General Theory Labour Value

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The general theory of labour value

Ian Wright WRIGHTI @ ACM . ORG

The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
Version 1.0, April 2017

Abstract Marxs theory of value proposes that natural prices, p,

In this brief position paper I introduce a generalisation are reducible to some function of labour values, v (Marx,
of the classical labour theory of value that establishes [1894] 1971, pgs. 1578). In special circumstances, such
a lawful relation between the prices of reproducible as zero profit, prices are proportional to labour values. But
commodities and the labour time required to produce in general, labour values are a function of the techniques
them. of production alone (i.e., A and l) whereas prices are also a
function of the distribution of income (i.e., and w). Prices
have an additional degree-of-freedom unrelated to labour
1. The problems of the classical theory values and therefore may vary independently of them. In
consequence labour values cannot fully explain the struc-
The problems of the classical labour theory of value man-
ture of natural prices, even in the simple case of a steady-
ifest in multi-sector input-output models with inequality
state economy (Wright, 2014a).
of the proportions in which labour and means of produc-
tion are employed in the various industries (Sraffa, 1960, This explanatory gap creates various problems for the clas-
Ch. 3). sical labour theory of value, most notably Ricardos prob-
lem of an invariable measure of value and Karl Marxs
Consider a steady-state economy:
transformation problem (e.g., see Wright (2014a); Seton
Definition 1. A steady-state economy produces (i) quan- (1957); Desai (1988); Hunt & Glick (1990)). In such con-
tities, q = qAT + w + c, where A is a productive ditions, the prices of reproducible commodities necessar-
input-output matrix, and w = [wi ] and c = [ci ] are ily vary with the distribution of income whereas the objec-
worker and capitalist consumption bundles, at (ii) prices, tive value of commodities, measured in terms of labour, do
p = (pA + lw)(1 + ), where is the profit rate, l are not. In consequence labour values cannot fully explain the
direct labour coefficients and w is the wage rate, where (iii) structure of natural prices.
workers and capitalists spend what they earn, pwT = lqT w
and pcT = (pA + lw)qT . Many authors therefore conclude that the labour theory of
value is, at best, incomplete, or worse, logically incoherent,
In the steady state, workers produce a net product, n = e.g. Samuelson (1971); Lippi (1979); Steedman (1981).
w +c, which is distributed and consumed within the period But this conclusion is premature, as we now demonstrate.
of production. Over multiple periods the economy self-
replaces with a constant composition and scale. 2. Classical subsystems
Marx defined the value of a commodity as the socially Sraffa (1960, p. 89) proposed to decompose an economy
necessary labour time embodied in means of production into as many parts as there are commodities in its net
plus the new labour added by the worker (Marx, [1867] product, in such a way that each part forms a smaller self-
1954). The modifier socially necessary controls for vari- replacing system the net product of which consists of only
able labour productivity within sectors. Since this does not one kind of commodity. These parts we shall call subsys-
apply here we discuss it no further. tems. A subsystem is a vertically-integrated slice of the
Definition 2. Classical labour values, v = vA + l, are economy that produces one unit of a single commodity as
the sum of the value of means of production, vA, and new net output and replaces the used-up means of production.
labour added, l.
Define the subsystem matrix, (I A)1 . The matrix in-
Paper presented at the workshop on Input-Output and Multisec- verse operation is equivalent to vertical integration. The
toral Analysis: Theory and Applications, The Open University, ith column of the subsystem matrix therefore represents the
Milton Keynes, 16 17th May 2017. activity levels of the Sraffian subsystem that produces com-
The general theory of labour value

modity i. depends on the question posed. For example, a classical

labour value will undercount the coexisting labour neces-
Classical labour values, in terms of subsystems, are v =
sary to produce a commodity while simultaneously grow-
l(I A)1 . In consequence, a commoditys labour value
ing the scale of its production.
is the total coexisting labour (Marx, 2000, Ch. 21) supplied
to its vertically integrated subsystem. A labour value sums
all the labour, supplied in parallel to all the different sectors 4. Super-integrated subsystems
of the economy, that cooperate to produce the commodity.
We now introduce a new kind of subsystem. Define a ver-
Interpreting labour values as the coexisting labour sup- tically super-integrated subsystem as a Sraffian subsystem
plied to subsystems is clarifying. For example, following augmented by the production that replaces capitalist con-
Pasinetti (1980, pg. 21), we can partition the length of the sumption goods.
working day in two ways: as (i) the sumP of direct labour To construct the ith commoditys super-integrated subsys-
supplied to each sector of production, li qi = lqT , or (ii)
tem we need to know what capitalists consume during its
the sum of the
P coexisting labour supplied to each Sraffian
subsystem, vi ni = vnT . The partitions are quantita-
tively equal, that is lqT = vnT , because the Sraffian sub- The quantity of commodity i consumed by capitalist house-
systems collectively produce the net product as final output holds per unit of profit income is ci /(pA + lw)qT where
and exhaust the total supplied labour: ci is the total consumption of commodity i and (pA +
Proposition 1. The total working day equals the classical lw)qT is total profit income. The profit income received
labour value of the net product, lqT = vnT . by capitalist households, per unit output in sector j, is
(pA(j) + lj w), where A(j) is the jth column of matrix
A. Hence, consumption coefficient i,j = ci (pA(j) +
Proof. q = qAT + n = n(I AT )1 . Hence lqT = lj w)/((pA + lw)qT ) denotes the quantity of commodity
(I A)1 nT = vnT . i distributed to capitalist households per unit output of j,
where (pA(j) + lj w)/((pA + lw)qT ) is a dimensionless
The working day is composed of the direct labour supplied ratio that denotes the proportion of profit generated in sec-
to each sector of production. But it is also composed of tor j.
the coexisting labour supplied to each subsystem of pro-
duction. Define C = [i,j ] as the capitalist consumption matrix. C
compactly describes the flow rate of consumption goods to
capitalist households per unit output of each commodity.
3. Generalised subsystems
We deduced matrix C via the price system. Nonetheless,
Pasinetti (1988) develops more general multi-sector input- C is a physical consumption matrix, independent of price
output models that feature net investment in means of pro- system, and solely determined by real properties of the
duction to expand the economy at non-uniform growth economy, as we now demonstrate.
rates. In this context, Pasinetti defines hyper-subsystems
that produce 1 unit of a commodity as final output, replaces First, note that the profit rate is determined by the technique
the means of production and replaces the net investment and the real distribution of income (i.e., the break down of
goods. the net product n into worker, w, and capitalist consump-
tion, c):
Pasinetti also defines a generalisation of classical labour
Lemma 1. In a steady-state economy the rate of profit, ,
values which he calls the vertically hyper-integrated
is the dominant eigenvalue of matrix (I A W)(A +
labour coefficients that equal the total coexisting labour
W)1 , where W = (1/lqT )wT l is the worker consump-
supplied to each hyper-subsystem.
tion matrix.
The point is this: different vertical integration policies (e.g.,
whether to include investment goods) define different kinds
Proof. Let X = (IAW)(A+W)1 . Then pX = p
of subsystem (e.g., Sraffian or hyper subsystems) and dif-
is an eigenvalue equation. Solve the characteristic equa-
ferent kinds of labour values (e.g., classical labour val-
tion, det(X I) = 0, to obtain = , where is the
ues and hyper-integrated labour coefficients). The differ-
Perron-Frobenius root (dominant eigenvalue). Multiply the
ent kinds of subsystems are alternative, but complementary,
eigenvalue equation by (A+W) to obtain p(A+W) =
methods of partitioning a multi-sector economy (for more
p pA pW, which implies p = p(A + W)(1 + ).
details, see Wright (2017)).
Since W = (1/lqT )wT l, then p = (pA + lw)(1 + ? ),
In consequence, a commodity has a classical labour value which are the prices of the steady-state economy. Hence,
and a hyper-integrated coefficient. Which to use? That = .
The general theory of labour value

In consequence: The definition of the super-integrated coefficients does not

Proposition 2. The capitalist consumption matrix, C, is a provide or rely upon any theory of income distribution or
function of the technique, A and l, and the real distribution profit. However, in order to calculate the super-integrated
of income, w and c. coefficients the distribution of real income must be a given
datum, in the same manner that, in order to calculate prices,
Proof. Define the capitalist consumption matrix, the distribution of nominal income must be a given datum.
Conjectural variation in equilibrium of either the real or
cT l(I A(1 + ))1 (A + W) nominal distribution of income then affects both the super-
C? = . integrated coefficients and prices.
l(I A(1 + ))1 (A + W)(w + c)T (I A)1
(1) The super-integrated labour coefficients directly relate, in a
The profit-rate, , by lemma 1, is a function of A and straightforward manner, to the total working day.
worker consumption matrix W. Matrix W, by definition,
is a function of l, w and quantities, q. And q, by definition Proposition 3. The total working day equals the super-
1, is a function of A, w and c. Hence, C? is a function of wT = lqT .
integrated labour-value of the real wage, v
the real properties of the economy only.
Proof. CqT = (1/(pA + lw)qT )cT ((pA + lw)qT ) = cT .
We now show that C? is equivalent to C. Note that Substitute into the quantity equation to yield, q = qAT +
p/(w(1 + )) = l(I A(1 + ))1 and qT = (w + qCT + w = w(I AT CT )1 . Hence lqT = l(I A
c)T (I A)1 (from definition 1). Substitute into equa- C)1 wT = v wT .
tion (1) to yield C = cT p(A + W)/p(A + W)qT =
cT (pA + lw)/(pA + lw)qT = [i,j ]. In consequence, we can partition the working day into the
sum of direct, indirect and super-indirect labour supplied to
The total output of the ith super-integrated subsystem is each super-integrated sector,
vi wi = v wT . Again, this
partition is quantitatively equal to the total labour supplied,
i AT + q
i = ui + q
q i CT ,
that is lqT = v wT , because the super-integrated subsys-
where ui is a zero vector except for the ith component tems collectively produce the real wage as final output and
that equals 1. The ith vertically super-integrated subsys- exhaust the total supplied labour.
qi AT ) and super-
tem consists of the direct (ui ), indirect ( We now have two measures of labour value: classical
qi C ) production that produces 1 unit of i as final
indirect ( and super-integrated. Classical values are a special case
output, where super-indirect refers to the production of of super-integrated values in circumstances of zero profit
capitalist consumption goods. =v
(since v (A + C) + l reduces to v=v A + l = v in
Sraffian subsystems are defined by purely technological circumstances of zero capitalist consumption, C = 0).
conditions alone. In contrast, super-integrated subsystems The classical definition ignores, whereas the super-
capture the institutional fact that production, in a capitalist integrated definition includes, the labour cost of reproduc-
system, materially reproduces the real income of a capital- ing the income of a capitalist class.1 In this sense, classical
ist class. values are counterfactual whereas super-integrated values
are actual measures of the labour supplied to produce com-
5. Super-integrated labour coefficients modities in the institutional conditions of capitalist econ-
Every kind of subsystem implicitly defines a kind of labour
value. Both measures are needed to address the full range of issues
raised by a labour theory of value.
Definition 3. The vertically super-integrated labour coef-
, for a steady-state economy, are
ficients, v
6. Prices as labour values

v A + v
= l+v C,
We now state the main result of this paper.
which is the sum of direct, indirect and super-indirect Theorem 1. The prices of a steady-state economy are pro-
labour costs. portional to the super-integrated labour coefficients, p =
, represent the total coexisting labour
The coefficients, v
supplied to each super-integrated subsystem; or, in Marxs
Proof. By definition 1 capitalists spend what they earn,
terminology, they count the labour time embodied in means
of production and capitalist consumption goods plus the 1
Note that any definition of labour value is necessarily inde-
new labour added. pendent of the real wage; see Wright (2015, pg. 5052).
The general theory of labour value

(pA + lw)qT = pcT . Substitute for into the price problem that manifests in his non-uniform growth model
equation: p = pA + (pA + lw) + lw = pA + (Wright, 2017).
(pA + lw)(pcT /(pA + lw)qT ) + lw = p(A + (1/(pA +
lw)qT ))cT (pA + lw)) + lw = p(A + C) + lw = l(I 8. A dynamic, multi-sector input-output
A C)1 w = v w.
The price of a commodity is the wage bill of the total The classical authors, such as Smith and Marx, explained
coexisting labour required to reproduce it. Commodities economic coordination as the unintended consequence of
that cost more labour time to produce sell at proportionally the self-interested decisions of economic actors engaged
higher prices in equilibrium. The more general definition in competition (e.g., Smiths invisible hand or Marxs
of labour value replicates the result, established by Adam law of value). Capitalists, who seek the best returns on
Smith for an early and rude state of society, that labour their investments, withdraw capital from unprofitable sec-
embodied equals labour commanded. tors and reallocate it to profitable sectors. The scramble for
profit eliminates arbitrage opportunities until a general or
The classical authors believed that competitive prices di- uniform profit-rate prevails across the whole economy, at
verged from labour values due to profits on stock. This which point capitalists lack any incentive to reallocate their
premise has been universally accepted, both by supporters capital. Capitalist competition, according to the classical
and critics of the labour theory of value. However, the di- authors, is a mechanism that causes market prices of re-
vergence arises because classical labour values undercount producible commodities to gravitate toward or around their
the coexisting labour supplied to produce commodities in competitive, or natural, prices (e.g., Smith ([1776] 1994),
the institutional conditions of a capitalist economy. Once Book 1, Chapter VII).
we count the actual coexisting labour supplied, that is the
super-integrated labour values, there is no divergence. The Theorem 1 implicitly assumes gravitation has operated
essential duality between the nominal and real cost struc- to completion. We now drop this assumption and con-
tures of an economy is then revealed. struct a nonlinear, multi-sector input-output model of clas-
sical gravitation that reconstructs Marxs law of value
Theorem 1, it should be emphasised, removes the logical (Wright, 2015, Ch. 7), which establishes a lawful relation
basis for rejecting the labour theory of value based on a between market prices and labour values.
supposed ineradicable mismatch between prices and labour
values (e.g., (Samuelson, 1971; Lippi, 1979; Steedman,
8.1. Worker households
Assume constant returns to scale. The composition of the
7. A general theory real wage, w, is constant but may vary in scale, such that
w mw (t)
The more general theory, sketched here, admits both tech- w(t) = w,
nical and social measures of labour cost and applies them p(t)wT
in the appropriate context. where w (0, 1] is workers propensity to con-
For example, classical labour values apply to distribution- sume and mw (t) is their money stock. The fraction
independent questions about an economy, such as mea- w mw (t)/p(t)wT is the quanity of real wage bundles of
suring the technical productivity of labour (e.g., Flaschel composition w purchased.
(2010, part 1)) or the surplus labour supplied gratis by The change in workers money stocks is the difference be-
workers to the capitalist class (e.g., Marx ([1867] 1954)); tween income and expenditure:
whereas the super-integrated labour coefficients apply to
distribution-dependent questions, such as the relationship dmw (t)
= lq(t)T w(t) w mw (t). (2)
between prices and the actual labour time supplied to pro- dt
duce commodities; i.e., issues in the theory of value.
The change in the wage rate depends on both the level and
The general theory dissolves the classical contradictions,
rate of change of employment:
such as Ricardos problem of an invariable measure of
value and Marxs transformation problem (Wright, 2014a), dw(t) dq(t)
identifies a deeper structural contradiction in Marxs theory = w l w(t), (3)
dt dt L lq(t)T
of capitalism (Wright, 2015, Ch. 3), provides a new and
clarifying interpretation of Sraffas standard commodity where w > 0 is an elasticity coefficient and L is the size of
in terms of super-integrated labour values (Wright, 2015, the available work force (this is a Philips-like labour market
Ch. 4) and dissolves Pasinettis general transformation (1958)).
The general theory of labour value

8.2. Capitalist households 8.3. The interest rate

Capitalist consumption is Marx, in Volume 3 of Capital, adopts a loanable funds the-
ory of the interest rate. For simplicity assume the stock of
c mc (t)
c(t) = c, loanable funds is the total money stock held by workers and
p(t)cT capitalists.
where c is its composition, c is capitalists propensity to Proposition 4. The total money stock in the economy is
consume and mc (t) is their money stock. constant, mw (t) + mc (t) = mw (0) + mc (0) = M .
The change in capitalists money stocks is the difference Pn
between income and expenditure. The capitalist sector has Proof. Note that i=1 i = w mw + c mc lqT w
two sources of income: interest from loans that finance pro- (pA + lw)qT r and dm w
dt P+ dmdt = w mw c mc +

duction and industrial profit (or loss) from the ownership of lqT w + (pA + lw)qT r + i=1 i . Combine to get dm dt +

firms. dmc
dt = 0. Hence mw (t)+mc (t) = k, where k is a constant
Assume that firms in sector i finance their costs of produc- of integration. At t = 0 we have k = mw (0) + mc (0).
tion i (t) = (p(t)A(i) + li w(t))qi (t) (comprising the
cost of input goods and labour given the current level of In this example the available loanable funds are a fixed con-
output) by borrowing money-capital from finance capi- stant which implies a fixed interest rate, r(t) = r(0). Note,
talists. Finance capitalists receive interest payments on the however, that M may turn over multiple times to support
money-capital currently tied-up in production on a con- very different quantities of outstanding debt.
tinuous (daily) basis, at a varying, instantaneous interest-
rate r(t). The interest income from sector i is i (t)r(t) and 8.4. Firms
therefore the aggregate interest income is
Firms buy inputs and hire-in labour to produce output that
X is sold in the market. They strategically adjust the prices
i (t)r(t) = (p(t)A + lw(t))q(t)T r(t). they charge and the quantities they produce in response to
i=1 market conditions.

Industrial capitalists, as owners of firms, are subject to 8.4.1. I NVENTORIES

profit and loss, which is the difference between firms costs
and revenue. Supply in general does not equal demand. In consequence,
each sector stores a stock of unsold inventory, denoted
Firms in sector i have aggregate costs, i (t), plus in- si (t). The change of inventories equals excess supply; that
terest payments to service the debt to money-capitalists, is,
i (t)r(t). Total production costs are therefore i (t)(1 + dsi (t)
r(t)). = qi (t) di (t). (6)
The demand for commodity i, di (t), consists of demand
from other sectors and households, di (t) = A(i) q(t)T + 8.4.2. P RICE ADJUSTMENT
wi (t) + ci (t). The total revenue, generated by firms in sec- Firms raise prices when inventories shrink since buyers
tor i, is the price of the sold output, pi (t)di (t). outbid each other to obtain the scarce product, whereas
We can now construct a profit function. The current profit firms lower prices when inventories grow since firms un-
(or loss) in sector i is the difference between total revenue derbid each other to sell to scarce buyers. The sector as
and total cost; that is a whole adjusts relative price in proportion to excess de-
mand, that is p1i dp dsi
dt dt . This has a cross-dual form: a

i (t) = pi (t)di (t) i (t)(1 + r(t)). (4) quantity imbalance, represented by the change in inventory
size, translates into a price adjustment.
Capitalists households include both finance and industrial Assume the change in price approaches positive as in-
capitalists. The aggregate money stock, mc (t), is aug- ventory approaches zero and the commodity is completely
mented by an inflow of profit consisting of total interest scarce, that is p1i dp 1
dt si . Combining these two factors we

income and total industrial profits and reduced by an out- get the price adjustment equation
flow of consumption spending and total industrial losses.
The change in money stock is therefore dpi (t) dsi (t) pi (t)
= i , (7)
n n dt dt si (t)
dmc (t) X X
= i (t)r(t) + i (t) c mc (t). (5)
dt i=1 i=1
where i > 0 is an elasticity coefficient.
The general theory of labour value

8.4.3. O UTPUT ADJUSTMENT with parameters

Industrial capitalists adjust their production plans based on
0.02 0 0.01

profit and loss. A firm that returns a profit (resp. loss) A = 0.2 0.5 0 ,
borrows more (resp. less) money in the market for loan- 0 0 0.1
able funds in order to increase (resp. decrease) supply with
the expectation of earning greater profit (resp. reducing l = [0.7, 0.6, 0.3], w = [0.6, 0, 0.2] (workers consume
losses). corn and sugar but not iron), c = [0.2, 0, 0.4] (capitalists
Industrial capitalists, as a whole, own a portfolio of firms proportionally consume more sugar than corn compared
grouped into sectors that, at any time, make different profits to workers), p(0) = [1, 5, 0.5], q(0) = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1],
or losses. The profit rate in sector i, i /(i (1 + r)) is the s(0) = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1], w(0) = 0.5, r(0) = 0.03, mw (0) =
ratio of profit to costs. mc (0) = 0.5 (worker and capitalist savings are initially
equal and the total money stock in the economy is M = 1),
Capitalists aim to maximise their profit by differentially in- w = 0.8 and c = 0.7 (workers have a higher propensity
jecting or withdrawing capital based on profit rate signals. to consume), L = 1, the price elasticities are 1 = 2 =
The relative change in the scale of production is therefore 3 = 2, the quantity elasticities are 4 = 5 = 6 = 1, the
proportional to the profit rate, that is q1i dq i
dt i (1+r) . This
wage is relatively inelastic, w = 0.25.
has a cross-dual form: a price imbalance, represented by
These parameters instantiate an economy that follows a
the profit rate, translates into a quantity adjustment. Define
growth trajectory until it reaches a steady-state equilibrium
the quantity adjustment equation
where prices, quantities and the distribution of income are
constant over time. See Figure 1 for a description of the
1 dqi (t) i (t) trajectories.
= n+i , (8)
qi (t) dt i (t)(1 + r(t))
Numerical simulations demonstrate that the macrodynamic
system is locally asymptotically stable. I have proved sta-
where n+i > 0 is an elasticity constant. Sectors with a bility in a special case (Wright, 2011) but the problem re-
high (resp. low) profit rate increase (resp. reduce) their mains open for the general case.
borrowing in order to increase (resp. decrease) the supply
The macrodynamic model demonstrates that the classical
of goods to the market.
theory of gravitation is a successful and logically coherent
explanation of the homoeostatic kernel of capitalist com-
8.5. A system of nonlinear, ordinary differential petition. The model supports Garegnanis (1990) and Ser-
equations ranos (2011) view that classical competition through cap-
The eqs. (2), (3) and (5) to (8) combine and simplify to ital mobility may ensure gravitation under quite general
a (2n + 1)-dimensional classical macrodynamic system conditions (Bellino & Serrano, 2011).
of nonlinear, ordinary differential equations in prices, p(t),
quantities, q(t), and workers savings, mw (t) with 3n + 3 10. Competitive equilibrium
initial conditions (p(0), q(0), s(0), mw (0), w(0), r(0)),
2n + 2 elasticity parameters ( = [i ], w , c ), a given The macrodynamic system converges to the steady state
stock of money M and available labour force L (Wright, economy of definition 1. So the dynamic nonlinear model
2015, Ch. 7). embeds linear production theory at its equilibrium point as
a special case. We briefly indicate this result by deriving
Systems of nonlinear differential equations yield closed the equilibrium price and quantity solutions.
form solutions only in special cases. So we use numeri-
cal methods to solve them. To explore this model you can First, note that, in equilibrium, the industrial profit rate is
download an interactive simulator (see Wright (2014b)). uniformly zero (see Figure 1(c)).
Lemma 2. Profit-of-enterprise is uniformly zero in equi-
9. Classical macrodynamics librium, i = 0 for all i.

The classical macrodynamics are rich and varied. To give Proof. Substitute dqdt = 0 into quantity adjustment equa-

some idea well briefly examine a small, 3-sector economy, tion (8) to get i = 0 for all i.
and focus on the trajectories of prices, quantities and the
wage rate (and ignore other issues, such as employment
Industrial profit, in a fully competitive system, is a dise-
and the distribution of income).
quilibrium phenomenon. Profit attracts (and repels) capital
Consider an economy that produces corn, iron and sugar, investment. But the scramble for profit has the unintended
The general theory of labour value

(a) Prices. The price of corn and sugar initially rises (due to (b) Quantities. The scale of production increases in all sec-
relative scarcity) then falls (as output adjusts). The price of tors (since all sectors are initially profit making), with some
iron mainly falls (since its over produced during gravitation). overshoot in the sugar sector. Quantities stabilise at t 10.
Prices stabilise at t 10.

(c) Profits. All sectors are initially but differentially prof- (d) Wage rate. The economy grows and employs more of
itable. Capitalists increase the scale of production. Profits the available labour force. The labour market tightens and
fall as supply starts to meet demand. At t 5 the iron and wages rise. At t 10 the economy reaches a steady state
sugar sectors are loss making. So capital withdraws and their equilibrium and the wage stabilises at w 0.85.
production decreases. At t 10 industrial profits are uni-
formly zero across all sectors.

Figure 1. Classical gravitation in a 3-sector economy. Sectors: corn (black), iron (dashed), sugar (dots).

consequence of reducing imbalances between supply and in vector form. Solve wage adjustment equation (3) to ob-
demand, which ultimately eliminates arbitrage opportuni- tain the wage rate as a function of the level of employment,
ties and causes profit to fall. where kw = w(0)(Llq(0)T )w is a positive constant.
Proposition 5. Equilibrium prices in terms of the equilib-
Proposition 6. Equilibrium quantities in terms of the equi-
rium wage, w , and interest rate, r(0), are
librium net product, n = w + c , are
p = (p A + lw )(1 + r(0)), (9) q = n (I AT )1 (10)

where where
1 w mw

w = kw . w = w
(L lqT )w p wT
is the equilibrium real wage and
Proof. Apply the zero profit condition of Lemma 2 to profit
c (M mw )
function 4 to obtain pi di = i (1+r(0)) for all i. Inventory c = c (11)
p cT
adjustment equation (6), with ds dt = 0, implies qi = di .

Hence, pi qi = i (1 + r ). Expand, simplify, and write is the equilibrium real consumption of capitalists.
The general theory of labour value

(a) The classical law of value. Prices divided by classical (b) The general law of value. Prices divided by super-
labour values get close to, but do not converge to, the equi- integrated labour values approach and equal the equilibrium
librium wage rate (cf. Ricardos 93% labour theory of value). wage rate.

Figure 2. The law of value in a 3-sector economy. Sectors: corn (black), iron (dashed), sugar (dots).

Proof. Set ds
dt = 0 in equation (6) to get qi = di for all
Smith, Ricardo and Marx all restrict the applicability of
i. Expand, simplify and write in vector form to yield the the law of value in various ways. Smith ([1776] 1994,
conclusion. Ch. 6) restricts the law to pre-civilised times. Ricardo notes
that income distribution is a less powerful cause Ricardo
Equations (9) and (10) are structurally equivalent to the (2005, p. 404) of competitive prices and proposed what
price and quantity equations of definition 1, where profit has become known as the 93% labour theory of value
is composed entirely of interest income. The macrody- (Stigler, 1958). Marx ([1894] 1971, p. 158) claims that the
namic system is a monetary model that determines abso- law applies but empirically manifests in a distorted form
lute prices; in contrast, linear production models are un- due to capitalist property relations. The more general the-
determined up to a choice of an arbitrary numeraire and ory, adopted here, offers a new perspective.
therefore only determine relative prices. Marxs version of the law of value seeks to establish two
The macrodynamic equilibrium is entirely independent of claims: first, the causal claim that, in appropriate condi-
initial prices, p(0), initial inventories, s(0), the initial dis- tions, prices are determined, and therefore explained, by
tribution of money wealth, mw (0) and mc (0), and price real costs of production measured in labour time; and,
and quantity adjustment elasticities, i for i [1, 2n] (for a second, the semantic claim that labour is the substance,
full specification, see Wright (2015, pgs. 179181)). As and the immanent measure of value (Marx, [1867] 1954,
might be expected, out-of-equilibrium scarcity prices of p. 503) in the sense that monetary phenomena refer to, ex-
reproducible commodities turn out to be irrelevant to the press, or measure labour time in virtue of a lawful, one-to-
equilibrium state. Scarcity prices are transient phenomena one relation that obtains between them.
that quickly dissipate as production is reorganised to meet The causal claim that prices are ultimately determined by
final demand they affect the trajectory toward equilibrium classical labour values fails because prices, in general,
but not the equilibrium itself. are also determined by class conflict over the distribution
This model, although classical in inspiration, shares many of income.
features with Post Keynesian economic analysis (Rogers, The semantic claim that classical gravitation establishes a
1989, Ch. 7). One example: there is a limit to the prof- lawful relationship between prices and labour costs holds
itable expansion of output (Chick, 1983, p. 71) before full because gravitation is simultaneously a process by which
employment is reached. the nominal and real cost structures of the economy grope
toward a state of mutual consistency.
11. The general law of value Figure 2 illustrates this process. It plots the trajectory of
The law of value is a theory of the coordination of social market prices divided by their labour values (both clas-
labour time via out-of-equilibrium mismatches between the sical and super-integrated) during convergence to equilib-
labour-embodied in, and labour-commanded by, commodi- rium (for the same 3-sector economy). Prices deflated by
ties (see especially Rubin (1973) and Pilling (1986)). their classical labour values approach but do not equal the
The general theory of labour value

wage rate (consistent with Ricardos 93% theory and the Appendix
observed empirical correlation between input-output prices
and classical labour values; see for example Shaikh & Numerical example of Theorem 1
Tonak (1994); Cockshott et al. (1995); Zachariah (2006); The technique and the distribution of real income deter-
Frohlich (2013)). But prices do not bear a lawful, one-to- mines the super-integrated labour values and competitive
one relation to classical labour values because varying the prices, which are dual to each other.
interest rate, r(0), alters the correlation.
For example, consider a steady-state, 2-sector economy
In contrast, prices deflated by their super-integrated labour with technique
values approach and eventually equal the wage rate in equi-  
librium, at which point Theorem 1 applies (see Wright 0 0.5
A= ,
(2015, sec. 7.3.2)). Prices bear a lawful, one-to-one re- 0.25 0
lation to super-integrated labour values. In consequence,
the dynamics of capitalist competition instantiate a causal direct labour coefficients, l = [1, 2], and worker and
regularity, or law, that causes the labour embodied in capitalist consumption bundles, w = [1, 0.05] and c =
commodities to equal the labour commanded by them, [0.5, 0.1].
at which point the allocation of labour to the different sec- First, we calculate the super-integrated labour values.
tors of production perfectly matches the final demand for Quantities q = (w + c)(I AT )1 = [1.8, 0.6]. Worker
commodities. consumption matrix
The general law of value affects the trajectory of market  
prices at all times. But the equilibrium state could empir- 1 0.33 0.66
W = T wT l = .
ically manifest only in conditions of fast gravitation com- lq 0.017 0.033
pared to slow changes in the technique, propensities to con-
The profit rate, by Lemma 1, is the dominant root of
sume, elasticities, and composition of demand.
det((I A W)(A + W)1 I) = 0, i.e.,

12. Conclusion

(1.11 + ) 3.89
= 0,
0.89 (2.11 + )
The modern separation of the classical surplus approach
from its labour theory of value does not constitute a sophis- which yields = 0.31. The capitalist consumption matrix,
ticated rejection of naive substance theories of value but by equation (1), is
indicates a failure to resolve the classical contradictions.
The modern reconstruction of classical economics there- 0.18 0.29
fore dispenses with an essential aim of a theory of eco- C= .
0.036 0.058
nomic value, which is to explain what the unit of account
might measure or refer to. Theorem 1, which demonstrates = l(I A
The super-integrated labour values are then v
that equilibrium prices are proportional to physical quanti- C)1 = [2.77, 4.45].
ties of labour, starts to put the pieces back together again.
Second, we calculate competitive prices. p = l(I A(1 +
Marx proposed to formulate the economic laws that explain ))1 (1 + )w = [2.77, 4.45]w.
why monetary magnitudes represent labour time (just as the
Hence, prices are proportional to super-integrated labour
physical law of thermal expansion explains why the height
w, as per Theorem 1.
values, p = v
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