Trabajo Academico 2016 Ii: Dued - Piura

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I. Proper presentation of your Academic Work (spelling, format, and writing). Esta
parte del trabajo acadmico no es para ser desarrollada, sino para recordarle que su
redaccin debe ser la apropiada. No emplee letras maysculas para todos sus textos
(slo donde sea necesario) y revise bien la gramtica inglesa para evitar cometer

Hello, my name is Fabiola Palacios Condolo. Im 33 years old. Im from Chulucanas

city. Im a married woman.
I like to travel to many places. I like to go out with friends and spend time with my
By other side I am studying at Peruvian wings University in Piura.
I also work and I like to improve myself everyday.

(2 points)

II. Use the Present Perfect Tense with its variations to describe one of your life

The perfect experience that I had is when I married. It was a change in my life.
It is important to mention that my husband is a nice person. I am happy with him and I
would like to have babies in the future.
Marriage means a love time that does not have end till death.
I like the time I am living. It is really nice to have one person to hear me, understand my
my problems and receive good advices from the person who I love.
I have travelled with him by many places, I have been so lucky!
I have known many places and I hope to continue doing that.

(3 points)
III. Write a sixteen line dialogue by using Past Simple and Present Perfect Tense.
Add some business terms.
A: Hello Michael, How have you been?
B: Hello Fabiola. I have never been better.
A: Really? What happened?
B: I got a new job with a better salary. Also I have an excellent work environment.
A: Thats nice! Congratulations dear friend. Im so happy for you.
B: Thank you! I have been looking for it!
A: How is your boss?
B: He is a nice person. He is interested about professional growth of his employment.
A: Good! And what has he done to get it?
B: Well, He has done some evaluations of his employment.
A: What is the point of that?
B: Well, He helped a lot. Workers who have low level are trained to improve it.
A: Thats great! Your boss is like a good leader.
B: Yes, he is! In a few time I respect him a lot. What about your job?
A: Im on vacations! I will travel to Bahamas next weekend.
B: That sounds great!

(3 points)

IV. Write a text by using Reflexive Pronouns, Possessive Adjectives, Object

Pronouns and Connectors to describe some people (four). You must paste their

She is Mary. She is a little shy. She is ten

years old. Her hair is blond. Her eyes are
blue. Her weight is 46 Kilograms.
She has a beautiful dog. Her dog is really
obedient and active pet.

He is Hans. He is an extroverted boy. He

is eight years old. His hair is black. His
eyes are black. His weight is 38
He has a beautiful house. He lives in
Piura city. He is a good student. He likes
it a lot

She is Helen. She is a loyal old woman.

She is seventy years old. Her hair is
white. Her eyes are green. His weight is
69 Kilograms.
She has a beautiful and big family. She
lives in Trujillo city. She is a good
grandmother. She likes to go to the
cinema with her family.

He is Tim. He is a successful man. He is
thirty three years old. His hair is brown.
His eyes are brown. His weight is 60
He has four companies of Management.
He has a beautiful car. He lives in Lima
city. He has two daughters. He loves
them a lot

(3 points)

VI. Write sentences to each picture by using Present Perfect and Present Perfect

Example: Melissa has bought some presents for me this week.

Melissa has been buying some presents for me this week.

1. The farmer has worked so hard in the field.

The farmer has been working so hard in the field.

2. Rose has sewed baby clothes this morning.

Rose has been sewing baby clothes this


3. Jason has gone skating this afternoon.

Jason has been going skating this


4. Diana and Peter have seen their footsteps in the snow.

Diana and Peter have been seeing their

footsteps in the snow.

(2 points)

VII. Write a text (100 words) about the things you did in the past. Work with these
grammatical structures: Simple Past Tense and Past Perfect Tense.

I traveled to Arequipa last month, the second most important city in our country. It was
an incredible experience at white city.
The people of this place are really nice. It has historic and cultural value. By other side
its Gastronomy is delicious. I have eaten stuffed hot pepper, potato cake, guinea pig,
and more.
I walked by Colca place. It was an interesting adventure. Also I have been at the Valley
of volcanoes and I have taken a relax at Yura thermal baths.
It is important to mention that Arequipa is an axis of economic development in southern
Peru. Go to Arequipa!

(3 points)


1. I drove my new car last night.
NEG: I did not drive my new car last night.
INT: A: Did I drive my new car last night?
B: Yes I did. It was fantastic!

2. They have been writing some documents since this morning.

NEG: They have not been writing some documents since this morning
INT: A: Have they been writing some documents since this morning?
B: Yes, they have. They have a lot of work at office.

3. My aunt has drawn a beautiful picture today.

NEG: My aunt has not drawn a beautiful picture today
INT: A: Has my aunt drawn a beautiful picture today
B: Yes, She has. She is an excellent artist.

4. We have watched TV all morning.

NEG: We have not watched TV all morning.
INT: A: Have we watched TV all morning?
B: No, We havent. We had a lot of homework.

(4 points)



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