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1. Time Complexity
a. Master Theorem
b. Recurrence Tree
c. Substitution Method
d. Amortized Analysis
e. Asymptotic Complexity
2. Dynamic Programming
a. Matrix Chain Multiplication
b. Optimal Binary Search Tree
c. Longest Common Subsequence
d. 0-1 Knapsack
3. Backtracking
a. N Queens Problem
4. Graph Algorithms
a. Single Source Shortest Distance
i. Bellman Ford
ii. Dijkstra
b. Maximum Flow
c. All Pair Shortest Path
5. Greedy Algorithms
a. Fractional Knapsack
b. Prims
c. Kruskal
d. Huffman Codes
e. Job Sequencing with and without deadlines
6. Parallel Algorithms
7. Randomized Algorithms
a. Las Vegas
b. Monte Carlo
c. Analysis
8. Divide and Conquer
a. Strassen
9. Data Structures
a. Stacks
b. Queues
c. Linked List
d. BST
e. AVL
f. Red Black
g. Heaps
i. Binomial
ii. Fibonacci
iii. Binary
h. Priority Queues
i. Graphs
j. Dictionaries
a. Merge Sort
b. Bubble Sort
c. Radix Sort
d. Heap Sort

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