Shakespeare Lesson Plan

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Shakespeare Introduction Lesson Plan English 1

1. State Learning Objectives

a. Today we will begin our unit discussion on the life and works of William Shakespeare, or the

Bard perhaps the most influential writer of all time. His works have had a major influence in

literature, poetry, psychology, and in todays society. Were you aware that several major words

in the English language, like: bedroom, champion, obscene, mimic, amazement, and many

others are attributed to Shakespeare. Though he lived 400 years ago, his stories, themes, and

psychological insight to the human condition are still relevant and all around us today. Im sure

that all of us have heard of, read, or seen an original or adaptation of a Shakespearean play

sometime in our lives. Raise your hands if you know or have seen any works by the Bard?

b. To understand Shakespeares influence upon modern language and society, we must first

understand Elizabethan England, his life and the works he wrote.

c. By the end of this lesson you will know Shakespeares background, his works -the successes

and failures-, and begin to grasp the influence his works have had upon modern language,

literature and society.

2. Review Prerequisites

3. Present New Material

a. Discuss with Students

c.i. The life of William Shakespeare

c.i.1. Birth and childhood, Stratford-upon-Avon

c.i.2. Marriage to Anne Hathaway, children

c.i.3. London and the Globe Theater

c.i.4. Later years and death

c.ii. His writing

c.ii.1. Iambic pentameter introduction

c.ii.2. Other Writers

c.iii. His works

c.iii.1. Tragedies titles/short synopsis

c.iii.2. Comedies titles/short synopsis

c.iii.3. Modern adaptations - titles

4. Conduct Learning Probes

a. Call randomly upon selected students to assess comprehension on his life.

5. Provide Independent Practice

a. Provide the students with a fill in the blank handout that covers the materials discussed in class.

6. Assess Performance and Provide Feedback

a. Have students pass their papers to a neighbor for peer grading. Call on students to answer


b. Pass back papers for review

7. Provide distributed practice and review

a. Have students review todays materials for further in depth instruction and pop-quiz..

b. Have the students list his works under three categories: tragedies, comedies, sonnets.

c. Pass out hand out explaining in more detail iambic pentameter for next classs lesson on his

writing styles.

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