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TITTLE: Black Hawk Down (2001)

Film Black Hawk Down is a realistic aesthetic study to describe the US

military and their helicopter is shot down in Mogadishu in October 1993 1. Overall
the film is devoted to the theory of realism and hegemonically and the real
intention of the US in stabilizing the global security based on a humanitarian
mission in Somalia. Film Black Hawk Down is based on real events that occurred
in October, 1993 and was named for realism but criticized the lack of depth of
history, especially the history of colonial rule Somalia and beyond their internal
war. The film was released at the beginning of the Bush administration in the
United States and according to the situation in which the occurrence of the
disaster on September 11 when it is in the United States that had caused the
War on Terror situation that has hit the global world at the time 2.

The film is based on a number of critical reaction, with a history of

violence, delivering realistic, and very realistic. Black Hawk Down focused on the
experience of front-line US troops that provides a way to silence the destruction
of Somalia during the conflict occurred. The film has a significant history that
goes back to the colonial war painting in the 19th century between the Western
powers and African countries. In addition, the configuration Black Hawk Down
also focus on the US real interest in the Somalia mission 3.

There is the fact that silence the fact that our interests are silenced
articulation position, points to the hegemony.The findings in film shows some
educational implications and recommendations can be obtained from a war
movie. Some of the implications and suggestions are particularly germane to the
arts and learning in a political context that is relevant in any subjects that one
can discuss and analyze the results that can be obtained through films such as
Black Hawk Down. Analyzing war movies story set in the context of historical
events-wars. It has a summary which teaches that war is an extension of politics.
War always has a political dimension, which lie to the political consequences of
the interests of "state or even rational actor model itself", and political
dimensions must be the densest in the event of such a situation 4.

1 Bowden, M. (1999). Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War. New York: Penguin.

2 Ibid.

3 Bruckheimer, J. (producer), & Scott, R. (Director). (2001). Black Hawk DCJWn [Film).

4 Carter Center, The. (2002). Activities by country: Somalia [Online). Accessed on 2017-04


In a political context, a number of issues for consideration in lesson

planning in this film is, What is the history of war depicted? Is the film based on
other sources, such as a book or magazine article ?, What is the political
dimension of critical response to the film? Is the political context of this movie? ,
What is the rhetoric of the film otherwise? How aesthetic and rhetorical position
of said film is properly joined and support each others and is there is historical
precedent for this type of conjoining silent ?, Does the fact of this conjoining? Is
the meta-lived and, if the fact is revealed in silence on the wider political stage
and what it says about what is happening in the world?.

The entire film is a portrait of realism to show the experience of the US

military 'in the battle of Mogadishu in Black Hawk Down and it also attracts the
audience to be close enough to understand more jelasmengenai experience of
the US military but at the same time to know the dimensions of the larger
political battle in this globalized world , Black Hawk Down political approach
could be featured on two stages5.

First, the US political mission in Somalia, and, second, at the level of the
wider hegemony, the fact that the political dimension of mission silent. The main
argument of this film is that for those who are brave in the face because politics
is irrelevant. Courage and honor those who are not altered by political conflict, so
the film worship of courage and political separation between men.

US real political involvement in Somalia is that it protects US interests. At

the level of the real, the mission was designed as a humanitarian effort to rescue
the Somali people from joked that murder of warlord. The film does not discuss
why Somalia is in this situation or deal with why Somalia is poor and unstable or
indicate that it is because of its history of colonial domination. Concerns during a
humanitarian mission to help the people,6.

However, the mission also stabilize the global system, which is a

contemporary version of the colonial system, which has been kept in position
subordination Somali and weaknesses. This mission aims to ensure a firewall
around Somalia containing fractions onder administration. The mission is trying
to manage the crisis and prevent it from spreading and threatening the stability
of the global capital system, which has exacerbated if not caused the crisis
Somalia. Company is a relaxed and contemporary main benefits that are not
challenged the contemporary system of global Capital One mission of
maintaining the stability of the system that maintain the interest of the United
Stated States7.

5 Bruckheimer, J. (producer), & Scott, R. (Director). (2001). Black Hawk DCJWn [Film).

6 Carter Center, The. (2002). Activities by country: Somalia [Online). Accessed on 2017-04-

7 Ibid.


The second phase of silent film's politics are at the level of intellectual
hegemony. For some people at times contemporary global Capital, in the post
cold war era, found no overt clash of ideologies. The Observer, freedom has won
out over the communist tyranny, and the free market by attending institutions of
liberal democracy support is being spread around the world with an evangelical
spirit. Where propaganda is contested, the most obvious today in the Islamic
world, the clash is characterized as one of the forces for and against
modernization, or between reason and fanaticism, or, in the speech by the
President of the United States, between good and evil , The dominant ideology in
the contemporary globalized world characterized by Slavoj Zizek (1999) as "the
political". According to this ideology, no political obstacles remain great, good. All
that is not eternal is aware of some details of the "dark" (in more ways than one)
of immigrants in the world to "benefit" from the modem market and liberalism.
When that goal is reached, the result will be to work with the cheerful calculus
opportunities, competition, and prosperity8.

This day is known as the post-political, political entities themselves are

given as extinct. All that remains is the "sense" of free markets and liberal
democracy. However, to give politics a category obsolete word obsolete less
about them than about the political views of certain special silent. When an
acceptable perspective so thatit can not be questioned, and the opposition is
almost impossible to articulate the perspective of a hegemoni. The truth that the
political dimension of Black Hawk Down is so quiet, that it is layered behind
realism of the film, the humanitarian mission, and courage US troops, that it is so
imelevant to be almost blasphemous to clear, revealing that hegemony is
played. In addition, if the political dimension is totally irrelevant, artiallation that
would not be blasphemy against the military, it is more likely to provoke only one
reaction indifferent. Politics Black Hawk Down, especially when covered with a
realistically depicted the courage of the soldiers, and the hot button, indicating
that something very dangerous explosions and even do not want disclosed. The
real significance of the United States to maintain a system that allows its
dominant position on the people of Somalia9.


Bowden, M. (1999). Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War. New York:

Bruckheimer, J. (producer), & Scott, R. (Director). (2001). Black Hawk DCJWn


8 Bruckheimer, J. (producer), & Scott, R. (Director). (2001). Black Hawk DCJWn [Film).

9 Coatney, L. (2002). Black Hawk Down. AmeriCJln Historical Review, 107,(4),1338.


Carter Center, The. (2002). Activities by country: Somalia [Online). Accessed on

submenu:activities&country =64

Coatney, L. (2002). Black Hawk Down. AmeriCJln Historical Review, 107,




TITTLE: Argo (2012)

Thriller Argo is a film based on a true story, happened in 1979 during the
Iranian Revolution and the hostage crisis. The film stars Ben actor as CIA agent
Tony Mendez, who devise a plan to rescue and underwent six American
hostages held at the Embassy of Canada and bring them back to the United
States. This film actors must convince Lester Siegel (Alan Arkin) to produce fake
science fiction movie, which will be used to deceive the people of Iran. Due to
the escalating conflict between the two countries over the years because of
State interference in Iran, this would be a risky rescue ( "American Experience").
Loud and vulgar imagery in10.

Argo film, reflect cultural and political clash between the United States and
Iran. The opening scene in Argo contains two powerful images. The first is a man
of Iran holds the American flag on fire, waving in the air. burning is a metaphor
Iran wants to remove the American ideas, politics, and way of life. The other
image is of a man holding a picture of Khomeini's Iran to dart through it. male
expression conveyed anger and disbelief as his admiration for the Iranian
government. The arrows symbolize American hatred and dislike against
Khomeini. The second image represents the difference between Iran and the
United States11.

10 "Humanitarian News and Analysis." IRINnews. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov.

2013. Access on 20 April 2017.

11 "History of Iran: Iran after the Victory of 1979's Revolution." 10 Nov. 2013. Access on 21 April


US officials put into Pahlavi, and he started the Westernization of Iran. This
angered the dominant Shia population ( "American Experience"). Iran and
Khomeini returned as a government, and want to punish Pahlavi ( "History of
Iran"). Due to the differences in culture and politics, Iran is more conservative
and traditional prefer a different type of government than the United States. Iran
does not want to west, such as the US, and they want to choose their own
government ( "The American Experience"). As of the ideas and options
presented by the United States and Iran to explain the political and cultural
clash between the two countries. Another powerful image depicting the clash of
cultures between the United States and Iran. the image is of a child in
sweatshops who put the paper together to form chopped hostages lost face.
This revealed that Iran put children to work for a long time rather than educate
them. Although the law has been created recently, banning young people form
work, many street children are put to work 12.

They do the dirty work and often physical harm is meant for people who
receive no honor or recognition in society. In addition, there are few places
where children can go to receive education, plus they rarely even able to attend
( "Humanitarian News and Analysis"). It juxtaposes with the culture in the United
States where children go to school and not put to work. This image depicts a
large cultural difference between the United States and Iran 13.

Furthermore, the film also highlights the message during the conflict in the
heart of the Iranian revolution against the Shah, a brutal puppet of Washington,
a group of protesters stormed the US embassy in November 1979, arrested and
detained 52 Americans for 444 days. Six American diplomats in the embassy
that day to escape and found refuge in the home of a secret envoy Canada. The
film tells the story of a CIA rescue of six14.

Two months after the chaotic scene at the embassy in Tehran, the security
group is increasingly in doubt. Back in the United States, the CIA 'exfiltration'
specialist Tony Mendez (Ben actor of this film) concocts a plan to pose as a
member of a Canadian film location scouting unit for the science fiction film
Planet of the Apes-inspired. The success of this scheme, the best of the ideas
proposed were not good, need to choose the actual script (with the "Argo"),
install a Hollywood production team and plans to promote the film's release.
Mendez entered Iran disguised as a film producer, and must carry them out in
the group.

12 Ibid.

13"History of Iran: Iran after the Victory of 1979's Revolution." 10 Nov. 2013. Access on 21 April

14 "American Experience: TV's Most-watched History Series." PBS. PBS, 10 Nov.

2013. Access on 22
April 2017.


Some close calls stacked aside, this film manages to hold the audience's
interest is through the non-stop action that always wear in films of this genre.
Instead, the film actor is trying to convey tension through blending archival
footage and newsreel of the time. The filmmakers were rather restrained in their
use depends sequence, inserted into the story with dialogue sometimes comic 15.

Hold someone's interest, however, is one thing, but to leave the

impression that, to say something meaningful about the living conditions and
the history is quite another. The power of the media and information, in contrast
to the power of weapons, emerged as a theme, with the implementation of
banter held in front of the camera, musing about whether the revolutionary
fervor in Iran is all for media use, forged his own film project in the end, not
much fresh offer in Argo16.

The subplot absent father, struggling to maintain a relationship with his

son, comes off as particularly bad and can diramal.Jauh more problematic is the
implication of the film's depiction of the hostage crisis and rescue operations.
The events of 1979-1980 do not appear fresh ether. The US government and the
CIA in particular play a direct role in the 1953 coup that reinstalled the Shah of
Iran in power. A quarter century of authoritarian and brutal suppression of all
resistance in Iran depends first of all on support from Washington. Broad layers
of the population was outraged by America's role in this history 1979.Walaupun
neocolonial intervention recognized in a minute or two in the early stages of the
film, what dominated the entire two-hour stay is something quite different. We
aim to embrace the CIA hero, laughing in Hollywood collaboration with the
intelligence and the Iranian public as a simple enemy 17.

References to criminal past (and ongoing) are included to provide a

semblance of balance, but then history is essentially ignored and forgotten. He
did not play an active role in the Argo and work, ultimately, to provide a veneer
of objectivity to the work of promoting the operation of US imperialism. Decades
of oppression, torture and murder is one thing, but, after all, six American lives
are at stake. The context in which this film was shot and released, a decade of
work of US troops on either side of Iran, covert operations carried out and the
war economy, and the threat of a relentless and increasingly military
intervention by the United States and Israel? No doubt, embarrassing as it is to

15 Ibid.

16"Humanitarian News and Analysis." IRINnews. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2013. Access on 20 April 2017.

17 "American Experience: TV's Most-watched History Series." PBS. PBS, 10 Nov.

2013. Access on 22
April 2017.


demonstrate the presence of Democrat Barack Obama in the White House

makes war more acceptable driving liberal film industry 18.

The conclusion are, the United States and Iran differ in both the political
and cultural aspects, as illustrated by the image in the film, Argo.This film
review is based on the information that reveals a report on a little-known
episode during the 1979-1980 Iran hostage crisis.


"American Experience: TV's Most-watched History Series." PBS. PBS, 10 Nov.

2013. Access on
22 April 2017.

History of Iran: Iran after the Victory of 1979's Revolution. 10 Nov. 2013.
19 79_1.php. Access on 21 April 2017.

"Humanitarian News and Analysis." IRINnews. 22 Nov. 2013. Access on 20 April 2017.

18 "Humanitarian News and Analysis." IRINnews. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2013. Access on 20 April 2017.

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