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How to Prepare for a First-time Banquet

1. Location Find a suitable location, keep in mind the majority of widows that come will likely be
older, choose a building without a lot of steps.
a. We also check community events so as not to interfere with that because we want any
widows to come, this is a great opportunity to reach the un-churched.
b. Attendance may be better if your banquet is in a public community building, rather than
in a church. Your home is also a good place for this.
2. Date choose a banquet date and reserve the place.
3. Invitations who will you invite, widows only or widowers as well, either one is good.
4. Funding How will this event be funded? We have found that people want to be a part of this
ministry. We send a letter and schedule of the banquets to businesses and churches in the area.
This gives them an opportunity to support the banquets. This has worked well for us.
5. Gifts We have a budget of $5.00 per widow for gifts, its amazing how God blesses these gifts
with good deals. These gifts are a reminder throughout the year that someone cares for them. We
usually put a verse on these gifts.
6. Meal Plan the meal, who will be in charge of the meal and helpers in the kitchen? Make it a
special event, they are worthy of honor.
7. Program This is an excellent opportunity to share the gospel and to encourage them. We have
a 45 minute program after the meal, lots of singing, instrumentals, drama or chalk art. If you can
include children or young people is a good idea.
8. Transportation We offer free transportation. We will either pay the handi-transit for those with
a. Walkers or wheelchairs and have volunteers pick up the others; some will come on their
9. Comment Cards We put comment cards on the tables for them to put their addresses and
birthdays on.
a. This helps us get a mailing list for next years banquets. If they have friends they would
like us to add to our list, they can put those names and addresses down. We then mail
them a card for their birthday.
10. Banquet
a. Greeters at the door
b. Someone to take their coats; if its a big banquet, label the coats and hang them for easy
access when they want to leave.
c. Name Tags; helps us remember their names and also helps them get to know each other
d. Ushers seat them after they have their name tags
e. Coffee servers, begin serving coffee and tea as they wait for others to arrive
f. Music is there soft music? We play live instruments prior to meal
g. Servers have plenty of servers who serve the meal and visit with the widows when they
are not busy serving. We always reserve 1 2 settings per table for servers.
h. Program
i. Gifts after the program we hand out the gifts or sometimes we place the gift on the
tables as part of the decorations, depending on the gift.
j. Clean up; for the bigger banquets we have extra helpers come to wash dishes and help
with cleanup

Our prayer is that each one will see a reflection of Gods love.

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