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Karina Chavez

Edu 280
Oct. 8, 2015
Diversity Lesson Plan

Standard: RL1.2. Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central
message or lesson.

Culture or Cultural Concept: Celebrating diversity, Self-expression, Creativity

Objective: SWBAT recognize the message/ lesson taught in the story to help them in their own life.
SWBAT understand what is being read to them by the teacher.


Martins Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., by Doreen Rappaport and I have a
Dream speech expert (one copy)
Cookies (or any other treat)
Old newspaper, stapler, yarn, and paperclips, drawing paper


Set the Stage/Anticipatory Set

Let the students know that we will be playing a game where they will learn about or history, and
that this game might not seem fair at first, but it will change at the end. Tell the students that there are
treats for today, but you can only get a treat if you are wearing red. Let the students react and share their
thoughts with the entire class. Ask them questions such as, How did it make you feel to not receive a
treat just because you are not wearing red?, Is this fair? After they have had a good discussion you
may know hand out the treats to those who did not receive one in the first place.

State the Objective

Today we will be learning about people in our past who did not have a fair life based
on the color of their skin, and what they did to change this. You will listen to me
read a book about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, who was one the people who lived
through this time in our history.

Investigate Prior Knowledge

Ask students if they have ever heard about Martin Luther King Jr or Rosa Parks, and
discuss what they know.

New Information/Input &Model

Read story to the class (Auditory), and stop at different points in the book to make
sure students are following along and ask questions such as, Why were some people
not being treated fairly?, Do you think Rosa Parks should have given her seat up?,
How are these people trying to change their lifes, with their words/ their fists?
Karina Chavez
Edu 280
Oct. 8, 2015
Guided Practice
Read to the students an expert from the I have a dream speech once finished ask
questions to have a class discussion such as, What was MLKs dream?.
Then the students will be given four pieces of paper and cut them in to the form of a
cloud all four papers at once so that the shapes match (demonstrate and assist).
On one of the clouds they will write I have a dream that I will and on the other
cloud, I have a dream that the world will tell them to leave enough room for their
Independent Classroom Practice
Students will have to fill in the rest of the sentence on their own; for the first cloud
they will think of a dream for themselves such as, I have a dream that I will become
a doctor and make an illustration for it. On the second cloud they will think of a
dream as a world such as, I have a dream that world will treat each other fairly.
Once this part is finished they will staple the other two cloud shapes to the pack, but
leave an opening on top to stuff newspaper and give it a 3D form, then the top can
also be stapled.

o English Language Learners: In small groups assist the students with writing
their sentence, such as spelling or translation. Have preprinted sentence
starters for them if necessary.
o Special Education: Have precut cloud shapes for students and sentence
starters and in small groups assist them to finish the sentence.
o Gifted: Write 1-2 sentences more on what they will do to accomplish their
own dream, and for the second cloud how they can help with their dream for
the world.

Topic Review/Closure
Students will share their dreams with the rest of the class and using yarn and paper
clips the teacher will hang their dream clouds on the ceiling to remind the students of
their dreams.

Evaluation/Assessment Teacher checks clouds to see if key details are present.

Karina Chavez
Edu 280
Oct. 8, 2015

I have a dream
that I will become
a doctor.

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