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Ethics Toolkit Worksheet

Below is a worksheet to help you think through ethical dilemmas using all the
perspectives of the ethics toolkit.


The following are kinds of questions asked from this perspective: Am I willing for it
to become universal law? Does it treat other people as ends in themselves and not
just as means? Does it allow other people to make their own choices? Are the
benefits and costs equitably distributed?

Please type in your answers to the following questions:

What are the core principles at stake? Would I be content if others (organizations,
employees, partners) did what I planned to do?

Am I protecting the rights and dignity of other people? Will my decision make some
people feel that they are just being used?

Am I giving others an opportunity to make their own decisions? Will people feel
disempowered or alienated by my decision?

Will this decision be fair to all involved? Will any of our stakeholders feel this
decision is unfair to them?

The following are kinds of questions asked from this perspective: Which alternative
will maximize happiness and minimize pain (both to myself and others)? Does it
provide the greatest benefit to the most people?

Please answer the following questions:

Who will be affected by my decision? Who will benefit, and who will be harmed?
Think about whom my decision will impact the most. Who are the key stakeholders

Virtue Ethics

The following are kinds of questions asked from this perspective: Does it help me
become a better person? Would I be willing to have it broadcast to the public? Am I
doing the type of work that I am called to do?

Please answer the following questions:

Who am I? What kind of person would this action make me? What kind of
organizational identity do we want to convey to the public?

How would I feel if my reasoning and decision appeared on the news? How will this
decision affect my image or reputation if it goes public?
Am I on a path that allows me to express my personal gifts? Am I being true to who I
am? Is this consistent with my mission and vision? Is this really what we are best at
doing as an organization?

Social Contracts

The following are kinds of questions asked from this perspective: Am I fulfilling my
obligation to contribute to a harmonious society? Are my actions in keeping with
societal norms and expectations?

Please answer the following questions:

Am I fulfilling my societal duties? What are my obligations or promises (explicit or

implicit) to others? What do I owe my stakeholders? How might this decision benefit
or harm my environment (citizens, donors, society, etc.) at large?

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