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Marallag, Ellaine Denice H. March 24, 2017

2HST2 Friday


Take Home Preliminary Exam

1. Why are secondary sources more significant than primary sources from the

historiographic perspective?
Secondary data are easily accessible, relatively inexpensive, obtained quickly,

enhances existing primary, and it helps develop an approach to a problem. Secondary

sources could resolve a problem for they show new ideas that could help define/provide a

better understanding of a subject. It also stands as a reference point that can be the

guidance for the collection of the primary data.1 As we all know, the information that

were circulating in every field is not that consistent, it varies in views because of the

reason that not everyone has the same perspectives but still a fact remains a fact and an

opinion remains as an opinion. In history, information cannot be constant because from

time to time it is reinterpreted.

For example, in the book of Zaide, it was stated that Rizal was unhappy at UST

because the Dominican professors were hostile to him, Filipino students were racially

discriminated against by the Spaniards, and the method of instruction was obsolete and

repressive.2 While in the book of Villaroel, the Dominicans allowed Rizal to enrol

simultaneously in pre-medical course and the first year of medicine which was an

1 William Zikmund, Steve D'Alessandro, Hume Winza, Ben Lowe, and Barry Babin,
Marketing Research (South Melbourne: Victoria:Cengage Learning, 2011),

2 Gregorio F. Zaide, Jose Rizal: life, works, and writings (Manila: Villanueva Book
Store, 1957),

extraordinary privilege given to a very few students adding the fact that he is an Indio. It

is also stated there that "Rizal was not on record as having ever complained about his

grades in Santo Tomas while he did complain about those he received in Madrid.3 The

records of Rizal also show that during his last year stays in UST, only seven students

remained and he is one of them. Reading these two books, we may come to a thought of

what actually is the basis that Rizal had an unhappy life at UST? Both of the books are

example of secondary sources. This example justifies that secondary sources have

limitations too for it sometimes leads people into more complicated ideas because of the

contradictory assumptions made. On the other hand, it still managed to establish a strong

stand on different perspectives. Like what Villaroel did, one may exhaust all appropriate

secondary data sources before proceeding into taking the primary data in able to widen

their views. The irony is instead of confirming the works of Zaide, he found out the

contrary side of it. While these are useful to check what other experts in the field have to

say, they are still not evidence. Some could also take advantage of the work of other

historians by using other secondary sources. Dealing with these secondary sources could

build off primary sources with an in-depth analyses that may take a variety of forms.
In conclusion, we can actually say that secondary sources are more significant than

the primary sources when it comes to a historiographic perspective for it provides an

overview of a historical event or time.

2. Compare and contrast traditional and non-traditional sources of history. How may they be

advantageous in one way and disadvantageous in another? Discuss completely.

Traditional and non-traditional sources are both records of history. These

sources are a huge help for a researcher in conducting a historical review for it

became the foundation to an every research. The original and traditional source of
3 Fidel Villaroel, Jose Rizal and the University of Santo Tomes (Manila: University of
Santo Toms Publishing, 1984)

historical knowledge is the written text.4 Traditional sources are considered

archaeological or art historical. These came from fables, myths, epic poetry,

inscriptions left on buildings or objects, deeds of farms, ancient letters,

proclamations, manuscripts and other forms of writing. Most of these are first

hand basis that can be found on the archive part of the library or museums. The

non-traditional sources is somehow referred by many as a term of convenience

because it somehow uses new scientific techniques unlike the traditional sources.

In often times, we used to acknowledge information even if it is not yet verified

just because it is somehow appeared in the past. But not all of these sources are

unreliable, these sources are still records of history no matter what. Secondary

sources are applicable to these type because it is considered as a second hand

account or summation of another person's account or material. This is more

accessible to public but this requires more extensive cross-referencing and

verification. During the twentieth century, sources of history were added like

radio broadcasts, television broadcasts, newspaper articles, pictures, movie or film

reels, personal journals and diaries. Today, we must admit that sources are just

one click away from the internet unlike before but we must be careful in choosing

our references because we might have chosen the wrong website.

For some instances, not all the traditional sources are available to the public for

review in their original state, this is the reason why there are reproductions made

in books and viewed in pages called "plates."5 Some of the historical books are

4 James Bowden. Sources of History. Ancient History Et Cetera. Accessed March 20,

5 Ibid.

also written in a language that one may not be familiar with. Co-authors translated

the books to become more available to the public. This now considered as a

traditional source for it is like a duplicate of the original copy eve if it is a

secondary source.
3. Explain why historiography is crucial to the study of history. Can history be done

without historiography?

History is an interpretation of the past based on the weight of available evidence.6 It was

also defined by Carl Becker as an unstable pattern of remembered things redesigned and

newly colored to suit the convenience of those who make use of it. 7 While,

historiography essentially means "the history of history" because it is the writing of

history and how the historians come to understand the written records.8 History today is

still an ongoing process of creation and this is the reason why we have now the term

"historical revisionism." This is because history is also an endless re-interpretation of the

historical record by different people with different perspectives. There is no work of

history ever completed or beyond argument. Most of the times the evidences are biased or

incomplete. Sometimes, it is considered as inaccurate. This makes it hard for the future

researchers to make conclusions. In able to resolve this problems, we need historiography

to fill in the gaps that were lost or misunderstood.9 This will help us to have a clearer

information and understanding of how a specific subject was studied over time.
6 Galgano, Michael J., Arndt, J. Chris, Hyser, Raymond M. Doing History (Boston, MA: Thomson-
Wadsworth, 2007), 1

7 Carl L. Becker, Everyman His Own Historian (New York: F.S. Crofts, 1935), 253-254

8 Peter Conolly-Smith. Historiography Writing on History. Accessed March 20,


9 Ibid.

Historiography is important for all historians for it shows transparency about the sources

of the author. 10An excellent work of writing history requires a balance between authority

and originality. Thus, by acknowledging the works of other historians in the field will not

only give credits to the authors but it could also motivate others in conducting their own

historical work. In able for history to be done well, historiography must also be present.

History cannot be done without historiography and vice versa because history is not just

simply the occurrence of the events but it is the branch of knowledge dealing with the

past events or the aggregate of the past. We should remember that even in the past a

system of writing is already present like the cuneiform and the hieroglyphics. This means

that even the early people tried to write their own history. Therefore, history needs

historiography and historiography needs history.

10 Nick Sacco, The Importance of Historiography Exploring the Past. August 27.
Accessed March 18, 2017.


Becker, Carl L. 1935. Everyman His Own Historian. New York: F.S. Crofts.

Bowden, James. 2015. Sources of History. November 18. Accessed March 18, 2017.

Conolly-Smith, Peter. 2007. Historiography. Accessed March 20, 2017.

Galgano, Michael J., Arndt, J. Chris, Hyser, Raymond M. 2007. Doing History. Boston:


Sacco, Nick. 2013. The Importance of Historiography. August 27. Accessed March 18, 2017.

Villaroel, Fidel, O.P. 1984. Jos Rizal and the University of Santo Toms. Manila: University of

Santo Toms Publishing.

Zaide, Gregorio F. 1957. Jos Rizal: life, works, and writings . Manila: illanueva Book Store.

Zikmund, William, Steve D'Alessandro, Hume Winza, Ben Lowe, and Barry Babin. 2011.

Marketing Research . South Melbourne: Victoria: Cengage Learning.

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