Special - Crew Illiness and Injury

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Signals Special, Number 5, August 2000 the worldwide newsletter for nepia members

Crew Illness and Injury - ESPECIAL

Focus on the Philippines N
Over the past few years the North of England has run a very successful loss prevention initiative on
personal injury, aimed at raising the awareness of shipowners and seafarers about the causes of
personal injury and how they may be prevented. However, there is another type of risk that accounts
for a substantial number of claims, crew illness.
This Signals Special will examine some of global shipping industry at the present time. It causing problems, and potentially risking
the issues connected with crew illness, again should also be remembered that the income the relationship, between shipowners and
to try and raise the awareness of shipowners from Filipino seafarers is very useful to the Filipino seafarers.
and seafarers about some of the causes, and economy of the Philippines, so it is in the
preventative measures that can be taken. This Signals Special includes contributions from
interest of the shipowners, the seafarers, the
Association staff with vast experience in
Seamen from the Philippines represent the Philippines government agencies and others
handling cases involving crew injuries and
largest single nationality of seafarers. In view to ensure that their relationship evolves in a
illness. There is information on the latest
of this, and some of the problems that have way acceptable to all parties. One requirement
standard Philippine Overseas Employment
emerged recently regarding crew claims of this is that crew injury and illness claims or
Administration (POEA) employment contract,
amongst Filipinos, the emphasis of this Signals disputes should be resolved in a fair and
and there are also contributions giving a
Special will be on seafarers from that country. equitable way to the satisfaction of all involved
shipowners perspective and a seafarers union
without any delays.
Seafarers are the most valuable asset of any perspective. Finally, there are contributions
shipping company and good shipowners realise The North of England is keen to encourage providing an up-to-date picture of the litigation
this fact and treat their seafarers as any good shipowners to look after their seafarers situation in the United States and Panama. We
employer would treat a valued employee. The adequately, and this special edition will are very grateful to all our contributors for
Filipino seafarer especially is essential to the consider a number of factors that are presently sharing their thoughts with us.

Injury and illness amongst seafarers

Over the past 5 years crew illness claims and encouraging a healthy lifestyle on board have relationships with lawyers in other
have accounted for 6% of the total cost of ship. However, there has been a significant jurisdictions such as the US and Panama,
claims made to the Association, compared increase in the number of claims related to purport to represent the interest of the
with a figure of about 14% for crew injury cases of illness that appeared to be seafarers and may persuade claimants to
claims, so they are very significant. Crew contracted prior to the commencement of allow them to act on their behalf for a
medical costs are also rising, caused by the the period of employment. This Signals percentage of the settlement, often as high
rising costs of medical treatment, amongst Special will consider illness of this sort and as 40%. This may even apply in cases where
other factors. the loss prevention measures that can be the settlement is part of the contractual
taken, including the scope of medical agreement and the claimant would otherwise
Seafarers who are injured or become ill will
screening and the choice of clinic to perform have received 100%. From a loss prevention
normally be dealt with quickly and
the screening, prior to employment starting. perspective, a good relationship between the
sympathetically by an Owner, their P&I Club
shipowners, reputable manning agents, and
and manning agent. The benefits prescribed Where there is continuity of employment the
organisations such as the ITF who represent
by the contract of employment and the shipowner is aware of the medical records of his
the interests of the seafarers should enable
corresponding P&I Cover are designed to staff, but in cases where new employees are
cases to be settled to the benefit of the
provide the necessary support to the seafarer taken on, adequate pre-employment medicals
claimants, without being subject to the delay
when these unforeseen situations occur. should discover pre-existing medical conditions.
and disproportionate cost caused by the
When crew illness is considered, there are a Another factor when considering cases adverse influence of external parties.
number of loss prevention initiatives that amongst Filipino seafarers is the role of third
can be taken, such as providing a healthy diet party lawyers. These individuals, who often

2 4 5 7
Terms of Shipowners ITF Problem
Employment View View Areas

The Associations 1999 questionnaire

The Association has been approached by a The requirements for a standard pre-employment US $11,000. It is interesting to compare the cost
number of members over the past few years and medical in the Philippines include a chest x-ray, of a pre-employment medical with the cost of an
asked for information about the provision of pre- complete blood count, routine urinalysis and average claim.
employment medicals in the Philippines. Staff fecalysis, dental and optical check ups and an
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our
from the Association investigated the various ECG for seafarers over 40. However, some of the
members who helped us by participating in the survey.
medical facilities in the Philippines and a common causes of crew illness may not be
questionnaire was also circulated to members in detected by the standard test and ship operators
1999. The results have allowed the Association might wish to consider a requirement for No. of Claims 1995-1999
to provide advice to members, some of which is additional tests, such as for Hepatitis B, HIV
summarised in the article below. and liver and kidney function. Routine drug and Others 77%
alcohol testing should also be considered. Crew injury 13%
67% of the ship operators who replied to the Crew illness 10%
questionnaire employed Filipino seafarers, Crew illness claims represent a significant
totalling almost 18,000 persons. This gives some proportion of the people related claims the
indication of the importance of Filipino North of England receives. Over the past five Value of Claims 1995-1999
seafarers to ship operators. The average cost of years the Association has dealt with over 1,500
Others 80%
a pre-employment medical was determined to such claims, although obviously not all involving Crew injury 14%
be US $46, but the cost varied widely from as low Filipino seafarers. The average cost of a crew Crew illness 6%
as $15 to as high as $225. illness claim during that time was almost

Pre-employment medicals
The incidence of crew illness amongst seafarers The most common problems which may lead More stringent testing of candidates over
is increasing. In many cases the illnesses relate to claims if they are not identified prior to the the age of 40.
to medical conditions occurring prior to joining commencement of the period of employment
Retention of medical records for at least a 5
a ship. In cases where new employees are taken include:
year period so that the clinics can carry out
on, adequate pre-employment medicals should
Hepatitis reviews and follow ups, confident in the
discover pre-existing medical conditions.
knowledge that they have a full accurate
When considering the issue of claims arising history to hand.
from pre-existing illness and the loss prevention Heart disease
Employment by other agencies, for example
measures that can be taken, it is necessary to Liver disorders well known multinational companies or flag
address the scope of medical screening and also States such as Norway, who demand high
the choice of clinic to perform the screening. Diabetes
standards and who take it upon themselves to
Psychological disorders inspect the facilities on a regular basis to ensure
Medical Screening.
that the standards are being maintained.
Many standard pre-employment medicals are Reassuringly, there is a general acknowledgement
restricted to basic tests which are limited in that whilst enhanced medical screening will Evidence of self imposed quality control such
scope, probably due to a desire to keep cost more at the outset, there will be reduced as ISO9002 accreditation, or working
screening costs to a minimum. However, this exposure to claims over a period of time. seriously towards same.
can be a false economy because the cost of Consequently, many owners are already
A fixed scale of fees evidencing the various
medical claims can quickly exceed the paying the additional costs to have enhanced
levels of examinations available and the
apparent savings from a ship operators medical screening performed.
costs of same.
cheaper screening programme. The advantage Choice of Clinic.
of enhanced screening is that tests can be Availability of facilities for regular
Once the types of appropriate test have been inspection. Good clinics will be very willing
performed for particular illnesses which are
identified it is necessary to nominate a clinic to allow access to view facilities and to
known to have led to claims in the past.
that will perform the examinations with discuss the services available.
diligence and objectivity. The Association has
identified criteria that should be considered In the Philippines, strict interpretation of
when nominating a clinic to perform pre- the Medical Rating System for Overseas
employment medicals. The principal criteria Contract Workers and Seafarers with a fixed
for selecting a clinic are: procedure for dealing with candidates who
are unfit according to the rating system.
Well qualified doctors being permanently in (Copies of the medical scales are available
attendance as well as fully qualified nursing from the Association on request).
staff, lab technicians, dentists and opticians
and staffing levels sufficient to cope so that
corners would not be cut at busy periods.
Details of the clinics in the Philippines which the
Clean and well equipped clinics with Association has had the opportunity to visit and which
the apparatus necessary for stringent fulfil the above criteria can be obtained from Judith
medical testing. Burdus at the Association.


POEA Contract
The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) is part of the Department of
Labor and Employment in the Philippines. It formulates the guidelines for the employment of
seafarers as dictated under the standard POEA contract. This contract sets the minimum
standards by which the Filipino seafarer may be employed. The contract is reviewed periodically
after consultation and negotiation with a number of parties. After the latest round of negotiations
a number of issues have been resolved and some significant changes made to previous contracts.
In the following article, Ruben Del Rosario reviews the principal changes.

Significant changes in the amended POEA contract

By Ruben Del Rosario, Del Rosario / Pandiphil, Manila, Those illnesses not listed under Section 32-A
Philippine Republic are disputably presumed work-related. This
means that illnesses suffered by a seafarer
The amended Philippines Overseas Employment
during the term of his contract are presumed
Administration (POEA) contract came into
compensable unless substantial evidence is
effect on 26th June 2000. The contract is
presented by the employer to prove that the
prospective in application, meaning it only binds illness is not work-related. Dispute settlement procedures
those Filipino seafarers deployed from 26th June According to Section 29 the parties with a
2000. There are several significant changes
Third doctor collective bargaining agreement (in addition
which deserve some discussion. to the amended POEA Standard Contract)
The seafarer may now dispute the disability
grading of the company-designated physician. shall submit to the jurisdiction of a voluntary
Work-related death, injury and illness arbitrator or panel of voluntary arbitrators. If
The seafarer may appoint his own doctor and
Work-related illness, injury or death is now if there is a disagreement as to the disability no arbitrators are listed in the CBA, the
incorporated in the contract. assessment, the parties may appoint a third parties shall choose from the list of voluntary
doctor whose decision is final and binding. arbitrators of the National Conciliation and
There are two conditions for work-related
Mediation Board (NCMB) of the Department
death to be compensable. The death must
Concealment of past medical condition of Labor and Employment. The decision of the
result from a work-related injury or illness and
voluntary arbitrator(s) is considered final and
it must have occurred during the term of A seafarer who knowingly conceals and does
binding although in practice it may be
employment. However, when the seafarer dies not disclose a past medical condition,
appealed to the Court of Appeals and the
after his term of employment but his death disability and history in the pre-employment
Supreme Court. For seafarers without a CBA
was a result of work-related injury or illness medical examination constitutes fraudulent
and only covered by the POEA contract there
suffered during the term of employment, the misrepresentation and shall disqualify him
is an option to choose between voluntary
resulting death is still compensable. from any compensation and benefits. There
arbitration and compulsory arbitration before
must be intentional concealment, which means
Work-related injury is defined as injury(ies) the Labor Arbiters of the National Labor
that the seafarer knows of his illness/injury and
resulting in disability or death arising out of Relations Commission (NLRC).
still conceals such illness/injury in his pre-
and in the course of employment. The basic employment medical examination.
requirements for compensability are that the Prescription
injury arose out of and in the course of The prescriptive period under the old contract
Coverage of payment of benefits
employment and that it occurred during the (includes tort) is one year from the date of the seafarers
term of the contract. return to the point of hire. Under the
The seafarer or his successor in interest
Work-related illness is any sickness resulting to amended contract, prescription is three years
acknowledges that payment for injury, illness,
disability or death as a result of an occupational from the date the cause of action arises.
incapacity, disability, or death of the seafarer
disease listed under Section 32-A of this contract under this contract shall cover all claims
with the conditions set therein satisfied. arising from or in relation with or in the Conclusion
course of the seafarers employment, including It has taken the POEA more than five years to
For an illness to be compensable, it must not
but not limited to damages arising from the amend the contract. Several conferences were
only be listed under Section 32-A, but also
contract, tort, fault or negligence under the held between government, employers and
occur during the term of the contract.
laws of the Philippines or any other country. unions in order to draft the amendments. On
Further, each of the 21 illnesses listed under This strengthens the employers defence that the whole, the work-related provisions and the
Section 32-A enumerate certain conditions for payment of benefits under the contract release from tort upon payment of benefits
the illnesses to be work-related. It is important releases the employer from any and all claims are important concessions to the employer.
to review these conditions, as they are whether arising from contract, tort, fault or However, the extent of benefits will be largely
material to the determination of whether the negligence under the laws of the Philippines or determined by future interpretation of the
illness is work-related. any other country. changes by the courts.


The important role of manning agents

Owners and operators will frequently employ It is apparent that the standard of service Formal procedures to confirm validity of
officers and crew from countries different to offered by different agencies can range from certificates of competence and pre-entry
their place of business. The gap between the the very good to the less than satisfactory. medical certificates.
countries is often bridged by a manning agent There are however certain guidelines which
Up-to-date service records and references
who can supply manpower to meet an operators can be considered and may assist in
from past employers.
requirements. The manning agency may be determining whether an agency offers levels of
wholly owned by the operator, a joint venture or service which are compatible with an owners Willingness to use owners nominated pre-
an independent third party. However the expectations: entry medical clinic and to have medicals
business is structured, the primary function performed to standard required by owners.
Externally audited quality assurance such as
remains the same, namely to provide seafarers ISO 9002. The identity of an agencys other clients can
with the appropriate qualifications, experience give an indication of compatibility with an
and fitness levels to effectively serve at sea. High levels of staff retention which gives
owners own standards and requirements.
access to service histories and indicates crew
It follows that if the best crew are to be satisfaction. In addition to insisting that manning agents
recruited to man ships and ensure an owners fulfil these criteria there is no substitute for an
In-house training facilities or affiliation with
interests are fully protected, the recruitment owner visiting potential manning agents in
a training organisation to meet STCW 95
and selection process must be rigorous from person to assess the adequacy and suitability
training requirements.
the outset. This is where the manning agent of the operation.
will be relied upon to ensure the requisite Official recognition by government bodies
standards are achieved. such as the POEA in the Philippines.

The shipowners view

The International Shipping Federation, ISF, is an international employers organisation dedicated to maritime manpower issues which
represents and provides advice and guidance to its members. The relationship between ship operators and seafarers is crucial to the
continuing success of a shipping company. Well educated, trained and motivated crews have a large impact on all aspects of the
operational efficiency of a ship including the reduction of insurance claims. When this relates to accidents or illness on a ship it is
clearly in the interest of the ship operator, crew members and their representatives and the insurers to co-operate fully to ensure that
fair treatment and compensation are arranged as quickly as possible. In the following article David Dearsley describes this co-operation
as enlightened self-interest where all parties can gain.

The shipowners view disability they may suffer and that claims are be set against the tens of thousands of cases dealt
settled with the minimum of delay and with by the P&I Clubs which are settled quickly,
David Dearsley, Deputy Secretary General
inconvenience. This is where shipowners look to fairly and without any disagreement. If genuine
International Shipping Federation
the P&I Clubs to provide assistance which goes far problems exist, ISF and the International Group
Apart from those with a direct responsibility for beyond the responsibilities of any conventional of P&I Clubs have agreed that they should be
accident prevention at sea or ashore, it would be third party liability insurer. investigated and, if necessary, corrected, but on
idle to pretend that many of us like to spend too this evidence the record of claims handling by the
Obviously, not every case handled by P&I Clubs
much time thinking about personal injury or death Clubs compares very favourably with alternative
proceeds without problems being experienced. It
either as something which might happen to forms of insurance.
is inevitable that disputes will arise over the
ourselves or as something which might happen to degree of disability which results from an But the Clubs have also taken a number of
our employees. Human nature being fortunately accident, the degree of any contributory positive initiatives to reduce accidents at sea and
what it is, most of us prefer to dwell on happier negligence which might be involved and the to increase health awareness. The analysis of
prospects. amount of any financial compensation which accidents which have occurred, and the time,
might be due. place and cause of the accidents, which several
Shipowners are no different. The possibility that
of the Clubs publish, provides invaluable
seafarers they employ might suffer injury or death Last October a special IMO/ILO working group information to owners on the best means to target
from an accident on one of their ships poses a meeting was arranged in order to discuss their efforts to reduce accident rates. Also, the
number of potentially very difficult and sensitive potential problems with arrangements for analysis of illnesses which seafarers have suffered
problems, and finding solutions is not helped by providing death and disability compensation to from and which have caused hospitalisation
the fact that, unlike loss or damage to buildings or seafarers and their families and, following this, a abroad and premature repatriation, can allow
equipment which can be replaced or repaired, in joint ISF/ITF meeting was held in February this owners to ensure that pre-shipment medical
too many cases accidents at sea cause irreparable year to continue the discussions. In support of examinations are properly arranged to identify
harm to the health and well-being of seafarers or their arguments for improvements to the current common problems. We can, of course, all do more
their dependants. arrangements for providing compensation ITF to reduce the number of accidents at sea and, with
While shipowners cannot eliminate the produced a list of twenty-four cases spanning the help from the Clubs, owners are taking this
consequences of accidents, they do try to minimise past five years in which, in their view, abuses had responsibility very seriously.
the distress for seafarers and their families as occurred. A number of these cases involved This is, of course, enlightened self-interest. But it
much as is possible. This means making sure that Filipino seafarers. is enlightened self-interest of the best type where
seafarers are given proper medical care while in ISF fully accepts that the ITF list may well not be both sides gain - owners and Clubs from reduced
hospital, that they or their families are adequately exhaustive, and we also accept that even one case costs and seafarers and their dependants from
financially compensated for any residual loss or of abuse, if proven, is one too many. But this must less chance of injury, disablement or death.


The seafarers union view

In order to provide a fair and balanced view in this very important debate the Association invited
the International Transport Workers Federation, ITF, to put forward their views. The ITF is a
global organisation of transport workers unions which exists to provide help and support for its
affiliated unions and which has for many years campaigned for the rights of seafarers. In the
following article some of the problems that Filipino seafarers have experienced are highlighted. It
is up to the good ship operators, manning agents and regulatory bodies to work together to make
sure that these issues are resolved.

Quality shipping needs quality seafarers

International Transport Workers Federation
Shipping has for many years, and continues cheating and falsification of documents is a
to be, an industry in crisis. This crisis is way of life in which seafarers who are
manifested by the projected shortage of desperate for a job are too frightened to
suitably skilled and qualified seafarers, the complain about anything - even practices
growing age of the world fleet, the large which threaten the safety of their ship.
number of lives lost at sea, the lack of flag state
implementation and the spiralling increase in Manning and crew training are also
the number of port state control detentions. fundamental to the competence of seafarers.
Ensuring a sufficient supply of well trained
Cut throat competition, a huge excess of seafarers in the long term is something which Crew members who suffer illness or injury
second hand tonnage and a system of social requires significant investment. Unfortunately face an uphill struggle with manning agents to
and safety regulation which is easy to evade this is something in which flag of convenience be paid even minimum entitlements under
has depressed freight rates and made it states (even those which claim to be at the their POEA contracts. Even prior to the recent
profitable and not particularly risky to violate quality end of the market) show no interest. revisions, manning agents have regularly
international standards. Charterers who refuse They expect the seafarers themselves or the alleged that a seafarers illness is pre-existing
to pay even a cent a tonne more to place their governments of the labour supply countries (or congenital) and should not be
cargo on a ship which is well manned and well compensated despite the fact that the crew
to meet the cost of the training. They do not
managed contribute enormously to the member was declared fit to work at a pre-
create their own training infrastructure but
problem. Since the majority of industry costs employment medical with the company doctor.
instead live off the back of others, endorsing
such as capital, fuel and port dues are fixed,
foreign certificates or issuing their own based Quality shipping needs quality seafarers.
the bulk of competitive pressure is focused on
on foreign ones. This is a classic example of the Every ship is only as good as the people who
manning and maintenance.
poor subsidising the rich. Whilst it is not the operate it, both on board and ashore. And
In such an environment, it is not surprising job of a labour organisation to be involved in conversely substandard social conditions are
that it is difficult to attract, train and retain training, two years ago on co-operation with an extremely accurate indicator of a generally
competent seafarers. the ITFs Philippine affiliate, the ITF substandard operation.
Seafarers Trust invested over US$2 million in
The Philippines continues to be the largest So what can be done to ensure that seafarers
a trade union run training institution in
supplier of labour to the international are competent? For companies this must mean:
Manila. This is done in the hope of shaming
shipping market. An entire industry is based
others in the industry into taking their recruit seafarers properly
around the recruitment of Filipino seafarers.
Yet the informal and frequently corrupt responsibilities more seriously.
train seafarers well
system by which seafarers are recruited by Equally important are the working conditions
manning agents is nothing to be proud about. give seafarers decent pay and working
of seafarers. Whilst at one time seafarers were
Contrary to ILO standards it is extremely conditions and reasonable hours
employed on national ships by owners known to
common for seafarers to have to pay bribes to them who has both a legal and arguably a moral give seafarers access to good recreation and
get jobs, to be threatened with dismissal or responsibility to care for them, the attitude now welfare facilities at sea and in port
even criminal sanctions for exercising basic often is to find the cheapest crew with the
human and trade union rights, to be forced to provide seafarers with a career path which
minimum of obligations before, during and
sign loyalty letters or indemnity letters or to encourages them to stay in the industry
after engagement. The flag of convenience
pay loyalty bonuses to the manning agent to be
system with its ability for owners to hop The ITF believes that the key to ensuring
forfeited in case of bad behaviour, or to be
between flags and pick and choose which laws, competent seafarers is a change in the
blacklisted if they complain about their
regulations and conditions of employment will regulatory system governing world shipping, a
conditions of treatment on board.
apply on board to whatever combination of crew change in the economic conditions facing the
In fact every day, far too many people nationality they choose had developed a short industry and a shift in attitude away from
connected with the shipping industry seem term mentality within the industry which is short term towards long term thinking
ready to tolerate a system in which lying, deeply damaging to the well-being of seafarers. amongst shipowners and ship managers.


Filipino crew claims in

the United States
The United States is a part of the world where there may be problems associated with Filipino
crew claims. The role of lawyers from different jurisdictions, and their relationship with lawyers in
the Philippines when representing Filipino seafarers, is a controversial subject. In theory, good
legal representation may enable the seafarer to receive an advantageous settlement for a claim.
However, the percentage of the settlement taken as a fee and the time taken to settle the case, if
it is settled at all, may in some circumstances leave the seafarer in a worse position than if all the
parties directly involved had negotiated a fair and timely settlement. In the following article, David
Lawton looks at how the situation can arise where a Filipino seafarer files a claim in the United
States and some of the issues that result.

It all seems to work so well, until...

By David B. Lawton, Terriberry, Carroll & Yancey.
It all seems fair and works so well. We, the Philippines for any dispute arising out of the the Jones Act, nor can he release in advance
shipowners, hire a Filipino crewing agent contract, and in which compensation for the shipowners obligation to furnish
who procures Filipino crew. The Filipino crew injuries is set forth in a schedule. Why, then, do maintenance, cure, and a seaworthy vessel.
execute individual written contracts that have the US courts intrude upon this system? Furthermore, seamens releases of such rights,
been approved by the Philippine government. even if obtained after an injury, are closely
The employment contracts incorporate a Underlying the US reticence to defer fully to
scrutinised because seamen are considered
standard collective bargaining agreement that such compensation systems is 80 years of a
wards of the court.
has been approved by the Philippine different attitude in the US. Every state in the
government agency in charge of seamen. As US has a workmans compensation law which, The Philippine and US approach to a
required by Philippine law, the collective with some exceptions, provides that scheduled seamans compensation are totally different.
bargaining agreement requires any claims to benefits are the exclusive liability of the Introducing a foreign seamans claim into
be brought in the Philippines and specifically employer for his employees work-related the US framework is like pushing the
sets out the compensation scheme, so that the injury. However, excluded from these laws are proverbial square peg into a round hole. It
exact amount of compensation owed to an Federal government employees, railroad does not fit well. Originally, the US Supreme
injured crew member is known in advance. In workers, and seamen, whose employment is Court addressed the issue by focusing on the
addition, we have never had any problems covered by US federal law. In the US, the most applicable law. In Lauritzen v. Larsen, 345 US
with our Filipino crew. This is the viewpoint of significant category of tort suits by employees 571 (1953), the Court held that absent other
many shipowners when the subject of Filipino against their employers for work-related overriding factors, US law generally should not
seamen bringing suit in the United States is injuries are suits brought by either seamen or apply to foreign seamen on foreign flag ships.
raised. It is, in fact, a tidy and appropriate railroad workers. As a consequence, payment of Mr. Larsen
system until it becomes entangled in the US under the Danish scheme of compensation was
The right of a seaman in the US to bring suit
system of litigation. Then a ship often is considered sufficient to cause the dismissal of
against a shipowner for injuries due to the
arrested, security must be placed, and a his US suit. This traditional approach, with its
unseaworthiness of the ship, and for
serious issue arises as to whether the seamans strong emphasis on the law of the flag, was
maintenance and cure, has been recognised by
compensation for his injury will be decided in compromised 17 years later by Hellenic Lines v.
the courts since the early days of this country
the US court (under US quantum standards) Rhoditis , 398 US 306 (1970). In that case, a
as part of the general maritime law. These
or in the forum specified in the seamans Greek shipowner was a permanent resident of
rights are independent of statute, and are
contracts (i.e. the Philippines). New York, from which city he operated and
viewed by many of the judges in the US as
managed his shipping company. Despite the
For most of the crewing countries of the world, almost inalienable rights of seamen. Thus,
vessel being a foreign flag ship, the US
seamen have been covered for years by any attempt by an employer/shipowner to
Supreme Court found US law applicable,
workmens compensation laws that provide limit those rights is looked upon with
adding the shipowners base of operations as
compensation for injuries on a scheduled basis. extreme scepticism and disfavour. The Jones
another factor for the court to consider in its
The Philippines have regulated all Filipino Act, passed in 1920, supplemented the general
analysis of choice of law, and thereby muddying
seamen serving on foreign flag ships for some maritime law by affording seamen a right to
the brighter line set forth in Lauritzen.
time, setting forth minimum conditions for sue their employers for negligence. In the US,
employment contracts in which the seaman a seaman covered by US law cannot contract in Nevertheless, the great majority of US courts
and shipowner agree to submit to suit in the advance out of the protection afforded him by still considered that it was either inappropriate


or unnecessary to provide a US forum for the Recently, however, Florida has applied the the forum selection clause is unenforceable
personal injury and death claims of the doctrine, and the Louisiana legislature in because it is against public policy of the state,
worlds seamen. In cases where US law did not 1999 changed its law to adopt the doctrine in or because it was the result of overreaching
apply, the doctrine of forum non conveniens maritime cases. Nevertheless, the doctrine with respect to the particular seaman;
was often used to dismiss cases that had little is discretionary, and depends upon a fact-
or no relationship with the US forum. In based inquiry as to the convenience of the the Articles of the ship are the seamans
certain state courts, however, the forum non parties and witnesses. An attempt by a trial contract of employment, and the Articles of
conveniens doctrine was not available. judge to maintain jurisdiction can be the ship do not have a forum selection clause
reversed by the appellate court only if there and do not incorporate by reference the
The most recent basis for attacking
is an abuse of discretion. collective bargaining agreement, with its
jurisdiction of such suits in the US has been to
urge the application of the forum selection Enforcement of forum selection clauses has forum selection clause;
clause in the seamans contract. In 1972, the been successfully upheld in the US Court of
US Supreme Court changed the course of the Appeal for the Fifth Circuit [Marinechance The Philippine Migrant Workers Act of 1995
US judicial attitude by favouring the Shipping Ltd. v. Sebastian, 143. F.3d 216 (5th does not prohibit suits in foreign countries
enforcement of forum selection clauses in Cir. 1998], and in the Louisiana Supreme by Filipino workers.
international transactions. BREMEN v. Zapata Court [Lejano v. Bandak, 705 So.2d 158
Off-Shore Co., 407 US 1 (1972). The US (La.1997)]. However, despite the above, cases Finally, if the facts of the casualty involve
Supreme Court has consistently followed that are still being brought by Filipino seamen, and other US entities, and especially if the casualty
course since that time. the trial and appellate courts in Louisiana are occurs in US waters, the court may decide that
not uniformly enforcing the forum selection it is unreasonable to make the seafarer pursue
Turning back to Filipino seamen, all of the
clauses. The Philippine government has not his recovery in two different fora, and
above approaches have been utilised to dismiss
been particularly helpful in this regard. The therefore will keep the entire case in the US.
Filipino seamen claims brought in the US, and
Solicitor General of the Philippines has
each has often been successful. Nevertheless, What can the shipowner do to prevent this?
suggested in briefs filed with the Louisiana
life is not as rosy for shipowners as it would Only so much. Proper contracts, if Articles are
courts that forum selection clauses in the
seem. Each defence is under attack, and the used, should specify that the collective
Filipino seamens contracts are unenforceable,
viability of Filipino personal injury and death bargaining agreement is incorporated, or
that they are not binding on tort actions, and
claims in US courts is still an open matter. that the POEA Revised Standard contract
that the Philippines can not have jurisdiction
of a claim if an action is originally brought is incorporated. Further, if there is a serious
In the choice of law arena, plaintiff attorneys
in the US. Attorneys attacking the forum injury of a seaman, and especially if such
argue, sometimes successfully, that the
existence of US connections of a shipowner/ selection clauses of Filipino seamens injury occurs while the vessel is in US waters,
manager are a sufficient basis to justify contracts often raise one or more of the a full investigation should be undertaken,
imposition of US law. Further, some courts do following challenges: because the spectre of US litigation continues.
not consider the application of Philippine law Finally, and most importantly, the shipowner
the contract does not cover the seaman;
as any impediment to their continued handling should be aware that the dispute over the
of the claim. The nature of recovery then applicable forum may be the most significant
the contract is only for contractual benefits
depends upon the US judges interpretation of issue involved in deciding the eventual claim.
and the seaman is still free to sue for tort
Philippine law. Affidavits from Philippine Many of these issues are still being decided by
liability or unseaworthiness of the vessel in
lawyers that suggest the remedy of seamen the US courts on a case-by-case basis.
any court which obtains personal jurisdiction
under Philippine law is no different than under Therefore, it is important to produce
over the defendant;
US law have been submitted and accepted by
necessary evidence at the trial court level to
some courts here, emasculating the Philippine
the ship has been attached or arrested in the defend fully on these issues. A shipowner
compensation system.
US, and therefore with the security being victory as to the proper forum can send the
Forum non conveniens has often been a here, the case should remain here; decision on compensation back to the most
successful defence to Filipino seamans legitimate forum for the Filipino seafarer his
claims in the US. In some states, however, the ship frequently calls in the US and own country and avoid the often expensive
the doctrine has not always been recognised. therefore should be subject to jurisdiction here; involvement of US litigation.

Check before signing

There are a large number of different types of policy is designed to ensure that there are no
crew contracts in force throughout the world unusual clauses in a contract and that the
but, unfortunately, there are very few member will be covered for all the risks
standard contracts. Unless a crew contract is arising from the terms of the contract.
checked very closely, ship operators may find Contracts are generally negotiable and it is
they have agreed to terms and conditions that worth spending time to ensure that the terms
they were not aware of. Once a term or clause are acceptable to all parties.
becomes generally accepted in a contract it is The Associations aim is to resolve any
almost impossible to have it revoked. Some problems with a contract before claims arise
terms and conditions may even prejudice a so that compensation can be fairly and
members cover with the Association, causing quickly awarded in the event of a proper
problems with the settlement of any claims. To prevent such problems occurring the claim and so avoid any unnecessary
This is obviously not in the best interest of any Association requires members to have crew additional stress to crew members or their
of the parties involved. contracts approved by the Association. This families and the ship operator.


Filipino crew claims in Panama

Throughout this Signals Special it has been irrespective of the vessels flag, the nationality Various interested parties, including the
argued that an increase in unnecessary of the owners, the jurisdiction dictated in the Panama Chamber of Shipping, the Filipino
litigation may delay or prevent the settlement crew contract or where the incident took Association for Mariners Employment and the
of claims. Since 1996 Filipino crew claims have place. Lawyers acting in concert in both the International Group of P&I Clubs, have been
lead to enormous problems for shipowners Philippines and Panama sometimes appear promoting a bilateral treaty between Panama
to be using claims by Filipino seafarers as an and the Philippines, intended to resolve the
excuse to present inflated law suits. controversy. Clause 10 of the most recent draft
provides that claims filed in Panama or the
Nearly 30 claims and as many arrest actions
Philippines by Panamanian or Filipino seamen
have been filed in the Maritime Court, yet
against shipowners or ships of any nationality
only a handful have been settled and none
are to be referred to the country of the
have been litigated successfully through a
seamens nationality. This provision simply
final judgement of Panamas Supreme Court
reflects the greater interest of each state to
by the Filipino claimants lawyers. In fact, the
protect its own nationals. However, the treaty
only claims which have been decided by a final
is unlikely to be agreed in the near future due
judgement of the Supreme Court have all
to the uncertain political situation in Panama.
gone in favour of shipowners. Once again, the
seafarer may be taken advantage of, and any In the meantime, members who have Filipino
settlement eroded by lawyers fees. crew claims pending, and ships that transit
the Panama Canal, should try to settle the
calling at Panamanian ports or transiting There is concern amongst many parties about
claims properly and quickly to avoid the risk of
the Panama Canal. The reason is that this situation, including major shipowners
having ships arrested in Panama.
Panamanian law allows injured crewmen of whose vessels have to pass through the
any nationality, or the next of kin of deceased Panama Canal on a regular basis. One result The Association is very grateful to Juan D.Morgan, Jr.
crew, to file claims in Panama. This can could be a reduction in the employment of - Partner, Morgan & Morgan - for information used
result in the arrest of ships, or sister ships, Filipino seafarers on certain ships. in this article.

poster published
Poster number four of the MAST (management,
safety, training) series accompanies this Signals
Special. It continues the loss prevention theme
by illustrating the practices associated with
conducting pre-employment medicals in a
humorous way.
The MAST series is produced by the North of
England in the interest of promoting good
practice. Further copies of the poster and details
of the many other publications and training aids
provided by the Association can be obtained
from the loss prevention department. Details
and an order form for publications can also be
found on the loss prevention page of the
Associations website at www.nepia.com

Further information
The Association is able to provide more information to members, particularly regarding the choice of manning agents and clinics in the Philippines,
than has been possible to include in this Signals Special.
Any member who requires further information or advice about these issues, or about crew contracts or pre-employment medicals, should contact
Judith Burdus at the Association in Newcastle, or Matthew Moore at the Associations Hong Kong office.

*In this publication all references to the masculine gender are for convenience only and are also Signals is published by North of England P&I Association Limited
intended as a reference to the female gender. Unless the contrary is indicated, all articles are written
The Quayside Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 3DU UK Tel: +44 191 232 5221
with reference to English Law. However it should be noted that the content of this publication does not
constitute legal advice and should not be construed as such. Members with appropriate cover should Fax: +44 191 261 0540 Telex: NEPIA G 53634/537316
contact the Associations FD&D dept. for legal advice on particular matters. E-mail: loss.prevention@nepia.com Internet: http://www.nepia.com


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