Ragged Page

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Randy Joly


Ragged Page

The old bookstore lay still and silent in the cool afternoon air. Within its walls, a maze of

shelves held ancient tomes that sat lonely and forgotten. A thick dust covered most of the cases

and not the slightest tumult of air was present to upset the coating. Along the walls, posters of

actors long dead and movies long forgotten hung with a duty that had lost all meaning. A

scattering of small tables held assorted books that had briefly experienced the thrill of use before

being cast aside to later be confined back to their spots in the shelves. The only sound present in

the quiescent building was the occasional rustle of a page being turned at the front of the store.

This would have been unnoticeable if any other sound had been present, but the complete silence

rendered it barely audible to anyone who might be listening, though no one was. This veritable

quiet continued until the spell was finally broken by the piercing intrusion of an outside force.

Good morning! Jimmy called as he his way past the dirty glass doors that barred the

bookstore from the rest of the world, a sharp tinkling of bells pushing back the hush of the

previously silent establishment. The eleven-year-old walked straight to the front counter which

separated him from Ed, who was casually setting aside the book he had been reading with

practiced grace. The boys shoes softly squeaked against the wood, adding to the noise filling the


Good afternoon, Ed corrected as he looked up at Jimmy and slowly raised himself out

of his plush armchair, which bore a deep outline from long and ponderous use. Eds muscles and

joints popped as they came loose from their extended sleep and he had to sit a moment as the
blood rushed back to his newly used extremities. Jimmy waited patiently as the older man

collected himself.

Busy day today?, Jimmy asked as Ed began to gain his composure. He looked at the

storeowner with a wide grin plastered on his face, proudly displaying the delightful mood he was


Ed glanced at him with a look of both petty amusement and mild annoyance at the

comment. You know damn well it hasnt been busy today, he replied, reaching his hand under

the counter and pulling out an old rag. It never is these days. He idly set himself to wiping

down the glass counter as he let out a brisk sigh. The rag did no more than smear the grime

settled across the glass, yet he continued to keep himself busy. So whats got you so chipper


Jimmys already absurdly wide grin grew visibly larger as he replied, My dads getting

off work early tonight, so were actually eating dinner together tonight! Jimmys obvious

excitement radiated off his body in waves that were nearly palpable.

Thats great to hear Jim., Ed replied. Jimmys manic grin had infected Ed as he smiled

back at the boy. Now if only your old man could manage this more often. God knows you need

a father in your life!

Im just glad I get to see him at all Jimmys warm grin slowly settled into a tepid smile.

Most days he doesnt even get home until midnightor later. He let the last two words out

after a brief pause, and they continued hanging in the air even after he was done speaking.

Ed gave him a quick glance as he continued busying himself with cleaning the counter.

He let the tension settle before finally speaking. Well, this is clearly a big night for you. You

should probably run off and get dinner started for when your pa gets home. He kept his eyes
down as he spoke, watching the stain on the counter warp more and more as he circled over it

with his cloth.

I suppose I better do that then. I just wanted to tell you I wont be providing my

delightful company tonight. He stated as he started making his way toward the front doors. He

reached out and pulled, causing the bells to ring once more and providing an opening for a fresh

breath of air to make its way into the room. Jimmy turned as he was leaving and quickly added,

Oh, by the way. Youve been more of father to me than you give yourself credit for. My dad

could take a lesson. Jimmy gave a nervous smile as he quickly ran off, leaving his

embarrassment at the door.

Me?, Ed mumbled to himself as he watched Jimmy run out of view. A father? He

looked down at the counter again, staring absently past the distorted murk that covered the glass.

The reflection that looked up was twisted and sad. I just dont see it.

Ed slowly bent and placed the rag in its dusty home, quietly reminding himself to replace

it soon. He turned and carefully sat back into his armchair and picked up his book once more. As

he found his place in the book, the silence carefully crept from the shadows and once again

spread itself across the bookstore. It found its favorite spots to settle within the nooks and

crannies of the shelves and lazily bided its time. The silence was a perfectly established presence,

stymied only by the occasional turn of a page from the front of the store.

The next day, Jimmy burst through the doors with more bluster than usual, sending the

bells into a tinkling tirade. His face was an upset mess, the lines compressed along his forehead

and his lips drawn in a snarl. Ed looked up from his book at his dusty clock as Jimmy marched
up to the counter and noted that it was only noon. Why arent you in school, Jim?, the old man

asked as Jimmy came to halt just before him.

I didnt go. I couldnt go! I was just tootoo, Jimmy fumbled for words as he

slowly started to pace by the counter, angrily knocking his knuckle against the side of his leg. I

stayed up all night waiting for him to come home. All night! The boy began to smack his leg

harder the more he talked, and Ed began to get up from his chair, tossing the book to the side.

Calm down and tell me what happened, Ed sighed as pulled himself up fully against the


Jimmy shot a look at him, and visibly calmed, although the anger was still plain against

his face. He came to a stop a few feet in front of Ed before he started again, I went home and

prepared dinner like I told you I would. After I was done cooking, I had nothing to do but wait

for him to arrive. So I waitedand waitedand waited. Jimmy took a long pause here as his

nerves slowly started to build again. He finally arrived past midnight reeking of alcohol! And

then...then he just walks past me to his room and passes out Jimmys rage had settled back

down, and what was left was a solemn melancholy that left him speechless.

Ed instinctively set a hand upon the young boys shoulder. He felt cold anger and

disappointment towards Jimmys father, but kept it out of his voice as he spoke, There, there.

Im sure he just forgot. If you remind him of your dinner, Im sure hell apologize and maybe

you can try again. He hesitated before he started to add, And if things dont end up going as

well as they should, Im always here to

Ed was cut off when the door opened and the bells tinkled, as someone walked inside. Ed

quickly lifted his hand from Jimmys shoulder and turned to see who had walked in. He came to

face a tall friendly man, wearing a wrinkled business suit and carrying a dingy briefcase. Ed
swiftly looked back towards Jimmy, but the boy had already slinked over to a shelf to start

browsing books. Good afternoon, Charlie, Ed said, turning back to the businessman. What

can I do for you today?

Charlie flashed him a quick smile. Hey Ed! I just finished that book I bought the other

day. You know the one, by Hemingway. Boy, he really knew how to spin a tale! I thought the old

man was going to die tryin to catch that huge fish! Really made me want to take out the old boat

for some fishin

Ed gave him a dry smile as he tried to keep up with Charlies quick speech. Yes,

Hemingway certainly did have a way with words. A truly unique style of his times. I believe he

won a Nobel Prize for that one

Charlie bobbed his head up and down as Ed spoke. Oh, certainly! Quite a character, he

was! Charlie continued talking in this way for a while, and Ed recommended a few books

before Charlie picked one to buy and went on his way. Ed slowly turned back to Jimmy as the

bells whispered a soft tink on Charlies way out. He prepared himself for what he was going to

say to comfort Jimmy and saw the boy making his way back up to the counter after hearing

Charlie leave. Jimmy had a strange look of abashed apology that did not seem to fit quite right

on his young face. Ed started to speak, but Jimmy quickly cut him off, Im sorry to throw so

much of my troubles at you. Its justyoure the only person I feel I can really talk to, Jimmys

eyes looked about, not wanting to directly meet Eds. I just really needed to get all that off my


The old man waited until he was sure Jimmy was finished speaking before starting, I

know how hard it can be at that age. Hell, I was young once! He finally managed to catch

Jimmys eyes, and he shot them a warm look. But it does get better. Maybe not immediately, but
someday. He let that sink in for a minute. Until that day comes, you can come to me with any

of your troubles. Ill always be here.

After Ed had finished speaking, a silence settled itself between them. Although thick with

a persistent awkwardness, a strong bond of intimacy could also be felt between the two. After the

moment had run its course, Jimmy finally broke the calm But man, business is really booming

today! Jimmys gloomy face quickly reverted back to his usual goofy grin. Ed pulled back his

warm gaze and settled into his usual cool stare, flashing Jimmy a tentative smile. Its certainly

been eventful Ed looked carefully around the store, taking in the layers of dust and multiple

cobwebs, before turning back to Jimmy. Why dont we tidy up around this place. Its looking a

bit dusty in here.

Ed and Jimmy spent the remaining hours of the day cleaning up around the shop. Jimmy

took a wild rag to the shelves and swung a broom madly at the cobwebs while Ed carefully

placed books back on their shelves and swept the floors. After a few hours, the store looked a fair

bit better than it did before. Well, its not perfect, but its certainly a start, Ed said as he made

his way back to the counter. Maybe we can work more on it tomorrow. Ed looked at Jimmy

with a warm smile. Jimmy returned it twofold, That sounds like a good plan!

As Jimmy made his way toward the door he turned back to Ed. Thanks for everything

today. It really helped He paused, on the verge of looking both nervous and embarrassed,

before finally settling on a tense grin. You really are like a father to me. He gave the old man

once last smile and walked out the door. The bells gave a wistful tinkle as they settled back to


A father, Ed muttered as he looked down at the newly cleaned glass in front of him.

A beaming old man stared back, the soft lines accenting his bright eyes. I think I might see it
now. He sluggishly sat back down into his armchair and picked up his book. He casually flipped

back to where he had last left off and silently began to read. As he read, the quiet once again

made its way back into the room. It placed itself into its special corners and silently enjoyed the

company of the old man.

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