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In this report I will be looking at the primary ingredient to our survival: water. We can't live without it... but the way we use it now is not sustainable at all. We have a choice
on how we use it, and so we should learn and improve the way we use water. Where do you use it? How much do we use it? Do you know how much you can save?
Where does it come from and what do they do to bring the water to you? Can't we just get fresh water from the ocean? How precious is fresh water?

Elliott Chang





Only three percent of the water on earth is drinkable. 2.5 percent is frozen as ice and 0.5 percent is available to
us in the form of aquifers, rivers, lake and rain1. The global population relies on these sources to survive.

1 "Facts and Trends," World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Assessed April. 1, 2017.



The problem is we are not being sustainable with our own water2. The water cycles and replenishes so there will always be fresh water on
earth. However this does not mean fresh water will always be available to us when we need it. We are also polluting what we have so little
of. On one side of the earth children are playing with the garden hose, and on the other side of the earth, millions of people are thirsty and
have limited access to safe drinking water.

Lets talk about water supply. This research will provide details on how much fresh water is being used around the world as well as in New
Zealand. Where does our fresh water come from? How do we treat it? Are there any alternatives? Where do we use it and how much are we
spending? Most importantly how much fresh water can we save in order to be sustainable and equal?

2 "What's new" : New Zealand Water Supply and Disposal Association, Annual Conference, 8-10 August 1990, Otumoetai Trust Hotel, Tauranga (Hamilton: NZ The Association, 1990), 107.

2842m^3 /year 400~500m^3 /year 1387m^3 /year

There are two ways we use water.

One is direct-use and the other is virtual-use.

Just like carbon footprint, we measure the water consumptionb with water footprint. On average a person on earth has the water footprint of around 1,385m3/ year3. What if we separated this into countries? According to Statista, Americans has the largest water footprint on
the planet with the average being 1,583m3/ year per person. New Zealand was not so different with 1227m3/ year4. To determine its accuracy I looked at some published sources. Arjen Hoekstra stated the average Americans water footprint was around 2842m3/ year in 20135.
New Zealand spent around 3800L of water everyday according to Massey University6. That is equivalent to 1387m3/ year per person on average.

Statistas water footprint data was much lower than the data provided from other official sources. However this is understandable because water footprint depends on many variables and even a small change could significantly alter the overall data. What we must focus on is
not the number but the ranking. Surprisingly New Zealand is one of the top water consuming countries on this planet. It is more than double compared to the water footprint of other developed countries like France (472m3/ year) or Germany (404m3/ year)7. How are we spending
3800L of water everyday? There are two ways we use water. One is direct-use and the other is virtual-use.

3 Arjen Y. Hoekstra, The Water Footprint of Modern Consumer Society (New York: Earthscan from Routledge, 2013), 139.
4 "Water consumption per capita by country 2013," Statista, accessed April 1, 2017,
5 Hoekstra, The Water Footprint of Modern Consumer Society, 139.
6 "What's your water footprint?" NZHerald, accessed April 1, 2017,
7 "Water consumption per capita by country 2013," Statista, accessed April 1, 2017,


Toilet Flush Cistern 140*350*240mm.11.76 L/ full flush

5 times a day. Half flush
35 times per week. Half flush only
205.8L /week
Shower with regular showerhead
28.23 seconds to fill 2120ml SHOWER
4.5L per minute
10 minutes per day
70minutes per week
315L /week

Sinks Han Savantis. Recorded flow rate: 6L/ min
Less than 5minutes per day
Less than 30L per day
210L /week
7.5L 7L
Dishwasher DS603 Fisher & Paykel. As little as 7.5L8
Once a week. On minimum setting.
7.5L per week


2x 500ml per day
7L /week

Laundry MW512 Fisher & Paykel. Water usage: 73 Litres9

Twice a week. On minimum setting.
146L /week LAUNDRY

I did my own calculation to see if I really spend 3800L a day. I recorded all my daily activities and calculated how much water I am using. For some appliances I could not find their specifications online so I used the timer and measurer to calculate its flow rate. I also live in an apart-
ment so my data does not include the outdoor water usage like gardening and car wash. My weekly water consumption was 891.3L in total, which is 127.3L (1 d.p.) a day. I was surprised to see the amount of water I use just from the appliances. My appliances are not brand new
so they are not the most efficient, which is true for the majority of households. The two advantages for me is that I had a dishwasher and I do not use water for outdoor activities. If I had to wash dishes by hand I would use at least another 210L per week (tap running for 5 minutes).
There were 473,451 households in 200610 and 19,020 were apartments11. This means around 96% of the households had gardens, and they would have used additional water for outdoor activites such as gardening and washing cars.

8 "Fisher & Paykel DS603," AjMadison, accessed April 9, 2017,

9 "Fisher & Paykel 5.5kg White Top Loader Washing Machine. Model: MW512," Graysonline, accessed April 9, 2017,
10 Auckland Dwellings and Households Initial Results from the 2013 Census (2014 report), (Auckland: Auckland Council, 2014), 2.
11 Apartment Dwellers 2006 Census (2010 report), (Auckland: Auckland Council, 2010), 2.



How can we save water from direct water use? Lets replace everything I have with water efficient appliances.

Six is the maximum water rating an appliance can get. According to the Ministry for the Environment, showerheads can only get up to three stars because New Zealand does not have a testing facility to rate them12. The water rating is calculated by using this formula above, provid-
ed by the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments; and the rating gets rounded to the nearest half star13. From this formula I learnt that the capacity of the appliance is a huge contributing factor. Bigger capacity does not mean better performance.

It is impossible for me to know who is using what level rated appliances, so I decided to look for the lowest & highest rated appliances I could find online. Then I multiplied their difference with the Aucklands total population to find out how much water can be saved if everyone
in Auckland changed from lowest water rated product on the market to the highest rated product. At the time of this writing, New Zealand Statistics only provided the population data for 2013, so I decided to use the data from Ourauckland. Auckland population was 1.57 million
in 23 March 2015. On average 819 new people move into Auckland every week14. With 526 days difference, I calculated that there were around 1.63 million people in Auckland in 1st of April 2017. I will use this number for the upcoming calculations.

12 "New Zealand Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme," Ministry for the Environment, accessed April 5, 2017,
13 Water efficient productsRating and labelling (2005 report) (Federal Register of Legislative Instruments, 2005), 9-10.
14 "Auckland adds 43,000 new residents in the June year," OurAuckland, accessed April 9, 2017,

EVERYDAY SAVING IF YOU These were the performance of the appliances that was avail-
CHANGED THE APPLIANCES FROM_ able online during the time of this research. 29 March 2017

Toilet Shower Head Tap Dish Washer Washing Machine / Dish Wash
A person flushes 5 times a day on average16. Gener- According to Waipa District Council, one star rated On average a tap with the water rating of two stars A dishwasher model with the size 14 and 5.5 stars A washing machine with three stars rating
ally a toilet with the water rating of three stars showerhead runs up to 14L /min. The three stars consumes 10.25L/ min on average. A tap with six water rating consumed 9.8L per wash. The least consumed 139L/9.5kg wash (14.63L/kg) and the one
consumes 6L per full flush. A toilet with four stars rated showerhead runs up to 8.6L /min15. On the stars water rating consumes 5.35L/min on average18. performing dishwasher with four stars was also size with five stars rating consumed 61L/8.5kg wash
rating consumes 4.5L for a full flush17. contrary I only used 4.5L /min in my shower. I (see Appendix B) 14 and it consumed 13.4L per wash19. (7.18L/kg)20.
(see Appendix A) realised these numbers were unapplicable because (see appendix C) (see appendix D)
showerhead water consumption reallly depends on
the user. I let the tap run for at least 5 minutes when I had to
(8.6 = 4.5) (14 = 7.33L/min) wash the dishes by hand. Even with the most water
I used this ratio above to determine how much efficient tap, it will take 26.75L everyday. This is
water a person would really use with one star rated 16.95L more than the least performing dish washer.
showerhead, assuming that my showerhead has
three stars rating.

12225000L saved 46129000L saved 114100000L saved 27628500L saved 46129000L saved per kg
Water consumption * Auckland Population * 5 flushes = Toilet water Water consumption * Auckland Population * 10min = Water consumption Water consumption * Auckland Population * 10min = Minimum tap water Water consumption * Auckland Population = Dishwashing water Water consumption * Auckland Population * 2/7 = Washing machine
consumption per day in Auckland per day for showering in Auckland assuming everyone uses the same consumption per day in Auckland consumption per day in Auckland water consumption per kilogram per day in Auckland assuming 2 washes
amount of pressure I use for showering, and assuming everyone showers per week
(3) 6*1630000*5= 48,900,000L within 10 minutes. (2) 11*1630000*10= 179,300,000L (Hand) 26.75*1630000= 43,602,500L
(4) 4.5*1630000*5= 36,675,000L (6) 4*1630000*10= 65,200,000L (4) 13.4*1630000= 21842000L (3) 14.63*1630000*2/7= 6,813,400L
3-4 = 12225000L saved everyday if all households changed from 3 (1) 7.33*1630000*10= 119,479,000L 2-6 = 114100000L saved everyday if all households changed from 2 (5.5) 9.8*1630000= 15,974,000L (5) 7.18*1630000*2/7= 3,343,829 L
water rated toilet into 4 water rated toilet, assuming they flush 5 times a (3) 4.5*1630000*10= 73,350,000L water rated tap into 6 water rated tap, assuming they let it run 10min Hand-4 = 21760500L saved everyday if all households got a 4 water 3-5= 3469571L saved per kg of laundry everyday if all households
day. 1-3 = 46129000L saved everyday if all households changed from 1 to everyday. rated dish washer changed from 3 to 5 water rated washing machine
3 water rated shower head and showered for 10 minutes only. Hand-5.5 = 27628500L saved everyday if all households got a 5.5 water
rated dish washer
4-5.5 = 5868000L saved everyday if all households changed from 4 to
5.5 water rated dish washer

15 "Smart Water - how to save water," Waipa District Council, accessed April 5, 2017,
16 "Household water use in Auckland," Watercare, accessed April 9, 2017,
17 "Suites," Bunnings Warehouse, accessed March 26, 2017,
18 "Kitchen Mixers," Bunnings Warehouse, accessed March 26, 2017,
19 "Dishwasher," Harvey Norman, accessed March 26, 2017,
20 Washing Machine," Harvey Norman, accessed March 26, 2017,

Direct Water Use

Virtual Water Use
... to manufacture:
NZ Electricity



Architecturally speaking, we can save plenty of fresh water by changing our appliances to better performing ones. However improving the direct water consumption is not enough to change the bigger picture. Out of 3800L, I was only using 3.35% of it with direct water usage.
We should focus on decreasing the remaining 96.65% of our water footprint. This comes from virtual water. It is the key to understanding the truth behind our enormous water footprint as well as finding the path to sustainability.

Virtual water is the water we humans use to grow, produce, and manufacture everything we have around us, such as electricity, materials, and food21. This means water footprint is related to the ecological footprint because the water ultimately links everything together. Trading
is the major contributing factor to New Zealands footprint. In 2003, New Zealand had the fourth biggest ecological footprint in the world22. Australia, Canada and the United States were the top three. France and Germanys footprint was just below New Zealands. United States
exports farm animals to Canada and Mexico. Farmers in France and Germany also take long freight trips beyond European boarder. New Zealand is no exception as we are farm country. Overall humans on earth spend 272 billion m3 of water every year to trade and process meat
into food products23. This does not include the process of growing the animal but this will be discussed later.

21 Arjen Y. Hoekstra, The Water Footprint Assessment Manual: Setting the Global Standard (London: Earthscan, 2011), 2.
22 David Butler, Water Demand Management (London: IWA Publishing, 2006), 21.
23 Hoekstra, The Water Footprint of Modern Consumer Society, 57.

0.5% 30% =1766 billion m3

Drinkable of drinkable water is
used for growing feed.
Feed used
for livestock
30% 70%
Land for Livestock


~15,000L ~10,000L
Virtual Water Virtual Water

Contemporary farming is very unsustainable. Globally around 30% of the land is used for agriculture, and 70% of them grow livestock24. To grow livestock we need feed. 1766 billion m3 of fresh water is used every year to produce feed25. This is 30 percent of the fresh water available
to us in the planet26. 98 percent of this feed is used to grow livestock, which ends up as tiny amount of meat product on the plate27. We are consuming unimaginable amount of water by eating meat.

Eating meat drastically increases our water footprint. According to National Geographic, we consume about 15013L of water when we eat 1kg of beef28 (1 ib of beef= 1799 gallons) (0.453592kg = 1799 gallons) (1799/0.453592 = 3966) (1kg = 3966 gallons) (3966 gallons = 15012.94L) . This result was very close to the
data provided by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. According to IME, 1kg of beef equals 15415L of fresh water consumption and 1kg of sheep meat requires 10412L29. Beef and Sheep meat was ranked the top 2nd and 3rd most water consuming food product in the world.
Chocolate was the first on the rank but this does not apply to New Zealands water consumption so we will be looking at sheep and cows.

24 Hoekstra, The Water Footprint of Modern Consumer Society, 51.

25 Ibid., 57.
26 Ibid., 51.
27 Ibid., 54.
28 "The Hidden Water We Use," National Geographic, accessed March 22, 2017,
29 "How much water is needed to produce food and how much do we waste?" TheGuardian, accessed April 9, 2017,

Other NZ Farming
90% Heavy Virtual
15% Water Users
16% 52% 55% EXPORT
Cows Sheep NZ

7% We use our own water for others

Both needs and pollute its source.

Livestock farmers are the top fresh water consumer. How many farms are there in New Zealand? Over 70,000 farms were operating in New Zealand in 200430. Farming would not be a problem if they are free range, as grazing system relies on naturally grown plants that are fed
by rainwater. However more and more farmers are using synthetic fertiliser, which uses fossil fuel and fresh water31. According to the land distribution of different farming types in 2002, 90% of the agriculture in New Zealand was dedicated to sheep, beef and dairy farming32.
Remember that sheep and cows are the top water consuming food products. Over 90 percent of the sheep is exported and this is astonishingly 55% of the entire sheep meat exported around the world33. Essentially we use our own fresh water to satisfy others needs and pollute
the environment with waste. Even if the water gets treated, the process of purifying takes energy and this thus take additional fresh water.

30 Growing for good: intensive farming, sustainability and New Zealand's environment (Wellington: Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, 2004), 34.
31 Ibid., 44.
32 Ibid., 44.
33 Ibid., 37.


~15,000L ~10,000L ~6,000L ~4,000L

Virtual Water Virtual Water Virtual Water Virtual Water

1cal of PROTEIN

I previously mentioned on page-3 that an average person on earth consumes around 1385m3 of fresh water every year. As the population is rising, this will become a problem. We must reduce the
water footprint by 910m3 in 2050 and 835m3 in 2100 in order to become sustainable34. How can we achieve this? We can be sustainable by being smart with what we eat. Unlike beef and lambs,
1kg of pork and chicken only consume 5988 and 4325L respectively35. A person saves 11090L of water by deciding to eat 1kg of chicken instead of beef. A better alternative is to become a vegan.
Even with the same nutritional value, meat uses significantly more water than crop. For example 1kcal of animal protein requires 2.5L of water whereas only 0.5 kcal of water is needed to produce
plant protein36. This means one could stay healthy and sustainable by becoming a vegan as well as reducing his/her water footprint. In reality people do not want to change so this is unlikely to ever
happen. 263 million tonnes of meat is wasted before reaching human stomach37 so a realistic approach is to advise people not to waste food.

34 Hoekstra, The Water Footprint of Modern Consumer Society, 139.

35 Ibid., 56.
36 Ibid., 55.
37 Save Food: Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, accessed April 27,


Dams in Hunua Range:

Mangatangi Dam

WAITAKERE Damns in Waitakere Range:

185 ha
Mangatawhiri Dam
128.5 ha
Waitakere Dam and Waitakere Saddle Dam Cosseys Dam
25.1 ha 123 ha
Upper Nihotupu Dam Wairoa Dam
12.5 ha 98 ha

Lower Nihotupu Dam Hays Creek Dam

x 7,360 52.9 ha
Upper Huia Dam
18.2 ha
x 32,880
18.9 ha
Lower Huia Dam
50.3 ha
olympic swimming pool olympic swimming pool

We looked at where and how much fresh water we are using. Where is this fresh water coming from? What is the catchment area? Together they add up to 712.4 ha, or 7124000m2 of catchment area46.
There are two main sources that provide 80 percent of Aucklands water. One is Waitakere Range and the Water consumption * 0.8 = (A) The amount of water used for the Waitakere and Hunua ranges.
other is Hunua Range37. Waitakere Range is located 16~20km away from the city and it is located 500m (A) / (Volume of water/ Catchment Area) = catchment area used in these ranges.
above the sea level so the water is delivered by gravity38. There are six dams in total and they capture (Volume of water/ Catchment Area): 118,200,000,000L/ 7124000m2 = 16591.8(1 d.p.)L /m2

18.4 million cubic metres of water39. This is equivalent to around 120,400m3 a day on average40. Hunua
415128400L every day for the entire Auckland population in minimum standard with the least performing appliances or method available
Range was connected to Auckland in 1946 when the demand grew41. It is located higher than the 20016m2 everyday
Waitakere range and it currently captures double the supply that Waitakere can provide42. It has four = 7305840m2 / year with the least poerforming appliances. It exceeds the capacity of Waitakere and
damns and has the total capacity of 82.2 million m343. This is equivalent to around 235,000m3 a day on Hunua ranges.
202902400L every day for the entire Auckland population in minimum standard with the best performing appliances on the market
= 9783m2 everyday
Together they provide around 394,700m3 a day and store maximum 118.2 million m3 of fresh water45.
= 3570795m2 / year with the best performing appliances.

The demand with the least performing appliance exceeded the capacity of these two dams whereas
the demand with the best performing appliance was almost half. This could mean people are conserv-
ative and use less direct water than me or they have good performing appliances to save water.

38 "Water sources," Watercare, accessed April 9, 2017,

39 Auckland Regional Authority Future Bulk Water Supply Study: Environmental Issues (Auckland: The Authority, 1986), 10.
40 Auckland's Bulk Water Supply (Auckland: Auckland Regional Authority, 1981), 1.
41 Ibid.
42 Auckland Regional Authority Future Bulk Water Supply Study: Environmental Issues, 11.
43 Ibid.
44 Auckland's Bulk Water Supply, 1.
45 Ibid.
46 Ibid.
47 "Dams in the Hunua and Waitakere Ranges," Watercare, accessed April 9, 2017,
We looked at where the fresh water comes from
in Auckland. How does it get treated before it
reaches the on-grid home users? The water is
measured in four stages in order to determine
whether the water is safe to drink or it needs to
be treated47.

Are these indexes satisfied? Yes with total score of over 85.
Suspended Sediment

Oxygen index Filter
The amount of oxygen is important for aquatic
life and for breaking down organic tissues. Value
over 80 is considered to be good.

Nutrient index
This is the measure of how much nitrogen and SAFE
phosphorus compounds there are in the water. Sand Filter WATER
Bacterial index
It examines how much bacteria there are in the Lime for pH adjustment
water. Normally the level drops below 40 if there
Aluminium Sulfate Fluoride
is animal feces.
Suspended sediment index form flocks
This examines the clarity of the water based on
how much substance is mixed with the water. A
level below 40 appears muddy, whereas a value
over 70 is considered acceptable.

If the total score is over 85, it is considered as First the water is filtered through screens to stop big objects or fishes from entering. Then aluminum sulfate is added. This causes dirt and microorganisms
good quality fresh water48. This does not exam- to stick together and form bigger particle called the flock50. These heavy flocks sink down into a tank. Water gets collected from above and goes through
ine heavy metal or exotic chemicals. Unqualified sand filters and membranes. After that Chlorine is used to remove any remaining bacteria in the water. Lime is used to adjust the pH level and fluoride is
water gets filtered through four stages49. used for dental reason. The water is then considered safe to drink and it gets distributed to the on-grid users.

48 Land and Water Management Plan (Auckland: Auckland Regional Authority, 1983), 64.
49 Ibid.
50 Auckland's Bulk Water Supply, 16.
51 "Water Treatment," Watercare, accessed April 9, 2017,


Provided more than half ~100,000m3 /day ~100,000m3 /day

of fresh water in desali- $30 million a year $39.2 million a year
nation technology after
1981. It is stil expensive
and needs maintainence.


1.7L/min 353m3 /day 145 machines

2448L a day 300 people on an island $258,100NZD for the machines

How can off-grid houses get water assuming that there are no rivers or lake nearby? Rainwater may not be a reliable option to some regions. The only alternative is to separate salt from the seawater. This can be achieved using desalination or reverse osmosis technology. After1981
reverse osmosis provided more than half of the fresh water from membrane technology and it is considered to be much more affordable51 and requires less energy52 than multi-stage flash (MSF) plants. However this is still a very expensive method of gaining fresh water and it
is only favourable where fuel is abundant and fresh water is rare53. Another downside is the short lifespan of the filters. These filters have 5 years of life expectancy and need to be replaced regularly54. The plant needs to be shut down once every year for maintenance and inspec-
tion55. It also runs into troubles sometimes so unexpected shut downs do occur. Overall it is expected to be able to run 8000 hours per year56. RO plant is expected to run at 30 million dollars a year with up to 100,000m3 a day57.This is around $1.60 per m3 of water. On the other
hand regular distillation plant will cost 39.2million a year to provide the same amount of water per day58.

Lets look at Rangitoto, a remote island with no fresh water source. What if three hundred people suddenly want to live there? Theyll use around 353m3 per day with the least performing appliances. 300*(7.33*10+6*5+11*10+26.75+14.63*2/7) = 352833L / 353m3
With small population, it is much more economical to look at smaller devices than a standard plant. The most efficient RO product from Wellington Water Filters can provide 1.7L of water per minute59. This is 2448L per day. There needs to be at least 145 machines to satisfy the
needs of 300 people. This comes to a total of $258,100. This approach is much cheaper in this situation compared to a standard RO plant, which requires $107397.26 every day.

52 Auckland Regional Authority Future Bulk Water Supply Study: Conversation (Auckland: The Authority, 1986), 4.3.
53 Ibid., 4.4.
54 Ibid., 4.1.
55 Ibid., 4.6.
56 Ibid., 4.8.
57 Ibid.
58 Ibid., 4.6.
59 Ibid.
60 "Merlin Reverse Osmosis System," Wellington Water Filters, accessed April 9, 2017,

Saveable water
could be used for...



Is it bad that New Zealanders are using more fresh water than the people from the other countries? Afterall
most of the products from heavy industries like cars are imported from overseas so we are not using our
own fresh water to manufacture them. Additionally the New Zealand power supply is mostly very clean
and sustainable so we are barely using any fresh water to produce power. Quite recently there was a water
shortage warning in Auckland from March to April in 2017 , but this was due to the heavy rainfall and
treatment capacity61. We have plenty of fresh water to use. So we have two options. One is to feel free and
use as much fresh water as we want. The other is to save water and share it with the global population.

Sustainability is not just about the environment but it also includes the society and economy62. By sharing,
we can support the society and economy. I previously mentioned on page-2 that the fresh water is not
always available to everyone. We can cut down the unnecessary water use that is wasted, and give it to
those who need it. In terms of our economy, Chinese company Nongfu Spring wants more New Zealand
water63. They are currently taking it for free but when the government do manages to change the policy,
we can potentially sell our unused and replenishable water overseas.

61 "Auckland water shortage officially over," NZHerald, accessed April 27, 2017,
62 Mark Mawhinney, Sustainable Development (Malden: Blackwell Science, 2002), 3.
63 Chinese company Nongfu Spring wants more NZ water, NewsHub, accessed April 27, 2017,

Changing the seawater into fresh water is difficult and costly. It makes us truly appreciate the natural fresh water sources we have today. No one can live without water and yet it
will not be available to us forever if we keep using it at this rate. We can make better decisions and we should do so in order to sustain and survive together in one equal society.

3410 Words

2017, Elliott Chang


Appendix A) Toilet Water Consumption Appendix B) Tap Water Consumption Appendix C) Dishwasher Water Consumption Appendix D) Washing Machine Water Consumption
full flush Foreno Espres Sink Mixer Chrome WELs Mains 3Star Low 3Star 3 8.5 higher value = higher water consumption Fisher & Paykel 7.5kg WashSmart Eco Top Loading 3.5 Stars 92L per wash
Delmonte Toilet Suite - S Trap White 3 3.9 Mondella Resonance Sink Mixer Chrome WELs All Press 3Star Low 4Star 3 7.5 Simpson 13 Place Setting Dishwasher - White 4.5 Stars 11.6L per wash Westinghouse 8.5kg Top Loading 3 Stars 123L per wash
Mondella Rococo Back to Wall Toilet Suite 3/6 L Dual Flush 3 3.9 Mondella Cadenza Sink Mixer WELS Mains 3Star Low 4Star Chrome 4 7 Haier 13 Place Setting Dishwasher 4.5 Stars 11.8L per wash Bosch 7kg Maxx Front Loading 4 Stars 71L per wash
Stein Ero Toilet Suite Back To Wall 4 4.5 Mondella Resonance Square Sink Mixer WELs 3Star 4Star 3 7.5 Westinghouse 15 Place Setting Dishwasher - White 4.5 Stars 13.5L per wash AEG 10kg Front Loading 4.5 Stars 86L per wash
Estilo Link Vitreous China Suite 3 3.9 Icon Sink Mixer 5 5.5 Fisher & Paykel 14 Place Setting Dishwasher - White 5 Stars 11.4L per wash Electrolux 7.5kg Front Loading 4.5 Stars 64L per wash
Estilo Dual FlushToilet Suite P Trap 3/6L White 3 6 Mondella Cadenza Sink Spray Mixer Chrome 4 7 Fisher & Paykel 14 Place Setting Dishwasher - Stainless Steel 5.5 Stars 10L per wash LG 9kg Washer / 5kg Dryer Combo 4.5 Stars 77L per wash
Mondella Concerto Back To Wall Toilet Suite 3 6 Mondella Resonance Vege Spray Side Lever Sink Mixer Chrome 4 7.5 AEG 14 Place Setting Dishwasher 5 Stars 11.5L per wash LG 9kg Front Loading 4.5 Stars 77L per wash
Ikonic Back to Wall Toilet Suite 3 6 Felton Odyssey Sink Mixer All Pressures 3 7.5 Westinghouse 15 Place Setting Dishwasher - Stainless Steel 4.5 Stars 13.5L per wash Samsung 7.5kg Front Loading 4.5 Stars 62L per wash
Stein Devon Toilet Suite - Back To Wall 4 4.5 Foreno Espree Spray Sink Mixer 4 8 AEG 14 Place Setting Dishwasher 5 Stars 11.5L per wash Fisher & Paykel 7kg QuickSmart Top Loading 3.5 Stars 86L per wash
Dux Delmonte Toilet Suite - P Trap White 3 6 Foreno X-Factor Sink Mixer 5 6 Bosch 15 Place Setting Built-Under Dishwasher - Stainless Steel 5 Stars 12L per wash Haier 8kg Front Load 4.5 Stars 68L per wash
Stylus Jeda Connector Toilet Suite S trap 4 4.5 Foreno X-Factor Sink Mixer 3 8 Bosch 14 Place Setting Dishwasher - White 5 Stars 11L per wash Samsung 7.5kg Top Loading 4 Stars 77L per wash
Stylus Jeda Connector Toilet Suite P trap 4 4.5 Foreno Mana Gooseneck Sink Mixer WELs Mains 4Star Low 3Star 4 6.5 Bosch 14 Place Setting Built-Under Dishwasher - Stainless Steel 5 Stars 11L per wash Westinghouse 7kg Front Loading 4 Stars 70L per wash
Stylus Allegro Toilet Suite S Trap White 3 6 Foreno Icon Coil Sink Mixer Chrome WELs Mains 4Star 4 7.5 Bosch 15 Place Setting Dishwasher 5 Stars 12L per wash Simpson 9.5kg Top Loading 3.5 Stars 139L per wash
Stylus Allegro Toilet Suite P Trap White 3 6 Foreno Espree Flo Sink Mixer 4 7 Bosch 14 Place Setting Dishwasher - Stainless Steel 4 Stars 13.4L per wash AEG 9kg/5kg Front Loading Washer/Dryer 4 Stars 83L per wash
Caroma Uniset II Link Suite S Trap White 3 4.5 Foreno Espree Flo Sink Mixer (All Pressure) 2 11 Bosch 15 Place Setting Dishwasher - Stainless Steel 5 Stars 12L per wash Bosch 8kg Front Loading 4 Stars 68L per wash
Caroma Uniset II Toilet Suite P Trap 3 6 Flexispray All Pressures Cove Sink Mixer 4 7 Ariston 14 Place Setting Dishwasher 5.5 Stars 9.8L per wash Fisher & Paykel 7.5kg QuickSmart Front Loading 4.5 Stars 64L per wash
Stylus Prima Suite Close Coupled S Trap 4 4.5 Methven Amio Sink Mixer All Pressures 5 6 Bosch 14 Place Setting Dishwasher 4 Stars 13.5L per wash Fisher & Paykel 8.5kg FabricSmart Front Loading 5 Stars 61L per wash
Caroma Venecia Suite Toilet 4 4.5 Mondella Resonance Tall Vege Spray Coil Sink Mixer WELS 4Star 4 7 Bosch 8.5kg Front Loading 4.5 Stars 73L per wash
Urbane Compact Suite Toilet P Trap 4 4.5 Mondella Resonance Vege Spray Coil Sink Mixer 4 7.5 LG 14kg Top Loading 4 Stars 144L per wash
Dux Civic Toilet Suite - S Trap White 4 4.5
Methven Spirit Mains Pressure Sink Mixer 5 6 Fisher & Paykel 8.5kg WashSmart Front Loading 4.5 Stars 73L per wash
Stein Amor Close Coupled Toilet Suite 4 4.5
Felton Odyssey Sink Mixer 3 9 Panasonic 8.5kg Top Loading 4 Stars 104L per wash
Stein Infinity Toilet Suite Wall Faced 4 4.5
Felton Odyssey Sink Mixer 4 6.5 Samsung 13kg Activ Dual Wash Top Loading 4 Stars 102L per wash
Stein Delta In-Wall Toilet Suite 4 4.5
Mondella Resonance Pin Lever Sink Mixer 40mm 4 7.5 Electrolux 10kg Front Loading 4.5 Stars 86L per wash
Caroma Cosmo Care Toilet Suite S Trap 4 4.5
Mondella Rococo Sink Mixer All Pressures 4 7.5 Fisher & Paykel 8kg CleanSmart Top Loading 4 Stars 82L per wash
Mondella Rumba Sink Mixer All Pressures 6 6 LG 9.5kg Top Loading 4 Stars 98L per wash
Caroma Cosmo Care Toilet Suite P-Trap White 4 6
Mondella Vivace Sink Mixer All Pressure 6 6 Miele 7kg Front Loading 4.5 Stars 60L per wash
Dux Delmonte Disabled/Care Toilet Suite - P Trap White 3 6
Angolato All Pressure Sink Mixer 3 9 Panasonic 8kg Front Loading 4.5 Stars 68L per wash
Dux Centreflush Toilet Suite - P Trap White 3 6
Caroma Elements Husk Mains Sink Mixer 4 7.5 Panasonic 10kg Front Loading Steam Action 4.5 Stars 84L per wash
Dux Centreflush Toilet Suite - S Trap White 3 6
Dorf Villa Sink Mixer 4 7.5 Samsung 8.5kg Front Loading 4.5 Stars 70L per wash
Caroma Sahara Wall Faced Toilet Suite WELS 4 Star 4 4.5
Flexispray Sink Mixer Minimalist Square All Pressure 6 4 Fisher & Paykel 10kg CleanSmart Top Loading 4 Stars 102L per wash
Caroma Kari Walled Faced Toilet Suite WELS 4Star 4 4.5
Flexispray Sink Mixer Minimalist Square All Pressure 4 7 AEG 8kg Front Loading 4.5 Stars 68L per wash
Urbane Wall Hung Invisi Series II Suite 4 4.5
Dissco Sink Mixer Chrome WELs Mains 4Star Low 6Star 4 7.27 AEG 8kg Front Loading 4.5 Stars 68L per wash
Dissco Sink Mixer Chrome WELs Mains 4Star Low 6Star 6 4.04 AEG 9kg Front Loading 4.5 Stars 77L per wash
Felton Halo Sink Mixer Chrome 5 6 LG 7.5kg Front Loading 4 Stars 77L per wash
Felton Halo Sink Mixer Chrome 3 8
Felton 06 Sink Mixer Chrome 4 6.5
Felton 06 Sink Mixer Chrome 3 8.5
Felton Volo Spring Sink Mixer 4 7
Foreno Waka Sink Mixer Chrome/Black WELs Mains 2Star 2 9.5
Dorf Chrome Poseidon Sink Mixer 5 6
Foreno Icon Coil Sink Mixer Chrome WELs Mains 4Star 4 7
RITZ Piazza All Pressure Sink Mixer 3 9
Felton 06 Sink Mixer Small 3 8.5
Felton 06 Sink Mixer Small 4 6.5
Dorf Enigma Sink Mixer 4 7.5
Dorf Black Vixen Sink Mixer 4 7.5
Dorf Hepburn Sink Mixer 4 7.5

2017, Elliott Chang


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2017, Elliott Chang

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