Special Olympics Pakistan

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Mr. Qaiser Janjua
Submitted by:
Syed M. Ahmed Shah (130943)
Mahnoor Tajammal (130966)


2nd May 2017


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In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All praise towards Him for His
countless blessings and showering us with strength and motivation to accomplish our Project.

Special appreciation goes to our supervisor, Mr. Qaiser Janjua for his guidance and incessant
support. Without his continuous assistance and supervision we wouldn't have been able to take
on the challenges during the project. All of this contributed to the success of this project.

In addition, our heartiest gratitude to our project head, Mr. Imran Hameed for his efforts in
giving us direction, belief and facilitation related to this project. His dedication and
willingness to entertain us at every part of our project has lead us to this day.

I would like to highlight my deepest admiration and appreciation towards the Special
Olympics Pakistan's National Communications Manager, Mr. Abdul Basit Khan for his
constant support and facilitation towards our project. It wouldn't have been possible without
his help.

Heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed in any possible way towards our project.


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Section A: Client Brief and Mandate ....................................................................................06
Chapter 1: Client Brief....................................................................................................07
1.1. Mandate, Problems, Activities and Deliverables............................................09

Section B: Analysis of Facts and Market Phenomena ......................................................10

Chapter 2: About Organization......................................................................................11
2.1. Brief History...................................................................................................11
2.2. Products and Market.......................................................................................11
2.3. Competitive Arena..........................................................................................16
2.4. Top Management and Role.............................................................................18
Chapter 3: Environmental Analysis...............................................................................19
3.1. External Environment.....................................................................................19
3.1.1 PESTEL Analysis.........................................................................................20
3.1.2 Market and Customer Analysis.....................................................................23
3.2. Internal Environment......................................................................................23
` 3.2.1 Beliefs, Principles, Norms and Values.........................................................24
3.2.2 Mission, Vision and Structure.......................................................................25
3.2.3 Resource Analysis.........................................................................................27
3.3. Overall Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and threats............................28
3.4. Business Model Canvas..................................................................................31
3.5. Industry Life Cycle.........................................................................................32
Chapter 4: Empirical Research......................................................................................33
4.1. Problem Statement..........................................................................................33
4.2. Research Design and Methodology................................................................33
4.3. Theoretical Framework...................................................................................34
4.4. Questionnaire..................................................................................................35
4.5. Findings, Discussion and Conclusions...........................................................37

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Section C: Final Diagnosis and Assessment of Problems .................................................42
Chapter 5: Problem Analysis..........................................................................................43
5.1. Firm's Critical Issues.......................................................................................43
5.2. AAU Metric....................................................................................................43
5.3. Needs and Limitations....................................................................................46
5.4. Constraints......................................................................................................46

Section D: Solution, Implementation and Impact Analysis.............................................49

Chapter 6: Strategy/Approach Implementation...........................................................50
6.1. Strategy...........................................................................................................50
6.2. Customer Based Brand Equity Model............................................................51
6.3. Porter's 5 Forces..............................................................................................54
6.4. Promotional Mix.............................................................................................56
6.5. Ansoff Matrix..................................................................................................58
6.6. Marketing Tools..............................................................................................59
6.7 Current Status...................................................................................................66
6.8 Business Strategy.............................................................................................68
6.8.1. Tactical/Action Plans...................................................................................68
6.8.2. Operational Plan and Implementation.........................................................68


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SOP was established in 1989, it organized its first National Games in Karachi, 1991 with 75
athletes. The program today has more than 18000 plus registered athletes. SOP provides a year
round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic, type sports for children
and adults with an intellectual disability, giving them continuing opportunities to develop
physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in the sharing of gifts, skills
and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.


The brand suffers from an extreme awareness issue. To overcome this hitch, and to come up with
a marketing model as the organization lacks the capacity to run effective marketing.


Everyone from a school child to elderly. For more than two decades, Special Olympics Pakistan
has used sports to fight for the rights and abilities of people with intellectual disability. Through
these sports, SOP has brought attitudinal change in the way people with intellectual disability
view themselves and are viewed and treated by others, replacing misunderstanding and fear with
respect, acceptance and inclusion. Volunteers hold the SOP family together but the Intern and
Volunteer program (engage volunteer base) needs to be redefined. We also need you to devise a
Project Management process that would aid in easing out the inefficiency of our projects.


Suffering from a great awareness issue SOP needs to either make the current market stable or to
move out to newer markets for a broader compass. The first move would be to carry out a survey.

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This would not only get us the insight of the market but would create a name for us in peoples'
conversation which will light the matchstick for the fire that needs to be created. SOP requires to
streamline its operations for its programs as it is highly understaffed and experiences haphazard
results. You would have to formulate a marketing strategy remaining in the brand guidelines.


There are no local competitors, How can this opportunity and freedom help us to increase our


Unified Narratives (Story telling) is a flagship of SOP after its games and competitions. You need
to bring storytelling on surface and boost the upcoming programs. Designing an inclusion
movement that would attain SOP a space in the Pakistani market and lastly, launching and lifting
up the Healthy athlete campaign.


Special Olympics Pakistan's target market is everyone. From kids at school to elderly. SOP
wants to educate the audience towards the cause and for them to learn that these special children
are also an important part of our society. They can add value to our society as much as the other
kids can only if we nurture them the right way. People of all ages, gender, income level and
social class fall under the target market as the reach of the cause is surrounded by all of these



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Although being on the map since almost 3 decades now, SOP has not been able to be seen on
surface. Having operational offices in the capital, Islamabad; the heart of the country, Lahore and
the business hub, Karachi. SOP wants to expand in newer markets like the biggest province of
all, Baluchistan and its capital Quetta. However, it hasn't been able to set its ground in the
current markets as effectively as it would've liked. Having awareness will definitely sustain the
current markets and improve prospects for future markets. Apart from this SOP requires an
effective project management method alongside a strong marketing model. Formulating plans
and strategies being in the brand guidelines of SOP. In today's age of technology and consumer
control SOP needs to be digitally active. This would also engage the volunteer base that needs to
be revamped to add value to SOP's operations. Boosting the current and launching the upcoming
programs. Forming Strategic Alliances to have high involvement and a better resource planning.

i. Functional Audit

Strategy for Business Sustainability

ii. Develop Strategic Roadmap Awareness

Digitally Active
iii. Operational Plan System and Activities
Launching and Boosting Programs

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Special Olympics Pakistan chapter was born in 1989. The first games that it organized was the
National Games Karachi in 1991 with 75 athletes. In today's date SOP has more than 20000
registered athletes. The aim of SOP is to provide sports training and athletic competition
throughout the year in a variety of Olympic, type events for children and adults with an
intellectual disability. This gives them numerous opportunities to develop physical fitness,
demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in the sharing of gifts, skills and friendship
with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community. Special Olympics
Pakistan has been using sports to fight for the rights and abilities since of people with intellectual
disability since almost 3 decades now. Through the common and simple vehicle of sports,
Special Olympics has helped bring about attitudinal change in the way people with intellectual
disability view themselves and are viewed and treated by others, replacing misunderstanding and
fear with respect, acceptance and inclusion.


Special Olympics Pakistan gives intellectually disabled people an opportunity to channel their
gifts and abilities towards sports. This organization helps these special needs people to feel like
an accepted member of their family and wider society. SOP currently is operational in federal
area, Punjab and Sindh. However, it is focused around the cities of Islamabad, Lahore and
Karachi only. To widen its prospects and to broaden the domain of its operations, SOP requires
the brand awareness that it currently lacks. An extensive knowledge about the organization and
its programs among the audience will yield to superior customer base, healthy resources, a better
shape of the society and effective run of its programs.

The products of SOP include:-

Healthy Athletes Program:

Special Olympics Pakistans Healthy Athletes Program caters to the health, hygiene and fitness
of the athletes. It enables children and adults with Intellectual Disabilities to have access to
health care facilities that they would otherwise not have free of cost access to. Our clinical

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Directors for different health programs get trained by Special Olympics International in the
relevant field and upon their return, they help provide the following facilities to people:

Opening Eyes: A vision and eye health screening program in partnership with vision care
professionals. Opening Eyes is able to offer prescription eyewear, sunglasses, and even eye

Healthy Hearing: Providing free hearing screenings to athletes suffering from hearing disorders.

Special Smiles: The program provides comprehensive oral health care information, including
offering free dental screenings and instructions on correct brushing and flossing techniques to
participating Special Olympics athletes

Fun fitness: A screening program that helps assess needs in flexibility, strength, balance, and
aerobic fitness.

Fit Feet: Special Olympics Fit Feet offers podiatric screenings to evaluate ankles, feet, lower
extremity biomechanics, and proper shoe and sock gear to participating athletes. Fit Feet helps
Special Olympics athletes step lively on the playing field, and in everyday life

Health Promotion: Health Promotion, a discipline of Special Olympics Healthy Athletes, focuses
on healthy living, healthy lifestyle choices, and nation-specific health issues. In addition to health
education activities, health Promotion offers screenings for bone density, blood pressure, and
body mass index (BMI). SOP not only provide screening, but also provide referrals and follow-
up care where required. Their partnerships with organizations like Layton Rahmatulla
Benevolent Trustallow for, free of cost prescription glasses to Special Athletes.

In 2016, they have so far been able to achieve:

474 Athletes Screened in 2016

11 Eye Surgeries provided free of cost
121 Sun Glasses Provided
133 Glasses Provided
Families educated in 271 First Aid and 37 in Behavioral Patterns

Inclusion Program:
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Taking baby steps and gradually growing up is the inclusion program of SOP. This product
focuses on including the Intellectually disabled with other kids and keeping them in the same
group and structure. This would mean having the same environment, schooling, opportunities
and platform for them as other children. Not only will this create awareness among our society
but would also create a sense of acceptance. This will not only educate masses but would bring
forward the kids who hide behind the doors because of their parents or society's rejection.

Family Health Forum: Family Input Council helps Families, which are the biggest pool of
volunteers and have an important role to play in their childs athletic training, awareness,
acceptance and inclusion in society. SOP aids families in lessening the stigma attached to
differently disabled people and enables them to be more actively involved in the progressive
development of their child.

The Inclusion campaign requires owning a space in our culture and society and SOP requires its
smooth transition in our educational sector. This would make the kids aware of these
intellectually disabled individuals and accept them and later on carry them forward with them.
Not only will the parents see a future for their children but these lifeless beautiful souls would be
given the spark that would lift them up.

Special Olympics has an oath:

Let me win- but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.

Taking this forward the inclusion program provides a platform for families and their children.

Unified Narratives

Special Olympics has the concept of unified sports that combines players with and without
intellectual disabilities on the same sports teams for training and competition. The Youth Unified
Sports program of Special Olympics is targeted at young people aged 12-25. The Unified Sports
program is in essence a fairly simple idea, providing, as it does, a forum for young people with
intellectual disabilities to connect with their wider community and meet with other young people
around a shared interest in sports. Like unified sports Special Olympics Pakistan in collaboration

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with us have started unified narratives and in a very short time this program has become the
flagship product of SOP after its sports venture. Unified narratives takes the concept of combined
sports and presents it in the form of storytelling. This stage creates a perfect opportunity to fill
the gaps present in the society by sharing stories of intellectually disabled individuals. The
program has picked its pace and to be more effective has started training its athletes in
storytelling and how they will convey their story as a chapter of SOP.

SOP's head office is located in Karachi and has the largest setup out of the three cities. The
marketing, public relations and networking of the Karachi chapter is the strongest and they
generate the most funds. Supporting in other regions are Islamabad and Lahore. Special
Olympics Pakistan wants to move out to newer markets like the farthest but geographically the
largest province of Pakistan, Baluchistan. Quetta seems to be an attractive prospect. However,
due to the awareness issue SOP faces the dilemma of either stabling itself in the current market
or moving out and impacting the audience by having another location under their radar.
Resources required for this operation needs to be analyzed against the effectiveness and outcome
of this investment. Having more than twice the population than the Islamabad market, Quetta
seems to be a wise choice.

The main offering of SOP is the sports that they offer to these intellectually disabled individuals.
From time to time they keep on expanding the sports that they offer. Quite recently they have
started table tennis. Incorporating all of these is difficult in the schools it partners with due to
lack of operational effectiveness and equipment and space availability.

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SOP is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering individuals with intellectual

disabilities to become fit, productive and respected members of the society through sports
training and competition. Being a non-profit institution and the nature of its operations SOP
doesn't face any competitor challenges. There is no other organization that is catering to this

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sector of the society in such an organized manner. Paralympics is another stage where these
individuals are given the platform. It has become a major international multi-sport
event involving athletes with a range of disabilities, including impaired muscle power (for
example paraplegia and quadriplegia, muscular dystrophy, post-polio syndrome, spina bifida),
impaired passive range of movement, limb deficiency (e.g. amputation or dysmelia), leg length
difference, having a short stature, hypertonia, ataxia, athetosis, vision impairment and intellectual
impairment. There are Winter and Summer Paralympics Games, which since the 1988 Summer
Games in Seoul, South Korea, are held almost immediately following the respective Olympic
Games. All Paralympics Games are governed by the International Paralympics Committee (IPC).
However, Paralympics caters to a narrow range of individuals that include individuals suffering
from paraplegia and quadriplegia.


SOP has substitutes to what they are offering but this can only be referred to as a substitute and
not a direct competitor or causes any competition. Parents of these intellectually disabled kids
keep them at home instead of bringing them out and making them a respectable member of the
society. This affects these souls negatively and makes them loose their confidence, willpower
and a reason to strive for. Many parents at their own level also try to nurture these individuals but
can only give them a certain set of freedom and platform. Apart from this there are many special

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schools that not only educate the kids but involve them in extracurricular activities. This makes
them grow not only physically but mentally. Sports, arts, fun activities, competitions and many
more such events light up their life and they don't feel a neglected member of the society.
However, true inclusion is not achieved as they live, play, study in an environment that is
specially created just for them.

There exists a national Paralympics Committee Pakistan that deals with all the paraplegic and
similar disabilities individuals.


Top Management of SOP includes many board members and other high involvement individuals
that are a source of fund raising as well as a positive public relations and networking. These
individuals not only bring a lot of attention towards this cause but attract numerous authorities,

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organizations and philanthropists to take part in their mission. This not only helps SOP to run
effective events but raise their potential for future.

Mr. Saeed Ahmed- Chairman

Mr. Aitzaz Shahbaz- Former Chairman, Treasurer
Ms. Ronak Lakhani, Board Chair
Mr. Daniyal Alvi, Acting National Director
Mr. Anis-ur- Rehman- Vice Chairman (Punjab)
Mr. Mahfooz Elahi-Vice Chairman (Federal)
Mr. Nassim S. Ahmed- Program Development Director
Ms. Jasmin Shariff- ALPs Athlete-Board Member.




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SOP falls into the third sector of the society that includes non-profit and non-governmental
organizations. Out of all the challenges Special Olympics Pakistan faces, one of the biggest, if
not the biggest is the environment that it lives in. An environment has a detailed effect on any
organization, its effective operations and its growth. We will take an in depth look at SOP's
internal and external environment and analyze how it is affected by it and can take advantage of
it to increase its prospects. Environment lacks awareness and knowledge about the subject.
Which affects Special Olympics Pakistan's operations and holds them back from their full



This framework will assist SOP to analyze how the external environmental factors have an
impact on it. Results of this will in return identify the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and
threats. Having an understanding of the environment can untangle the situations currently faced.

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In our society the political influence exists heavily. In a scenario like this it is very important to
have effective relationship with the officials. The government has a high interference in the
economy. However, the policies made by them and the laws they put forward are almost always
favoring welfare organizations. On the other hand political instability draws setbacks. Approvals
for events, fund raising and grants can all be made easy with political connections. It is
unfortunate that SOP has no strong government backing in terms of operational or financial
support. Taxation policies may have either a positive or negative impact on the likelihood of
donors continuing to donate and on the organization obtaining new donors. The government can
set a specific discount rate or reduction in tax when company or people make donations.
Different programs can have different implications here. So, there could be tax reduction laws
which would be in favor of fund raising activities and healthy donations for SOP. Stability of the
government may be a key issue to the ongoing provision of future services. This plays a vital role
as this ensures smooth operations of such non-profit organizations (Johnson, Scholes &
Whittington, 2005).


Local economy has seen a boost since the emergence of entrepreneurial ventures and startup
culture. As we move towards technological advancements and how economic corridor is
expanding for Pakistan, more and more economic growth has been observered. Due to this rise
SOP has been able to form strategic alliances with brands and can get more sponsors for their
events and operations. Funding has always been the red flag for them however due to high
economic transactions SOP has been able to do handsome amount of fundraising with more and
more partners along their side. The economic health has a lot to do with the donations.
Economic downturn results in people having less money to donate. This results in reduction in
donations from private funders. The cycle of businesses, the gross national product trends, the
rates on interests, money supply, cost of living and inflation, unemployment trends and
disposable income levels are all the applicable factors in examining the economic factors that are

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likely to affect NPO. If there is a decrease in disposable income we will observe decreased
donations. If the costs of doing a business would be increased for example: bank fees, rental
payments and utility bills then this will eventually affect the budget allocation of these non-profit
organizations. Apart from this, increased business costs will result in companies less likely to
participate in corporate philanthropy. A tight economy with lowered disposable income will exert
a significant negative impact on a non-profit organization


The socio-culture factors have a pivotal role when it comes to the mission and vision of Special
Olympics Pakistan. The shared belief and attitudes of the population directly influence the
processes. Health consciousness, career attitudes all these have a direct impact on the
effectiveness of SOP's programs. There is a high population growth and distribution among the
society and this can both negatively and positively affect SOP. Having a positive word of mouth,
awareness among people and willingness would do half the job. The population needs a lot
extensive aided recall about the inclusion program and how individuals with and without ID can
side by side grow and experience opportunities. The population demographics, social mobility,
changes in lifestyle, attitude towards different aspects and levels of education are all the
significant factors that can affect Special Olympics Pakistan.


We all know how fast the technological landscape changes and how this impacts organizations
and the way they market their product. Special Olympics Pakistan quite recently using the
benefits of consumer electronics and information technology built a mobile application that is
free and accessible to all. This app would help create a family of athletes, coaches, families and
volunteers. Wherever a person is and whatever role he can add to SOP can remotely reach out
and be a part of the different programs. The power of social media and internet can take SOP's
mission to its peak. The focus on technological effort and new discoveries and the rate of
obsolescence all directly or indirectly create an affect here. Reaching out to donors, volunteers
and supporters in newer ways like social media i.e. Twitter, Facebook or any other platform.
Also, updating any hardware and the cost associated with it needs to be reviewed.

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The environmental factors have little effect on the course of SOP. Being a nonprofit welfare
organization Special Olympics Pakistan is working towards the betterment and uplifting of the
society. They are working hands in hands with local communities and authorities to ensure
positivity and carrying out their activities in the most ethical manner. All of their products are
experience based and either reform the society, the perception of people or provide a platform to
individuals among the society with Intellectual disabilities. Protection law is an important factor
that directly assists the cause of SOP. The environmental audit can highlight areas where
performance can be improved and the costs can be decreased.


The legal factors include - health and safety, equal opportunities, advertising standards,
consumer rights and laws, product labeling and product safety. Dealing with such a critical topic
Special Olympics Pakistan makes sure that it provides the admirable health and safety benefits to
such individuals. This would not only physically enhance their abilities but psychologically boost
them. SOP follows all the legalities of the environment and provides platforms to all genders
with ID. They protect the rights of these individuals and even go further with their inclusion
program. All programs at SOP are consumer driven for their benefit, health and prosperity. Laws
that put health and safety at maximum significance can increase support for SOP and its


Special Olympics Pakistan is currently operational in three vastly separated markets. Islamabad,
Lahore and its headquarters, Karachi. Out of the three Karachi is the biggest market and to cater
to its needs SOP has the largest setup there. Most of the funds are also generated by the Karachi

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operations due to huge network and maturity. The markets of Islamabad and Lahore work in
collaboration with Karachi and all together pool in to add value to the final product. The market
is vastly segmented in the three cities. The target market of SOP is everyone from a child at
school to an elderly raising their grandson. The awareness drive will have no boundaries from
gender to lifestyle to attitudes. SOP will be marketed to the masses to let them know about its
programs and how it is benefiting the lives of its athletes.

The audience is diverse in nature with different lifestyles and beliefs. Most of them are unaware
of the difficulties that individuals with intellectual disabilities face. A huge community neglects
these individuals and parents stay quite about it and others treat it like the elephant in the room.
Changing such perception and ideas is what SOP's struggle is all about. Creating an awareness
about their programs will lead to a better positioning among the people.


The internal environment of any institution is just as important as the external environment it
lives in. Special Olympics Pakistan has always stressed upon their athletes being their focus and
the heart of their movement. At SOP they believe in Mission-Driving Pillars. Providing
progressive quality sports and contests. They provide excellent training and educate about
managing competitions. This gives a chance to the athletes to enhance him or herself. The
workforce tirelessly gives in all it has to make sure that each individual reaches his/her potential.
Developing programs, connecting families and bringing in the coaches. Training the athletes
mentally and physically so that they are able to achieve. However, due to understaffed offices
and low Employee Value Proposition it negatively affects SOP. For the organization to lift up
externally it is very important that it revives internally. Internal Branding or greater EVP would
result in Brand Value Proposition.


At SOP they believe that an athlete can contribute in ways further than the sports field. This
means that athletes would grow to be volunteers, ambassadors, fund raisers or even board

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members. The concept of inclusion is the foundation of the beliefs, principles, norms and values.
Giving significant roles to these individuals will be the true implication of inclusion. Support
from families is vital in this subject. SOP needs to reach out to young people and come up with
fresh methods of linking them to the vision and goals.

Values are the essence of any organization. They have to be stable, relevant, and
significant. These values assist in the attainment of the mission at SOP and support individuals
within the organization. Sports can transform individual lives and can shatter all the stereotypes.
Empowering the athletes to become valued and respected members of SOP and the society. All
individuals are united with their coaches, families, volunteers. They are united towards inclusion.
Our athletes are extremely competent and resolute and struggle for brilliance and the
accomplishment of our mission.


SOP's Mission is as pertinent at present as it was when Special Olympics Pakistan was formed.
Sport is still the principal way Special Olympics accomplishes change, supported by work in

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health which has become significant to our mission. Special Olympics Pakistan uses the
influence of sport as a catalyst for social change.


"The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic
competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual
disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate their
age, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families,
other Special Olympics athletes and the community."

Through sports, we test society. By highlighting how the needs of people with ID are not being
met, we represent inequity and exclusion. By drawing attention to the gifts of people with ID, we
break down misperceptions and tackle pessimistic attitudes. The focus for Special Olympics
therefore needs to be on both providing a high value sports experience and engaging key
influencers and communities with that experience in ways that help create positive attitudes and
bring about lasting change towards inclusion of people with ID.


"Our vision is that sport will open hearts and minds towards people with intellectual disabilities
and create inclusive communities all over the world."

Special Olympics will strive for this vision by providing superior quality sports opportunities,
supported through health initiatives. At the same time, we will step up efforts to use our work to
tell the world about the capacity, aptitude and abilities of people with ID. According to
research, over half of people who have private contact with somebody having intellectual
disabilities are more accepting and encouraging.

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When we combine high quality sports with a wider audience, and attach more people with our
athletes, it revolutionizes attitudes. What Special Olympics eventually seeks is to be a motivating
force for societal inclusion. For SOP, this means people with ID of all abilities are welcomed in
their communities and join with others to learn, work, compete and play with the similar rights
and opportunities as others. To do all of this, we need Special Olympics athletes, families,
volunteers and supporters to reach out to others in their communities, encouraging millions of
new people to experience how Special Olympics brings out the best in everyone.


At SOP the major concern is always about the resources to pull of activities and programs. Many
activities cannot be performed due to high expenditure and insufficient funds. The operations not

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only require financial but human resource (work force). The different programs at SOP require
not just fund raising but operational assets.

For a better positioning in the society SOP requires enough capabilities or organize seminars,
workshops or events. These will not only create awareness but change attitudes and mindset of
people. Events require management and that is costly. Creating a funding program that
effectively engages audiences to give in which will reduce the burden on the shoulders of the
management. This funding program will solve some if not most financial difficulties.

Moreover, making SOP digitally active is another aspect that needs to be catered. This will
require documentaries (videography/photography) that requires a small media head. Although
social media costs are close to nothing, developing the message and media requires competency
and skills. Training and acquiring coaches for the sports that SOP offers and managing health
support programs for the healthy athletes program requires vigorous brainstorming. Allocating
cost for hiring coaches and training of the athletes and having enough resources to manage the
health support programs. Inclusion program requires accessibility to the educational institutes
and efficient collaboration to make it possible. The story telling program, Unified Narratives
requires training of the individuals so that they can deliver the message in an effective way.
Lastly, SOP needs to have a proper merchandise that they can float around and get identified


The framework undertaken by an organization to identify its internal strengths and weaknesses,
as well as its external opportunities and threats. Running since almost 3 decades SOP has formed

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many strengths which gave rise to the opportunities. Nevertheless, they still face weaknesses that
causes threats which need to be eliminated immediately.


Special Olympics Pakistan is operational in 3 major cities, SOP has a wide scope and captures
audiences under their radar. Their success stories leave an everlasting impression. Special
Olympics Pakistan offers year round training to its athletes in 9 different sporting disciplines.
Our athletes undergo a rigorous training regime under the supervision of our highly qualified
coaches and other training staff to compete in various local and international competitions. To
this date SOP has 20,000 plus registered athletes and Unified partners. They have highly skilled
approximately 2,000 Coaches and provide as many as 42 year round Competition opportunities.
Their family support network for the young athletes gives athletes the courage to keep going.

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Special Olympics Pakistan's needs to have its mission and vision, Human resources and in house
skills with sturdy relations with government, partners and stakeholders. Its ongoing activities
with its diverse programs and application of best practices/trainings and learning experience at
national and small level work with good coordination and monitoring.


The biggest weakness that SOP its greatly damaged by is the reach. Although having multiple
offices and huge operations and transactions it is still unknown to the masses. The organization
suffers from an extreme awareness issue. Apart from this the organization lacks the capacity to
run effective marketing . The volunteer base is not increasing and adding the value it should. The
operations aren't systematic and requires streamlining. Funding is another major problem faced
by the institution as it has limited funding programs. Most of the programs lacks effectiveness
due to less funding available.

Special Olympics Pakistan has a limited workforce and is understaffed which in return causes
glitches in communication. So, apart from financial resources they face the difficulty of human
resource as well. The main problems apart from the brand awareness are funding, under staffing
of workers and feeble human resource policies. The organizational mandate, lack of efficient
processes in the organization.


Their upcoming flagship program Unified Narratives is the biggest opportunity that can break
the ice for them. Documenting their journey SOP can create a Case Study that would put forward
their vision to the audience. Moving out to a newer market like Quetta or Peshawar could
increase their outlook and widen their horizons. Advertising in ambient media or other effective
low cost tools. Positive outcomes of Inclusion campaign can result in huge possibilities. The
mobile application launched for these individuals can lead to amazing results. This remotely
gives access to people to join the Special Olympics family and be a part of the network. Adding
support can lead to every individual identifying people with ID and making way for them.

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Furthermore, creating an animated series for kids or elderly that delivers the message of people
with ID and displays their abilities could open gates of behavioral change as the biggest problem
faced by SOP is the attitude change. This includes the political support and encouragement from
the local authorities. Such external policies and laws that help them to get support from donor
agencies and other institutions. The response from community could be augmented with
awareness and knowledge and positive distribution of resources along with aid from media and
advocacy organizations.


Special Olympics Pakistan faces a few threats alongside the opportunities as well. Not being able
to establish itself for long will cause the people to completely be unaware of it. This will slow the
process of events and fund raising opportunities. Shrinkage of Volunteer base would cause
operational shortcomings. Non acceptance of the society towards inclusion programs and

Government restrictions and lack of political will Security problems for e.g. war, disappearances,
abductions of aid workers Detrimental external policies Lack of interest and attitudinal problems
at the community level Lack of access to target groups and locations Sustainability problems due
to lack of funding Anti-NGO approaches by media and advocacy organization.

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Special Olympics Pakistan has been on the map since more than 2 decades now. However, we
know that brands are not built over the course of several years. They require countless years of
delivering quality, research and development and operational excellence.

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SOP is in its growth stage as it is developing as a brand day by day. Today, SOP has close to
20,000 registered athletes since its journey of 75 athletes in its first games. Due to less brand
awareness it hasn't achieved the status that it should have. Since the development of new
programs and novel ways to interacting the audience. SOP is reaching its potential. Lack of
promotional activities has left SOP with less brand recognition and recall among the market.






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Whether intellectually disabled people, volunteers and philanthropists are aware of

Special Olympics Pakistan?


The foundation of our research is based upon informal interviews and questionnaires. The
population would include individuals from the special schools (teachers, principals, program
coordinator) and the families of intellectually disabled people from Islamabad/Rawalpindi.
Primary data collection techniques have been used in order to collect the data from the
population. The survey will be conducted from a sample size of 100 individuals from all ages
and genders. The combination of an interview will be in the form of question answer session
which gives flexibility to both the interviewee and the interviewer. Results to the questionnaire
will yield straightforward statistics about the insights of the problem and the brand. They will
identify the need analysis and the areas of improvement. It will also provide a platform for
tweaking the programs according to the mind-set of people. Interviews will result in freedom of
expression and people would more openly share their feelings, opinions and experiences which
will help know our audience better. Detailed information regarding a certain aspect or question
will clarify particulars.

The Questionnaire is of likert scale with the respondents having the freedom to choose from
strongly disagreeing to strongly agreeing to something. The interview questions are
standardized-open ended. These survey questions have been attached. The questions include 5
questions from each antecedent. Brand awareness, brand recognition and brand recall.

The objective of our research was to identify how SOP as a brand lacks awareness and how
individuals are unable to recognize or even recall it. They are unaware of the programs being
offered by them and the benefits that they can provide to these intellectually disabled people.

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The research on awareness of the SOP comprises of regression, correlation and mean of
awareness. These are used to assess the dependence of dependent variables over independent
variable. In this research, the categorization of variables into dependent and independent
variables respectively is as follows:

Independent Variables: Brand Awareness

Dependent Variable: Brand Recognition, Brand Recall


The theoretical framework for the customer research is mentioned below:


Brand Recall

Brand Awareness


The questionnaire was formed on three antecedents. Brand awareness, brand recognition and
brand recall. The independent variable is awareness over here as recognition and recall depend
upon awareness. Consumers are able to recognize a brand among competition only when they

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are aware of it in the first place. Also, a brand is recalled or is at the top of the mind of any
consumer only when he is initially aware of that certain brand.


After a detailed attention to the text and observing the definitions that were previously
recognized, we produced a pool of candidates scale items to replicate the dimensions of a brand.
After selecting the items autonomously, then mutually, we engaged several items for initial
evaluation: on brand awareness and on brand associations. We designed brand awareness
elements to gather the overall information to a specific brand than straightly calculating actual
brand-identity behavior (see Guadagni and Little, 1983; Gupta, 1988). We implemented and
revised Beatty and Kahle's (1988) brand pieces. Brand awareness may be measured as brand
recognition or brand recall. Some items were based on previous research Srull, 1984; Alba and
Hutchinson, 1987; Rossiter and Percy, 1987.

1. Are you aware of Special Olympics Pakistan?

2. Are you aware of any specific program of SOP?
3. Did you ever come across any merchandise of SOP?
4. Do the decision-makers among our potential customers recall SOP immediately when
they think of our product category?
5. Do you recognize SOP among other competing brands?


Brand recognition is another important element i.e. if customers can recognize and identify the
product or offering correctly. This can either be by seeing the product or brands logo or other
promotional tools. We measured brand recognition by asking individuals to evaluate the usual
brand awareness in their market with the following elements: recognition, recall, top-of-mind,
and brand knowledge (Aaker, 1996). These elements are narrowly match key metrics in brand

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tracking studies; these are being used in numerous amounts of firms.(Keller, 2007).

1. Do you have difficulty imagining SOP in your mind?

2. Can you quickly recognize the symbol or logo of SOP?
3. Did you ever come across any promotional medium of SOP?
4. Do you know of any other offerings of SOP apart from Sports?
5. Do you think our products and our competitor's products have the same benefits for


The Recall awareness and the preferences that are shown towards a specific brand are based on
consumers approaches towards the event or any brand in question, their outlook towards the
promoter, and their awareness of the analogy among supporter and event or brand (Speed &
Thompson, 2000). Approaches towards an event have also been recognized by Burke and Edell
(1989), and measured by Speed and Thompson (2000), using two diverse ideas: individual
fondness for the event, and the apparent standing of the sponsored event Brand awareness,
another factor refers to the power of a brand's existence in the customer's attention (Aaker,
1996). Three measure items were engaged to measure brand awareness such as top-of-mind
brand, unaided brand recall, and brand recognition (Kapferer, 1994; Francois & MacLachlan,
1995; Yoo & Donthu, 2001.

1. Our brand is often at the top of the minds of the decision-makers in potential customer
firms when they think of our product category?
2. How often have you heard about an SOP event?
3. When you think about intellectual disability, does SOP come to your mind?
4. Have you watched or heard about any SOP content on news or digital media?
5. Has SOP ever approached or marketed itself to you?


The analysis performed in the research consists of bivariate and univariate analysis.

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SOP main concern is how the organization is not known by the consumers. Large group of
potential customers are unaware of the facilitates and offering of Special Olympics Pakistan. Not
just this SOP is not even in the top of the mind of the consumers when considering this category.
So, the problem that the organization is facing is about brand awareness. This refers to the degree
to which customers are able to recall the brand and if they are able to recognize their offering or
products. Brand awareness is a very essential tool in the behavior of the consumer, managing
advertising, managing brand and developing a strategy.

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The ability to which a consumer can recognize or recall a brand is the key to the end purchase.
The customer needs to be first aware of the product category and a specific brand that is within
that category otherwise purchasing cannot proceed. Awareness necessarily doesn't mean that the
customer must be able to recall a brand name, but the consumer should be able to recall adequate
unique features for purchasing to proceed. There are different types of brand awareness that have
been identified. These are named as brand recall and brand recognition.


Marketers need to develop numerous metrics to measure brand awareness and other attributes of
how the brand is doing keeping in mind the importance of brand awareness in consumer
purchasing decisions. These metrics that are designed are together known as Awareness,
Attitudes and Usage (AAU) metrics. The functions of brand identities that are in consumers''
memory is related to brand awareness and this can be measured by how well the consumers can
recognize the brand under different circumstances. Having a strong brand awareness can be a
predictor of the brand's success. This is a significant determinant of a brand's power or brand
equity and it also results in customer satisfaction, having loyal brand customers and the
customer's brand relationships. Being aware in the customers mind helps to take risk and leaps
which otherwise are difficult to go for. This results in more turnover in an event and much higher
rate of success if launching in new program or products. If customers are aware of the brand they
will accept newer trends much easily than from a brand that he or she is completely unaware of.

Brand Awareness Measure:


It is about the awareness and knowledge of a specific product or brand. This is how extensively
aware are the customers about this specific offering. Are they responsive enough when asked
about a specific matter. What is present at the top of the mind of the consumers when talking

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about a specific product. SOP lacks the kind of awareness it needs to successfully run its
operations on a full scale.


This is more about the beliefs and the intentions of the consumers. How closely associated are
the consumers to a specific offering. Is a specific brand for specific type of individuals and how
do they evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a specific product. The society still needs to be
educated enough to think along the mission of SOP i.e. of Inclusion and providing individuals
having ID with equal opportunities.


This is about the purchase habits and loyalty of consumers towards the specific brand/product or
service. How often the individual buys a specific product or avails a specific service. How loyal
are they when they are buying a specific product category. Do they buy your product or do they
switch. At SOP the customer base they have right now are extremely loyal and satisfied.
However, due to lack of awareness the potential customers cannot be converted to loyal
customers with ease.

Brand Awareness further has two sub types:

Brand recall

This is the extent to which the name of a specific brand is recalled and recognized from other
brands, products or services. True brand recall requires unaided recall. This means that without
giving any aid to the customers they recall your offering. Unfortunately, SOP has not been the
sort of brand and its programs have not penetrated the market extensively to be recognized
quickly or without any aid.

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Brand recognition

This is the measure or amount to which a consumer can identify the product, service or brand
correctly. This can be achieved by looking at the company's attributes like logos, advertisements
etc. Special Olympics Pakistan has been unable to get itself as a recognized brand in the
customers mind. They need to be more active digitally, socially and in their offerings to be at the
top of the mind of the customers. This is known as the top of the mind awareness. Successfully
positioning itself and its programs can help it to achieve this which will result in more customer
base and better recognition.


During the course of this project we encountered numerous limitations and requirements. For
starters, approaching the individuals with intellectual disability that are not registered with
Special Olympics Pakistan. Their guardians were unsure of our work and cooperation from their
side at start hindered our progress.

Further limitations faced during the research project were time allocation as these schools and
parents of intellectually disabled were not available in afternoon. At these special schools
teachers and other staff were not readily available and sometimes weren't completely
cooperative. Managing time was the most difficult task as our research population was not easily
available and their time and effort was needed by us which required several visits.

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Gathering the data was another limitation as its hard to find accurate data. We used governmental
and regional data for our help. We were also unable to get our hands on some official data from
Special Olympics Pakistan. Due to various visits of officials at SOP we incurred delays in our
work. During the course of our project Special Olympics Pakistan's team and athletes went to
Austria for Special Olympics World Winter Games. This hindered our trips at SOP and
discussions, gathering insights and formulating results. We were also not able to go beyond the
brand guidelines of SOP which was one of our biggest constraint. We required transportation at
all stages of our project due to ongoing travel to different schools and housing areas. Resources
for compiling the data and getting the document together was also incurred.


The special schools The issue where the brand is not visible in the market and individuals with
Intellectual disabilities, volunteers and philanthropists are unaware of it and its offerings, SOP
requires to market itself using optimal resources as funding is limited. From using ambient media
to their advantage to digitally making Special Olympics Pakistan active. The use of ambient
media will not only create word of mouth which will be excellent in making the audience aware
but also cost minimal. It will also create a buzz of SOP which will be positive and help the
awareness cause. The world lives in digital space today and creating social media campaigns will
not only increase the visibility but help penetrate the consumer and wider audience minds.

A formal volunteer program should be launched that is attractive enough to engage young
individuals. This true to life high involvement volunteer program will not only provide them
young energetic minds experience but take in their capabilities and skills in any way possible.
The intern program will also be required to create brand awareness. This will not only attract
audiences to come work with SOP but give in human resource at no or low cost for operational
purposes. This intern program can be highly dynamic and fun at the same time which persuades
masses to apply for it and SOP gets numerous applications.

Workshops, seminars, extracurricular, sporting, rallies, competitions can be arranged to bring

SOP and its cause on the surface. This will not only attract attention but will potentially increase

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the chance of funding, more interns and volunteers and in return more registered people with ID.
SOP will include its story telling concept into textbooks of schools. These textbooks will include
stories about individuals with intellectual disability. This will teach the kids at younger age to be
accepting and helpful towards inclusion. SOP will require more staff and skilled individuals who
can increase performance while keeping the cost structure low.

Partnership with schools, institutions, organizations and NGOs will help SOP to reach higher
prospects. These schools and colleges will give way to the achievement of SOP's mission and
ultimately vision. Associations and strategic alliances with different organizations will help bring
its programs to surface and assist SOP in their events. Providing equipment i.e. health or sports
related can be done through affiliation with either hospitals or sports manufacturers.

However, with all of these comes few limitations as well. Funding depicts a major portion of
how SOP will run its operations. The biggest and foremost limitation is how effective it can run
the funds. The volunteer and intern programs will also be only successful if SOP is able to
successfully position itself in the audience mind. There are several student based organizations at
every university level and apart from that organizations like AIESEC and other nonprofit
organizations can collaborate with SOP to an effective alliance. However, bridging these gaps
require time, effort and operational excellence. Many schools are unable to effectively partner
with SOP due to lack of effective operations.

Awareness campaigns and promotions will be the first step in attitudinal change among the
people. Approvals of these workshops, seminars, rallies and other healthy events is not an easy
job. Pre-event operations than during event and then post event activities are easy on paper but
difficult to perform. High number of public showing up on these events and supporting the cause
is of absolute importance. Trainers, coaches and other staff for expanding the operations and
successfully performing tasks is of utmost importance. Finding these individuals and
successfully on boarding them is a easier said than done.

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We will be running a campaign in which we will make intellectually disabled people register for
SOP and get them benefits from the programs. Currently, Islamabad has the lowest number of
enrollment of ID people. For this reason, we are creating brand awareness in Islamabad and
Rawalpindi to make sure we can help as many intellectually disabled people as we can. People
will only register themselves when they are aware of SOP and the benefits it provides to such
people. This campaign will not only run in schools but in the neighborhoods which will result in
more awareness and registrations at SOP. This initiative will not only make the brand image

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better but larger. Partnering with different schools will help in strategic alliances. Our target is
intellectually disabled people enrolled in the special schools and other institutions. Since there is
least enrollment in SOP Islamabad we would require coaches to train future enrollments with
intellectual disabilities because Islamabad/Rawalpindi is understaffed and needs more
coaches/instructors to cater to the potential/new intellectually disabled people who will join SOP.


Brand awareness

Brand recall

Brand recognition


Donors (International and local both)

Volunteers (Coaches, doctors, partnerships)


The customer based brand equity model is used as a strategic brand management
tool. We want to audit SOP as a brand and increase its prospects. Applying CBBE
model on Special Olympics Pakistan we found several outcomes.

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The CBBE model consists of the following elements:


Sitting at the top of the brand equity pyramid, Resonance is the amount of connection the
customers have with you. It's the most desirable level to be on. Any organization has
achieved brand resonance when its customers have a strong and psychological bond with
your brand.

Sense of community: STRONG

The consumers of SOP i.e. the individuals with ID themselves, their guardians, and the special
schools authorities feel a sense of community with people associated with the brand.

Behavioral loyalty: HIGH

Once individuals, their guardians, special schools are connected with the programs of SOP they
are regular, repeat customers. They enjoy and benefit from the services at SOP and find
themselves better after availing the programs.

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Attitudinal attachment: HIGH

Every registered individual, their parents or their schools love SOP as a brand how much value it
brings to their lives. They love the programs SOP and consider them special.

Engagement: LOW

The consumers of SOP and its programs are not so actively engaged with the brand. When they
are not consuming or availing its services they find themselves detached to it. This include the
different events held by SOP and other marketing tools. SOP is not actively followed digitally
and in other activities. We tend to change this and create active engagement.


The customers find SOP a trustworthy brand and find it very credible. They rate the actual and
perceived quality very high and find it innovative as it constantly tries to improve its service,
operations and connections. The customers find the brand to be highly likable and find it superior
to other substitutes available for them.


According to the model there are 6 positive brand feeling. Special Olympics Pakistan is
considered to be secure by the consumers. They trust the brand and have a sense of security with
it. Socially it is not recognized as much it should be but it in definitely approved by the
consumers that know about the brand and its work. The brand not only has a respect in the
customers heart but has a respect for them. SOP surrounds its family of ID individuals with
affectionate and warmth. The nature of their work has a lot to do with their courteous nature.
They make it exciting and fun for their customers so the feelings of fun and excitement are
delivered through their programs.


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SOP meets its customers' needs very well and has a high service effectiveness. Previously they
were focused towards providing only sports platform. But their offerings have increased now i.e.
programs. Their services are becoming more and more efficient. There programs are reliable and
have a empathetic nature.


SOP should be able to identify and communicate to the consumers what the brand means and
stands for. Special Olympics Pakistan has a strong brand imagery. As it meets the customers'
needs on social and psychological level. This is however achieved with customer's own
experiences with their offerings. They lack targeted marketing or word of mouth.



There is low awareness of the SOP brand and it does not stand out even after being a major
player in the market. The consumers don't recognize it and aren't aware of it.


The perceptions about the brand and its offerings are inaccurate. Consumers aren't aware of the
offering of SOP and the brand identity is blurred.

Unique Selling Proposition

SOP satisfies a particular set of the customers' needs, However, it fails to effectively
communicate it. The USP of Special Olympics Pakistan is to represent and provide ID
individuals with a sporting platform.


The porter 5 forces analysis is a tool that examines the level of competition within
an industry and assists in developing business strategies.

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Threat of new entrants: LOW

The industry that SOP functions in is a non-profit or the third sector. Special
Olympics Pakistan caters to the intellectually disabled people and provides them a
platform of Olympic type sports events to bring out the best in these individuals and
make sure that they are an accepted member of the society. The market has a no to
very low threat of a new player working on the same model.

Rivalry: LOW

There aren't any other organizations that perform similar services and offer the
same set of programs. Competition is low to none. Paralympics, works on a model
close to Special Olympics Pakistan but they only cater to paraplegic individuals.

Bargaining power of buyers: MED

The intellectually disabled individuals are either enrolled in special schools or are
under the supervision of their parents. These schools or parents can and cannot be
willing to be onboard with SOP. Parents tend to keep their kids behind closed doors
and schools are unable to run operations at the same stage as SOP and not always
sign up with SOP's program.

Bargaining power of suppliers: LOW to MED

Special Olympics Pakistan has several associations and its operations are only successfully with
the effective relationship with suppliers. SOP requires a lot of sports equipments, trainings,
coaching and health modules. These health programs requires connections with hospitals,
different institutes (government and private). These supply transactions are not always fulfilled
and it is difficult to find organizations that collaborate with SOP at times. Mostly firms give in
their resources and assets as a part of the corporate social responsibility/strategy.

Threat of Substitute: LOW to MED

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The substitutes of SOP are the special schools and parental supervision and support. Not all
parents are comfortable to have their kids join such an organization due to lack of knowledge and
awareness. Schools want the autonomy in their own hands at time and are not ready to let an
external institution associated with their school.


The promotional mix is a sequence of tools that a firm uses to communicate the message of why
potential customers should purchase their product. If the customers do not know about your
offerings then your product and services do not succeed. So, the promotional mix is vital because
it is the way you successfully communicate the distinctiveness of your goods and services.

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Any product or firm cannot survive unless it advertises its products or services to the
stakeholders. Non-profit organizations and NGOs usually do the mistake of not advertising their
offerings which results in reduce lack of awareness and effectiveness of the offerings. Due to
lack in resources and other operational hindrances SOP has not been advertising about its
offering in the past. However, we are now suggesting smart ways of communicating to the
audience, advertising and promotion of SOP's offering. The advantage advertising is that it's a
one-way conversation that helps the customer focus on the benefits of your product or service.

Personal Selling:

This is face to face or one to one selling. As the name suggests, personal selling founds a direct
connection with a potential customer. This is a costly way but it provides a stage to alter the

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communication message according to the situation. SOP can initiate schools drives and teams
dedicated to high traffic malls or areas.

Direct Marketing:

This type narrow downs the focus to a selected group of individuals who would be more
attracted to our product or services. Email marketing and direct mail advertising can be used to
uplift the programs and cause of SOP. This should be targeted towards educational sector and
NGOs working in a similar cause.

Public Relations:

Creating a constructive reflection of your company and not displaying direct information about
an offering. Public relations can be very effective and advantageous as it can raise the outlook of
your company for strategic alliances and consumer purchase decisions.

Internet Presence:

In today's age of modern technology where businesses are being run over the internet and a huge
number of audience is active over it. Being present on the internet is crucial. This not only makes
your brand more available but authentic to the consumers. Internet advertising and promotion has
opened doors to a whole new world of marketing. SOP can take advantage of these digital tools
that cost very low and are extremely effective. Social media is an ocean where firms, institutions
and brands are executing their business models and offering online solutions as well as
communicating with their customers. That too, with high effectiveness and reach with minimum


This is a strategic planning instrument that offers a outline to help the decision makers to
formulate strategies for future.

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Special Olympics Pakistan needs to stabilize itself in the current markets instead of moving out
to new markets. So, Market development strategy will not be a feasible option as it will incur
costs and operational burden. Instead of exploring newer markets like Quetta, SOP should
concentrate on current Islamabad market as it is lowest in terms of registrations.

Also, developing newer programs and products will require developmental costs and would not
benefit SOP as the current products/programs are well designed and customer focused with
enough novelty and detail.

So, diversification strategy is also a no go zone for Special Olympics Pakistan. Quite recently
SOP, has developed new programs including Unified narratives and inclusion. These programs

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are running successfully and are filling the gaps previously observed by SOP. The Product
development strategy has been a success for SOP so far.

SOP need to penetrate the market further with continuous efforts in streamlining its operations.
With the existing programs it needs to further break through the market and dive in deep.
Creating awareness and need for its programs to intellectually disabled people and schools with
ID kids.


Following marketing tools will be used to uplift SOP's brand.

QR Codes:

SOP should use QR codes for people to be able to have quick access to relevant information and
to make donations to their cause. QR codes are basically machine readable codes with an array
of black and white squares used to store URLs or other information that you can access on your
mobile phones and gadgets. SOP should start off by advertising in the newspaper through these
QR codes because they take up a small space on the newspaper due to the size of the QR code
and link these codes to their relevant website/page or video to get the required information in
detail. People or volunteers can register easily through these QR codes, promote different

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campaigns, make donations and reach to a larger audience. Moreover, the organization can go
paperless and create a digital data base where they can store all the information that they need.

Cinema Advertising:

SOP should consider advertising in cinema through 2 to 3 minute influential and powerful
campaigns which will inform the audience about exactly what they offer and how can the
audience help them reach their goals. Cinema advertising offers a 360 degree marketing
environment because the audience has their full attention towards the content displayed on the
screen with full sight and sound. Moreover, frequent recurrence of the message assures that
moviegoers watch and remember your message resulting in building brand awareness. This will
not only add to volunteer base but get more registrations from Intellectually disabled people as
the advertising will reach out to masses and result in positive word of mouth.


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Collaborating is the process of two or more people or organizations to work together and to
realize or achieve something successfully by the combined effort. SOP should collaborate with
the trusts, schools and institutions for the intellectually disabled people which would increase the
enrollment of SOP Islamabad and more people will become aware of the services and
opportunities that SOP offers for ID people. SOP will find more donors and volunteers this way.

Social Media:

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Social media has the most powerful impact on the audience these days. People are always
scrolling through different social media platforms and are getting influenced by one thing or the
other. Even though the time bracket is very strict in which organizations can influence the
audience, it is still the most powerful way to leave a lasting impact. SOP should be very active
on social media through letting current and potential members know of the achievements of SOP
and educate them on how ID people should not be ignored as they are valuable to our society's
betterment. Moreover, SOP should keep the communication very strong and it should keep
generating the interest of the audience through encouraging and sharing.

YouTube Influencers:

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YouTube Influencers are more popular among youth than mainstream celebrities around the
world. Its the next big thing with 100 hours of video uploaded per minute and 6 billion hours of
viewership per month, which means YouTube is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to
marketing your message. SOP should make its YouTube channel where it shares all the
campaigns, videos, funding information and most importantly, shows exactly how ID people at
SOP are treated with daily or weekly video logs and should spread these across other social
media platforms as well to create awareness. If their channel increases a certain number of
views and subscribers then YouTube also pays for the content created and helps your
organization to be recognized internationally which eventually leads big companies to sponsor
your organization or events and provide overall help towards the success of the organization.

Car Wraps:

A tried and true strategy for building your brand is getting a car wrap. Car wraps can be
customized all over your car and these attract a heavy amount of attention. It is a great way to
ensure that wherever you go, people are becoming more familiar with your brand and are getting
curious to find out more about your brand. SOP should follow this technique and wrap some of

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the official cars with relevant information about SOP and what it does. This would also help to
create brand awareness in the twin cities.

Merchandise (Freebies):

Everyone loves free stuff. SOP should put its brand name on different merchandise and float it
around in different events and trainings to further make the target audience aware of SOP and its
offers. Even those who have absolutely no idea about SOP will become curious once they see a
bunch of people wearing and supporting the SOP merchandise and they might end up searching
further about the organization which will help SOP to find more volunteers and intellectually
disabled people which are currently not being looked after.

Story Telling:

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SOP can boost their current program Unified Narratives which is focused on young intellectually
disabled people who share stories of their experiences, which delivers emotionally moving
stories to the wider audience which is not just for the youth. This program should be for
universities, colleges, social media platforms, YouTube channel and cinema advertising. This
new program of storytelling would be in the form of short videos which are expressively moving
for the audience.


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SOP's Mission is as significant at the moment as it was when Special Olympics Pakistan was set
up. Sport is still the most important way Special Olympics accomplishes change, supported by
work in health which has become critical to our mission. Special Olympics Pakistan uses the
muscle of game as a means for societal transformation. However, the problem is that it faces
extreme brand awareness issue.


To establish SOP as a recognizable brand that people are aware of.

To increase enrollment of intellectually disabled people in SOP Islamabad.
To redefine the intern and volunteer program.
To devise a Project Management process that would aid in easing out the inefficiency of
the processes and operations of SOP.


Attract new big clients every year for sponsorships.

Organize 6-9 local and international events annually.
Develop QR Codes for the ease of the target audience.
Hiring brand managers for SOP in order to perform effective brand management as well
as operational activities.
Run short campaigns through cinema advertising.
Form collaborations with small scale institutes and schools of Rawalpindi and Islamabad
to cater to a large audience.
Be very active on social media as well as other digital platforms to keep updating the data
base with latest information through the feedback.
Develop a YouTube channel to create video based content to influence people and to earn
from the platform in the long run to cover the finances
Get official merchandise of SOP Pakistan floated in the twin cities at different events and


The strategy of SOP is to use sports to fight for the rights and abilities of people with intellectual
disability. It provides trainings, free health care facilities, campaigns like inclusion program,

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healthy athletes and unified narratives. Moreover, it also generates funds to send the
intellectually disabled people abroad for International games completely free of cost.


After analyzing the environment (internal and external) in which SOP operates, we conducted a
customer research to get to the core of the problem which is that why is there least enrollment in
SOP Islamabad specifically and why are intellectually disabled peoples families and other small
institutes catering to such people not aware of the offerings of SOP. We have developed a
strategic road map for SOP which will increase its brand awareness, recall and recognition.
Moreover, the enrollment will increase in the twin cities while ensuring its sustainable
competitive advantage and growth. The focus of this road map would be on the communication
strategy which is a two stage process. The first stage will involve mass communication strategy,
by means of mailers, promotional campaigns, social media updates, and others. The second stage
will be more specific and it involves one-to-one involvement with the donor, with proposals,
fund request appeals, timelines, and other relevant material.


An operational plan is readily required for SOP as the organization faces operational issues.
Remaining in the brand guidelines we aligned the operations with the defined processes and
SOPs of the organization. This included the use of different strategies and the time required for
their accomplishment. Apart from external branding, internal branding holds an equal
importance. Better roles of employees and their responsibilities for effective execution of
operations. Along all of this we have also presented some budget allocations to accomplish the
goals and mission of SOP.


At SOP the employees should be given equal opportunities to come up with solutions and ways
of improvement. Empowering the employees mean greater capacity for employees to work at
and we all know that happy employees will result in happy customers. Consulting about

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programs, events and development leads to better productivity and results. More technical staff
needs to be hired that has specific roles. SOP is greatly understaffed. For example: They only
have a single individual managing the communications of the complete organization. Higher
management should involve bottom up communication methods and the organization should
have decentralized distribution of authority and decision making.

The road map provides plan for the two stages for SOP in order to obtain its goals and objectives.
The strategies for brand awareness of SOP will progress on yearly basis. Moreover, the tactics
and operations are explained as follows:

Stage 1: Market Penetration

Communications for an organization can be for internal and external stakeholders. For the first
year, the suggested strategy for SOP is market penetration. The reason for this is that SOPs
critical and major strategic issue has been its brand awareness problem due to which the
minimum number of enrollments of intellectually disabled people is in SOP Islamabad.
Moreover, the families of these people as well as the schools are not aware of SOP as a platform.
The stage that trains and mobilizes these people so that they can give their best outcome towards
the betterment of the society. Therefore, the focus in the first year would be to penetrate the
geographical market of Rawalpindi/Islamabad as much as possible and develop a set of systems,
activities and procedures that allows the firm to capture the intended market share.

In order to penetrate into this market and make people aware of SOP and its services, SOP needs
to limit its scope of activities to where its core competency lies i.e. providing a sports platform
for intellectually disabled, giving them continuing opportunities to demonstrate their abilities.
There should be a clear and single message in the communication strategy which resonates with
the mission, vision, values and core competency of SOP. Also, the customer research suggests
that there is least number of enrollments in SOP Islamabad because people are simply not aware
of the brand and what it has to offer to help the intellectually disabled people. This is the mistake
that most nonprofit organizations make and the mistake is that they forget to market and promote
all that they are. Communication and marketing of SOP should go hand in hand. SOP should
know what to convey, when and how, and how frequently to convey it. Trainers and coaches are

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of great significance to the enrolled people and for this reason SOP should appoint
knowledgeable and skillful trainers using their strong networking. The internal analysis of the
firm describes that SOPs core competency is that it uses sports to fight for the rights and
abilities of people with intellectual disability. It gives them a respectable platform to showcase
their skills and abilities and get rewarded on a national and international level. Moreover, it has
launched different programs like inclusion, unified narratives and healthy athletes to further help
these people. However, the problem is that despite having these current programs and offerings,
people are not aware of SOP, so to rectify this, our first step would be to arrange events related to
SOP and educate people on how exactly the organization works and what does it have to offer for
intellectually disabled people, in order to penetrate into the market.

The external analysis describes the customer needs that currently prevail in the market of
Rawalpindi/Islamabad. This region comprises of small scales schools, institutions as well as
students who are willing to work voluntarily for SOP. Students and coaches who are ready to
participate and give towards a cause should be provided with training programs on
university/college level as well as in different institutes. QR Codes should be developed to serve
as an additional benefit for the target audience because it will make the process easier for them of
gathering information or being a part of the organization through volunteer work or donations.

The firms business model will revolve around revenues coming from the tickets purchased by
the audience. Sponsors and partners of these events will also generate resources and the revenue
generated would be used as funding to cater to the intellectually disabled people. On the other
hand, the costs would incur on venue attainment, transport, printing & branding, giveaways and
trainings. The firm would rely on the outsourcing model as it would be difficult to attain the
event management capabilities and expertise.

Stage 2: Development

In the second stage, SOP would focus on adding new features to the existing trainings and
programs it offers. They could provide trainings to the volunteers at a large scale now and hire
more volunteers to cater to additional enrollment of intellectually disabled people. Redefining
the intern and volunteer program by initiating university, college and school drives. Making it

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meaningful and special with a learning and joyful experience. Hands-on practical exposure with
visits and quarterly report generation. Monthly meeting and setting KPIs. SOP can sign MOUs
with different universities to intake their undergrads for the intern program. Collaborations could
be formed at this point to increase further brand awareness and hold different events and
trainings collectively with small or big institutes to attract increased enrollment.

Alongside forming collaborations and holding events, SOP should be extremely active digitally
by this time. Constantly providing news and updating information on their social media
platforms. An influential authority of SOP should be developing and managing a YouTube
channel which will further promote the cause and attract more revenues based on the views per
video. This revenue could then again be used as funding for the organization.

Moreover, the firm will now have additional resources to play with through different
collaborations and events; therefore it can start to hire employees since it is currently
understaffed and slowly and gradually reduce its outsourcing activities.


Budget of an event varies according to the nature of the event management and training services
required. The breakdown of different expenses on which the budget is formulated are:

Salaries and wages

Travel and Hotel bookings
Marketing and Communications
Event Venue Attainment

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1. Are you aware of Special Olympics Pakistan?

a) strongly agree b)agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

2. Are you aware of any specific program of SOP?

a) strongly agree b)agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

71 | P a g e
3. Did you ever come across any merchandise of SOP?
a) strongly agree b)agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

4. Do the decision-makers among our potential customers recall SOP immediately

when they think of our product category?
a) strongly agree b)agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

5. Do you recognize SOP among other competing brands?

a) strongly agree b)agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

6. Do you have difficulty imagining SOP in your mind?

a) strongly agree b)agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

7. Can you quickly recognize the symbol or logo of SOP?

a) strongly agree b)agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

8. Did you ever come across any promotional medium of SOP?

a) strongly agree b)agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

9. Do you know of any other offerings of SOP apart from Sports?

a) strongly agree b)agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

10. Do you think our products and our competitor's products have the same benefits for
a) strongly agree b)agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

11. Our brand is often at the top of the minds of the decision-makers in potential
customer firms when they think of our product category?
a) strongly agree b)agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

12. How often have you heard about an SOP event?

a) strongly agree b)agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

13. When you think about intellectual disability, does SOP come to your mind?
a) strongly agree b)agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

72 | P a g e
14. Have you watched or heard about any SOP content on news or digital media?
a) strongly agree b)agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree

15. Has SOP ever approached or marketed itself to you?

a) strongly agree b)agree c) neutral d) disagree e) strongly disagree


1. The Promotional Mix: Target Markets & Buying Decisions, Jennifer Lombardo (2009)

2. Role of NGO in the Development of Sugalis: A Case Study of a Settlement in Andhra Pradesh

3. Brand recall explained, Hitesh Bhasin (December 2016)

4. Speed & Thompson, (2000). Approaches towards an event by Burke and Edell (1989),

73 | P a g e
5. Top-of-mind brand, unaided brand recall, and brand recognition (Kapferer, 1994; Francois &
MacLachlan, 1995; Yoo & Donthu, 2001.

6. Working with NGOs, International Institute for Sustainable Development (2011)

7. Case studies from the NGO community across Manila, Philippines (2009)

8. Planning and Managing Public Relations Campaigns: A Guide: By Anne Gregory

9. Press Releases Are Not a PR Strategy, by Linda B. Vande Vrede

10. Johnson, G., Scholes, K. and Whittington, R. (2005). Exploring corporate strategy (7th
edition),England: Pearson Education Limited

11. Guadagni and Little, 1983; Gupta, 1988). Implemented and revised Beatty and Kahle's
(1988) brand pieces.

12. Brand awareness may be measured as brand recognition or brand recall. Srull, 1984; Alba
and Hutchinson, 1987; Rossiter and Percy, 1987.

13. Study on Brand recognition and its elements (Aaker, 1996), (Keller, 2007).

14. Brand recognition Margaret Rouse, (2010)

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