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Characteristics of Jaynee

Culturally Halverson

1. High Expectations
2. Positive Relationships
3. Cultural Sensitivity
4. Active Teaching
SIOP Model
Sheltered Instruction Observation
5. Teacher as Facilitator
6. Student Controls Lessons This model gives a complete
framework used to shelter
7. Instruction Around
instruction for English learners.
It also gives teachers an idea of
Examples of what is effective when it comes
to practices and behaviors in
Evidence Based Best the classroom.
v Local Theatre group
may be invited to SIOP Example
perform and actually
teach students about
mime and other 1. Preparation
forms of acting 2. Instruction Culturally
v Students may present
3. Building background Responsive
4. Comprehensible
a performance 5. Strategies Teaching In
entitled Appreciating
the Arts Around the
6. Interaction Diverse
7. Practice/ Application
World for the local 8. Lesson Delivery Classrooms
community 9. Review/ Assessment

The Main Ideas For Why Is Culturally Diverse Teaching For Cultural
Working With Diverse Teaching Important? Understanding
o Teaching and Learning in Today v Various instructional
Multicultural Classrooms perspectives reflect different
v Today culturally diverse belief systems related to the
o Integrating teaching is important because teaching of multicultural
Multicultural our countries demographic is concepts in todays classrooms.
Literature Across the constantly changing and as an (Pg 61)
Curriculum educator it is crucial to be able v Contributions Approach-
o Ways of Knowing in a to be flexible in your teaching Celebrations that are specific to
Culturally Responsive methods to be able to cater to each culture are added into the
Classroom the different types of learners in classroom setting.
your classroom. v Additive Approach-
o Funds of Knowledge Multicultural concepts and
o Characteristics of issues are worked into the
normal classroom teaching
Culturally Responsive
Instruction Future v Transformative Approach-
o Linguistic Differences in Students are given
v Our countries demographic is
Todays Schools opportunities for continued
going to continue to change
education through continued
o Dialect Use in the with different cultures,
reading and judgment.
Classroom languages, and peoples. As an
v Decision Making/ Social
educator who could move
o English Language between schools in different Action Approach- Allows
Learning areas and who will be teaching students to participate in
over a long period time activities and projects that have
o Sheltered Instruction For through different events it is to do with multicultural
English Learners learning
important to be able to teach
o The SiOP Model each in the way they learn best

o Adapting Instruction
by taking into account cultural
diversity and learning styles.

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