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Alex Rose
Senior Full Stack Developer

Software Architect and full stack developer with a passion for building enterprise grade solutions and utilising
design patterns, latest programming languages and frameworks.

Currently seeking long-term contracts or permanent positions, either full-time or part-time.

Technical Skills
Languages: PHP5, PHP7, SQL, JAVA, node.js, C# .NET.
Frameworks: Symfony 3, Zend Framework 2.
Templating: Twig.
Languages: JavaScript, jQuery, HTML 5, CSS 3.
Frameworks: React.js, Angular.js, Backbone.js.
Data visualization and UI: Bootstrap, ExtJS, D3.js, KendoUI.
Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle.
Software Architectural Patterns: MVC, MVVM.
Services: AWS EC2, S3, Route53, SES, Postfix, Apache.
Server: Linux Ubuntu, Windows.
Virtualization: VMware, Vagrant.
Source control management: Git, SVN.
Continuous integration: Hudson / Jenkins, Atlassian Bamboo.
Agile development methodologies: SCRUM, Kanban, XP.
Agile project management tools: Atlassian JIRA, Trac.
Test-driven development TDD: PHPUnit, JUnit, QUnit.

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Senior PHP Full Stack Developer January 2017 - Present
Development of a SaaS solution using PHP, Symfony 3, MySQL, HTML 5, CSS 3, React.js.
Configuration and administration of hosting environments on the LAMP stack using AWS EC2, S3,
Route53, RDS, CloudFront, DynamoDB.
Conducted test driven development (TDD) using PHPUnit.
Participated in an agile development team using JIRA.
Configured continuous integration using Jenkins.
Designed fully normalized databases using MySQL.
Created RESTful API using Symfony 3 and serialization / de-serialization of object data using JSON.
Added new and enhanced existing node.js RESTful API service.
Troubleshoot various technical issues and rapidly determine solutions.
UI/UX design using HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, React.js.
Developed authentication service using OAuth 2.
PHP Developer at iVvy Pty Ltd August 2016 - November 2016 (3 months)
Developed new features into a pre-existing SaaS solution using: PHP 5, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, Yii
Framework, Zend Framework.
Conducted Test-driven Development (TDD) using PHPUnit.
Participated in an agile development team which included using Atlassian JIRA.
Developed dynamic reports with custom filter components.
Crafted complex SQL statements using sub queries, JOIN, UNION, aggregation and conditional
Optimised and fixed issues in legacy code.
PHP Developer at Retail Food Group March 2015 - June 2015 (3 months)
Lead software architect to develop a SaaS solution for auditing franchise stores using: PHP 5, Symfony
Framework, Doctrine ORM, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, Angular, KendoUI, AWS.
Established hosting using AWS EC2 instances on Ubuntu Linux 64 bit, RDS, Route53, S3, ELB as well
as configured Apache VHosts and PHP.
Designed a highly normalised database using MySQL.
Crafted complex DQL statements using Doctrine
Developed a RESTful API using Symfony.
Integrated into 3rd party API written in node.js.
Developed authentication service using Symfony, OAuth, AWS DynamoDB and ADS.
Developed PHP worker classes for a RabbitMQ message broker service.
Introduced agile methodology best practices and managed project with Atlassian JIRA.

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PHP Developer at World Vision Australia December 2012 - June 2013 (6 months)
Enhanced and added new features to their existing solution for sending out EDMs to their sponsors
using PHP, MySQL, HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, jQuery, CakePHP.
Established hosting using AWS EC2 instances on Ubuntu Linux 64 bit, RDS, Route53, S3, ELB.
Configured LAMP hosting environments.
Integrate into 3rd party APIs such as sendgrid for sending emails and for optimising
images for hosting on a CDN.
Refactored legacy solution from CakePHP to Symfony 2 MVC Framework.
Developed animated games using JavaScript, jQuery.
Developed advanced UI data grids and charts for the admin portal using ExtJS, JavaScript, jQuery,
Developed RESTful API for admin portal using Symfony 2.
Participated in an agile development team which included using Atlassian JIRA.
Assisted with some wordpress websites with ACF plugin.

Javascript Developer at Victorian Electoral Commission Aug 2012 - Oct 2012 (2 months)
Re-engineered e-voting prototype written in JavaScript using jQuery, Backbone.js, Knockout.js, HTML
5, CSS 3.
Integrated into cheque printers for voting slips.
Conducted OOP in JavaScript.
Conducted Test driven development using JavaScript.
Developed UI/UX for optimal performance using HTML 5 and CSS 3.
Manipulated the DOM using JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX.
Architect the project using Backbone.js.
Implemented a RESTful based API service using Backbone.js.
Designed responsive UI for visually impaired users.
Enhanced solution to allow for multi lingual support.
Optimised code to run smoothly on tablet devices.

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PHP Developer at Ultimate Inventory Systems February 2011 - May 2011 (3 months)
Developed new and enhanced existing features in an inventory solution for automotive car parts using
PHP OOP, MySQL and a RIA (rich internet application) client using Flex, ActionScript 3.
Development new software to synchronise transactions between a MySQL database and MYOB by
creating a PHP RESTful based API and a C# .NET application.
Fixed bugs, optimised code and discovered logic errors in legacy code written in PHP 5 and
ActionScript 3.
Conducted test-driven development (TDD) using PHPUnit.
Participated in an agile development team which included using Atlassian JIRA.
Assisted and coordinated with team members who carried out behavioral and end user functional

PHP Developer at Gecko Rescue October 2009 - March 2010 (5 months)

Developed a new solution along side one other developer that managed IT help desk support requests
using PHP OOP, Zend Framework, RESTful API, MySQL, Adobe Flex, ActionScript 3.
Assisted with the implementation of continuous integration using Hudson / Jenkins.
Participated in an agile development team.
Communicated effectively with stakeholders.

PHP Developer at Stanwell Corporation September 2007 - December 2007 (3 months)

Developed complex reporting and data visualisation for the national energy markets using PHP, Oracle
and SQL.
Generated data that communicated future trends based off historical data.
Implemented pagination on existing reports using SQL and PHP.
Developed alerting services to coordinate with the hydro power stations and the trading centre.

PHP Developer at VueTec August 2006 - September 2007 (1 year 1 month)

Developed new and enhanced existing features for the administrative portal used for managing
gambling activities for casinos using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Developed ability to store users credit card information securely using PHP and Blowfish encryption.
Developed dynamic reports.
Developed administrative tools for managing affiliate referrals and compensation.

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PHP Developer at Relationship Audits February 2005 - December 2005 (10 months)
Developed new and enhanced existing features for a SaaS solution used to audit organisations using
PHP, Zend Framework, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Produced dynamic reporting using SVG graphics.
Developed templates for EDM (email direct marketing) using PHP, HTML, CSS.

PHP Developer at Selftrade February 2004 - October 2004 (8 months)

Developed dynamic reports and UI/UX for an online share trading platform using PHP, SQL,
PostgreSQL, Oracle, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Participated in an agile development team.
Communicated effectively with directors and team leaders.

System Administrator at Learning Network Queensland

January 2002 - September 2003 (1 year 8 months)
Assisted in the installation and configuration of CISCO Routers, Switches, Hubs, Cat5 cabling, Wifi and
video conferencing equipment for a vast network.
Developed and designed a website using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

System Administrator at QUT (Queensland University of Technology)

June 1999 - December 2001 (2 years 6 months)
Assisted in the administration of Linux servers and Windows workstations for the printing department.
Wrote scripts using PERL to integrate into pay stations for printing credit as well as cash register
Developed a website for the department using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

QUT (Queensland University of Technology)
Bachelor's degree, Information Technology, 2007 - 2016

To all recruitment agencies I do not consent to any representation and will not be responsible for any fees
related to unauthorized copies of my resume being sent to companies. contents of this resume shall not be
copied elsewhere.

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