Mat Lesson 6

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Technology in PE

Content Area: Physical Education

Grade Level: 6th - 8th
Time Allotted: 50 minutes
Class Size: 40-50
Lesson # 6

Essential Question: How can technology influence physical activity?

Content Standard(s): 4.2 Identify physical activities that are effective in improving each
of the health-related physical fitness components.

Prerequisites: Students should have a brief understanding of what the Sworkit

application is and should have participated in one Sworkit activity. Students should also
have an understanding of the five components of fitness and know the definition for each

Specific Learning Objectives: In this lesson students will learn how to use the Sworkit
application. Students will also learn about the five components of fitness and be able to
identify exercise examples of each component. By the end of the lesson students should
be able to identify each component of fitness and be able to give an example. Students
should also be able to function the Sworkit application.

Equipment Required:
iPad x1
Projector x1
Small cones x5
Cone sleeves x5

Assessment(s): In this lesson students will be verbally assessed on their understanding

of the five components of fitness. Students should be able to give specific examples for
each component.

Academic Language Demands: Vocabulary: Five components of fitness, muscular

endurance, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, body composition,
exercise specific language from application.
In this lesson students will need to listen receptively to verbal instruction as well as be
able to read written instruction. They will need to productively speak using the academic
language in the lesson.

Accommodations: This lesson will include a combination of visual and verbal

instruction to meet the learning needs of all students. Modeling by the teacher will be
used to address specific needs of EL students. Individual accommodations may be
needed such as allowing students to diagram rather than perform some aspects of the
Planned Lesson Instruction: (Note: the first 5 and last 5 minutes of class will be
designated to allow students to dress)

Introduction: (10 minutes)

Class will begin with a 10 minute warm up routine. Students will start with a dynamic
warm up. Sideline to sideline on a basketball court. Exercises are as followed:
-High knee run
-Butt kickers
-High leg kicks
-One leg quad stretch (alternating)
-Toe touches
-Light jog
-Push-ups x15
-Sit-ups x40
After students complete dynamics have them run a two lap warm up run on an outdoor

Body of the lesson: (25 minutes)

Begin the body of the lesson with a review of the five components of fitness. Start the
review by showing a short Youtube video that discusses the components of fitness
(teacher choice). Students should already have some familiarity with each component.
The five components are muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility,
cardiovascular endurance, and body composition. (5 minutes)

Set up five stations around the gym with the definition of each component. You can use
just a printed sheet or cones with cone sleeves. At each station include a list of example
exercises that would fit in that components. (EX. Muscular endurance: push-ups, sit-ups,
and jumping jacks). Students should rotate every two minutes to a new station. No more
than 10 students per station. (10 minutes)

Bring students back to a central location and have a short discussion about the
components. Ask students to give specific examples of each component. Next project
the Sworkit application for all students to see. Go over all the different functions of the
application, specifically how to find the list of exercises. Display how when you click on
an exercise (ex. Downward dog) a visual example of how to execute the exercise is
given. (10 minutes)

Closure: (5 minutes)
End class with a short discussion on how technology can impact physical activity. What
are some examples of common technologies in fitness? Have students turn and talk and
end class by sharing out responses.
Extending the Lesson/Homework: N/A

Reflection/Next Steps:

Recommended Youtube video:

Teacher Notes: How to use the Sworkit application.

Open up the Sworkit application on iPad. On the main menu there are four main workout
options to choose from that contain premade circuit activities based on what type of
exercise workout you are looking for. You can select one of these premade workouts and
adjust the time in increments of five minutes. In the top left corner you can select the
menu, which includes settings for the application as well as the exercise list. This list is
what student should access for the project introduced in the next lesson.

Five Stations:
Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of the body's circulatory and respiratory systems
to supply fuel during sustained physical activity.
Ex: running, swimming, biking, dancing, aerobic activity

Muscular strength is the ability of the muscle to exert force during an activity.
Ex: weightlifting, pull-ups, bench press, leg press

Muscular endurance is the ability of the muscle to continue to perform without fatigue.
Ex: push-ups, sit-ups, jogging, walking, pilates

Body composition refers to the relative amount of muscle, fat, bone, and other vital parts
of the body.
Ex: BMI, height and weight

Flexibility is the range of motion around a joint (USDHHS, 1996 as adapted from
Wilmore & Costill, 1994).
Ex: stretching, yoga, trunk lift, sit and reach

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