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DOD-STD-ZBbb NOTICE L SO W 99999LL ClOb7209 3 I/

~ ~~
~ ~~ n/- ClY-30
21 Auuust 1981
14 June 1968






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:DOD-STD-1866N O T I C E 1 SO W 7777711 0067210 T M
1 -



1. This Military Standard is

approved for use by all Departments and
Agencies of the Department of Defense.

2. Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any

pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be
addressed to: US Army Tank-Automotive Command, ATTN: DRSTA-GSS, Warren, MI
48090, by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement
Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the ofendthis document,or by letter.



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Provided by IHS Licensee=Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc/6112333100, User=xiaowen, wang
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19 May 1988




V 21 August 1981 V Reprinted without change--.

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4 19 May 1988 4 21 August 1981
11 19 May 1988 11 21 August 1981
12 21 August 1981 12 Reprinted without change
13 21 August 1981 13 Reprinted without change
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19a 19 May 1988 " ""-
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24 21 August 1981 24 Reprinted without change
24a 19 May 1988 -""

3. Holders of DOD-STD-1866 will verify that page changes and additions

indicated above have been entered. This notice page will be retained a as
check sheet. This issuance, together with appended pages, ais
publication. Each notice is to be retained by stocking points until the
military standard is completely revised or canceled.
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DISTRIBUTION STATEMENTA. Approved for public release; distribution
is unlimited.


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Paragraph 1 . SCOPE ........................................ 1
1.1 Coverage ..................................... 1
1.2 C l a s s i f i c a t i o n of soldering
methods ..........
........................................ 1
1.4 Method Reference
of .......................... 2
I s s u eosf
.......................... 3
2 92 O t hPeur b l i c a t i o n s ........................... 4
3. DEFINITIONS .................................. 5
3 -1 Contractor/Manufacturer ...................... 5
4. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ......................... 6
Equipment ..........................
4.2.1 Procedure Record ............................. 6
4.2.2 Sample Specimen ............................... 6
5 . DETAIL REQUIREMENTS .......................... 7
5.1 Solder Metals ................................ 7
5.1.1 Tin-lead Solder .............................. 7
5.1.2 Tin-antimony - Lead Solder ................... 7
5.1.3 Tin-antimony - T i n - s i l v e r and ................ 7
Lead-silver Solders ......................... 7
5.1.4 Tin-lead-zinc. Tin-zinc.
Tin-zinc - .......... 7

Aluminum and
Fusable Alloy Solders
Solders ..........
5.1.6 . Indium Solders ............................... 8
5 -2 Flux
Types .................................... 8
5.2.1 S e l e c t i o n of Fluxes .......................... 8
5.2.2 Corrosive Fluxes ............................. 8
5.2.3 Intermediate Fluxes .......................... 8
5.2.4 Non Corrosive Fluxes ......................... 9
5.3 J o iPn rt e p a r a t i o n ............................ 9
5.3.1 Cleaning ..................................... 9
5'3.2 Deburring .................................... 9
5.3.3 Precoating ................................... 9
5.3.4 J o iD
n et s i g n ................................. 9
5.3.5 J o i nSte l e c t i o n .............................. 10
5.3.6 Fit .......................................... 10
5 :3.7 Assembly of P a r t s ............................ 10
5.3.8 A p p l i c a t i o n of Flux .......................... 10
5.3.9 A p p l i c a t i o n of Solder Metal .................. 10
5.4 S o l d e r i n g Methods ............................ 11
5.4.1 Conduction Soldering ......................... 11 Procedure .................................... 11



Copyright Aviation & Missile Command

Provided by IHS Licensee=Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc/6112333100, User=xiaowen, wang
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 05/05/2017 05:25:39 MDT



Paagraph 5.4.2 Procedute
Flame Soldering 11
5.4.3 Procedure ...................................
Dip solde ring..............^.^...............
............................. 12
Resistance Method
5.4.4 .
Oven or Furnace Method ....................... 12
5.4.6 Induction Eiethod ............................
pro ce dure........................^.^^^^^^^^^
5.4. 6.1
5.4.7 ...........................
pro ce dure.............^^..^^^...^^.^^^^^^^^^

Ultrasonic Method 13
5.4.8 ............................
Spray Gun Method 13
5.4.9 .................................
Wave Method 14
5.5 Post Soldering Treatment .................... 14
5.5.2 Flux Removal ................................ ...
coo ling...............................^.^^^^

5.6 Quality Considerations ......................
Passivation of Stainless Steel Assemblies
Appearance ..................................
5.6.1 workman ship.................^.^^^^.^^^^^^^^^

a 5.6.2
5.6. 3
Flow and Wetting Action
Line od Demarcation
5.6.5 con tour...............................^...^^
Blisters ....................................
Residual Flux ...............................
5.6. 9
Excess Solder
Unmelted Solder ............................. 16
5.6. 11
5.6.12 Cold Solder .................................

Disturbed Solder
Aggregate Area ..............................
Resoldering .................................
5.6.15 Extent of Single Defect
5.6. 17 Humidity Test ...............................
5.6. 17.1 Test Cabinet "

Data ............................
Copper and Copper Alloys

a Reprinted without .

Copyright Aviation & Missile Command

Provided by IHS Licensee=Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc/6112333100, User=xiaowen, wang
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 05/05/2017 05:25:39 MDT
D O D - S T D - 3 A b b N O T I C E II S O W 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 00b7235 7 W


6.. 19a
60.1 1%

Tabfe- I.; Tin-lead sol der^.............^...........^.^. 20

II 0 Tin-antimony Lead Solders.................... 21
III. Tin-antimony, Tin-silver and Lead-silver
Solders..................................... 22
IV. Tin-lead-Zinc-aluminum sol der^.....^......... 23
v. ' Fusable Alloy Solders.......~.....~~~~~~~~~~~ 24
VI 0 Indium So1d~rs............................... 24



Supersedes page vi of 2 1 August 1981.

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D O D - S T D - L B 6 6 N O T I C E L S O W 77777LL 0067216 O m


1.1 C o v e r a g e T . h i ss t a n d a r dr e p r e s e n t sg e n e r a lf a b r i c a t i o na n ds o l d e r i n g
r e q u i r e m e n t sf o rs o l d e r i n g of n o n - e l e c t r i c a la s s e m b l i e s of s t e e l , c o a t e d ' s t e e l
( t i n n e d ;t e r n e ;g a l v a n i z e d ;o re l e c t r o p l a t e dw i t hz i n c , cadmium, o r n i c k e l )
c l a dc o p p e r ,c o p p e ra l l o y s ,l e a d and l e a da l l o y s ,z i n c a n dz i n ca l l o y s ,n i -
c k e l and n i c k e l a l l o y s , t i n and t i n a l l o y s , andaluminumandaluminum alloys.
The f o r e g o i n g are produced by s o l d e r i n g p r o c e s s e s u s i n g s o l d e r f i l l e r metals
having a l o w e rm e l t i n gp o i n tt h a nt h eb a s e metal. F i l l e r metals used f o r
making s o l d e r e dj o i n t sh a v e a flowtemperaturebelow 800'F (426" C). The
f i l l e r metal is d i s t r i b u t e d between t h e j o i n t s u r f a c e s , u s u a l l y by c a p i l a r y
action in closely fitted components,and by g r a v i t y i n cases of a i r gaps.

1.2 C l a s s i f i c a t i o no fs o l d e r i n g methods.Solderingmethodsshallbe
c l a s s i f i e d as f o l l o w s :

5Pe 1 - C o n d u c t i o n( s o l d e r i n gi r o n )s o l d e r i n g
Type 11 - Flame h e a t ( o i l o r g a s b u r n e r ) s o l d e r i n g
Type III - Dip s o l d e r i n g
Type IV - Resistancesoldering
Type v - Oven o r f u r n a c e s o l d e r i n g
Type VI - I n d u c t i o ns o l d e r i n g
Type VI1 - Ulstrasonic soldering
Type VI11 - Spray gun s o l d e r i n g
Type IX - Wave s o l d e r i n g

1.3 Usage (see 5.7). Examples of s o l d e rj o i n i n g of metals f o r which t h i s

s t a n d a r d i s intended to be used are:

a. Heat exchangers(lowpressure)
b * Automotive r a d i a t o r s
C. Brackets
d . Finnedtubing
e. W a t e r l i n e s
f . F l e x i b l e metal hose
g * Fueltanks and c a n s
h. Metal p a i l s
i. Radio c h a s s i s
j * Air c l e a n e r s
k. Grids
1. Frames
m. E l e c t r o n i c equipment c h a s s i s

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Provided by IHS Licensee=Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc/6112333100, User=xiaowen, wang
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DOD-STD-LBbb NOTICE L SO E 79477LL 0 0 b 7 2 L 7 2 m]

1.4 Method o fr e f e r e n c e . When r e f e r e n c i n gt h i ss t a n d a r di n component

s p e c i f i c a t i o n s ,d r a w i n g so rp r o c u r e m e n td o c u m e n t s ,t h ef o l l o w i n gd e t a i l ss h a l l

a. This s t a n d a r d number.
b. Type of s o l d e r i n g method (see 1.2) .
C. Solder metal, i f d i f f e r e n t (see 5.1).
d.Fluxes, i f d i f f e r e n t (see 5.2).
e. F i t ,i fd i f f e r e n t (see 5.3.6).
f .I fp r e h e a t i n g i s r e q u i r e df o rd i ps o l d e r i n g (see
g .P a s s i v a t i o n ,i fd i f f e r e n t( s t a i n l e s s steel) (see 5.5.3).
h.Humidity t e s t , i fr e q u i r e d (see 5.6.17).

NOTE: Becauseof thecomprehensivenature of procedurescontained inthis
s t a n d a r d , some l a t i t u d e h a s b e e n a l l o w e d i n p a r a g r a p h s r e f e r e n c e d
i nt h ef o r e g o i n g method of r e f e r e n c i n g .N o r m a l l y ,o n l yt h ef i r s t
two r e f e r e n c e s needbeincluded.

Copyright Aviation & Missile Command

Provided by IHS Licensee=Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc/6112333100, User=xiaowen, wang
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2.1 Government documents.

2.1.1 Specifications and standards. Unless otherwise specified, the

following specifications and standards of the issue listed in that issue
the Department of Defense Indexof Specifications and Standards (DODISS)
specified in the solicitation form a part of this standard to the extent
specified herein.

A-A-5097 1 - Soldering Iron, Non-Electric (Coppers).

A-A-5 1I28 - Torch, Kit Soldering (PropaneGas).
W-S-564 - Soldering Gun.
W-S-570 - Soldering Iron, Electric.
QQ-S-57 1 - Solder; Tin-Alloy, Tin-.Lead Alloy and Lead
MIL-M-3800 - Metallfzing Outfits (Wire-Gas), Guns and
MIL-S-12204 - Solder, Lead-Tin Alloy.
MIL-F-12784 - Flux, Soldering (Stearine CompoundIC-3).
MIL-F-14256 - Flux, Soldering, Liquid (Rosin-Base).
MIL-S-45743 - Soldering, Manual Type, High Reliability
Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
MIL-S-46844 - Solder Bath, Soldering of Printed Wiring.
MIL-S-46860 - Soldering of Metal Ribbon Lead Materials to
Solder Coated Terminals, Process.

FED-STD-151 - Metals: Test Methods.

MIL-STD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for
Inspection by Attributes.

MIL-STD-454 Standard General Requirements for

Electronic Equipment.
MIL-STD-810 - Environmental Test Methods and Engineering

0 Supersedes
page 3 of
August 1981.

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D O D - S T D - L B b b N O T I C E L S O m 7 7 7 7 q 1 1 00672l,7


(Copies of specifications and standards., required by contractors in

connection with specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the
contracting activity or as directed by the contracting officer.)
2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of this
standard to the. extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the
issues of the documents which DODare adopted shall be those listed in the
issue of the DODISS specifiedin the solicitation. The issues of documents
which have not been adopted shall be those inoneffect the dateof the cited


AMS-4750 - Solder - Tin-Lead

45 Pb.
AMS-4755 - Solder - Lead-Silver 94 Pb-5.5
AMs-47 56 - Solder - 97.5
(Application for copies should be addressed to the Society of Automotive
Engineers, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale,
PA 15096.)


ASTM - Solder
B284 - Rosin

(Application for copies should be addressed to American Society for

Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia,
PA, 19103.)

(Nongovernment standards are generally available for reference from

libraries. They are also distributed among nongovernment standards bodies
and using Federal agencies.)
2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of
this standard and the references cited herein, the text of this standard
shall take precedence..

Supersedes page 4 of 21 August 1981.


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3.1 Contractor/manufacturer. The term "contractor" as used in this stan-
dard is defined as the organization having a direct contact with one Govern- .i
ment agency. The term "manufacturer" is defined as the organization actually
performing the operations covered by this standard. The contractor may, or
may not be, the manufacturer.


Copyright Aviation & Missile Command

Provided by IHS Licensee=Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc/6112333100, User=xiaowen, wang
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 05/05/2017 05:25:39 MDT
, D O D - S T D - L B b b N O T I C E L SO W 97999LL 0 0 b 7 2 2 1 4 W !



4.1 Solderingequipment - o p e r a t o r . The c o n t r a c t o rs h a l lb er e s p o n s i b l e

f o rt h eq u a l i f i c a t i o n of s o l d e r i n ge q u i p m e n to p e r a t o r s ,a n df o rt h es u i t a b i l -
i t y of theequipmenttobeused.

4.2 Procedure. When s p e c i f i e d ,t h es o l d e r i n gp r o c e d u r es h a l lb ee s t a b -

l i s h e d ,r e c o r d e da n dc e r t i f i e dp r i o rt oi n i t i a t i o n of a q u a n t i t y p r o d u c t i o n
run. The p r o c e d u r es h a l l be maintained on f i l e f o r r e f e r e n c e as r e q u i r e d by

4.2.1 Procedurerecord. The r e c o r d e dp r o c e d u r es h a l li n c l u d e ,b u tn o tb e

l i m i t e dt o ,t h ef o l l o w i n gf a c t o r s :

a . Drawing o rs k e t c h of item t ob es o l d e r e d .
b. Basis metal(s).
c . Soldertype.
e. Heating medium.
f . Heat range.

4.2.2 Sample specimen. A samplespecimen,prepared i n a c c o r d a n c ew i t ht h e

e s t a b l i s h e dp r o c e d u r e ,s h a l lb er e t a i n e d and made a v a i l a b l e f o r c o m p a r a t i v e
e v a l u a t i o n of follow-on items of l i k e d e s i g n t o b e p r o d u c e d by t h e e s t a b l i s h e d

Copyright Aviation & Missile Command

Provided by IHS Licensee=Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc/6112333100, User=xiaowen, wang
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5.1 Solder metals. U n l e s so t h e r w i s es p e c i f i e d (see 1 . 4 ) , s o l d e r metal

s h a l l conform t o QQ-S-571,MIL-S-12204, ASTM B32, ASTM B284, AMs 4750,
AMs 4755 o r AMs 4756, as a p p l i c a b l e (see t a b l e s I through V I ) . With t h e
a p p r o v a lo ft h ep r o c u r i n ga c t i v i t y ,o t h e rs o l d e r metals may beused,provided
thedetailedrequirementscontainedherein are compliedwith.

5.1-1 T i n - l e a ds o l d e r s .S e l e c t i o no ft i n - l e a ds o l d e r s (see t a b l e I) s h a l l
dependupontypes of metals t o bejoined.Tin-leadsoldershave good corro-
s i o n r e s i s t a n c e t o mostof t h e common media.Fluxes of a l l t y p e s may beused
w i t ht h e s es o l d e r s .T r e a t m e n to ff l u xr e s i d u e sw i t ht h et i n - l e a ds o l d e r s
s h a l l b e d i c t a t e d by f l u x u s e d .

5.1.2Tin-antimony-leadsolders. The tin-antimony-leadsolders (see t a b l e

II) s h a l l n o t b e u s e d o n aluminumandaluminum alloys,zincandzincalloys
andgalvanized(zinc-coated) s t e e l , u n l e s so t h e r w i s es p e c i f i e d .

s o l d e r s (see t a b l e III) have a h i g h e r e l e c t r i c a l c o n d u c t i v i t y t h a n t h e
tin-lead solders, and shall be used where lead contamination must be avoided;
such as f o o dc o n t a i n i n g vessels. T i n - l e a ds o l d e r s (see t a b l e III), similar t o
t h et i n - a n t i m o n y ,s h o u l db eu s e df o rf i n ei n s t r u m e n t work, as they are a p p l i e d

with a r o s i nf l u x .L e a d - s i l v e rs o l d e r s (see t a b l e III) w i l l r e a d i l y w e t s t e e l

a n dc o p p e rb u tt h e i rf l o wc h a r a c t e r i s t i c s are verypoor. The l e a d - s i l v e r
soldersshallbeprotectedagainst humid a t m o s p h e r i c c o n d i t i o n s i n s t o r a g e , as
t h e y are s u s c e p t i b l e t o s u c h c o r r o s i o n c o n d i t i o n s and may become unusable as
s o l d e r s .Z i n cc h l o r i d eb a s ef l u x e ss h a l lb eu s e dw i t ht h el e a d - s i l v e r
s o l d e r s , as r o s i n f l u x e s are r e a d i l y decomposed.

5.1.4 Tin-lead-zinc,tin-zinc,tin-zinc-aluminumandzinc-aluminum
s o l d e r s . The tin-lead-zinc,tin-zincandtin-zinc-aluminumsolders (see t a b l e
I V ) s h o u l db eu s e df o rt h ej o i n i n g ofaluminum. The t i n - z i n cs o l d e r s ,e s p e c -
i a l l y t h o s e w i t h a z i n c c o n t e n t of 20 t o 30 percent,shouldbeusedtomini-
m i z et h ee l e c t r o g a l v a n i cc o r r o s i o n of s o l d e r e dj o i n t s . By i n c r e a s i n gt h ez i n c
c o n t e n t s ,o rw i t ht h ea d d i t i o n of aluminum, t h e s e s o l d e r s w i l l e x h i b i t g r e a t e r
corrosionresistance;however,greaterapplicationdifficulty will beexperi-
encedbecause of thehighliquidustemperature.Similarly,zinc-aluminum
s o l d e r sw i t hh i g hs o l i d u st e m p e r a t u r e s , l i m i t a p p l i c a t i o nw h e r es u c hs o l d e r s
may beused. The f l u x f o r the zinc-aluminum s o l d e rs h o u l db el i m i t e dt ot h e .

5 . 1 . 5F u s i b l ea l l o y s . Where a solderingtemperaturebelow 360'F i s re-

q u i r e d ,f u s i b l ea l l o yt e m p e r a t u r es o l d e r s (see t a b l e V ) s h a l lb eu s e d . Fus-
i b l ea l l o ys o l d e r ss h o u l db eu s e do nh e a t - t r e a t e ds u r f a c e sw h e r eh i g h e r temp-
e r a t u r e s o l d e r s would r e s u l t i n s o f t e n i n g of p a r t s , whereadjacent material i s
t e m p e r a t u r es e n s i t i v e ,i ns t e ps o l d e r i n go p e r a t i o n st oa v o i dd e s t r o y i n g

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Provided by IHS Licensee=Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc/6112333100, User=xiaowen, wang
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DOD-STD-LB66 N O T I C E I SO m 77777II 0067223 B W '

nearbyjoints,orontemperaturesensitivedevices where f a i l u r e of a s o l d e r e d
j o i n t i s r e q u i r e d a t lowtemperature.

5.1.6Indium s o l d e r s . The i n d i u ms o l d e r s (see t a b l e V I ) s h a l lb eu s e df o r

s p e c i a la p p l i c a t i o n s when specified.Lead-silversolderconforming .to
QQ-S-571, composition AG 2.5,doesnot wet most metal well, but with the addi-
t i o n of 1 t o 2 p e r c e n ti n d i u m ,t h ew e t t i n gp r o p e r t i e so ft h el e a d - s i l v e rs o l -
d e r are improved.Lead-silver-indiumsoldershallbeusedwherealkaline
c o r r o s i o n i s a problem. Low meltingindiumsoldercontainingbismuthshould
n o tr e q u i r ea c i df l u x e so rp r e c o a t i a g .

5.2 Fluxes.Fluxes are c l a s s i f i e di n t ot h r e em a j o rg r o u p s ,b a s e d upon t h e

c o r r o s i v en a t u r e of r e s i d u e . From t h e s et h r e eg r o u p s ,n a m e l yh i g h l yc o r r o -
sive, i n t e r m e d i a t e , andnoncorrosive, good s o l d e r i n g p r a c t i c e r e q u i r e s t h e
s e l e c t i o n of t h e m i l d e s t f l u x t h a t will p e r f o r m s a t i s f a c t o r i l y i n a s p e c i f i c
a p p l i c a t i o n (see

5 . 2 . 1S e l e c t i o no ff l u x e s .U n l e s so t h e r w i s es p e c i f i e d (see 1.4), f l u x e s
s h a l l conform t o 0-F-506, QQ-S-571,MIL-F-12784, o r MIL-F-14256, as a p p l i c a -
b l e .F l u x e ss h a l lb e employed as n e c e s s a r yt o promotewetting of t h ep a r e n t
metal s u r f a c e s . The q u a n t i t y of t h e f l u x o r f l u x e s employed s h a l l be nomore
t h a nn e c e s s a r yt oo b t a i ns a t i s f a c t o r y i l ys o l d e r e dj o i n t s .F l u x e ss h a l l
d i s s o l v e o r remove a n yo x i d e s ,a n dp r e v e n ta d d i t i o n a lo x i d a t i o n of t h e s o l d e r
metal and t h eb a s e metal duringheating.Fluxes may b e a p p l i e d i n t h e formof
p a s t e ,l i q u i d , powder, o r as t h ec o r e of f i l l e d s o l d e r . Withapproval of t h e

p r o c u r i n ga c t i v i t y ,o t h e rs o l d e rf l u x e s may b e u s e d , p r o v i d e d t h e f l u x o r
f l u x e s employed are no more a c t i v e c h e m i c a l l y t h a n n e c e s s a r y t o o b t a i n satis-
factorilysolderedjointsthat comply w i t h t h e d e t a i l e d r e q u i r e m e n t s c o n t a i n e d

5 . 2 . 2C o r r o s i v ef l u x e s .S o l d e r i n gf l u xc o n f o r m i n gt o 0-F-506 i s classi-
f i e d as a h i g h l yc o r r o s i v ef l u x .T h i sf l u x may beusedwhereconditions
r e q u i r e a r a p i d and h i g h l y active f l u x i n g , t o b e s t a b l e o v e r . v a r i o u s t e m p e r -
aturerangesand when u s i n gt h eh i g h e rm e l t i n gt e m p e r a t u r es o l d e r s . As t h e
r e s i d u er e m a i n sc h e m i c a l l y active a f t e r s o l d e r i n g , t h e r e s i d u e mustbe removed
t op r e v e n t severe c o r r o s i o n a t t h ej o i n t .C o r r o s i v ef l u x e ss h a l ln o tb eu s e d
i n t h e s o l d e r i n g ofclosedcontainerssuch as t h e r m o s t a t so rb e l l o w s .

5.2.3Intermediatefluxes.Solderingfluxconformingto MIL-F-12784 i s
c l a s s i f i e d as a n i n t e r m e d i a t e f l u x . T h i s f l u x s h a l l b e u s e d i n q u i c k s p o t
s o l d e r i n g o p e r a t i o n s , w h e r e minimum c o n t r o l l e d q u a n t i t i e s may be applied and
where s u f f i c i e n t h e a t c a n b e a p p l i e d t o f u l l y decompose o r v o l a t i l i z e t h e
c o r r o s i v ec o n s t i t u e n t s .I n t e r m e d i a t ef l u x e ss h a l ln o tb eu s e dw h e r e undecom-
posed f l u x may be spread onto undesirable areas, o r i n s o l d e r i n g c l o s e d
systemswherecorrosivefumes may d e p o s i t on c r i t i c a l p a r t s of theassembly.
t e n d e n c yt oc h a r ,b u r n , o r v o l a t i l i z e when heated.

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5.2.4Noncorrosivefluxes.Solderingfluxesconformingto MIL-F-14256 and

t y p e s R, RMA and RA of QQ-S-571 are c l a s s i f i e d as n o n c o r r o s i v e f l u x e s . The
n o n c o r r o s i v eo rr o s i nf l u x ,c o n s i s t i n g of t h e r e s i n and a s u i t a b l e o r g a n i c
s o l v e n t , becomes p r o t e c t i v e a t s o l d e r i n gt e m p e r a t u r e s . A s t h er e s i d u e i s
hard,nonhygroscopic,doesnotcausecorrosion, and i s e l e c t r i c a l l y noncon-
d u c t i v e , i t i s m a i n l yu s e df o re l e c t r i c a l and e l e c t r o n i cs y s t e m s . The p l a i n
n o n c o r r o s i v ef l u x ,t y p e R, has a s l o w f l u x i n g a c t i o n on a n y t h i n g b u t c l e a n o r
precoated nretal s u r f a c e s . Type A of MIL-F-14256, o r t y p e s RMA and RA of
QQ-S-571 shouldbeusedfor more a c t i v e c l e a n i n g , as t h e s e f l u x e s c o n t a i n
small amounts of complex o r g a n i c compounds which i n c r e a s e t h e f l u x i n g a c t i o n
withoutalteringthenoncorrosivenature of t h e r e s i d u e .

5 . 3J o i nm
t eDaration.

5.3.1Cleaning. The matingsurfaces and a d j a c e n t areas of a l l p a r t s t o be

j o i n e ds h a l lb et h o r o u g h l yc l e a n e dt o remove a l l o i l , g r e a s e , p a i n t , p e n c i l
m a r k i n g ,d r a w i n go rc u t t i n gl u b r i c a n t ,d i r t , scale, a r t i f i c i a l o x i d e o r r u s t
f i l m , andany o t h e rf o r e i g ns u b s t a n c e .F o rt h er e m o v a lo fo i lo rg r e a s e sf r o m
s u r f a c e s ,e i t h e rs o l v e n to ra l k a l i n ed e g r e a s i n gs h a l lb eu s e d . Acid c l e a n i n g
o rp i c k l i n gs h a l lb eu s e dt o remove r u s t , scale, a n d o x i d e o r s u l f i d e from t h e
p a r t st op r o v i d e a c h e m i c a l l yc l e a n e ds u r f a c e . When p i c k l i n gt r e a t m e n t i s
used, a r t i c l e s s h a l l be thoroughly washed i n h o t w a t e r , and d r i e d as q u i c k l y
as possibletopreventsubsequentcorrosiveaction.Abrading by g r i t o r s h o t

b l a s t i n g ,m e c h a n i c a lg r i n d i n go rs a n d i n g ,f i l i n g , wire b r u s h i n g o r o t h e r
mechanicalmethods may beused where e f f e c t i v e . S h o t o r g r i t b l a s t i n g s h o u l d
be p r e f e r a b l et os a n db l a s t i n g . Blast c l e a n i n gs h a l ln o tb eu s e dw i t hl e a d ,

5.3.2Deburring.Burrsshallbe removed t o permit p r o p e rf i t t i n g of p a r t s

and metal flow. Hand f i l i n g , scraper, shavehook, o r power-drivenabrasive
w h e e l so rd i s c ss h a l l beused.

5.3.3Precoating.Precoatingshould beused so t h a ts o l d e r i n g w i l l be
more r a p i d anduniform, as w e l l as t o a v o i d t h e u s e of s t r o n g a c i d f l u x e s f o r
assembly. Metals, such as aluminum,aluminum b r o n z e s ,h i g h l ya l l o y e d steels
and cast i r o ns h a l lb ep r e c o a t e d ,u n l e s so t h e r w i s es p e c i f i e d .S t e e l ,b r a s s
andcoppershouldbeprecoated, if t h e a p p l i c a t i o n w a r r a n t s and when s p e c i -
f i e d . To f a c i l i t a t es o l d e r i n g ,c o a t i n g s of t i n ,c o p p e r ,s i l v e r , cadmium,
i r o n , n i c k e l and a l l o y s of t i n - l e a d ,t i n - z i n c ,a n dt i n - c o p p e rs h a l l beappli-ed
to b a s i s metal s u r f a c e s .P r e c o a t i n g by e l e c t r o d e p o s i t i o n ,c h e m i c a lc o n v e r -

5 . 3 . 4J o i ndt e s i g n . Two b a s i c t y p e s of j o i n t d e s i g n s h a l l beused for

s o l d e r i n g , namely t h e 1.ap j o i n t and t h eb u t tj o i n t . The l a p j o i n t s h a l l be
usedwhenever p o s s i b l e , as t h i s j o i n t o f f e r s t h e g r e a t e s t p o s s i b i l i t y of
o b t a i n i n g maximum s t r e n g t hj o i n t si na na s s e m b l y .B u t tj o i n t sc r o s ss e c t i o n
s h a l l be e q u a l t o t h e c r o s s s e c t i o n a l area of t h e smaller member. The b u t t
j o i n t mustbe f r e e of d e f e c t s t o be e f f i c i e n t , and may onlybeusedwhere
s e a l i n g i s theprimaryrequirement.

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5.3.5 J o i n ts e l e c t i o n . The s e l e c t i o n of a j o i n td e s i g nf o r a specific

a p p l i c a t i o n s h a l l depend l a r g e l y o n t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s of theassembly, as well
as h e a t i n g method t o b e u s e d , f a b r i c a t i o n t e c h n i q u e s p r i o r t o s o l d e r i n g , quan-
t i t i e s t o besoldered,and methodof a p p l y i n gs o l d e r .

5.3.6 - Fit. Unless otherwise specified (see 1.4), c l e a r a n c e between mating

s u r f a c e s of f u r n a c es o l d e r e d s t e e l p a r t ss h a l ln o te x c e e d0 . 0 0 3i n c h . When
o t h e r methods are u s e d , c l e a r a n c e b e t w e e n m a t i n g s u r f a c e s s h a l l n o t e x c e e d
0.006 i n c h ,w i t ht h ef o l l o w i n ge x c e p t i o n s :I n areas of a j o i n t whereone o r
both mating surfaces are i n t e n t i o n a l l y b e v e l e d , o r when precoated metals are
used, a c l e a r a n c e of 0.001 i n c h o r less s h a l l b er e q u i r e d .I nf a b r i c a t i o n of
aluminum assemblies where s h e e t s c l a d w i t h s o l d e r i n g metal are employed,
j o i n t s s h a l l make c o n t a c t as t h e c l a d d i n g material p r o v i d e s s u f f i c i e n t
c l e a r a n c e . When a c l a d d i n g material i s n o t employed, p a r t s s h a l l beposition-
edandassembled so t h a t t h e c l e a r a n c e b e t w e e n m a t i n g s u r f a c e s i s 0.005 t o
0.015 i n c h , when a c h e m i c a l f l u x i s used,andbetween 0.002 t o 0.010 i n c h when
a r e a c t i o n f l u x i s used,unlessotherwisespecified ondrawing (see
U n l e s so t h e r w i s es p e c i f i e d ,j o i n tc l e a r a n c ef o rc o p p e ra n dc o p p e ra l l o y ss h a l l
be maintained from 0.003 t o 0.005 inch.

5.3.7Assemblyof p a r t s .P a r t st o b ej o i n e ds h a l lb eh e l di np o s i t i o n by
j i g s ,c l a m p s ,s u p p o r t s . ,o r by s e l f - f i x t u r i n g .F i x t u r e su s e dt oh o l dp a r t sa n d
and c o n t r a c t i o n .J i g s ,f i x t u r e s ,a n dc l a m p ss h a l lb e of noncontaminative ma-
t e r i a l s a n ds h o u l do n l yi n v o l v ep o i n to rl i n ec o n t a c t . When a u t h o r i z e d by t h e
p r o c u r i n g 'a c t i v i t y ,s t a k i n g ,p i n n i n g ,r i v e t i n g ,t a c k - w e l d i n go rs p o t - w e l d i n g
may beused f o r p o s i t i o n i n g of p a r t s , b u t s h a l l n o t b e l o c a t e d i n areas sub-
ject t oh i g h stresses i n s e r v i c e . On c l o s e da s s e m b l i e s ,v e n th o l e ss h a l lb e
l o c a t e d and d r i l l e d as specified.Stop-off materials may beused t o r e s t r i c t
the flow of s o l d e r metal when r e q u i r e d .

5.3.9 A p p l i c a t i o no fs o l d e r metal. S u f f i c i e n ts o l d e r i n ga l l o y ,i nt h e
formof wire, s h i m s , s t r i p , powdar w i t h a r e s i d u e f r e e of chemicalagents,or
p l a t e d f o r m( s o l d e r - f l u xp a s t e ) ,s h a l lb ep r e p l a c e do rf e di nc l o s ep r o x i m i t y
tothejoint,preferably on one s i d e o n l y , i n s u f f i c i e n t q u a n t i t y t o p r o d u c e a
s a t i s f a c t o r yj o i n t .J o i n t sh a v i n go n e end i n a c c e s s i b l et ov i s u a li n s p e c t i o n ,
s h a l l h a v et h es o l d e r metal placed a t t h e b l i n d end p r i o r t o a s s e m b l y ,
whenever i t i s p r a c t i c a b l e t o do so.


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5.4 Soldering methods.

. 5.4.1 Type I - Conduction soldering. Conduction soldering (soldering

iron) shall be performed with soldering irons having copper bits which may
heated electrically,or by oil, coke or gas flame. Regardless of the type of
iron used, the coppper bit shall store and transmit heat from the source
the part being soldered, shall store and convey molten solder and shall
withdraw surplus molten solder as required. Internally fired
gas-flame-heated soldering irons may be used where electric power is not
readily available, or where soldering is done automatically at high sf rate
speed. Electrically heated irons, often more convenient than gas-heated
irons, should be used in manual high-speed repetitive operations, where l
weight and ease of manipulation are desirable and open flames are
objectionable. Selection of iron shall be such as to perform the necessary
soldering operations with the greatest efficiency. For soldering process,
electric soldering irons, conforming to W-S-570, soldering guns, conforming
to W-S-564, or non-electric soldering irons, conforming to A-A-50971 may be

--```,`,`,`,,,`,,,`,`,,,,,,,,,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Procedure. The areas to be joined shall be heated above the
liquidus temperature of the solder. To deliver maximum heat to the part, th
copper bit of the soldering iron shall be applied at the correct angle. Th
flat side of the bit shall be applied to secure the maximum area of cont
Excessive time and temperature shall be avoided to prevent unreliable join
and damage to parts. If required, thermal shunts (heat sinks) shall be used
for protection of parts. The parts to be joined shall be held together in
such manner that parts shall not move in relation to one another during
soldering operation. The solder shall be appliedto the joint and not to the
soldering iron. The joint shall not be disturbed until the solder has
completely solidified.

5.4.2 Type II - flame soldering, The selection of a gas or oil burning

torch for soldering shall be controlled by the size, mass, and configurat
of the assembly to be soldered. Time for performing the operation will also
be a factor in equipment selection. Depending upon the temperature and
amount of heat required, fuels such as acetylene, propane, butane, and
natural gas, may be used in open air, or with compressed air or oxyge
Portability will be another factor in selection of a torch. For field work
a soldering torch kit, A-A-51128, using propane gas, may be used for torch
soldering. Procedure. Parts shall be preheated with a neutral or slightly
reducing flame to bring the entire joint uniformlyto the liquidus
temperature of the solder, but no higher than necessary to provide a
satisfactory joint. Localized overheating shall be avoided. The solder may
be introduced at one edge of the interstice, or in a groove provided for
of the mating surfaces, and shall flow by capillary action to fill the

Supersedes page 11 of 21 August 1981.

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5,4.3 Type 111. Dip. soldering. Dip soldering shall be performed by
immersing the assembled joint with preplaced solder metal
flux, by immersing the assembled joint into
a bathin of molten
a flux solution and then into a
bath ofmol.t;en soldar
bath of molten solder, or by dipping the parts ainto
alloy covered witha layer of flux. Pots for the bath, either electrically
heated or gas heated units, shall be of such capacity and constructlsn
as to
of the bath,
allow production without appreciably lowering the temperature
The flux shaIl be a oftype which hasa stable flowability within the
soldering temperature range, and processes satisfactory fluxing properties.
The flux bath shall be free of metallic impurities.
5*4.3..1 Procedure. When required or specified (see 1.4)9 assemblies
shall be preheated in a suitable furnace and atmosphere atotemperature of
25 to.-10Oo-F below the solidus temperature of the soldering alloy, Generally
when a molten bath of solder is employed, no preheating is required. The
assembly, together with jigs or fixtures, when used immediately upon removal
from the preheat furnace, shall be dipped into the molten batha at uniform
rate so that the positionof the prepared solder metal is not disturbed.
Soldering times are dependent upon the shape and cross of section
assembly. Soldering is complete when the solder metal has flowed evenly into
the joints. At this point, the assembly shall be removed slowly from the
bath at a rate that will not cause loss of the molten solder metal. The
composition and quantity of solder flux or molten solder be shall
periodically. The operating temperature of the molten flux bath shall not
exceed the liquidus temperature of the specified soldering alloy by more than

5,4.4 Type IV - Resistance soldering. The transformer, electrode, and

voltage/amperage controls shall be of sufficient size and capacity to provide
adequate heat over an area large enough to permit free flow of the solder
alloy over the area to be soldered, without overheating. Procedure. Assembled parts shall then be placed between a

ground anda moveable electrode, or between two moveable electrodes, and the
current passed through the system. Heating of the joint is generated by
contact with the electrodes, and the heat energy evolved a direct
is product
of the resistanceof the work and the current passing through(Q it = I R).
Resistance soldering electrode bit generally cannot be turned; therefore,
flux and solder must be in proper position before heating. Heating shall be
discontinued as soon as the solder metal has flowed and formed fillets.

5,4,5 Type V -
Oven and furnace soldering. Ovens and furnaces shall be
of suitable design and size to maintain uniforms constant temperature within
the soldering area. Devices shall control the.working temperature within one
and one half percent of the temperature required for the item or items to be
soldered. Ovens and furnaces shall be equipped with
a means of controlling
the atmosphere within the oven or furnace, as required, to prevent oxidation
of the basis metals.


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. DOD-STD-L866 NOTICE II S O W 99999LL O067228 7 W

DOD-STD-1866 Procedure. Parts shall be assembled with proper fit in

alignment as required with proper clamping fixtures. Flux may be used in
addition to controlof oven or furnace atmosphere. Assemblies, cradled and
racked, shall be placed in the oven or furnace in such manner that the
atmosphere can reach all parts of the soldering assembly readily, and brin
the entire assembly to soldering temperature in the shortest possible time.
Parts shall be held in the oven or furnace until the filler metal has m
and formed the desired bond. After soldering has been accomplished,
assemblies shall be cooled in protective atmosphere, as required, to prevent
oxidation. The cooling of parts may be accelerated on removal from the oven
or furnace by the use of an air blast on the hot parts, caution being ta
to prevent warpage.
5.4.6 Type VI - Induction soldering. Induction coils shall be of such
design and construction as to provide suitable heating of the joint areas.
Coil design must allow for corner effects on rectangular parts, surface
irregularities which must be in the heat zone, and for joining of dissimi
metals, particularly joints composed of both magnetic nonmagnetic
components. Procedure. The mating surfaces shall be coated with flux,

either corrosive or noncorrosive, containing a minimum percentage
of solvent
in order to reduce the amount of volatile matter driven off during heating
Alternately, parts may be enclosed in a suitable atmosphere. The filler
metal shall be placed in position and the joint heated by placing orwithin,
near, a suitable induction heating coil.
5.4.7 Type VI1 - Ultrasonic soldering. Oscillators for generating
electrical impulses, magnetostrictive transducers, shall be of such design
and construction as to provide suitable cavitation erosion on the of surface
the metal, permitting molten solder to wet the surface. The ultrasonic
vibrations shall be transmitted from the laminated nickel core, which is
to reduce eddy currents, to the joint. A metal rod of suitable length, which
connects the transducer to the soldering bit, shall be attached to the cor
so that maximum disturbance will result at the free end. The free of end
metal rod, which forms the soldering bit, shall be immersed in a small
of molten solder that contacts the surface to be soldered. The metal rod
shall then be moved across the surface of the base metal soorthat joint
ultrasonic vibrations break up the oxide on the surface, exposing the
underlying metal to the wetting action of the molten solder. Procedure. The area t o be coated shall be heated to soldering
temperature. A suitable quantity of solder shall melted on the
surface to form a molten puddle. The end of the transducer rides over the
surface. Two such solder-coated areas shall then be placed together and
heated, until the solder coat melts and forms a bond.

5.4.8 Type VI11 - Spray gun soldering. Spray guns shall be of suitable
design and construction,so las to permit heating and spraying
a continuous
feed solid solder wire. Depending upon gun design, propane, acetylene,
natural gas with oxygen may be used for heating and spraying. Equipment
shall be similar to that specified MIL-"3800.

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DOD-STD-1866 Procedure. Parts shall be assembled with proper fit and fixed
in alignment as required. .Using ordinary metal spraying techniques, the vast
majority of soider is melted by the neutral flame of the gun. The solder
should contact the part in a semi-liquid form. The balance of heat required,
to melt the filler metal and bring the entire joint uniformly to the liquidus

temperature of the solder for flowing, is to be supplied by the part.

5.4.9 Type IX llave soldering. Wave soldering equipment shall beof a -
suitable design and construction to permit an automatic application of
solder. A continuous streamof solder shall be pumped up into the spout,
forming a head of solder through which the work can be passed. The equipment
and materials used shall pump
a fresh amountof solder into the solder head
at all times, so that dross will not accumulate on the solder surface or come
in contact with the work. Al flux and flux residues, which are wiped off
the work and normally stay on top of the solder bath, shall be carried down
with the wave into a special reservoir, where they shall not come in contact
with any future work. Means shall be provided
so that solder which is pumped
out of the bottom of the solder container is always at the same temperature,
and the solder reaching the head has no time to be cooled down by air drafts
and other incidental side effects. The equipment shall be such that the
temperature of the solder touching the work shall be uniform and can easily
be controlled and maintained. Procedure. Parts shall be fluxed by suitable application

methods such as brushing, rolling, spraying, foaming, dipping or wave
so that the
fluxing. The work shall then be passed through the equipment
molten solder and oil are pumped together to hit the work simultaneously and
prevent rapid oxidation. Oil dispersion shall be smooth and evenly
distributed, by injection.where the velocity of the solder is greatest.
is important that preheating prior to soldering be performed, in order to
give the.flux enough temperature and time to clean and prepare the surfaces,
because of the reduced timeof the wave. After wave soldering has been
accomplished, assemblies must be adequately post-treated to remove oil,
whenever used in conjuction with this method.

5.5 Post-solderine treatment.

5.5.1 Cooling. Proper jigging, assembly, or controlled cooling, shall

be employed to prevent excessive deformation of the joint, or failure of the
joint, during solidification of the solder. The cooling method may be varied
to suit each individual application process.
5.5.2 Flux removal. Immediately after soldering and cooling, flux shall,
or shall not, be removed depending upon the degree of corrosiveness. Fluxes
conforming to MIL-F-14256, or those meeting the requirements ofR typeand RMA
of QQ-S-571, having a rosin base do not generally require removal of the
residue, except if appearance is a prime factor or if the joint areas is to be
painted or otherwise coated. Fluxes conforming to 0-F-506, identified as
corrosive because of having a zinc chlorideor other corrosive base, leavea.

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~ ~~

DOD-STD-LB66 NOTICE L SO m 7779733 0067230 5


fused residue. Flux residue shall be removed by a method which is not injuri-
ous to the surface finish, and which will not remove parent metal and solder
metal to below tolerances specified on applicable drawings. Areas soldered
using chloride-containing flux residues
should-betested for completeness of
flux removal by leaching the area with a small quantity of distilled or
deionized water. Industrial or tap water from pipe lines or conduits, as used
for processing tanks and vats, shall not be used because of impurities. A few
drops of nitric acid and a few drops of
5 percent silver nitrate solution
shall be added to the leach.If a white precipitate is formed, in an amount
greater than that formed in an equal volume of standard sodium chloride solu-
tion (equivalent to125 ppm as chloride) treated in a like manner, the flux
removal is not complete.

5.5.3 Passivation of soldered stainless steel assemblies. Unless other-

wise specified (see1.4), stainless steel assemblies that have been soldered
shall not be givena nitric acid treatment for passivation. Assemblies joined
with lead-tin, lead-tin-antimony, and lead-antimony solders are attacked by
the passivation treatment, thus they shall not be passivated.

5.6 Quality considerations.

5.6.1 Workmanship. Soldered assemblies shall be processed in a careful
and workmanlike manner. The soldering shall be free of scratches, roughness,
sharp edges, dullness, looseness, blistering, foreign matter and other evi-
dence of poor workmanship that will render the assemblies unsuitable for the
purposes intended. Defects in quality of workmanship, as detailed5.6.2
through 5.6.15, shall be considered as failure at some point in the process,
and the part shall be rejected unless it can be repaired prior to final

5.6.2 Appearance. A solder joint shall have a bright, non-crystalline,

metallic appearance (the degree of brightness may vary with the solder used)
with good adherence, and shall be clean and smooth. Solder shall cover the
joint, and form a slight fillet between the terminal area and each side of
joint. The joined surfaces shallbe covered with a coating of solder that
leaves the general outline of the surfaces visible, although the joint itself
may be obscured.

5.6.3 Flow and wetting action. The solder connection shall indicate
compatability between the solder and the surfaces being joined, evidenced by
good flow and wetting action. Wetting and proper compatability shall be
achieved when the solder fillet feathers and thins out at the .edges, and bo
to the base material in those areas where sufficient joint area exist to all
solder spread. Solder fillets at cylindrical surfaces, formed at a direction
other than parallel with the cylinder axis, shall form a fillet which blend
to the cylindrical surface tangentially.
5.6.4 Lines of demarcation. A line of demarcation, where solder fillet
blends to surfaces being joined, shall be acceptable provided wetting has been


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5.6.5Contour. The contour of a no u t s i d es o l d e rj o i n ts h a l lb e of a uni-

form r a d i u s , w i t h a minimum amount of excess s o l d e r o r f l a s h , o v e r t h e a d j a -
c e n ts u r f a c e s . All s h a r pp r o j e c t i o n ss h a l lb e removed.

5 . 6 . 6P o r o s i t y . A p o r o s i t yd e f e c t i s t h er e s u l t of gasesbeingexpelled.
It appears as small, round,smooth-edgedpocketsonthesurfaceofthesolder
metal. The presence of p o r o s i t y i s u n d e s i r a b l eb u t i s a c c e p t a b l e ,u n l e s s
o t h e r w i s es p e c i f i e d ,p r o v i d e dt h e number, depthand area of c o n c e n t r a t i o n d o e s
notinterferewiththefunction of thecompletedassembly.

5.6.7 Blisters. A b l i s t e r e ds u r f a c ec o n d i t i o n ,r e s u l t i n g from theover-

h e a t i n g of t h eb a s e metal, s h a l l b e c a u s e f o r r e j e c t i o n .

5.6.8Residualflux. No r e s i d u a lf l u xs h a l l bepermittedonthesurface
of a s o l d e r e d i o - i n t , except those from organic-based orrosin-basedfluxes
where r e s i d u e s are n o n c o r r o s i v e .I nt h ef o r e g o i n g cases, r e s i d u a l f l u x may be
l e f t i n p l a c e u n l e s s removal i s d i c t a t e d by t h e a p p l i c a b l e d r a w i n g o r s p e c i f i -
c a t i o n ,a p p e a r a n c e ,o rb e c a u s et h ej o i n t area i s t o b ep a i n t e do ro t h e r w i s e

5 . 6 . 9E x c e s s i v es o l d e ra l l o y .S o l d e r i n g metal i n excess of t h a tr e q u i r e d
forthejoint i s acceptable,provided the e x c e s ss o l d e r metal d o e s n o t i n t e r -
fere w i t h t h e f u n c t i o n of thecompletedassembly.

5.6.10Unmelted s o l d e ra l l o y . The presence ofunmelted s o l d e r i n ga l l o yi n

a j o i n t i s undesirable,and may b e c a u s e f o r r e j e c t i o n of t h e p a r t .

5.6.11Penetration.Solderalloymustappearon a l l edges of a j o i n t ,
i n d i c a t i n gp r o p e rf l o wt h r o u g ht h ej o i n t . Lack of p e n e t r a t i o ns h a l lb ec a u s e
f o r r e j e c t i o n of t h e p a r t .

5.6.12Cold s o l d e rj o i n t .S o l d e rs h a l la d h e r es m o o t h l yt ot h ep a r t sb e i n g
j o i n e d . The j o i n ts h a l ln o tb ec h a l k yi na p p e a r a n c e ,l a c k i n g metallic l u s t e r ,
n o r s h a l l i t have a r o u g h ,g r i t t y ,p i l e d up s u r f a c e . A c o l d s o l d e r j o i n t
s h a l l becauseforrejection of t h e p a r t .

5 . 6 . 1 3D i s t u r b e ds o l d e rj o i n t . The s o l d e rc o n n e c t i o ns h a l ln o th a v ea n
i r r e g u l a r ,d u l l ,r o u g ha p p e a r a n c ec a u s e d by movement of t h e j o i n t b e f o r e t h e
s o l d e rh a sf u l l ys o l i d i f i e d .T h i sd e f e c ts h a l lb ec a u s ef o rr e j e c t i o n , as
t h e r e may be a poormechanicalconnection.

5.6.14 T o t a la g g r e g a t e area. When s p e c i f i e d ,t h eu n s o l d e r e d area i n c l u d -

i n gt r a p p e df l u x ,s c a t t e r e dp o r o s i t y ,a n dv o i d ss h a l ln o te x c e e d 20 p e r c e n t of
thefayingsurface of t h e r e s p e c t i v e j o i n t f o r aluminumand aluminum a l l o y s ,
and 15 p e r c e n t f o r a l l o t h e r metals.


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DOD-STD-LB66 NOTICE L S O m 79979LL O067232 9 W

5.6.15 Maximum extent of a single defect. When specffied, no single

20 percent of the overlap distance of the joint
unsoldered area shall exceed
percent in all. other metals.
for aluminum and aluminum alloys, 15and
5.6.16 Resoldering. Resoldering of joints shall be avoided. If for any
reason a satisfactory joint is not initially obtained, the joint shall
taken apart and the parts shall be cleaned. The entire soldering operation
shall be repeatedso that the quality standards for a resoldered joint shall
be the same as for an original joint. Excessive solder, unmelted solder,
lack of penetration, cold solder, and disturbed solder at the joints wil
require only reheating and reflowing of the solder.

5.6.17 Humidity test. When specified (see 1.4), soldered areas shall be
tested for completenessof flux removal residue, and corrosive action on the
materials involved; by the humidity test specified in method
507 of
MIL-STD-8 10 Test cabinet. The humidity test cabinet shall be lined with
sheet metal, with soldered or welded joints, to form a vapor tight cham
The. walls shall be heavily insulated to minimize heat loss and condensatio
Temperature and humidity controls shall be automatic, and shall be capable
maintaining a dry bulb temperature 100 of + 2
F and a wet bulb temperature sf
98 f- 2'F. There shall not be more than2OT temperature difference between
anytwo points in the test area at anytime. Procedure. Selected samples shall be placed in the humidity
cabinet and exposed to the conditions specified 5.6.1in
7.1 for a period of
72 hours. The samples at the end of the test period shall be examined
visually, or at a magnification 4ofX, to determine evidence of corrosion
caused by contamination from flux residues or cleaning solutions.

5.7 Applications data. This standard is intended for use in the control
of non-electric soldering processes as applied to various metals and alloy
in manufacturing. These soldering procedures are used to obtain desired
properties, such as leak tightness, pressure tightness, and heat conductivi
within the limits of the respective materials. The solders required for the
processes detailed in this standard, as structural materials, are weak when
compared to the materials which they are generally used to join. To avoid
depending upon the strength of the solder, joints for sheet metal structur
assemblies should beso designed that surfaces to be soldered by the various
methods will require the solder only to seal and stiffen the assembly.
5.7.1 Copper and copper alloys. Copper and copper alloys are soldered

to form simple economical joints on equipment such as heat exchangers,

automotive radiators, heating units, finned tubing, water lines, and flexib
metal hose that requires leak tightness with good heat conductivity.


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DOD-STD-LBbb NOTICE L SO B 77777LL 0 0 b 7 2 3 3 O m


5.7.2 Steels. Tin plated steel used for air ducts, amplifier frames,
condensor and capacitor -cans, air filters, and gas meter cases are often
soldered by the dip soldering process. Terne steel is soldered for assembly
into air cleaners, gasoline tanks, cans, radiator parts, oil pans, fire
extinguisher bodies and burial caskets. Frames, tube covers, and chassis for
electronic equipment, made of galvanized steel, are soldered for assembly.
Stainless steel cans, pails and buckets are often soldered after spot welding
or riveting to provide leak tight joints.

5.7.3 Nickel and nickel alloys. Nickel and nickel alloys are
solderable. Application should be used only where resistanceto corrosion is
not an important factor. Solder can be used for'sealing non-pressurized
water containers, provided the strength of the joints is supplied by rivets,
bolts, staking, lock seams, spot welds or other mechanical means. The
soldering process should be limited to joints in sheet metal not more than
5/8 inch wide. Since the solders are weak compared to the basis nickel and
nickel alloys, they should not be -used for attaching fittings to
nickel-copper fuel tanksor pressurized water containers. In the event
soldering must be used for joining nickel and nickel alloys, only the
corrosive fluxes (see5.2.2), are recommended.

5.7.4 Lead and lead alloys. Lead pipe with soldered joints, or soldered
copper fittings, are used to convey water underground, or in drainage and
venting systems. Leaded sheathed cables for telephone, telegraph, and
electrical power transmission conduit also require solder processing for
joining- purposes and waterproofing.

5.7.5 Aluminum and aluminum alloys. Tube fin assemblies and cellular
assemblies for aluminum and aluminum alloys are joined by dip soldering.

5.7.6 Magnesium and magnesium alloys. Soldering processes are sometimes

used for sealing of electronic components encased in tin, or copper plated
magnesium alloy-containers .
5.7.7 Cast iron. Soldering processes may be used for tepair of broken
or worn cast iron equipment. Surface cracks and depressions caused by
inclusions of metal-mold reaction may be filled with solder, if the defects
are superficial and application is not critical. Zinc chloride flux should
be applied to the cast iron part prior to soldering application.

Cadmium-silver and cadmium-zinc solders. Cadmium-silver and
cadmim-zinc solders have been used for the joining of aluminum and its alloys
to itself, or to dissimilar metals, by processes detailed in this standard.
These solders are extremely dangerous and are of a highly toxic nature.
Overheating the solder during joining can vaporize the cadmium to produce
highly dangerous and practically odorless fumes. Precautions must be taken
for proper ventilation which may not be suitable or available, during
soldering processes. Their use is not recommended as there are other



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Provided by IHS Licensee=Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc/6112333100, User=xiaowen, wang
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DOD-STD-LB66 N O T I C E L SO I7777933 0 0 6 7 2 3 4 2 M


non-toxic in nature, that are available if soldering of aluminurn is requir

Also ultrasonic techniques for soldering (see
5.4.7) have been devel-oped, and
are being used commercially, which would not require the use of these tox
solder types.
5.7.9Fluxes. Noncorrosive. Noncorrosive, as used in 5.2.4 to classify fluxes

of this type, is only a relative term. The noncorrosive fluxes are not as
corrosive as the other fluxes listed, namely highly corrosive 5.2.2)(see
, or
intermediate (see 5.2.3), but all fluxes must be corrosive in order to perfo
their function. In general, the amount of corrosion resulting from nonremoval
of noncorrosive fluxes may not be harmful to the soldered part or articl

5.7 .9.2 Chemical and reaction fluxes. Chemical and reaction fluxes are a
special group of corrosive fluxes developed for soldering aluminum.A
chemica1 flux is generally composed of an organic fluoboride (such as boron
trifluoride monoethanolamine), a metal fluoborate (such as cadmium
fluoborate), a vehicle (such as methyl alcohol), and a plasticizer (such as
stearic acid). Modifiers such as zinc fluoride, zinc chloride, or ammonium
chloride may also be incorporated into the formulation.
,Reaction fluxes
usually are composed of zinc chloride, tin chloride,
or combinations of other
metallic halides and ammonium chloride.

5.7.10 For electricaleand electronic soldering. This standard2oes not

cover electrical and electronic soldering requirements, and applies
mechanical soldering only. For soldering of electrical and electronic
connections, Requirement 5 of MIL-STD-454, MIL-S-45743, MIL-S-46844 or
MIL-S-46860 should be used.



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.. .:
.DOD-STD-LBbb NOTICE I SO 77777II 0 0 6 7 2 3 5 LI W



6.1 Subject term (key word) listing.

General Process of Soldering

Non-Electrical Sddering
Soldering, Non-Electrical



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Provided by IHS Licensee=Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc/6112333100, User=xiaowen, wang
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DOD-STD-LA66 N O T I C E L SO m 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 0067237 B PI \




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DOD-STD-L866 N O T I C E L SO m 99779LL 0067238 T W


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D O D - S T D - L B b b N O T I C E L SO 97777LL 0 0 b 7 2 3 7 L


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DOD-STD-L866 N O T I C E L S O W 77777LL 0 0 b 7 2 4 0 8 a

TABLE V. Fusible alloy solders.-


Nominal composition Temperature (OF)

" "", -F-

Anti- Bis- Cad- Pasty

Name Tin Lead mony muth mium Solidus Liquidus range Application

Lipowitz 13.3 26.7 "- 50 10 158


158 O Where asol-


Bending 12.5 25 50 12.5 158 165 7 dering

(Wood ' s ) temperature
Eutectic "- 40 "- 52 8 197 197 O below 360'F

Eutectic 15.5 32 -" 52.5 "- 203 203 O is required.
Rose ' S 22 28 "- 50 "- 204 229 25
14.5 28.5 "- 217 440 223
Mold and "- 44.5 "-9 '48
55.5 "- 255 255 O

TABLE VI. Indium solders. l-/

I Nominal composition
I Temperature (OF)
Tin IndiumBismuthLeadCadmiumSolidus Liquidus Application
8- 3 5.3
19.1 22.6 44.7 117 117 O I Special
12 21 I 49 I 18 I --- I 136 136 O I purposes
25.6 48


"- "-
"- "-



7 I
Glass to
metal, or
glass to

applicable specifications.


Reprinted without change.

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Provided by IHS Licensee=Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc/6112333100, User=xiaowen, wang
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Custodians: Preparing a c t i v i t y :
Army. AT - Army AT -
Air Forca - 99
(Project SOLD-0012)
Review a c t i v i t i e s 2
Army - MI, ARa AV, .MC
Paer :ac.t%vf.ties-:
Army ME -
:Navy OS -



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