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Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education (ECE)

Fig (i)
Example questions for the Foundation Stage coordinator or the Principal how formative and summative
assessment tools are used in the school.

1. What types of assessment (formative, summative) are used in foundation stage and in which areas
of learning are assessments made? The school uses a combination of formative and summative
assessments. The formative assessments are regular observable or task orientated to monitor
understanding. The summative assessments are more formal graded assessments done during an
assessment week. The assessments are compiled for Math, English, Arabic and Islamic.

2. How are assessments made? The head of the tear draws up the assessments the curriculum head
checks these. The assessments are based on work covered.

3. When are assessments scheduled e.g. continuously or at specific points in the academic year? The
assessments are scheduled every Tuesday and the summative assessment is scheduled at the end of
the during assessment week. These are specific dates on the academic calendar.

4. Who is involved in carrying out and recording assessments e.g. teachers, teaching assistants,
children, parents? Teachers carry out all assessments marks and records on assessment
5. How are assessments moderated across the school? Assessments are moderated by the grade head.

6. What form does this take e.g. computer generated profiles, mixed media profiles, written reports,
learning stories or a combination of forms? The assessments are in the form of question paper.

7. How are the results of these assessments documented and communicated to parents, teachers and
other stakeholders? The assessments are recorded in an assessment book, then it is recorded on a
schedule which the grade one head has to access to online. The students marks are the pat on the
school online mark sheet. Then these are printed on the report. A copy is sent to parents another
copy is filed in a student profile.

8. What support is provided by the school and/or curriculum in terms of specific, measurable
assessment criteria e.g. sample assessments or vignettes that provide a contextualized example of
the attainment of a specific goal or objective? We have text books, rubrics, and checklist to measure
students performance. Teachers write a report each term about students progress in the learning
Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education (ECE)

Table 1: B. Ed ECE Preschool Profile

Name of Preschool: Wesgreen international school Location: Al-Garain - Sharjah

Principal: Connie Cava

Tel: +971 6558 66 66 Fax:

Address: PO Box: 40658

Teachers Starting Time: 7:30 AM Finishing Time: 3:00 PM

Students Starting Time: 7:30 AM Finishing Time: 1:40 PM

Total Number of Classroom Teachers in the Preschool Department: (Kg1 & Kg2)

Total Number of Children in the Preschool Section: 708

Teacher / student ratio: 25/1 KG 1 & 2 30/1 Grade 1

Number of Classrooms: 10 Grade 1

Facilities available to student teachers:

I.T Room

Class for this Practicum: Grade 1 I

Mentoring Classroom Teacher: Ms. Rowena Abrahams

Classroom Teaching Assistant: Ms. Mariam

Number of children in this class: 30 student

Number of children identified as having SEN in this class: 0

Additional information: e.g. English, Arabic, Islamic Studies teachers

Ms. Moeshaima (Arabic)
Ms. Aisha (Islamic Studies)
Ms. Emma (P.E)
Mr. Imraan (Music)
Ms. Praveen (I.T)

School Nurse: Preschool TP Coordinator: Ms. Leanne

Librarian: Ms. Amuna

Resource Room Manager:

Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education (ECE)

a) An overview of the teaching sessions:

Discuss with your MST and note in Table 2 exactly which input sessions you will implement over
a six visit period.

Table 2: An Overview of three Teaching Sessions

WEEK TYPE OF INPUT SESSION Student teachers will plan (with reference to
UKEYFS Learning Outcomes), implement and
evaluate one teaching session per week which
integrates with the MSTs weekly planning.

This could include:

Students did not teach because the students went to a
Week 1
trip and they were preparing for the Math exam they
will take on Thursday. 1 Literacy, 1 Numeracy and 1 Topic/theme based
input sessions or a combination of integrated
teaching sessions supported by at least 4 activities
differentiated to 3 proficiency levels.

Student teachers must plan for a range of activity

types including in/outdoor, activity (movement)
27th February 2017: Math bonds (number 7)
based, multiliteracies, art/craft.
Week 2
1st March 2017: Spelling Words
1st March 2017: Story (The Hare and the Tortious) They must also document clear evidence of learning
and discuss with MST who will monitor each activity.

Student teachers must also implement all end of day

circle time sessions in which they will:
Engage children in a variety of PSE
development related activities.
5th March 2017: Spelling Words
Week 3 5th March 2017: Spelling Words (Review)
Read stories and engage children in a range
6th March 2017: Math bonds (number 8) of post reading activities including role
6th March 2017: Story (Found you little wombat!) playing.
Engage children in musical activity
including singing and the use of

Student teachers will also work closely with the

SENCO and MST to support children in class with
12th March 2017: James and the Giant Peach
Week 4 12th March 2017: Story (Millie and the Mermaid)
learning difficulties. This could involve working with
15th March 2017: Double Numbers a learning or behavioural IEP.

Document Brain Gym / PMP / PE activities

Implement Brain Gym / PMP / PE activities

Production Week
Week 5
20th March 2017: Rhyming words

Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education (ECE)

Task Outlines:

b) Differentiating centres based activities in the Preschool Classroom

Complete Table 3 below. Photograph and document the activities in the learning corners/areas and identify the learning outcomes with reference to the curriculum
e.g. UK EYFS. For each of these activities note any differentiation. Describe how each activity could be differentiated to three ability levels.

Table 3: Differentiating centres based activities in the Preschool Classroom

Learning / Activity Centres observed in the Activities / Resources: Links to Early Learning Goals in the UK EYFS (2007) Possible differentiation to three ability levels.
preschool classroom: document:
(Photo) (list only what you consider to be the primary goals)
High Ability
Cubes Problem Solving and numeracy
Write the bonds of 5 without using the cubes and the help
White boards Recognises, counts, writes and uses numbers up of the teacher.
to 5.
White board pens
Average Ability
Communication, language and literacy

Uses some clearly identifiable numbers to Work as group to find the bonds and help each other if
communicate meaning they faced a problem.

Overview of the activity: Interacts with others in a variety of contexts Low Ability
negotiating plans and activities and taking turns
The students are using the cubs to in conversations. Use the cube to help them find the bonds of 5. The
create bonds of 5. teacher will observe them, help and explain more for
them if they faced a problem or difficulties to finish the
Personal, Social and Emotional development

Maintains attention and concentrates

Works as part of a group, taking turns and sharing


c) Class List:
Table 4: Class List
Class List for Class: Grade 1 I MST Name: Rowena Abrahams
Name / Photo of Child / Age How I will remember them.
1 Omar Omar is a boy who likes and enjoys helping others and he
always smiles. Omar enjoys playing sports, he works well
with his friends, have a good hand writing and neat work.
2 Aisha Rashid Aisha is a very quiet girl who listens to the teacher's
instructions immediately. She's always smiling.
3 Aisha Sultan Aisha is a quiet girl who always finishes her work nicely
and quietly without making noise. She loves to share her
things with her friends
4 AlGhala Ghala is a clever girl who always finishes her work
immediately after the teacher gives her instructions. She
works perfectly in her group, share materials and ideas
with her mates.
5 Ali Ali is a good boy who needs encouragement to show his
thoughts and ideas.
6 AlWud She is a quiet girl who works well with her groupmates,
shares materials and ideas.
7 Amna Majid She's a girl who always smiles and loves to work in pairs
with her groupmate.
8 Amna Umar Amna is a quiet girl who listen to the teacher's instructions
and finishes her work in time.
9 Ghaith Ghaith is a boy who smiles all the time, he enjoys himself a
lot and loves to help, share and communicate with his
classmates/teachers. Ghaith have positive energy and he
has an interesting personality.
10 Ghaya Ghaya is a girl who's so confident of herself. She can speak
English well.
11 Hamda She's a quiet girl who loves to share her materials and help
her friends.
12 Hatem He is a boy who works well with his groupmates. He is so
quiet and he's so neat when writing or doing other
13 Hind She is an initiative girl who help her friends and teacher.
14 Kenzy She is a smiling girl who loves to show her good work and
help her groupmates.
15 Maitha Maitha is a quiet girl who have a good hand writing and
loves to show her neat work. Maitha is a very helpful girl
for her group.
16 Majid Majid is a boy who loves to finish his work quickly and
enjoys working with his groupmates. Majid have good
imagination, a lot of thoughts and ideas.
17 Malek Malek have a clear voice when talking, neat work and
hand writing. Malek is a boy who always smiles even when
he got punished.
Progression in EPC Practicum courses Curricunet Overview 2016-2017

18 Maryam She a very quiet girl who doesnt talk until the teacher
asks her. She a good helper for her friends and teachers.
19 Mohamed Omran Mohamed is a very quiet shy boy who have a lot of good
ideas, thoughts and knowledge but he needs
encouragement and support to show what is in his brain.
He always smiles and loves to share and help his friends.
Mohamed works well with his groupmates and he tries his
best to finish the work the teachers give to them in time.
He has a good hand writing and neat work.
20 Mohammed Zayd Mohammed is a boy who participates well in the classes
and have good answers for the teacher's questions.
21 Nevin She is a girl who have a very quiet voice and works well
with her groupmates.
22 Noor She is a very quiet girl who only talks when the teacher
asks her questions, she has neat work but she needs
support to participate more in the classes.
23 Rayaan He's a clever boy who speaks English well. Rayaan is a boy
who express his thought in a very good way and he knows
the words he need to choose when want to say something.
He is a helpful mate for his friends and a smart boy who
listen to his teacher's instructions well and try his best to
finish his work perfectly and on time.
24 Saif Saif is a boy who always smiles and he needs a lot of
support to improve his learning.
25 Sama Sama is a girl who can speaks English very well and she is
a smart girl who can write well to express her thoughts
about the things around her.
26 Syed Amad Amad is a boy who loves to show his work and get praised
for it. He always smiles and laughs. Amad is so quiet when
he works or plays.
27 Syed Rohaan Rohaan is a bright boy who always have a smile on his
face. He is very quiet when he do anything and he tries his
best to finish his work on time. Rohaan is a helpful boy for
his teachers and classmates.
28 Taleb Taleb is a boy who moves a lot all over the classroom for
the whole time with a bright smile on his face, he loves to
help his teacher and friends. Taleb works well with his
groupmates but he needs some support to develop his
learning and skills.
29 Yahya He is a quite helpful boy. Yahya have a good team work
with his groups mates, he share materials and ideas, he
listens to the teacher and pays attention.
30 Yousif Yousif is a talkative boy who enjoys talking to others and
tell them about himself and things that happens around
him. He enjoy sports and he have a good teamwork with
his groupmates. Yousif always shares his materials with
his classmates and loves to help them.

Progression in EPC Practicum courses Curricunet Overview 2016-2017

Table 5: Identifying Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN).

Name Age IEP Issues / Area of Focus Type, range and frequency of support
provided / needed.

I Do Not have SN students in my class


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