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Erika Borbon

Ms. Marlowe

Expo R/W P4

26 November 2016

Works Cited

"Community Outreach Program."

community.asp. Accessed 26 Nov. 2016. The Editor on the site "City of Arts &

innovation" for the City of Riverside first informs about a new Graffiti Program for many

neighborhoods to discuss the graffiti challenges in the residents neighborhoods. Due to

the graffiti program and the people that participated in the outreach program, the City of

Riverside knows where the most graffiti is in the city and the resident that want to help

get rid of it. These are groups that are participating Northside Improvement Association,

Eastside health Foundation, Eastside Community Resident Meeting, Eastside

Neighborhood Forum, Casa Blanca Community Action Group, etc. most likely because

they see graffiti in there own neighborhood and they want a change in the community not

specifically just in covering graffiti. The city gives presentations for the people and the

groups in the program for community purposes. The presentations are on graffiti

reporting, graffiti removal, graffiti prevention, graffiti contests which is a different

alternative to vandalism through positive art contests all of these help to known more

about it. This will be useful because it will locate the most places with graffiti in riverside

which is a faster faster process.
"Get Involved in the Community." community.asp.

Accessed 26 Nov. 2016. In the website "City of Art Innovation" for the City of Riverside

wants the community to get involved twice a month to eradicate graffiti and beautify

their neighborhoods. In the pain out events the community will be removing graffiti twice

a month, 24 times a year and uniforming walls from walls, signs and poles. Another event

is the Green Wall event which is six times a year, the difference is that graffiti would be

covered with landscape and shrubs. Planting plants will educate the community about

green wall techniques and will cover up the graffiti. To Create this community help

toward the city there needs to be PEP meetings regarding graffiti and issues related. First,

this program has to be exposed to the community, then propose solutions and have the

local government and private agencies attend. This will give me an opportunity and a

chance to make the community involved in beautifying the Riverside with these. ideas comm unity.asp

"Graffiti Vandalism in Riverside." Accessed 15 Nov. 2016.

First the editor of the webpage City of Riverside explains what graffiti is, by saying that

graffiti is also known as tagging for most. What makes graffiti against the law is the

drawings and writings on unauthorized private or public properties surfaces. Graffiti can

be slogans, drawings and mean less words that are mostly created with spray cans, using

various word fonts and colors. The editor also believes that graffiti should be everyone's

problem because it affects the community appearance due to its unpleasant look on

buildings that damages landscape. Not only does it look repellent but it is high priced to

remove, disastrous, lowers property value and the community of riverside might get the
wrong message of it. It specially looks bad in neighborhoods because it seems like the

people are not concerned about their area. Then the Editor goes on and explains the cost

of graffiti by claiming that Riverside spends more than $1.3 million dollars annually on

graffiti. This Money is spent on other public agencies, that provide the material to

removing graffiti from private properties. In a national level it cost $12 billion dollars

yearly. To be able to cover up graffiti in a property, they must fill out a form of "Right of

Entry and Authorization to Abate Graffiti" which is the understanding and consent that

the City of riverside will access the property to remove the graffiti. This helps with

knowing how the city deals with graffiti and information. Accessed 26 Nov. 2016. In the website "city of Arts &

Innovation" for the City of Riverside promotes that working together can give the

residents a safe and attractive community. The editor claims that it is vital for the

community of Riverside to have high quality of life throughout for the community. For

then they have made local codes and ordinances that will help maintenance private or

public areas with vandalism. This codes purpose is to protect property owners

investments, Promote Public Health safety and welfare, Enhance the quality of life in our

neighborhoods, Educate residents, and perform community outreach. The Mission

Statement is to have a relationship with the residents where everything needed

is provided effectively, to build better educations and operations in our community. The

goal of the Statement is to make a positive image for the place we live in and unite the

departments and different cultures to get us to knowledgeable. This gives me an idea

what the community wants to do in their City and how to be able to do that.

"Tools and Technology for Removing Graffiti."

ndtechniquesforremovinggraffiti.aspx. Accessed 26 Nov. 2016. First of all the editor of

this website starts of by listing the material that will be need to be able to remove graffiti.

Such as Aerosol solvent,Clean cotton painters rags, Trash bags, Paint brushes, Rollers

and paint containers, paint scraper, Dust Mask, Safety Glasses, and water in spray bottle.

Then the editor goes on and explains the varieties of different solvent and cleaners that

can be bad for health, and however is using them should know how to handle them. The

surface of where the graffiti was put on is important because it show if it need more work

on it or not, like rough surfaces. The wire brush is used on telephone poles, street scrubs ,

rough metals, smooth stone surfaces, decorative rocks, wood fences, and concrete. In the

website the editor gives tips and steps to the process of removing paint from certain areas

and surfaces that become useful for people that have never removed paint.Then addresses

that that the materials should be handled correctly and used



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