Directions On How To Get Started: Zip Kit Checklist

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Directions on how to get started

1. Student will place all six task cards face down.

2. Student will flip one task card over. With the expo marker provided, write

your number in the first column.

3. Write your number in word form in the second column. (There is a word

form sheet to help with spelling, if needed).

4. Next, write how many hundreds, tens, and ones you have in the third

5. In the last column, draw a model of the number.
6. Once you have completed all six rows, use the red felt to erase the board.

Zip Kit Checklist

Please ensure all materials are placed back in the bag before returning.

_______________ Math board

_______________ Expo marker

_______________ Red felt (to erase board)

_______________ Word form sheet

Word form

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