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Randy Joly



I thought I knew him.

I look at the man I once loved;
still love.
His eyes are cast down
as if to hide from my sight.
I stare until I catch him glancing
up from his shame.
I see in those eyes the truth.

I thought I knew him.

I ask why he did it.
He doesnt answer; his silence
is his answer.
There are no lies shared between us;
only understanding.
He opens his mouth;
his lips form the truth.

I thought I knew him.

He says hes sorry
once more.
But the sounds I hear
are empty words.
He does not admit
that what he did was wrong.
I hear his truth.

I thought I knew him.

I reach and take his hand
one more time.
His grip is loose
and provides no warmth.
I watch him as hes taken away,
the cold clinging to my palm.
He has given me the truth.

And now I know him.

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