight to the LrL.'
22 stairs - lor the same patient on crutches in Lt. Hand and holding on to the hsnd rail , which one is correct to
ascend the stairs?
Lr irg gdcs up first '
.r), Lcg goc-s up first w-
Crutch goes up first
2i with stairs;-lherapist should b guarding the patient from u'hich position *4ren rhe patient is gging'dolvn rhe
Sranding behind
'Sranding in fronl
Sranding behind and slightly on l_r. Sidc
Standing trrhind ind slightly on Rt Side

-.- , I l<
i I t\
?4. posterolateral appcorch. Rtrich position to avoid?


'Flex/ext rot
25 in crder to rnake sre tfut the pstient uss proprr hip precaurions, the PT should check thal the pt :

\.dises high chairs for traxfers

u ses prb per hei gtit-walkcr
uses cdne ofproper hdgit
26. pt is ambularing sbort distances now. utrat is the next goal?
--Toilet transfers
?? (scn-r', I canl remember the other options, but I can tell yorr that they u'ere really close ll)
71 height ofcene?
Upto greatcr troqhanter
Elbow 40* flexed
Upto A^SIS


28 is very deprersed and stsrl,s crying durin! therapy session. Then she teils you thatlex.t time she will to control
herself end her emotions. lA'har do you telt her?
She shculd r.ot do tlret .gein
lifler emotions are normel
lqneratty amputees do much better lhan persons with gher sal'erc problems
R9l trcst grcsition for !f{ (\^a.^-'+r i ^ -,;Juc^) .
- a-, --"
srpine lying
sitti ng
30. r+'ith the prosthesis PT k teaching the pt to get up &om the floor- Hou,should rhc pr do that?
ri "t
--plant normal fo<,1 bn floo* and then get balance on hands and proshesi s v-/
plant proshaic foot on ftroor and then get balance on hands end normal leg. -t'

Hang on to something rnd pull herself.

3l.utrich musclcs are piority for strengthcning? '
Hip-knec flex. f'vOi\-th. auvibr-<'\
ll"P f ert
\r'-Hipkner err.. | &i i""f t


FY+. lLlit\ Flt.r.t QPt '

32. which pert oftho grit r*'ill bc affected?

tae{ff -
st ike
Surng phase
Stance phase


t: develo.p the head control, *4rich is nor sppropriate?
Yv lsuBI strmull
-' Encourage head moverrrents
Sling to suport head in ncirmsl positioritl
14. which of the following are inappropriate to reduce spasticity?
-luAyi ck st ret c li:--z--
Sustained strelch
15 u,hich deformiries do you copmonly see?
Hrp add- ankle plantar{lexion .-

FU l, n.i.l]
it 'r\\t f r

Hip abd- ankle dorei{lcxion

36. q.iut do you do to zupport functional sctir,lties


Q,l what u'ould you do for improving tcr parn and posh*l insabirity?
Tropic.r.l icr
Tropical heat {r-
4lv -jydtotherapy r,,,ith warm warer(>30+ C)/ -'a
H-vdrotherapy with c-old water (< l0* C)cr'_
38. rvhat do you advise regarding exs
frequent intenats
keep going even though you feel tired
do the exs in the morning and before gdng tc *d y'
how *ill you teach a new task to the patiem?
QP p, has apraxia
c (rne step al a trme =-r-
Dernonstrating on yourself
- Verbal cues
Visual ctes
rA0\pt is living :-- - falls. Wjrar rvillycu do?
ar home, but has Fequcrrl
V'e r+,aixer \
. Transfer to the nursing home . r. , , -+- .

\Teach safery regarding prop'er ambulation and lransfers , +'

in h;;. seuing to mere r, *c. * iV
*xi::r:qs.i '""id
Hi(;faias possibi
Te.vcr)- concsned about how will he cope up ar home They ralkcd to you for an hour
$Zl'j i:itlr 1emu5
yesterday regarding ftat. rvhat do you do?
. Tell them thit its not your job to worry rbout thst , ,/
should tell the physicien about tlr + 'u/
iXferothern ro the Alzheimer's support tcan to help thcrn on 1
srr.rdcnt.gas frustrated and argrl'as she is teaching some exs ro rhis pt.
CpLlo nt-Tl 11
let PT student trcA t6at rt
\\,lrat do you do?

,, ;*.lk to her and tell her what to ;p"", sd what not from ,n Aizheimer,s pr. e
43. pr has difticulty in breathing. Why?
Sensory deficit : ,..
lr{uscle weakness -r'
4^1. nur-sing staff should turn thc patiern gver\,
2 hours!/-
J hours
4 hotrrs
5 hours
45 theparient'"assininginthtbedinclinedar45t. Younoticerednessoversacral area. lhcreasoncanbe
sneafing lorcs .
46 *.hat do you teach rhe patient?
Effective ccughing
Postural drainaSle
"*. "nd coughin{Vf/
ff\:-tro* oflen should the physio
Ei do sucrion?

-ft.qularly 2 hours
. When breath sounds decresse \r-
-\l?ren pt ftls more congestedo
48. how to tegch effective cougiring?
Take a deep brcath in rnd blow qrt
ie a deep breath ard contnct abdominals |/
)in particutaay this case, how witl you tea{coughing to reducc pain?
iport the rt eide with pillou'in sittingb,s-
Support aMomcn with pillow in sirting
- lC.couShing in lylng
-F9pf explains her about the adr.antages and imponsnce o[brcathing exs end coughing. Pt still refuses
to do them what should you do?
D/c the pt from physio +
Complain the nurses and doaor sbout the pt
Contact the multidisciplinary team if the patieni consistentJy refuses
70. *'hat do you need to kno*'before planning the d/c
family srpport available
,.p-fr-injury fu naional stetus
5l r*'hat should you know before getting t}rc patient out of the bcd?
Suengh oithe uninjurrxi ieg_
Visual Bccuracy


52. u*ral do you necd to knorx'before startirg tle exs programme?
7, 2Exercisc toleranc lctl-/
'z Pulmonarv function teg
-T, thc pt is expectd to tre on tbe treadrnill for I min. aRer 2 min, the paticnt says that he is dizzy'and is extremely
' hred \\hat do rou do?
Keep continuing to dcvclop crdurancc
Stop. la drc paticnt res and &cn tr-v again-
Stop. document 8nd la *rc patient go r
14 _r:*, d ocr'l rne nt and i nform thephys i ci a n.q--

Llfl-you are ambulating the patient. When do you contaci the physician? ( C i,-rr*- :^.t.*^).
_ Rise in systolic pressurcl2 l8Omm!g=-
f r) <\D.f
0 I
olr.^ , }Q/rnt'
( _tl1q_other 1$'o options were very siliy )
(*Sl ttt. PT keeps her Rt, Thumb on pt's PSIS and Lt. Thumb on 52. Theq Bs the pt flexes the hip and knee, rvhat
PSIS moves craniallv
-ip--r5t jt s rnoves caudally c
SI move s ?1??
( Sorr1,-as I cant reall this quesion very *.cll!l)
;+ RFqP
' values of pH. po2, dc given) pt has normat p[
@-i,n* r,n'ere and rest of alt is decreascd
i-----'--""-' ": O2 sat was norrnal. What
iithe patient's state?
Ityperventilated \


02 He has decreased ventilatory drive, The reason is
O2 s

'>+ffni-scsnduct -:,
*,x**:?'*ff , r;, : xi'Jh,*ilH:;j',:::x5*
-'-- r"J r'
n. se, s,.o *n o,T,
* Ffqng the parient to take e decision 6
TnJ",ot,is ot\nvise ok to walk es per the physician's orders lnspite of eneough explenations, pt refuses to
- smbuls.te utru should -you do?
Contaa the physician to lell the pt that he needs to ambulaie ,-a^
Contacr rhe family r,.l
Respect the patient's right of refusal inspite ofthe adverse results of nc,t ambulrting I

Leave the pr's room snd document that in the patient's chart o

60 hoe,should the patient's LL be positioned in supine lying?
LL adduaed upto nartral, knee exrended
LL aMucted l5*, knec ertended . u
Hip-kncc flexed to 90.' t'/
6l . forearm positioning?
Flex- zupination
. Ext _ *p.\L,
-frI r*tat does the physio look for into the cJrarr prior ro seeing the pt for assessment?
lr{otivation and self determination of p1
Family $pport
..-, Pre-burns limitarions qy'
Pt's occ.rpation

63. pt hss pain and inflammed small joints of hands. Whar do you give ?
paraffin *zx bath
hol psck

)9\-TEOAR.IHRIIIS- .l.dItv parienr very paintur oAknee joint sincc many years.
H) pt *'alks u'ith antalgic gait the phvsio hes taugh't the pt strengthcnini knee Roh,I and precaurions. wher
erse csn you suggest? "na
Go fior TKR
Bedrest |
-. .
o'A ggne(../
6-5 pt is given I cne ro:
increas base of support
-- relieve u'eight on qffeaed limb'\;'

66 pt a-sk-s you rhe use of ice when vou qivc it to him you say thar it reduces pain and
Increases both maabolism and musclc spasm
,Jt- )
deceresses both rnaabolism and muscte spasm \i,.'
...: - !
increases metabolism and decreases muscle
i 'i t'

CHONDROMALACIA PATELLAE .1 i r-Z',p.i fe. Llcr-s" pti. i- c':.--&

6? the pstient exhibits, ' "l i , l:-i:
crepirus and difiiarlty in ascending stain
''. . i dtL
i.r-.. lirt.-i.tLi I
.tL, (\!rL\v--
ct,. r r t' , ..r",L, :{
snt kner pain ]
s*,elling around thc knec
,r,,1-grepitus. rdropstellsr pain and difficulty in descending stairs

ereli-o FEMoRAT IAJN s t?,rDRoI{E

-) 68. patient crmplains of pain gening sggravated during which of the following?
Walkinq ;\
. -frobhgcd sitting J
'.59. u'hich programme to evoid?
\\'alk-run progrsrnme
., Steps - up doun programme V//'

ASTHL,{A- a young boy

70. on disc.harge, what tg include in homc plan and instruction?
s Rela-xation techniques f
pqstural Drainage
\z tn r^Att.a tha hrnnchnc-an
S*imming wilh frequent rest
.n6-L! ,,,1":^L ^L,,.i^ol o^, --- t -..f^1,, ^ramoarrvti
inte ,als tr
Continuous cycling
7?l-iv.'!i-rcb of the lbllc's:ing srlggesr-s xve..e blokege of airways? ,\
Wheezing :\
Bronchial sounds \i
Ifl! Inspiratory crackles

73. pt \l'ants to cortinue physical exs to mrintain his functionat ler,el \4'hich aaivity is lhe besl for him?
Walking .

g$*rlmming :

74. which deformhy in spine
'*./increase thoracic kyphosis and cervical lordosis
incresse lumber lordosis .r
decrease crrvic:l lordosis and increase thoracic kwhosis

-hr..x wCI s txc s PoNDyLTTIS

(T] what is rhe priority in physio{herapy?
Ysorry* I don't remember any options, but "mainlain or improve resp function' was definitely not one of the options,
all of ttiem *'ere regarding the RoM of cxlremitiesl!) | U { a r\^ t r..^[ c y
tjfFc rht oPFrcn tr
76 pt *ith angina. In rddirion to ches pair\ u.hich other symprom do you lmk for?
/.V.--Sfiorrness ofi brearh, *\aC\eL^-dr' _.J

-4A?rusuith#distal radius #. External


for phy'sio u'ith
fixalion is done. 5 days post-op(or ? days , I am not sure) , the patient comes
complains of stiffness end swelling around shoulder, fingers and elbow. ( I cannot remembr the

hJ ri Fc i-h c Iflir,m f { rJ .r/t-lr'fi:\bfy'

xast narre of the condition rnentioned , but it was ddnitelv not 'shoulder hend
srndromf ' or 'RSD'. I thinlr ir ?,rcs
--_. reg;ortal synd^rome!! N{ay be 'complex reglonsl syndiome'!l).
u'irat are the S/S suggesrive of this
(soq', obviously I don'r remember the options iitlcr;
. L& .,A' RS b ) lftn|.** t
,f\ pl
rf rs
?Tqlti:: of pein in calf zuddcnly *'hile jogging 2 days ago.
paintul. Whst csn the cause be?
Passive DF is painful and rcstricted Resistcd
Gastroc- 2. sprain
Fibular stress # X

74 Pt @mes to you and te'lls you that the P\\ts that she had yesterdal, was too hot. you ask physio
the aide and he
sals that the temp regutetory mechanism in p\\ts is not *ord4g
what do you do?
Ask the physio aide to messure temp everyday in the morning
Order a ncw rnachine
Talk to the manager lo order a new \r,s-t{ bath apparatus
the phvsio aide ro stop using the r.r,ar bath apparatus right a ri,a-y
79. what can a PTA do?
Prepare the homc exs programme
Dlc the pt
Change the Rx
.,att" a cold pack
has.chtonic long term pain associated *ith an old back injury *,hile
dlzuse, he has musq.rlar u'eakness and rveslness
lifting somerhing heavy. Associared *.ith
Doesn't do tire exs regulerly. uhat do do?
Revie*'the exs and frequency per dalr "oi
Dlc the pt t'
--pi{ the consequences to rhc pt
frl I
Jwhich of these is not a relevent symptom in this
' \{6rning case? '-\
stiffiress b \li
Pain with morr l
jtr I tJ
I mpaired fu ncr ional abilities n.-\

;f8z.Jin *.hich condilisn will you give flexion exs for t]rc back?
Ptrslerior disc prolapsc
Posterolstersl disc prolapsc
Central hrmiarion
.-,&pinat ,stenosis3
(''p yo":t t'.t: th:t a p{ is readf io go back lo x'ork afler few physio sessions, but the pt says that she is nor roo
.Tomfortable with rhar. she is stiil hesistant to resume her job. what
do you do?
''-4ell the pt that the anxiay is normal, but she will get ,i to graduaily with some changes in rvork ergonomics.{
Tell the pt that she can be at home for few rnore days and theiresume *,ork
Tell the pt that she has to go lo *,ork no mafter what happens
Continue few more physio sessions till the pt gains *nhd"n""


84' pt has emotionat disturbsnces-. one day u'hen yor: go to see the pr" he gets
Lea"'e the room ard reporr the incidence
angry st vou lvhat should you do?
toihe nurse arj prtyti*.n
Be srrict and take anntrol of lhe situation
Conrecl the family
,,.r-Atk the pt lhe reason for bcing angry s., rhat it can be avoided rrcx1 time -
-A'.tt. FIBRosts
(s.^:t:r:1_1*.0*'nt thar rhe baby is hard to feed Whar do yan de? .
Kerer to appropnate prolessional for guidance g i.,
:Ll\.r:-",, .)?.ii,.. v,clfr:.1 ij \ tt-
"i'.J, \ i: i.." -',,. ,.Y
n,',- t ..r,,'o'".i-,.
:"...-, l - ' '..'- ,)' ,' :' \" i r':''Lv^'
r'+l v.^ -.. .
l- 'i '- : ti,: , .r',,.. , .-.,-"--. .." tV, r, l;-. '- oiu,,,
f.t A 3 yr old child with Ossificaru lmperfecta what is the asseq-ssent you w-o$d

r) Primitive
perform on this child a) reflexes r 7
primitive reflexes c]^o-,+ aJli.hrn)
b) Activities of DailY living L-

n *Muscle Test
"d; nol,t
1 Reflex Sympathetic Dyshophy - Symptoms, Postioning, and PT Management
J. patient diagnosed with Active Tuberculosis, but the patient is still
not aware that
he is diagnosed with TB, while you see the patient ir the ICU with a mask and
gown thJpatient asks you why you are taking all this precautions you tell him,
*dit is standard Procedure
b) You ask him to ask his doctor
c) Ignore him

o i:;jili:ff :Tjll,"*o',
lacks end range of l0 degrees, what will the best modality to achieve this
a) Prone with weight on the ankle
!) Grade 3 mobs '
sp. c| End rangeisometrics
d) End range isotonic
, Vttr ndt 1^^"-l*
(C5,C6)- "i '
.,'i^ Y--"&* '
5. Erb's palsy
tb'w- -r)t I pli;!
6. Phalen'stesi
-' F;Ur*J-tlh 1t-?
7. Catpal Tunnel Syndrome, which muscle tendons aie most affected
-F)'--" "/^'t^ ED:-
\ Off
-'is * i{
the knee in thc prostbesis 5ie;i beiovr i'.lneo amputee, what
&q i;:rl*""r*"*1of
9. A patient using 3 ply socks, but still wobbling, what should be done
add anothersock
t k the prosthetist to change the prosthesis t/
c) Shengthen the quadricePs
d) Ignore / send to the d"qtol
? +&ro. o",ii",o*Iil,."ilil^")*ff'J
o*li",lflliHH H"":*I:;AJ ,rt
r I . Anterior com1p"^* syndromc of lowcr leg what will you expect to see while
\\ "' aiseg;iipg
igrpg the patient
--D v- &h""of sensation in the web space between gleat toe, and second digit .
EI t oss of extension olthegggt toe,--
lZ.6?year olil pilient wittr teft TK& complains of severe pain, over the calf
muscles, you touch the muscles its swollel,,Ipd 3gd_bg1'what could be the
possible cause
.af celluliti.
b) Sciatica radiating pain
13. Patient with GBS what is the easiest way to check for rnuscle tone
4tr MMT
b) Reflexes

14. GBS paticnt, what would be the initial plan of rearment - ,k r
cjj \A-q

to respiratory muscles, and gentrg passive pt2,\trN:'.'^ ('c!-' - '

\;-trveirents [ 5 ?t c;\r-\ Y' -
B) pay attention to respiratory muscles, respiratory muscles and
active-resisted exercises
4 *dffi[Iriril']xercises
puy att,ention to respirarory muscles,
15. An athelete received blow to the right anterior thigh, ana bh*ffirqrfAri""p.,in
the initiqltreatment what modality will you use.
bf*{eet and Ultrasound
c) SWD
16. Acute RA, what treatment is the best
a)SWD I r
b) Heatand Ulhasound fl
.of Ice ' *
() \i.,- d) Warm Whirlpool bath, and gentle active exs. *
dF 17. Y_ol notice deviation of MCP joint, what will you do to prevent radial deViation 'f
ofCarpometacarpaljoint \
gl} Splinting
b) Strengthening
c) Good Posture ''
I8) After acuie stage is over for MCP & Phaianges - - -; what will you do io improve
JROM :--r
a) Passive Movements & gentle overpressrire but within limits of pain
b) Grade III mobs
r-e) Active exercises and sberrgthening @
d) --
19) The most advanced motor devclopment of a 2-yr old
a) Walk independently
b) Walk indepeddenrly + cruise with both hands
-rf Desccnd ana asceni stairs
d) --
20) Auseultation sound for chronic Bronchiectasis? .Lt$ + .--JpL.
S- f*r -;'ru5tt'ffi,1
"l f,
^ .

2l) Reason why Emphysematous ehest has barell shape

-) -l <_- o-1,oon-",4, J !--- ( u,:-..,tt.
221 Apatient susrained communited fracture of the calcaneus Surgery
- consisted ,i# 7'
fusionrr ur
of talar
krrar ut.trlss,
bones, which
\vnrcn onc
one oI
of l"tlesg is contraindienr*r?
these ts\contralndlcgt 4\
a) Dorsiflexion and invcrsion -::" |
b) Plantarflexion and Eversion I
o/ Inversion and Eversion
Eversion /
e d) Subtalar joinr mobilization {,/

zl)C1euadriplegic, while training for using wheel chair usage, using rnr@*nu,
would you expect
a) HR to rise,suddenlY
g b) HR to drop suddenly
"r--) HR first rises, then remains plateau
d) No 6funnge in HR as sympathetic system does not work
24) A32 ycar old Truck, complains of chronic Low Back ache, when he comes for
treatment he touches you in an uncomfortable manner, what do you do?
\ a) Refuse to treat the Patient
( VJ Discuss the matter with the patient
.' c) Refer the matter to the referring Physician
d) lgnore and continue teating the patient
25) Patient says, on some days he feels much better, and then he does everthing but some
days are so bad,. You ask hirn to
a) Stay off activities totallY
b) Ask hirn to do everything as much as he can everyday
P/ nst him to Pfcg$lngs, and PIan ADL
d) To take rest totallY
26) Same patient after treatrnent plan is done wit\ you tell him and patient agrees that
back care is his responsibility, but he still wants to come back for teahnent because he
likes the environment what do you do?
a) just let him come for heat packs everyday
b) Reducc number of apPointments
ts\ Discuss matler and refuse snymore visif

3ll tT:fiHliif;ickness aum v4 /p*

rLL,+' n L^'J'-'1 <
29) What will prwent you from doingJROM in firll thickness burn
Eschar formation
b) c)'------,d)---
30) l8 year old boy sustained superficial tbickness burn to Rt ann, and full thickness to
back. He confidentially a&frits to you that he and his friends were drunk
a) Break the news to family /q A a*NLt'l ' e)
b) Discuss this with doctor
3l) Postural drainage for LeR lower lobes (basal segment) positioning
a) Prone lying hecl tipped to 300- 450
32) A l0 month old child you diagnosed with CP, and you have explained evcrything to
parents. The grandmother calls you and asks 1rcu what's wrong with the child what
what do you say
a) you cxplain cverything to grandrnother
b) ask Doctor
c) you will not tell her anything
.d| ask her to ask babies mother


33) On examination for Chmnic Bronchitis,

a) Hyper resonance on percussion
Lf Crackles
c) Bronchial Breath sounds
d) Wheezing
34) For chronic Asthma before beginning exercises, what would you give
a) Mucodilators
b) Saline Inhalation
Salbutamol Nebs
35) A l6-year-old basket ball player sustained inversion injury, X-rays were not taken,
what would be your initial treatment plan
gl Ice and Rest
b) Ultasound and Heat
c) SWD
d) Heat and Active Exercises
36) same patient wants to return to playing 3 days leter, what will yo:u tell her
a) Send her back to doctor
b/ Tell her you would reassess and then let her know
c) Give her lsn.tnge end let her play
d) Ask her not to go back playing that early
37) (Lt) THR, posterolateral incision (52 years ota; ir advised to be taught partial
weight bearing on Lt Hip and knee,
,vou give her a four point walke-r without whee!
a) improve lateral stability
b) to improve confidence of patient
*l to help bear nrore body *right on arms
38) THR 62-yar old lady has been exercising in Gym for past 3 days,
when you see her
next moming she says that her Anterior thigh is very pulnfrt. On assessment you
its mainly becausc of muscle soreness, Wtrat ao you a'of
a) ask her to tnke rest
b) tell her its muscle sorcness, and is expected, and continue exs
c) +rtL;*-nql lL
39) stess fracture of 3d metatarsal, how do you elicit pain?
40 ) What do you do for it-
gi ve-us
, l) Taping along metatarsal heads -l
i f b] Crepe bandage and non-weight bearing crurch walking till it heals
d) ! l uc.,L"Yr C
tPc^J K-l 13 P ta>'tt
4l) Non wcight bcaring cru{ch walking (Lt sidc) How to ascend stairs.2 4:<}- 1z*
Q,,TJV 42) Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, y; und"rstrnd that progress has pleatud what do
J r--r'J--
a) Refer him for home care pT
b) Ask him to come once a weck
4 Discoglinue all Rx and make patient understand
. S P<u {-r'c-, q clj- lrqrtt" t Fr't3
. l\L
5c.-a'rrct siF+i-aS 7 f-y (t,.fi<_
fos f'{ ye- I
43) A patient has severe Extensor spasm (bilateral), while prescribing for a wheelchair, 4P
on what ry&ct woutd you pay mu< attention -to"'t-t '-'c

v\ Ig/ *inT'J:"
uign back rest
i''{A Sau'J
r\ 1/J i'rrt
d) Deep sest oy'
44) Accupuncture TENS, what frequcncy ? I -i42 - b a-oi-|'""{'
L-ow Back pain, What Frequency ? ,f(t - ,'o
''t*' '
46) For Right TH& which of the following is the most important to be prescribed
1-apl;- 'Trqr
c/ High toilet sear
b) Wheel Chair
' s"^/&
c) Walker with wheels
d) Grabbars i .r
47) Continuation of Q a6) Why ? -L0-eu-4- -4Y-Fn'* b.f*

48) If a PTA burns a patient's skin, while giving heat pad whose fault is it
{ Physiotherapist's
@)Shared rcsponsibility of PT and PTA
\d/ Shared responsibility of Patient and PTA as patient did not tell you its
a9) While treating r 62 year old with Lt THR, which of the following duties can you
delegatetoaPTA? r jvl -,r,..^
a)f Safely mobitizin! ihe patient aiong the ward, following your inskuctions
b) Assessing MMT
c) Observing, correcting, or inshructing hansfer techniques
d) Prcscribing walkcr, and training her tq use walker
Test for l^etcral Meniscus tear
- rlcrl*tm.1\ {<X ,4rr},*
tSlUn RA, Boutinnerc deformitlr, what is the cause for$Tcutterrsior-of+IP? J
(J)Wnite assess.inga patient-with weak hip abductors, you qn to- bend his right leg,


.{7 5si; nnterioi

:":':a$itiiil: :il:il::: n:'l;l'" "0: l*:: ($"q
rrtohlull [gu*"r,t direc;ion -\J
53) Anterior Talofibular ligament arrests displacement
oiplacement in which direction

4\ #- "rr"J
a) Posterior b/Anterior
5a) While treating patient in ICU, patient suddenly, goes into Cardiac arres! what you do ,.?

<t Inform Nursing Staff, and continue CPR as per hospital guidclines
b) Stop Ra and wait till rest of the medical team arrives.
55) During a R, session, a patient refuses to be treated, what do you do
..)Stop and chart incident lt
b) Continue in a mild and gentle manner W
c) Try and pcrsuade hirn
? 4
( An.,o".t?,"lffin$*betes, 4
I/ !\ 56) is about to be discharged, shc con{ides inyou a,ra t"lts
you about her alcohol abuse problem, what do you dp
a) Keep it confidential
b) Discusg maner with family
g/ Refer to Physician d) Ark family if they are aware of a problem.

v-):---- ,EI

1. A 3 yr old chrld with Ossificans Imperrecta what is rhe assessment -vou would noi
oerfbrm on this child
O Pnmiiri'e re rleries
b) Activiiies of Daii., iir':ne
.zt <
vJ -vluscte lest
d) JRO\I

2, A patieni susiained communited iracrure oithe calcaneus - Surgery consisted of

fusion of talar bones, -which one oiihese rs conn-aindicated?
a) Dorsiflexion and inversion ..f
b) Plantarflexion and Eversion i ,-t i [u-\')f ' ''' '4
;l C hversion andEversion '- ,!..r',r]..:,' ,,1,, ,,,[rci.r{ j /
d) Subtalar joint mobtiization- 'L: )L\
rti' ' "
-i joint makes up the Subtalar joint, and at this
(As far as I understand the Talocalcaneal
joint Inversion and Eversion are the movements that occur. So which r.vould be the better
option, C or D, again I do not rernember if there were any more u'ords in the question
which would help us focus on a better answer. Because a firsion of talar bones have been
done, subtalar joint mobs rvould be the lasi oprion. but at the same time inversion and
eVefSiOn tOO iS gpnfraindine;arl t rrnr'3y jUSt n1. and giye an inpUt. )

3. 18 year old boy sustained superficial thickness burn io R-t arrn, and full thickness to
back. He confidentiaiiy admits to you ihai he and his h-iends were drunk
-.preakthe news to family
1bf Discuss this with doctor
c) Advice him about the adverse effecis of alcohol qonsrrrnnrinn
C d{ keep the news confidentiai
( The generai opinion about this question when i discussed ii with some, is that ihe
question does not say thai the boy is a regular aicoholic. just this one incident resulted in
an accident, so I was told that as a Practroner you do not have to be so concerned thai you
inform the family physician. plus to respect confidentiality of information this news
should not be broken to famiiy. So probably rhe option D shouid be best.

+. .{
10 month old child ;'ou diaenosed with CP. and you have explained everything to
parents. The grandmother cails you and asks vou whar's wrong with the child ivhat
wnat oo you say
a) you explain everything io grandmoiher
b) ask Doctor
/1 c) you will not tell her anything
A *{ ask her to ask babies mother
( 1 guess the answer is Option D, but I rvould like you to reconfirm)

5. ) A 16-year-old basket ball player sustained inversion inj,-,ry. X-rays were not taken,
after initiai treatment and then 3 days later. the patient wants to refurn to Basketball
playing. What rvould be your course of action
a) Send her back to docror
A f .[f Tell her you would reassess and then let her know
| ._/

c) Give her bandaqe anci let her pla,v
,-t \
u,, Ask her not to go back playing that earh

5. THR 62-,vear old lady has been erercising in G1,'m fbr Dast 3 davs. rvhen you see her
next morrung she sa.vs that her Anterior thigh is very painful. On assessment you finc
i+-.-^i-l-,il^^^--^^^r r -:
rnain.ry Decause of muscle -- ^
1rs soreness. \\&ai do you do?
e) ask her to iake rest
*f b) teil her irs muscle soreness. and its erpecred. and continue ers

7. Refler Sympathetic Dysircphy, _vou understand rhai nrno-raqc hrq L^r UU

nleefire.l '-\VlidL
rr4J pludLuLU, r^
you do?
a) Refer him for home care pT
b) Ask htm to come once a n eek
t gf Discontinue all R'X and make patient understand
d) Pror.'ide a live in nurse
8. A patient has severe Extensor spasm (bilaieral). rvhiie prescnbine for a rvheelchair,
,on what aspect rvould you pay max afrention
a V Secure Lap belr

? ^14 b) High
foot rest
Fligh back resr\.,.'
d) Deep seat
( This is a question that has been fiustrating rne rvrite trom the moment i rvrote ihe eram.
R'efenng ro the NPTE Sullii'an s-ride- o1'l rlersion. rhe same question is rhere, UurloAuf'
ihe question specifically sa."*s Back exiensor sDasn. So asain rhe focirq is hgttsl, ihs
correct answer given inNPTE guide ir oprion c, ililil l;;r,.,i
,,... whether I
missed out any n'otds when I was trf ing io replicare rhe questions 24 t{rs after writing
exam. I strongly suspect I have lefl out a word because just sal,ing ertensor spasm is
vague. . But in case the u'ording is exactly as showa above *,hat would you .hor-.

9. An elderly lady with Diabetes, is about to be clischareed. she confides in.u-ou and tells
vou about her alcohol abuse problem. rvhat do you do
a) Keep it confidenaai
b) Discuss mafter rvith familv
a 4 R.efer io Physicia T\
d) Ask family if they are aware of a probiem.

10.A patient with Pneumonia. who is in nospiral has sreen spurum. which one is more
imoonant to knorv in his trearment
tD lal Sputum Culture
b) Chest X-ray
c) -- - - (Invalid options)
L1 J- - -
be your course olaction as a PT?
e t Perinm t.reatment very consen ati\
eiy for ihe i-ear of any problem rhat may happen
e .Sl Explain io the patient about the harmtiii eff-ects oi aicohol
+ c) Send the patient lbr counselling 1r;'-
J- d) Discontinue'treatment, and wait u;til ihe adverse effects of alcohoi is not seen
anlmore' I'

'2 i'-'+'""v'!) '--:r-n-'*'--u

12. An 8 year old Dipiegic child is ready to so io schooi. He is very apprenhensive
because of his disabiliry, \&l-rat do you do
a) Explain to the staff, and the child's classmaies in school. about the disabled
b) Just explain to rhe staff
-( lpf Explain to the teacher rhat correct sitting can decrease the muscle tone, so she can take
' ' care of chiid in the
d) Explain to the child about proper sitting orocedures.

13. A 56 1,ear old parient with RA in hand. At trme of discharge, what home exercises can
be suggested to rhis pari.ent ior strensthening of her hand muscles?
j X/'Squeezing a ball'-/
b) resistive exercises for intrinsic muscles.
) c) Eccentric exercises for fingers
cil multi-ans-uiar isometncs erercies for finsers.

14. h an exercise ciass for presrani iadies, PT recoerize ihai rlr,c) \i:omen are not paying
attention, what rvould be your course oi action
a) Do not pay aftentlon
gi Given them rest
c) send them to their doctor
d) Tell them that if they do not exercise, rhey mrght need surgical intervention

15. Which one is less harmful in a disc herniated patient who js pregnant
E 4rc
b) Tractron
c) SWD
d) us

16. Dunng an exercise class for pregnant ladies, one of the participants wants your
permission to expiain/ narate a very displeasing incident (something related to delivery)
What w'ould be your course of action
a) Let her taik
b) Ignore her
P c) Tell her this is an exercise class, and such srory is inappropnate
C 9he can expiain after ciass
17. You are referred for Pool therapv, She cannot speak English, once the
a patient
exercise session commences, she rs afraid of what to do. What is your course olaction.
a) Push her
b) Use Gesture + Confiniring iouch
oalask fbr h-ansiator
c d) Deem this as a patient not rrt
for this krnd of therap_v ar all
l8' Patient A has oA' you send her ior pooi rherapy, but she
refuses to go because she
same time )'ou iemenber tlat il;;;;l;; ;J;,",iasis \&rat
a) ,vou ask B iishe agrees to tell pauenr
A about her.
b) 1"ou ask patienrA if she aq-rees to
teil patrent B about her.
S V-vou make trme ibr boih oith.- fo ineet
d) you teli and reassure Patient A b1' telling
her that there is another patient ivith psonasis
comrng for pool therapy

healthy person, rvho has hrstorv of

falls i$,ice, what s,ould be your best advrce
i:;" to
a) Give him a cane
b#f each him how to fall and h ow to stand up againu-'f
,S c) Gait training
d) Tr-v to teach him how'ro ieach for
supoort rvhire iarling

20.) ASIS, on both sides. are noi rer.ei wirich

one is not the reason,
a) Leg length discrepancy
b). SI _1oint hypomobilitr,
n *ly'SI joint hypennobiliry r-t )'-i\..4
i', C

S Congeniial SI joini rusjon

2i) Doctor requires a note about a patient, You are
not sure about the rules, r.vhat do you
do ( rhe docror is not the refemng Fhysician)
ll a) ralk to. ihe cioctor ihe ohone, do ror
{< ejr e a rvnnen noie
consuit with the lawyer oithe lacilin ioJruf-s
{ about this maner
,, fl l)o not gir-e any infoo

22) A27-year oid $'oman presens ,lirh a coiiinleiet

T-i0,Darapiegia. An exiensive
''vork up has iailed to reveal a speciiic_cause t-or her papiegra. Her physician
has a conr,'ersion distrder (Hysiericai earatfsis;
. During pr it
"lt fft;frt*:t"tn"'she
a) Postpone her rehab dlr she has had
adequate psycho.rogical counseihng
'! b) Insist tlus patient recosnize that she is malingering
and that it s,ill do her no good
o 'cT Treat thrs patient the same as af y o,n", pu,;.ir ,v;th parapiegia
d) use funcional Electricai stimuiation u,
u *.un, of demonsh-aiing to her that
nuscles funcrion iier
-. .,.....:j
" 'J :/
'. -/
-/ 11\ -{\ palient \viih
-r) -\myocrophic Lateral Sclerosis. *'hich muscie ,loes he need rhe mosi
for improving his balance in-uvalking
a) Hip Abducrors
uj uip Extensors
/7 K_nee
,f) Ertensors
d) Ankie Dorsiflexors
24) Rtght Trans. Tibia amputee wants to come rnto standinq, which leg cornes
,./-Left first
a) llght ''b)
15) cT,Quadriplegic doing *'heel chair e.rercises. his hean rhy-thm
&) Lncreases
b) Decreases
cj No change/
d) Takes time to chanse
26) A patient has had an ankle injury, he has been receiving 3 rveeks of physiorherapy,
stiil in standing his foot becomes eciematous. u,hat can be tire cause.
a) Loose body
b) Muscle .,veakness
I Undiagnosed #
27) ASIS on both sides are not ievel, which one is not rhe reason.
a) i eg length discrepancy
-, SI joinr hyper mobiiiry
c) SI joint hypo mobiliry
d) Congenital SI joint fusion
28) InRollingto sound side. muscles of rvhich sicie are facilitated. affecte.t nr clrnnn

29) A patieni rvith c6 Quadnplegia, should be instructed to initiallv rransfer with a

slidino hnerrl
__*.*, Jslng

4 Shoulder extensors and external rotators to lock elbow into extensron

b) Triceps, keeping the hands flexed io proiect renodesis gasp.
c) Pectoral rnuscles to stabilize elbow's. scapuiar depressois to tit tnx*
d) Serratus anterior to eievate h-unk s'iih shoulder extensors stabilizing.

30) Q 198, functional mobility ?

31) A patient has 5% burns , to prevent effects of immobiiization rvhat do vou
do -4
'od,re assisted Exs
b) passive Es
c) Ambulate the patient
d) Change the positon
(-i t \r
irl3uiul' 'rr ilul;l=rus' mi'ishai 'iue to
iali on Juisrrerci.ied ha.rd. Radial , \,vas
oalra,<ed- ar:on ri.zmase,J. ileural iube

' \\'liere.-t'cu t)bsin,e cha:lges :.n

sersor.; iisrtibutioir,)
,,-df arrrt forearm. rjoisat astrecr oi-the pain_ ihumb. ndex
ftiger and half of
ihe a:,:ccl: .ngci.
b) arin- tbreal:. jorsai aspeci ci ijre pahx_ iirile
frnger, ring finger ano
:niCr:le frnger
c) .... na_,!lar JSDecr cf ilie ;land
,rl .. - lalrriar aspecr oithe hand

2. Wbere _\'ou cbseii,e rnusci.: *,es.i,,iiess l

,, -.-...'7) biacl:-rr-'radiarrs.. -\ieLsor priiicis icngus. arconeus
i- -'' o-711-, 4;G;-i.-i')* ry,u,L:oy }-d;{,;

:lli -
ti' { il::".'.
E .$t -lte pai:enr
asks ..vhen i:is liand iL;:cllcn is going
io cLrlre back. you
'3 3i ie',:er enswer::
l). iess i_heli ,;ne r::oiith ,tlr.-u ma--;z+- - jr---i
g{ S-S ,vieks- \---;{, ,?".-i*42"")^. 7 ; -t --,,.a-t - '3 r*,i,;-
.$ incre:hen -;,.< n-.ron:t-s ,dt-,*{-;,u;- *,.-ilt--=- : _ -_{i,
1 ihr paiieli is ,,.,,c::::tg a spiii:i :(_-, Dj-_\,eni ivhat
:] i{risi J,..o;, :]t,,\, r:-..r.i
'- 4 ,.'. iisi ,.;l!, t,=r.-_., g.,;;

C,ii{,ir.4.1_ l'L \EL S.rFDeC,\ 1 _ (r_ (

, I
5 ihe inosi a-dbcie,:i rn,-scies:
i_rpc.oens pc:licis, abci,:ctor
ttii.icis .rre_",1_s __) /-o i|i
ii) ilexor caipl ra,traiis. abiucl;i pouicis
idducicr .Doi];cis, abductclr l.rgus
f igrri :::n,:t::

l. iFeien tesr ir,,ill callse pa:n ani:

- ringling
,j) curnhg
c ) itli'arbless

; lig15rj1, .:naigcs.
4 ,oyy aspect ciinuiab, -nde.x ani
o) mrcdle finger. rug fuger irser
.rnrdijle u'j<Lj
iJir. *l i";"
B. i.har do -vor.i mt-rsl LikeiY exptcl io
a) Ra1'ner:d"s Ph.enorrenon
b) &'actr-ue of --.alicular boiit
c) Dupu;'tren"s coniraaiuie
-s1to i'l'lis i-ri
ingei ilerrl r
9. This womaa ,joes ncr have a propei chaii at "'uc'ik.
r'\inai n"iil afi'ect the rnosr irer carpal *T
tunnel s;'rrdiom?
.d a chair'"uithoul arn resl
b) Iack olsit high regulation
c) back sulPorl to nigh
commr'rnis at distal
Voiieyball pia.ver ruptue,J iire nserrion oi lhe e\tenscl' drgitcrum
tve:lr spiurt to keip his frnger extended'
liralang of iris i'rcJex inger. He has Io

10. 'Whar to teach hi::rl

;d lrct to take ofr the -:Plhi ai al
b) ta-ke it offfor h,vgi.ene anti skin',nsp:crion onl1'
c) talce ii ulitbw tiines a ciai' ,'b: *::stcice rouiile
d) rvear the spiint at night and d irours duri:rg ihe da1'

\.li-l^.^: ic ine pr;jnai-y pu+cse Ji alr:.:.CiSgS

. ti iv;]al 5 .ho
1 --i. ]

;/ presenle tree tendcn gli.ting a:rd providE co[age]l remodeLing

b) gain fuIl RO\'i
c) decrease pain :nd '''i'eilLtS

i2. The p1.'*anis r.o par.ic,f.tre ll r,-.[evba]l conrpetition nexl week. W-lrat do you teli
a) his goal is i-rnreaijsiic- n.' can oni,v injureci nis lnger
bi his goal is realisrjc. he ;u:i iias io practice hariler
cl he <hoi.riC nor plav ibl ns);L 5 nonths
d) ..-r(J ;,*1-zt1 .-' '(k- :{-'->n 1 T*
fhe rviih ci:oniionaiacia pateI-il
l:1. \ltat do you expecr io see?
a) pa:rt in the anterior k:ree ald srveilrne
b) pain on tibial tubercle

:.'-l: :/
j.: -.j..i:JYd

' n\
ar ihe be ginnrng io reduce
parn? \' L g i'-'i
i.4. \\1iar shouid 'oe avoided
^a) \ 1.^ o+1in o
julutrurS rl.^
< \
{1'b) star.r clrmDuig ' / tYlaCl- -:* 1
l ,'
_: ".r

-*-r11 a problem?
i 5. Klee pfoblem: torn
coionar)' liganenrura' \\'trat

a) iibiofibuiar shaft
- fibuiar head
{ c\ meriscus instabuit-v
o) iaterai ifftabiiity

,i l6 rvith RA' \Vhat is conrrainCicated?

- -,t 1 I ',-.o. bov
^ \

v /K\
ul TIq
ci) S.N '{J"
i7. IFwhat do ,You chqose
to decrease patn'1
, u{ L0- 100 - ^ '*r----'-t ,

Sr.-10-r';o - '-'-..i- i ''l '* .

-2\d 50-# So--zD.;'riN)


i 8. IFOcontraindicatjons
tqcture -bt
, a) , healing
metal imPlant-s ( . il-,

i 9. Hign rate.convenrional TENS

a a) i-4PPs
c) 1-i000
d) >1000

20. Acupuncture TENS '^ r- : )i

casi iemovei i ou cbsen'e $'eak toe exiension
, j . Disral fracture of ribia. .{fier
This can result in:
tbot during srvhg Phase

do vou place electrodes?

12. You use FES for dorsifleror re-educaiion. \\'here
d-"p'p..o"nal nerve and moioi point oiiibia[s anierior inuScle
.': -4bi above
close io origin and irsenicn oltibialis anterior

23. Woman with fibromialgia' """"1?'/?

,5ti2a to prevent shoulder subluiation'
l-eft CVA. You advice ihe pt. to rvear a,' arm sling
,, -; j The pt. arrives lbr next PT session rvithcui the sling'
You iead in the raport that
'\3" *ror", " To much trouble io put the arm sLing o' '' W'-!rat should you do?
"*r;ng "i;- to the nursing aide expiaining rhe pupose of ihe ann sling and consequences
a) talk j
a'-- -:'-z
b) ::;#:fffJ:ior of nursing staff and propose in-sen'ice abcut positioning and

splinting in CVA
c) yoo urk n rrsing aide to explain his sraiement clearil'.
fr talk to ihe pt.

25. In rvhich direciion the arrn is nosr likel-v to subluxaie"

*H anterior inferior '
b) anterior suPerior
c) posierior inferior
d) posterior suPerior

26. The pt. afler ot recurrent anrerior subluxarion of the shoulder' lle had surgery to
shofien capsuia. What cornbined movement must be rnitially avoided?
,, .{ abdaction i extemal rot.
b) addaction / internal rot.

A This pi. developed limitation in abdaction above 90*. \\'hat do 1'ou obsen'e in
a) scapula dePression

., 2 ffiX*: *'J:t::l"ion resrriction - ;-.;"-o '*' '*x- \


28. \!hat dtecrion -v*ou choose 16 rlsfilize humerus head to increase abduction?
*-a)- inferior
bl superior
c) anterior d) Posterior

.J. \\trai *,q +.he 'oest aerobic 4UL:III} ior a'cc-v lvith astn-\a? \
A/ !.lvurq
I 4 ^.,r]rno

inr nanei hreeihinr

luI Pcr!u . \\
\{ant 10:
30. You teach hirn puresed lip breaihing ' You
3) slou'inspiraiicn
tv$ slow exPiration
rceful insPiration
i) iasr exPiration
to see?t
31 . The pr. *irh ferv vears of Parkimon''s disease,** . *hat )'ou expect
=.. t$ brad-vkrnesia' tremor
b) chorea, tremor
c) ataxia, chorea

this pt'l
3?. \\tat chzurges in gait partem wril ieport PT assjstant af;er walking
a) wide base of support' unseady gait
4fr legs close logether, no al-In Inovement " L:' t--- l": 4'- \

c) ata-xic gait
l) :xcessive arm s*i,ng.
l-:. V"'l:rch gait exercise is.mos'. fpprooriatc;br ihis ptl =-t
, \Ff stepprng orer cbjects \z' f:
S neel io toes gaii

i-1You '-^- to
).- " .rvant -- Drevent
r- puimonary complication. \!hat do -vou teach rhe pt?
t-4 diaphra gmatic breathing, lateral expansio n (r*f,L*.'rL*\ Y,\ , b,-*l a*'t'<t'"^z*)
b) activatrnc urspiratory muscles

15. Parki.son disease. Best exercise: .-T- ,'- L^ \

, m'^- ^-^-- /'.'d Ltu
tfunK lolallon
Ve trunk
y. acri','e,'assisrive
,a.Y rotaiion mUYcIiieilLS i u'-1:r*;'-'^ ,* ^*\ )

-16. ?/\\''hich of the can PT assistant do?

4 put ice pack
b) re-evaluate the pt
c) make changes in exercise prograrri
37. \\'hai duiy car vcu reibi lo PT assista-nt?
- -a'
assisied \,\'aikinq
bj checking onhoic firting
c) rwiring a discharEe nore

38. Preqnanr rvom'an- 3 irirnest-er. she has 1snail <^ds:lreadv. \'ou otrserve hcrease
lordosrs. \lhat else you expeci to noiice'l ; i< ! -t^ ii -t +L , L.n,L-. :n 3 S -
b) retraCted SCapUla-. . . . iL''tl'* ' , '\ ,- ''-r* '' ; i'-1 pv' "'-i-] r-'zi '
/ hr,-tr.".r.renrie6j
^e{ lrJ Ylr u'\ rurluL knees

39. She works part time as a bank teiier. \\hat 1,-ou teach irer to refieve her sacroi]iac ioin
r) li*ino ter-hni,
bf posture correction in sirring, sr:ndng. sleeping
c) resting supine n'irh her legs eler,ared. hips and krees lexed a0*

10. The pt. comes to -\'our ciinic rviih knee pain. He aiso complain of sudden weight
ioss, iatigue and appetiie loss in last 3 monrhs . \vhat l/ou suspect?
^\ r\A
at un
,Fl bone metastasis

:11. Truck driver vo lorv back pain aggravateci by iong peliod of_ sitturs. [fting FIe
- '_-_"_5r is on
'*orkers compensation. You managed to decrease pain. and nf y.
ic rooy'-,
lv ^^-";r,rg 1i_.,a
exercise program at home. You discuss a ,iischarEe program rviih him. Iie teils
)'ou he
does not fbei readv to go back to w-ork, he .,vouid lke 3 more rveeks of PT. What do you
-/ planed. and expiain that lorv back care and IfE is
resnonsihie pgqr
b) you allow liim 3 more lveeks olPT to ensure lire achieved ler.el of prosress.
c) You discharge him , he rvanrs ro abuse the s1..sten
c) You ]ei him continue PT as 3 ;nore rveeks are concerned bv insurance

4?- Wtren do y,ou start ro prepare the discharqe plan anC teach pt home exercise program?
a) I iveek berbre discharge ./
*-5T on the first visit ,.___--/
c) 3 rveeks before disbharge
ci) lasr ciay betbre discharqe
43. Pt- ur acute care. PT fbr 5 davs. When do you siart pla.uring discharge and prepare
discharge prograrn
a) as early as rhe fust day
b) after 2-3 da,vs of treatment
;') afier assessment ci) on ihe lasi day

44. 46 y.o. womerL 1o,r obsen'e ercessive cen'rce-i lorciosis. ioryar-i head posture
cajr 16 he comcianis oiheadache and risual disturbaaces'
the nairr csuse of her proDleITl/
'\.}-t:t is
a) cen'ical radiculcpathY
,-i H jrcorrect f,osi-Llre'nzloits-. l'
cl cen'rcal iiln. sDasm
d) irer:riaied cen'ical disc
J5. -\ier ierv PT sessions the srmproir--s decresse but s:re coi:,ple-:ils- she is not abie to
ieai or watch TV for as iong as she rvishes. \\hat oo -uou adrtce her?
a) her acrir,ities should be reciuced as init Dromoie indirecr Dcsture
-rvhjle rhis activities and inreract
{il she should consciousiy self coi-rect her posi'r:;e
i iclg peiiods Ur
1UU3 ijirutl5 sining wiih
of )1LLX15 active lfvqu
\1 llli alrllw exercises. .. n',&.,1
neck !.1urvDvJ'
heaC livs\
c) \^\\.^ tI r.
,^..0\d-- ,-l
A\v L1,5
,i !
5. -What
.i5. contraindication to traction?
'What is contraindicationio
')'" V\l
VX .. ol fl""
:) hemiated
herniaied disc SK
SK 1'* '-' g*
'J Uil
b) fccet joints .....v'J[,
., e \ qnnnrr'lnlicthe
,r_.-.:- ^_.-_,-^jsrs '/^' l!
-:- .a.J
7 V, , r r^

77. You ask PT assistar:t to put ho'.-pack on pt 1ou, back. The pt experience burns. Who
is iegally responsible?
a) PT assisrant
4 You
c) Patienr

+8. You perfonn passive stretching to ihe pt i<nees. He.,vanrs vou ro stop immediately.
You ieil hm I more stietches are necessan' anci conrhue treatment. What can you be
lcoe il'., :cr-r rced nrl
t* wf assauli and bar"iery
nr ) ^1 '. :--") -'' '^-
c) ..1..:' r.r-') .

.i9. ln ihe nursing home. Your ot requues :e-evaluaiion. You are r-rnable to periorm
re-evaluation at this time as you are busy- evaluaring a lew pt. \\hat do vou do?
a) senC PT assistanr,to do ie-eva-luation for you
* f send PT assistani.lg lerforia exercise rouiine wirh the nr :nd wnrr 14rill arrive as
soon as possible {br rb-eva-h:arion
c) You skip the PT session
:il ,- - Lr^ .rn+ac .:Thi.
? 50. The pt does not iollow l{ome -^-.r^-r He states
Exercise Program .vou recornriel}ded.
' will not do any good a-nlnvay"' What cio you do?
.ug -rploir..u.g.1i" ttrJ profits and importance of i{EP, but -vou teli him it is his
b) ),'ou are not goiltg to continue PT unless he sticks io HEP

51. Tuberculosis R upper iobTv-wlaEq see on the X-ray?

.r^d .fu-spuc"s densiti.s I (?-i ",,
5) inrutratlon
^\ .-.l-^.
^^1^;,,* tlcpoSltS

52. Pneumoihora:x- rvhat you hear on auscuitation ?

-;f absent or decreased breath ,ounal-,i *, rt re+r-.---tz-
' i '*{t--=''---
b) increased breath sounds
c) hronchial sounds.

53 Cvslis fibrosis- u'hat test coninn dx?

.a;-srveat test
h) snntnm studies
c ) X-iav

54. The pr wants to know ..vhv you have him periorm drainage and percussion few iimes
a dar'.)
af to remove excessive secretion
b) to increase iung ventilation

55. You verbalJv explain exercise io ihe oregnant woinen, she seems to have no ideahorv
to do ihem. Wtrat is 1'our approach to ieach her?
.af you demonstrute exerclse
b) video casselte
c) unitten instruction

56. The pt after coronaq' blpass, obese, sedenrary lifestyle. What do you teach him to
prevent puimo nary complications.
-{ effective cough breathing exercises---
b) drainage positions, percussion

57. Wi-iat you do before sraning exercise program ,

d submaximai GXT ,.
'woixloaci w".uid maiie
)5. \trfuch of the iol-lowing sings or slrnpioins nwiih increasng
','ntt sr,op this pt. erercise and contact his
il s1'stoiic BP e,reater tltetSmmHg

50. This pr is ready for ambularion. \\hile rvaiking he coi'npiains oid.vspnia anci fatigue-
\\&at do you do io ease the ambulaiion? .'i
* V/ oxy'g-n cylinder and mask
b) n'alker

61- Tne pt ,Coes not \\'ant to arnbuiate

* q:
ernlail eqain the ienefirs of ambuiarion 5ui:3sDect lis iecision
b) you insist on contj::,uing r.valking program

52. 4C l'.o. man backed io the lir barbeque feil anc burned 659/o oiiris bod-v: both anru.
back of his riunk and legs. Horv i.ou position his eiborv? li.
-al-:xre:rsio n and suprratio n
h\ e$'encion and rronaiion
j ) :le{rrri a:-rd sr:nt:fatiCn
d) ilexion znri nrnnaiion
53. The pt neeoed posrericr(knee grert. Idori,'.o posirion iris hree a,ier rhe graff. surgerv?
--q.,. -5{ extenSion --=--r-/'/

b) 10* flexion

5-4, 2"d oa,v post

r,vhar you
-,2 teach irim? *+ h..;i ,;.',,,
( ul sometric exercises
': -"u/'' 'l-:": 3 - t "i;--izi
-/+' b) active 'flexion-extension
--). J;,). .4rtgf,. , ..{ Lv.,3"L"*-e*i
65. 6 nomh oid girl. spastic quaddtleeie CP. \\;}at cio i'ou ieach parents to do?
a) suppon her back while sitturg .r
b) help her acrive a-Joinr kneeiing \ i i 'i
. f sunine?) \
head comrcl r ,n
* d) *. .l'vr-^-v>t.''4-
<^,56. 6 y'.o. boy, spasiic CP, LE"s more ailecred. \\hat delbrmii-v- do 1'ou try to preveni?
I i , -/'.
L ,j ,:. d"tnp addaction, plantar fle:iion

57. 80 y.o. woman after str-oke lives w'ith 80 y.o. husband. lfe is present w'irile ,vou teach
her transfers. I{e wAnts io heip and paniciraie. i\hat dovou do?
,*-o:fteach idm holv io safeiy help her
b) teach the pt and ignore him
c) give him r,r.r'itten instrucrions

' ^., ',58. 74 y.o. woman living home done, fei-ldouin a:rd broke her hip. She is going back
home. \!hat is important modification
if remove scattered rugs 6*-'r-4 5'"1-'Y '"'J
b) bright colors on staiis
c) change thick carpets to low carpets
,-J \

69. L hemiplegic pt, R. CVA. is able to roll io the R- sidelir'' indenenrih., qji 6n +ha a,'lno
of rhe bed (to the right). \!hat do you teach him ne\1?
VY rransfer to the chair and raised toiled -
70. SCI , L2. What is the most diffcult that he can nerfoirn?
.zl pick the object from the floor ,
b) reach and iock ihe wic 4
c) .... rv/c on the ramp
d) . . .. rv/c on the curb

71. He is able to ambuiate rvith:

a) AFO and crutches
b) AFO and canes
- /
K,\FO and forearm cruiches
jry HKAFO and ..Q{**+,..., -
72. SCI , C6 is independenr in ambularion using : n i

.kl w/c with propulsion aids m'_*-A ,J,-rv - TticT^ l*.r)&a /"*) t,\ ,

bj w/c with

,13. '*,hat mm. rvill stabiiize the eibc.* during rrarxibrs ro cornpensaie triceps fi:nciion?
latissimus dorsi
u i/ pcL LrJr au: m:'
', q{ shoulder extei:ral ror...-:.
d) shoulder inrenal iot

11. \l-oman rr'ith post-polio s1-ndro:ne. The best.,ra',,ro keen her f;t as lons as possibie:
pool p.ogtunl fr.qftEnt]est .,o *in *i=e overulork,

75. SCI . T10. .{1 of iollounng is correct ro teach him effective coughing EXEPT
a) farnil.'- member applJes pressure on lou'er aMomine to assist expiration
pt,irimself applies pressure
P$ provides inq'ard and upg'ald pressure. similar to Heirnlich maneuver
-> g,7$ Ft relaxes abdominal mm.

76. SCI . C6. \4'hat do you reach him r.virile coughing ?

-db) head and neck extension on inspirarion and flexion on expiraticn
" =+/

77. Complete paraplegic perfor,r-s mat exercises. Sudde::J;,he cornpiairs of headache.

oipiopia. Yor: observe hi:l sweathg, iiushing. what do
1,ou suipect? i , ;,,, \
o) |

78. You susDecr deep vein rhrombosis. \\'bat do

;*ou check? 'i--.,F.t.
^' rr^.'j
> h\
passire dorsiflLxion of the ank.le croduces pain in ihe
calf f*5;^-^.-.,,-..
\ l'-l

79. .{ii{. What do you teach to prevent contracture?

rrfl proneoositioning

80. BI(A. l{o*'to posirion ihe reg to avoici conrracture?

-> if'-zt htp exlensron, neutral rot. , knee exlensjon

8i. The pt c/o that he feels amnurate ieg. What do rou do?
;) explain ihis is noirnal and should go e\\'ar* efter some iime
b) refer him lbr psychological e.,'aluaiion

32. The pt rvith burns of flace. arms. and che st- You teach Lrim rvear:ng Dressure
garments for his hand. You explain:
4 it prevenrs edema and hlpenrophic scare

33. The pt does not to wear this gioves. FIe says " rhey make him fil-l hot and look ugly"
.ffi explain again benefits &om \vearlng garmenrs
b) he should'"t be concern about his appearance because it is aireadv chaneed

34- Kiee contusion. pt has lateral coilateral iig. torn. WtLich mm. must be strengthen
io prevent patellar subluxation
d ,zT iliotibial band
b) r,astus media'iY.V'

35- \\licir tnoventent rvi-ll asqravat: Ibe nrin ;ir,n erji"j n-ier:rscus tea:.1
: -*tr .'uigu. *,".;. .*";;i;;. I"F
vaigus stress. inrernal ror- \:'i
c) varus r,r.r., ;

d) "il"-;';;:-
varus stress, inrernal rot.

86. Leg discrepancy, R leg longer. What do you expect to see in the spine?
a) lumbar iordosis exaggerared
b) lumbar iordosis flattenei I
c) iumbar cur./e wirh convex on the R n ^-Atv-

, -aT iumbar curye rvith convex on the L

37.9 -v.o. boy with astma. \lhat do ,vou perform

1,-a) breathing exercises
b) percussion and drainage
c) vibration
d) breathing and percussion

88- The woman after mastectomy cries *'hen vou enter her room. She says she is
ashamed of her behavior and she understands she should be more
marure and ger
over but she can not get rig of thoughts about amputated part.
.you explain:
-aY tlvs is normai before she accommodate to ihe changes in her boc.v
b) c).....
,J - ,- !:srj}-u-r
of c-^- \,{/^D rFcr rlic
rcsulLr ;n'
fZ 3g.
- , a,l - --l-^-
Gamekeepers thus-ib- the rapture of the
ulnar coilaterai
^^:i^r6roi ::fi
1ig' ni;rl\l VILf lLJurLJ

'd lateral instabilitl'


oecrded your pt is reaoy tbr independent ambuiaiion

urirhout assjstance' He ls
90. you
your decision and hor*'?
nulsins home resident. \Viro do ytu have to ilfor'n abour
=-=.-;A-;ou rell rhe pt qinfonn nursing home staffabout yow decision
-;- -'zr
.. .W vnit cali lhe otnce ralK .^
-t ano' -^r1. -"-.i-n .'oF^oofdir,ator
io nLilsu]g sLilrl i and note ir in 1'our record
i'i vi -: "-

91. pt afier TBI. you corne for PT session. He is agiiaied, pulls hjs go'r:n up ferv times'
., V
w hat do vou oo {
a) you leave the roorn
b) you state ihe rules of behavior and you exTect irlrr to
behave appropriately

dc) vou soeak in a calm voice and try to get his ariention
still under
eva.iuation .vou see him
92. pt after (.-.) surgery. When vou come ior initial
iniuenctj oi*.Jtn.tia. He does aot respond to -voui ccuimend aopropiately
^ it is difficuit to asses him. \\'hat do you do?
W r 1 r
\'ou corne back ---1--- --^+L^^:^
*'hen anesthesia -+^-^,,'^-1.i-^
sioos rvorkng
:.u b) you asses idm as rveil as.vou carl and mol1' proper ileaifllen*L

93. Pt on beta-blockers. \\'hai you obsen,e non:.rcrng l{R rvhile exercise.?
a) increased FIR during rest and exercise
y,, b) hcreased HR cluring resr'but does nor rise a,jequatei-i-''virh exercise
H l{R is lorn' ciuriag rest but elevates ,iilth e-xercise
# HR is low during resr but lails to rise aiecuatei-v'*iih exercises

94. You come ro see a ne\ : pt. He siates -rhat bees are flalii:g above his head and snak:s
a-re hidden under rhe bed. R'.hat cio you exDeci io see il.l pt ]ax-
alcohoi abuse : 3; .,-i' ?,1;.,-,i'.'-.',r
b) depression
-z1 \
!^ i
-\ ,j.1

95' The elderl-v \4'orrlail a-fier hip surser Y.-- sbe ibl-i anci broke hel lup-rr '*ithcira-*r.-
low motivated ior PT. iler husband staies she changed ql.t :49 i.4-egi:53eit
What is the course ?
.47 rrst sign of ciepression
b) result of nricro-skokes
c) result ofanesthesia
l5 .'rlhai do you do 6to. 95)
a) call her ph,vsician
bJ tr.v ro motivaie her and invoi.ied
r,r pT
refer for os-vchological eraiuation

97. Ioniofo reze -n.rdrocortisin 1u1 r"^-,."|-u,*,,*--r.-{

-;fff}"us ,lfoda:with medication at rhe area io be rreated, catoda in some i:
r-l Fn ,"'-J Lui - c*-,{*J-- vt e ,-4<,},)--i-
i e-2-,4f,--,. uk .^* l;-L_.-_
60;'orJf[?]tR{. tr'ferararsarjoins of both ha-ncjs
"98 are s', red, hot.
9,@ iceci to,,veis
)r+- hot packs
c) US
ci) contrast barhs

--*99 then arms-

\tr"rren do you check sensarion,
i"l*-r1;4ffil":""'ved wiat are you
ifD) t-pP".ature- graphesresia
iJe.\or reile.x.
c) prhnitive reflexes, position proprioception
in i;;;

100' Iniant;f|"T::'.ls -- faiis :o gain rveighi.

.\,{other sal's ''rhe baby is diffcult ro feed,,
a)-........! ^
101' The pt o"
session' cioes not take
*Yo, does not fouow your instruction
PT t""outiy. r.u r"* irr"iir he does not change during
the rerter io the insurance his attitude
and they wrii srop sending
ffi#ff:d him checks. your
a) rrue- ,v*ou can do it
fi falJs-you can not do it
'\-t '*rons arsumen*o achieve positive
3] ::::::: reaction and motivatjon

102. hJp surgery, posterior

?r Itnotfer approach.
to adduct and cross the mrafine
What do you teach hrm?
I03. Aftef kaee
rerlacemeni. \\,har
comf,ieted? .{F.O!Ii,,ou expeci
/) \ lt
a) e;Gerxion
0*, fle.rlcn 90* -->\ i ,4t -
*s^U e.xiension 0", / '.r

n\ !e.g6n 1r6* \
i-*t ii- r \__r i_, \-,/
j o-4 Pt *':th I o r
anc o'{ i\rat do .}iou,ecoii.lmencied
3, *:i;*ifi:i',$!aur ?

:] :in'* Prosrarr

105.. For best

result of.stierching .,i,hat
str-ercres. bouncine is besr
A ,1::k
stretch (36 sec.
;i l"'l: :.::::ted ). ser of i 0 repeared
-r .x dar,.. { t ,,<2,"t-".^ ; rr,r ,' l\
i (f-'j
J06. SCI. L:
*:Oulares rinr

l';z ;;;:'q :TT3'

.A*cn ;.^n*
;, -&-".111;T

'HUfl,H:* -:ilH
l? IT,*iil
:1,1: { gs ri rt gait

0) :,-;,-
' L:'- -? 2 ,e"-*
*n rA __<,,,


107,, you e-):ar

ihe pr sacroilja
,,nor.,,'.,q1,,_,;;i;,-,-"''r,*;;*:.i,,""".1ni_;; e pcsienor
to ;:.:::_:
-"'r !-r! Pi ,; superior
lle.\ n:s hip. you
. r) ,... oleaithy.person: obsen-e h.
--+-+ ;; * lupported side
z_alJ_"_,_b-rt _

, -*$',-/\ -,r- f'.- i, r.^,

I \A
-.v- .! \ ;- ) .'t-.r
J'"J - --:1\ atu-x

'.. -i - i1 i =-<
\ .tl^ '* :1.\.
rV\- . -'-.1-2"-.Jl
I ;

,)+-<+ .I
--* 1^, ._v'-{ < +/

I .-.-*-i'_ .j,__.-_ ,-
,i,-''5 \ -'-i:^,
ttr a patient wtth qrsuc fibrosis? Q wb, ea<'tij-
2 *"-dln7ilI[7*iiii ii*-;'r'Aoiu,1l, ti:il, :
considerations.when developkrgslaglMty,ProglST .

3 wnich treatment ,jhturo you avoid in fne inanagement d a patient with ernp'yelTallung
Prro {r- Ftnrldl {i2',ftl
infection)? ,. r\/
a. breathing exerdses
u/b. ambulalion
d'? rI
A young mari has unddrgone a femoral ampuiation ar6
4 ffnts
do 1ou tell him? / \
a. he,#ill be able to resume running /
b. runnlng willcreate ulcerson his legt '
G. h.will have td run with a'hoP

5 A patient has chondromalacia patella with a tiOh!lateratretinaculur*

- a 'caudad
b- cePhalad
q, laterallY
fP meotatry
@ meOi"t'rY '
{rom ' / \
6. Describe howa 3-year'old cttild wit'h Dtrchenne Mtttgtibt Q/t9tloptry'nould'mcrre
supine to standirg.
rolls onlo sirJe *'ffiffifu
Pushes uP into 4 Point kneeling
- extends legs
@ waks trands up legs until erec! (Go'trefs Sign)
7. What is the most proba$e explanation for this? X
a . shortencd htPflexors
'I b. weak abdominals
c weak call muscles
@ rveak hiP extensors * quofu*
g. This patibnt will also present vith a waddling; vdde'bFed:g1iL Thil can be erqlained
weakness of: .- 11b. i^p ]&x.,ludccrdo At 4onfnAd
a. hamstrirs. lTB...
b. harnstrinisi quaoricePs; plantar flexors
.c hip adduc{ors, ffB. dantar tlexors.
,\ l;rip sdduciors. quadriceps...
.".' . ,l::-r
d' P9t{$gg-1f-le:9l"ir9i,ftto'you\touro expect tt' rrrru u='!tv'r"'
($ pro:dm'lY*qli1yg11Y^ '- :'".-
E1 broximalty ard asymrnetricarV .L
c. distalfi and qmmetricallY
d distallY and asYmmetricallY
i" ?

a frexion contraclure of the

prp foint
ft1", surgicar rerease'(:a Dupr-ry{renis contracture,
-\-ro.mon. The rationiitefor use ofheat and-shetching is: 6 , i'
@ connecit* tlssue plastic elong?Jl9-na W ,
b increatq6o'iaittuid'produtilon V/
c. connectfue fi'ssue ptastic deformatlcn
d.' altered stretclt rellex

a diskectonry a! U4f' .qTu qronths Post{R

he has paln In sitting

1. A 3B.year-old man had

with.trr" r""J eJ.ila and the spine tlexed, ?nd
w.iur a-Suf of 60q- l.h?re a:? tro
p"""fuie causes for lhese'symptorns are:
derrnalom"r"or'ilifrJ-o"n"na.-Tr" ,^r ... _.,

d. facet jo'int slndrotne :'
(heavy tifting). wourd pu advise trirn to go back to
12. His iob is driving ano unroaoing.a truck
lhe sameiob?
. heg{bn
a. yesl sma$drance for'another .
;. iar. n" is young and tl, e progntxis 509{^:-^ rrorrimqnr:r rn
^^.,rx }ra detrimenta! to hiq
--.t ) @ no,r."g6riodi oFsitting'inl tn"n heivy lifririg coulcl be
' " d. no. it istoo smn to determine his prognosis
packsifuninutes of
(r\rro*en;tfiatfav included a $gpinuteJ:a:T-TeG' ?o Tlnut llt
-Jurtrasound. and 2o minutes or fercise with i:other peopre- Hilw manyunits are recbrded

in category |$ *raf fx
a1 '-
rt 3E e

Lr' s -
. : 7'
14. A pstlent suflers frorn an ep;ite$ic'seizure duing
rary' what don'tYou
.:--_-. do? - t' i

@ p"t to1+re !eg1es.1,r-S[-.11*,

-l ;;ile U o6;e"ts rhat they. could i1iur1 themselvesag
- -J- -u
i,1?ii[H.i"T',:"fiJiil:1y"ffi:"1il:JiJtHil'ffi"'4"a,'{ 0D'& c.rnt brrcla'uru
d. let them the sehure -
rest or sleep afrer
.!6ia.rn take
willthisgerson for the rest
15. A patient has trad a mitial valve replacemenL What drug ";}
their lde?
Ab anticoaglla nls'/
I c niitoglYcetine


Ynu r' q r-'.

is a 1Z-year'old' bcn/
rt 6, YOUr
patient ':
s,ould you Presciibe?
'a. moderate run 6 minutes'
.est 60 seconOs
I--' - |\ 0
Fgm:rtl" -J -aYr6''
\-/ ,:t^A for I pfegnant
lar a \rlfiftfatr nrh ro*
nfoflfldllt \.rrcqan..lh
k*r back.pain?
17. which standing
a. .*t"nii1ry:rtl1"^'*'
ff+!:iffifr1919*i ret r{orn time to
-r.; r -lornn sLie,el sut{Q'ti3u'41
time'?i t qeo6:stJb* #fT' il/
" ffi.w:ffir*+:, d* on x-ray (sun":*: f

(#. Patienti:::,ffi;
poinobr: _Ir g
-;1u"._*.- (..,not,
parienr with
1e. "nHS*:1HISFTTL, + B,

',x*5:5ffiLn'"n'r * o''*?*da
slrcru'|d be aioidedt{'"e
-- -r--hn'krhe .$'
r.:: #i:Jfif.;;;ffiastv' :::L ' ' I enic sarcoma whbh rn9fa$aovou
use for pain-re$ef?
2z-your patient has an \ )
* rt F
SWD e n 11- tgo{ CCr'r'^'-t
a: Iu','
,fulfgns' ' vdth
\''/- ' in the back-ot his calf' on
smenl,hehasparn a+e;ffiil::d' r'lfl'
23. A. ma!e-I runner
telt a sharp oain
resisted prfiiiriltoon'
r': Treahent3-r-+J:'
Jorsifiexion"* aciive a'd re'tJrsY
"no "t*l:
, i;ss"iv-e
24 Arnyotrophic lateral sclerosis?'? tt";lt"i"t srculd be:
tendnitis' frre
6;hn parient 5t
has supraspinatus
urf AEheimels
a.-ultrasound,..^ nf \\or^r\,"r""o-l
g'f {tc'v
dJaser'( v>rat- 0r '\v
E swo
d. uttraviolet ligftt
' thls Patient? '
nould you presl-'lribe'to
?6. Which ctions and XK
i.. .1 : ^-:e
tor an amPul'E ' Fgardrrg.bandaging':fiost'opinstru
27. Prwide education | - i (c'! 'f
positicinins. _ e;, r-. t,
.. , 6 f
C"c t
f ,J
les'ion (4 questions) W'
28. Right cerebralhemisphere

E mPhYsema,
(2 questions) and
shouldyo$ use to decrease Pain
o tco' Which initial
+K'i. trjffi,,.#""'. 1lo*f o N\
f. ')
'-'{'i*^"' u
i l. I.,i.\:.1 .-'r...0.1
_,- :'li ot"v'f: :

^. I
O.. '1
\. t.

) -j .
cJlro- 5in{J t
' .v eolftlq-irfriuLr<4 :lJtll9l(1(q itatr.t- I -",

(ellhoqette sign|
:atienl with chest cnnsollddtion' Wtrdt ii'G "n i+oY

Fatlent with chest consolidatlon'


. A patlent has iust tad a qhodder a{troplasV"

:..your pagent has an ostdagenlc saroil* whlc*lrrndalitrdnyotJ

use$Pain relieF: di r" .
' q ! 4' '.y+iurarr'
' ./b.a.swD
TENS *-i> o-{.or Cc.ntr *J
*e Fndh'p! it
r tif i- lt
:- he has pain vrith ,Y
t. A mate ru.,n"r fei.a sharp pain lrg tha;L"r.,oftti" *g:. '91 ,?ff::g1tj:I.
_+;'i;;il;;n ano icir'
fil=:f,!&W|w, .,,Fffir.
ragffi;tr','ff ###.F##J vi,* ).. T6t'-

i5. An {tzhelmels patient has'supra=d"Ffi"iinlu*

ff*. bu:/
{ The best treatmen[ nould

.#rrttrasound t - -:r r-Il-'w'a<

n r'-{*4.,,i^sr.
'' '
. - hz y;q? &t's{.u 'f
XeA .t **a**^ .
' k ["2' -;ffi\ff;
" &,= p;;:;^d ..
- etr.
d. ultraviolet lisht i y
you pr*t*i to thls patient?
26. which
"*slT.* lvourd
ffi,t{,r.1"4v_11ffig #;:
postop instructions tno4 o;?pry G/ "
27.peon;,de education for an amputee regarding
posilicining. X -d)r.ralcri- -,y,r,rtu4f.-t*6
ze. Emphysema (2 questionsf :ffj :ffi:#*ai, &i -c.ttt:*s,to*\ :/ l
shouldyou use io decrease pain and )
r3C. Colte's tracture and RSD. Wlic\initial treatment
: swefring? Gt; il *(4)
t,ltmt-t Rtcg *7*,*t*^'fv ' -t:,ff
tt a. arf,,i?(h.c4r
3 % j',_7:=*:
/s_ ,ny6'
| fun h4'a-7 ''k'!L
r4i dl s {l ig r'5: D r! trJ otl I lPtQltls vt , \\'ll r

. Afl ''Insurance ccmFnywants

r- t- a patlenfs heaittileccc. wno g';''.es eftsgtt? p+l
-',. c*'fr
-! i .^d! F
i ..
; * Caa.f ao r".rp.,_{r.t *F
. 9:y:.t^"! .4\ ?

! . d. writlen '? | ;
, tLj_cu
[\l:0.4. ,l {ro orrfc*"'i+ 4 ta*'n;} I

. .G* ,'9 ('^.,c

\ l-e )
'r*'Ylnott q+'tu'ft'
+@ '
, u+'YrM=
-o*uvt uar#'..r."-.)' $rtiYc\l-rts*7
'%' -4 ffiof^ti
x a$fi;'71.-'; 'c's
{' r&t) + lwrlho,i) y"lt'
*.9r^* srin{etp;tt,,c

t"to"t 'L"l

- t- - '

^,-;:1r -. -i:.t::ai
'- .' j

>'-cqtti tE i' iJtilrit!r: i

-u{ ut iui I o,: jia aaiiiil

-{^lenre3qe afrllnn- \,t/n!r ,v ii'a--
-t3if .:
3 TE * i:le*uiilni Gii,.=r
: ?t;:l-l':.1::,' ._')\..*
rit-nar;i^ ir^l - jL
Lvvl., r. i!_!1 r CUt : !.,

-Y r?\f
I dtPhairn rrin=i

-t,cii !Sr,leise efCn

-iongriudrlal ::ii
:.: r+r^
-wir:i: i:;.: .
' ,+J; -.i ,J
.-. .-r',,- - i:
-- -:':al i a a: |..* i-r-i.r .:ri i.!,- - .--- !, . ; -

vr r{* .v JtGi ( vr t:1il\J
,-,j (_uiilg uar!v ioi
ljllyslc - isi.; i=: ;ehal
> .j scho0!
-i e lef r.{i renaD SCIOO! ==<:_._ J

-i:m+ ]h:'sic il
7. l:ri:i cr* r/-u ieaah :ri?
-:.i' (-'r-lF' I-rOS;ii:'rljnE i.3 :eJ;;aSC
. -t iOile
i\.- v.
r:'i:i-k,:,;t; L^ ^
\,! i ;iui i vr'iii Oe qOne iit S r? -.__
-,.*n O'rOt CJi Se n SOf-y
9. Br..p,-
-ri rLrt ccpe iatinq ici- sl_rm; tarCa;ir:
--1 pl:i socks- r:;oLrLrjl,- pr-olieil?
.*Cr.'iS: - Shn'nker.S

,,u.y q,J
-hniri -i,- r;,rr r Gi i-,
iluu !l! rJaniaqs?*abovg xileg
,'i nr:n^a-.-
j w. iri :^;, pOSiUiA
-!Jiliti tr idCy_
r - -h;vpeiexiendecj
"i: painrer
knee ;r

_ 'CnGt_of:..1 n:nhlon
-roieiai.uff -t-i-
-s u prasprnaius iencjiniiis
i^^ r r rn
-t\_c ti.5
_Hor pack + TFhts
\ -14./ntcn aetirrities
?s Rx,
-F ile;r
-R abc
-R add

'l vvr;v;urelt3,
^-. -, -1- -.-.- _ uis-_ \nt LlDa!-lilQ 3){s.
-JJ ,!'cdr a- LX pi0'a!1Se +. Datn rn neck -:- igaiing habit_ Whai uvil! rrou sucoest
.4 v/\ .*r:ui
. ^ :lAC.-:aS,1 ;.\:,r .::inr,. - J''
-ilr'-c:ce rcini-i
.,*,i3.," e, --: ..'^^;-
r ? ri ',.iii i,r';,cr hr^, *^ - _ *a;- '.-
fqilr uqlt rrrvts iJrr rlc;Xlu{l Lii {tUli\.
- !u
-^,,;-^ !.v9 -.:,' J. -
, 3r{ ; !i1 il ict Ucui\

1l i=-

',:i3tr3il .? I+ai!i:g
m=i:i iL.'ill=ni
,]?tul ]l ,y
iS. I l''-t.-' * :.rci-i:a! ,.ili.1i--:O- - .Jl

- :ieceu:icns: clcues
_ !-._.:rrt.:: i\q\Jr::2.j::t- _i^1;_.-^'.
p,. i.;rv;q,,, glqLreler I
''n -3ar.a.r!-^ :-^^L -.L ^ _.
_qJs ^^;^
|/cii i_rqut i t--trt ti|LHJ

-seff n-.cb
| |
uuDir'ct +,.^-^l
^rrh;+^l iunr3l- see fcl; elbo,,..,
'18. hemi- siancc. lhase-
-\..,hich i-nusci* eoniracts .iis:? l

-'-i;;;";oJ. l?

-OD|]osfnfi ihic nnn+'
L ^ * ^l
-i ldt i!51
-.ii iih-ih._ iin:mc
.j_.. _:: :lS:i;i,:ij.
-q{ ir ii'*- iJic, -:-
-, i,-r,l-aor1-laiaceapaieiiae.
n ----r^*-:-- - -
o. ! : tt .-.

niea'iai gfiEe_frue 61j-'--c-anetg

74. aora:tp- rncii'r rn{inn'
*';l -noctr!ra
-v-oiuiic -n/-l sii
diiu -:*--irLile con-r!-i-,ii3

,I oiolet ' :
14i. -t^t^-t
hor.,, wll: you Rx I _.
,.. )
;'r: -rirriiinn
L. l r-l"pnasta:
r.rrr.;U C,lu n---^
-;1 rr.{;-i :-
^^- -- rnrun/
.:,:, iaulal ileive ineuroDraxial \.4rhen di ,l:.t i a-.,naai r=re,rr=n.?
| !v9,. ut y
-2-6 weeks
-6 monfhq- :l.nnciff
rv(r :.i-

2,1 hemi- sublux Which mor*i,;*,jli inci=ase smpuiei

/ :iited icl ! j1-:=_._jii:_,.F_-

.zji. i-aeiiloAhiiia_ \1/nich R"r: ._ _r \. i.-.\ .-

25 DVi*ticfia*,s slgnl hori.:rar's si.r
-.;, s!ni!a, r^
:inn rc ri-il--
;r-r;rS l--r-:- -, .r
ic _=:i:irslsi's sigi: in --
Li, rL rijuiratt:S
r;: .?fA-
' )7 -= .,.^^--
.:sceriii,g s'.ai.s_ i;ie; a;isi,s pcsiiic;
:_) -
- . \'c;rs JrC_ _'3.rr3iCp;_ilgnra;
-ucLii 'i,rr&ii(iilE
-'-siei;s cjjn:*inc
2oe. piegnant oaili lauicr_:each lt
-D;-oDei iiiirnc lechnitIe
Y -postural conection
29, chest mnsolidation: <:-:'
,_:increased breath sounds ? .t::l'

<iecteased breath ssnnds \ . i.,

-auscultation- conslant pdch cf sound
:.': '
-crackles . -..

/. k
-what will you see
-decrease chest expansion
30. TIA: no syrnptoms afier 24 hodrsi \l'!/trat can:.the pt.get again?
-'F stroke
31. TBf- chronic back,pain- S/S
- long iasting pain
.q-" moming stiffness
32. Rx of spasticity,{il,ts}
),r cryotherapy
-decreasedPaCo2'{ ------'H.J*IIJ ffi ?I
S:. COpn: *frit*i|| you s-ee if the pt is hyperventil aled'].k

-increased PaCO2' _ rL--t f ei{

-increase funstionalexp- Volume

-incease Vitalcapacig
-:,- i' ':' {"'

MultiPle Sclerssis
'i !

con{lrmed by
1, Whether disease has progressed or not is
Ct Sean
*{}t"g ycu want t?
ta discfrarge patient'
,. remrnision pedod. plateau has reaclqed
parientwantsr"*n!nu*.Wt,"r'*ittyJ;;;d;anoutihedischarge- exlectedi

3. antispasmaA6 Jrug= in MS tt*"t**nt whicfr side effecis are i

Tremors I

TMJ dYsfunctian 6 to 7 quastions . , Jl
4. How much ryning is considered nonnal
',Y, \
1 knuckle
2 knuckle
e 3 knuckle
4 knuckle
5. when paueniopens the rnouth, it deviates to
left This denoted
left hvpomobility right hyper mobility
CI rt hypomobility left hper mobility
to the distraciion and Sfction
6 how witt Vou'J'oLiii=ll The options were related
' of Pull-
TB infection \r,.1
Wash hands and use mask
Mask, gown,gloves',-
Gcwn, gloves
S CVA laR iiCe*. Difficulty in concentration- Howwillyou
dealwith the fqlfm
Avgld.duter' '
Diabetic foot 52 years old homeless lady
9. Reasons for ulceration
Envi ron rnental tacto rs
. UnhYgieniccanditions
10 I how does the foot aPPear?
.\,\V Weeping
ltfrth fissures
BK amputation.
11. the question was related to bandaging technique where will be
tc undersllnd ne
conre when it is intended to have good shlpe of the stump-
exactlneaning of ttre wordings they pul
Pf 20 degLree fiexion deformity at the knee joint'
,w^{ po you expect problems related to
FProsthetic fitingL---
J Cenire of gravis sttift
13.1 On eO yea; old male chronic disease wiih flexion deformity- ROM rt 5- 120
lt 15-110. wtren wili you plan discharge
-v I After first visit
JHatt waY through the treatment 1 :
e Lgst week
Last day of beat ment
14. Parkinsonism patient admitted to rehabiiiiaitotl r:erif ic. iitcieireru ;.tit, i;La:
problems. Cognitive functions on MMSE is near normalon sdmission. After 2'jfldays,
petient gets contused and agitated. What is the probable cause? t
Progress sf ihe disease
. e Relocaiion stresses
tg CVA due to brain surgery to remove tumor. Good recovery. 3 days poilop.
q ltage. You deeide to give assistive device for ambulation on discharge. Famill' penies,
hopeful for independentwalking. How will you deal ?
.,. r.
S Encourage famity's positive attitude and discharge with explanation to iSfe$
rj ,,..\f, '
management'',. {
Insist on assistive device stating ihe pr"cgncsis is not good and eventuii fv patient
is going to need the device.
'.3 r--. there were a few guestions on teaciring static and dynamic balance, B,;ig I

Wfance Scale, FIM scale Ashwarth scale eic. i-
17. Wedge compression Fracture T-12,L1. + csteopomsis.. + lung disease !9wer lobe
involvemenl I
/ \Afticfr deformity is expected?
r/ a Thoracic scoliosis r/ . ^\
.w e Lumber lordosis increased. @)
Lumber lordosis decreased.
How is pulrnonary embolism diagnosis anfinned?
Jft, Pulmonary arteriography
\/\c" X revs
.:@ G.ylt-yi'u?^r*,.
19 Bone metastasis ufrich modality to decrease pain can be safely used?
2P. Radial nerve palsy- Pain on dorsurn of hand- V1ffii modaiity can be uri !d?
r/\J/ @ US
Hot I

21. BrachioradialisMyositisossificance r I' z
Which therapeutic exercises can be given ':- \ "\a
Resisted Exercises ! i_
ir'---^rr-.-) \
+AROM 1v-" ?
. ct'
22. PaO2 is 50mmlHg. ls tris considered
Mild hypoxemia i
*) Severe hypoxemiaff
/ Normalventilation
23. 2years old chitd. Grandmother calts to know abo*rt grandchild's conditiq n.
, pu advise her to talk to ctrild.s mother - I
talk io peciiatrician
provide her details cf disgnosis only
discuss treatrnent and diagnosis in detail.

( b\7
to;tn1 "q-,J
1.1{-',r.-r r

Oct 99 Written

l.Post THR pt should be positioned:

a) supino widr legs together
b) 0J :rigpitlow"bi*qseen-bd?Jdt$.g!- .*
c) frirlneifrth pillow under kneeb
on good sidewith pitlowbaween knees*
*-df t'
2. Srr&ll girt while ,**** *as by soryFss.--\Felt ier knee beirrg twisted. Aa^e-
Extrmination reveals: painfiil.valgus tests bu/-no-loity.) She is on qutches with ||D/ no
was: \)<---l
WB. The injury
3. Client was skiing. I4iuryto MC lrg. (thud). Radial stress-lcity. Thinjury .S
-fr a). radiat mllatenrt
b) ul#r"cnlEfrel
c, paunar---
li+* Qn*u tcez{e".}t *L> '
nras ro

d) ????

1,-$ MCP flenion is dewasd whidl uray world yo.u mobilize .b"*'
R, E| dorsal +:7r
c) mdial 7 . .'r'
d) lateral .'

'1{t- -' : .j.'
,\ t

5'rys, Wfurei$ g$e"*t .. ':

.t' i


!( ;-
;i ;ilffi i.f

6. Which TETIS is aurpuncture like:

a) I.4.YIZ*
??? !
?/a carpaitunnel syndrome" what is thesensorydistribution X
a) thurnb- inderr middte-finter.ei0.l<lr{ helf ef Sc

fin$ trqd
r) ??

c) ??

7. b Which muscles will be affected:

*t' v @
a) FCR' palmaSis longus -$.c. h,K.
b) opponent, aM pollicisbrfs" 'i
c) ???
d) ???

7 d \Vtut was the possible causethat could tead to carpal this pt { yowrg l6y.o
',,*,) tenosinovitis*
b) scaphoid #
c) radial head#

It with carpat tunnel syndronrg wtratw.orild youclinngein.herworkenvironment
a) the high ofctrair
};*tTadd arm ret to chair * '
c) move ehairaway ftbm desk

S. head offibula #, S &S 4S1

ever, / iroqsrol
sie-t - gs"rK{-
i c!
**l*oo ' \ +tb,
9. Triple arthrodisiq which inorrenrent$
$| inv/eversionT

58 y-o pt. Ankle?F sftTg.Pd pairrlesi on

-101a -resisance,-pxri ii high.endu,3'""
isotonic exercises in crefmusdg the cause s: ""ron
a) Fibula stress #
b) heel cord tendinitis
' *d) intermittent claudi$on*
jroUf* *,
ii:E)' chronic
rhe cau$e af thi,
tt '

b) aa,rre artaiel -' e .-..

c) acute vascular

d) cfrro*ic l*x:Ja.

lO/qy*i$ rr#{* r*ould include:

c)rc 6

iOld duing testing: ??????

a) no eievation '
1 1- Parkinson's
IJtr';' ;
diseasq pt experiencing &izzing symptgms. You would incorporatewhich
.l'1.-{ t'
I r vrrr' ; ..', -!
tz a The symptoms ofparkinssn's disese in"luoriaY :ri-i;-::-: ; -., ,1..
a) rigidity, Eernor; bradykinasia* ;J.,-,-.f
-^<. 'r'f :i ', )l'-

& Alztpius's patient with srpraspina*rs te#initis. Treatment,choice:

a) Iaser* \/

I3b/ pt with aldeimer's reM forFC-Rx vdut would pnr do:

a) contact Dn tell that Rx-is ccintnaindcatd*

t3/ Alzheimctr" pt come with a caregivr- To improve the-outcome oftrcatmart you:

a) give ice
b) $ow caregiver exercises and proper positioruog, avoidi4g painn* movement ra--
c) ??? :-
lj..lCl CZ (pmervd) which movements
]r'oltdttle pt upt to propel WGt^
triceps* - r L ,^r-.1-,$*rr.
pr,.ceps , ddffiJ A<,I"u3{gr$$,,;:
l'iands. -wc
is exercising .qn a-u rgomet% pt complaints thar he tas
You.recomrnend to:
cailffi ;;, P ?a'n"t '
a)stop-Rx :: .

b) use glovel to-protect hands * $ '

c) eh*ngclundgrip
-l "=

15- Diabetic wQmen cofiies to clinic;, her feet and shoes are wet *om rain. Her R.x includes
walking on a treidmill: Yourecornilnend to:
a) cancel her R'xfortoday
.h) watk with. no shoes:on treaitmill
klyo no re"t and shoes
O grve another exercise ie arm rgometer instead fu
t6_.During Rx pt codes on you: What should you do: X
a) Ltv
Do rvr.t\.
CPR af.;srrlut[g
according to
to.tlospllat pgliw.*
hospital p{}llcfl'.- rt ;
17. Diabetic pL trypoglycemia, whatarethe qy.mptoms:T
a) confirsion, sweating.,.

1.8. Diabetic pf what are.your conpf,Irs priorto exercise progrutrl

a) the level ofgtucose inblood -inost.rbsntiestl
b) ??
c) ??

19' Geiiatric pt. I{x includes hot pack. Therestrltwill be? il t-

$*l)Jfqturre of blood *.. --
7 \g*&g:g"fr player with 2 nd dryee ankle sprain wants to go back ro sporr in 3 a"yo
ffi6:==* - Jf,,4!q-
[a) passess pt bef,ore game
W bfrefer to Dr
Y ci tffieefore game 1 -" !''!
2r. & is not g*tiug better after l hdpf"L you:
a) refer pr to f,h. {. 'nibeh ercprogram sias.not

_ #rl .

22.Ptwith # of patella ( tnrnwerse)gou slmut4 avoid rnovements that are most painfull{
_a).passive fl ex- with overpressu te./ 1
active extension
,Y',ft)ig.Chondromalesia ' ,

patell4 most cornmon S&S are:

a) retropatellar paiq crepitis, painon stair climbing * :',
b)??? ,
24. Paget"s disease: whar actidty wourd you reiomrnend? .7 st^J I
yn.vtj -"{

?5. Fibrosis S &S:

:i l"l
a) effusi6T'----
g b) trigger point
c) ???
2(tn pt o'itf' ohronic eo'phasi'oa: posgleparoiorty -feiier;ydo*,p{rtuo,,
} Bs
,i l'
't '\-/'


26al how to explain to pt.that she has a barrow chest?

a) $ Iune elasticity*
ui pffitemoreair,..
26b/ choice ofRx includes:
a) deep breatfting*
b) ?n?

26cl ifnot how would you progress Rx?

a) progress ambulction+

27. 64 y,o teai;her pre-op TKR Whst sre ybtr busi$g on in terms of post-op discharge?
a) home assessment
b) ??? .
28. Ft post THR condition declining. Pt.had.Polio in past. Now sympton$ are: wegkness,
YssrRrr? +k7
pain, difficultywakiq& '.' .,
a) ambulation_ strerig$ro{tg'.
29. lvf\fA., pt witk #, hallucinetingl' bags are crawling sn bed l. What do.yer er.pct to
^e"a in rhe cfiart &omprt f,lil{ . :
L&*holaluse ..'
sf b)
head ha"uma

30 Pt with LBP, in clinic offss you a drink Yon sbuld?

g\t'explain the relationship b.d.r
you end pt*
tr b) eo for a drinktogdtrer..

,{. Paraplegic pt with I.BP. gain is { h* ptwrnts ro conrinre Rlc you:

{ a}discharge pt beeuse the gods are achieyalt
'6J k"ep pt ih clinic*

32Pt with LBP sarne as rbova You:

a) discontinue Rr( nnd refer pt to coramunity svice*
b) ??? ^
pain' goats of PT adrie$ed, br$ .pt a&aid ro go back to t*rk+F
' jsten ro her conccrrs *
a) and explain need to. dibdrarge tiFr.
b)'??? "rhyrur
c) keep pt in-clinic : .:
3f . Sf. ..1,.t. P-i\ , % tsls is u;6\^4^- i-r^^}.*J 4 1"--re)e,A \-' Srth *t
-'<l'^z-- \l'
3 .3ttl+c.-.+ f"fU+r,rq,85 naa'4o-" 'is ,
ur1'-dieg iengir dscrepanclr*

35- As above . What R:r_ you grwa!

a) grrve a lift in a shoe*
b) ???

36. Alzheimer's pt Rx for supraspinetus: not sn issue.'YourRx choice.

a) laser*
b) Us
c) ????

37. Pt post anlite spraia Rx Uq yotr would not US-in-case of

a) art[rerial digease

f,*Fd ,*$ lCIe

38. RxIFC, you wouldrell prthat:

b) heat nhv^l
c) strong contraction
39. Pt with radidl nerv Uury, &gry, camplaining you:
a) don't listen to pt
b) complairand latererylaia-him .--+
W Pttlrciotherapist waols to onrinueRx Pt is guilty of

*l av4tr...|6rrtu
b) weights on anHes
c) heel-toe walking
d) cane

. Pt withCABGto be discharged home

a) advice pt to do exercises and progrcss ambulation*

@.{a-ehallggbreathing whv: \
W'eprhffip: ceiiEft-Gconauty tL analgesia *'-
48 Pt postCABG, Rx includes
^ a) splinting to {'pain during coughing t

a) abdogrinal*
cough why? weakoess of wtridr *"**?#!
b) intercostal

rh-"ABc. )k-
5I. non-Engli* Aeaking pt post THR goirg for pool Rx, pr is aftai4 You
a) start pool ocercises
b) ask for interpreter*
VzlPt post Sa confused, you lave diffiarlty assessing-his. Yeir:
a)-wait for ptto be lss confirsrrd
\-/Y$tartAxadtreitaccordingty,aadcompleter4,:ronceptisbeme* ste f-svrr{n
53. Child withosteomyelitis sffemur, ]nourP*rinctuC*: \t/
a) rhobs/manips r ",.hos#
'S ipfttrS
l' '-


+ t3

a) plant foot on the good side snd balance on arfiE and prosthe. tic leg *
b) ???

5-7, Bu1s, -skin graft-placed on postaior.knee ( ln degree), arm!,2d , LB. Rx:

a) oceroises- isomdtric
b) position : knab in eilt, abd, ex{ srpirration
58. Pt post AKd prostfiaiis.too loose, Bt.has : socks r you:
a) addnylonsock
b) add other soclc ( cotton)
c) strengthen grradriceps
. -'..l r\.*', t rr I i
VJ:J s

iq\ {

t^as q t;"'; . u.:\ql ',^n.,'Fs '^:i
Plr-.F|*i \\ 1-.q l"q-.r.
' . . bis<-6:5 Sicsf:
v I ft;c45rt
;:tA ,9- oBcl"cFor s
l- pfes-,enl-s rv-uSt!"1 Spctsrn .!;.
;^+ + in -,<r S\ruld-q S' {--
q iLf-, h;t- Pa.5h
' O Srerlf
trisi! MD ?blc,1 | *'u.
l- )
W.,,, trr rrr{-

1itr, l14r-




, i;.

-ras- -
',Pt s-rs!a; ini *,r1 q.;K {-,oL p\.qnLl Ol ti '
- .ib*L 1 FrtL-;n1;^'* RE' in
^-;- f.aclo Tt- M(L shs'. n
Ll i
..* tl"'-
- (Kn"^&e- {I\

-C- .'0 i -.t !

r\-q, hiun
bO gcc- P'Akf=rJd , lO *c-i rkAuc^Q
f tlrlnt 19I

{) 6lo.r' f *nnin$ 30 KC , lo *t-.nlerua0-s
r'o / .,;4^(o parl-**
t?-OE m:.,l-[^.t .FsV
R tS f . hlcll^.<,r l-*-Ll f-A<. o fi*-t
/? llus-- I s

pCo* , HCO: , + PH -a bq.s

: -:' *Ci.tbo,l,c acid,.q-si s tJ,l{r HR p,nsato-13 f :..-
,',: ( {wJatollp a\}<gl osis wl}-{"o,-l} re.lf
rf:tP.- crl kAtosi s - rttJ".bot' <-r\-o '*aP
(attpi, ac.'dos" S 'C /o - .-*?
rF q {x{son tos .t, rr ulc"+hor'. oC ''--'S lptct .Ti,..1-
Uo i\t ql S" l"Q,rc- q t kld
a pL oti s,-1., mi reh'o '\ - 'l-'trth.'q '
):lku?X-* )$.^:a,r
t \-'--
( r '. ii.-
^'rcs-- Wlf*. DiE"q)/-
u; h:.4 txrrranl<
rno 6,\a'
f bv- le*L
a,bd I c'tl- 1,,:,ll
: t it,,r,u
\.,-cak\ej .j
*,* *H'fi
*.i i-{ n,rt.
'JT, t \ K. g:ct* I ,tbtt{ , tri o"lt' -fu

-/ a) Yo,-t qul- 9o ur raL h: "t{tr

r'$c-' OtC,l_t_t fft',

f%ravi $r hir^n -

r) r-s l- L3 .,,k$ + l'P s'fr ttql+^fW q)'

,.) rn .tr C5 *, k-s ) .. Lrock r t{*41t44ni ^q (-lt
od.'r.*. t{ Prcttqr'.n + htpf{tq^qF.t^tr^,
@ oi}w, .sl-ro-r\
Y] iJ- i*tra vn F', bq"-t<. I4a/
atht- il P"**ls ^ d.c^ ' L rrarrf c''ilol )- f-n-+'L, pcr-(o
./ {\
t L $."{"- a-rkldt(s:



'1 ltr
tl/ . Lom irc
Sftu,h) Y7- ota^1*r5/qr'n5. .

+) lg ,onty
6r) {u,lr f Cnu.@-' t

9\ l9l t ur,Lltl',cJ '

i t;^ad Lru-n. -qloffiJ



i gc- -rfi-,s h'>u

DDJ'4 b<J

. Ft+P

\{Pfar C' s fli^-e-- fy br <5 o

.'\ii ?P e'd- Cc-frr',a4

lle-* { L, J.x- e-rC L
{.xl- q [o".re-. cJS f {ex
F*P .-

l:osl-ruqj olaui.ho\ I

pos ln"*9 crn -edo n
, l t.
/-p-d[ca Ao r-t

lsr ,l'oco.ho n . t+-[r^^r*l. )

-) I " ffi1 p ',1- - + e*knsion of I
,f .|,
kaLA pt" oh; fu--
Phqtqr.*-.l .. r\ i

13qovtr.,.\ pta^l-r.+ tp"r|)

dorso-4' to,urrb)

^h 11 ' "t't- '.

i f'g e rtrr.nrt.q fl ry9,
t4il r
I rc kopattr-Q,0".,r tL+(- {O
G annb ' l..nee
z st*4lh$
O ?? ?

, fr0t
,/ ,.. fY-\an Lrn-! ) o{ / rylo?
t\ ,uiftS-,*,,;&go
0 nsur,re.t rn1 yivtt Xwsh'o ryJ

J. Spo*{X- osks '1r.l[ h;,,nt' fi' pT u'nsLD\a- ' 6l /-r

5v. u$-p'tskvAs lc-ornuLanuvts u#,' i;;
h fr 'Plnui&r
u'/$lain5, luPdw*us
, - arlrs"l-pl k 't41+i 11 b *,W
' ( tu#,ffifr,
: W
Y\ffif;,.Y'r-.{,r's' ?i#r,n
L{w) lvr qi q r1

rt1''i&*t} o)it' tA''s, or /Ld ol 4,rt[-ns

(%P t ; |3,;
t\ -.,j' ':e:W,xm? #l;Tt"n'LstD
; ' wlons'n
ftiu1zs, ip;\;rn; fcu
,dJgff ,, )
i 'oLd,uctnr pol h u;s /o,^gtts / bgPts K
SmSrn a 'lst4
' daxa! ,JFg.t', oJ arrYn, + V 15
' cln-rJ^.( aSPttlt /olo ir\{n Aa'^L d,,yi ls t,n
. pA-rna,'t sq,{aLt ol *Aumb.

,t*a'Lm Q n'
, Y, ,f Lr,rts
/i\ ) tell- onl,y
AJ tJB slaJr$ t9 Lacl , ,^:h, rln ,hq-'
uP rst- .

! a, r$t7t ;
ofll v
lrlf * ul-ukh$
h1 prfur + Lr.^k+\{r4
[t :t.-]-i-'\ ] *,''a'-d

lK Tignd d"J,t . oAtly4 go,ve-e-ggnzArpbbsr-< ,4o.,

i't-)', l.l" f,,nW afulu*ton,'ilOi:.
ii -lnLi 14,?9*
abd^ ^li
abd t4:n ) tP-
?oil (.tPF Bqn) PL
,^ +Lim- gP- chn
i aduJ '( .,9.D {Eoe ) 'P Parh
-+Kb, Iat ,ni,^r,nd: ^-,c
i,\ ? WamL)
rnvl. will gbdPffiilrrrtt'''"lirs ?
/r#i' ' Utt^,,*l^
- @ o'1 &r''u{td aWucK'o.t

+, , -{iuoh}
bJh,tA r;a ' sl'n,"Jcl Qtsoi d .
ls_'W ,*ryu fitrd hU*;o^ e*l- .

.erwl S,et-
V uJ h;u[, q# i u ir\ as Aor^lcl te q,oo;dqdl
Ir - *ikir- l
t P" 'T7 I

fT-L - V

J: frq ka* Pl- st,r*U Qvoi6 )ps^6n,*^
q Lradl .
- lsrrrs ueqhr.,
iqbru thn *qH"
I tnh,b|p
aEht r- -q Ldt Aoprr s s
..-fuD It0 a,nds &-o^ Ip@jr"L )

{ r<so ? Pt -Gtto' s;* ,'t+@,, LdLairc .

[E . sLs ) #tdurq, @ , hqfittiUool t
U(.i.-"Ltc tFle
edtrwL -@.' c-rWp#c S ki.n
-l I ;r.
tt *e

Ct,.L, <- FrI.roS|l qi r I . e- -l+ cqmo\ll q rLr_l,i

sLclr-hons,-1, a.rr' Lnk*r , .f:'Lkcj-t(-'*k6r
Lsutxrt* re'slr u-h'.<, / our+i..rgfr*,x- .o.:(- ). I-1
PT .\o inky\Jr.,l-.on shor-rh \--e- uo

.+ - L- R rJ,\!- - pOEl.r^sL! d.r\a;noq <, I qj^oSl-.

rno\ts bO 'rQto'r V-Clah o ^ s

D B' i"q + a rn b,-r L".i'o ^


-- I pa.nk +hc1+- < ,^a, r-nu.s l- '.

ff{r-t* in a.h\& , g',f '.--r ?s , f+ Pa5hirc.\
drai no\qe.- Io &got, 'g<-C S
< * slta' r.,o., ath'v{*; ++ e*h-rrcnl drcoi r
l- L0.nd'l secs '
ae,lob.rL cl( .

, s[i$cr,] 4aA;fu shs^.{el y,o* do,

rr",or5t dllssi ^?
J\| \J

-t i n to.o"n r^.-d to.nal

l"o ,J\".
I \a
i^ 0 iL
rnoda-f-i ' t^ YO \J
Ur.rOUl{. :t<-

4 \rs

e# -l|
r: Osl-"-p:rosr S -
posF{lJ- (-
.o,l.triGr.{- lordos'5 - tL \.rrnloa r bV lordu
I O;uics'{ to rAosr's ', t l-P..ora.d <- pl-.,

J- cPtuit*'0 torclos'' s, t lt "n
[o"tn torclos

,/r P".qc-l-'r
-t . Di secr-t -.- *1'

*-uzrt-f ra-


: ''J{figt "e vq
(: )s- i qrAi
i as**,,rb#:r,','
'rl l-.
Pq.*crq,th r-L^t IJRA ' L']^:cA acQc
,; CDi
\ Sl"oU\&l
I -F PrisFs': -
4.,4l*j^q ig.sylihs a sr s 'l' :

.-jhl h,P. , skouad4)t-


S trt
poSl-"t to.f iil-'^ r*h,.t,tviT , s!*di
- O Pr^e-) -Yo Silni c- , !--,,1 p \a,.^ D lC- ar)
I . , )'.
-A '-';-' r"'\i '
!). r _ .'
=..,:. ,_a

f &q"atl-
: r ^ p(qtu+
t'. Tlochi^o, q cQg,ss fo, 0
I,L 'uf dh-ar^ l
; cito.sF re-c-h . x<-ttrvt.- t--p=
\^1"-h-- ha,^, -rnod,'fied'r
slra,rQcJ le, ntQ.;.rd.-L .


z' &tl fou,.s \.1 ll,L

Srq:rt^4, t"{ia -l-1- stickJ

-tro"hp'^ r .

T" '()u5.
Lod;s i^ ffi'Lr- t0oss-, V..t k-tl {+a-,^ +-
ly j n ohltA {re5' In l--.= \tr c-onnpf(*)io rr o I
int Uqlq . cAU a .
J J' .Sqpir<- /1o. f oqd t-ftqr1 3-q r,r..r'^
sidi- /Viqq ,

s upn\^e- Fftulq"l u ^otg-t knels . ^

aLs P, Yorr
i%;\"+.*fi b f.c !upirt- LG rnonil* I
V1 l.\r\-
. f it 1o.*l ,
oo {- (ttqa-,r
fantEgj.llqr --ba-odaqes, }tn" 9-
v1lv1'Y \' > -o*-,uJ;'
'*.15f. i-l-, pI^ ,ffit , ''ai*n'
Lqrstsfiej-'tq-' )
J& or "q5J +9!
urtt'l Iu. 641- -ll, .
F(*a *if.{*$tu P!,:,ffitfr ,
. -.tonplY
o" - it{* '= u

,&"?r 5; *,Yp#$AT,'&

4' t(P,
d,{nol do.->

cc^< )
W G 1-24-t' [-na'otaec
4,YJ41h f- pr,ox i rro{.
.f - f/-oJJ ,1 Ot/U\

dhi,g- s;*

?.O si&tqig
?od fra,a '{ tr' -l
f.- \

s'6 r,.{\s- | [racAi"''t is)

I,#a''M'{H I

A durp ,Ft.4-on5 ,,h t:f kjtt


@ ,..-Fbr,^
/L'to.l"*; ' ,L-^ry *ffi
. l-Oasis + +{irqt cor-6.(
ft^P- '/ //. trsed- b l<_
lLfr .jl-
t .
4 + dB ;T su".$aq-. :

,/ T'l-+8 .) bc&r5- vo' qgl- pl o,*b of


-.'pc.ei lo ktot
oJ',,) -
;s i*q chfus. J
: '--

'a ' shcrrql-h rf ry''ol-&cr, ti'^,-$


-,f. UUe' Cs6r

vr-tt 's1,a
re,! 4^
--r\J io^-.,.
,. r) \trnikd '.r4 \SO-I+ o4rol-q-l-,o^
.- 4.) <-Sgl% J rol-a. F on -Sr'rr(-L {
ii Ctr)r1 s 4l- af [a{-v1Jcq,., *0
v- ,
" I
i Qre-qenl- (lodrA, *f edaffq ;,.. Wt ,4
d,z-z . Y:gl"a^n ei I ) sl=e,.r."q 3l ! l^'^
;' cljs
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O 'HtO ,
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;l @@ app) 3-o6n c
iO ,
MD d ot,'s.,,rs,
-PT PAt;v'-iJ ft C'ffiil^e?,!__
_i r

- t- harvl .

ectln v1 @
r *s',o[Q-{
'{; a1 - ?ut "q +r} *5,'f. X
-+ @ inkqroh*-
$f a{k&d rn?4^ .X
,,.t/-11&ra rb r-
t^u'rq4<.,t("{ rnr\-\
'r ^Lqfoheh
""- o# te
+ .r\ uFo [fi(c&/


qush o^ aho,rl-
u do'. -Ls] *i,qf yo* t :o"-Qd q. i-
tlr{,af\ {O

,) u/ L s h,.*qH,*r"ri r-e I

rf ka.o- Ll6 st^.-r&l;^1\ t4 t

g) d-s l-..a"&.f1 c,a;l_ .
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-oc- t
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It^:t*t ts c{ 5r1n L* ilA o**r,<
i -q'la!tft- 0 i

i - q. k- i"..-si < \
I - C.0^or-k . 'f7
F - ri1id.')-y-
.. !' Frqrzr * " , 01 l.l i pL +o I L.{

- S..ttO oh
\rr h 'aio.f {o, L.""-l , 1,.,o f} ,h.D",*l
\f; J


. _\-erlpr i5

soc=\c.. -
Souk'oY\ his [. *Lt
br r'<-.; >otl4 l-

t; .., b-

lJ.{-n t ded A{ +o 7;v<-t

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gfr-^q A.c,Aq L:#)

I rY\..,}s ckc< s tAi s + '\ot \'s,t')o'
' tJl"iLA
r) 7 iY*,t , f t.- p i o,-. ;6 nkl<- . A'.rr.
-- hir {-\-rio-n , K*., eJ'-r.o
' r \ -rTq ' 's 1t,1.nt ri
,,i - &^kt e-, -DC r..lod
Y<, hl P ex-t-.

-LL - \3nL\e. DF'

,.' I

r r r'^-^.
fions (l^-,.,0r!
ghP*ld thitd
tA..' t b'-
") W,hal Pti

;'t p
,& .:--':i
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st-roporkd IU-H' do- lv '1i,,F'

!q1, qS .j4gtaol +@>

l-''or^ s )"t
'?'5;;1,, u,6 sr


._ \-__
- lrf\ l6q t
-tv l,r

qab0"'er^-1 : l+ P'a
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iI-#-A rtQ4.
rTe4r r cfutrr- f.i9
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i"t ^\ fr"q"antu{
{ q.(A i/t
ir,Teqd. t\ oF<-
tt *ftii&At!t. {-e{- car^'r-<-{s-,.hr'rn' c
itfrtrrtpanl- .
:'1 horrof - s ltrr i< t t i t{-i r Yof'c-- Yo*-
l"hna ["a [vL1 T|not-L o*t f,o *'nt\o-r"tk *u "rni ni r*r"?a- '^f
as k-to- ,Fo a[tsLrrr; t-6r;g ""iK t-0'".r"'^'' " ^
*-dr a1 Yot L<^"r- a *ro..-. k cLiSr-rrs-r
) ;;ri.,cL
P: t f*[,r't*" 5L ,tt *,rrr'rto-'rtt'o'-r t k.rii+ b'
*, o n SLat2 r''-sa"'tD






rarE d t' i
,,. 6-heA< Oq{ to review a4 dwrq lagar tdP
t {-F"' -
1. ' T,; improve abduction and exterual iotation of the shoulder. ihe best ' -----"'
diagonai PNT panera to rse is:

Dl flerion.
D1 exiension-
v'.7 ^^*
UJ ilexlon. *
:. :- A patient w'ith peripherai vascular disease has an ulcer located on -'-
the medial rnalleolus. This is most likelv indicative of:

.-' aa indurated ulcer. '; '"' ' " " TL :l :-' '- ,-' t ''
a pressure ulcer..
'\/ venous rnsulilcrencv.
1 -l; - '.' -..

aiteria! insuffi cienci,.

' r. A'rne-raplst wants io determine the interrater reliability of force

measurements using a modified sphygrnomanometer. Three examiners
evaluated isometric force of elbow and hip extensors. Intraclass
coirelation coefficients that wouid reflect a modeiate depree of
reliabiliq; in rneasuring both sets of muscles are:

.70 (elbow) and.6a (hip).
.8? (elbow) and -80 thip)
.,48 {elbow-)
+nd.70 ih,ip).
.-\ .75 (elbow) and.50 {hrp),
ttLrdul rr- c-PD
r oiihe siance iimb is:

rsomelnc. -'j -=
eccentric. .i
L{/llLUlLll lu.

ju*-t -.


j. t-
A women with a trxeci cieiormitv of mrnus ten degrees of plantar "-/'' ---4
f'l o- I rr^r, lrl
rYI\/Ll,LU 1, erra
w the
iff' er r !trr' '
.LIC-4.IVrL ^- IlGY '-ilu Ef vu(!J!

wau{.rlg oi4icruol. ;4
ascending a mp. *f{

walkns wittr one inch heels

\-/' r,valking dorvn stairs. .2

,l*,J*h"'I n P.+"fuj 't;-U'{Y/

--.;r# - t-//

"rf,v oo{,_&;*
$": , tMfrry*
. i-!:,/#A
, t. I ,+.)

' Y f^ tT : T, ro- *,*#"*t fu*a

''uunt<- f-"-i'*
,y.4( b*)eW-A;*-**' ''i

{o*0'-'*: t-o, L, W
L ^]A Gu*hil#'w-
7'7-" I"
rY ./,
-l' + t u'nt'4- #dt"A"ry4m^T,,o-
#dt AP'ru
atl* r'j/ L
not reiieved bv rest. As his

',/ ask the oatient to fouch !:is::=:. -:::-: -::;:i;;r;s full a.nd pain does

aot increase. reier hirl back io ;is ; care physician ibr fi:rther
seek approvalto treat thi,. rati:..'
i-' :':':tl jeurt in'rprngement using
d.'!p helt a;rd arobiiizaiioii Lcuiu:iqu;,..
aslt the petient io icuch liis i;=s- Ii ii:e ::i,.:iion is fuil aad pain does

not increase, inlbrm lus primary cale lhvsician that you believe that
patient is sho.,rrhg signs ofg!+g:i:*ig.
1 try to ident$' ccnfortable pcsr:l;;.; .b; ;he paiient and rastruct hiiil
in using saie anti proper bociy lilsghenics on the job which should ease
his discr:rmfort.
* . r'J1'
\r'1r'| chnrrlrl nr{r'i5g an Opera Singer , / -/'
8. ' ' *"' nerfnrnanr=a
To imnrove artistic i'".
,o ,*jJ""'.n-,
ootrque muscles-
JV '
r\ abciominai muscies.
mtlscies 0I msprratlon.
r(.- '" iiiUSCleS Oi eXDUatfOn-

9- ' Excessive ieinoral anreversion wiii resuit in standing posture
characterized bv:

exrernat rotallon ot me hrp and toerng-rn. t -1.r)i-ar.: U_3_
h: V internal rotaticn of the hip and toeing-in.
\ external rotarion of the trip and toeing-cut:
krternal rotation of the hip and lssing-out.

r -p.F
fvz-+eW- Og(
10.' When a patient w-ith quadriplegia is positioned sidelying. the areas -..-
of the body ihat are lcasi siiscepiible io pressi$e are the:

'-/ ,qcaputa_ei
' meciiai maiieoii.

11.' A primary care pbysrclan relers a 38 year'-old woman to you- ltus

patient is having recent difricullv in properly positioning her cane which
stre has u:ed for xaany years. The r.r.ost inpcrtant aspect cf the physical
rherapy examination is tiris patient's:

'{ rroonoceotive sensation.


,', _ ;ffi1"1^l;,",,""
figure-ground discnmination. fl
v/\-. '-'f
'i /
n i. Lz.r fusk factors for the deveiopment of coronary artery dls"as" irr.t,rO"t
/\i )!
. 1il- l\r' ase. sende'r. farnil.r histon'- cisarette surcking, obesify, physical
t'oiv ' inaciivit'y and bioori lipid abnormalities- Tne disriburion of iipoproteins
associated with a lower risk of heartdisease are:

[or'J leV4ououan4 high lcve] o$ LOU

high ievels of IIDL and LDL.
iow leveis of iiDL anii LDL-
,< ")
irlL i 6': f l---- "'r'''\ nr


i3.' Foliorn'ing trauma: exrreme care mu$ be taken in the management of

myositis ossificans. The rnuscle rnost often affected is the:
orceps oracmr.

$ua&'ip*s^ .'Ge'^^ -^ i s,
. .,., brachiaiis.

i)n I'
f* ,4
14.' A classical sign iadicative of congenitai hip dysplasia in the ./-
nei /born is:
I' - ,.
limited passive adduction.
y iimited external roraiion.
I r< 'l'- excessive inrernal roiation.
,-dted passil'e ^LJ..^+l^-
-^..-:*,^ abduction.

l- A child with brail da'-eage shcws evidence of mental retardation, '--

tactiie defensiveness and proximal joint instabitity. Activities that the

physical therapist can best utilize in this caqe include:

{il/ firir joint approximarion-

pressure and
\/ o repetitive brushing and joint traction-

Y-g""" light iouch and weighrbearing. ?r

neatral war.atb and rhlthmic stabilization.

16-'- Use of rhe pivot prone pasition in a child r*ith severe cerebral palsy .t'
night help lead to the long-rer:n goal accomplishment of;
'fliun tiona| crawling-
@ rolling from proae to
manuai conract io enhance upr.vard peivic morion during stance phase.
manual contaci to iimit upra,-ard peivic morion dwing stance phase

,r,,rfrunuai conract io iiinii uprvarci peivic motion ciuring swing phase.


23-' trianagemenr of a patient in her thirci trimester of pregnancy may
include aii ot- the followinq activities with the exceotion of:

pasierior pelvic tilting done while sianding with the back against a
;rursiiioning in left sidelying irhile exercising.
trom the supine position-
,ii;'r-'r bic swimming programs-

14.' In order to difrerentiaie befween pain originating in the sacroiliac
joints as opposed to hip pathology, it would be best ro employ the:

l ,:t
r::bere.Test. b"f.F k;,:; \lv\ 7' :?fi
t\ compression-distraction iests. - .*r---)< *e,* ?
Nobie Compression Test- - 4-"<-
- ',d;nUt '1-C -.,.**t <r_;cJ--
,:,* J
-' i
.igudigiit ler iect
rcgtSt- -a-^=iz j"l _ e.L ;. g,*^- L<s_:-* _*i.... -T:
:j-- , ., s ,-i2- *o--,.).^ !;- \a.- ;-_j j
ftJr'" )
15.' Ycu are to treet a patie*t with a.lgg" posterolateral protrusion of u /'
hen:iareci nuc leus puiposus- Examination reveais decreased sensation,
radiatir:g pain and 1+ Achilles DTR in the left lower erFemity. Trunk
t flerion is limited to 45 degrees aiid pain increases with sitting *f more
H.-./ =j1,,
than 15 minutes. Based on this s_r'mpromatclory, it would be best if fn
trea:nient stressed: t

A ="',,. .a
w-iiliams t-iexion exercises, posterior pelvic tiltin*q and hamstring
pos&aioc- leef sgrulrg M s
str*e ansist Anxta-foot onfl.osig.
. spta*l-i c- Sqinal &r..l+re-''*o':f- tx"ttL-siS
*.\*a-.s. r.\ ! u- r rrr,. Ur !tr{di)a> i-L' ii r i .t lrrtl>i,gl ; Ul 5lt)p.
y\1c+".\ G.n Ft.-- - ?-, a f S+='F-,
-n'+Uc:sns rri*r^ poSq-<-rh^^-
-r^ I I v-''-
:U. In ordering a whcelchair for someone with pronounced flexor
spasticity, the components which ordinarily should not be inciuded are:

leg rests-
I {:.,'
-{ -,'
\n .J' -J'
removabie arm rests.' 'Y"'.'
detachab le, swing-awa,v fe0?rests. %rnz^ f"--
' web heel loops.
- 4" I

21 -' An obsietrician *eltrs a patient to you for prenatai exercises. During
yo.o examination, the patient says fhat she beloags to an }[\.{o
and her
primary care physician had referred her to ihe obstetrician. your
physical therapy report should go first to the:

pafient. *='i--
t'i \
HMO medical records departnent.
referring obstetri c i an.
primary care physician.

l'2'' Duing gait, a patient is observed using guadratus lumbonrm action

to cortrpensate for unilateral lox-er exfremily extenssr spustigtty.
planning a gait training program, the physicai :herapist;hould;onsider

t+ p"rn,c mo'on sunng swutg pirase.


| {'r/

rup srumng rc tne nglli rorloweo Dy prone ano sundlng rrunK

posterior peivic tiiting, briciging, diagonai curi ups and gradual
increase. in sitting toleran_ce.
*/orone and standing trunk extensions followed by hip shifting to the ')
I,.!'', i)*r* ,'n
r-) (.-'o I + tjai" (r nl l'n' ul.'ot '

veek casllng ur of RSDS? !i - -' ---, ,

';i ;' ':"; ''' '

tftoriO"t. -.' is
Wtrictr one the stgns
shinv&tht:P ;;*p*iar
LoM il -,' ' ;::' I
*-*r) vasodilat*l Capsular LoM p -i - ;.i
B) vasocorrror"tion', -
1"i c
C) .-
.n =T-----Tfi,0']t: i<^*o.:t cr*i.a*

pt' whcn rr
Z3'- To;ubside the -;'&
pain r;r ttre above D) "'
, .e16.d.t s. ;; , :,
'ere -comb-natJo- of d'fferent mod ''
'es 'n eact'r rio[?i"'-'
I the answers "ll;;"'c4-rracic'
7 ,t whigb--qhp'iqe-1s
the most
34- For p:.l*:" 1,o,./,/\
procedure i4 t4: answers
;;i. ;;r- manv m dalitieJ'and
' ': rrr the above Pt'
rrrJ in
which of the I ollowing
colle's Fx causes -
c)--.;----"""' D)..-----.""':-
,36!' which of these can cause
,f*rt; mentioned
: I
ul\;urrvu''-- -' o*;.
.llOnELr Problemj"
t1 'l t-t
i-r fr""'c i
l"'* I I i,

"tolle'.s Fx?
pA)' fl exror tendon sYnovitis
4) radial Fx
C) scaPhoid Fx-
or--rruu l.,r\''vr\ vour finding on {gP,$l
,.rt- In the assessment!-!L911"* ,t
irrvolvement rr:".o"o" /a;';4--*.

glide do erform to incseas-e *t:.|1":e
tF ynich
3")-?v- - ti*l''\i:"/
It3nrg1 Pl' I j.. i- I r- r., -'1 ol A.! al'',ir:, F-tl'ie -, z' -1 o
" "{
..,^, .

i.1 :i.." s f., f' ( 'T ir'at 'i"
f/ I'Y+ F

-- Thq physician has applied nerve block for RSDS in the above pt- Now it
,s the 6'n week of her PT h'eatment but still there is no improvement--What
Co you do?
A) discontinue ihe treatment ,the pt can keep on home exe. until rhe will
have his limb funitioryn {
B) discontinue the h'ealnient, the pt can keep on trorne exe. until he regains
lie limb without any problem.
{Oitrontinue the treatment, this is the end stage of his treatment
rDl Oir.""tl"". t -l*,,o*
/' - ' - di
'a *.,1.o' folli tlja
Y{- you, client is a C7 SCI which is trained in wheel chair propultion.whicht f6.6'cu fi S"qi
r t[o'v Q | 5,'ng; o*rr') '
nu.Cl. group should be skengtyenea{arr 3 3 - trl";ntu
I'jl n' 8o!"
.$$iiceps&friceps .rpfg*l.npEr cqpi radialis brevis&ticeps 1- _F .: I

,/'., "
2- A 65 y/o woman has com'to your clinic with chief complain of pairt in-.':.'.r ' :.
re sole of the foot after a long',walk. She says that she is not an abtive
/ ,^:g
.tF hbd'a long walk recently.Now she is diagnot 6 i';'i'
\n but exceptionally,she:hbd'a "

bysical assessment you ixpect to'see: ..
A) sewlling
l1.J & hofness
sewlrr-r_lg d. nomess on tne
the dorsum of the loot
E] on dorsum of the foot i firb
C) pain at resistive exe. of the toes
D) pain at.resistive exe- of the ankle
{- whatis the appropriate treatment for the above pt?
A) tape the toes in order to keep the transvers arch of foot
p) rest the foot in NWB status for a while a | t,
) send her to the physician I gi . ^ "l s{r^},l,, |,i t-

D) perform the aquatic exe for the pt. dz{q 'n?nc'"{ L,,
PL 1siCic.,l.

l- to answer the pt's question about the risk factors of osteoporosis you
ill say:
A) smoking ,eating too much, sedentary life
ej f,""r.v;;giii , sedentary life , alchohol
eFedentary life , smoking, alchchol
__. . _
,* -:;,

ffi 4.
'--Jt{ which series of exe. appropriate for osteoporosis do you suggest to this
pt? pa l-;o.':t
A) cycling,swimming,muscle sketching'
,i inuscle flexibiliry, ry3lkllgZ
\ {,*fl

V4{ In prevent vertebral Fx. In pt-s with osteoporosis which exe is
most appropriate?
A) flexion exe- Of vertebra Q7{-e-t+;e- o-scfA

B) side flexion exe.

C) Rotation exe-
rJL)'Movment in nutral position
[probably extention e]9'$ was one of the chioc

,18- A 3 year old child with osteogenic imperfecta is being assessed- ltrrhich
of the following choices is not included Wottr assessment? ?
A) premitive reflexes'
C) Balance
Strength ) J. R fl
- rE A 6 Y/O chilC ryth Bronchiolj'tis and pulmonary edema is refered to
9 your clinic. Which the foilowing choice is consistent with the findings
of in
? your assessment?
7 A) Whee zing in inspiration B) Wheezing in expiration
79 . C) Sridor LD) Crackles
our PL is a 15 Y/O male with productive cystic fibrosis- You are going
perform a chest PT for him, but he avoid this trealment- You as a PT
should: t>( l;e.I $"lo'.r",,e*- pe.'l ./.-
yXj honor the Pt's right u port to the physician
C) let hirn corne back afier a few D) Enforce lhe Pt- to accept the chest
days. the Pt- may change PT.
his mind.
lttr r tb /7
; A footbalist has received a conh.rsion to ant- thigh- He is teated ix :k
'---benter l2 Hrs. Later. The freatment is'ice and:
*A/tsandage and elevation B) Resistive E1s. & IF
C)IJS & Stretching D../JQr.T.&tf/C {t ,

i2- which of the foilowiag sighs are present in ttre above Pt.
/A) swelling and pain in passive knee ROM.
B) Bruising and pain in resistive knee Flex.

3- which of the following choices is right if you wish the above Pr to

revent his injured muscle from myositis ossification.
'A) prevention of seyere stptching and active Exs.
B) if the pt- Perfoms-viggrous sport activities, he is most likely to gt
invol.ved'in t!!s,prg$1e41 therefore, he is prohibited from,this kind of
activities,',. ''
,' .:' : t -'

a normal 2'yl.Q,ehild,is,able to perform which of the following.advance

tvments? . ' +\
A) walking forward independently - f-ed po-occr-L.
p) walking backward independently 5 faj'y'
C) g.air. descending in reciprocal panem(one siair at a time) .z
D) cruising =

' wbiich outcome measure is psed&r I{[S_Z

x{nfrnctional i"a.f"J;;; k[.
3) Barthel index
4.rft,.,l o''r ft: &rl

A 56 Y/o female pt- Diagnosed rvith acute RA at hand, has developed

itation of motion in'hand Mw- To prevent the stiffness what approach is

,,*;*V;1f;?l*:"o:X,-,1; .dqtr^*, ?-,t^,i l,- lo'^ [,...n+- ' [tL\-

:J-rrequently doing ADL activity
{go 1

,F7- what outcome measure is used to evaluate the iforr.m..,t in the above
U!) functional ADL lest I
,l- J j^(\.
B) balance activity

;8- After l0 days the above pt. has her condition in a chronic stage- To
make her comfortable in doing Exs., which of the following modalities is
A) TENS B) US in water
.n) Whirlpool D.

,fi- you'decidg:'Hr discharge the above pt. What Exs,,is,.s.lSggsted to this pt

home Exs. in strenghening of her hand muscles?. ' ';':":2
A) squeezing a ball 1-
B) resistive Exs: for intrinsic muscles
Pc .? {r-r. -
0' ''n -\
tfl(P FxJ'r
,,/: -, -
1- :
,/ ?t? llex"
,16A- in checking.of the ro,{Eafd hand in the above pt You see bgqlqgqglg_ Or,, F *-1"
deformity in her finger. What is the reason for this proAlem?
Ch'"en'r'c S11nov"li'
A. ................ -11..
[o.r! -' - u l-l l.rllr. l'r''of:
Frr;1.';1..*-- 4L - Volo^. S.*Ll-axa*.o'. rl falernl
B. .-.-._..-.. 1.. - t!^ | tl
-r t?- r k.^.lo,.u
t - l--U -rrfl;-- otP :^b fr'
c. ............... fttt{'^}';
- ^i x* Prr{l;-,
D. .-...-........-

Because of ulnar deviation in the hand, the above patient has undergone
a metacarpal arthroplasty, After 6 weeks which of the following Exs. are
recpmrnended fqr her/. a a . .,.n
tt'J a -'ii
-A) Flex./Ext / fr*') B) Circomduction
c) Abd/Add D) FIe#Abd

tF-. A patient is admitted to hospital with cerebellar sqok. The anticipated

ga for him would be:
A) shuffling gate L+l Wide base of support (/1.J;r"'c
C. D...,.-.....-
iFW ff. ,=t -
jr tl]
-'rt- In a 6 Y/o child with,myelomenigocele in L1-4 vou 'l;; ?1r, 3 |
contracture in:-
B) Knee Ext
D) calcaneocuboidat ioint
Knee Flex
in the above pt ts :
.64 The Position useful to treat this contracture
4) prone
B) sidelYing &suPine
of.the above pt?
a.{' wt at would be the best strategy !n Eatment
trA; yo,, mention to both parents and child
B) corne to clinic 'every daY.
4i.Ju"",, the parenrs youlust check the child monthly
't' degreb qnlel
Gmale basketbalist with mild 2"d
66-t A
" io* lz hours after injury'what magu-ve1, -dc
t-A) AnL DisPlacerrient
-- -.tB)
", inversign o:l:11<11
3 days
participate in an important competition
\'ffi.t.-whir*outo be your appropriate reaction ?
A) Tape her ankle before competition
B) Referher to thePhYsician r:.:^-
?/<) She should be rea""*t before the competition

pgtar tffi":t::i:LH,:'T"uoff;,:
,,aa- rhe above pt is in YugTJ:
il:.t"Tt.d:ii; pt- doesn't have anv X-rav',{::9:::9:r':;
A) keep on the treatment CX*i doing resisted movement of
eJ r"f.r,h. toth" nhysi'i"o D) put the p! o+NWB'

a pt- with MTP q'-obl."* in the.big toe thdt limited ExL

69- you have
to itttptot'e this LOM?
movement in ihatjoiirt Which gfiO" ao youuse
4 Dorsal
B) Plantar
ffi11-Yr .s$

U -^ fu?tt-
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